• Published 23rd Jan 2019
  • 3,708 Views, 81 Comments

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic What If?: Volume 8 - SuperPinkBrony12

The eighth installment of a What If series that involves the rewriting of episodes. This one covers one episode each from Seasons 5-7, and then eleven rewrites of Season 8 episodes. (Warning!: Rewrites based on personal opinion. Please respect it!)

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S8 E20: The Washouts (What If?)

Inside the clubhouse at Sweet Apple Acres, another Cutie Mark Crusaders meeting was drawing to a close. Since Twilight's School of Friendship was currently on break, the founding members had been freed from their duties as friendship counselors and had temporarily taken back control.

Lately though, it seemed like Scootaloo was eager for the meetings to end as soon as possible. "Okay, so in conclusion we currently don't have any cutie mark or friendship problems that need dealing with, right?"

"Uh... I guess." Apple Bloom commented.

Sweetie Belle reluctantly nodded. "Yeah, business has been kind of slow."

"Good!" Scootaloo eagerly declared. "Meeting adjourned! And I volunteer to stay behind to clean up! So you girls go ahead and have a good time, I'll catch up with you later!" And before either Apple Bloom or Sweetie Belle could utter a syllable of protest they were ushered out the door by Scootaloo.

Shutting the clubhouse door behind her, the pegasus filly grinned. "They're gone. Now I can get on with the real reason I came here," She giggled. "Gosh, it kind of feels nice to keep a secret from everypony. Even if this probably wouldn't be much of a secret." The filly proceeded to zip all around the clubhouse, hanging up various posters and flyers depicting ponies clad in black flight suits with green stripes. They seemed to resemble the kind of posters the Wonderbolts often used, but if one looked closely they would see one pony in particular stood out in the ones Scootaloo was hanging up. Though who that pony was no one knew.

When all the posters and flyers had been hung, the tomboyish pegasus proudly put a hoof to the podium as she declared! "Hear ye, hear ye! I'd like to call to order the first ever meeting of the newest and most exciting club – of which I am the president, founding, and only member – the Washouts Fan Club!"

Unknown to Scootaloo, somepony had been watching her from afar. Somepony who was most surprised to learn that her number one fan not only had a secret, but also an entire fan club that she had never talked about before. Although she didn't know it yet, the existence of this new interest for her honorary little sister was going to strain their relationship in a way neither would've expected.

Scootaloo was not alone in the clubhouse for very long. Without even knocking, Rainbow Dash trotted in and pretended she had no clue what lay in store for her. "Oh, hey, Scootaloo. I was just in the neighborhood and thought I'd—" She began and then promptly gasped when she saw the posters and flyers. "Oh! What's this? Did I interrupt your little fan club meeting?"

Scootaloo gasped in reply! "Rainbow Dash?! What a... nice surprise," She nervously laughed. "I know what you're thinking but I promise you this is not what it looks like! Nothing to see here! Just a bunch of random flyers and posters. Definitely not a new fan club or anything. Nope, not in a million years."

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Nice try, kid. Do you think I'm stupid? I saw everything!" In what sounded like a hurt tone of voice she added. "The Washouts, huh? When were you gonna tell me about this new 'interest' of yours? You didn't really think I wouldn't find out, did you?"

"Um, if I say yes, would you not be as mad at me?" Scootaloo innocently questioned.

The brash speedster shook her head. "Kid, what did I just get through telling you? You can't lie to me! We both know you're not good at it."

The tomboyish filly sighed. "Okay, fine, you caught me! Yes, I'm a fan of the Washouts. Yes, I'm their only fan at the moment. No, I haven't told anypony else about this. That answer your questions?"

"Sort of," Rainbow commented. "Why are you starting a new fan club? Am I not good enough for you anymore?"

"Don't be silly, you're still plenty good enough for me," Scootaloo protested. "I just think that maybe it's time for me to explore other fan clubs. Know what I'm saying?"

Rainbow gasped. "So you really are replacing me! Just who are 'the Washouts' and what do they have that I don't?"

Scootaloo grinned. "The Washouts are only the newest, and greatest, and only stunt troupe in all of Equestria!"

"Stunt troupe? I don't like the sound of that." Rainbow nervously remarked.

"It's totally awesome!" The eager filly declared. "How can I explain it in a way you'll understand? The Washouts are like the Wonderbolts, just twenty bajillion percent cooler!"

Rainbow gasped anew! "What?! 'Twenty bajillion'?! Now you're even stealing my catchphrases?!"

Scootaloo put her hooves up toward the sky and struck a pose as she boldly finished. "And they do all sorts of extreme stunts that focus on daredevilry and sheer guts rather than boring old flight and formation junk."

A knot formed in the cyan coated mare's stomach upon hearing that, especially since she was a Wonderbolt herself. "'Boring old flight and formation junk'?!"

The tomboyish pegasus turned to face her honorary big sister and seemed to frown. "Are you seriously just repeating everything I say?"

"Only because my brain feels like it's strapped to one of those rockets about to explode." Rainbow muttered.

Scootaloo smiled. "So you do get it! I knew you would! Are they awesome or what?! You should totally go see their show. They're performing in Ponyville tomorrow, and I just happen to have saved up my allowance for some front row seats and a backstage pass after the show. If you ask nicely, I might just let you have them."

"You sure that's a wise choice?" Rainbow asked her number one fan. "What would your aunts say if they found out?"

"Hey, I make a pretty good amount of money just doing my chores. And I've been getting more since I became a friendship counselor," Scootaloo eagerly declared. "I can make back that money in a week. And in this case, it's money well spent. Besides, what my aunts don't know won't hurt 'em. You wouldn't tell them, would you?"

Rainbow gulped. She always hated being put on the spot like this. "I... guess not. It's your money after all. But I'm still not sure what to make of all this. This is all too much too soon!"

"Don't worry. When you see the Washouts in show tomorrow, everything will all make sense!" Scootaloo proudly proclaimed!

Rainbow still couldn't help but feel a sense of betrayal at the revelation, and she did the only thing she could think of short of angrily kicking some clouds. She talked to her friends. "Can you believe it?! After everything I did?! I practically took her under my wing both figuratively and literally, taught her so much and shared so many things with her, and this is how she repays me?!"

"You know she's not a miniature version of you," Pinkie pointed out. "And eavesdropping on meetings is kind of weird."

