• Published 29th Jul 2019
  • 3,671 Views, 47 Comments

The Storm Dragon - ShowShine

After the Storm King fails to make a dangerous beast, Tempest is left to take care of a baby dragon

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The Dragonlands

Author's Note:

Sorry for such a long chapter

Spike roundhouse kicked a stone training dummy across the room, making it hit the wall with a loud bang. He quickly turned around in his heels and threw and obsidian orb at another dummy, turning it into stone. He kicked another dummy into the air and blew out a large flame, lighting it on fire. Grubber let out a groan and stood up from the spot he was sitting, holding a fire exhauster.

“Stop lighting things on fire, I don’t like putting them out.” Grubber said as he put the fire out. Spike rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled in embarrassment.

“Sorry Grubber, it’s just a habit.” He apologized. Grubber playfully rolled his eyes before sniffing into the air.

“Is that cake I smell?” Grubber questioned, a smile spreading across his face. Spike sniffed the air and grimaced. It must have been Tempest making cake for Storm King. He always requested for it to be sour. It was disgusting. Grubber walked out of the room, following the scent. Spike let out a soft groan and followed him, making sure he didn’t get on Storm King’s bad side again. He acted like a little kid around there boss.

Spike didn’t really know how old Grubber actually was. He seemed to be way older than Tempest. From what he knew, Grubber had worked for Storm King from the beginning, and Storm King was at least three hundred years old. Grubber used to be a jokester but according to Tempest, he had matured since Spike was hatched. Spike had followed Grubber into the kitchen to see Tempest holding a burnt cake. It was smoking a bit.

“Spike, I forgot I don’t know how to bake.” Tempest said dejectedly. Spike chuckled and walked over to the counter, picking up a bag of flour. Grubber picked up the burnt cake and took a bite of it.

“It’s not that good.” He stated as he continued to eat the cake. Spike poured some flour into the bowl. Tempest did this all the time. She tried to bake something and then failed so Spike would have to remake it. Spike was already halfway through making the batter. It was very easy to make due to it having no sugar or any other good flavors.

“I thought putting it on four thousand degrees would make it bake in ten seconds.” Tempest said as she reread the instructions. Spike turned down the oven and continued to stir the batter. Tempest always tried to use the fast and violent approach to things that weren’t missions that Storm King provided.

“Tempest we’ve been over this, you have to wait to bake a cake.” Spike stated as he poured the batter into a cake pan. He opened the oven and placed the cake inside.

“Do your scales always glow or am I hallucinating because of the spoiled milk in the cake?” Grubber asked. Spike looked down at his body to see that he was glowing. It burned badly but he had felt worse.

“This never happens.” Spike stated. Tempest tilted her head and placed her hoof on his forehead.

“You feel normal. Is this a dragon thing?” Tempest asked. Spike looked at his glowing body.

“I guess.” He stated. Over the years Tempest and Spike discovered that dragons don’t develop the same way as ponies. She figured that out when Spike had gotten his first case of Sapphire Flu as a baby, which worried her to death. Storm King walked into the kitchen, sniffing the air.

“It seems like my cake it almost ready.” He said with a smile on his face. He looked at Spike and broke out into a large grin.

“I’ve been waiting for this day to come!” He exclaimed, rubbing his hands together. Spike took a step back and Tempest put her leg between him and Storm King.

“Waiting for what?” Tempest asked. Storm King did a little hop out of excitement.

“Every two thousand years the Dragon Lord retires and a new one has to take his place. All of the dragons have to battle in order to take the throne. If you win the battle, then I can take over Dragonlands!” He exclaimed, perching his leg up on the counter.

“Why don’t you just raid Dragonlands yourself?” Spike asked, hoping Storm King wouldn’t lash out at him.

“Dragons are tougher than you would think. They’re big and my minions are very flammable. It was barely a fair fight.” Storm King explained. He took his leg off of the counter and turned around to leave the kitchen.

“I’ll redirect the airship right now so we can make it to Dragonlands in thirty minutes.” Storm King said happily as he walked out the room. Spike gulped nervously. This was going to be terrible.

Spike stood in the crowd of large dragons who all towered over him. They looked intimidating. Some of them had large teeth poking out of there mouths while others had large tails that could easily crush him. The worst part about the dragons was that they all had claws that could rip through his flesh. A chill ran up his spine.

Storm King has given him three rules to follow. The first rule was talk to nobody. If he talked to someone he could develop some sort of connection. The second rule was to not tell anyone who he worked for. If they realized he was a potential threat, they could easily take him down. No one would expect a baby dragon to win. The last rule was to make Storm King a leader. If he failed he would be severely punished. A dragon stomped his foot in front of Spike, making him snap out of his daze. He looked up to see a red dragon with a smirk on his face.

“What’s a shrimp like you doing here? Isn’t your mommy worried about you?” The dragon taunted. Spike continued to look forward, ignoring the dragon. He sneered and waved his hand in front of Spikes face.

“Hey, no one ignores me!” He exclaimed, getting angry. Spike looked up at him with a blank expression. His eyes were cold and had no emotion. The red dragon took a step back.

