• Published 18th Aug 2012
  • 6,542 Views, 234 Comments

Pulling Through - Noponythere

The story of how you get through High school with the help of your friends...

  • ...

Chapter 6: Hospital Flowers

Here you go! Somepony has some one on one quality time with Rainbow Dash. Who’s the dominant one in this relationship... ehh, hard to tell...?

Once again, please comment and point out any mistakes (that are bound to be there)



Chapter 6: Hospital Flowers


"NO... You don't understand?" She moves closer, your faces nearly touching. Once again you can smell the wild berries in her breath and the scent of her mane.

"Lightning... I love you..."


You feel your heart start to pound and the blood rushing to your cheeks. You look up and see Rainbow also sporting the same pose.

"Uhh... I....Ummm... Rainbow I-"

Before you can continue, she presses her lips against yours. Your faces now closer than ever before. You return the kiss and both of you are locked in a heat of passion. She pushes her tongue in and you allow her to. You taste the hint of wild berries in mouth and also push further. Both of you are stood there. Enjoying the bliss of the moment, you feel relieved and pleased you share mutual feelings. You start to feel the blood rush to your wings. It was bound to happen.

Screw that. I'm busy enjoying my first kiss here!

You quickly feel the pain burn across your back and wings. Still traumatized from their injuries. You pull back and end your moment of joy. You look back to Rainbow and she seems to think, she’s hurt you. You try and stop the pain but your erect wings continue to send shocks of unbearable pain down your spine.

You start to feel your vision go black. You start to lose your balance and quickly topple over. You were going into unconsciousness. Trying to form any words is impossible. Out of the corner of your eyes you can see paramedics alike rushing to your aid.

This sucks, knocked out by a winboner....

Soon, you lose all consciousness. Unable to hear Rainbow's cries of sadness.


You stir in your sleep. Tossing and tumbling. You finally wake up and open your eyes. Your surroundings are all white or very bright.

Am I dead?

Nope. You look to your sides and notice you're in a bed. After rubbing your eyes you start to focus on where you are. More glances around confirm your suspicion. You're in a hospital bed, surrounded by cold, lifeless medical contraptions and machines. Half pulled to the side is a pale green privacy screen though you believe there is nopony on the other side.

The sunlight creeps in from the gaps in the closed fabric shutters. You lay in the cold bed; the only sound is as constant beep and the occasional whir of various machines. You try to sit up but you still feel the stinging pain in your wings. You turn back and realise, your entire wing structure had been bandaged up.

You return to a lying position, frustrated at being trapped in this room alone. You turn to your side, facing your bedside table. On it lay various pills, a glass of water and a note. You decide not to disturb them, waiting for somepony else to prompt you to eat them later.

You hear three quiet knocks on the door. Remembering your manners, you call for them to come in. As the door opens, you are greeted by a wide array of ponies. First enters what seems to be the doctor, behind him a familiar face.

Rainbow Dash!

You feel joy light up in your heart, knowing somepony's visiting you in hospital. Your heartbeat begins to speed up. The machine starts to beep faster as well, mimicking your pulse. The doctor takes notice and looks back to Rainbow Dash, then to you.

"Now now, we don't want to get too excited. You mustn't strain yourself."

You knew it was the doctor's job to take care of you. But you feel frustrated and annoyed being at the mercy of the healthcare system.

"Come on doctor. Can't some surgeon just zap some magic, heal me and send me on my way?"

"Unicorn magic can only do so much Mr Lightning Strike". He walks over to your bed, pulling out a clipboard. "Now, it's up to your body to heal the internal wounds. Although this may take some time, the magic had helped speed up your recovery."

Meanwhile, a nurse had been busy lifting you up and re-dressing your bandages. You do your best to co-operate but nopony said you had to do it with a smile.

The doctor continued.

"Now, I'm keeping you in the schools infirmary for the next two weeks. After you're discharged, I don't want you using those wings for another three weeks. And under no circumstance should you partake in any strenuous, physical activity."

You bury your head in your pillow.

"I mean it! No flying, No Wingball, no heavy running. Nothing!"

"Fine. Thanks doc"

"Finally, take the medication on your bedside table. The nurse will drop by with them daily. Just once in the morning and once in the evening."

