• Published 23rd Jan 2019
  • 3,723 Views, 81 Comments

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic What If?: Volume 8 - SuperPinkBrony12

The eighth installment of a What If series that involves the rewriting of episodes. This one covers one episode each from Seasons 5-7, and then eleven rewrites of Season 8 episodes. (Warning!: Rewrites based on personal opinion. Please respect it!)

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S8 E4: Fake It 'Til You Make It (What If?) (Bonus Chapter)

Author's Note:

This one's probably a little easier to justify, but nevertheless I'm still going to explain it. "Fake It 'Til You Make It" was just another Fluttershy learns to stand up for herself episode that tried to disguise itself as something else entirely. What few good moments there might have been were overshadowed by how paper thin the plot was (after Fluttershy helps that first customer it feels like the episode could've ended there if not for the run time).

Meanwhile, Coco Pommel is completely absent for unexplained reasons, Sassy Saddles is reduced to a mute, and we get the first hint of how restrictive the school is to plots with the whole "I can't do this because of the school" (in this case Rarity has already asked everyone else and they're all unavailable, with Twilight in particular being absent because of the school). Yet we never get any clarification how Rarity can leave her classes with no specified replacement.

So instead, I decided to shift the focus to Sassy Saddles who got bumped into the intro in Season 8. It feels ridiculous to have added her only to not do anything with her (same goes for Shining Armor, who Season 8 seemed to pretend didn't exist). And also give the student six more episodes considering they were sorely lack all season (only a total of seven episodes focused directly or indirectly on them, with only two more having them along for the ride and two unrelated ones involving just Smolder).

Episodes to be rewritten:
Bloom and Gloom
The Times They Are a Changeling
Discordant Harmony (Bonus Chapter)
Fake It 'Til You Make It (Bonus Chapter)
The Parent Tracks Parts 1 and 2 (Two parter of the Parent Map)
Molt Down
Marks for Effort
A Matter of Principals
Friendship University
The Washouts
A Rockhoof and a Hard Place
Mother Knows Least? (Father Knows Beast)

Sassy Saddles could hardly believe the turn of events that transpired when her boss, Rarity, came bursting through the doors of Canterlot Carousel. The fashionista looked quite out of breath if the heavy panting was any indication. "Sassy! Oh thank goodness you're still here!" She exclaimed with relief. "I was worried you might have already closed up shop for the day!"

"Of course I'm still here, Rarity. Why would I be anywhere else?" Sassy Saddles innocently replied. "Whatever is the matter?"

"No time to explain, I need to get you on the next train to Ponyville!" Rarity answered. "You're my last hope! I've already asked everypony I can think of, not one of them can cover for me."

Sassy arched an eyebrow upward. "Do you mean your classes at that new school Twilight established? I've been meaning to go see it myself but have sadly never found the time."

Rarity nodded as she trotted up to Sassy and took her by the hoof. "Of all the days for that big fashion expo to fall on, it had to be a day when everypony else is double booked! But I didn't have the heart to tell Twilight to cancel my generosity classes, especially not when she's neck deep in planning the school year and schedule."

"But why do you need me? I've never been in a classroom before!" Sassy protested quite firmly. "Besides, who's going to watch Canterlot Carousel in my absence? You can't possibly expect a boutique like this to run itself."

"Not to worry, Coco Pommel will do your work," Rarity explained. "She's already got other sales associates to cover for her at Rarity For You. Now hurry, we're wasting time! That train will leave soon!" And she yanked Sassy away before the mare could utter a single syllable of protest.

Sassy let out a sigh. "How do I get into these kinds of situations?" She thought to herself. "Me? Setting hoof inside a school of friendship? I don't even know my way around Ponyville, let alone this school. I can't possibly be a substitute teacher even just for a day, can I?" The unicorn was about to find out.

Despite a relatively relaxing train ride to Ponyville, Sassy's nerves were still anything but calmed by the time she set hoof in the town proper. Especially since this was her first time ever being in it. At best prior to this she had heard it.

The same went for the School of Friendship, though the mare had to admit it was a gorgeous construction for a place like Ponyville. Almost too good for it you might say, almost being the key word.

Even so the unicorn knew better than to comment on building design. She was not an expert on that at all. So she just allowed herself to be led along by her boss, straight through the front doors of the school.

It wasn't long before Sassy had been brought into the headmare's office, and in this case the headmare was Twilight.

Twilight was (needless to say) a bit surprised to see Sassy Saddles of all ponies. "Oh, Sassy. What brings you to Ponyville? Here for a fashion show or something?"