"Pinkie's right, you know," Twilight was quick to add. "Scootaloo can have multiple hobbies and interests, and they don't all have to be shared by you. There's room for you and the Washouts in her heart."

Starlight remarked. "Just why are you so upset about the Washouts anyways? So they're a traveling stunt pony trope, big deal."

Rainbow groaned. "All their posters and flyers were total ripoffs of the Wonderbolts, like they're trying to compete directly with them. And the way Scootaloo made it sound, she basically said that the Wonderbolts aren't cool! And... And it kinda sounded like she didn't think I was cool either. But, peh, we all know that's crazy!"

Applejack nodded. "Of course we do, because we know Scootaloo well enough to know she ain't gonna start thinkin' less of ya just 'cause she adores a stunt pony troupe now. I'm sure she didn't mean it the way you think she did," And then she added. "It'd be like if Apple Bloom started likin' bananas more than apples. I'd be pretty mad at first, but ever since findin' out my mother was a Pear I'm come to realize the other fruits ain't all bad. They have their uses."

"But don't you get it? If she doesn't think highly of the Wonderbolts even though I'm part of them, then what does that say about what she really thinks of me?" The currently off-duty Wonderbolt complained. "Seriously, what could the Washouts possibly have that I don't?!"

Pinkie grinned. "Well, why don't you find out? You said Scootaloo mentioned they'll be doing a show in Ponyville tomorrow?"

"Yeah. And she wanted to invite me to go backstage with her after the show." Rainbow commented.

"Then why not take her up on the offer? See for yourself what the Washouts are all about," Twilight suggested. "But I'm sure you're making a big deal out of nothing. You can't control everything Scootaloo does, she was bound to develop a hobby you didn't care for sooner or later. And this may not be the last one."

The brash speedster reluctantly sighed. "Fine, I guess I can go to the show with her and see the Washouts in their element. But I won't like it."

The next day came all too soon for poor Rainbow Dash, who took her place next to Scootaloo. As the mare suspected, no family members were accompanying the tomboyish filly who was so excited she could barely sit still.

Meanwhile, Twilight was surprised to see several of her students in attendance. "What are you all doing here?" She innocently inquired.

"Oh, Headmare Twilight," Silverstream greeted. "We're here to watch the show. I've never seen a live stunt show before! It's gonna be so exciting!"

Smolder, meanwhile, shrugged her claws. "Silverstream really wanted to go, and Sandbar mentioned how funny it was that these 'Washouts' look like the Wonderbolts, whatever those are. As for the rest of us, with school out for the next couple of days we've got nothing better to do."

"Yeah, but you gotta admit this is entertainment you don't get in places like Griffonstone," Gallus ribbed Smolder. "Now be quiet, the show's about to start!" And no sooner had the griffon spoken those words then the loudspeakers in the stands crackled to life. Music flooded the entire arena.

Scootaloo buzzed her wings, her excitement mounting by the minute! "Yeeeeeeeaaaahhh! It's happening!"

An energetic voice shouted over the loudspeakers. "This is the time! This is the place! And this is the team! Mares and gentle stallions, colts and fillies of all ages, this is... the Washouts!" The crowd erupted into thunderous applause as a loud boom shook the ground and the Washouts emerged in a shower of confetti!

Pinkie Pie was easily won over by the display. "Mmmm! Quality confetti cannon work. Clearly the work of professionals."

"Whatever. They can look cool all they want, skill is all that really matters." Rainbow remarked under her breath, while Scootaloo continued to cheer alongside the rest of the audience.

The announcer was quick to shout out to the crowd through the loudspeakers. "Say it with me now, folks the Washouts' official motto..."

The audience members who knew the chant all said it at once. "Leap before you look!"

"And remember, ponies," The announcer warned. "While they're amazingly awesome, the Washouts are highly trained professionals in protective fire-proof flight suits! So do NOT try any of what you'll see here at home!"

Almost as if on cue, several massive machines sprang to life! Including one that looked like it could easily crush a pony if they didn't time their flight through it just right! And there were several flaming rings in the arena as well, with what looked like only a small amount of water on hoof to put out any fires if they erupted.

Rainbow became quite concerned as she watched one of the Washouts, a light violet coated one, get dangerously close to the machine that looked like it was about to close shut! They wouldn't actually let one of their own get hurt, would they? The Washouts had to be concerned for their own safety. Who in their right mind wouldn't be? "Come on, come on! Pull out! She's not gonna make it!" The speedster commented in worry, preparing to look away if it all went wrong.

There was a clang as the mare zipped into the machine! The audience gasped in horror for a second, before they saw the mare emerge unharmed. Their gasps were soon replaced by cheers!

Rainbow could hardly believe her eyes. "You don't do just do that! That takes training and guts!" She thought, but out loud she declared. "That... was... insane! Woo-hoo!"

Scootaloo grinned. "See? I told you! You don't see that in the Wonderbolts' shows!"

"W-well yeah, but there's a very good reason for that," Rainbow protested. "And don't go getting any ideas, those are trained professionals. I'm sure they'll tell you the secret when we go backstage later."

After the show had ended, Scootaloo made use of her backstage pass to gain access to the resting area for the Washouts. But all the confidence and bravado she'd had before had vanished. Now she was as anxious as ever. "I can't just go up and talk to them."

"Why not? You're their number one fan and all," Rainbow ribbed Scootaloo. "Besides, one of the reasons there's a Rainbow Dash fan club is because I'm fearless. Observe," She trotted up to the light indigo coated mare who had now taken off her flight suit to reveal a sort of poofy light cornflower blueish-gray and light arctic blueish-gray mane and tail, and eyes the same light cyan shade as Rainbow's coat. Said mare was currently bandaging her leg while drinking water from a bottle. "Hey there," Rainbow greeted, expecting an immediate response. Her reputation as a Wonderbolt was expected to precede her. But when she didn't get a reply right away she nervously added. "Uh, listen. So as a fellow aerobatic professional, I really enjoyed your show. Heh. Actually, you might recognize me since I'm a... pause for dramatic effect... Wonderbolt."

But the mare only laughed, as did a small, stubby, dark orange coated pegasus stallion. Said stallion had a brilliant gold and pale, light grayish-amber coated mane and tail, and light green eyes.

"Ha! Join the club, mate." The light indigo coated pegasus mare spoke up.

"O... kay... Not the reaction I expected." Rainbow nervously commented as Scootaloo let out an excited squee.

