• Published 18th Oct 2019
  • 13,837 Views, 613 Comments

Unexpected Aftermath - Autum Breeze

I thought having to move house was stressful. Now I'm Cozy Glow and I'd glady take the stress of moving over this!

  • ...

Chapter 13

Chapter 13


“It still takes my breath every time I see them,” I say, turning my head left and right as I walk through the crystalline garden, Mistmane beside me.

Yesterday was when I visited Ponyville and ended up back at the Empire sans my guard.

Flash had returned a few hours later, yelling about how I’d run off after foalnapping Flurry Heart.

However, he’d bargained in during dinner, where Cadance, Shining, myself and the foalnapped Flurry had been sitting and chatting.

Flash had frozen in confusion upon seeing the infant, who blew a raspberry at him, before flinging some mashed peas at him for good measure, it hitting him square on the nose.

When he’d demanded to know what was going on and why, after saving Flurry from me, they were just letting me eat causally with them, Shining had dismissed Flash.

He’s now stationed on the far side of the Empire, somewhere I have made a mental note to stay far away from.

I’ve decided to spend today hanging with out with Mistmane. Having something in common I’d never expected, we get along very well.

The fact I’m mentally an adult also means our conversations were varied and quite mature at times.

She commented that, even considering how old I really am compared to the body I now inhabit, I seem rather mature for my age.

I did have to debunk that idea. Thanks to an operation I’d had on my brain when I was very young, my adult mind had always been stuck in a kind of limbo between childhood and adulthood.

I can be mature, but I can also be very childish. My temper being the biggest example, as I can sometimes go from nought to a hundred in seconds… and that doesn’t seem to have changed since I ended up in Cozy’s body.

Did Cozy have some kind of an imbalance in her brain? I mean, it would explain why she lost her temper so easily whenever something didn’t go exactly as she wanted down to the last detail.

“You know, talking about that brat, there’s something that’s been bugging me since the first day all this started,” I say, looking to Mistmane as we stop by a bed of limestone roses.

“Oh?” Mistmane looks to me, intrigued. “What might that be?”

I look to her with a serious frown. “How come Cozy turned into an Alicorn in the first place?”

This seems to confuse the older mare and she cocks an eyebrow to show it. “You know how, Autum. She absorb a third of Grogar’s magic and it altered her, just as it did her cohorts.”

I shake my head. “No, I don’t mean it like that. I’ve just realized I really hadn’t fully thought it through and that’s leading to confusion. Sure, I know Cozy turned into an Alicorn after being exposed to Grogar’s magic from the bell, but there has to be more to it than that, right? I know how she became an Alicorn, but I don’t know why she became one.”

Mistmane still looks confused.

I shake my head. “You don’t just become an Alicorn because of another being’s magic, especially when said being isn’t even a pony. Look at Starlight Glimmer and Star Swirl. They’ve more magic than any unicorn in history. Twilight’s even admitted that they’ve more magic than she ever did back when she was just a unicorn.” I blink, before blushing. “Um, no offense. I didn’t mean…”

Mistmane chuckles. “I know, Autum. I know. Continue.”

I nod, before shaking my head. “Logically, since Tirek and Cheese Legs had been given massive power ups when they absorbed Grogar’s magic, the same would’ve applied to Cozy, but… shouldn’t she have just become a bigger and more powerful Pegasus? Why did she specifically turn into an Alicorn? There has to be an answer.”

Mistmane stares for a moment, before she frowns in thought. “You… have a point.”

“It would help if I knew exactly how Alicorns came to be,” I grumble, lifting into the air and folding my forelegs. It’s hard to pout like that on all fours. “I know Celestia and Luna were born Alicorns, so I can’t use them as an example.”

“But they weren’t.”

I blink, turning to the unicorn, confused. “Huh?”

She shakes her head. “Celestia and Luna were not born Alicorns. They were born unicorns, just like Princess Twilight was.”

It takes a moment for what she said to pass through my brain.

My wings stop and I drop to the ground, barely avoiding sprawling as I look up to the mare in shocked disbelief. “WHAT?”


I frown, tapping my hoof against the table as I stare down at my notes, my frustration evident to anypony who looks at me.

