• Published 12th Feb 2019
  • 10,692 Views, 448 Comments

SCP: Breakout - Happy2343

The SCP Foundation, an organization that has Existed for thousands of years, survived the near extinction of their species, but will one slip up end it all?

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(3) Site 26

The second in command of MTF Pi-1 was unbelievably bored. He was standing in front of SCP 096’s Containment chamber. The scientists were sitting still in their chairs. He looked to his left. There was Private First Class Daniels the newest member of the team, ‘What was her first name?’ The guard questioned, ‘Maybe Natalie?’ He thought as he looked back forward.

‘Man I suck at names,’ he thought, ‘Maybe I should just ask her?’ He suggested to himself. His confused face his well under his helmet. He straightened back out with one final thought going through his head, ‘Later.’

He stood still for the next few minutes, stoic as any other MTF could be that was on guard duty. He sighed, he wished for something… anything, to happen. ‘God, sometimes I just want to… stop,’ He sighed and adjusted his vest for the eighth time that hour. He quickly looked at his wrist, ‘12:30 A.M.’ he said in his head, ‘Just a measly two and a half hours left.’

He looked down and performed a routine check of his FN-P90. ‘Fifty bullet magazine,’ he checked, ‘Fifty 5.7 caliber bullets.’ He let the gun fall back to his chest, pointing at the ground.

The second in command’s mind began to wander as he stared at the bare gray hallways. He really wanted to be asleep in his bunk right now, but instead, Jamison had somehow convinced him to take his graveyard shift with the rookie, speaking of the rookie.

The guard looked back to his left and down a little. A small smile could be seen on her mouth with her mask being down, but he still couldn’t see the top of her face, that was still blocked by the helmet, but he could imagine her sharp green eyes and short brown hair. ‘Not many women want to join the MTF,’ he thought, ‘And of those who want to join, very few actually do get in, she must be good.’ He looked back to the walls.

The thirty-two year old major again sighed, he again looked at us watched, 4:30. ‘Homestretch man,’ He thought. He heard walking at the end of the hallway. He looked right, there were two scientists. He looked at their badges, he saw the words Researcher on one of them followed by a big 3 and J.A. Researcher in the other one followed by a 2.

He imagined his badge, ‘MTF Pi-1, 3.’ He saw the two go past him into the Containment chamber. As the two pairs of researchers began talking, he peeked at his watch, ‘4:55,’ he looked back up and down the hallway. Two other members of Pi-1 began moving down the hallway. He gave a sigh of relief, ‘Finally,’ he thought to himself, ‘I am never taking a graveyard shift ever again.’

The replacements began to walk toward him and the rookie. He saw the names on their badges, ‘David and Allen.’

As they reached his position the major began to move out of the way, the rookie to his left also began to move. Allen and David, both sergeants, walked up to meet him.

“How was the shift, Major?” Allen said, ‘He always was more serious than the Colonel,’ He thought.

“Okay, you know, nothing much.”

“Now,” David asked, “How’s the rookie?”

The Major knew the tone and what he was trying to get out of him. The Major, however, didn’t take the bait.

“She’s, well, you really can’t tell by guard duty, probably going to get breakfast with her right now.”

“Heh,” David said with a snort, disappointed with the answer, “Good luck, Major.

The major rolled his eyes and began walking down the hall to the cafeteria. “Those fuckers…”

He saw the rookie leaning against the wall, waiting. He walked up to her and said, “Down for breakfast?” He asked in a nonchalant tone.

She seemed to freeze up as she called in step behind him, “Uhh… sure.”

The Major sighed, “Look, Natalie, is it?” She nodded, “When you’re in Pi-1, we’re your family, so don’t act so… awkward.” He himself was trying not to be as awkward as he used to be.

“You aren’t going to do anything like… I don’t know, drink blood or something.”

The major turned around, “Jeez rookie,” he said, “We aren’t fuckin SCP’s,” he said, “What kind of people do you think we are?” He pulled the black mask off his mouth, allowing him to breathe easier.

“Wait, wait wait wait,” she said as she stopped and put her head to her temples, or tried as best she could with the helmet in the way. She let go of her P90, it is caught by the strap slung around her shoulder, “I was told, and have heard that there are some weird… traditions, that all the MTF’s do. I thought that, like, you guys do some weird induction ceremony?”