The pegasus mare simply replied. "No. I mean, literally. Join the club. You know the reason why we call ourselves 'the Washouts'? It's 'cause we all used to be Wonderbolts just like you. Heh. Until we, you know... 'washed out'."

Rainbow gasped. "No way!"

The pegasus mare sighed. "Yes way, mate. Name's Rolling Thunder. I got booted out of the Wonderbolt Academy because of my 'flagrant disregard for hazardous weather.'," Rolling Thunder scoffed. "But you know what I say? If doing barrel rolls through nine hundred million volts of electricity in a raging thunderstorm is wrong, then I don't wanna be right. The flight suit protected me well enough, got singed on the outside but that's what the tailors are for," Then she turned to the short, stubby pegasus that stood near her. "Oh, and this 'ere's Short Fuse."

Short Fuse smiled. "Ah, nice to meet you."

"So what's your story?" Rainbow asked the stallion. "I think I saw you at the academy about two years back, but you seemed fine to me. Why'd they kick you out?"

Short Fuse loudly shouted! "Anger issues, okay?! Now get off my back!"

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry," Rainbow apologized, before a nagging thought struck her. "So, who's the leader?"

Rolling Thunder smirked. "Who do you think? Only the most reckless ex-Wonderbolt of all time. Ah, 'ere she comes now, mate."

Rainbow gulped. "Y-you don't mean..." But she needn't have asked. For she and Scootaloo both turned around in time to see the only unknown group member land in front of them. The apparent leader took off her helmet, revealing a pegasus mare instantly recognizable to Rainbow Dash! The mare had a light turquoise coat, a brilliant amber mane with brilliant gold stripes, and orangeish-yellow eyes that looked quite bitter and resentful. Rainbow gasped yet again! "Lightning Dust!"

Lightning Dust coldly replied. "Rainbow Dash!"

The two one time partners snarled and glared at each other, appearing to become locked in an artificial staring contest. That was, until Scootaloo innocently broke it up by declaring. "Scootaloo. I'm Scootaloo. Hi."

But Rainbow quickly remarked. "Lightning Dust, I should've known! Of course you'd be the mastermind behind something as crazy as 'the Washouts'. Only your devious brain could've schemed up such a thing. Or should I say 'lack of a brain'?"

Lightning only snarled again. "I still haven't forgotten our last encounter. Thank you ever so much by the way for once again ruining my life."

"Uh, not that I mean to interrupt," Scootaloo commented as she waved a hoof. "But you two actually know each other?! Oh my gosh! This is so cool! I must be dreaming!"

"Hate to break it to you, kid, but your 'friend' over here got me kicked out of the Wonderbolts," Lightning bitterly remarked. "Then because she happened to be pals with the Wonderbolts, she got me disqualified from representing Cloudsdale at the Equestria Games."

Scootaloo's happy mood faded. "Oh. That's... um... not as cool I suppose."

Rainbow remarked with narrowed eyes. "You left out some key details there, Lightning Dust. Like the fact that I saved you from a crash landing at Rainbow Falls. Only now I wish I'd have left you to crash and burn, might have knocked some sense into you!"

"Yeah, I remember how you humiliated me by doing so," Lightning growled. "At least a crash landing would've meant I went out in a blaze of glory. But you know what? Despite all of that, despite the fact that you've twice crushed my dreams, you getting me booted from the Wonderbolts was the best thing that ever happened to me!"

"Oh, is that so? Well I'm sorry I hurt your feelings, but-" The brash speedster began, before she realized what Lightning Dust was saying. "-Wait, what?! Are you for real?!"

Lightning nodded. "Yup. Sure is great to see you again, wingpony! I heard you're a full-fledged Bolt now. Congratulations, and I mean that sincerely."

Rainbow was puzzled by her former wingpony and one time rival's apparent hospitality. Had Lightning really changed for the better? Had she finally turned over a new leaf? Or was she just pretending to act nice like Wind Ryder had, so as to lure her into a false sense of confidence? And any moment now, Lightning was going to try and undermine her former partner. Right? "Yeah, well, I'm still—" Rainbow began.

Lightning simply replied with a smile. "Mad at me? Like I said, despite you twice ruining my dreams of glory, everything's still worked out for the better. Was it wrong of me to endanger the lives of your friends? Yeah. But, hey, now I only get to endanger these two knuckleheads."

Rolling Thunder and Short Fused laughed as Short Fuse was massaging his teammate's back. All the while, Short Fuse gritted his teeth as he muttered. "Don't call me 'Knucklehead'!"

"Working alongside Jet Stream and Alberta Clipper gave me the chance to see that there are plenty of ponies who tried out for the Wonderbolts, only to get kicked out or left off the team," Lightning Dust explained. "So I founded the Washouts as a way to give those unfortunate so and sos a chance to prove all the naysayers wrong," Then she adopted a more friendly tone as she said to Rainbow. "C'mon, you know you miss me. You and I, we blew everypony out of the sky back at the academy. We could've had it made."

"Really? You two were the top of your class? Rainbow never mentioned that before," Scootaloo commented and then turned to Rainbow Dash. "Is there anything else you've been keeping secret from me?"

"You didn't ask for specifics, squirt." Rainbow defended.

Meanwhile, Lightning was fondly recalling her time at the academy. "Those academy days sure were something, weren't they? All that wind was totally dangerous, but we still had fun, right? Two fastest times on the Dizzitron!"

Rainbow couldn't resist a chance to gloat. "If I remember correctly, I had you beat by half a second."

Lightning was quick to gloat back. "Only because when I went, I cranked up the dizziness factor. Spitfire said she admired a pony who likes to push herself."

"She also said there's a difference between pushing yourself to improve and pushing yourself just to show off, or something like that," Rainbow declared. "All the same, I'm glad you at least seem to be doing okay now. I gotta hoof it to you, your show was pretty dynamite. Scootaloo here was especially impressed."

Lightning smiled. "Always nice to meet a new fan," And then she whispered to the filly. "Wanna know the secret to our success? We basically ignore everything the Wonderbolts ever taught us about safety."

Rainbow narrowed her eyes. "Well, we do have safety rules for a reason, you know. It's not because we're buzzkills, though I doubt a pony like you would understand, Lightning Dust."

