• Published 14th Oct 2019
  • 2,154 Views, 102 Comments

Fizzlepop's Future - milesprower06

As Princess Twilight Sparkle relocates to Canterlot, her faithful Captain of the Guard Fizzlepop Berrytwist wonders if she's prepared for the newest changes and challenges in her life.

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Mornings were usually the time when the castle was busiest, and the activity was always concentrated in and around the dining room as the E.U.P. gathered for breakfast, and the past couple weeks, they had also been accompanied by the school staff that was getting everything ready for the new school year in just under a month.

Fizzlepop came into the dining room in full armor, like the rest of the squad that would be on duty immediately after breakfast, after the best night of sleep that she had gotten since the castle had emptied out. She stepped up to the buffet, got pancakes, strawberry syrup, and hash browns, and a glass of orange juice before sitting down across from Thunderlane and Rivet.

"Morning, L.C. You're looking ten times better." Thunderlane said, getting a smile out of her as she removed her helmet and set it next to her plate.

"Captains, I wanted to thank the two of you. Not just as my officers, but as my friends. It takes courage and commitment to stand up to your commanding officer, and see that she takes care of herself, if she's clearly not doing it on her own. I'm not saying it's going to be smooth sailing from here on out, but I'm hoping that the personal issues that I'm dealing with won't get as bad as it did these past two weeks, and to that end, I think I'm done with the 16-hour shifts. I'm going to be taking a little time for myself, each and every day. Can I count on you two to split up the slack?" She asked.

Both stallions smiled at her.

"We thought you'd never ask. You can count on us, ma'am." Rivet replied.

"Excellent. So did I miss anything yesterday? What's on the agenda?" She asked, starting into her pancakes.

"It was pretty much business as usual," Rivet began. "I did make a note to check on that pegasus at Sweet Apple Acres today, his community service hours should definitely be up by now."

"Have Applejack send him over to my office this afternoon. I have something I'd like to discuss with him."

Damiadon had seen very little of the castle on his first trip in here, as he was rather quickly taken down to the basement to be held. But this time, he was escorted upstairs, into the east wing. Walking past about seven doors, he had honestly lost count, and his guard escort, Blossomforth, knocked on the door.

"Come on in." Came the immediate response. The uniformed pegasus opened the door with a wing, then stepped aside, ushering him into a small office, with the dark orchid unicorn sitting behind it. Blossomforth shut the door and returned to her post.

"I was told you wanted to see me, Lieutenant Colonel?" Damiadon asked.

"Yes, I did, please sit down, Damiadon." She said, using her horn to gently push out a chair for him on his side of her desk. He sat down, while she pulled open a drawer, and several moments later, came up with a considerably sized cloth bag. When she set it down on the desk, the chinking sounds made it obvious it was full of bits.

"Applejack says your community service was quite satisfactory, but you put in a little bit more work than what was needed to cover 25 bits worth of produce. So here's the rest of it; 126 bits in total." Fizzlepop said, writing down the amount in a ledger she had in front of her on her desk. Then, she slid a file folder over to the center, and flipped it open with her magic. Dami recognized it as the application he had put in to the Ponyville EUP.

"Through these past few days, I've realized how I saw a lot of myself in you. A pony with just an overly frustrating string of bad luck, just trying to survive with the means they had available, and what I needed was a helping hoof up. So I'm going to offer the same to you. Damiadon, you can take these bits, and leave, or, you can use it as an initial deposit for your armor and gear, and be out front at 0500 on Monday morning to begin recruit orientation." Fizzlepop said, rotating a piece of parchment and sliding it towards him. It was an Oath of Enlistment, with his name on it, just awaiting a formal signature. He spent a few moments looking at it, before clearing his throat, and looking back up at the unicorn.

"Well, Lieutenant Colonel, please allow me to say that I'm flattered and truly appreciate the change of heart, and I do sincerely apologize for the remark I made to you downstairs. But Applejack and Big Macintosh have invited me to stay at the Acres, as a permanent farmhoof. Cider season is coming up, and they're gonna need more help. They're good ponies, and the fact that they are inviting me to stay means a very great deal to me. So..." The pegasus paused, sliding the unsigned Oath of Enlistment back to Fizzlepop's side of the desk.

"I'm going to have to respectfully decline the offer." He finished.

Fizzlepop nodded at him.