The Major laughed, “Rookie, you’re thinking of Nine-Tailed Fox.” He said, “All of our traditions,” he smirked, “involve alcohol.”

He imagined that she had either a confused look or was smiling ear to ear. ‘Alcohol is always a good motivator,’ he motioned with his hand, “Now are you coming to breakfast or not,” He turned around and began moving toward the end of the hall again. She rushed to catch up.

“You still haven’t said your name yet,” She stated.

“Ulgrin,” The major said, “Eugene if you want to go get dinner.” he stuck his hand out at Natalie, “Welcome to the City Slickers.”

Natalie and Ulgrin were sitting at a secluded table in the corner of the mess hall. Both of them were eating their breakfast and occasionally talking about a variety of subjects. Both had taken off their helmets and pulled their masks down. Ulgrin was able to see her eyes, ‘Green eyes, don’t see many of those anymore,’ he thought to himself. He finished eating the eggs and bacon.

“So,” She stopped mid chewing and looked up, “Why Pi-1?” Ulgrin asked.

“I could ask you the same thing,” Natalie replied, food still in her mouth, “So, you first.” She leaned back in her chair until she realized they were more akin to benches and fell over.

The entire population of the cafeteria seemed to stop and stare at the pair of MTF troops. It was dead quiet.

“Don’t worry,” Ulgrin said while trying not to laugh, Natalie quickly got back on the seat before anyone else could see her. “You get used to not having backs of chairs here,” Ulgrin said, “Not as well equipped as command and all.”

“Yeah,” His comrade said, “I can see that.” She rearranged her bulletproof vest. “Damn this thing,” She looked at her superior, “Can’t we have these off during break?” She asked, “This damn thing keeps rubbing up against my tits.”

Ulgrin nearly spit out the water he was drinking, “W-what?”

“L-look, t-the vest really isn’t w-women-friendly, Okay?” She replied with a stutter in her voice, “It… it just hurts, I keep getting rashes in all the wrong places.”

Ulgrin just shook his head, “Well maybe… if you can’t wear the vest, then you should-”

“Oh, SHUT UP! I’ve gotten so much shit from the rest of my former friends for not joining science team or the teachers,” She said, “I will break your jaw if you don’t stop.” Ulgrin had to do a double-take.

‘Did the rookie really just threaten me?’ Ulgrin chuckled a little, “I didn’t mean anything by it,” Ulgrin said, she simmered down, “I was just pulling your leg.”


Ulgrin sighed, “I'm sure you’ve made a lot of,” Ulgrin paused, thinking of the right word, “Sacrifices… in order to get here.” He finished, “Social standards and stuff like that.”

“Yeah,” She eventually said, “All my friends thought I was crazy joining the foundation military.” She sighed.

Ulgrin looked down at his watch. “C’ mon, let’s go back to the barracks, I’m sure you’re tired.”

“Yeah.” She got up and strapped her P90 back onto her shoulder strap and slung it around her. Ulgrin got up and did the same. Both then put their helmets on, the Foundation logo on the front of their black head armor. Ulgrin tightened his vest strap and double-checked that he had everything. ‘Sidearm?’ He put his hand on the Glock on his belt, ‘Check, extra ammo?’ He patted his vest down, ‘Check, access card?’ He reached into his pants’ pocket. Nothing.

He turned around and looked at his seat. A yellow and white card was sitting there, a giant 3 along with MTF PI-1. He snatched it up. ‘Not gonna make that mistake again.’ He thought.

Natalie had already begun walking away from the cafeteria, leaving Ulgrin behind. He quickly caught up with her though. “You never really answered why you joined,”

“Well,” she looked at Ulgrin through the dormant night vision goggles on her head, “I don’t think I could handle hearding kids from class to class and teaching them something I’d probably know nothing about. And as for science team,” She laughed, “Well, my test scores could’ve been better.” Natalie said, “But, I never did like studying y'know?”

“Amen to that, rookie.” He laughed out, “But why Pi?”

“I checked every box except Red Right hand okay,” She said, “Luck, I suppose.” Natalie sighed out after. “Why’d you join Pi-1.”

