• Published 18th Oct 2019
  • 13,840 Views, 613 Comments

Unexpected Aftermath - Autum Breeze

I thought having to move house was stressful. Now I'm Cozy Glow and I'd glady take the stress of moving over this!

  • ...

Chapter 7

Chapter 7


I grunt as I fall into a clump of snow, it consuming me.

I pop my head out, spitting and shaking my head, before looking around.

We’re somewhere in the frozen tundra. Where? I dunno. Aside from Party Pooped, no episode really explored the area outside the empire and what we saw in that episode wasn’t much anyway.

I frown, glancing up at the foal atop my head as she snuggles in.

I sigh. “Whelp, no point just standing around.”

Judging by the position of the sun, it’s at least either mid or late afternoon. It’ll be night before too long and the last thing we’ll want is to be outside in the snow at night.

I start trudging through the snow, in no particular direction. All I can hope is, if we don’t find the empire or maybe Yakyakistan, we at least find a cave or something. Worse comes to worse, I’ll try digging a snow cave. I learned about those from survival shows and the Maximum Ride books.


“Any sign of them?!” Cadance asks anxiously as the guards, her friends and family come back into the throne room.

“Nothing!” Shining shakes his head, equally as concerned. “We’ve searched the whole Crystal Empire and found no sign of them.”

“There was a storage room that looked like Cozy might’ve lost her temper in,” Applejack says, looking to Rainbow Dash, who nodded. “But otherwise, there ain’t no sign anywhere.”

“Wait a minute,” Twilight blinked, before facehoofing. “I should’ve thought of this sooner. Cadance, was Flurry wearing that charm necklace I got her for Hearth’s Warming the year before last?”

Cadance blinked, thinking for a moment, before nodding frantically. “Yes!”

“It has a spell on it so it can keep track of foals when they wander off, so you’d be able to find her,” Twilight said excitedly, her horn glowing and a small scroll and quickly reading it over, before noticing the surprised looks everypony was giving her. “What? I wouldn’t be a responsible aunt if I didn’t make sure I couldn’t lose my own niece, would I?”

“We must hurry and cast the spell to track the necklace as soon as possible,” Celestia said, looking through a window. “I fear for Flurry the longer she and Cozy are alone together.”

“What if they’re outside the empire?” Dash asked, looking around.

“As long as they’re not too far away, the spell should be able to track them,” Twilight said, before hesitantly, an anxious smile on her face. “I mean, as long as they’re not closer to, say, Yakyakistan, the spell should be able to find them.”


“Th-this really wasn’t the best idea, F-F-Flurry!” I yell over the howling winds.

We’ve been walking for I dunno how long. Well, to be exact, I’ve been the one walking, Flurry’s been riding on my back. If not for the fact I’m an Alicorn, the fact she and I are close to the same size would probably make that a lot tougher a job.

It’s already night time and the winds picked up the darker the sky became. Figures we’d end up in a blizzard. Lady Luck must really be holding a grudge against me.

I can barely see where I’m going anymore. The fact I don’t even know how to use my magic to at least give us some light certainly isn’t helping, either.

Right now we’re sitting in the middle of nowhere with the storm raging all around us. I’m holding Flurry close to me, my wings wrapped around, doing my best to keep her warm.

She’s holding onto my tightly, clearly not understanding why it’s so cold, but trusting me since I’m the older person, erm, pony.

I look around through squinted eyes, still seeing nothing but darkness and whirling winds of snow.

We’re so screwed. Bad enough I’m suffering for Cozy’s crimes, now Flurry will too. God, I wanna hurt that bitch so much right now.

I blink, turning my head in the opposite direction I’d been looking. Did I just hear something? It’s hard to tell with all this wind.

A whimper makes me look down against as Flurry tries to bury herself deeper into my fur.

I pull her closer. “I’m so sorry, Flurry.” I sigh. “I don’t even know if this is all Cozy’s fault or mine anymore. If I just surrendered back in Ponyville, you wouldn’t be out here right now.”