It’s been three days since Mistmane and I had been chatting when she dropped what has to be one of the biggest bombshells I could ever have heard.

Celestia and Luna were not born Alicorns, as the Journal of the Two Sisters book, a book that had been printed in the real world and confirmed by the staff themselves to be canon to the show, leads everyone to be.

They had both been born simple unicorns, who just happened to have the special talent of being able to raise and lower the sun and moon on their own.

The two had turned into Alicorns after they’d first raised the sun and moon in front of everypony in Equestria.

That means Flurry Heart is literally the only natural born Alicorn in history. Every other Alicorn was originally a normal pony, with most of us having been unciorns. Cadance and I are the only non-unicorn ponies to become Alicorns.

So, after that bombshell that shattered countless theories about Alicorns the fandom had been trying to understand for years, I set myself up here, in the Crystal Empire library and having been looking through anything that could remotely explain why Cozy specifically became an Alicorn when she was exposed to Grogar’s magic.

I even asked Cadance to ask Celestia and Luna to send anything about early Equestria that could help me figure it out… though they oddly clammed up pretty fast.

For some reason, they told Cadance it was better nopony know why Cozy became an Alicorn and I should therefore stop looking into it… so, of course, I’m still looking into it.

If Celestia and Luna are worried about me finding something in the past that could explain Cozy becoming an Alicorn, it must be pretty deep, so I’ve had to rely solely on any records from the Crystal Empire itself.

Luckily, despite several years having passed since the Empire’s return, its library hasn’t been updated too much.

Apparently, Amethyst Maresbury, the librarian Twilight and the other met in the season three premiere, had insisted on going through each book herself to make sure no important documents were lost and, apparently as stubborn and meticulous as our Princess Bookhorse, she’s not like anypony else help her do it, so she’s not even half way through the library by this point.

This has thankfully meant a lot of ancient history is available without my having to worry about whatever reason Celestia and Luna don’t want me understanding why Cozy turned into in an Alicorn preventing me from moving forward.

Days of researching, however, hasn’t yielded any actual results.

All it’s done is cause me to cram my head full of ancient Equestrian history, both interesting and boring as fuck.

“Any progress?”

Cadance’s voice makes me I glance up from the book I’m currently reading, a journal of Princess Platinum written shortly after the founding of Equestria, as the pink Alicorn walks over to me, a small smile on her face. I’m currently at the part in the journal shortly after Celestia and Luna became princesses after taking over the task of raising the sun and moon from Star Swirl and the other unicorns.

I sigh, rubbing my eyes with my hooves. “Not really. I don’t even know why I’m bothering to read this journal. Maybe I’m just so desperate after three days for any information, I’ll take whatever I can find? Though, if history books don’t have the answers, why should this journal from Princess Platinum do any better? Why’s it even here?”

“I’m… honestly not sure,” Cadance says slowly, glancing at the book from over my shoulder. “Amethyst Maresbury said it was found hidden among several books after the Empire returned several years back. She’d been meaning to send it to Aunt Celestia, but what with all the books she needed to organize and update with a thousand years’ worth of history, it just never happened.”

“Lucky me,” I grumble, returning my eyes to the page.

With the appointment of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, it seemed like we were finally starting our true peace times. I thought my friends and I could settle into our new roles in this society of all three tribes with no more qualms.

If only I could have known what the stallion I used to see as my father would do next…

I blink, shaking my head and cocking an eyebrow. Um… come again?

“Did you find something?” Cadance asks, moving closer, though I don’t answer her as I keep reading.

Father had already been resentful to share ruling our new land with the leaders of the other tribes. It was always up to me to maintain the peace between himself and them.

What happened after Celestia and Luna took over raising the sun and moon, was the first step to his downfall.

I continue to read, going further and further into Platinum’s accounts of her father King Cobalt… and my eyes widen as everything clicks.

“Autum?” Cadance sounds a little worried, though her expression shows concern when I look to her, my own eyes wide.

“This explains everything!” I say, slamming a hoof down on the book. “Cadance, we need to speak with Celestia, Luna and Twilight about this, immediately! If this gets out, it could be a nightmare!”

“I… what? A nightmare? What are you talking about?”