Ulgrin shrugged, “My best friend, Ross, and I were throwing darts one day in our bunks, we were on the verge of flunking out. So we decided to try our luck in the military. We put a whole bunch of MTF squads on the dartboard and well… Pi-1.”

“And how’d you get the rank of Major?”

“Story for another time,” Ulgrin said. She probably rolled her eyes at that, “It’s a long one and there’s not enough time.”

Silence Followed the pair as they walked back to their barracks, “So, we’re all just a bunch of rejects then?” Natalie asked.

“Nope, Allen, he could’ve gone for Epsilon 11, but David, his best friend, joined this one.” Ulgrin explained, “Then there’s Chen, he’s fresh, just like you; been with us for the better part of a month.”

“But?” Natalie asked, “What’s wrong with him?”

“He's… actually pretty normal,” Ulgrin said, “He just some bad luck.” Ulgrin took his card out of his pants’ pocket and swiped it in a card scanner. A small green light above the door signaled that it was unlocked. He grabbed hold of the door handle and walked in.

“That’s everyone in the team,” Ulgrin said as he sat down on one of the gray couches in the center of the room. He kicked his feet up on the coffee table in front of him.

“Aren’t… you gonna take any of that off?” Natalie asked gesturing to the armor he was wearing.

“Uh… maybe?” He replied, “Just a little tired.”

“Can you at least tell me where my bunk and locker is?” She asked. “I don’t want to wear this vest any longer than I have to.”

Ulgrin begrudgingly got up. “Follow me,” He said, “Might as well give you the tour too.” He sighed out.

“This,” he gestured to the room around him, “Is the common area. We share this room with two other teams, Epsilon 6, Village Idiots, our counterparts, and the 8th guard squad. They guard the facility.”

He moved pointed to a door on the left. “That’s our bunk, shower and changing rooms,” he pointed to a door in the middle, “The Idiots,” he pointed to the door on the right, “The guards.”

“We don’t share showers with the guards or the Idiots and they’re these small ass stalls, so you get some privacy at least,” he said, “And you’re gonna need it considering you’re the only girl here, you’re gonna need it.”

“Great,” she muttered under her breath, “A fucking sausage party.”

Ulgrin walked over to the door on the left and swiped his card at the card swiped to the left. Another green light lit up above the door.” Ulgrin grabbed the handle and walked in.

There were nine bunk beds stacking three beds high. 2 were on the right side of the room followed by 3 lockers and then here was one on the right side of the room followed by 6 lockers.

“There’s supposed to be nine of us?”

Supposed, yes, is there, no.” Ulgrin replied.

The beds on the right had 3-foot lockers on it and the bed above had 2-footlockers. There was also a footlocker in the center of the room. “That’s yours I’m guessing?” He walked up to it and leaned down. The P90 hitting the ground. The loaded P90.

“Yep, N. Daniels,” Ulgrin confirmed. He picked it up and put it on the bottom bed on the right. He picked up another one that was already there and put it on the second bed. “Don’t worry that was mine, nobody’s going to go through your stuff.”

He walked over to one of the six lockers, “This one is yours,” he said, pointing to one of the lockers. “It’s for your gun, ammo, vest, helmet,” He sighed, “Basically all your work stuff.” He said, “There’s also a folder of all the SCP’s we guard; 096, 173, 106.”

“Oh, Joy.”

He turned back to the only other operative in the room. “Shower stalls and bathroom is through that door,” he pointed to the door after all the lockers. “Now I’m gonna take all this crap off.”

Ulgrin walked to the opposite side of the room to a locker with the name E. Ulgrin. He opened it and took off his helmet and face mask, revealing his short black hair and blue eyes. He hung both in his locker on one of the spokes. He then took off his vest and hung it below. He took off his heavy tactical pants and quickly replaced them with a pair of shorts. He hung the pants next to his second pair on the bottom of the locker.

“Don’t they have like… gender-specific rooms or something?”

Ulgrin gave a light laugh, “Maybe at HQ, but not here. Not enough women MTF here to warrant one probably.”

She sighed. “If it’s any consolation, there are usually only 4 people at a given time.”

“That’s more than half…” she seethed.

“Look, when I joined it was weird being naked in front of strangers too, but it’s going to have to happen eventually.”

“You’ve been here for how long exactly?”

“12 years,” Ulgrin replied.

