• Published 29th Jan 2019
  • 6,528 Views, 376 Comments

The Dragon Lord's Legacy - Little_Draco

Spike awakens and his time to return to world has come. With added family, grown body and new challenges to face, Spike will find the world has changed without him and he must adapt, even if pain must come from it.

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Homecoming: Acceptance

Dragon Lord’s Legacy

Homecoming: Acceptance

Spike managed to get away from the heavy situation from Cadence and avoid answering his life mate about hatchlings. The topics are coming so heavily and frequently that he half wondered what fate Draco and Wistala had planned for him when the time came. Cadence managed to get lost in the crowd as more ponies began to swarm her with questions about marriage and love, etc.

He moved past her and wanted to reach out to local friends but, a bit of dismay hit him when he was made aware that they had established their lives since his departure. Rainbow was off with the Wonderbolts, Fluttershy and Discord were off to who knows what dimension. Pinkie was up in Canterlot prepping for the Festival of Friendship along with Applejack. Big Mac was apparently dating somepony named Sugar Belle. He thought he might have stayed with Cheerilee or one of Pinkie’s sisters.

While he knew that they had their own lives, it would have been nice to see them a bit more. The only one who may have been available would be Rarity and he felt like it would be nice to see her again.

He guided his hoard towards the Carousel Boutique, causing a small jump in her step and joy to cover Smolder’s eyes. Upon entering, signaling the little bell above, he saw it currently vacant. Rarity called out from the back.

“I’ll be right with you darlings! Just a moment!” She sang. His heart would have normally fluttered before when she sang or spoke, reminding him of his days of his crush on her. Now… now it was gone and whether that was a good or bad thing, he could not tell.

“It’s alright Rarity, it's just me and my hoard.” He responded back.

“Spikey?” Amethyst snorted and teased him.

“Yes, it's Spikey Wikey coming to visit!” The pink dragoness toyed with his name. He gave her the stink eye though Smolder tittered at the nickname.

A few moments later, Rarity came out from the back and was just as lovely as ever. In his younger days, every time he laid eyes on her, it was as if Faust herself purposely made it so that if his eyes caught her, he would be struck by a love arrow and fall deeply in love for the mare in white. Her coat of pristine snow, her violet mane and tail and her voice of an angel.

Right now though, he was seeing a beautiful mare that he knew and only as a friend and for the first time in his life since he had met and fallen for, he was okay with it.

“Oh, Hello Spike!” She then gave a quick graceful bow to Ember. “Dragon Lord Ember. Amethyst and Smolder.”

“Amy, don’t you dare burp, we are inside!” Growled a warning from Ember.

Rarity froze in sligh fear upon hearing that but Amy just gave a grunt. “I know that! Especially inside!” She huffed and crossed her arms. “Besides, I don’t want to be burning pony things down unless I’m allowed to.”

“Yes… please do not set my home on fire.” Rarity said with a nervous chuckle before turning to Spike. “Well then, what can I do for you four?”

Spike gave a small shrug. “I just wanted to show my hoard here around town as well as our friends, but…” He wilted lightly. “-I know that they are off doing their own thing elsewhere.”

Rarity nodded in understanding. “Of course Spike and while I would be no different, I am just here until tomorrow then off to prepare for the Friendship Festival and will be leaving for business trips up in Manehattan right after.” A pause as her eyes noticed that while Ember and Amy were checking out her clothing, Smolder was practically intrigued by a few dresses, studying each one like a foal in a toy store.

Spike noticed her eyes going to Smolder and he knew that, perhaps she would help the young dragoness get more accustomed to pony culture. Suddenly a lightbulb moment came up. “So, Rarity? Since Ponyville is now becoming more open to other species and such, perhaps when you head up to Manehattan there, maybe you could display some new line of clothing for… non-pony clients.” He motioned with his eyes to Smolder and she understood what he meant. Her eyes grew.

“Oh, oh! Quite brilliant my dear Spikey!”

“Amy don’t!'' A warning from Ember. However the pink dragoness ws currently looking through a catalog of dress with the pages facing sideways. She briefly looked up. “Huh?”

No one commented further but Rarity seemed to already conjure up an idea in her mind. “Smolder dear?” she called out to the browsing orange dragoness.

Smolder turned to her name and walked over. “Yeah?”

Rarity flashed her signature smile. “Spikey here just proposed a wonderful idea.” She half sang as she spoke. “That with new creatures coming into town including dragons, that perhaps you could be one of the first to carry my brand of clothing so that when I return to Manehattan, I could show off that my styles and work are not only for ponies but for other creatures as well!

Smolder was looking at them all, her eyes burning with both curiosity and hope, the sparkle in her baby blue eyes showing excitement, though she did try to play off a bit. Rarity smirked at her intrigue but also her nonchalant change. “If you are willing, I would like to try some new fashion of clothing for you and perhaps other dragons in the future.”

Again, the hope was strong though hesitance did come in her voice. “Uh… what would I have to do?”

Rarity gave a small bounce of her head as she gave a small list. “Oh not much darling. You will mostly be standing while I take your measurements, see what colors work and perhaps even see how you could advertise to other dragons, much like those that reside in Fillydelphia.”