My ears twitch and I perked up again. I can swear I heard something that time.

I turn my head every which way, along with shifting my ears back and forth. Are we not the only ones out here?

I blanch, remembering that yeti Pinkie encountered. The one she later confirmed was a pony eating one. I really hope it’s not that.


I whirl my head to my right. Okay. I definitely heard that!

“Hold onto me tight, Flurry!” I yell, shifting around and putting her on my back, moving my wings as best I can to wrap around her as she presses into me for warmth.

I rush through the wind, blind, but keeping my ears forward, trusting them.

After a few minutes, I can make out two shapes in the distance. Somepony else is out here? What are they thinking?

Increasing my pace, they come further into view and I realize it’s a pair of young yaks. They look maybe a little younger than Yona. Um, okay. Now I’m even more confused.

They’re both looking down at something.

As I get closer, I realize it’s the edge of a drop. What in the world are they looking down there for?

“Mama!” the one on the right, a female, calls in worry.

“You okay?” the other, her brother, I’m guessing, calls.

“Yak okay!” a deeper, yet still female voice calls from below.

I pick up the pace and stop next to them. “What happened?”

“Mother fell down cliff,” the male says, turning to me, before blinking in confusion. “Why ponies out in blizzard?”

“Long story, though I could ask the same about you,” I say, shaking my head and looking down to see a much larger yak on the edge of an outcrop. Beneath that? Darkness. One wrong move and that yak could end up falling to her death.

Scanning the area, I see there might be a way to lead her up, but it would require a strong being to pull her and she’d have to move carefully. The latter is not exactly something yaks are skilled with, from what the show displayed.

I frown, looking to my hooves and take a deep breath. Okay, pony body. If ever you were gonna work with me instead of against me, now would be a good time.

“Take her,” I say, sitting down and, with a little difficulty, pulling Flurry off my back and hand her to the girl yak, whom quickly pulls Flurry close, her coat helping to keep the baby warm. “I’ll see what I can do. It won’t be easy, but it should work.”

“But you just small pony,” the girl yak says, before nodding to Flurry. “Barely bigger than this pony. How you pull Mama up when you so small?”

I unfurl my wings and point to my horn. “Regardless of size, Alicorns are pretty strong.” I mean, in her first episode, Flurry was dragging Pinkie Pie around the floor like she barely weighed anything.

Taking a deep breath, move over to the thin path and carefully move down it. The winds seem a little less forceful down here, so I should be able to keep my footing. Hopefully.

Focusing, I aim down and stop close to the yak mother. “Ma’am,” I yell over the wind, causing her to turn to me in surprise, “take my hoof. I’m going to try guiding you up the cliff. We’ll have to take it slow, but as long as you don’t make any sudden movements, we should be fine! Okay?”

She nods, reaching out a hoof and I take it.

I begin slowly leading her up the narrow path. The higher we go, the more I have to focus though, as the winds get stronger the further up, my third of Pegasus instincts yelling at me to open my wings every time a harsh wind suddenly blows, despite my knowing that would be a very bad idea right now.

Just as we’re about to reach the top, I feel a yanking sensation and am whirled around to see the yak lost her footing as a piece of the path falls away, pulling us with it.

I shut my eyes tight as my stomach is yanked away from me, feeling a hotness take over— before we lightly plop into snow.

“Mama!” two voices cry, before I feel a body slam into me, sending me rolling to my side.

Opening my eyes, I see Flurry’s staring back at me, filled with tears. Looking past her, I see the two young yaks hugging their mother tightly.

I can’t help but smile.

After a few moments, the yaks stop hugging and the mother turns to me. “Pony saved yak. Helped yak. Yak want to help pony.”

“With all due respect, unless you can find us a cave or something to wait out this storm, I don’t know what you can do to help, miss,” I say, standing up, a little difficult when a pony almost your exact size is clinging tightly to your front.

She nods. “Cave close. Yaks headed there when cliff break off. Come. We all go together.”