“W-watch your back, you weirdo. You won’t survive out there.” The red dragon said before quickly flying off. Spike let out a quick breath of relief. Tempest had thought him how to do that. It usually creeped creatures out and they would leave him alone.

A dark shadow loomed over the dragons, making a few step back and a few quiver in fear. A large blue dragon stepped out of a cave, stretching out his wings. He had large orange curved horns and orange scales. He wore black armor across his chest. He had a very stern look on his face. All of the dragons around Spike cowered in fear.

“Dragons of Equestria, hear me! I have been Dragon Lord for longer than many of you can remember, and my reign has been extraordinary!” He shouted in a stern voice. The crowd remained silent, not really caring.

Agree with me!” He exclaimed, his voice booming. The dragons quickly talked over each other, agreeing with him.

“Torch! Torch! Torch! Torch!” They started to chant his name. Torch raised his hand, making everyone stop chanting.

“Unfortunately, according to dragon law, it is time for me to step down. Sad, I know.” Torch said before pausing, waiting for his subjects to respond. When he got no response, he snarled. ”Be sad!l He shouted. The dragons quickly started to fake cry. Spike rolled his eyes.

“This is why I have summoned you, to compete for the throne in the Gauntlet of Fire!” Dragon Lord Torch shouted with a grin, making the dragons around him cheer. Torch held out a purple staff with a large red gemstone on it.

”That’s it!” Spike thought to himself.

“Whomever has the strength and fortitude to retrieve this bloodstone scepter from the heart of the flame-cano will be crowned Lord of the Dragons!” Torch exclaimed before flicking the bloodstone scepter from his fingers. It flew across the sky before landing into the flame-cano. There was a loud boom and a flash of red light. All of the dragons stopped glowing.

“The Gauntlet is dangerous, for I designed it myself! Only dragons with my ferocity, strength, and determination will be able to finish. We will gather at the cliff when the sun is at its peak!” He shouted. Spike looked at the dragons around him. A lot of them seemed to be strong but he highly doubted that they were that smart. He could easily outsmart them. He could win this with ease.

Spike stood with his back to a cliff surrounded by all the other dragons. Under them, there was a large body of water that all the other dragons could fly over. Spike would have to swim. Dragon Lord Torch was crouched down in front of them. The red dragon from before walked over to him.

“Why are you still here shrimp? There’s no chance you’ll win.” The dragon taunted. Spike opened his mouth but quickly closed it, remembering the rule.

“All dragons are welcome to compete, but they do so at their own peril! Flying to Flame-cano Island is the first of many challenges you will face in your quest to find the bloodstone scepter!” Dragon Lord Torch shouted before letting out a roar, flames shooting out of his mouth.. All of the dragons quickly flew off of the cliff and made there way to the flame-camo. Spike looked over the edge of the cliff before jumping off. He body submerged into the water, which was surprisingly warm. Spike started to swim forward, kicking his legs.

“Piece of cake.” Spike grunted out as he continued to swim. The water under him bubbled, making him back up. A large orange slimy eel shot out from the water, shooting water from is mouth. The water hit a few dragons in the sky, making them fall.

A few more eels continued to shoot out of the water, taking down more dragons. Spike could easily swim around them if he paid attention to where the bubbles were coming from. Another eel shot water from out it’s mouth, almost hitting the red dragon from before. He quickly flew back, hitting a green dragon in golden armor. The dragon fell from the sky and landed in the water in front of Spike. He stopped swimming staring into the water for a bit.

“I shouldn’t help them, if I do I have a higher chance of losing.” Spike said while shaking his head. He couldn’t bring himself to move and continued to stare at the spot where the dragon had fallen. His body ignored his thoughts and he quickly dove in, swimming after the fallen dragon. Spike grabbed the dragon by there arms and quickly swam above the water. Spike took in a deep breath as he swam back to shore. Spike dragged the dragon onto the warm rocky ground and let them drop to the floor. He stared at the unconscious dragon for a few moments.

“I should just leave them, I already saved them and that’s it.” Spike said to himself. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from the dragon. “I should see if their okay first, I don’t want them to die.” Spike said. He started to pace back in forth, trying to decide to follow his instinct or his boss.

“What do you think you'redoing?” A raspy voice said from behind him. He turned around to see the dragon who was now standing up. Her scales were blue and a green streak was on the ground. She had taken her helmet off.

”She must have painted herself green.” Spike thought to himself.

“I saved you from drowning.” Spike stated, putting his hands on his hips.

“I don’t need saving, I’m not just some little Princess.” She said defensively. Spike tilted his head.

“I didn’t know that you were a princess.” He said in disbelief. She turned around, giving him a look of surprise.

“I’m Princess Ember, daughter of Torch. How have you never heard of me?” Ember asked. Spike shrugged his shoulders.

“I don’t live in Dragonlands, I work for-“ Spike cut himself off, covering his mouth. He had just broken one rule and almost broke another. Before anyone could say anything else, a rock launched from the sky, hitting the same red dragon. The rock pinned him to the ground and he struggled to get up. Ember quickly put her helmet back on.