This immediately caught the attention of Amy and Smolder. “Wait, there is a town of dragons that live with ponies?” Her focus went towards Ember. “How come this never came up?”

Ember shrugged. “The topic never came up.
Besides, I only knew of it from Spike and the archivist Blacktip.”

“Speaking of,” Spike quickly added. “We need to get in touch with him. I could learn a bit more history of my role as well as help him get in contact with Twilight.” He then turned to Amy and Smolder. “Yes, I know that we can visit but we only have a limited time here before we have to return back home. We’ll save it for another time.”

“I am still unsure why it's only a week, Spike.” Rarity tuned it, as she pulled up some sketch pads, measuring tape and a few cut pieces of fabric to the table. “That was never really explained much.”

Ember answered. “The Bloodstone Scepter only allows for the dragons and their hoard to leave its home for a week before it returns. Any later, it could cause some destruction or… best case it will just force us back home.”

Rarity winced at that but nonetheless gave a nod in understanding. “Very well then, I shan’t take long, though would it be possible for Smolder to stay?”

Smolder turned to Ember, as if asking. Ember gave a nod with a smile. “Of course, though we won’t be far.”

Spike input his own. “If anything, after you are done here you could just fly over and find us. There is still a lot in this town to show and I would like to see others too.”

He then motioned for the box carrying their food. “Besides, I still gotta put this away and we still got some shopping to do. I wanna make sure that we can still enjoy Ponyville while we can.”

Rarity eyed the box and a bit of a realization struck her, her face changing a slight change of color as she realized what he was carrying. She turned away and managed to regain her color, noticed by both Spike and Ember. When she turned back, she gave a small weary smile. “I apologize Spike, I didn’t realize that you ate-” She stopped saying it, which caused him to slump a bit. Rarity quickly shook a hoof.

“No darling! Please understand that while I know that you are free to choose how, I just always thought that…um, well dragons only eat gems and such.”

Spike gave a nod, rising up a bit but still felt bad for having this with him. It also made sense that the only one who has a type of chest full of ice would be a meat vendor.

“Well, its a main source but so can this-” He gave a brief raise of his box before motioning for the others. “They also chose something else. They are more accustomed to it then I.”

Rarity pondered that, looking between Ember and Spike, though her next question was directed to Ember. “Is that why I never… I suppose the word would be, ‘grew’ to a bigger height?”

Ember nodded, having explained this Twilight almost a year ago. “It was and I know that now, ponies didn’t know much about us other than the gem eating. He needed all the extra uh…” She paused to find the word.

“Protein?” Spike provided.

“Flesh?” Rarity also added, though a bit squamish.

Ember nodded to both and she gave her a comforting smile. “I know that you ponies can be a bit soft but it is part of biology and I just hope that you and the others would never see us as evil or monsters for eating other animals.”

Rarity shook her head and waved a hoof dismissively. “I would never, especially to Spikey here.” She approached both and a smile touched her face. “And while I know much has changed with you and Spike in the last year, I am pleased to know that he has achieved much more with you then he has with us. I could never view him as something less than as a friend, nor as a monster. After his greedy growth, I dare say that I have become rather fond of how different and unique a dragon could be. Much like how there are many types of ponies, from pegasi, to earth and unicorn, to the crystallines, the changelings, thestrals and more, dragons should stand out as well.”

“Which is why I am also glad that when we started inviting new species into Ponyville during the year, it became much more apparent that I needed to update my clothing and-”

She was cut off as the door almost flew open with a royal pegasus guard coming in panic. “Sorry for the intrusion on your business ma’am but there has been a request for Prince Spike and his companions out in town hall.”

Spike blinked, the guard seemingly in panic but also not fearful. He actually seemed rushed more than anything. “Um… any particular reason, guard?”

“A dragon was spotted and was looking for you and uh…” His eyes went to Ember. “Her… I believe. He hasn’t caused much trouble but he began to harass the townsfolk for you both.”

Spike sighed and gave a grunt of annoyance. “Great.” He then turned back to Rarity. “Sorry to cut this short, Rarity but I guess… duty calls?” He wasn’t sure what his duty was but it might have something to do with the fact that he was with Ember as her hoard member or… probably to deal with the fact that now everyone is calling him Prince.

“Worry not Spikey, you deal with what you must. Smolder can linger for the time being here.”

The orange dragoness gave a small nod, not wanting to go anywhere and also perhaps not deal with some idiot dragon that may want to ruin everything here.

Spike then turned back to Ember and Amy. “You both ready?'' Earning a dual nod, he followed after the guard. “Lead the way.” WIth that, the four bodies quickly left the boutique with its two occupants.

Rarity smiled wistfully and her gaze met Smolder’s. “Now then Smolder dear, what color should we try on you, hmm?”

As the assortment of colors danced around her in Rarity’s magic, her eyes went wide and glistened with joy and elegance.

The guard helped guide them to the town center faster. Spike felt worried that the dragon might cause some trouble for the locals and what not. If perhaps the announcement that he and Ember left the dragon lands had anything to do with it, he hoped that it was through some reason to try and fit it.