Shifting Flurry onto my back again, I follow after the mother and her children. After a minute or two, what looks like a cave does indeed appearing through the darkness.

I wilt a little as I realize it’s the same one Pinkie found the yeti in, before reminding myself it’s currently residing in Tartarus. Or, at least, I hope it is. For all I know the one in Tartarus and the one Pinkie encountered are two different yetis.

We make our way inside, myself sighing with relief as the walls stop the howling winds from continually blowing in my face.

The yak mother nods to her children, before moving over the entrance and kicking it. The walls shake and a large clump of snow falls, blocking most of the exit.

“That will keep snow out,” she nods, turning around to face the four of us. “Keep ponies and yaks warm.”

“And you didn’t block of the air supply either,” I say, taking note of the gap towards the top.

The three look to me in confusion.

“When building a snow cave, one mistake a lot of, um, ponies make is they seal the exit completely,” I explain, pulling the facts right out of my ass thanks to the Maximum Ride books again. “Doing so cuts of the air, causing those within to get sleepy due to a lack of oxygen and… I’ve already lost you, haven’t I?” I say to the blank expressions I’m getting.

The three nod in response.

I sigh, deciding to simplify it. “With that hole at the top, air will keep getting in, meaning we’ll be okay.”

Three nods are the response again.

The mother yak moves over to us, sitting down against the cave wall and indicating to her children. They move over and snuggle against her.

I settle down where I am, moving Flurry against and wrapping my wings around her like I did back in the blizzard.

“Pony want to keep sister warm?”

I look up to see the mother yak indicating for me to join them.

I shake my head. “Oh, no. She’s not my sister.”

The mother cocks her head to the side in confusion. “But, look same. You not sisters, but look same?”

I open my mouth to answer… but close it, frowning. How do I explain that, exactly? I mean, we do look alike, but I know there is no relations between Flurry and Cozy. None at all. It’s just random chance we look near identical.

The mother shakes her head again, before indicating for us to come over. “Either way, ponies get warmer if over here.”

I want to argue, but she has a point. Yaks clearly have warmer fur than ponies and Flurry’s safety comes first. So, I get up and walk over, snuggling close into her fur with the two younger yaks.

As the yaks and Flurry start falling asleep, I look towards the cave entrance and watch the winds blowing outside from the gap.

There’s no way we’re getting out until this storm settles, so we’re stuck here til then.

I hate to think how worried Cadance is about her foal. I mean, as far as she’s aware, her baby is with a known psychopath and out in a blizzard. I can’t even imagine how terrified for Flurry she must be.

Sighing, I settle down, pulling Flurry a bit closer and let sleep take me.


Twilight looked down sadly as she turned away from the door to Flurry Heart’s room. Cadance was in there, crying.

The spell had told them Flurry wasn’t even the empire anymore. In fact, she was out somewhere in the frozen tundra, but was too far away for it to lock onto her exact position and the weather was too fierce for them to go out and search.

It didn’t take being Princess Celestia’s personal pupil to know Flurry’s chances of survival were slim at best if she was out in that weather.

Luna was going to be patrolling the Dream Realm tonight, ignoring her usual duties and searching solely for Flurry’s dreams. If they could find her in the Dream Realm, there was a slim chance her dreams might hold an answer to where she was. And, as long as she was in the Dream Realm, she was alive and that was good enough.

Still, Cadance wasn’t doing so well. She clearly didn’t want to hold onto hope, knowing too well that if she did and the worst happened, it would shatter her worse than giving up now would.

Twilight wiped the tears welling in her eyes. She had to keep hope, if not for her sake, but for Cadance and Flurry.

Taking a deep breath, she headed to her assigned guest room. She doubted she’d get much sleep, though.


I start from sleep, looking up. It takes a moment to remember where I am, before I remember I’m with the yaks in the cave.

Sighing, I look down, only for my heart to leap into my chest when I realize Flurry isn’t being held in my wings.