Ulgrin turned around and put on a grey shirt. “The Foundation doesn’t really care about amenities as much it here, I honestly don’t think they care about privacy at all.”

Ulgrin got on one of the perfectly made beds and pulled up the covers. “Do me a favor, turn off the lights when you’re done.”

“Sure.” The rookie replied.

After he heard her close the locker door. The lights went out. The Major looked at his watch one last time. The light showed the time, ‘1:30 am,’ Ulgrin closed his eyes.

As soon as the red light turned on, Ulgrin was up. As if he never actually slept.


“Emergency. 106 Containment.”

Ulgrin was out of bed within the first syllable of the word. Already at his locker grabbing his gear.


“Emergency. 106 Containment.”

Natalie was now at her locker, slapping her gear on left and right. Ulgrin checked his gun one last time and then turned on the proper lights. She had just put her gun around her shoulder and checked the chamber. She soon joined him at the door he opened it. He double-checked one last time that he had his card. Then he ran.

Natalie didn’t say a word, both of them in sync turned on their radios, connecting them with the rest of the task force.

Colonel Ross, we are currently at 096’s chamber. The scientists have granted us permission to leave. David and I will be there in a few minutes.”

Ulgrin opened the exit door to the common area and ran out with Natalie behind him. ‘Aren’t gonna get out you fucker.’ Ulgrin thought.

“Good,” was Ross’s reply, “Ulgrin you there?”

“Yes, I have the rookie with me.” He replied while running down one of the winding hallways with Natalie in tow.

Okay, Connor and I are already on route. We are leaving from the mess hall.”

“We’re leaving from our quarters, sir,” Natalie said into the radio.

“Good, I’ll see you in a minute then.”

The radio went silent except for the occasional stray breath that gets caught in the radios’ microphone.

Ulgrin took the right to 106’s Containment chamber and already the stench hit him. He pulled up his mask on instinct, the stench of decay was replaced with the smell of bad breath.
‘Not much better in my opinion.’ Ulgrin’s Mind commented for him.

Suddenly the lights to the room went out. Ulgrin pulled down his night vision goggles on his helmet and turned them on. He brought his gun up and flipped the safety off. He heard Natalie follow suit. The electrical click of the night vision goggles and the mechanical click of the safety wasn’t hard to miss.

‘Where are you?’

His foot hit something. He quickly looked down. The white of a lab coat, tainted black greeted him. He looked back. ‘Where is it?’ He thought, ‘It always likes playing.’

He heard more footsteps, this time behind them. ‘Reinforcements, good.’

“Ulgrin, Daniels, we’re twenty seconds out from the containment chamber,” Allen’s stern voice said through the radio, “Be advised that there are reports of the object being outside the facility.”

Ulgrin looked down at the scientists who were on the ground. “Cover me will ya?”

“Got it.”

He looked at their wounds. Their faces were devoid of life, their eyes were missing and skin was gray rather than their Norman’s color. Ulgrin spoke into the radio.

He got up and resumed looking around the room. “Scientists down, the guards aren’t here.” It was short, sweet and to the point.

“Confirmed,” Ross said through the radio. “Allen, David, keep moving toward the chamber. Chen And I will check the outside with some reserve guards and the idiots.”

The footsteps behind them grew louder. Ulgrin briefly turned around and saw both Allen and David were in the doorway and looking around in the same manner as Ulgrin and Natalie, their guns are drawn, masks on and goggles pulled down over their eyes.

“What’s the situation Major?” Corporal Allen asked.

“106 seems to be gone,” Ulgrin replied.

“Yeah, No shit.” Replied P.F.C David, “You think he actually got out this time?”

“This time?” Natalie asked, “Just how many-?”

“Too many,” Allen replied, “At least once a month.”

Jesus,” Natalie said under her breath, her radio just barely registering it and sending the voice through the radio waves.

To all troops inside Site 26,” the booming voice of command said, “It has been confirmed that SCP 106 has escaped the confines of the Site. Extra guards are to be at SCP 096’s, 173’s and 049’s Containment chambers. MTF Pi-1 And MTF Epsilon-6 are to report to the sites helipads for immediate deployment. Your CO’s have already been briefed on the situation and have been given their objectives.”