Upon arrival, the guard landed by the town’s center where he pointed at the dragon, surrounded by other guards but also the populace. Some were in fear, but others seemed indifferent, just trying to gauge this dragon’s distress. When the push through, a hint of red is seen and all trio of dragons let out sighes of either annoyance(Amy), anger (Ember) or partial relief (Spike).

Spike felt a bit happy that it wasn’t some random trigger happy dragon but someone who wasn’t trying to start something… well, not something to piss him or Ember off.

Garble the dragon was standing there, a bit embarrassed that he was being eyed up and down by the populace but also annoyed that the ponies in white with sharp sticks, or toothpicks in his eyes, were surrounding him.

Spike gave a grunt and blocked Ember’s view from him. “We already dealt with this over there,” He immediately said to her. “If he’s here, it's because of Smolder and he’s worried about her safety.” She seemed to ignore it but when he leaned further into her view and her eyes met his, her gaze softened at his small glare. Ember knew that this was something that remained at home and away from prying ears. Giving a huff, she crossed her arms.

“If he tries to do or say anything-”

“He wouldn’t have traveled hundreds of miles to do something stupid like that-” Spike tried to defend but Amy also put it.

“You don’t know that, Spikey. If anything he just as stupid as the way purple horse is smart!” Her voice was full of snark but it also held a condescending tone that left no room for false accusations.

He gave her a small look before turning to Ember. “For Smolder’s sake.”

Ember sighed exasperated before nodding. “Fine.” She then pushed forward along with Spike and Amy. The crowd split between them and they slowly made it forward.

Garble was losing his patience while waiting for them to come and he was about to take flight to go find them but he saw the shapes and colors of those he wanted. First to pop in front of him was Ember, then Spike followed by Amethyst but… his sister was absent.

“Garble!” Ember started loudly but tried not to get too rowdy in front of the ponies. “What are you doing here?”

Garble shrunk at her tone and glare but he looked past her and around them. “W-Where is she?”

“Smolder?” Spike asked, pulling in close. “She’s fine right now. She is with a friend and helping her out.”

The red drake knew he could somewhat trust Spike at treating his sister with respect and care for her, but it still annoyed him that she was somewhere in this town being somehow ‘ponified’ or doing some loser thing-

Garble shrunk more, his head lowering in fear as Ember took a step forward. He didn’t want to look weak in front of the ponies but… he knew that he had to remain humble in her grace.

“L-Lord Ember… I-I’ve come to b-beg for forgiveness.” This was new and it certainly shocked Ember and Amethyst though Spike knew that he was now trying to get his sister back as best as possible. However the crowd was starting to mutter with each other, causing a strong case of emotions. Spike felt that this would be a good time to take this somewhere else. Turning to his mate, he lowered his voice, “We need to take this outside of town to now cause any commotion.”

Ember blinked and saw that their attention was loud so giving a grunt, she nodded. “Garble, follow us and we can talk.” A wordless nod and all dragons took wing away from the town center.

Spike migrated them to the outskirts where an open plain stretched for miles. They stayed close for Smolder’s sake but not enough to bring more attention. Upon landing, Garble almost dropped to his knees, either in fear or respect but he repeated his earlier words. “I-I’ve come to b-beg for-”

“I heard you the first time Garble,” Ember snapped, not angrily but annoyed, though the dragon in red did flinch. “That doesn’t explain why you thought that flying after us would be a good idea.” She huffed and gave a small wave with her claws. “Right now, ponies are still iffy on dragons and you coming here and demanding to look for us isn’t gonna help.”

Garble remained head lowered but he did peek up and look at them. He saw that unlike before, she wasn’t seething in rage or pure hatred for him, but she was clearly annoyed. Amythyst was enjoying the dragon getting his tail verbally reamed, chortling in bemusement. Spike was the more cool and calm character of the three, though he was more confused than anything.

“I’m surprised you found your way back.” Spike with genuine astoundment. “I mean, it was almost a year back for you when you came to this place, at least not without a proper map, you can miss it.”

Garble grunted in annoyance but not directly at him. “I got lost halfway here, ended up in some dead end town with ponies in hats and these…hairy, big and ulgy creatures that were with them.” He looked up in confusion. “I didn’t know you ponies could get so big and hairy.”

‘Big and hairy?’ Thought Spike. ‘Dead end town with hats?’ Realization struck as he snapped his claws. “You were in Appleloosa!” He then gave a small smile. “Yeah, it's the middle of nowhere and what you saw weren’t ponies, they were buffalos. They are natives to the land there and share it with the local townsfolk.”

Garble gave a shrug. “When I landed there, it was almost nightfall and I had no idea where I was. I ask if they can at least point to where you were at and allow me to stay in town until I leave in the morning.”

Spike blinked and cocked his head. “And… they just told you where I lived?”

Garble lowered his head, gave a soft sigh and mumbled something. Oh great, he just pulled a Fluttersigh and almost broke into laughter at the dragon who is the polar opposite of her. “What was that?” He asked.