I push out from the yaks, looking around frantically.

“Flurry Heart?!” I call out in panic, looking everywhere around me for any signs of the little Alicorn. “Flurry Heart, where are you?! This isn’t funny, little filly! Come back now!”

“Looking for this?”

My eyes widen at the sound of my old voice and I whirl around to see a human with dark-blonde hair and blue eyes, wearing an orange Naruto shirt and long khaki pants step out from the darkness, holding a squirming Flurry in his right hand.

“Let her go now, Cozy Glow!” I snarl.

She in my body just sneers at me. “In due time. Finding my way back to Equestria wasn’t easy. Now I’m back and you got away from my punishment, I want my body back. This little one will be my bargaining chip.”

I cock an eyebrow. “Will be?”

He gives me a deadpan look. “It’s clear you’re too stupid to find a way to switch us back, so I’ll need the other princesses to do it.”

It’s my turn to cock an eyebrow. “You do realize that if the switch happens while you’re holding Flurry, the moment I’m back in my body, I’ll let her go and you are so screwed, right? No Grogar’s Bell to nerf the princesses and a human against this puny body?” I indicate to my current form. “Magic or not, I could beat the living shit out of you before you could even think of casting a spell. And believe me, I’ll enjoy every second of your pain.”

“Well, this is not what I would’ve expected.”

I blink and whirl around again at the familiar voice and wilt as my eyes fall on the Princess of the Night.

“I… but… how…” I blink, looking behind me to see Cozy in my body and the captive Flurry Heart fade away like snow in the wind.

I gulp, before grinning nervous as I turn around, feel a confusing combination of relief and fear. “This is only a dream, isn’t it?”

The dark Alicorn nods.

I gulp again. “Well, at least I know Flurry is safe.”

“And just why do you care for her?” she asks, glancing to where the dream Cozy in my body had been moments ago. “What was a human doing in your dream? How do you know of such beings? Why were you telling it you would beat it up the moment it switched bodies with you?”

I sigh, before looking straight at her. “Are you willing to actually listen?”

“We are in the Dream Realm,” she says firmly. “Any lie you try to spin will

At once, everything shatters like a pane of glass hit with a baseball, Luna quickly fading away.


I snort, shaking my head, knowing I’m waking up for real this time.

Glancing around the cave, I wonder what woke me, before a brisk wind blows into my face, making me wince against it.

Squinting my eyes open, I notice a hole has opened up in the cave entrance.

I frown, looking around the cave. I sure hope nothing just came in. I mean, the hole is small, so unless it was a baby yeti, I doubt we’re in too much danger. But still…

I looking back to the entrance, I glance at my horn, before sighing. Yeah, right.

Slowly, despite my body’s protests, I push my way out from the warm pile and move over to the entrance. Grabbing some snow, I move back and forth until the new hole is filled, cutting off the excess wind.

Nodding, I move back over to the pile and wiggle my way back in, Flurry seeming to sense my return and snuggling closer to me.

I can’t help the small smile that comes to my face and close my eyes as I wrap my forelegs around her, trying to return to sleep again.

Author's Note:

Okay. said i'd do my best to get this out today and i've done that, with just over 19 minutes to spare.

whelp, once again, our human trapped in Cozy Glow's body almost gets a chance to clear things up, only for something to stop it.

will this give Luna pause at least? Will she speak with Applejack regarding what her parents said "Cozy" told them and connect the dots?

Will the yaks be realize who she is and beat the living snot out of her, angering Flurry and causing her to whoop their asses in return?

Will Discord finally quit lollygagging and fucking help out already?

you'll have to wait and see. but i'm glad i got this out.

glad i didn't cut things short like i was worried i'd have to. i think this works out a bit better.

definetely won't be updating again til next week. I'm celebrating my mother's 50th with my brothers and sisters tomorrow and the day after celebrating my uncle's birthday, so any further updates will definitely have to wait til next week.

hope you enjoyed this chapter and, til next time, later everbody