Rarity stepped forward, clearing her throat. "Actually, Twilight, Sassy is here for a non fashioned related emergency. I daresay it's the first such emergency she's ever had to deal with."

"Oh, so you mean you're going to have her be a substitute teacher for your classes tomorrow?" Twilight deduced Rarity's logic. "Rarity, are you sure that's a good idea? I could easily get Cheerilee to fill the spot, or even cancel your classes and just give the students a paper assignment. Sassy hasn't been in a school environment at all."

"Neither have I, darling. Yet that didn't stop you from making me a teacher," Rarity explained. "I've had the honor to work with Sassy for a very long time now. I wouldn't ask her to do something if I had any doubts that she could pull it off. She was the best option available to me on short notice."

Sassy tried not to stammer. "What Rarity said. I'm... willing to be teacher for a day. It can't be any harder than managing a boutique all by myself, right?"

"Sassy are you sure you're up for it?" Twilight asked the unicorn. "This isn't a traditional school. Here at the School of Friendship we teach to ponies and non-ponies alike, and we teach them about the importance of virtues like generosity and loyalty."

Sassy waved a hoof. "Oh satin and silk, Twilight. You make it sound like I couldn't tell a blanket stitch from a machine stitch, or tell the difference between a cherry colored and a cinnamon colored ribbon. Compared to those things, being a substitute teacher will be easy enough."

Rarity beamed. "That's the spirit, Sassy! I knew you'd come around to my way of thinking! I guess it's all settled then."

"I guess it is," Twilight nodded. "Congratulations, Sassy. You're officially Rarity's substitute! I expect you here bright and early tomorrow. And don't worry, everything you need will be provided for you," Then she breathed a sigh of relief. "For a moment there, I was really afraid I'd have to postpone the lesson planning and figure out how to handle the first ever cancelled class."

Sassy laughed a bit. "Thank goodness that didn't happen." But on the inside she felt dreadfully nervous. "I can't believe I'm going through with this! I don't even know what came over me!" She thought. "I sincerely hope I haven't bitten off more than I could chew."

The next day came sooner than anyone would've expected. Sassy's worries kept her awake for most of the night and it was a miracle to her that she had ever managed to fall asleep. All the same when her alarm clock went off at the hotel room she was staying in, she was wide awake and ready to go.

The mare with a light blue coat trotted over to the school (she was never big on teleportation, took too much out of her) and found Twilight was already there, waiting for her with a big smile on her face! "Great, you're here! Right this way, please! And thanks again for agreeing to this, you're a life saver, Sassy! I mean it!"

"Bells and buttons, Twilight. You don't need to make such a big deal out of it!" Sassy protested. "I'm already quite jittery as it is. Do you think the students will accept me the way they've accepted Rarity?"

Twilight nodded. "They're a very understanding bunch, most of them are anyway," She led Sassy through the school, eventually stopping at a rather large classroom on the second floor. "Oh, by the way, Rarity wanted me to apologize in advance to you."

"Apologize? For what?" Sassy wondered even though she was certain she would regret asking.

"Because she had to catch the earliest possible train to that fashion expo, she didn't have time to set up a lesson plan for you," Twilight explained. "I'm afraid you'll have to wing it as best you can. Remember, you're teaching about generosity. The lesson needs to be something involving generosity."

Sassy gulped. "And I have to do that for every class?"

"Yes. Luckily, the biggest class is the first one of the day," Twilight replied to the frightened mare. "And most of the students aren't fully awake yet. Just do the best you can and don't hesitate to call me if you need help. My office is down the stairs and off to the left hoof side. You can't miss it. Best of luck, Sassy." And she departed with a waving hoof.

"Well, no turning back now. Nothing left to do but get out there and try to 'teach' the students!" Sassy thought to herself as she trotted into the classroom! "Time to buck up, Sassy! Remember the first rule they taught you in fashion pony school: Never let them see you tremble! If you show weakness the students will take advantage of it."

But just after Sassy had entered the classroom the bell rang to signal the start of the school day. Within mere moments the hallway was full of students all running, flying, or doing whatever kind of travel they preferred. The noise was deafening.

And then a sizeable portion of the crowd broke off and entered her classroom, taking their seats wherever they were available. What struck the mare as odd, was the fact that the lone griffon, dragon, changeling, yak, and hippogriff all sat next to each other in the front of the classroom. As did an unfamiliar earth pony colt with a coat that looked like sand you'd find on the beach.