Lightning scoffed at Rainbow's remark. "Oh please, spare me your 'goodie goodie two horseshoes' nonsense. It never did me any good," And she told Scootaloo. "Don't listen to her, kid. All their 'rules' were really just ways of keeping their little club exclusive so they could feel good about themselves. They like to act all important, but the truth is they're little more than fully grown adults playing filly guides. Sometimes, following the rules means you finish last."

Rainbow pulled Scootaloo closer to her. "You're the one who doesn't get it, Lightning. It's not about making anypony feel bad. It's about finding the best flyers. The best of the best."

"Oh yeah? Well the reason I started the Washouts is because I believe anypony can be the best of the best no matter what. Something the Wonderbolts would consider alien," Lightning retorted to her former wingpony. Then she smirked as an idea came to her mind. "You know, Rolling Thunder is gonna be out for a while. Nothing serious but she's not gonna in performing condition anytime soon."

Rolling Thunder sighed as she went back to bandaging her leg. "Ah, it's true. I'm afraid that during the finale, I caught the old hind leg in the Crushinator Jaws of Smashalot! Patent pending. Hurt like you wouldn't believe."

"There's now a spot on the team if you wanna join up." Lightning suggested.

Rainbow quickly answered. "I appreciate the offer, but I'm already a Wonderbolt. So thanks but no thanks."

However, Scootaloo started jumping up and down as she shouted! "Ooh! Ooh! I'll do it! Can I do it?!"

Rainbow glanced down at her number one fan and quickly told her. "Uh, lemme think. No!"

"I wasn't talking to you!" Lightning snapped.

"Doesn't matter, you're not recruiting the kid into your little stunt pony troupe!" Rainbow firmly protested. "She's too young, and I'm pretty sure her folks wouldn't want her doing dangerous stunts she's never even practiced before."

Scootaloo was quick to add. "I don't need your permission, Rainbow Dash! I can make my own decisions!"

Lightning seemed to coo in reply. "Awww, you're cute. I'd love to let you join, really. But technically, you haven't washed out of or flunked out of the Bolts yet, which is kinda our thing."

"Well, what if I joined them and then dropped out really quick?" Scootaloo suggested. "Could I have a spot on the team then?"

Lightning grinned. "You bet! But be quick about it. I've got another show to perform today and we'll need time to go over your routine."

At that, the brash speedster quickly rushed in and scooped up the tomboyish filly. "That does it! You're coming with me, kid!"

"Where are we going?" The filly asked.

Rainbow sternly answered. "To hear what the actual Wonderbolts think about you joining just to drop out for the Washouts! If you won't listen to me, maybe you'll at least listen to them!"

Lightning watched as the two flew off. Just as she'd planned, the spark of an idea was already in Scootaloo's head. Now it just needed time to linger and grow, until it was all she could think about. Of course, all she said out loud was a call to Rainbow Dash. "Say hi to Spitfire for me!"

The two pegasi flew right up to the Wonderbolts Academy grounds. As was always the case, several of the bolts were practicing their routines. Rainbow was quite intrigued by the performance as she always was, but Scootaloo seemed rather bored. She even yawned.

"Hey, come on! You love watching these guys!" Rainbow retorted and gestured a hoof. "Ever seen two simultaneous inverse displacement rolls before? Betcha you haven't."

Scootaloo rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Would've been a lot cooler if you had the Crushinator Jaws of Smashalot, patent pending. Can we go now? I just wanted to join so I could drop out."

Rainbow found herself speechless once again. "You... What?! Have you lost your mind?!" And then turned to Spitfire. "See, Captain? It's just like I told you. The kid's obsessed with the Washouts, like somehow they're better than the Wonderbolts."

Spitfire adjusted her sunglasses. "I've seen this happen too many times. Kid gets a new hobby and suddenly the old one looks like trash. No worries though, I'll straighten her out for you," And she approached Scootaloo. "So, kid. Heard you're looking to join the Washouts."

Scootaloo nodded. "Yes, Spitfire. But first I need to wash out of the Wonderbolts, can you help with me that?"

Spitfire glared. "I can help you with a lot more than that. Brace yourself, kid. You're about to get some sense knocked into you," She cleared her throat. "Let me ask you something: You wanna know what happens whenever something goes wrong with the Crushinator Jaws of Smashalot?"

"Don't forget the patent pending part." Rainbow whispered.

"You end up in a full body wing-and-hoof cast drinkin' through a straw!" Spitfire bellowed. "I've seen it happen to so many kids your age who were so full of potential."

Scootaloo gulped. "But with enough practice—"

The captain just retorted. "Practice?! Well, la-dee-doodle-dah! Let me make one thing perfectly clear, you're not joining the Wonderbolts just so you can wash out of 'em and join the Washouts! You're too young to be anything other than a mascot, and if the Washouts care about their reputation they'll know better than to recruit a filly," Then she cleared her throat. "But maybe you'll get in anyway. After all, I'm not your mother. So let me give you a different scenario. See if that scares you. Right now you're properly thinking to yourself 'I'm young. I'm strong. I'm gonna go out there and stunt some tricks with my new friend Lightning Dust!' Well, I'm here to tell ya that if ya play that game, you're gonna find out that it's pretty hard to 'stunt tricks' when you're in a FULL BODY WING-AND-HOOF CAST DRINKIN' THROUGH A STRAW!"

Rainbow, sensing Spitfire was getting into another one of her infamous third degree lectures, tried to intervene. "Okay, Captain. I think she gets the poi—"

But Spitfire only interrupted. "I'M NOT FINISHED! SO DON'T INTERRUPT ME!" And then she turned back to Scootaloo. "Listen and listen good. I get it, kid. I used to be just like you, tellin' myself, 'I'm gonna touch the sky!'"

Scootaloo gulped. "But I don't-"

Spitfire cut the filly off, glaring at her. "Well, whoop-dee-DOODLE-DOO! You think you got it made in the shade?" She briefly took off her sunglasses as she picked up the filly and lifted her into the air. "Well, things are gonna be pretty shady indeed when you can't go out in the sun, 'cause you're in a FULL BODY WING-AND-HOOF CAST DRINKIN' THROUGH A STRAW! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!"

All Scootaloo could do was shake her head and reply. "Uh-huh..."

"Excellent," Spitfire smiled as she gently lowered Scootaloo to the ground. "Glad we understand each other. Here, have a hat, kid. And the next time you see Lightning Dust, tell her she needs to look before she leaps. One of these days, she's gonna get herself hurt, and that's if she's lucky."