I shake my head, grabbing the book in my forelegs and using my wings to hover. “I’ll explain when they get here. This is really big. It explains everything, even why the Empire suffered all those years. It even explains Flurry Heart being an Alicorn!”

She gives me a suspicious look, though I’d assume that’s because I accidentally just lumped her daughter with the tyrant who ruled over the Empire together without proper context, before nodding slowly. “Alright. If you think it’s that important…”

“It is!” I say, bitting my lip. “And we should get Star Swirl here too. He’s part of it. This is huge, Cadance! It explains how Cozy became an Alicorn, Flurry, even how and why Sombra took over the Empire.”

She nods, walking out of the library, myself following after.

Cadance addresses several Crystal Guard, who all come over.

“Please have word sent to Princess Celestia, Luna and Twilight to get to the Empire as soon as possible,” she says to them. “Also, be sure to send word to Star Swirl the Bearded as well. Be sure to inform them all that it’s extremely urgent.”

“And Zecora!” They all look to me, but I keep my expression firm. “Trust me, we need Zecora on this as soon as possible!”

Cadance is now looking very suspicious, but it can’t be helped. This is massive and could spell disaster if we don’t handle this properly.

The fact it’s been under everypony’s noses this whole time, just sitting there… it’s a bomb just waiting to go off and, if we don’t sort this out now, there’s no telling what dangers we’ll be in later on.

The guards all look to Cadance for assurance and she nods, them all hurrying off to send the messages.

“Should I be worried about this, Autum?” she asks, giving me a scrutinizing look. Granted, she can clearly tell I’m worried and I’m outright petrified by what I’ve learned, but I can tell she is just trying to figure me out.

“I can’t explain here, Cadance,” I shake my head, glancing around. “If this gets out, it could spell the end of the world as we very well know it.”

“I’ll trust you, Autum,” she seems, though I can tell she’s annoyed I’m not outright telling her now, “but I hope that trust isn’t being misplaced.”

I shake my head. “Trust me, Cadance, the very fate of this reality as we know it is at stake. I want to protect everyone just as much as you do.”

Damn you, Sombra. I can’t believe you put this on us.


“So, what exactly is this all about, Cadance?” Twilight asks as Cadance, Shining, myself and Flurry Heart, the latter riding atop my back, walk into the room, closing the door behind us, Shining locking it with his magic.

We’re in the room where Twilight and the Mane 6 planned how to save the Crystal Empire back in season three.

“Are the doors and windows all locked?” I look to Shining.

The stallion nods. “And the sound barriers are in place, even set to your specifics so only those of us in this room should be able to hear what’s said. I’m still wondering why you feel we need all this secrecy, Autum,” he gives me a very confused and concerned look.

I nod, putting Platinum’s journal on the table. “The Empire has unknowingly been hiding a secret all these years. A secret only three ponies in this room, aside from now myself, are fully aware off. Ones who were living during those times.”

I look pointedly at Celstia, Luna and Star Swirl.

“I wonder what this great secret can be, known only to Autum and you three?” Zecora looks to the three ponies.

I look firmly around at everyone. “King Sombra was an Alicorn.”

Confusion plays over the faces of all but the three ponies I mentioned. Their faces show shock and recognition.

“But, that’s not possible,” Shining shakes his head. “Autum, Cadance, Flurry and I were held captive by him when Discord brought him back. I clearly saw no sign of wings under his cloak.”

“You’re right, Shining Armour,” I nod, before looking to Celestia, Luna and Star Swirl. “He wasn’t an Alicorn then… because his Alicornhood was taken away many years ago,” I point, “by these three.”

Everypony looks to the three, Twilight in particular looking most horrified.

“How do you know this?” Star Swirl asks.

I glance to Zecora and Twilight. “Honestly, I might not have put all the pieces together if not for you two.”

They glance to each other.

“Huh?” Twilight asks. “How in the wide world of Equestria could we have helped you figure it out?”

“Six words,” I say sternly. “Trixie Lulamoon and the Alicorn Amulet.”

Twilight blinks, before screaming, “WHAT?!”

However, I don’t get to answer before Celestia cries out, “You found the Alicorn Amulet?!”

