• Published 29th Jan 2019
  • 6,528 Views, 376 Comments

The Dragon Lord's Legacy - Little_Draco

Spike awakens and his time to return to world has come. With added family, grown body and new challenges to face, Spike will find the world has changed without him and he must adapt, even if pain must come from it.

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Dragon Lord’s Legacy


Spike had endured many things in his life. His youth had been filled with adventure that few would dare try to handle or manage. Being the only one of his kind for a solid decade didn’t matter to him just because he had friends and family.

Yet… when he knew that there were dragons like him out there, it became a personal mission to find out more about his origins and where he came from.

The discussion of his origins… was left ambiguous by Celestia, whom he had considered a mother. Not just because Twilight was too young to take care of him, but because she did take care of him. Yes, she put him with Twilight’s family when she couldn’t take care of him, allowing a second mother, Twilight Velvet to raise him, but Celestia ultimately raised him to be everything he was now. She always seemed so certain that she knew not why or how she came upon his egg.

That now seems to have been a lie…

His dragon mothers, Eliyinsa and Zynthia had only a year with him but it was enough to embed their love and care for him, with some slight adjustments, to his mind as he lay comatose. But it was Eliyinsa that had tried to piece together his past, looking into his mind and searching for his beginnings. And she did try but his mind was complex and jumbled, not gaining anything from his memories.

But now something once hidden had surfaced…

His history, his origins, his life was being offered to him. Spike could find out what was going to be his past and perhaps… who his parents were and that was something he had always wanted… right?

...So then why did the four of the powerful females he had ever met, the ones who cared for him, the ones who loved him… look so distraught that they figured out his origins?

Why did his pony mother Celestia and his pony aunt Luna, look torn? Celestia was heartbroken, not hiding her pain or sadness behind her usual mask of stoic or majesty. Her own sister, Luna was disturbd and somewhat heartfeld upon hearing his origins. He saw the same look she had when she was released from her curse as Nightmare Moon and the knowledge she had been gone for a thousand years by the near horror she had unleashed.

Then his draconic mothers. Of the two, Eliyinsa was the most devastated, the one who seemed more afflicted then the others. Despite having given him choices on what he wanted, there was a need… no, it was a plea of the highest order, to NOT ask of his past, to let it stay in the past.

Zynthia was just as destroyed but her eyes betrayed inner anger and pain. None of it was directed at him, but of the past, his past.

...However, whatever his past involved them all, has severely broken their spirits and perhaps what happiness they may have had for him.

A squeeze on his palm suddenly brought him back to focus and he looked down to see the blue claws of Ember. He looked up and saw the beautiful and worried face of his life mate, his other half, and right now, she wasn’t sure about the situation right now either. She was just here to make sure that whatever he chose, it was going to be comforted by her and she would not let him fall again.

He finally managed to gain his wits with him and stare up at his mothers, seeing their faces. What choice he made could affect his life; Maybe not now, but later in life. What would his life be if he knew about his past and didn’t like it? It was sure enough of a good reason not to ask if his family was distraught to learn of it.

Maybe like his mother had said during the trials, perhaps it's best if the past stays in the past. The details could be… painful.

Swallowing, he managed to speak out. “If… if what you have all learned from this has made you…” He couldn’t find the words to describe the situation, though a few come to mind like morbid, terrified, or downright heartbroken, might be close. “... if you are scared, not just for yourselves, then for me, then I rather not know.” A pause and he shakily walked towards them, leaving Ember back. “I would rather keep my past there and maybe… keep the pain there too.”

A visible wave of relief washed over them, their bodies having been once tense, now caused them all to relax somewhat. Eliyinsa however still held a gloomy look over her, a wave of new tears falling from her. She lowered her head to him and met his eyes. “My dear son… I am sorry,” she said lowly, low anguish leaving her voice but slowly being quenched. “I-I know this must be difficult to know but from what we know, its best this way.” She then turned to Celestia and Zynthia. “What we have pieced together of your origins makes this difficult and whatever you may think of it,” She turned back towards him and her violet eyes met his green ones. “Please know this…. We all love you. We, your pony family, Celestia, Luna, your mother, I and all your friends and all those you have bonded with, love you with all our hearts.”

“While the burning desire to know what is your origins may be difficult to let go, know that as we move on with your future and ours, we will always do our best to keep you happy and make sure that you know we love you everyday for the rest of our lives.”

“She is right,” His pony mother Celestia acknowledged, approaching him. Zynthia and Luna surrounded him. “For the past is difficult to forget, it is best that we move from it and focus on your future. Wherever your path leads, we will help you along and so will your friends, family-” She gave a nod and a smile to Ember. “And your lovers.” She focused back on him. “We all will be by your side.”

Spike’s heart beat with a fire that he only could have experienced with Ember. It was a different one, but one that felt nearly the same. Both of his families, pony and dragon, were going to stick with him, ignoring whatever horrible or obscure past he had and instead going to do their best… to care about him and his future.