The classroom was deathly silent for a moment as all the students eyed the stranger in their midst with varying looks of worry, hope, and most of all confusion.

At last, the blue feathered griffon broke the silence. "A substitute teacher, huh? Let me tell you how things work around here. We get lectures but no homework. And don't be alarmed if some of us slip out early or do other things."

The earth pony colt shot back a glare. "Gallus, don't be trying to take advantage of the substitute! That's not very generous of you," And then to Sassy he apologized. "Sorry about Gallus, he just likes to mess with others. It's a griffon thing I guess. By the way, name's Sandbar."

"Who are you, teacher?" The lone changeling asked. "I don't believe Professor Rarity's ever mentioned you before."

"Really?" Sassy responded. "She has never once mentioned her esteemed business partners? Not even off hoofedly? Well we shall soon correct that!" She picked up some chalk with her magic, writing her name on the board. "I am Sassy Saddles, and I shall be filling in for Professor Rarity today as she is attending an important fashion expo."

A pink feathered hippogriff cheerfully declared in a bubbly voice. "Ooh! I'm liking the sound of your voice! It's so... so... well I don't know what it is but it's nothing I've ever heard before! Even Professor Rarity doesn't talk like that!"

"Yona not care what pony sound like," The yak burst out. "Yona just here to learn about generosity, whatever generosity means. Professor Sassy Saddles going to teach us about generosity?"

Sassy tried not to blush. "Bless my buttons, you don't need to call me Professor Sassy Saddles! Just Sassy will do."

"You're our substitute teacher though, aren't you?" The orange scaled dragon questioned. "So that makes you a professor too, right? Not that I care, you ponies all have weird sounding names anyway."

"Well before I can teach you anything," Sassy declared as she picked up a clipboard. "There is the matter of attendance. After all, I need to know your names don't I?"

Sassy soon learned the names of the students. What struck her as most odd was that Sandbar, Gallus (the griffon), Smolder (the dragon), Yona (the yak), Ocellus (the changeling), and Silverstream (the hippogriff) seemed to be attached to each other. Perhaps they were friends, or maybe they were just really good classmates. The mare didn't really know either way.

But now there was the subject of teaching. Sassy would've been at a loss in just a regular classroom, but in one that was supposed to be about generosity she was beyond stumped. How did one teach generosity? How did one provide an example of it for the classroom?

The solution would come in the most unexpected of ways. Smolder looked at the substitute and without even waiting to be called on she blurted out. "So, what's with that long black dress you're wearing? Hardly anyone at this school wears any kind of clothing, aside from that hat Professor Applejack likes to wear for some reason."

The mare eyed the dress. "Oh, this little thing?" All of a sudden, an idea came to her. The answer to all her problems for the time being. "Well actually, there's a very fascinating story behind it. One that has to do with the very nature of generosity itself."

"Does it have a sappy ending where everything works out okay in the end? Seems like that's how most pony stories end," Smolder commented with a gag. "If I'd known this is what I was gonna get out of class today I'd have skipped it."

"And then you'd miss out on this awesome story that's about to be told!" Silverstream protested. "Come on, Professor Sassy! You gotta tell us!"

Yona pounded her desk in excitement! "Yes! Pony tell us how story behind dress is related to generosity and how we can learn about it. Yona ready to learn!"

All the other students leaned forward in their seats as well, their eyes all glued to Sassy now that she had captivated their attention.

The unicorn mare smiled. "Alright, I'll tell you. It all started back when yours truly was just starting out in the fashion world. Back when I was but a humble, low level intern for none other than Hoity Toity."

"Who?" Gallus asked.

"None other than one of the most magnificent fashion hot shots in the entire history of fashion hot shots!" Sandbar explained. "Now be quiet so I can hear the story!"

Sassy cleared her throat. "As I was saying. I was an intern for Hoity Toity, working at one of his boutiques in Canterlot." The memory started to come flooding back to her, as if it had all happened just yesterday.

Back when it had happened, Sassy was only slightly different from how she was now. While her mane and tail were still shaded, the style was not the same. Sassy had styled it so that it went into a bit of a bang over her left eye, while the right side hung like a ponytail. She was also a tad bit smaller in stature.

On most days she would be behind the counter, ringing up orders for whatever customers came in. Occasionally she might say something besides the usual "Thank you" or "Here's your change", but not often. Fresh out of fashion school (where she'd graduated in the middle of her class), the unicorn lacked the confidence (or mannerisms for that matter) that would later be associated with her. She also didn't yet wear that dress which nowadays she could never see herself parting with.