Odd. Celestia said that as if she had no idea about Trixie using the Amulet to attack Ponyville all those years ago. Did Twilight not actually mention the Amulet itself when she told Celestia about that event?

Putting that and the stunned opened mouthed look Twilight was giving Celestia aside, I look to the two sisters and their mentor, their expressions saying it all. “Long ago, when Celestia and Luna first raised the sun and moon, all the ponies of the tribes were so grateful, something akin to the Crystaling occurred. All the ponies, Earth Ponies, unicorns and pegasi, poured their joy and relief onto Celestia and Luna, whom were just unicorns at the time. As they were immersed in so much love and light, they transformed into Alicorns.”

“I… don’t see what this has to do with Sombra,” Cadance says slowly.

I nod. “I’m getting to that. But first, why do you all think I’m an Alicorn? More specifically, why did Cozy Glow become an Alicorn?”

“Well, she absorb a third of Grogar’s stored magic,” Shining says, seeming more lost. “How does that apply to Sombra though?”

“There was magic from many beings in that bell, Shining Armour, not just Grogar’s,” I say firmly. “He stole magic from many before the bell was used to defeat him. He stole from all creatures, including ponies. All three tribes of ponies. And what are we Alicorns? An amalgamation of all three. What happens when you super charge somepony with magic, while also exposing them to all three tribes at once?”

I look between Cadance and Twilight, waiting for the penny to drop.

“Super charged with magic?” Twilight frowns. “What does that mean, exactly?”

Cadance blinks, her eyes widening.

I nod, before looking to Celestia and Luna, who’s expressions have become grim, likely not happy to be remembering this part of their past. “Celestia, Luna, Star Swirl, it’s time you told everypony in this room how Sombra became an Alicorn and why you had to banish him. I’ve read Platinum’s journal. I know all about what happened to her father.”

“What?” Shining looks more confused. “What does King Cobalt have to do with this?”

Twilight nods. “Sure, everypony knows he died because of King Sombra, but what’s his connection to this idea of Sombra being an Alicorn?”

I look pointedly at the three elder ponies. “History is written by the victors, Twilight. It’s time they knew. If you don’t tell them, I will.”

The three elder ponies heave heavy sighs.

“King Sombra… was King Cobalt.”

Everypony else stars wide eyed at Celestia upon her words.

Twilight looks like she can’t believe what she’s hearing. No, she looks like she doesn’t want to believe. “Princess… you can’t be serious. Can you?”

Celestia closes her eyes, but it is Star Swirl who speaks.

“Not many ponies would know it nowadays, but King Cobalt was a unicorn with a lust for power. Until Equestria was formed, that lust had always been sated.”

“He tolerated sharing that power with the leaders of the other tribes, though, if barely,” Celestia says reluctantly. “That is…”

“That is until my sister and I took over rule of both the sun and moon, as well as the kingdom,” Luna continues on when her sister doesn’t finish. “With us on the throne, a unicorn king was not needed.”

“A year past and we were ready to celebrate the very first Summer Sun Celebration,” Star Swirl picks up. “However, neither of the princesses were present when the celebration began. Instead, a twisted version of the king we’d all known took the stage.”

“Using dark magic, he ripped magic from all the ponies present,” Luna scowls. “Doing so, he became infused with their magic, transforming him into an Alicorn. King Cobalt indeed died that day. In his place was King Sombra. He then attacked my sister and I, intent on taking rule over our kingdom, demanding obedience from all.”

I look to Star Swirl. “At least until one unicorn wizard refused to bow to him.”

Star Swirl sighs, his expression firm. “I had been privy to his plans due to noticing his odd behaviour after the sisters took rule and keeping secret watch over him. When he confronted me, I used a gem to cast a powerful spell, pulling the stolen magic from his body, returning him to a unicorn.”

“Using the power in the gem, Star Swirl banished him from our kingdom,” Luna sighs. “Only for him to find the Crystal Empire and takeover it instead.”

Yeah, now the reason why Sombra was at war with Equestria in that alternate timeline in season five makes a lot more sense. He’d always intended to go to war and take Equestria back from Celestia and Luna as revenge for taking rule themselves.