Spitfire wasn't the only Wonderbolt who happened to be around when Rainbow Dash explained what Scootaloo was trying to do. Soarin also happened to be on the academy grounds, and he watched as Spitfire placed a Wonderbolts hat on Scootaloo's forehead.

The Wonderbolts co-captain came upon the scene a moment later, chuckling a little. "Looks like Spitfire really chewed you out, huh?"

"Let me guess, you're gonna lecture me about how wrong it is to join the Washouts too," Scootaloo rolled her eyes. "My ears are still ringing from Spitfire's lecture."

"Me? Lecture? Oh no no no, that's not my style," Soarin lightly retorted. "Still, Spitfire has a point. What the Washouts do is very dangerous, even moreso than what we Wonderbolts do."

"So what? Nopony ever really gets hurt. Well, except for Rolling Thunder but the worst she did was sprain a leg." Scootaloo somewhat nervously replied.

Soarin only shook his head. "Trust me. Even the pros mess up sometimes, and when we mess up we're lucky if the worst that happens is a hard landing and a few bruises. Rolling Thunder's lucky to be alive if you ask me."

Rainbow snickered. "And she's also lucky she didn't end up in a full body wing and hoof cast drinkin' through a straw."

"Yeah, I was just about to say that," Soarin snickered in reply and then he turned back to Scootaloo. "Listen, I know I'm not any sort of parent or guardian to you, so I can't decide what you choose to do with your life. But even with practice, even with proper training, accidents can still happen. And for a group like the Washouts that don't care about their own safety, if something goes wrong it really goes wrong. So think long and hard before you decide to join the Washouts. I'd hate to see one of our most promising fans have her potential ended in a freak accident."

Rainbow nodded. "Couldn't have put it better myself, Soarin. Thank you."

Soarin gave a salute. "Anytime. Now I'd better get back to practicing before Spitfire gives me a lecture." And with a flap of his wings he took off.

"So do you understand now, Scootaloo?" Rainbow asked her honorary little sister. "I just wanna make sure you don't get hurt. That way, you can follow in my hoofsteps."

Scootaloo mumbled. "More like 'follow your wingflaps'."

"Same difference," Rainbow replied. "Besides, if you joined the Washouts anyway your folks and your aunts would chew me out for letting it happen. It took a lot to earn their trust, and I'd hate for them to think it was misplaced.

The tomboyish filly just groaned. "Gee, thanks a lot for caring about me."

"Hey, it's just like when I found out you'd stayed out all night at the park," Rainbow retorted. "After that incident, I knew I had to start taking a more active role in your well being. It's what big sisters do," Setting the filly down on the ground she replied. "Now, I'll leave you to think about what you were just told. And then when you've come to your senses, we can get rid of all your Washouts stuff and throw it off a cliff."

Scootaloo didn't answer. Her honorary big sister took that as a sign that all was well.

Sometime later, Rainbow Dash came back expecting to see Scootaloo waiting outside, with all her Washouts merchandise ready to be thrown out and discarded. However, there was not a trace of the filly anywhere. She'd already vanished.

"Oh no, she better not have!" Rainbow firmly declared and took off. "Anypony seen Scootalo—" She called out. But she forgot to watch where she was going and bumped straight into Twilight. "My fault! My fault!" She apologized, before she noticed Twilight holding what appeared to be a Washouts poster. "Twilight?"

Twilight blushed, opting to quickly hide the poster behind her back. "Sorry. I was just... um..."

The cyan coated speedster pleaded. "Please tell me you got that stuff so you could rip it up and throw it off a cliff."

But Twilight shook her head. "I'm sorry. They were doing an autograph session before practice. I couldn't resist."

"Seriously?! You've gotta be kidding me!" The brash speedster complained and groaned, before she sighed. "Whatever, I can worry about that later. You haven't seen Scoot, have you? Please tell me she's with you."

The alicorn gulped. "She isn't. And... while I don't know where she is, there's somepony who does. And said somepony happens to be with me."

Trotting out from behind Twilight's wings was a familiar pink coated filly with an easily recognizable, distinctive headgear. "If you're looking for Scootaloo, I saw her heading towards the arena a short while ago," Diamond Tiara answered. "Said something about the Washouts. Not really sure why she's so in love with them at the moment, she already does a lot of crazy stunts as it is. I should know, I've got the bruises from her scooter camp to prove it."

Rainbow gulped. "That's what I was afraid of!" And she took off with a flap of her wings.

Twilight followed, but not before smiling at Diamond Tiara. "Thank you, you've been a big help."

"Just doing my job as a friend. Sometimes it pays to know the right things." Diamond answered, then watched as Twilight flapped her wings and flew off to join Rainbow Dash.

As Rainbow and Twilight flew above the skies and headed towards the track to find Scootaloo, Rainbow was still fuming. "I can't believe Scootaloo actually ditched me to go watch them practice! Why can't she see how dangerous they are?! Why can't she realize she could get hurt?!"

"She's still young, she doesn't always have the kind of hindsight we have as adults," Twilight explained. "Besides, to her I think that danger is part of the appeal. It's exciting."

"That's not the point, Twilight!" Rainbow complained. "I did a lot of dumb and dangerous things when I was Scoot's age, many of them I regret. I don't want her to make the same mistakes if I can help it. But it feels like the harder I try to convince Scoot they're dangerous, the more she seems to likes them and the less she seems to like me!"

Twilight sagely replied. "But you can't control her actions. Only yours. All you can do is teach her what's safe and what isn't, like a good role model should. Then you just have to hope she makes the right decisions."

The brash speedster groaned. "But what if she chooses them over me? She's gonna get hurt!"

Twilight couldn't help but comment. "Yeah? Well I think I know somepony else who might get hurt if that happens."

Rainbow paused briefly, considering what Twilight had mentioned. "Maybe you're right, maybe I'm making such a big deal out of this because I'm the one she used to look up so much," After a moment's contemplation she replied. "But this isn't about me anymore! I'm just worried about Scoot."

"Well, there's not much you can do." Twilight protested.

"Maybe not," Rainbow realized. "But I know someponies who at least deserve to know about this. If Scootaloo won't listen to me, or the Wonderbolts, then maybe she'll listen to them!"

