• Published 12th Feb 2019
  • 10,692 Views, 448 Comments

SCP: Breakout - Happy2343

The SCP Foundation, an organization that has Existed for thousands of years, survived the near extinction of their species, but will one slip up end it all?

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(28 Part One) Inadequate

Princess Cadance sighed.

The top of her palace was often empty and devoid of other ponies. With all the commotion recently, it was thankfully no different. This was the best place for the ruler could come to contemplate and think. And right now, there was only one subject she needed to think about.

Her daughter.

She sighed.

Her relationship with her was… tense at best and a cold shoulder at the worst.

Cadance had known for a few years that she was not the preferred parent, Flurry just… identified with her husband more often than her. While she was at meetings with politicians and petitioners, her daughter was always with her father inspecting the guards or him teaching her spells. When Cadance was busy courting diplomats and ambassadors, her daughter was with her husband while he taught her about the Empire and Equestria.

Cadance smiled at the thought of a normal Mother-Daughter relationship. Shopping, going out to restaurants, talking with her without either of us raising our voices. She felt herself grow warm at the flashing images in her head. Then a bitter cold gust of wind reminded her of the truth. Somepony else had already taken that role. Flurry’s Aunt… Her sister in law, Twilight.

Whenever her daughter got to go down to Ponyville for the weekend to visit her aunt, she was quite literally, jumping with joy. And from the constant stream of letters that Cadance’s sister in law sent every night seemed to give reason for said jumping with joy. The pair, along with Twilight’s occasional friend, went out to restaurants, tried on dresses, and whenever the day was done, Flurry got to go out with other fillies her age. Cadance loved Twilight immensely and knew that she would never intentionally hurt her relationship with her daughter. But she couldn’t help but feel a little bit jealous.

Cadance let her thought’s dwell for a few seconds, Maybe there is something else I can do, something that only I can do with her. She let a few ideas float around in her head, I could teach her magic. She sighed, But I had promised Shining that he could… We could take trips to other countries… No… she’s too young…

Another thought came to Cadance, Friends. That’s it. Whenever she goes to Ponyville, she can play with other fillies her age… Maybe that’s it? Cadance asked herself, She just doesn’t have enough friends up here.

A pang of guilt hit her as she realized that she was to blame for that problem too. Cadance insisted that her daughter learns from the best. And the best, were private. Cadance had hired the best tutors, scholars, and professors from Equestria to teach her. That meant she was taught without leaving the castle, without meeting anypony else.

But… she’s never told me, or Shining she hates her teachers and tutors, she’s never even complained about being taught in private. Maybe I’m just not spending enough time with her?

Free time was always hard to find for Cadance. As the ruler of the Crystal Empire, she had a lot more on her plate, even than Princess Celestia. Celestia at least had Luna, who was equal to her, and could make a decision with absolute authority. Cadance, on the other hoof, had a council of advisors that all still looked to her for the final decision. She always made it a point to find free time with her daughter, other than dinner and breakfast that is. But she rarely found any time. There was always something else to do.

Something more important to do.

She looked off into the distance, at the jagged peaks of the Crystal Mountains. The wind had begun to speed up. She could see the billowing clouds careening towards the castle. Her mane and tail dance along with the growing storm.

What am I doing wrong? She sighed, Maybe…

Maybe it’s me…

Cadance blinked. How long have I been… She looked at the storm clouds. They were closer, but not too much. I couldn’t have been here for more than half an hour.

She sighed, I’ll have to talk about this with Shining later… maybe he can help me with-.

She shook her head, “No,” She said aloud to herself, “No… I’ll just talk to her, in the morning and…” She cut herself off, “And she’ll tell me the truth. She’ll tell me what’s wrong, she’s twelve now. She has to…”

Cadance turned around and slowly trotted down the stairs. I’ll get her after breakfast. I’ll talk to her alone, just us, ask her what she thinks she needs to change. Then maybe… She started to feel a smile tugging at her lips, Maybe we can be happy.