“What about the stolen magic?” Shining looks around, though the shocked look on Twilight, Zecora and Cadance’s faces tell me they’ve figure it out.

“Try as I could, I was unable to return the magic from the gemstone,” Star Swirl sighs dejectedly. “Sombra’s spirit had corrupted it. So, instead, I locked the magic within the gem and placed it within a cast of Sombra’s image as warning.”

“The Alicorn Amulet,” Twilight’s eyes are wide at the stallion. “You created the Alicorn Amulet?!”

“It’s why the Amulet corrupts whoever is wearing it and can only be removed by that same individual,” I say, shaking my head. “The magic within it is the corrupted magic Sombra stole. It’s why, when Trixie was wearing it, her magical ablities were on par with an Alicorn’s.”

“Is that why you summoned me from my home in the Everfree?” Zecora asks, looking stunned.

I nod. “That Amulet is the only remains of Sombra’s twisted ambitions. We need to get rid of it, before we have a repeat of his actions or worse. It also explains why my magic was that exact shade of red before the Elements were used on me.”

I haven’t used it too much, but I have managed to light my horn every once in a while and my magical aura is now a slightly different shade of red, according to Cadance and i chose to take her word for it.

“Wait, I’m lost again,’ Shining shakes his head. “What does Sombra and the Alicorn Amulet have to do with your magic originally being a different shade of red?”

I can tell from a glance Celestia, Luna, Star Swirl and Twilight have easily figured out my meaning.

“The reason the magic in the Amulet turns the magic of whomever wears it red is because, while wearing it, they’re using it’s magic instead of their own, which is corrupted, stolen,” I said, pointing to my horn. “The same goes for Cozy’s magic. When she absorbed the magic from the bell, it was magic stolen from the three tribes. It too had become corrupted. Her magic was still red even after we switched bodies because, while I wasn’t evil like her, the magic in this body still was. Once the Elements were used on me, my magic changed because all the corrupted energy was gone.”

“This is big news and quite shocking, I must admit,” Cadance says, before looking to me. “But, I don’t see why this is so urgent you had to pull my aunts away from the rebuilding of Canterlot Castle, Autum.”

“That Amulet and this journal,” I hold it up in my hooves, “are the only remnants of history that prove Alicorns aren’t actually anything special.”

“Huh?” everypony looks to each other, beyond confused.

“Anypony can become an Alicorn,” I say firmly, putting the journal down. “Cozy, and now we all know Sombra, proved this. Becoming an Alicorn isn’t something that only those who prove themselves can do. All you need is a bunch of unicorns, Earth Ponies and pegasi to pour a ton of their magic into a single pony and it can happen.”

“But… that can’t be true,” Twilight shakes her head. “I only became an Alicorn because I finished Star Swirl’s spell.”

“And what happened the moment you did finish the spell, Twilight?” I ask, looking to her. “The Elements all blasted you with intense beams of magic. The Elements that are bound to your friends, who are all Earth Ponies, pegasi and a unicorn. All their energies pooled into you at once, amplified by the Elements themselves.”

“What about Cadance?” Shining glances to his wife.

I look to the pink mare myself. “Something similar happened there, too. Cadance defeated a sorceress who was using a magical necklace that amplified the emotions said mare was feeling. When Cadance got close enough to her, the gem within the necklace amplified Cadance’s love, helping her to cure the mare of her bitterness, but it also amplified the emotions of all those around them. The ponies of the village were so grateful, with their emotions and magical output amplified by the gem, Cadance was exposed to a surge of all three tribes, turning her into an Alicorn.”

“And Flurry Heart?” Star Swirl is looking at me sceptically now. “You make good points, Princess Autum, but how do you explain a baby being exposed to a powerful surge of all three tribes’ magic before it is even born?”

I cock an eyebrow at him. “After everything I’ve just said, I’d have thought that was obvious, Star Swirl, especially to a pony as knowledgeable as you.” I point to Cadance. “Cadance is an Alicorn and what is more powerful than a mother’s love for her baby? Flurry was exposed to all three tribes’ magic within her own mother. Cadance has all three tribes within her, so Flurry was being exposed to them by default as she developed within her own mother.”