With that both the doctor, accompanied by his lovely nurse, leaves the room. Behind them, they shut the door. You feel a sense of relief wash through your body but still lay there sulking.

"You big foal! Cheer up!"

You quickly look up. You forgot Rainbow was waiting in the corner, patiently sitting on the chair. Hear wings are spread out. She has her special smile on her face. You can't help but smile as well

She hops over to the side of your bed. You don't bother moving. You can't actually go anywhere either. She leans over you. She has that seductive smile on her face. You feel yourself sweat up. Either from your own nervousness or the heat you could feel from her being so close.

She quietly whispers

"Did you enjoy your kiss?"

You remember back to before you fell unconscious. It wasn't the best way to end a first kiss...

"Well... I guess it did take my breath away" Your bad joke still manages to get a small chuckle from Rainbow Dash.

"Hmm... I guess I'll just make this one better-"

She leans in closer and presses her lips against yours. You do the same, enjoying both her company and love. She quickly leaps over the side railing and is now on top of you. Both of you are still locked in a kiss, exchanging feelings of love mutually. You feel her tongue slither its way into your mouth, you enjoy the sentiment, and to the same. You can hear quiet moans escape her mouth. By now, her entire body was nearly on top of you. Her body heat radiating to you. Somehow, the room just got very warm...

This is way better than some 'get well soon' flowers...

Suddenly, you hear the door clicking and spot the handle turning. You break away from your kiss and try to warn your lover.

"Damnit Rainbow! Get down before somepony sees you!"

Instead of doing the logical thing and flying of the bed. Rainbow had literally taken your advice and ducked under your covers. Her head wall lying over your chest and her mane protruded from the sides of the blankets. She tried her best to stay motionless but you doubt anypony would miss a cyan Pegasus with a bright multicoloured mane lying on top of you, in bed.

The door opens with a slam. You see Thunder gallop in, quickly followed by a very small Fluttershy in comparison. He quickly goes past you and heads to the window. He quickly rips open the shutters, nearly damaging them. You hope he doesn't turn to face you. He's barely 2 metres from you and a very hot mare in your bed.

You let Thunder continue his joyous ramblings. Trying to give Rainbow the signal to get off. You nudge her slightly. No response. You feel some moisture on your chest...


You quickly ignore the thought of Rainbow seductively licking your chest and hope she just fell asleep and started drooling.

Yeah right.... totally believable

"Oh my...." You look and turn to face Fluttershy. She's clearly spotted the rainbow mane poking out from the side of the bed. This causes Thunder to turn to you. He also spots the lump on your chest. He takes a quick moment to process the scene.

As you quickly try and say something, Rainbow Dash quickly throws the covers off and jumps into the air.


You only bury your head into your pillow not wanting to hear anything anypony has to say about this scene. You look up again and spot a very embarrassed Fluttershy inching closer to the door. You also turn and face a wide eyed Thunder, frozen on the spot.


You block yourself with your forehooves and close your eyes. "WAIT!!! I can explain"

"I thought the doctor said not to 'partake in any strenuous physical activity' for the next 5 weeks. And here you are trying to screw Rainbow Dash in a hospital bed" He looks at you both accusingly but also playfully.

Your only reaction is to face hoof and hide yourself under the covers. By now Rainbow has finally grasped the nature of the situation and has quickly hopped off the bed. She doesn't look even slightly embarrassed being caught with you in bed.

That pony....

You spend the next 20 minutes with Thunder, alone. Both Rainbow and Fluttershy waiting patiently outside. You spend the male bonding time well, both apologising to Thunder and being apologised to by Thunder. You enjoy some quality time with Thunder, earning some away time from Rainbow.

"So... are you two like...."


"Yeah that!"

"I guess we are now"

"Damn...so...is she good in bed then?"

You blush heavily, trying not to remember the earlier incident. You make some wild flails towards Thunder but you're barred by your own bed. You eventually give up and continue to sulk as he leaves the room.

"I'll see you round then..."

As he leaves, you swear you catch him wink just as Rainbow Returned to the room. Out from the corner of your eye, you can spot Thunder walking off with Fluttershy.

