• Published 14th Oct 2019
  • 2,155 Views, 102 Comments

Fizzlepop's Future - milesprower06

As Princess Twilight Sparkle relocates to Canterlot, her faithful Captain of the Guard Fizzlepop Berrytwist wonders if she's prepared for the newest changes and challenges in her life.

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Life in the Ponyville E.U.P. was all about routine. Training, drill, patrol... And now, for the first time in a considerable amount of time, logistics.

For the past three weeks, any guardspony not on active patrol duty was assisting in packing up nearly every single room with personal items of Princess Twilight's. After the official, though disastrous coronation yesterday, they were nearly done. The only areas of the castle that had been left virtually untouched were the common areas; the foyer, dining room, kitchen, and guest rooms. Truth be told, the vast majority of items that had been boxed up were books.

For Major Fizzlepop Berrytwist, it was a change that she wasn't sure she was adjusting to properly. Every day, the castle felt emptier and emptier. Twilight had told her the troubles she went through when she first got the castle, all the lengths she had gone to to spend as little time in here as possible.

She was beginning to get an idea as to why.

She made her way down the main hall towards the throne room, and remembered the very first time she had made these very same steps in this armor; the day she was commissioned as Princess Twilight's Captain of the Guard, and began her search to form a small volunteer squad.

That was specifically what she wanted to speak with her about right now.

Lighting her horn up, the large double doors to the throne room were pushed open, revealing the six thrones surrounding the Friendship Map, with the hologram of the continent currently displayed on the surface. At the far end, on her throne, was Princess Twilight, with some more paperwork that she had been buried in for the past month.

"Princess Twilight? A moment of your time perhaps?" Fizzlepop asked, announcing her presence and standing at parade rest.

"Absolutely. I could use a break from this anyways. What can I do for you, Major?" Twilight asked, setting the papers down and getting up from her throne.

"Well, as my squad is composed entirely of volunteers, I know you're not expecting anypony to transfer up to Canterlot with you. I think I probably should have come to you with this sooner, but I didn't know how best to put it." Fizzlepop began.

"Major, I would hope that you and I have known each other long enough where we can be straightforward with each other, even if it's not always pleasant." Twilight replied.

Swallowing, Fizzlepop maintained eye contact with her Princess, and took a breath.

"I would prefer to stay here as well, Your Majesty. I don't want to go to Canterlot."

"O-Oh. Really?" Twilight asked, honestly not expecting that.

"Don't get me wrong, this choice was not one I made lightly, and with how you've changed my life over the past two years, I'd love to stay at your side. But at the same time, I also want to consider Ponyville. This entire town welcomed me with open hearts and hooves. I don't want to turn all those relationships into long-distance ones. Not to mention that your school and castle will also need looking after too. Is... Is that alright with you?" Fizzlepop asked, unable to hide all the nervousness from her voice.

"Well, it's just one more hiccup to figure out. I'll let you know what I can do."

"Thank you for the consideration, Princess. So... You think this thing will still be as active?" Fizzlepop asked, motioning to the map with a hoof.

"I'm honestly not sure. We'll need somepony to keep an eye on it, I suppose. Still don't like this thing, I take it?" Twilight asked.

"It sure is picky, I'll give it that. Didn't even alert us to Chrysalis spreading all those rumors."

"Well, maybe the map isn't as privacy-invading as your first impression led you to believe. Honestly, I don't believe it should have, anyway. Elevating ourselves above lies, rumors, and prejudice... We shouldn't need a supernatural map or tree to help us with that. No, that should be our own responsibility at all times."

"Wholeheartedly agreed, Princess. Now, I won't keep you any longer. I'll go check on the next train being loaded. Thank you again for hearing me out." Fizzlepop concluded with another bow, and turned and made her way out of the throne room.

After seeing another loaded train off towards the mountain valleys where Canterlot was, Fizzlepop returned to the castle, and took an hour to polish up her armor, as it had gotten a bit scuffed in all the moving that had been going on these past couple weeks. She had just finished applying the last coat of polish to her helmet when there was a knock at her bedroom door.

"Come on in." Fizzlepop replied as she put on her helmet, her mohawk mane popping up through the slat in back. The doorknob turned, and the door opened to reveal a towering white alicorn, who had to nearly duck below the top of the door frame to enter the bedroom.

"Major Fizzlepop, good to see you again." Celestia greeted upon entering.

"P-Princess Celestia," Fizzlepop stammered surprisingly, turning to her completely and offering a polite bow. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Lieutenant Colonel Speartip came to me this morning and informed me that Princess Twilight had requested to retain his services as head of the Canterlot E.U.P. He hasn't given her an answer yet, but according to her correspondence, none of the Ponyville squad will be transferring. Not even you, if he accepts."

"That's correct, Your Majesty."

"I just wanted to come and make sure that it wasn't due to any remaining ill will towards me. My sister and I will not be remaining in Canterlot." The Princess of the Sun pointed out.

Fizzlepop blinked and her face momentarily showed surprise.