However, this was the day that would all change. And it had started out simple enough.

Hoity Toity clapped his hooves. "Sassy? Sassy Saddles? Would you come here for a bit, please?"

Sassy reluctantly trotted out from behind the counter. Very rarely did her boss call out to her like this and the few times he had it hadn't been for good reasons. So she was more than a little anxious as she approached the stallion for whom she currently worked. "Yes, boss? Did I do something wrong?"

Hoity Toity shook his head. "Absolutely not, Sassy. You've been a fine intern these past few weeks here at Fashion Is Us and I'm quite pleased with your work so far," With a smile on his face he lifted up his sunglasses and added. "Now you must learn how to manage the boutique itself. In particular, you'll need to learn how to deal with customers in a timely manner. No two customers are exactly the same, but our policy here at Fashion Is Us is always the same: 'The customer is always right.'"

"Always, sir?" Sassy questioned. "Don't take this the wrong way, but I've seen ponies come in here with barely an idea as to what they want. How can they always be right?"

Hoity simply smiled. "It can be so easy for those of us who've been around the block to assume we know what's best for our customers. That we're better than them. By focusing on the customers, by telling ourselves that they're always right, it keeps us humble. Humility is just as important as self-confidence, which is something you could stand to work on. You can't allow yourself to be so easily intimidated if you want to make a big splash in the fashion world some day."

The young intern tried to nod in sincerity, Hoity Toity had been telling her this for quite a while now but the lesson just didn't seem to be sticking. It's not that Sassy lacked confidence. But for some reason, all the knowledge and confidence left her the moment she was face to face with a customer. And it was always Hoity Toity or somepony else who was coming to her rescue.

Just then, there came the familiar jingling of the bell. An earth pony mare with a bright pink (and glittering) purse came trotting in.

Hoity Toity nudged Sassy forward. "Go on, my dear. The only way you'll learn is through experience. Give it a try."

Sassy tried her best to keep a straight face as she politely greeted the potential customer. "H-hello and welcome to Hoity Toity's Fashion Is Us, where we breath, sleep, and think fashion all day every day. M-my name is... S-Sassy Saddles. How can I... um, help you?"

"Yes," The mare replied. "I need something that's classic but can pass for modern. Something with drama but also understated if you know what I mean."

"Wait? Aren't those completely opposite of each other?" Sassy questioned. "I don't think you know what you want."

The mare simply snorted. "Excuse me, but who's the customer here? I know what I want, or was I speaking a foreign language somehow? Don't tell me that you're asking me how to do your job."

Hoity Toity stepped forward. "My apologies, madam. Sassy here is still learning the ropes. I think I have what you're looking for though. I'm thinking noir-esque minimalist but with a twist. Perhaps a tapered hem."

"No way!" The earth pony exclaimed! "That's exactly what I need! It's like you read my mind! Are you a mind reader?"

Hoity Toity just laughed. "Oh no, I'm no mind reader. I just have a knack for these sort of things. Now, step right this way and I'll ring it up."

Sassy watched the whole scene unfold, her eyes unable to focus on anything else. "Hoity Toity makes it look so easy! Why doesn't that mojo ever transfer to me when I need it most?" She thought.

After the customer had left, Hoity Toity trotted back over to Sassy. "I apologize for that, Sassy. That was a tough one for a pony like yourself to start out on."

"Oh Hoity, I just can't seem to keep my confidence when I'm talking to any of the customers," Sassy glumly remarked as she hung her head in sorrow. "What's wrong with me?"

Hoity put a hoof around his intern and reassured her. "Nothing's wrong with you, Sassy. You just need to find a way to bring out your inner strength," Then he eyed a long, black dress that was hung lonely in one of the dressing rooms, and an idea came to him. "Why not try a new outfit? Think of it as the costume for your role as... Shop Pony!" He exclaimed with realization. "You know what they say - 'clothes make the pony'. Put on that dress and style your mane some, you'll feel like a whole new pony."

"And you think that will work?" Sassy questioned. "I don't see how a change in outfit will make me any less nervous."

Hoity Toity grinned. "Oh you'll find out soon enough. Let's just say that you'll be surprised at how different you'll feel afterward."

"I'm... not sure. I kind of like who I am now." Sassy nervously declared.

But just then the door opened, and into the boutique trotted a dull brown coated unicorn stallion whose deep purple eyes seemed to reflect a look of impatience behind the red glasses on his snout. He was wearing a dark gray suit with a grayish-purple collar and a purple bow tie. And had a light-brown mane and tail as well as a cutie mark of scissors cutting through fabric. "Excuse me but what's the thread count of this shirt? I can't be seen in anything less than a thousand." He declared as he held up the left sleeve of his suit.

