• Member Since 6th Feb, 2012
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An everfree rat


A 40k imperial guardsman from an inquisitorial retinue finds himself in ponyland. Murder and fear begin to cloud the streets of Baltimare as constable Dusty Trails and her Earth human friend Trace try to uncover the mystery of this murder spree and the strange religious symbolism left behind.

Will Baltimare be able to come back from these brutal crimes or will it be another victim to a dying galaxy in its death throws, echoing to the laughter of thirsting gods?

Set in the Your human and you-verse, roughly, with RGRE seasoning.
Updates sporadically, no time to look over first drafts, thats why theres errors.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 39 )

You've got my attention, I hope to see more in the future, good luck!


On a calmer note this is as I said amazing and I cannot wait for more

I'M TRYING! I'll see if i can update once a month or every few weeks. I promise nothing, NOTHIIIINNGG!

Thankee. I hope to do more too. Only way to get things you want is to do it yerself.

Comment posted by An everfree rat deleted Oct 10th, 2018

Description error:
constible -> constable

Will Baltimare be able to come back from these brutal crimes or will it be another victim to a dying galaxy in its death throws, echoing to the laughter of thirsting gods.

This is a question.

Ah the demon host emerges. And this kiddies is why you don't mess with the warp.

I'm rooting for pike, for the emperor!

do continue with your FABULOUS story, my mind is positively LONGING for the next chapter

"Starts playing Imperator Gloriana" One troopers versus whole species of xenos, seems kinda unfair for the xenos.

"Who wants to skinnydip in the promethium pooools~"

Good chapter! I can't wait to see more in the future!

nice to see you to continue this story, for a second i thought you abandoned it.Stories involving guardsmen are quite rare.
Imperator victor.

Not abandoned, i just don't post weekly due to energy levels and lack of time for creative efforts. December as tradition, is a horrible month and i didn't even try to write anything.

And i agree, not enough guard, too many marines!

Thanks bud, i'm trying!

so, has he recharged his lasgun mags by placing them in sunlight yet?

This pleases me!

You've earned a follow and upvote. Let's see where this goes.

Why is he so set on killing zenos? It just comes off as weird that he would suddenly start killing as opposed to information gathering.
Please update soon

Information doesn't do him much good if he can't share it, and his first and second kills were done in spur of the moment. The old mare because he was panicking and it was the first thing that felt like a plan, so it calmed him, or settled the panic at least. The office worker because he was a witness, and just there.

Planing to kill the mayor was already talked about as a plan to cause complete panic, he also doesn't understand non-imperial governance, which is a strict hierarchy where leadership is important, compared to candy land politics.

Also EVENTUALLY! Life is tiring!

Informative: This Unit is pleased with these texts.


This is based on Warhammer 40K. Its a military strategy game that pits a highly advanced human religious dictatorship against many different alien races. The human race is spread across the galaxy and live on worlds that run from medieval level, to dirty/grimey type high-tech. Thats all I really know about the game. Based on that, I don't think this guy would have much patience for zenos.

To be honest, I'm not sure what to think about this story yet. These two story worlds are so radically different. They are literally at the EXTREME opposite ends of the scale from each other. You can't get brighter than MLP and you can't go any grimmer and darker than WH40K. I just never could see how it could possibly work.

Ill follow for a bit to see how it goes.

The Monk
“Not telling you too much about humanity's special power, but I can give you a big hint! It is pure, concentrated spite.” -Knight Breeze

I am familiar with 40k. There are actually some very good crossovers on here, notably https://www.fimfiction.net/story/147183/iron-hearts-book-1-planetfall. I also recommend 'Arch Warhammer' on youtube for 40k lore.

I still really want to see more of this story though.

He's from a religious dictatorship that is always on a crusade, and the religion is centered on humanity's superiority...

I am very familiar with 40k.
I just thought it odd that he decides: I am stuck on a planet full of xenos, the human population is both enslaved and feral, my best course of action is to destabilize this small town. Maybe it is part of a larger goal? Maybe he just says "Fuck it, this town is as good as any to kill xenos." The story presents him as both intellectual and just wanting to kill the alien because they are not human. I think I was just expecting the Guardsman to be more of a detective type than a "He who allows the alien to live shares in the crime of its existence" type.
The story is quite good and the detective role is filled by the pony/human team. I think I might have been looking for something that was never there. Or the story could use a few more hints that the Guardsman considers the mere existence of xenos to be a blight upon the universe and figures he is better off killing locally than trying to find someone higher up the chain of command.
This has kind of been a rambling answer. I want to delete all of it and just say that the story is fine as is and I was mistaken in my original comment. That is probably the truth. But I am going to leave all this here. I like where the story is going with the pony/human detective team and the mysterious Guardsman set on killing all the ponies.

"If you can confront the xenos, look upon the xenos, even think upon the xenos, without revulsion, then you are as damned as they." - Inquisitor Loffengar, Ordo Xenos

I never even read this, I just happened to read the comments.

This is glorious! Purge the xeno!

However, I wonder when he'll start using his lasting? After all, ammunition shouldn't be a concern, all he has to do is leave it out in the sun.

I'M TRYING! I'll see if i can update once a month or every few weeks.


Girding his will further by pulling a winged amulet to his lips, silently breathing ancient prayers both to his Lord and to the war spirits of his rifle, keeping them below a whisper from a throat feeling to painfully raw for speech, he brings himself forth to find anything that will fill the still fuzzy hole in his memory and put him back on the path to..

I think you mean machine spirit.

Nope. War spirits were part of the beliefs in older lore. Just more stuff new editions have left out from 40k lore.

Dude, how old is your lore? The oldest mentions of machine spirits I found was in the 4th edition space marine codex that came out in 2005. Machine spirits are older than me! Granted, it was some kind of bio AI that controlled tanks or what not, but it existed since 2005. Machine spirits are the old lore!

war spirits were different from machine spirits. all machines have a machine spirit but war gear (weapons, armour ect.) also had a war spirit you had to appease as well. I was introduced first into 6th ed. it just kinda stopped being mentioned around and after there.

Well, that just sounds like machine spirits with extra steps.

“What's with your fur? It's all sticky, just lean on me. Yeah there we go. Heh, don’t need to hug me or anything bud, I’ve gotcha, jushHURGK-!”

Cartilage popping and wet noises follow soon after. The wheezing whistle of breathing through places that air shouldn’t flow from, mercifully did not last long. The giggling however, went on for hours.

this is either a Slaaneshean or less likely Nurglite deamon both are bad.


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