• Published 29th Jul 2019
  • 3,668 Views, 47 Comments

The Storm Dragon - ShowShine

After the Storm King fails to make a dangerous beast, Tempest is left to take care of a baby dragon

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A Happy Ending

Spike sat in front of a windowsill, leaning his head on his hand. Patches laid on his lap, sound asleep. Spike watched the sunrise, which made the sky a beautiful mix of blues, oranges, and pinks. He let out a dreamy sigh. This was one of the first times he had really enjoyed a sunrise.

“This is nice.” Spike said to himself. He reached over and picked up his cup of tea that sat on the windowsill and took a sip of it. The tea warmed up his chest and he gave a smile. He had been free from Storm Kings reign for three months now and everything great. He, Tempest, and Grubber has moved to a small house in Ponyville.

“Okay Patches, you have to get off now.” Spike said, picking up Patches and placing her on the floor. She let out a confused mewl and looked up at Spike.

“I’m sorry but I have an important thing to do today.” He explained. He stood up and looked around his bedroom. The walls were a light purple and he had a small shelf pressed up against it. On the shelf, there were comic books and books. Next to the shelf, their was a full length body mirror.
Across from the shelf their was bed with Power Ponies blanket on it. His room was mostly empty other than the shelf, mirror, and bed.

Spike looked in the mirror to see that he had a large scar across his chest from when Storm King broke his rib. His right eye was completely scarred over and he couldn’t see out of it at all. He could see hundreds of scars from every time he got in a fight or Storm King hit him. He snapped out of his thoughts when he smelled something delicious.

“Grubber must be making breakfast again.” Spike stated happily, licking his lips. Grubber always made the best food. Spike walked out of his bedroom and happily walked down the hallway. Patches ran out of the room and happily followed Spike. He walked down the stairs with a little skip in his step. He hopped off of the last step and slid on the hardwood floor. He slid in front of the kitchen to see Grubber standing at the stove, making food.

“Good morning!” Spike greeted happily. Grubber looked up and gave Spike a wave. Spike sat down on his seat adjusting his fork and knife that was on his table. Tempest walked into the kitchen, sleepily rubbing her eyes.

“Good morning Tempest.” Spike greeted. Tempest gave Spike a smile and gave him a kiss on the head.

“Hey Spike, did you sleep well?” Tempest asked. Spike nodded his head. Tempest sat down next to Spike and leaned her head in her hoof, still waking up.

“Breakfast is served.” Grubber said, placing two plates in front of Spike and Tempest. He handed Tempest a cup of coffee. On their plates, laid omelets with peppers, onions, cheese, and spinach in it. Spike took a large bite and let out a hum of satisfaction.

“This is really good.” Spike complimented. Grubber sat down with his omelet and gave a smile.

“Thanks.” Grubber thanked before stuffing his whole omelet in his mouth. Tempest looked over at Spike

“Do you want to come with me to train new recruits?” Tempest asked. Tempest had become the captain of Ponyville Royal Guard. Princess Celestia loved her fighting style and made her caption of the Royal Guard. Ponyville didn’t have any guards or defense so she was perfect for the job.

“No thanks, I have plans for today.” Spike stated. Tempest gave a small smile and tilted her head.

“What plans do you have?” She asked. Spike put his finger up to his lip.

“It’s a secret.” Spike said with a wink. Tempest let out a chuckle and took a bite of her omelet. Spike quickly finished his food and put his plate in the sink.

“I’m going out now.” Spike said, picking up his bag that he left next to the counter over night.

“Why are you going out so early, it’s only 7.” Tempest asked. Spike gave a wink.

“Like I said before, it’s a secret. Bye Tempest, bye Grubber, I love you.” Spike said before walking out the side door that was in the kitchen. He closed the door behind him and let in a breath of fresh air. The birds were chirping and flowers bloomed.

Spike happily walked out of from the side of his house and hopped over the white picket fence. He had no need to do that but it felt like fun. Spike walked across a stone pathway, humming to himself. It was a gorgeous day. The sun was slowly rising, making sunlight hit the trees. The sunlight danced through the leaves, making the path shine beautifully.

He looked up to see Fluttershy walking down the path with an empty basket in her mouth. Her pet bunny, Angel, hopped after her.