"Princess Celestia, I never harbored any ill will towards you. Not then and certainly not now. You were only going to give me exactly what I had coming, before Twilight stepped in with her incredible act of mercy. There are still times I wonder if I've fully repaid her for what she did for me. That's why my decision to stay here was so hard. I don't want to leave her side, but I know she doesn't want to pull me away from the friends I've made here in Ponyville these past two years."

"Mm. Now that I can understand. It even gives me a bit of nostalgia when I left Twilight in Ponyville because she didn't want to leave her new friends. It led to where she is now."

"I know you wouldn't have any issue with me accompanying Princess Twilight to Canterlot, because you and your sister are leaving. But can you speak on the behalf of every citizen that I put in chains?" Fizzlepop asked, taking a seat on her bed.

"That is also fair, I suppose. No, I'm afraid I cannot." Celestia admitted.

"I know some time has passed, but I don't want any of Canterlot's populace to feel uncomfortable with my consistent presence. But mainly, the reason is... They admittedly had a back row seat to what happened up on the mountain, but Ponyville welcomed me with open hooves. Some members of my squad have come and gone, but it is still 100% a volunteer outfit. I don't want them to simply abandon their efforts here, I don't want them to move up the mountain just because Twilight did, and I don't want to leave the friends I've made in my time here. In addition to not wanting to put Speartip out of a position he has no doubt become very familiar with, I also wouldn't want to invite any difficulties that would almost certainly come if Canterlot's E.U.P., all of whom tried to defend Canterlot from me, suddenly had to answer to me."

"That's as good a reason as any, Major, and honestly, I'm not sure you'll ever be able to pay Twilight back. At least, not in the sense that you're probably thinking. I must admit, I wasn't going to give you a ghost of a chance after what you did to Canterlot, but she was willing to. I really wasn't sure what to think of that for the first few days after she took you from the throne room. But that is precisely why she is the Princess of Friendship and I am not. She sees a ray of hope, of light in ponies where others, even me in all my years, might see only darkness. I am nothing but optimistic for the reign of her and her friends."

Celestia took a seat next to Fizzlepop's bed, and looked her in the eyes.

"Because of that light that Twilight sparked in you, you've done some truly great things here over the last two years. I was wrong about you, Fizzlepop Berrytwist. I am absolutely ready to admit that now. You should be very proud of who you've become, and everything you've accomplished."

Fizzlepop smiled, and bowed her head in response.

"Thank you, Princess. That really means a lot, coming from you."

The rest of the day had gone pretty much as each and every day had for the past three weeks. Save for the large castle that was being moved out of, life in Ponyville went on as it always had. Now, it seemed they were finally finished. The very last of Princess Twilight Sparkle's non-daily belongings had been packed up and headed on the last evening train up to Canterlot.

Before she retired for the night, the Princess of Friendship had asked to see Fizzlepop in her private study. As she stepped closer to the doors, she could only assume that she had received a definitive answer up from Canterlot about this morning's request. Taking a breath, she knocked on the door, announcing her presence.

"Come on in." Came the almost immediate reply. Fizzlepop opened the doors, and walked into what was essentially Twilight's office, whenever she elected not to take care of her chosen work in the throne room. The room that had looked a bit more cluttered for the past two years now looked positively spotless, save for the oak desk that sat in the center of the room in front of the rear window. The bookshelves and filing cabinets had all been moved up to Canterlot a week ago.

"You wanted to see me, Princess?" Fizzlepop asked, coming to the front of the desk, and assumed the parade rest position.

"Yes, I did, Major." Twilight began, looking up from her current piece of parchment in front of her. "Please sit down." Twilight motioned to one of the two chairs on Fizzlepop's side of the desk. The unicorn did so immediately. Twilight cleared her throat.

"Fizzlepop, I've thought long and hard about what you told me today in the throne room. Simply put, I couldn't imagine being in Canterlot without you."

Fizzlepop's ears drooped just momentarily as she remained composed in her chair.

"But I'm certainly going to have to figure out how." The Princess continued.

The unicorn's lips couldn't help but curl up in a smile.

"As the Princess of Friendship, I wouldn't dream of pulling the head of Ponyville's EUP away from all the friends she has made over the last two years. So I've prepared a couple things..."

Twilight reached into her right desk drawer, and pulled out a small, polished oak box, opened it, and slid it across to Fizzlepop, who picked it up, her eyes widening. Inside, was a pair of silver oak leaves; the insignia for the second highest field rank in the E.U.P. Guard. Twilight pushed her chair back, and got to her hooves, quickly followed by Fizzlepop.

"Major Berrytwist, your service to me, and to Ponyville, has been beyond exemplary. You are a fine officer, and an even better friend."

Twilight's horn lit up, and Fizzlepop heard soft metallic pops as the gold oak leaves on the sides of her neck guard that denoted her rank of Major were removed. They were levitated away as the two silver leaves were levitated out of the small oak box to replace them.

"By the power vested in me by the Township of Ponyville, and the sovereign nation of Equestria, I hereby promote you to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, with all the rights and privileges pertaining thereto."

Twilight saluted her Captain of the Guard, and promptly got a crisp one in return. Then, Twilight sat back down, and rotated the piece of parchment she had been working on, and slid it to Fizzlepop's side of the desk.