“Hence she was an Alicorn at birth!” Twilight’s eyes widen.

“What is this all leading to, Autum?” Celestia asks after a few moments of everyone taking in my revelations.

I look to Celestia. “What this is leading to is that everypony here needs to understand what this would mean if word ever got out.” I look around at everypony. “We all know how powerful Cozy was with her magic after she became an Alicorn. Now, imagine a group of ponies, intent on conquering Equestria like Cozy wanted to, like Sombra wanted to. They turn themselves into Alicorns, meaning we could end up dealing with an army of evil Alicorns.”

A chill runs through the air at the idea.

“I imagine this is part of the reason Celestia and Luna hid this from everypony for all these years,” I look to the sisters. “Better to make ponies think Alicorns are unique and need to be earned and can’t just be made. But that’s a slippery slope. Cozy has already put that concept at risk. We’re just fortunate that nopony knows about Sombra’s true identity anymore, so they’ve all just assumed it was only because of Grogar’s magic that she became an Alicorn.”

“Get to the point, child,” Star Swirl says, seeming more anxious than angry. He’s probably had these thoughts at times himself and wants to stop having to think about.

I point at the sisters. “The point is you, Celestia and Luna, though mostly Celestia, since she was the one in charge of Equestria for a thousand years, have been very sloppy. This isn’t something I should’ve easily been able to stumble upon.”

“In their defence, the Empire was gone for a thousand years,” Cadance interjects. “And with Amethyst Maresbury not letting anypony else help her with sorting the library out, nopony could’ve known a journal from Sombra’s daughter could’ve been sitting in there this whole time.”

“Well, much as I like the mare, we are going to be putting our hooves down on this,” I say firmly, looking around at my fellow royal ponies. “We are princesses and a prince. We have the authority to enforce rules, especially if it’s for the safety of our people. This is one such time. Twilight,” I point to her, “you need to help her finish sorting out the library here in the Empire. The fact it’s been four years since the Empire returned and she’s still not done is more than enough reason for us to force her to accept your help. We need somepony we can trust to look through the library with her. There’s no telling whether or not any more information about Alicorns is just floating around in there.”

“It is true, I made sure to get every account I could find of Equestria’s history between my sister and I rising to the throne and Sombra’s curse causing the Empire to vanish,” Celestia says, brow furrowed in concern, “but I had never taken the Empire’s library records into consideration due to its disappearance and completely forgot about the library itself once it returned.”

I can’t stop my facehoof.

“As for the Amulet,” I look to Zecora, “I know we can trust you with it, Zecora, but I think I would honestly feel safer if we brought it and stored it here in the Empire until we can deal with it. I hope you understand?”

She nods, her expression firm understanding. “No need for fear. I understand why you would feel safer if it were here.”

“Since Zecora’s been keeping it safe at her house in the Everfree, I doubt any would’ve gone looking for it,” Twilight begins, before I give her a look, her expression turning into a sheepish grin. “Though… Spike did find that book of Dark Magic that infected Rarity without any problems in the Everfree, so…”

“Indeed,” Luna frowns, looking to her sister. “Why did you never remove all those books and artefacts from our old castle, Tia?”

Celestia just stares blankly, as if her brain is only just realizing she did just that.

I facehoof again.

With that all decided, after a few more minutes of finalizing what to do, Shining deactivates the spells and we all leave.

As we walk down one corridor to head for the train station to bid Celestia, Luna, Star Swirl and Zecora goodbye, Twilight staying for the reasons we’d discussed, one of the guards does a double take, looking confused.

“What’s up, soldier?” Shining asks casually, the others moving ahead, myself lagging behind due to my legs being so much shorter and my carrying Flurry on my back.

“I just… I could’ve sworn I saw Princess Autum pass by me about three minutes ago,” the guard says, shaking his head.

Shining and I share a confused look, before he shakes his head. “You must be mistaken, soldier. Autum has been in a meeting with myself and the other princesses for a while now. Three minutes ago, we were still in the meeting, herself present the whole time.”

“Maybe a Changeling nymph was mucking around?” the guard’s partner says, cocking an eyebrow as he glances up. “I did notice a group of them on a tour before my shift and the Autum that passed us looked more like Cozy Glow than Princess Autum. She didn’t even have a horn and her wings were Pegasus size.”