He reached out with his left arm to pull Eliyinsa and with his right, Celestia, towards him. Both came in and he instantly hugged both of them, giving a few hiccups of joy, knowing that his family really did care.

Zynthia and Luna also approached and did their best to include themselves in. Spike silently cried to his family, holding them tightly and dearly feeling better now and more, since he arrived.

Away from the group, Ember was just happy and relieved knowing that this had been sorted out. Whatever terrible fate or queer past Spike originated from, it didn’t matter to him, her or… at the very least others, so long as he was going to be happy to be surrounded by others.

Far away from the group, the rest of the ponies and dragons, who have been watching, were starting to get restless.

“So… anypony know what is going on?'' Asked a confused and irritated Rainbow Dash. “This has me a bit tense about what just happened earlier and now everything is all… lovey dovey.”

“Rainbow Dash! Can’t you see that clearly something may have been affecting Spikey-Wikey and his past?” Rarity stated with a small huff. “Perhaps it is something personal that involved all of them.”

“Pfft! Spikey-Wikey!” Amethyst let out a loud chortle. “Oh… that is so good!”

Rarity gave the pink dragoness a glare. “Now don’t you dare, missy! That is our name for him, not yours!”

“Too late! That is what I’m gonna call him from here on out about anything he is being cute or snarky with us!” The grin that was on the pink dragoness made Rarity grumble.

The others rolled their eyes but it was Cadance, who had pushed them back, that seemed to be relieved somehow, same with Shining Armor. He pulled her in close and sighed. “I can’t imagine how rough this might have gotten if…”

Cadence nodded, though before she could respond, Pinkie Pie quickly got in their faces. “Hey! What aren’t you guys telling us? We have to know what is wrong with Spike? Is it something bad? Are we going to find out eventually? Will we get a prologue or a flashback scene eventually down the road where only the readers get to read it but not us but it may come back sometime later down the line and we only know about it until it's too late or something and- Mmhmph!”

A baby blue magic surrounded Pinkie’s mouth, with Starlight sighing and pulling her back. “Sorry, I think that while she really wants to know, same with the rest of us, I don’t think that we have the right to ask you or even any of the Princesses.”

Cadence nodded and she looked back towards Spike and his mothers. “Yes, I know you want to find out but that is Spike’s secret and his mothers. It was his choice not to know and to keep that way. Some things are better if they stay in the past and move on from it. The heart can only take so much before it can break and never heal.”

Twilight had been silent the whole time, trying to assess the situation, trying to understand what had just happened in a matter of five minutes. From happiness, to anger, to fear, to sadness and now… acceptance. While she saw what had happened between the Princesses and Spike’s…. mothers? She knew that it must’ve been far more complex than she could understand, especially if Spike’s origins had been brought up. Yet she knew that even though she desperately wanted to try and find out what had happened, her insane level of intelligence and curiosity demanded that she find out this information, she learned to listen to her heart for now and let this go.

After a few moments of their hug, the family separated and Eliyinsa and Zynthia are relieved that the issue was temporarily resolved but there were still some issues still left.

“Son, while I am happy this has been dealt with, I fear that we must return to the Dragon Lands and speak with the other Elders. There is a new problem with our information that may come down later.”

This caused him some concern. “Am I… in danger?”

While they wanted to instantly deny it, their vows to tell the truth were now coming to play. It begged whether it would be worth the lie or face the ugly truth later. Swallowing, Zynthia answered.

“For now, we don’t know and while it doesn’t directly involve you, we know what dangers came of your origins and how we must try to avoid any conflict in the future. As you have chosen to ignore mentioning, it is best that until we can resolve it with the other Elders and perhaps other dragons in the lands, you stay here.”

“With this event taking before you,” Zynthia then looked towards the Dragon Lord. “-Or your time, neither of you can really provide or do much to sway them.”

“It will also be impossible to get anything done if you are there, even if you are innocent.” Eliyinsa added. Spike and Ember acknowledged this, giving her a nod. Her eyes then turned to Celestia and she gave a small bow,

“I thank you, Princess Celestia for doing your best for my… our son. I am thankful he has been raised by your kind and wonderful heart.” Celestia felt warmth at the praise from her, she in turn gave a bow back.

“It was within my duty and… perhaps privilege to do so, but I also thank you for bringing him back.” She then raised her head and then paused. She thought about what she wanted to say, trying to remain ambiguous with how she wanted to speak more without mentioning the past.
“I hope that perhaps one day, we can speak on better terms when things are much… merrier.”

“As do we,” Eliyinsa agreed. “But fate has a way of guiding us to a different road, a different direction, that none of us can truly comprehend.” The black dragoness then refocused on her son. “Spike, please don’t let whatever happened between us stop you from rejoining your family here. Enjoy the time you can here, so when you return back, you can tell us of everything.”

“Return?” Asked Princess Luna. “Is he not going to return home here?” While it was a curious question, there was a weight to it. Ember stepped up to clarify.

“Spike has bonded with me and the Bloodstone Scepter permanently. Just like before, we cannot be far from the Dragon Lands for too long. I can explain it a bit more, but by the week’s end, we must return.”