"With a change like Equestria and Ponyville alike are going through right now, I figured your Oath could use some... Tweaking."

Fizzlepop grabbed the parchment with her magic, and read:

I, Fizzlepop Berrytwist, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Township of Ponyville, and Headmare Starlight Glimmer of Ponyville's School of Friendship against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter, so help me gods.

Her smile couldn't help but widen.

"Thank you so much, Princess." Fizzlepop said, as she took the quill Twilight offered, and signed on the line at the bottom.

"Lieutenant Colonel Berrytwist, your standing orders are to protect and serve the Equestrian township of Ponyville and the School of Friendship. You are also to escort the local Friendship Council members to Canterlot Castle when it is convened once a month. Also, consider yourself a council member yourself, as you'll be participating as well."

With that, she walked around her desk, and threw her hooves around Fizzlepop as the tears threatening the corners of her eyelids finally spilled over.

"I'm going to miss you so much..." The Princess of Friendship sniffled as Fizzlepop returned the heartfelt hug.

"I won't be far," Fizzlepop reassured her. "I'll just be down the mountain. And it sounds like I'll be seeing you once a moon or more."

Twilight released her from the hug and wiped her eyes.

"I know, I guess it just seems farther away than I give it credit for. Nearly every day these past two years, I've seen you grow and discover more about friendship and yourself. It's the same with Starlight... I don't know how I'm going to handle not seeing you almost each and every day. But... I guess I'll have to find a way to manage. Well, enough is enough. I'll let you get to bed. I'm sure you need rest for tomorrow morning."

Fizzlepop smiled in return.

"Sleep well, Princess."

The quiet murmurs of the Ponyville morning were suddenly overtaken by a magnificent trumpet fanfare. The attention of the hundreds of ponies that had gathered at Ponyville Station for the formal farewell parade for Princess Twilight Sparkle was directed to the north, as the royal procession that had started at the castle was now closing in on the train that waited to take her to Canterlot. Instead of taking a small chariot like she had at her first coronation in Canterlot, she had opted to walk with her six friends through the entire parade route, stopping to shake hooves, hug, and sign autographs. It had started at the front doors of her Castle of Friendship, and made the route down to the marketplace, town hall, and through the south neighborhoods to the train platform, where the heaviest crowds were waiting.

Lieutenant Colonel Berrytwist had silently accompanied her the entire way.

A podium had been set up before the steps to the platform proper, and that's where most of the crowd had gathered. Between the podium and the steps, were two distinct sets of E.U.P. detachments. On the left, towards the Town of Ponyville, was the entire Ponyville E.U.P., and on the right, towards the waiting train and past that, the rolling prairie and hills of Ponyville's outskirts, was the Canterlot E.U.P. Honor Guard, led by Lieutenant Colonel Speartip. Once Princess Twilight was on board the train, she was their responsibility. Together, the two sets of guards formed a corridor to the steps of the train platform, where the caboose was waiting to receive the Princess of Friendship.

The cheers got louder as Twilight approached, and she took her time greeting and signing pictures for everypony who had come out to bid her farewell. As she slowly made her way towards the podium, Fizzlepop made her way up the stairs to the end of her side of the corridor, standing at attention as Princess Twilight stepped up to the podium, with Mayor Mare sitting off to the side by the Ponyville E.U.P., and the crowd finally started to die down as she prepared to speak.

"I will never, ever be able to truly express how much this town has meant to me, nor what it has done for me over the last few years." Twilight began, already getting choked up. "All of you are truly something magical and wonderful. You have all played a part in making me the Princess I am today. I can only hope I will do you proud in Canterlot, and not a day will pass by when I don't think about you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much."

Twilight took a step back from the podium and gave some final waves as the crowd erupted in cheers again. She turned, and looked at the stairs to the platform, and the two columns of guards on either side.

"Present arms!" Fizzlepop barked the drill command, and on the same beat, both Ponyville and Canterlot guards raised their hooves, spears, and staves in salute to the departing Princess as she walked between the two columns, and came up the stairs. She paused at Fizzlepop, who was holding her repaired aetherial staff at attention, while her other hoof held a salute.

"See you in a few weeks, Lieutenant Colonel." Twilight told her over the cheering crowd. Though she tried her best to remain on ceremony, she couldn't deny the Princess of Friendship.

"Safe travels, Princess. Thank you for everything." She replied with a smile, her saluting hoof and staff not moving an inch.

Princess Twilight blinked away the last of her tears, and turned towards the waiting caboose. The moment she was aboard, Fizzlepop ordered a parade rest, and the Canterlot E.U.P. began to file into the passenger cars ahead of the caboose. When everypony was aboard, the doors shut, and the locomotive's whistle gave a mighty cry, and the Friendship Express began to pull away from the station, with everypony present waving goodbye, and Pinkie Pie giving chase down the tracks.

Fizzlepop watched as Twilight came out onto the exterior rear of the caboose and waved her last goodbyes to the crowd, as she giggled at Pinkie.

"Best of luck up there."