"I certainly respect reasoning like that, Damiadon." She said, pushing the bag of bits towards him. "Best of luck, and I'll probably be seeing you around. You're one serious Buckball defender." Fizzlepop said, putting the oath back in the file folder, and returning it to the drawer.

Dami smiled, stood up from the chair, shook her outstretched hoof, and turned to leave the office.

He had farming to do.

The rolling hills of central Equestria flowed by, and the views became more spectacular as the Friendship Express continued to climb into the mountains as it ascended to Canterlot. As the sun rose in the east, Fizzlepop's eyes seemed to be glued to the capitol the bigger it got.

"I don't think I've ever seen you this excited to return to Canterlot, Lieutenant Colonel." Starlight commented with a smirk, sitting across from her with Fluttershy, as Applejack had chosen the seat next to the armored unicorn.

"Yeah, so it's been a long month. Can you blame me?" Fizzlepop replied, smiling back at her.

"Oh, not at all. I was barely able to sleep last night." Fluttershy immediately offered.

"Yeah, I'd reckon that we've all missed Twilight a bit since she moved up here." Applejack supported.

Fizzlepop had been to Canterlot a handful of times, both willingly and otherwise, since being taken to Ponyville after the Friendship Festival. She had come up here for formal recognition after their successful expedition to Mount Aris. She and all of her squad were unfortunately among the Ponyvillians who were taken under Sombra's spell for his assault on Canterlot. She had helped Sandbar gather as many allies as they could and brought them to the hills in front of the city gates, where Chrysalis, Cozy, and Tirek were confronted and defeated. Finally, her most recent trip had been accompanying Twilight and the others for her hilariously horrendous coronation as she took over for Celestia and Luna. Each time, she had noticed at least one look of concern, or worry, or judgement from a passing pony; one of quite a few she feared would never forget what she had helped the Storm King do two years ago.

The train finished it's climb, and pulled into Canterlot Station. As they disembarked from the train, Fizzlepop noticed that something was different this time around, as a chariot was waiting to take them to the castle. Usually they had walked, and it wasn't that she minded, but the quicker they got there, the sooner they got to see their friend, and the more time they had to spend with her.

They all piled in and enjoyed the swift, smooth ride right through the streets and right up to the front steps in the castle courtyard. Though she considered herself the escort for Applejack, Fluttershy, and Starlight, she knew it was merely a formality, especially since she was officially made a council member for what would be monthly meetings. Her magenta armor plates made her stand out from the Canterlot E.U.P., who all wore gold plate. The only customization they were permitted was the dye applied to the artificial manes on the helmets, to match their tails and manes underneath the helmet. It was a feature that her helmet had forgone, instead implementing a long slot allowing her rose mohawk to pass through. So formality aside, she was for all intents and purposes, a guest along with the rest of them.

As they passed through the front doors to the south receiving area, they immediately laid eyes on Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Pinkie, who had all gotten there before them. Everypony immediately closed in on each other for greetings and hugs.

It truly had seemed longer than a month.

"Honored guests, we can proceed to the banquet hall whenever you are ready." Lieutenant Colonel Speartip told them. Fizzlepop still wasn't used to being here without being told where to go, always under watch. But the itinerary she had received from Twilight a couple nights prior made it abundantly clear; she considered them her equals when it came to 'royalty', and they were allowed to go wherever they pleased.

"Hope I didn't put any retirement plans on hold, Lieutenant Colonel." Fizzlepop remarked to her expedition partner as she walked along side him towards the banquet hall.

"Nonsense. I love serving this city, and I honestly wasn't looking forward to that coming to an end. So we both got what we wanted." Speartip replied.

Together, the seven of them walked through the doors to the banquet hall, and were amazed at what was done with the place. For an event meant for just eight ponies, over-the-top didn't quite do it justice. Along the banquet hall hung different colored banners, matching one of their coats, and embroidered on each of them, was the cutie mark of the respective councilor. Fizzlepop's included, as she saw the neon pink and blue fireworks explosions on the dark orchid tapestry.

"Whoa..." Applejack reacted as their gaits slowed upon taking in the overwhelming decoration.

"Well I had to give the decorators something to do. Lemon Hearts wouldn't let me hear the end of it." Came a familiar voice from the only large table that food had been placed on. A voice that Fizzlepop had been longing to hear.

They all laid eyes on Twilight as she stepped around the table and smiled at her friends. All at once, they rushed towards her and shared a group hug, something that Fizzlepop didn't quite feel right partaking in, especially in her armor. But as the seven of them separated, Twilight immediately turned to her and stepped up to the unicorn.