I cock an eyebrow, before pouting. “If a Changeling’s gonna pretend to be me, could they at least get it right? The less creatures keep comparing me to Cozy herself the better. I don’t want to be stuck in her shadow my entire (and as far as I know eternal) life!”

The first guard nods. “Our apologies, Princess Autum. We meant no disrespect.”

I sigh, rolling my eyes. “None taken. Sheesh, is this how Sunset feels on a regular basis. Man, I can’t wait for my house arrest to be over to I can visit that world.”

“One thing at a time, Autum,” Shining says reassuringly as we move to catch up to the others. “One thing at a time.” He blinks, before chuckling.

“What?” I ask, giving him a wry smile. “What’s so funny?”

He shakes his head. “I just realized we totally forgot to tell you.”

“Tell me what?” I ask grinning.

“The princesses have finally come up with what your last name will be now you’re living in our world permanently,” he says, smiling down to me.

I blink, before cocking an eyebrow. “Oh. Already? Okay. Let’s hear it.”

“Moonstone,” he says, looking to me. “Seems kind of fitting, huh?”

I cock an eyebrow at him, before rolling it over in my head. “Autum Moonstone. Yeah, I guess that kinda fits. Though… why? I mean, it sounds alright, but why’s Moonstone so fitting?”

Truth be told, I only know a handful of facts about gemstone properties. That was more my mother back on Earth’s expertise. I only ever really learned about quartz gems and jade and never looked much further beyond that.

Shining chuckles again. “Moonstones represent new beginnings. It’s a crystal that helps you to re-structure your life at all levels. Moonstones also cultivates compassion and empathy. It helps us to tap into our intuition and enhances psychic abilities and clairvoyance.” He gives me a wink. “Sound familiar?”

I frown, thinking it over as we exit the castle. It… does kinda fit me.

From the moment Cozy switch our minds, my whole life has been a new beginnings and, considering what I was doing before the switch, it’s even more fitting, as I was starting a new beginning in my human life too.

Author's Note:

About damn time I updated this, huh?

It took an annoying amount of time for me to figure out exactly how to continue the story.

i know what i want to do, but it's the getting there that's the tricky part, considering i am working with the time between The End of the End and Twilight's coronation from the flashback during The Last Problem.

thankfully, it was as i was rewatching a youtuber last week, that i got the inspiration for this chapter.

I would have updated it last week, but due to having to wait for information about family stuff (plus the weather couldn't make up its mind what it wanted to be), i didn't get to come down to my local library til today.

however, it did allow me to figure out how i was going to explain what i was instead of just pretty much repeating the youtuber's words, which you can find the videos of his that inspired this chapter (and my personal headcanon) about Alicorns, the Alicorn Amulet and Sombra HERE, HERE, and HERE in that order.

I have to thank the youtuber as, his recent theories have helped to seriously inspire me. In fact, it's thanks to him i know how... whoops. almost gave away spoilers for later in the story.:twilightsheepish::raritywink:

Another of his recent videos has also helped inspire something that will be happening later on in the story, though not until Autum's house arrest is over and she's free to go wherever in Equestia she pleases as well as something i'll be tackling in my others fics soon too.

So, what do you think about the revelations regarding Sombra's past? Does it fit or seem a little too headcanon?

What do you think of Autum's new name? Does it fit or do you think she should've been named after a different gemstone?

Let me know in the comments. i'm honestly curious.

Was hoping to update The New Lunar Family today too, but, even having done at leas the rough draft of this chapter yesterday to save time, i had a hunch i wouldn't be able to finish it before the end of my time on the library computer today.

i might be able to do something on the home computer, but don't hold me to that. it's surprisingly harder to get into the story writing groove on the home computer than it is at my local library for some reason.

plus, tomorrow we're celebrating my sister-in-law's birthday, so i won't have a lot of downtime at home til Sunday, by which point, i'm just gonna want to relax.

though, with my holidays starting after next week, the pace of updates may just increase a bit. fingers crossed.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter and look forward to the next one.

til next time, stay safe, stay clean and see ya later, everybody