At first he relented saying it outloud but, he gave a deeper sigh and looked up a bit peeved. “I-I… told them that I was your friend and I… I got lost.”

Nothing but silence filled the area which was immediately ruined by Amethyst breaking out into laughter at that. Ember was grinning, forgoing any anger she had earlier on him. Spike was bemused, though Garble was red at having to say something so… unlike him.

Ignoring the crackling Amy, he just pulled out his claw. “Well, glad you made it here safely and with no hassle… friend.”

Whether it was a teasing manner or a scencere one, Garble couldn’t tell. Yet, the extended arm and eased smile told him that while the other two would not like him directly, Spike became less and less of what he assumed he would be and more like somebody worth respecting. He reached up to lock wrists around Spike’s; he was pulled up onto his feet like an ascension of sorts, feeling a bit of weightlessness when he was lifted and despite the bad moment he had the day before, Garble was being forgiven by the one who didn’t deserve to forgive him.

Spike gave him a friendly smile. “I guess that now that you are here and you found us, you want to see Smolder.” The red teen drake nodded though he slightly slumped a bit as his eyes caught with Ember.

For a moment, a fierce wave of emotions passed through her. The same ones she had on her when he was almost denied to see his sister again. However, the moment was brief and a large sigh left her.

“While I still think you are the biggest idiot in all the dragon lands, Garble. As well as a hot headed hatchling at times…” She gave him a small snort before a half cocked grin consumed her features. “-I think that you bring the best out in Smolder and perhaps as a way of punishment, you can stay here and learn to be friendly and learn the ways of ponies.”

Whether it was considered an insult or a privilege, both Spike and Garble weren’t sure how it was worded. Garble felt like this couldn’t get any worse for him and Spike felt like this was draconian, that in dragon law, this was a punishment in true horror.

Garble didn’t argue nor did he hide his annoyance, but complying might ease his punishment a bit, not to mention that he was starving. “Fine,” He accepted. “But… you got any gems or something I can eat? I’m starving.”

Only having the gems for currency and not a whole lot, Spike opted to give him the food he bought. He made sure not to mix his with the ‘nesses’ as he reached for his bass and his chicken. Despite the cold, he handed the two pieces of meat over to Garble, who stared dumbfounded at the meat before him. Amy and Ember were also staring wide-eyed at the action.

Garble blinked and stared at the meat. “Y-You… You're giving me your meal?” He asked. Despite the need to feed, he felt way more confused at this generous action.

“Of course,” Spike said without hesitation. “You said you are hungry and right now, this is the only thing I have with us until you come back with us to the castle later tonight. We should have more food by then but hopefully this will keep you belly content until we head back to the castle to eat.”

Garble felt conflicted and kept glancing at him, then Ember, then Amy then back at him. “B-But you're with them…” He stated, confusing Spike and himself.


Ember groaned at the stupidity but expelled a sharp burst of hot air. “Garble, he is just giving you his share, nothing else. This is not a proclamation of anything, just accept it with nothing tied to it.”

Garble gave her a glance before looking down at the chicken and fish before slowly reaching out to it. He took them both, feeling the cold but not minding it. As his stomach growled for the food, he took a few sniffs, wondering why he was still willing to accept this, the red drake gave in and took bites of the bass first, noting that it tasted better than anything he caught in the sea. He repressed a moan of contentment, daring not show this side of him before swallowing the rest.

“Good?” Spike asked.

Not wanting to be rude to the one who offered it to him, he gave a small nod. “Yeah, not bad. Better than what I’ve caught back home.”

Spike smiled in knowing that he got his money’s worth. “Good to know, try the chicken.”

Garble did and just like before, this tasted radically different from any wild avian he had caught before. Amy and Ember didn’t know what to make of this situation for it felt like Spike was trying to sway Garble onto his side or leading him to something but… it was far too unlikely.

Once finished, there was a look of contentment and a small smile that graced his face. It quickly dashed when he saw that the three dragons before him, also had smiles but two of them were about as innocent as a hatchling caught stealing a gem from the hoard, while Spike seemed pleased that Garble ate.

Realizing he was at the spotlight, he gave a small inward sigh and gave a small bow to Spike. “T-Thank y-you, Spike.”

Spike just nodded. “Your welcome Garble. Glad you're satisfied. But like I said, hopefully that’ll keep you for later on tonight.”

Amy leaned into Ember to whisper. “Wow… that almost looked like it hurt to say, but he’s getting better.”
Ember nodded, keeping her amused smile silently.

Once that was settled, Spike led his hoard plus one back into town. “So, where is Smols?” Garble asked once more.

“Oh, she is with a friend who wanted to try dresses on her for potential clients in another city, possibly Dragon Town in Fillydelphia.”

“Wait, that’s a real place?” Garble asked befuddled. “I thought Blacktip made that up.”

“Wait, you knew of a place before us?” Asked Amy suspiciously. “Last I checked, you knew nothing at all.”

Garble gave her a snort, not falling for her bait on calling him stupid. “Blacktip was one of the older dragons that taught us some history when we were young before he bailed out. He said he found his ‘calling’ in a city where other dragons lived alongside ponies.” His mood dampened but his anger was absent. “I guess… Now we know why and that being surrounded by ponies can affect dragons.” A pause and he looked at Spike. “Not all of it bad,” He added.