This did not sit well for either Princess, yet they would get an explanation later.

Feeling this was it, Zynthia and Eliyinsa both leaned in and brushed against Spike. “Please take care, son. We will deal with whatever issues may come together when you return.”

Spike wrapped his arm around each head as best as he could. He blew a small kindle to each of them. “Thank you, both of you. I’m so glad that this worked out.”

“As are we.” Pulling away, she then turned to the other ponies, who finally seemed to be joining once the all clear was given. “I apologize to each and everyone of you here. While we can’t explain what has fully happened here, Spike is without a doubt the most wonderful dragon to have entered our lives. Each of us have been blessed with knowing, cherishing and loving him and I am glad to know that no matter where he is here in Equestria, you will be there to help and guide him.”

Each pony vibrated with the praise or the happiness of hearing the words directly, a small scan of their minds indicated. The rainbow one however seemed boastful at the praise while the pink one was… chaotic but cheerful nonetheless.

The fourth princess, Twilight, had many things on her mind but the biggest one was praise and joy, especially since she had her brother back… even if for a time. Choosing not to probe any further, she and her mate made their way from them. “When all this is settled, perhaps we can all rejoice the happiness Spike has brought us and more.”

The ponies all agreed. Opening their wings, both mothers turned to them. “Take care, my young ones, we will return soon.” It looked like Eliyinsa wished to say more but her face broke in anger for a fraction of a second. Turning to her mate, she nodded and both took heavy flaps. The ponies shielded their eyes as the heavy flaps created powerful gusts of wind. In a matter of moments, they were airborne and soon, were heading back south.

Spike, Ember, Amethyst and Smolder watched as the two Elders flew away, with speed that they had not come here with. A sort of desperation to leave, though Spike saw it as an attempt to prevent some sort of trouble that has yet to come.

They all watched as the black and red shapes flew south until they were gone. For the first time in a year, Spike felt a bit worried knowing that his mothers were gone but the fact that he was surrounded by his other family compensated.

Finally, the ponies and four dragons managed to start over properly, and begin their introduction. Spike officially and properly announced to his family and friends his status with Ember and the others, this time so they could clearly hear them.

“Ember is my life mate and I am hers, these two are her hoard members, Smolder and Amethyst.” Smolder waved shyly while Amethyst just gave a flaming burp, and a grin. “Hiya! Official greetings from the Dragon Lands.”

“I never agreed to that!” Ember remarked. “I even told you that before we became a hoard!”

A chuckle left Dash. “That would be so awesome if it was!”

“Right?!” Amethyst then turned to Ember. “See, even the pony here thinks its great!”

“Wait, wait, wait!” Pinkie jumped in front of all of them. “Your married?!” She practically yelled, even though she already heard it before. “And you have a herd?!!!”

At this point it clicked to everypony that indeed, Spike was considered married in pony standards and has obtained or part of what is a ‘herd’ in pony standards. Reactions came from different ponies. Four of the mane six including Starlight went slack-jawed with only Rainbow and Apple nodding in approval. Shining looked or seemed impressed, maybe even downright proud of his little brother. Cadence was bouncing lightly on the tip of her hooves, eyes dancing with joy and possibly planning a proper wedding in her head. Celestia was looking a bit baffled though not in any negative light. The only one who wasn’t fully affected seems to be Luna. In fact, her demeanor seemed a bit amused and thoughtful.

“Well done, young Spike!” She congratulated him. “A young male such as yourself landing a herd or hoard will do wonders to bring many foa- er… is the term ‘hatchlings’, correct here?” She looked at the two other dragonesses.
“Are you two ready and willing to bare the many eggs of our dear nephew in the years to come, or is Ember the one that will bare his eggs first and then you two will lay next?”

Ember, Spike and Smolder looked away bashfully or embarrassed at the Lunar alicorn’s question, while Amethyst gave a small snort of flames. “Not for a long time, princess. Sides, I’d rather watch the action then receive the action of a spire.”

Many reactions were received, given or seen with a majority being shock or confusion(the more innocent members of the group) with Shinning laughing his head off and Cadence merely disappointed at not being able to be an aunt to many hatchlings, but content with just being one in general. Luna gave a small nod in understanding while Celestia looked at her sister indictantly.

While Spike knew that it was meant to be a compliment, it didn’t help that no matter where he went, no matter whose family it was, it felt like he couldn’t get away from his sex life… or the future of it.

The innocent one of the group finally spoke. “What does she mean by taking a spire? What does that have to do with laying eggs or action?” Twilight asked.

Oh…. so good to be home.

Author's Note:

Yes! THe continuation and the postive outcomes of your choice! With spike returning home, we will see in the next few chapters in the time of how much has changed since Spike as been gone for a year!
With that year gone, how much has changed? What events have transpired with or without his intervention! And what new interesting times with him and his hoard will have on the happinest place on Equss?!?! Stay tuned and thanks for all your support!
Quick note: The homecoming title was added last second so not sure if it would make sense with this situation or not but it was the only one I can think of, sorry.😓