Hoity looked across to Sassy and gave her a knowing wink that seemed to convey "Get changed, I'll keep him busy."

Reluctantly, Sassy made her way to the dressing room where the black dress still hung. She took it off the hanger and put it on. Taking her boss' advice, she adjusted her mane so that it no longer fell into a bang or a curl. It was perfectly balanced on either side. She cleared her throat. "Severe but not unapproachable. Acceptable business attire," As she spoke she looked at herself in the mirror. "Hm, I... guess that's what a shop pony sounds like. I'll try it!" And then she approached the stallion Hoity had been idly conversing with earlier. "So sorry for the wait. The shop has some... staffing issues today." She apologized.

The stallion nodded. "Yes, well, I still haven't had an answer on this thread count. It's at least a thousand though, right?"

Sassy replied with bold confidence. "Here at Fashion Is Us you'll find that our merchandise defies any typical attempts to quantify its quality, but rest assured, it will make you the envy of all who see it."

The stallion smiled, satisfied with the answer. "Then in that case, I'll take three just like this one!" And he did just that, departing as soon as his purchase was rung up and he had payed for it.

Hoity Toity had to blink and rub his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things. This wasn't the same Sassy Saddles who had before been so easily intimidated by customers. But it didn't look like she had completely changed, on the outside she seemed to still be the same pony.

Sassy seemed to know what her boss was thinking, for she was quick to declare. "I can't believe that worked! You were right, boss. Clothes really do make the pony." Hoity Toity seemed to nod in agreement.

"Wait, is that it? That's the whole reason you wear that dress?" Silverstream questioned, snapping Sassy out of her memories. "I thought you were building to something much grander."

Smolder groaned. "I should've known you'd end it with one of those sappy pony story endings. I can't believe I actually fell for it this time."

"Now hold on, hold on! You're being much too hasty!" Sassy protested. "It wouldn't be much of a story if it just ended there. And there's still so much I have yet to tell. In fact, I'm just getting to the good part."

The students' ears all picked up. "Good part?" Gallus asked. "What do you mean by 'good part'?"

"Sassy obviously means to tell more of story! Professor must tell us what happened next!" Yona pleaded! "Yak love an exciting story like that."

Sandbar nodded and made a shushing motion with his hooves. "Quiet, everyone. Some of us are trying to listen. This story beats anything I could ever tell."

Sassy smiled. "Thank you, Sandbar. Now as I was saying, I'm just getting to the good part. At least, it's the good part in retrospect. At the time, I don't think Hoity Toity thought it was so good."

"Well, Sassy, I think we've finally found the answer to your problem!" Hoity Toity declared. "I knew I made the right call in bringing you on as an intern."

Sassy giggled. "Being a shop pony is great fun, and it's so easy. Don't know why I ever struggled with it before."

"We all have to begin somewhere, darling," Hoity advised. "But if you keep this up I see good things in your future. For now though, we'll alternate between customers. One success is fine but you can't let it convince you that suddenly you know everything."

"Actually, why don't you let me manage the boutique for a while? I want to know what I'm truly capeable of," Sassy pleaded with Hoity. "Please? This is my chance to put this internship to good use, and with it I feel I could go places!"

"I don't know, Sassy," Hoity pondered as he put a hoof to his chin. "I'd be taking a huge risk leaving the entirety of Fashion Is Us in your hooves. I'm not sure you're up to it just yet."

Undeterred, Sassy turned up the charm and the cajoling. "Please, sir. It'll only be for a few hours. After all, the day is already half over. And didn't you tell me that you expected great things out of me when you hired me?"

"Well, I did, but..." Hoity Toity began only to trail off.

Sassy pressed further. "So let me manage the boutique, just this once. And if it doesn't work out I promise I won't ask again, I'll wait until you think I'm ready."

Hoity tried his best, but he found himself unable to resist the pleading look Sassy was giving him. He always was a sucker for such pouty faces. "Oh, very well, Sassy. You've convinced me."

Sassy practically leaped for joy at that statement, pulling her boss close and giving him a bone crushing hug! "Oh! Thank you, sir! Thank you SO much! I won't let you down, I promise!"

Hoity nodded. "See that you don't. This actually works out for the better anyway, I had some errands I needed to get done but I was going to wait another day to do them. However, I shall do them now and return before the day is over." And with that, as if to make himself heard he departed the boutique.