Sometime later, Rainbow Dash and Twilight arrived at the arena the Washouts were currently using to practice for their next show. Rolling Thunder still had a gauze wrapped around her back right leg, while Short Fuse was about to enjoy a sandwich.

Lightning Dust, meanwhile, was hard at work on a new stunt for the next show. Short Fuse seemed to be impressed. "Wow. You're really workin' hard on this new stunt, boss," He commented and then bit into his sandwich. He spat it out a moment later and bellowed! "What kind of sorry excuse for a tomato sandwich is this?! I deserve better!" And he threw it on the ground in dramatic fanfare.

Lightning Dust seemed to smirk as she saw Rainbow Dash slowly approaching. "Hey, ex-wingpony. How's it going? Here for autographs? Sorry to break it to you, but the autograph session's over. Unless you wanna buy Short Fuse's limited edition half-eaten tomato sandwich."

Short Fuse was quick to shout. "I'm not signing that thing! Sign it yourself!"

Rolling Thunder giggled. "Easy on the temper there, Short Fuse. You're gonna scare our newest member away before she's had a chance to show off her skills."

Rainbow just sighed. "Lightning Dust, I need your help. You haven't seen Scootaloo anywhere around here, have you?"

Lightning smirked anew. "Ohhhh, isn't she that little pony that used to respect you? Used to consider you her big sister?"

Rainbow growled. "Lightning Dust..." She struggled to regain her composure. "Look, I'd really appreciate you helping me find her so I could apologize for trying to make her quit liking you. You can rub it in all you want later."

Lightning only laughed. "Oh, not to worry. The kid's fine. And I'm pretty sure she still likes us. See for yourself!" She and the other Washouts parted ways, revealing Scootaloo clad in the black flight suit with green stripes and matching helmet that belonged to the Washouts.

Rainbow gasped! "Scootaloo, how could you?!" Then she turned to Lightning Dust. "Lightning Dust, I know we go way back, but I can't let her do this! Leave the kid out of your silly grudge! If you've got a problem with me, say it to my face!"

Lightning only flipped her mane with a hoof. "Honestly, Dash, why do you assume everything has to be a contest between us? And then you wonder why the kid's not so fond of you anymore."

Scootaloo retorted to Rainbow Dash. "I don't need you standing up for me, you know! So stay out of this!"

The elder pegasus was quick to reply. "You're in over your head, kid! You can't seem to see how dangerous this stuff is! Do you not remember what Spitfire said?"

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. "Ugh. Lemme guess," And she threw her voice to sound like Spitfire. "You'll be in a full-body wing-and-hoof cast DRINKIN' THROUGH A STRAW! Sound about right?"

"Not even close, that didn't even sound like Spitfire," Rainbow remarked as Scootaloo only laughed. "That's it! We're leaving! This madness ends now!"

"Sorry, but I'm not going anywhere!" Scootaloo retorted as she swatted away Rainbow's hoof. "I can't believe Diamond Tiara told you about what I was doing! Some friend she turned out to be!"

Diamond Tiara (who'd accompanied Twilight and Rainbow Dash but had so far stayed out of sight) stepped forward and growled. "So I'm a bad friend because I don't wanna see you get so badly hurt I won't even recognize you?! You've had some crazy ideas in the past, Scootaloo, but this time you've really done it! Do you honestly think this is what you wanna do with your life?! Throw it all away doing reckless stunts for a few seconds of glory?! Some life!"

"You should listen to your friend, squirt," Rainbow pleaded. "Don't you want to someday be an awesome flyer like me?"

Scootaloo shook her head. "You know, just because I may look up to you doesn't mean that I have to be you! But based on your definition of what makes somepony great, I have bad news for you," With tears welling up in her eyes she confessed. "I'll never be the best of the best or a Wonderbolt! Because I! Can't! Fly! Is that what you wanted to hear?"

Rainbow, Twilight, and Diamond all gasped at the same time! The news came as quite a shock to them!

"Scootaloo, you know we already talked about this with your mom," Rainbow protested. "There's nothing wrong with your wings. Maybe you'll fly someday, and maybe you won't. You're awesome either way."

But the tomboyish filly protested. "I let myself believe that. But now I see I was just blind to what was right in front of me! Diamond Tiara was right, I should've been flying long ago! But my wings can barely even keep me afloat! If I haven't been able to fly by now, what hope is there that I'll ever manage to pull it off?! And don't tell me that I could look into magic spells, transplants, or artificial wings. None of those options will work. And it won't mean the same if I have to use something else to pull off what should be natural for a pegasus like me! Besides, all the grown-ups say that transplant surgery or artificial wings are too expensive, and magic spells are too risky."

"So, maybe you're just a late bloomer," Rainbow insisted. "Fluttershy could barely fly at all when she was at flight camp, and she was one of the oldest pegasi there. Yet look how well she flies now."

"Her problem was that she was too shy to fly without the proper motivation! I've got all the motivation I could ever need and it's still not enough!" Scootaloo remarked, by now the tears were flowing without end. "All my life I've been living a lie, and everypony was in on it! Now, for the first time, I'm beginning to see clearly! Not being able to fly doesn't mean I can't still do something awesome though! Like strapping my scooter to a multi-stage liquid-fueled rocket and jumping twenty-two wagons lined up in front of a roaring crowd!"

Twilight nervously commented. "That was awfully specific."

Lightning Dust grinned. "Because that's what she's going to be doing in the show tonight. Yes, that's right, you're looking at the newest and youngest member of the Washouts," Then she used her wing to offer some tickets. "We're having a sale, half off for all princesses! Be sure to bring your friends and students! I want a packed stadium when Scootaloo makes her debut."

Twilight glanced at the pegasus mare. "Are you trying to pay me so I'll look the other way? You do know Scootaloo hasn't any had stunt training at all, right?"

"What do you think she's been doing since she came here?" Lightning replied with a smirk. "I even gave her the chance to back out and she already said no."

"Really?" Twilight questioned as she turned to Scootaloo. "Scootaloo, are you sure that's what you really wanna do with your life?"

Scootaloo nodded. "Absolutely," And she turned to Rainbow Dash. "And there's nothing you can do to stop me!"

Rainbow was silent but for a moment, before her face seemed to morph into something of a smile as she declared. "You're right, Scoot. I can't... but I know someponies who can. Someponies who I bet you didn't even consult before you decided to join this stunt pony troupe."

All the confidence and resentment Scootaloo had previously had faded. A nervous gulp could be heard as the filly questioned. "Y-you don't mean..."