“Not all bad,” Spike echoed with a smile. “Come on, we’ll meet Smolder later. For now, come and enjoy the company and see what Pony life has to offer!” The cheery mood all but had Garble wondering if it was worth coming from home to only be punished by doing pony stuff with other dragons.

The return back had the crowd more at ease as Garble walked alongside Prince Spike and his hoard, though the guards remained weary. The sight had left much of the community more attuned than now with changedlings walking amongst the mix, so would the sight of dragons.

“So… the ponies are no longer afraid of dragons then?” The red drake asked as they passed through a crowd of ponies. Few gave looks but as they saw Spike was accompanying him, they returned back to their idling.

Spike hummed at the question. “Not so much afraid, rather we are acting civilized and calm around them. I am pretty sure if Torch or my mothers were to be walking in town, they would freak out, unless the Princesses were walking alongside them and us.”

Garble gave a small huff to himself. He wanted to say something brash about how dragons should be feared and all that but right now, he wasn’t sure what to think since his arrival did warrant fear, but it had been almost erased as they moved through town. With his hunger stated, his anxiety for his sister alleviated and his security… well secure, he honestly felt like he could mellow out.

The town was alive and buzzing for them and Garble took in the sights while he could. He tried to tune in on what Spike explained about the town and the ponies. From their jobs, to the buildings to the atmosphere of what goes on, the lists of daily pony lives sounded so… boring.

Even those who had free time, seemed to waste it on mundane and trivial lives. Some just stood in the background of places that did absolutely nothing but stand, while others interacted but between their own and their friends.

As Spike was about to speak more, he stopped in his steps.

His head began to spin and a deep but familiar voice strong and pure, as if right next to him, entered his mind, through a search. The feeling was so familiar and he knew who it was. “Spike?” Ember called out to him. He didn’t respond as he closed his eyes, wincing at the migraine beginning to form and his vision fogging up to a point and-

‘...Forgive me, Son.’ The voice of his mother rang out. He opened his eyes. “Mother?” He asked out loud. A brief touch into his mind, as if searching for something, which he allowed as he trusted her. And just as she had come mentally, she was gone, and the migraine left just as quickly. He blinked, adjusting to the sudden focus of his eyes.

“Spike? What’s wrong?” Ember asked worriedly, holding onto him as he cleared his head. He briefly inhaled, trying to refocus on his surroundings before coming up and looking at Ember. He looked at his mate, then past where he felt his mother psychically had moved past. His eyes focused on Canterlot Castle… where the Princesses were. “Spike?”

He focused back once more on Ember. “Sorry, I’m fine. I just… felt my mother right now.”

Ember blinked at this, confusion etching on her face. “Your mother? She was… talking to you?”

He shook his head. His experience is already leaving his body completely. “No… it was like, she was searching for something and I was a point for her… briefly.” He then looked at Canterlot in the distance. “I-I think she went to the Princesses next.”

“Why?” He shook his head.

“I don’t know, but I think she was searching for something.” A pause and his face morphed into a small frown. “Or someone.”

Ember blinked. “Someone? Who?” He had an idea but, if his mother was trying to desperately reach out and look for them, all the way out here and use him and the Princesses as a focal point, then it was best that he didn’t linger on it.

After all, his choice was made and they chose to honor it. But they chose to work around him and find them herself. Shaking his head, he slid back into a smile and wrapped his arm around her. “Let’s not worry about that. We have a limited time here and I wish to show you more and maybe we can even find something you, Amy and even Garble here to like.”

Garble heard that and gave a small huff. “I seriously doubt I would find anything good or amazing to like in this pony town here.”

A raised brow with a giant flabbergasted look came about Garbunkle, as he watched a mare with light harlequin coat and amaranth blended with light vermillion highlights on her mane and tail, spoke or sang in riddles of sorts. Between her hooves were a pair of two instruments that she smacked lightly with her hooves to create a beat as she spoke.

At first, he thought that she was spewing nonsense and such, that it almost pissed him off. Yet, the more she spoke, matching in tone with the beat, the more she made sense and it kind of blew his mind.

“What is she doing?” He asked Spike, who sidelined him. In front of them was a group of about 20 or so ponies, in a half circle surrounding the mare. Their heads bobbed and weaved to her tune.

Spike couldn’t really follow her rhythm with the tune, but did get a gist of it. He knew her as Tree Hugger from the last Gala incident that involved her, Fluttershy, Discord and the Smooze. “Um… I know that she is a ‘Beat Poet’... I think that is what Fluttershy called it. Basically it's a free verse, of words that come to mind and you express it through the beat. It could be about anything really. Your life and those that you interact with, the troubles you dealt with, problems and so on. There is no real subject to go on other than your imagination.”

The mare, known as Tree Hugger, continued her beat poetry to her small class.

“Harmony and Spirits, we are all surrounded by.

Life, love, peace and hope that fills our souls.