Not long after Hoity had left, a rather plump unicorn mare with a dull purple coat came trotting in. She wore a sea green jacket, a light purple and white mane and tail, eyes a faint sea green, and jewelry on her ears, the hem of her jacket, and her legs.

"May I help you?" Sassy asked the unicorn.

The unicorn bluntly nodded. "Yes. I've got a bit of an accessory problem. As you can plainly see I like my accessories to be bold and shiny, and I'm just not seeing anything nearly bold and shiny enough."

Sassy only shook her head and told her fellow unicorn. "Well I'm afraid that bold and shiny won't work with your whole... modelle," She paused for a moment, then thought. "Perhaps... pointy."

"Pointy? Yes! I must have pointy!" The unicorn demanded and was soon "rewarded" by having a jewelry display placed atop her forehead, balancing very poorly on her horn.

But Sassy just held up a mirror with her magic and said. "Not everypony can pull off a found object, but you... nearly get there."

"Thank you! You've made my day!" The unicorn nodded and trotted away, appearing to ignore the wobbling display adorned atop her head.

Moments later, a pegasus mare roughly the same age and size as Sassy flew into the boutique. Her purple eyes reflected a look of impatience, which complimented her brownish-red mane and tail (the same color as the shirt she was currently wearing). She wore dark blue pants with a lighter blue scarf like appearance to the upper part, and had a grayish-green coat. "Hey, you there!" She demanded of Sassy. "I need, like, a red carpet glitz-and-glamour gown that's also casual, but, like, still artsy and a total head-turner. You know what I mean?"

With her usual confidence Sassy replied. "Yes. Casual chic prêt-à-porter is very branché this season as you will soon see."

The pegasus just waved a hoof, brushing aside the comments as if they meant nothing. "Like, I don't understand any of that stuff, so, like... I don't care about it? Now you gonna, like, help me out? Or do I, like, have to get the manager?"

"O-oh, no need for that!" Sassy pleaded as all of a sudden her newfound confidence seemed to leave her. "Uh, just a moment, please! I'll... I'll get right on it!" And she retreated to the safety of the back dressing room, panting and wiping the sweat from her brows. "Okay, Sassy, calm down. You can do this!" Then she noticed an old outfit out of the corner of her eye. "Although, a change of attire probably wouldn't hurt. If you want to think like the customer, you must first dress like the customer!"

And dress she did, the mare took off the black dress that had inspired her confidence just a short time ago and replaced it with a purple bowler hat with white trim, a matching jacket, and purplish-pink glasses. Then she came back out of the dressing room with a similar outfit for the pegasus. "Sorry to keep you waiting," She apologized. "Okay, listen. I've got, like, this high-key savage look for you, okay? It's a totally live ensemble with little, like, thingies that sparkle and will make the whole squad go, 'Whoa! That pony is 'woke'! Know what I mean?"

The pegasus mare nodded, scooping up the dress as she declared. "I do! That is, like, exactly what I need!"

But almost as soon as the pegasus mare had departed, an earth pony stallion dressed in nothing but a blackish-blue jacket (he'd even dyed his mane and tail black) looked around with his grayish-blue eyes reflecting a sense of not really caring about anything. In a gravely voice he demanded. "Ugh, this store is just a desperate wasteland of nothingness. Do you have anything in black?"

Like with the previous customer, Sassy found herself unable to feel confident with what she was currently dressed in. But that could easily be fixed. "Can you, like, chill for one sec? BRB," She declared and zipped away. She came back out a short time later with a plain black dress, and her eye lids painted black. "It's not like the futility of shopping can actually be made better with black leather and metal studs, but they help." She told the stallion in a voice equally as raspy as his.

The stallion hesitated for a moment, but then he took the jacket offered to him. "That jacket completes me. I guess I'm supposed to thank you."

"Hey, why'd you stop?" Ocellus questioned Sassy. "You just left off after you helped that pony find a black jacket. There's gotta be more to the story than that, right?"

Silverstream was leaning forward in her seat! "I never knew clothes could make a pony turn into entirely different personas! I wonder what would happen if I started dressing up?"

Sandbar only laughed. "Clothes don't make you transform. It's not the clothes that make the pony, it's the pony that makes the clothes. Whatever that's supposed to mean."

"This is something I didn't learn until it was almost too late," Sassy Saddles informed the class. "And the reason why I stopped is because... what happens next is something I'm not proud of. Something I consider perhaps my greatest failure in life, along with almost running Canterlot Carousel right into the ground."