"-I do," Rainbow declared with a grin. "They'll be here any minute."

As if on cue, two very recognizable mares came trotting up on the scene. One was an earth pony mare of medium build, her coat was a beautiful green in color and it neatly complimented her blonde mane and tail that had been styled up all nice and pretty. Her red eyes matched her cutie mark of a red ribbon perfectly, and she wore a lovely orange scarf around her neck. The other was a sturdy pegasus mare. Her coat was a lovely cream yellow, not unlike Bon-Bon's. She had a wavy mane and tail in alternate shades of pink and purple, purple eyes, and a cutie mark depicting two purple puffs and two pink balls of yarn. She wore a lovely purple scarf.

"Aunt Holiday?! Auntie Lofty?!" Scootaloo gasped.

The earth pony mare nodded, commenting in a chipper tone of voice. "Indeed it is. Now what's all this we're hearing about our favorite niece joining a group of stunt ponies?"

"It's not your business, Aunt Holiday," Scootaloo retorted. "My decision's been made."

Aunt Holiday just shook her head. "Oh dear, Lofty. It seems our niece is in worse shape than we thought."

Auntie Lofty grinned. "Well, dear, that's why we're here isn't it? To try and talk some sense into her?"

Holiday nodded. "I should say so," Then she turned to Scootaloo. "If this is about your wings, we never wanted you to think that the alternatives wouldn't work. We could easily talk with your parents and arrange for wing transplant surgery, or we could find a worthy pony to build you some artificial wings. But they'll come with drawbacks, as would any magic spell."

Lofty added. "And there's more to pegasi than flying. Haven't I taught you that over a dozen times already, slugger?"

Scootaloo gulped as a wave of guilt washed over her. "You did," She tried to save face by retorting. "It's just, I really want to do something that defines me as something other than Rainbow Dash's honorary little sister. Being a Wonderbolt meant everything to me, but when I started thinking I couldn't fly I realized that dream might not happen."

"Whoever says you have to fly to be a Wonderbolt?" Lofty retorted. "There are plenty of positions that don't involving any kind of flying. And by the time you're old enough to try out for the Wonderbolts it wouldn't surprise me if Rainbow Dash ends up being their next captain. You know she would move mountains for you if she had to. I could easily see her pulling some strings and getting you a job where you can work alongside her everyday, and you won't have to worry about flying at all."

Holiday chimed in. "And you already do so many things that Rainbow Dash never did when she was your age. You're a Cutie Mark Crusader, and a darn good one at that! You've been on so many adventures and seen so many places that nopony your age has ever seen before. And don't forget about carrying the flag for Ponyville at the Equestria Games."

Lofty smiled. "Now, if you really want to join the Washouts, maybe we can work something out with Captain Lightning Dust. But you're not getting in until you've had the same level of training as the professionals."

"You took the words right out of my mouth, my darling Lofty," Holiday declared. "We'll still support you no matter what you decide, Scootaloo. But that doesn't mean we'll just let you do something reckless. Celestia knows the things you do give your Auntie Lofty and I reason to worry as it is."

"And no matter what, you need to understand that just because somepony close to you is hard on you, doesn't mean they don't care about," Lofty concluded. "It's because we love you that we do the things we do. Do you understand?"

Scootaloo reluctantly sighed. "Yes, I do," The tears started to trickle down her face once again. "Thanks Aunt Holiday and Auntie Lofty. I don't know what I'd do without you!"

"Hey, don't mention it, slugger." Auntie Lofty smiled.

Aunt Holiday, meanwhile, cleared her throat. "Now, I believe you have something you need to tell Lightning Dust."

Lightning Dust didn't take the news of Scootaloo's decision to back out and drop out of the Washouts very well. "I can't believe this! After everything I did for you! I even tricked out your scooter specifically for your stunt," She complained. "But if I'd known you were gonna bail on me, then I would've done the trick myself!"

Rainbow Dash couldn't help but smirk as she noticed something Lightning Dust wasn't aware of just yet. "Good. Then you probably won't mind how that rope's about to coil around your hoof. Or how it's attached to that scooter strapped to that rocket, which is about to propel said scooter down the ramp and over the flaming wagons."

"What are you talking abou-" Lightning Dust commented, before looking down at her hooves. She was just in time to see the rope tighten. The scooter took off with a roar, dragging Lightning Dust along for its journey! The last thing the mare could be heard shouting was. "RIVALS FOR LIIIIIFE!" A few seconds later, the scooter crashed and Short Fuse rushed to put out the flaming wreckage. As for Lightning Dust, she'd managed to free herself from the rope but the momentum was too great for her and she was launched into the air, disappearing with a twinkle.

Rainbow simply laughed. "Wouldn't have it any other way, Lightning Dust. 'Leap before you look' indeed."

"Bet you're glad you didn't go through with that stunt after all. Huh, slugger?" Auntie Lofty commented. "That could've been you that went flying into the air just then."

"And something tells me that's not how you'd want to achieve your dream of flying." Aunt Holiday added.

Scootaloo blushed, massaging the back of her neck with a hoof. "Y-yeah, guess I was lucky to have two awesome aunts and an awesome big sister watching out for me," Then she turned to Rainbow Dash. "I'm sorry for joining the Washouts. Lightning Dust wasn't who I thought she was. She didn't care about me being scared or putting me in danger. She only wanted a good show, even if it meant I got hurt. And I think she also wanted to use me to hurt you. That's not the kind of pony I wanna look up to."

Rainbow simply replied. "I'm the one who should be apologizing, Scootaloo. I wasn't acting like somepony who deserves to have a fan club. I've been lucky enough to have somepony who thinks I'm the coolest there is. But there's nothing cool about making you feel like you'll never be as awesome as me, because you should never feel like you have to live in my shadow. You're you, not me. And you should be free to live your life that way," Then with a smile she suggested. "You know, I think we should cancel the Washouts Fan Club. Something tells me they're not going to be around for much longer after words get out their captain tried to recruit an inexperienced filly. Besides, I know a fan club that could use some new members."

"You're talking about the Rainbow Dash fan club, right?!" Scootaloo eagerly asked.

Rainbow shook her head. "Not quite. It's a club that hasn't existed before but should've long ago. A club for the most awesome little filly I've ever met! And I'll give you three guesses as to who it is."