“Hi Fluttershy, whatcha doing?” Spike asked with a wave and smile. Fluttershy gave Spike a smile and waved to him, taking her basket out of her mouth and putting it under her wing.

“Hi Spike. I’m going to collect flowers from the field. My animals just love the smell of fresh daisy’s.” Fluttershy explained. “Do you want to help?” She asked. Spike put his hand up and shook his head.

“As fun as that sounds, I have something important to do today. I can help you later. I know a good spot with a lot of lavender.” Spike said with a smile. Fluttershy gave a smile back.

“Well have a great day, see you later.” Fluttershy said with a wave before walking past him with Angel hopping close behind. Spike continued to hum to himself, making his way into town.

Spike walked through Ponyville, getting happy smiles and waves from ponies. He had become a great help once he moved into town with Tempest. Ponies loved his help.

He waved to Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle. They happily waved back to him, giving him wide grins. Spike had gotten a lot closer with those three. They were best friends. He gave a smile and sped up a bit, making sure he didn’t miss his train. Spike ran up to the train station, seeing his train pulling up. He was right on time.

Spike ran onto the train platform and made his way to a car, only to be stopped by a mare in a blue vest.

“Ticket please.” She stated. Spike reached into his bag and pulled out a ticket for Canterlot. He had bought it the day before. Spike hopped on the train and sat down on a soft plush seat. Since it was early in the morning, there were very few ponies on the train. Spike kicked his legs off of the side. He reached into his back and pulled out a small information packet.

”Thousands of years ago Discord, the lord of chaos, was turned to stone. Due to a powerful source of chaotic, he was released from his stone prison.” The packet said. Spike crumbled the packet in his hand and let out a small flame, burning it. He leaned his head back and sighed, looking out the train window. The train slowly left the station.

Today was a special day.

Spike approached the Canterlot Castle, holding a metal baseball bat. He had bought it at a sports store. It was very expensive but it would be worth the price. He walked around the castle, humming to himself.

He entered the Canterlot garden and gave a small smile. It was gorgeous. He turned his head to see statues of ponies. The statue of Storm King caught his attention. The statue looked as if he was screaming in fear. It almost made Spike laugh. Seeing his fearsome boss looking so afraid.

“You’re pathetic, you know that right?” Spike asked the statue of his former boss. He placed his backpack on the floor. “I know you can hear me. I want you to know that I hate you more than you could ever imagine. Looking at you makes me sick to my stomach.” He said. He lifted up the bat, tossing it between to each hand.

“There’s a way I can bring you back but I’m not going to do that. I’m not going to risk you coming back.” Spike said, circling the statue. “I want the world to be peaceful and I’ll hurt one more person to do it.” Spike said in a cold voice, looking the statue in its eyes.

“Any last words?” Spike asked. The statue started to shake and let out muffled screams. It sounded like Storm King was having second choices. Spike tightened the bat in his hands.

“I fucking hate you.” Spike said before swinging the bat. Storm Kings leg flew off, breaking into pieces. The statue hit the ground with a loud bang. Spike stood over the statue, holding the bat over his head. Tears of anger filled up in his eyes. He swung down the bat, hitting it on the head. The head shattered into tiny pieces. Pieces of stone flew everywhere.

Spike dropped to his knees, letting go of that bat. He wiped the tears from his eyes and stood up brushing himself off. Now his life was complete.

Author's Note:

Thank you so much for reading and supporting this story!

Comments ( 4 )

Superb work on this epilogue. Absolutely LOVED the exchanges and characterizations. I especially loved the look at Spike, Tempest and Grubber's post-Storm King life AND Spike both taking the opportunity to vent his frustrations on the Storm King AND eliminate the possibility of him coming back. Reminded me a bit of the "Revenge on the Printer" scene from "Office Space" (in a good way).

Hopefully, there will be a short slice-of-life sequel with Spike patching things up with Ember and Captain Calaeno and her crew (as well as maybe a post-molt epilogue). Even if there isn't, however, that's cool.

Sequel? Please :applecry::fluttershysad::fluttercry::pinkiesad2::raritycry::raritydespair::unsuresweetie:

Before I read this, I must know: Why would the Storm King take an egg from Canterlot? According to the actual show, the dragons of the Dragon Lands only have one guard, so wouldn't taking it from there be easier?

How can this be a sequel to the other story but that one also be a sequel? :rainbowderp:

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