“H-hey, one of you, help!” He exclaimed as he tried to push the rock off. Spike quickly rushed over to him and pushed the rock of. The dragon stood up and snickered.

“I knew a loser like you would help. The dragon snorted before flying off. Spike picked up a nearby rock and chucked it at the dragon, hitting him on the back of the head. The dragon fell to the ground, now unconscious.

“Woah, you have a great throw.” Ember said in surprise. Spike smiled before shaking his head.

“I need to go, I shouldn’t be talking to you.” Spike said as he tried to walk off. Ember grabbed his arm.

“Those slink tails are throwing those rocks and there’s no way I’ll be able to dodge them all. Wanna be a team? You can be my second pair of eyes.” Ember suggested. Spike thought for a moment.

”Once I get to the Gauntlet, o can betray her.” Spike thought to himself. “Let’s do it.” Spike said with a smile. Ember smirked and picked him up, placing him on her back. She quickly flew into the air and Spike looked around.

“Go left!” Spike exclaimed. Ember leaned to the left and the rock soared over them, hitting a dragon in the face. Spike looked up to see that they were approaching the flame-cano. It was close enough where he could just jump. Another rock was coming towards there right side. Spike stood up and jumped off of Embers back. He landed on ledge and quickly stood up.

“Hey wha-“ Ember started, but got cut off as a boulder smashed into her side. Spike watched Ember as she fell to the ground. He turned around to face the cave, making sure he didn’t go back to save her. The gauntlet was deep in the cave.

“Almost there.” Spike said as he marched inside. He saw dragons quivering in fear as the stared at sharp rocks moving up and down like mashing teeth. A few dragons had gotten stuck on it, begging to end the challenge. Spike walked closer and looked down, seeing a deep ditch the moving rocks. It would lead him under all of the traps Dragon Lord Torch had set. It was too small for any of the other dragons to go into. He put his feet over the ledge of the ditch and slid down, easily reaching the bottom.

“This is easier than I expected.”

Spike walked into a room with a large path leading up to the Bloodstone Scepter. It glowed red, lighting up the walls around it. He had walked under all of the traps and found his way back to the main trail.

“I can’t believe I’m the only one who made it here.” Spike said in disbelief. He walked towards the Bloodstone Scepter and reached his hand out, getting ready to grab it.

“Stop you traitor!” A familiar voice shouted. Spike turned around to see Princess Ember. She had scratches and bruises covering her body and her armor had dents in it.

“I saved your ass from being beaten up by other dragons and you betrayed me!” Ember shouted, approaching Spike. His scales flattened.

“Look I’m sorry, I didn’t want to do it but I had to.” Spike apologized. Ember stomped her foot forward.

“You didn’t have to do anything. You betrayed me after I tried to help you!” Ember exclaimed angrily. Spike thought for a moment. He was right there, he could just grab the Bloodstone Scepter and be over with all of this but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. If he got the Scepter, he could ruin so many innocent dragons lives. He didn’t want to hurt anyone again.

“I’m sorry for coming here, I won’t come back.” Spike said, his head hanging low. He trudged away from the scepter, his scales drooping sadly. He was going to face a severe punishment when he got back.

“What do you mean you lost?!” Storm King shouted angrily, stomping his hoof forward. Spike flinched and looked up at him, trying not to show the fear in his eyes.

“All of the dragons were bigger than me and I didn’t have any weapons.” Spike explained. Storm King snarled.

“I gave you one simple task and you can’t even do that right. I should’ve done what I’m about to do years ago!” He shouted. Storm King grabbed Spike by the neck tightly, making him choke.

“P-please sir, you’re hurting me.” Spike choked out. Storm King lifted him into the air, digging his claws into his throat. Blood dripped from his neck, getting onto Storm King’s white fur.

“I should’ve killed you the moment you were hatched. You don’t understand how much you’ve cost me over the years!” Storm King shouted, his face turning red with anger. Spike let out a strangled noise which was the mix of a cough and a scream. Tears dripped down his cheeks as he gripped onto Storm Kings hands, trying to make him let go.

“You’re a disappointment, you’ve failed me for years and I barely gave you a mark!” Storm King shouted. He slammed Spike into the floor, cracking it a bit. Spike let out a loud cry of pain. Tempest walked into the room and her eyes widened at what she saw. She rushed over to Storm King’s side.

“Sir I’ll handle his punishment from here, please just put him down.” Tempest practically pleaded. Storm King looked at her and released his grip on Spike.

“You’re lucky that Tempest was here or I would’ve killed you.” He said, gazing down at the weeping baby dragon. He looked at Tempest.

“I don’t want to see him for the rest of the day, you punish him.” Storm King commanded and walked out the room. Tempest listened to the sound of his hoofsteps getting farther and farther until she couldn’t hear him anymore. She scooped Spike into her arms and held him close to her chest. Spike sobbed into her chest, shaking like a leaf.

“It’s okay sweetheart, I got you, I’m here.” Tempest comforted. “I’ll make sure he won’t hurt you ever again.”