"No standing on ceremony today, Fizzlepop." The Princess told her, before coming in for a hug, which she immediately returned.

"Well, this was the reason why I didn't want any of you eating on the way here. Let's dig in!"

Now that they had finally reunited with their Princess, they finally laid eyes on the spread that had been put on the table. Steaming hot pancakes, hay cakes, hash browns, fruit, and pitchers of milk, orange juice, apple juice, and grape juice.

Twilight's itinerary had made it obvious that this was going to be one of the most non-royal royal affairs Canterlot had ever seen. At first, Fizzlepop had imagined something far more formal, with meetings and outlines, and meticulous planning of a degree that only Twilight Sparkle was capable of. But after she had gone through the whole thing yesterday afternoon, it was looking to be little more than a fun day on the town with good friends. Shopping, bowling, a tour of how she and Spike had been redecorating the castle, and only an hour, if that, of sitting down to discuss matters of regional and national importance.

"So, last item on the list, this is more towards Applejack, Fluttershy, Starlight, and Fizzlepop..." Twilight began, checking off another box on her scroll. "It's been called to my attention that my castle in Ponyville has seemed a bit... Empty, since I've come up here. I'm certainly open to suggestions on how to fix that." Twilight said, addressing the eight others sitting at the round table that had been set up in the throne room for the evening.

"Welcome Week for the next school year kicks off next Monday. We could put international visitors up there in the guest rooms. After that, our class is a bit bigger than last year, so opening up the west wing for group sessions, study halls, and even additional dormitory space wouldn't seem like such a bad idea." Starlight answered.

"Sounds like a plan. Fizzlepop, as the intermediary castle caretaker, how would you feel if I brought on some help for you to delegate some of that off to? I've got some ponies in mind."

"That sounds terrific, Twilight." Fizzlepop replied.

"Alright, well I think that about wraps things up. I've had an amazing time with all of you today, and I want you to know that these council gatherings won't always be up here; I know Ponyville has been dying to see me. But, seeing as the last train down to Ponyville leaves in 20 minutes, I'd like to get you on your way home."

With that, she stood up, followed by all the others, and a last round of hugs were had all around before they started towards the exit.

"Fizzlepop, can you stay a moment?" Twilight asked as the rest filed out of the throne room. The unicorn turned back as Twilight stepped up to her.

"So I've heard through the grapevine that you've been having more trouble than you're letting on." The Princess said as non-judgmentally as she could.

Fizzlepop's eyes widened slightly at the accusation.

"Should I even bother asking who you've been talking to, or who's been talking to you?" The guard asked, feeling a twinge of annoyance and frustration, though she thought it best to quickly let it pass.

Twilight merely raised an eyebrow, and Fizzlepop knew she wasn't going to be satisfied with answering her question with another one. They were both better than that.

"Alright, fine. I've been going through some pretty serious separation anxiety. It's something I've never been through in my life. I guess 'just down the mountain' is farther away than I give it credit." Fizzlepop admitted.

"Why didn't you come talk to me?" Twilight asked, concern filling her voice.

"Twilight, you have been my guide and best friend ever since you brought me to Ponyville. But I can't cling to you forever. I can't come running up to you here in Canterlot whenever I become a faltering mess. You and I both know that wouldn't be appropriate. I can't be another burden. Yeah, it was bad during the first week or two. Some days I manage, some days I can't manage so well, and when that happens, I've got friends, and coworkers... And even other Princesses, who have been helping me discover ways to cope."

The Princess of Friendship nodded understandingly.

"Fair enough. It sounds like you've been doing some adjusting on your own. But on the days you can't..." She paused, stepped forward, and pulled Fizzlepop into a hug. "I want you to come see me. Because you are not a burden to me. Is that clear, Lieutenant Colonel?"

Fizzlepop squeezed back, returning the hug.

"Perfectly, Your Majesty."

"Alright," Twilight began, releasing the unicorn from the hug. "Now, I think it would be a bit embarrassing if my friends' escort missed the last train of the night. See you in a month?" Twilight asked.

"Who knows, maybe sooner." Fizzlepop replied with a smirk, and turned to the door.

"Oh, and Fizzlepop, just one last question..." Twilight called as she was opening the door. Fizzlepop turned, and saw the Princess giving her the most innocent of smiles.

"Where'd you get it? Plushies and Pillows?"