Smolder wasn't deterred. "Hey, you came this far and class isn't letting out yet. So come on, Professor Sassy! Tell us what happened next! We're all ears!"

"Yona want more! Tell Yona more!" Yona eagerly demanded. "Ponies always stop stories in the middle of something interesting."

"You're sure you want to know? Like one hundred percent sure?" Sassy asked the students. "I assure you, it's not pretty. Not at all."

"Try us!" Gallus demanded. "Nothing phases us. Or at least, nothing phases me. I've heard just about everything in my life."

A quick glance around the classroom revealed to Sassy that she was outnumbered and likely outvoted on this decision. "Might as well give them what they want." She thought and cleared her throat. "All right. Just remember, you all asked for this. And I did warn you." And this is how the rest of her story unfolded:

Between the three roles she had created for herself, Sassy had no trouble changing back and forth between them in order to deal with the various customers that came in. "I should convince Hoity Toity to let me run things more often. I'm doing a bang up job!" She thought to herself.

Unfortunately, because it was so easy for the young mare to slip into the roles it was just as easy for the persona of the roles to overtake her. Soon she had forgotten all about trying to help the customers, each of her personas felt they knew far more than the customers.

Her "woke" persona started telling customers things like "Whoa, that color is, like, almost too lit for you? Don't you think?", and "I would srsly help you right now, but, like, I don't wanna, you know? You gotta, like, help yourself."

Her snobby persona began to make rude remarks such as "This here hemline is nothing short of an inspiration of fine craftsponyship. Are you really sure you deserve it?", and "I wouldn't think that it was actually possible to make something so dowdy even more matronly, but here you are, wasting everypony's time."

And her "flat" persona expressed such things as "The blackness of this vest is a reflection of your soul. Don't waste your time on it." and "It's like a scream in the void, empty and ultimately meaningless. So why even bother?"

This went on and on for quite some time, with aliennated customers piling up by the wayside. At last, just when it seemed like there was no end, who should come back into the boutique but Hoity Toity himself?

"What is going on here?!" The fashion expert demanded. "Sassy Saddles, what in the name of Celestia is the meaning of all this?!"

If Sassy Saddles was at all intimidated she didn't show it, for she just trotted up to Hoity Toity and kissed him lightly on the cheek while declaring in her snobbish voice. "Hoity Toity, I'm glad you're here. You are a pony who should understand that the couture in this shop is far too brilliant to even consider selling! Especially not to these ponies who clearly don't know what they want," Then she started to change to her "woke" persona. "You, like, totally get how lame these customers are? Ugh!" And then she adopted her "flat" persona. "Watching them all leave has filled me with a sweet sadness that will never be replaced."

Hoity Toity was silent for but a moment before something inside him snapped! He didn't usually raise his voice, so the fact that he did was an indication as to just how mad he was. "That does it! Sassy Saddles, you have forced my hoof on this matter! You leave me little choice," Looking her square in the eyes he gestured a hoof. "You are terminated! Now get out of my boutique!"

The snobbish Sassy Saddles (she had changed back while Hoity Toity was grumbling about "something") just declared. "Well, good luck trying to replace me! Humph, of all the nerve!"

"Well, thankfully I— " Hoity Toity began before he let out a squeak as the "meh" Sassy appeared before him.

"Thanks for getting rid of her," The "meh" Sassy flatly answered. "I always thought she was way too controlling."

Hoity Toity struggled not to rub his eyes. "You— you— you are terminated, too! Get out!"

The "meh" Sassy obeyed. "Whatever. Nothing lasts forever."

Hoity Toity breathed a sigh of relief, only to shriek again when the third and finally Sassy presented herself. "H-how?!"

The "woke" Sassy just giggled. "I know, right? I mean, uh, ugh? Whatever?"

"Well actually, you're, like, totally terminated as well! So, like, leave!" Hoity demanded.

"Like, okay. If you, like, insist." The "woke" Sassy replied and that was that.

Or at least, that's how it seemed to Hoity. But he was surprised when he saw Sassy return, still wearing the dress and the mane cut he'd last seen her in before leaving her to run the boutique. However, she seemed to have the persona of her pre-mane cut state considering what she next said. "I guess I owe everypony an apology, especially you, boss. I really wanted to prove I could make it here in the fashion big leagues, and I wanted so desperately to impress you. But it seems I might have taken my shop pony characters a little too far."

Hoity sighed. However, this time the sigh was one of compassion. "Sassy, this isn't what I meant when I said a new outfit could make you a whole new pony. I most certainly didn't want you to forsake the golden rule of my boutique: The customer is always right."