Cadance peered out at the Griffons flying towards her in the distance. Usually, when a ruler from another kingdom visits they arrive in a carriage, or more commonly nowadays, by train and boat. I suppose this Grover wanted to stretch his wings, Cadance reasoned. He is quite young to be cooped up in a palace all day.

I suppose Flurry could relate to that.

Cadance steeled herself and forced a smile as the procession got closer and closer. Technically, the Emperor was supposed to arrive tomorrow with an official procession and his aunt. Cadance herself had not expected to see them at all, she had just arrived a few moments prior to brood and reflect. I guess I can’t have that today, she mentally sighed, Might as well make the most of it and meet this young Emperor.

She straightened her back and fixed her posture. The party was in clear view now; four griffons of adult size, then one slightly smaller in the center, and they seemed to have spotted her. Well, I hope Auntie’s training pays off.

The party landed on the flat Crystal roof, just in front of Cadance. Shining will be furious, She mused, I have no guards protecting me, and here I am. She leans her head toward the Griffon in the imperial blue and gold, “Hello, am I to presume that you-” Wait a moment.

The Griffon in the center, was not, the Emperor, in fact, She was a griffoness dressed like the Emperor. Her confusion must’ve been visible, as one of the guards, walked forward. “Princess Mi Amore Cadenza?” He asked with a smile.

This guard was wearing glasses, odd, then it clicked, “Ah, Yes.” She looked down at the incognito Emperor. “Forgive me, your highness, I couldn’t tell from such a distance. I had assumed.”

“It’s no problem. To be honest, I was just testing… something…” He turned back to the sole Griffoness of the group, “We can switch later.” His guard nodded in agreement before he turned back towards the Princess.

I suppose that a Griffoness’s armor would just be about the same size for a young Griffon. And they do look the same height and build. She looked at the Emperor, Still so young to rule. “I am… sorry for your loss, Your Highness .”

“Please,” He said as he took off the helmet, “Just Grover is fine. I get enough of that from everygriff else. Nobles, Peasants, Priests.” He paused as he looked back up at the Princess, “And besides,” his tone turned from humble to somber, “What happened to Princess Flurry Heart…” He shook his head, “I am truly sorry. I do hope that we can work together to tackle this threat and get your daughter back safe and sound.”

The two stood in solemn silence for a moment, the only sound being the clinking of the Griffon’s armor’ and the blowing wind. “I also should apologize for arriving before the rest of my retinue,” He nervously said, “I know for a fact that my aunt is unhappy.”

“The Duchess definitely will,” Cadance smirked.

The Emporer’s eyes twitched, “You two have met? Huh, that’s interesting, when?”

“A few years ago, she uh… attended my wedding.”

“So that’s why she always raves against the Equestrian guard.”

“Yeah…” She thought back on Duchess Eagleclaw, “She was fiery whenever somepony challenged her opinions. We almost had to disinvite her at the last moment.”

“You mean the Changelings attacked?”

“Yeah…” The two of the rulers chuckled, along with one of the guards, who immediately composed himself and returned to his stoic demeanor.

“So Princess Cazenza-”

“Please, just Cadance,” She implored.

“Princess Cadance,” He corrected, “I heard that some humans are here?”

“Well,” The Emperor said, now back in his imperial colors and garb. Though, still lacking a crown of any kind, “They are certainly not what I imagined.”

Cadance looked skeptically at the Emperor skeptically, “What did you imagine? If I may ask.”

He squinted through the window at the two humans standing guard outside their vehicle. “Well, They look so… Normal. I imagined some monstrous… thing.” He put a talon to his beak, “They look like they could’ve been any other species on the planet.”

“According to what we’ve found, and dug up. They used to rule the world.”

He turned to the Pink Princess, his beak agape, “Really?” He looked back at the pair of stoic human sentries, “Them… but, they don’t have magic, everything needs magic to survive and thrive. Or… well I guess so.” The Emperor began to mutter things to himself.