Ulgrin, Allen, and David put their guns down and walked out. This motion was quickly mirrored by Natalie who followed the now walking MTF troops. “Jeez, just your luck rookie,” Allen said, “A 106 Breach on your first day.”

“Yeah, that’s gotta suck,” David said.

“Happened to both me and Ross when we joined up,” Ulgrin said, “That was fun.”

“We don't have time for that right nowl,” David said.

“I’ll tell you on the way there, Ross and I will be able to fill you in better than just me.” He said. They walked up a set of stairs. Ulgrin swiped his access card and opened the door. The sound moving wind hit the group. Ulgrin immediately saw the two helicopters, already being prepped by a team of pilots for each chopper.

Ulgrin saw one was already full of a team of MTF. ‘The village idiots are already here?’ He thought, ‘That’s faster than normal.’

Ulgrin and the rest of the team moved to the other helicopter. Standing off to the side was Ross and P.F.C Chen. Ross turned to the rest of his MTF team. He waved.

Come on you fuckers, we’re losing daylight.” Ross said through the Radio. Ulgrin shook his head while chuckling. He moved towards the helicopter followed by the rest of the team. He ducked and moved next to Ross as the rest of the team loaded in with Chen.

“What’s the situation man!?” Ulgrin shouted, barely hearing his own voice over the helicopter's constant howl.

“106 is moving south, through the frost-land to the natives' villages,” Ross replied, “The foundation is sending us just as a backup or if that city is back!” Ross replied as a shout, "Or If there's another city!"

“Okay!” Ulgrin shouted over the sound of the helicopters’ blades cutting through the air, “I’ll tell the troops," Ulgrin shouted back to him, he pointed at Ross, "you get everything checked!”

Remember, safety’s go off if we do go in.” Ross said through the radio, emphasizing the if, “Command don’t think these horses have gotten this far north again.

Again?” Natalie said.

Yeah,” Ross replied, “About a thousand years ago, give Or take a few, there was apparently some fucking huge ass crystal city was here, but it disappeared after a civil war. Haven’t seen it since.” Ulgirn paused, "There have been a scattered few settlements popping up here along our perimeter, though. Happened more recently. The city could be back."

“When was that?” Natalie asked.

“Let’s See Ross and I were in senior year, so that was, say a thousand years ago or so.” Ulgrin said for Ross, “There was a shitshow in the 05 council that day apparently.”

Ross sat down on the floor of the chopper, his legs swaying in the wind. He was looking down at the various pony settlements. He got on his radio and began speaking into it.

The fact that Ulgrin couldn’t hear meant he was talking to the CO of the other MTF team.

Ross turned around and looked at his team, “One of the pony settlements is burning.” Ulgrin looked down from the opposite side of the chopper. He sat down in the same way Ross was, the only difference was he was on the other side of the chopper. He put his hand on the locked open sliding door of the helicopter and turned his head down.

I see it,” Ulgrin said, “Fuck… are the idiots on it?” He asked.

Yeah,” Ross replied. Ulgrin turned back. The rest of the squad was all turning their heads to the windows trying to see the carnage. Ulgrin took out his binoculars, he saw some vibrantly colored ponies running away from the flames.

Tell them that there are still some natives at the scene,” Ulgrin said. He turned his binoculars forward, “Ross mate, look over there.”

He saw a massive blue crystal spire over the bend of the hill, Ulgrin heard Natalie say, “Is that the spire guys? The one that magically disappeared?”

Yeah,” Ross said, “I umm… need to tell HQ, gimme a sec.”

I few moments of murmured talking from Ross followed, Ulgrin was able to hear a “Yes sir,” as he turned back to his unit.

Okay, our orders still stand,” Ross said through the squad radio, “We are to retrieve 106 at any cost. There’s no telling what damage it can do otherwise.”

Connor Chen spoke up, “Do we know where it is sir?”

Ross sighed, “It’s not in the burning village, and that city is the best bet.” Ross looked at the sun, “it will be sunset soon, and I’d rather not face 106 in the dark.”

Author's Note:

Hello, this chapter was supposed to all the way to Flurry’s door, but got a bit too long.

I will be making edits later tonight, so don’t worry yourself about any errors staying too long.

Next chapter should be out in about 4 days along with Lost Hero’s next Chapter.