Sassy just hung her head in shame. "I'm really, truly sorry, sir. It just became so easy to lose myself in the roles I assigned to those costumes. It helped me to feel more confident and in control. But what I didn't realize was that I was losing control. The more I did it, the more I lost part of who I was until I became just another face, another character."

"You had the right idea originally, Sassy. Allowing yourself to adopt a new outlook and a new 'can do' attitude was fine," Hoity explained. "Of course you weren't going to automatically learn how to handle every single type of customer you'd meet. That's something you learn as you go along. By the time you get to my level of success, that's when you can safely say you know how the customer thinks. And even then, there's always a chance to learn something new. New types of customers come in all the time because fashion is always changing, just as we are always changing. Do you understand?"

"I... think I do," Sassy admitted even as she was scratching her head with a hoof. "I'm still terminated though, aren't I?"

Hoity nodded ever so reluctantly. "I'm afraid so. It's going to take a lot to lure back all the customers you drove away with your behavior, and while I believe in second chances what you did is not something I can just overlook."

"I understand, sir," Sassy reluctantly responded. "Wish me luck in my future career endeavors, wherever they may lead me."

"I'll do more than that, Sassy," Hoity smiled. "Despite what happened here today, you were a fine intern. I'll put in a good word for you if you wish to put me down as a contact, though if asked I won't deny this incident. Feel free to keep that dress, though. I've been trying and trying but I haven't found anypony who will take it. Perhaps it was meant to worn by you."

"And ever since that day, I have always worn this dress. It serves as a reminder to me that I am just a pony, and in my line of work the customer is always right." Sassy Saddles concluded.

Gallus raised a claw very reluctantly. "Not that that wasn't a 'compelling' story, but what does any of what you just told us have to do with generosity? Sounds more like a lesson in kindness, or honesty, or maybe even loyalty or laughter."

"That's... actually a valid point," Sandbar realized. "Why did you tell us this story, Professor Sassy?"

"Are you sure all of that really happened? Sounds like those 'tall tales' ponies like to tell." Ocellus commented.

Sassy nodded. "I assure you, it was as real as real can be. Just ask Hoity Toity, he still likes to talk about it from time to time. Never in public, you understand. Bad things always happen to ponies who gossip."

"But what about the generosity lesson?" Smolder asked. "We're supposed to be learning about it in this class. But class time's almost up and I don't think we've learned anything at all, let lone anything having to do with generosity?"

The unicorn mare just grinned. "Well, think about it, young ones. How would you define Hoity Toity's decision to not only let me run his boutique for a few hours, but also allow me to keep the dress I wear now?"

"This a pop quiz?" Yona inquired of Sassy. "Yak not good at pop quizzes."

"Oh seaquins and satin, of course it's not a pop quiz," Sassy chuckled. "I'm not one of those substitutes. Just think about the question I asked. The answer should be pretty obvious."

"Ooh! I'm not too good at thinking! My mind's always buzzing with ideas!" Silverstream complained. "So many things to study! Come on, brain! I need you to pull through for me on this one!"

To the surprise of everyone in the room it was Ocellus who got it first! "Of course! Now it all makes sense! That was generosity that Hoity Toity displayed in your story! And that's why you told it to us."

"Hey, Ocellus is right!" Sandbar realized and then with a grin he teased. "Pretty clever of you, Professor Sassy. You got to us learn without us ever knowing we were learning."

"That was my intention. Not bad for a first time substitute, wouldn't you agree?" Sassy Saddles asked the classroom with a wink.

"Wait! All this time you were a green horn?!" Gallus exclaimed! "You seemed so sure of yourself when you were teaching us."

Sassy winked again. "That's a testament to how great I am at getting into character without losing control of myself," Just then, the bell rang to signal the end of class. "Well, that's all for now. I assure you that this time tomorrow, I will not be here and Professor Rarity will be here. But if any of you are ever in Canterlot and should happen to stop at Canterlot Carousel, you'll probably see me."

"You mean, you're not going to be a substitute again? Even though you're good at it?" Silverstream asked as the students began to rise from their desks.

"Well... maybe I'll come back once or twice if there's a vacancy," Sassy decided. "It'll be unannounced in advance of course, no need to spoil the surprise." Yet in the back of her mind she was thinking. "Why did I just say that?!"

Sandbar chuckled slightly. "Well for what it's worth, you were an excellent substitute! We'll be sure to tell Professor Rarity how well you did! See you again soon, hopefully."