“It’s strange though,” Cadance said, “Whenever we ask them about their history, they can’t say.” How can one not know about their own history? Given what I know about the… things, and devices found under Baltimare, I could possibly know more about their past than themselves.

The griffin broke out of whatever he was in, “Or they don’t know.” he offered, “They seem to be a… uniformed group of beings.”

“Yes, but I have my reservations about that. I believe somepony knows.” Cadance said, “They must know something. If they don’t that would be… unsettling. And as for the magic… when I asked them about it… they shrugged it off, saying they don’t care. I think they look down on us for using magic.”

Grover’s Expression shifted to confusion, “If they look down on us, then why are they here?”

Cadance sighed, “It is a… long story, one that I will have to explain when everycreature else arrives.”

“Ah yes,” he beamed, “King Thorax from the Changelings, Queen Novo from Seaquestria, Dragon Lord Ember, and then Princess Celestia,” Grover listed off the various leaders who had agreed to help deal with the Humans. Grover then turned and smiled at the princess Princess, “And your husband representing the Empire. A shame Queen Velvet did not choose to attend, and the Yaks. I would’ve liked to meet everycreature.”

“It is…” She sighed, We could’ve used the help.

“Well, I shall be taking a tour of the city with my guards then.” The Emperor stated with glowing energy.

“You?” Cadance asked, “I didn’t realize that you’ve been here before?”

“I haven’t,” The young ruler smiled.

“Well… would you like a guide? I’m sure somepony would be delighted to-”

“No,” He interrupted Cadance with that same beaming smile plastered to his face, “I think that your subjects will serve as excellent guides. If we get lost that is.”

Cadance nodded, “Then perhaps you would like to join us for dinner tonight, it’s not every day the ruler of Griffonia is in my house.”

“Of course,” He nodded with a smile, “Now…” he looked around the hallway, “Now,” The Griffonian Emperor said. A grinning beak still plastered on his face as he looked around, “where is the exit?”

Cadance grinned as she saw the giant metal behemoth land in the square. Finally… She sighed, Maybe we can get started. She started to make her way down the castle and toward the entrance. With Twilight back, maybe we can finally talk with the Foundation about getting Flurry back.

She winded the corner towards the front door. And hopefully she can help me with Aunt Luna… She’s still so… depressed. Her face scrunched up in sadness. She walked out into the city square and she saw her sister in law walking down the metal ramp of the human vehicle.

And alongside them, a human. A human… physician?

The human wore a cocky grin on his face and a white lab coat. There was also some sort of amulet or broach around his neck. Cadance approached them as they walked towards the castle. They all seemed to be a bit tense.

“Ah’m just saying, it would benefit everypony, if you jus’... show us a little respect,” Applejack said to the human as Cadance approached, “It won’t do you any good if yah just insult us.”

“Apple-” Twilight started to say.

“Look,” He stopped and looked down at Applejack, “... Cereal Brand, I’m going to tell you something that you probably cannot comprehend. I don’t care about you, about her, about any other sentient being on the planet,” He looked at Twilight, “Hell, I don’t even care about humanity.”

Well… Cadance sighed as she reached them, Of Course nothing can go right.

Applejack and Twilight stood there aghast. Cadance’s mouth was stuck open. The Ruler slowly looked at the other humans, standing next to them. The Mobile Task Force and pilots were all still as a statue. Cadence looked around the hopefully barren marketplace, only to see it filled to the brim with ponies and… Oh… fiddlesticks, there’s Grover… The Emperor of Griffonia was surrounded by his four guards and had the most confused expression on his face.

“Uh…” Cadance spoke up, looking back towards the rouge doctor and immediately gaining the human’s attention. “Maybe-” He turned to face her.

“I’m sorry, who are you?” He asked while interrupting her.