"I don't suppose there's any chance we could join that new fanclub, could we?" A familiar female voice called out. And then who should come trotting up on the scene but a familiar pegasus mare with an amber coat? She sported a loosely curly pink mane, and a tail that was just as curly and was pink with pale raspberry highlights. She had amber eyes and a cutie mark depicting three tornadoes. Accompanying her was a stallion who looked almost completely identical to Scootaloo, except his eyes and coat were a slightly darker color compared to her eyes and coat. His cutie mark was a hockey puck surrounded by a flaming wing.

Scootaloo spun around! Could it really be?! She blinked and rubbed her eyes. No, she wasn't seeing things. It was her parents: Her mom, Dizzy Twister, and her father, Quick Shot. "Mom?! Dad?! What are you two doing here?! I thought you were away at work?"

Dizzy Twister smiled. "Oh we were, but since everypony was so eager to see the Washouts here in Ponyville, the weather factory manager closed up shop early. Sorry we couldn't be here earlier."

"But it looks like your aunts had everything under control," Quick Shot added and looked across to Aunt Holiday. "Thanks for keeping an eye on her, sis. Looks like I owe you once again."

Holiday blushed and waved a hoof. "Oh it was nothing, really. Looking after this sweet little angel is reward enough."

Meanwhile, Lofty suggested. "But if there's going to be a fanclub for our favorite niece, you can count us in!"

Rainbow Dash smiled. "Excellent! The more the merrier!"

A short time later, as Scootaloo was looking on from outside, Rainbow Dash had decorated the clubhouse at Sweet Apple Acres. And several ponies big and small had gathered inside it, including not only Scootaloo parents and aunts, but also Rainbow Dash's parents: Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles (who of course longed for a chance to show their support for the filly had become like a second daughter to them). Not to mention her fellow Cutie Mark Crusaders, Diamond Tiara, and even Cheerilee.

Rainbow Dash cleared her throat, calling the meeting to order. "Welcome one and all to the first ever meeting of the newest fan club for the awesomest, previously under-appreciated pony in Ponyville! With founding member and president Rainbow Dash presiding, it's the... Scootaloo Fan Club!" She pointed to a poster of Scootaloo that hung above the podium.

The gathered fan ponies all clapped and cheered.

"Yeah! I knew you'd say that," Rainbow eagerly declared. "Now let's start discussing just what it is about Scootaloo that makes her so awesome and unique."

Meanwhile, Scootaloo (who was being held by Twilight) just commented. "You know, Rainbow Dash was right. Eavesdropping on your own fan club isn't all that weird. Thanks for helping me to see it, Twilight."

Twilight just smiled. "It's my pleasure, Scootaloo. And I hope now you understand that you are appreciated. So whenever you feel lost and alone, just think of all the ponies who know you and care about you, and you won't feel so lost and alone anymore."

"Believe me, Twilight. I know that now more than I ever did before." Scootaloo declared.

Author's Note:

First and foremost, for those who've just joined in this volume, I had already previously included Lightning Dust in my rewrite of "Rainbow Falls" which can be found here. In fact it was because of that rewrite that I knew I had to cover this episode in this rewrite volume.

A lot of people complain about how Lightning Dust is revealed as the villain late into the episode, whereas up to that point it was more ambigious. And they say it was done solely to make Rainbow Dash right. I'll admit that prior to "The Washouts" I was willing to play devil's advocate for Lightning Dust, and I still believe that what I said of her behavior in "Wonderbolts Academy" rings true and that she deserved another chance.

But those who complain about her being the villain in this episode ignore the fact that she wasn't exactly being subtle in her motivations. She made it clear from the get go that she blames Rainbow Dash for getting her kicked out of the Wonderbolts, meaning Lightning Dust thinks she did nothing wrong even after she endangered civilian lives because she wanted to show off. She also recruits Scootaloo into the Washouts knowing full well the filly hasn't had any stunt training, arguably tries to bribe Twilight with tickets (since Twilight could rat Lightning Dust out for child endangerment), and clearly delights in driving a wedge between Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash. If anything, Scootaloo should be blamed for not noticing the obvious warning signs. Especially when Lightning Dust admits she disregards all the safety rules the Wonderbolts follow and thinks that they're just there so the bolts can control who gets in and stays in.

Admittedly, parts of the episode at the beginning and the middle are spent on Rainbow Dash being self-centered and egotistical. And while they're trying to play it up for the sake of comedy and drama, it can make it hard to sympathize with her.

And while the episode doesn't outright say Scootaloo will never fly, it seems to more or less confirm her disability that Lauren Faust said she wanted Scootaloo to have. Whereas in "Flight to the Finish" they left it vague as to whether that was the case. Though as you can see from this rewrite and some of my other Scootaloo works, I still think they have ways of making Scootaloo fly if they really want to.

On the subject of Aunt Holiday and Auntie Lofty, they are from the Ponyville Mysteries chapter books (first introduced in book three: Riddle of the Rusty Horseshoe) and were given show canon designs in the third IDW comic of the same name (though the comics have no actual connections to the books). Their designs can be seen here:

And yes, when they are introduced Holiday is shown to kiss Lofty on the forehead and call her "dear". However, I do not wanna get into the subject of homosexual couples in children's media, and I encourage you all to be civil about it regardless of whether you support it or not. I already included them in a previous rewrite (more specifically my rewrite of "Secrets and Pies"), so it's not rewriting canon to promote an agenda.

As for Dizzy Twister and Quick Shot, they are my headcanon Scootaparents. Dizzy Twister is a somewhat popular background pegasus, and Quick Shot is technically an earth pony we see briefly at the end of "Tanks for the Memories" but since we never see pegasus hockey players I like to imagine that they would keep their wings tucked into their jackets. Both to protect their wings from the extreme cold and so as to not have an unfair advantage (wings could be used to block shots you couldn't block with hooves, wings being outward could also leave them vulnerable to injury from hockey sticks, hockey pucks, and collisions with other players).

Episodes to be rewritten:
Bloom and Gloom
The Times They Are a Changeling
Discordant Harmony (Bonus Chapter)
Fake It 'Til You Make It (Bonus Chapter)
The Parent Tracks Parts 1 and 2 (Two parter of the Parent Map)
Molt Down
Marks for Effort
A Matter of Principals
Friendship University
The Washouts
A Rockhoof and a Hard Place
Mother Knows Least? (Father Knows Beast)