The day we ascende, the day we fly free

Our lights, pushing past, pushing through, and on.

Let our enemies feel hearts and not rage.

By the sun, the moon and the stars, we all are one!”

The beat ended and the ponies that surrounded stomped their hooves in approval. She gave a small bow and then began another beat.

This greatly puzzled the red drake and intrigued him, like one of the greatest conundrums he had ever faced. It fascinated his mind but it also greatly confused him.

It was so bad that Amy made a snarky comment that flew past him.

“Oh crap, you got him thinking too much,” She mocked in dismay. “You overloaded his small brain and now it's fried!”

Ember tittered but Spike just gave a shrug. “It's something that either comes to you or it doesn’t. Everyone is different and…” Garble slowly moved his head side to side, as if in a trance, though the confusion and intrigue was still etched into his face. “-Maybe this is a bit to much.”

“Hey, I bet five fire rubies when we get back, he hasn’t moved and his brain is dead!” Amy barked with laughter at the dare.

Ember snorted and crossed her arms. “Those are my fire rubies we are talking about so even if I lose, they are still mine.” A pause and she smirked to Amy. “Five fire rubies and a sapphire boulder I've been hiding says he loses his mind and hates them all the more.”

“Deal!” Amy squealed.

Spike, while not really interested in the claim or challenge, did find a small bit of fun in the stakes. He turned his head slightly to his hoard but remained focused on Garble. “I’ll up the stakes.” Now this really intrigued both of his females as they leaned in. “I’ll bet those, plus… a third of the cart of Crystals I recieved, that he becomes super, secretly talented and good, that he’ll bring it to the Dragon Lands.” He smirked and turned to them fully. “Winner takes all and none are to be shared.” A pause on his cart. “And none of us are to touch the cart until the amount gambled is done with.”

Oh, that was a harsh and almost cynical deal for a dragon if that were to ever be spoken out loud. This actually blew both of their minds as they never thought that Spike would throw something like that on the table.

It sent a deep tingle to both females. “Deal!” Both females agreed. Garble managed to snap out of his funk briefly.

“Huh?” Neither dragon said anything but smiled.

“Nothing Garble.” Answered Spike with a chuckle. “Listen, we are gonna do more shopping and looking around, so you wanna come or you gonna be fine here on your own?”

“What about Smolder?” He asked. “I really came to see her.”

“She’s still probably working with my friend still, so maybe another hour or two and we can go find her. Like I said, she’s fine and exploring more pony things like us.” He then motioned with his head towards Tree Hugger. “Maybe you can pick up a hobby or find your thing here.”

Garble had stopped listening after he said she was fine and refocused back on the mare as she began her net verse. “Yeah… sure.” He remained glued and sat down even, causing Amy to bump her fist up and in the air in cheer. Ember and Spike gave her a look.

“Deal was that if we go and come back and he hasn’t moved because he was fried, you have not won yet.”

Amy remained pleased however. “Just you wait, Spikey Wikey! We leave now and come back, he’ll be dumber than a bag of magma chunks!”

Oh Amy, you sweet fool,’ Though Spike deviously. ‘You underestimate the power of friendship. If they could corrupt the literal god of chaos, Garble would be a cake walk.’

Not saying anything else, the trio left Garble to his fate, where he bobbed his his once more to the beat of something so… odd.

Once they had finished with the rest of the town, Spike had spent a chunk of his gems and bits for his two companions. Amy seemed to find a fascination with pinwheels and bracelets for some reason. The pinwheels varied in a number of rainbows and colors from just the one shop alone. The blue mare with blonde mane and tail was happy to be making so much money on just her alone.

Amy was given a crate to hold all of her pinwheels. “Remember,” the mare sang as she handed the crate to her. “Flowers wither, food spoils and trees die, but a pinwheel can stand the passage of time, staying bright in your life!”

Amy, Spike and Ember heeded her words. Amy’s life seemed to be uplifted greatly as she blew on the pinwheels and made them spin. Her laughter was that of an innocent hatchling and it warmed their hearts to see this side of her for once. The bracelets were more or less something she liked to have on her, though she said that she wanted something like gauntlets or bracers like the guards were seen with. However, her mood slightly softened. “I just hope that they can last back home, I want these to last like the mare said they would.”

“I am sure we can find some, Amy.” Spike assured her. “Plus, since you really like those pinwheels, maybe we can ask Twilight or Starlight to enchant them so they can be fireproof.”

Her eyes lit up like Heartwarming upon hearing that. “Really?!” She asked in a squeal.

Spike winced but nodded assuringly. “Y-Yeah, we just gotta ask and I am sure they would do that. Maybe if I ask my brother Shining Armor, we could ask if they have bracers or gauntlets too.”

He was instantly grabbed in a powerful and tight hug by the slightly taller pink dragoness. He felt his bones crack but thankfully not break, which included his wings, as Amy happily(and tearfully) hugged him at such amazing thoughts. “OH THANK YOU SPIKEY! THANK YOU!” With the loud screaming, she began to rapidly blow kindle after kindle to his face, which from afar, looked like she was trying to set his face on fire.