Oh Shining is going to kill him, I can just tell. Cadance forced an indifferent expression on her face, and begrudgingly smiled. “I’m sorry,” She cleared her throat, “I’m Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, I am the ruler of the Crystal Empire.”

“Hmmm….” He looked her up and down, then raised his eyebrow, “You? The ruler? really?” He looked at her and ground his teeth, “We’ll see.” He finished, ”Doctor Jack Bright, and I will not remember your name Princess Pink.” He nodded his head at her in acknowledgement. “I suppose you’ll want to discuss the plans in a more secluded location.” He looked around, “I mean, we can here-”

She ignored the offhoofed comment and tried to find an answer to get him inside and out of the public view. “No, No... We have a room... in the palace where we do that,” She replied, “If you’ll follow me I can show you.” She turned and began to walk towards the castle.

After a thankfully silent walk, she and the good doctor reached the situation room.

And it was like nothing had changed.

“This is your command room?” Bright said as he walked around the circular table. He gave another half-hearted laugh, “I guess it does enough for you.” Cadance kept a plain smile, though, her mind was fuming. I was hoping that he would at least give us some professional courtesy. He’s just like some snobby noblepony, like Blueblood, She vented to herself. Just keep him talking, and calm. Maybe I can change the subject.

“Um, Doctor Bright?” She ventured while trying to talk in the most respectful manner possible.

“Yes?” He replied, not really looking at her as he talked. Instead he put his hand on the edge of the Crystal map and stared at it.

Cadance waited a moment before continuing. “Uh, you said that you volunteered for this job?” Cadance asked, “Might I ask why?” She leaned a bit forward.

“Yes, You may ask.” He replied diligently.



Well… at least it sounded like he was going to elaborate on that…

Doctor Bright finished his circle around the room and made his way back to the door. Cadance, Twilight and Applejack all gave each other questioning looks. Bright only stood there and seemed to just take the room in, until he regrettably broke the silence. “Out of all the command rooms I’ve seen in my life, and believe me, I’ve seen a lot. This is by far the worst.” He stated, “And I’ve seen my fair share of them.” Bright turned one hundred eighty degrees, and with a smile plastered on his smug face, walked out of the room.

Twilight and Cadance looked at each other, made eye contact, looked at the walking away human “Uh…” Twilight turned to him and tried to get his attention, “Where are you going? We still have-”

“I think I’ve seen enough,” He cut off the Princess, “and I think I’m going to sleep, I’ll go to where the MTF are, I’ll be here at six tommorrow morning.”


He walked down the hall, giving them no heed as he walked out of earshot. Twilight’s ears folded back, “He doesn’t know where they are…”

The Princesses and Earth Pony all stood there in silence. Cadance, for her part, couldn’t believe it, “Who is that?” She asked, “That can’t be the one Colonel Nye Told us about?”

Twilight groaned and rubbed her eyes with one of her hooves, “It is, unfortunately. But I think Colonel Nye needs to check his definition of sarcasm, he’s been insulting us since we boarded that thing.

“Helicopter,” Cadance Corrected, Twilight nodded, “Well,” She looked back down the hallway, “I guess we’ll have to make it work,” She sighed, “I’m just hoping he doesn’t run into Shining Armor.” That would only end with disaster.

“Well, other than that,” Twilight and Cadance turned to Applejack, “Was everything the Overseer said truthful?”

“Yeah, actually,” The farmpony said, “Everything she said was the truth.”

Cadance sighed, ”I was hoping that they wouldn’t actually,”

“Why?” Twilight asked,” Why would you want them to lie?”

“It means they have no choice left,” The Pink Princess said, “It means that they’re desperate.”

Author's Note:

This originally wasn't supposed to be in the story, none of it. It would actually start off at the end of the chapter where Bright tells Cadance he wants a meeting at 6am. But I felt like some fluff needed to be added. Next Chapter we see Bright and the rulers discuss what needs to be done, and if it can be done. Also, another two-parter, yay.