The amount of kindles blown at him were enough to warm his cheeks up, both figuratively and literally. Ember was watching the spectacle a bit in shock but at the same time, hourmously entertaining as she witnessed Amy do something to Spike she thought she never would. It was moments like these, she wished she could capture in time to remember and bring up again.

No problem, Lord Ember. I got you a photo right here!” A sudden flash blinded her and she winced hard.

“What the baka!” She swore, loud enough to make Amy and Spike stop in motion and both turned to see Discord there with a camera on a tripod.

“Wow, censorship much, author? How unlike you.” Discord tsked and allowed the photo to print and slide out from the cameras bottom. He pulled it out, gave it a small wave to let it drive and he gave a cheeky grin at the moment that Spike was being assaulted by kindle kisses from Amy.

Ember managed to blink away the flash and was about to get angry at him but she was presented with the photo. Her anger dissipated and she cooed. “Oh, that is so cute.”

“I can make it even better!” Discord remarked with a wink, as with a small touch of his digit. The photo came to life and started to play in a sort of loop between Spike being given kindles and Amy blowing on them. “Free of charge for a GIF!”

“Discord!” Spike finally managed to grunt out though he remained tightly bound to Amy. “W–What are you doing here and why-”

“Oh come on now, my dragon friend. Do I really need a reason to spend a day with you? Besides, there was a small disturbance in the chaos force and I had to come and find it! Especially since it involves my favorite trio of dragons,” A pause and a quick turn around. “Speaking of, the fourth little scalie that runs around with you?”

“Smolder? She’s with Rarity.” Spike realized that Amy had yet to let go. “Amy, please let me down.”

She turned to him and their snouts touched. ‘Click’ Another flash and another picture taken. “Ohhh, that one is going into a scrapbook!”

Amy did so, but she gave him another teasing kindle and she didn’t regret the other flash. Spike was red face while Ember was absolutely thrilled with the photos.

“So… can I have these then? I wish I could do this with many things!” She said excitedly, looking over the camera on the tripod. “I think having pictures of life and displaying them is probably the best pony invention I have seen yet!”

Discord smirked and snapped his digits where the camera suddenly transformed from its original giant shape into a small one with a smaller bulb and focus. He held in claw and laid it for her. “It's yours if you promise me one thing, Lord Ember.”

“Discord don’t!” Spike groaned, knowing he was going to lure Ember into something… chaotic.

“Yeah?” She asked hesitantly.

He kept his smirk. “You take as many embarrassing photos as you possibly can of you and your hoard, as funny and as chaotic as they can be!”

Ember blinked and she gave a cocky grin. “Does that include more adorable kindling like what they just did.”

“Exactly!” He beamed amusingly. “Here.” He then began to show her how it worked and the techniques.

Spike slumped, knowing that she would use that almost every chance she could. In fact, the camera would run out of film long before she could even-

“Infinite film?” She asked excitedly, a light bounce in her feet.

‘Oh Fuc- Baka!’ “Discord really?!” Spike exasperated, earning a playful grin from the god of chaos.

“Well of course!” The draconequus answered with a matter-of-factly tone. He then conjured a frame by pulling two lines from thin air and stretching them into a square. On the frame, were the two photos that were just taken. “I need a healthy and plentiful amount of chaotic dose of your life to be captured and sent to me! Especially since I won’t see you everyday and your hoard needs to keep you on your toes!”

Spike felt worried and despite knowing he was not going to be around, the fact that he just gave Ember a camera with an infinite amount of roll that would instantly be sent to him… made him feel uneasy.

A light bulb just popped over Discord’s head… literally. “Oh that reminds me, you four might be heading into hatchling territory, right?”

Spike froze. ‘Why Draco? Why Wistala? What did I do to deserve to have this with everyone?’ He whimpered as two sets of eyes suddenly looked towards him. Though now a cheshire grin was forming on Amy that she never had before. “Well, he did promise to make my pinwheels here fireproof so they can withstand the heats back home and I do want gauntlets that his brother could provide.”

“Ooooo! If that doesn’t start the furnace, I don’t know what will!” The chaotic chimera said with such a teasing tone. “Now, what you want to do with that camera is hit that red button to record your intimacy and-”

“DISCORD!” Spike yelled almost in shock. “I am not recording our mating for you!”

“Oh don’t be such a stale cracker like your sister.” Discord chitted. “Last I checked, losing your virginity to your sister early on was-”

“You finish that and I will tell Fluttershy that you have a stash of her modeling pictures in your room somewhere.”

Discord frowned and crossed his arms with a raised brow. “You have no proof it's in my room!” He challenged his words.

Spike grinned. “No, but I have proof that you do and you just told me, so if I tell her about it, I know you won’t lie.”

Discord leered at him, trying not to give an inch but Spike matched him head-on without leniency. Amy and Ember knew that they were friends, so they mostly stated on their own until this was resolved.

Eventually the God of Chaos relented and gave Spike a sigh. “Fine, no recording your sex life, especially for educational purposes.”

Spike gave a grunt. “My sex life is not educational and I would rather stay away from being a sexual icon on those magazines, ‘thank you’ very much.”

Discord gave a half shrug and half mumbled. “Well maybe those changedlings might change that.” He offered with a side wink.

“Wait, what?”


“Discord!” A timid voice called out. Both Spike and Discord turned to see Fluttershy walking towards them carrying… a very familiar crate tucked in her wing. On approach, she noticed Spike and his hoard. “Oh, hello Spike, Ember and Amethyst.”

“Hi Fluttershy!” Spike then gave Discord the look. “No.” Was his only response then turned to give a small smile to Fluttershy. “Glad to see you back. You got yourself a present for someone?” He asked, not sure if he was right for bringing it up or not.

Fluttershy gave a nod. “Oh it is. It’s some fresh salmon and rainbow fish for Harry the bear. It’s his birthday today and I wanted to get him something nice.”

Discord went to talk to his hoard but Spike pulled up close to her. “Wait, you bought meat from the griffin vendor?” She nodded and noticed that Ember had been holding a crate of her own.

“I do and while I normally don’t like to buy them because they can be a bit expensive, every now and then I save up just enough for my animals, especially Harry.”

Spike cocked his head a bit. “But… I thought with… well what else he sold, that you would go nowhere near him for that.”

Fluttershy gave a small nod, understanding his statement on her usual skittish nature. “Well Spike, while I wish I could convince most animals, especially predators to go on a vegetarian diet, that was now how they are naturally born.” She set her crate down and sat on her haunches. “It does bother me sometimes that I do catch fish for Harry, the Ottertons, my birds and so on, but the end is that they need to learn to eat what nature made them to do.”

Spike felt odd hearing this from one of the shiest, timid, most easily frightened of ponies in the lands and she schooled him on meat just like his mothers. She continued to school him. “And despite what others may think, I do what I must to help them Spike, it's part of their nature to eat other animals, and it's part of my nature to help them. While I do tend to stay away from poultry, boar and other species, I choose fish because they are not as impactful as other species.”

The drake was a bit blown away by this, as he never felt such amazing respect for the mare when it came down to dietary needs. Angel was her little demon spawn that would make her spend extra bits to get a salad of perfection and he wouldn’t take anything else otherwise.
So to have her actually explain why she did it, not out of want but of need, came about as educational and perhaps a little calming to him, knowing that yet another of his friends would be so forgiving of his dietary need.

He gave a small smile to her and lowered himself to her level as well. “I guess… that all makes sense though I tried to avoid showing it because you might not see me as your friend anymore if I ate meat and grew about five feet.”

Fluttershy paced a hoof on his wrist. “Oh Spike, you are one of the kindest and most thoughtful of dragons that I have ever met. I knew that the first day I saw you, you were different from other dragons when you came walking next to Twilight. After that day, I knew that even if you were to change and grow up, you would still be the baby dragon I know.”

Her voice was pure and so assuring that he felt emotional on hearing this. And she was right, he had changed and grown up. He is taller, stronger, more bulkier and had gained new abilities that made him different physically, yet… he was still that baby hatchling that not just Fluttershy knew but Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and even his family would remember.
That physical change would not turn his friends and family away from him because of that and hearing it straight from the kindest mare all around, it broke down any doubt and any fear that they would leave him because of his physical changes.

He sniffed and leaned in for a hug, which the yellow mare returned with care. “Thanks Fluttershy, I think I needed to hear that… alot.”

“Oh no problem Spike and I am glad that you now have a hoard that will help you along the way.”

They hugged a few moments, long enough for a click, flash and a picture to be taken, by none other than Discord, though Ember seemed to approve of it. Both pulled away from each other and looked at the grinning trio a few feet away. “Now that is worth framing and using on a fanfic of its own!” Discord stated gleefully as he pulled off the developed film. Ember looked down at the picture, seeing it develop and gave a small coo in appreciation.

This left Fluttershy red faced and Spike with a small huff in annoyance but still happy that with those around him, still found joy in his small misgivings and small woes.

But her words remained in his heart and his friends would always assure him that they would always be there by his side. No matter how tall he grew or how big he got, they would always still see him as him.

It was moments, little things like this that would stand the test of time for him. Even when he was hundreds of years old, he would have memories and dreams of his friends and family forever. Always in his heart and mind, eternally locked.

That was the Magic of Friendship.

Author's Note:

Wow!!!! Two chapters for one day! Had these two chapters working together side by side last month with both being to big for one chapter. In fact, this chapter was also going to be way bigger but had to cut it down for the next chapter, so yay for more writing.
Now... we are one chapter away from the coming seige that we all know is arriving. The final chapter will end right as the movie began. I hope you are ready for the changes I will do for both the movie and season eight.
Spike's live has changed but it does not mean it will stop evolving. Who is to say... once more, the reader will change the outcome?

I would like to thank you all for sticking with this story for its run and know that as long I breathe it will continue. I will end this one much bigger than the other.
The last chapter should now start painting a picture of Spike's origin and hope it will be a grand prize for those who wait until the end.
Also not sure how beat poetry is suppose to go so if its wrong, let me know. I tried finding examples but wasn't sure how it goes.
Thanks for reading!