I wonder if they're together....

Your thoughts are quickly cut off as Rainbow returns to your bedside. She leans over and pecks you on the cheek. Even after she pulls away, you still feel her warmth on your face. You both sit there in silence, enjoying the moment.

You decide to take your pills and quickly pop them into your mouth, gulping them down with the water provided. You almost instantly feel the numbing effects on your back.

Rainbow Dash says her goodbyes and ends with another long kiss on the mouth. This time she breaks away, leaving you hungry for more. You feel the lonely sadness creeps in again as you are left alone in the room. You decide to fell back asleep, hoping to let the time pass by.


2 weeks later Day of your discharge


You let the two weeks pass by without relative event. Every day you would be visited by the nurse for your bandage changing. The doctor would come in and give a status report. Later, Thunder would always arrive at noon on the dot. He always spent his lunch breaks visiting you and helping you catch up with work.

Though your favourite time of the day was after 3PM. When school ended. This was because you were always visited by Rainbow Dash shortly after. She would come in and talk about all the tricks she learned and pulled off. You would just lie there and listen. Appreciating the company she gave you. After, you both would enjoy a snuggle or two before she always left you hanging with that kiss...

Today was different.

Today was different because you were finally being discharged. This morning, the doctor entered your room. You knew what he was going to say. But you let him continue with his job...

"...So I guess you would like to be discharged then?"

You nod your head excitedly.

"... Ok, but I still don't want you flying on that wing for the next 3 weeks. Every day, you still need to change your bandages and take your pills."

The nurse had already shown you how to change your bandages, though you would need another pony to help you.

"Just sign on this sheet saying that I release you in a healthy state and you are satisfied with the level of healthcare you were provided"

You take the pen and quickly skim read the waiver. You sign on the dotted line and are quickly escorted to the front reception.

As you make it to the front reception you turn to face the nurse.

"So... Can I go now?"

She smiles and urges you forward. "Of Course, but it looks like somepony came to pick you up"

You turn to face where the nurse pointed and spot the lovely Rainbow dash smiling and waving to you by the doors to the exit. You return the wave and quickly thank the nurse. Before you leave you hear her say something as you turned away.

"Next time, you don't need to get hurt to play hero."


You decide to ignore the comment and quickly make it to Rainbow Dash by the exit. She greets you with a big warm hug, wrapping her hooves around you and embracing you tightly, giving special care not to squeeze your wings. You do the same and proceed to wrap your hooves around her to. Leaning you head in, you tilt your head slightly and she kisses you on the cheek. You push further and kiss her passionately on the mouth. She initially resists but gives in after the first few seconds.

Eventually you end your display of affection, much to the relief of the other patients in the room. You and Rainbow make your way out of the School Infirmary and out back to the rest of the campus.

"So... do you want to go anywhere first?"

You hear a low grumbling and look down to your stomach. You hadn't eaten this morning and you were sick of all the hospital food. You gently rub your belly and quicken your pace.

"Yeah, I just got out of hospital, I want some decent food."

"Fine, let's go to the cafe"

You make your way to one of the many contracted cafes that operate on school grounds. Because students couldn't leave campus without a pass, many of the real world amenities were brought in for students to enjoy. You place your order for a hearty sandwich and you turn to see Rainbow's made it to the ice cream counter.

"Uhh... Rainbow? Have you decided what you want to eat? You’re starting to drool on the nice pony's counter."

You look closer at the glass pane and notice she’s nearly pressing her tongue onto the glass. You turn to look at the flavour she's so hungrily staring at.

Rainbow Ice cream...

Who would have guessed....?

"I want thaaaaat one!"


You turn to the cashier and order a triple scoop sundae for Rainbow Dash.

Ice cream before lunchtime... What a pampered pony....

You both take a seat while they prepare your order. Sitting opposite Rainbow Dash, you can't help but stare at her every now and then. You wonder how long she’s ever felt this way about you. On the other hand, Rainbow's mind is busy, eagerly awaiting her frozen treat.

A waiter quickly arrives with a huge bowl of ice cream. The huge pile of frozen ice cream stacked quite high. Topped with layers of whipped cream and hot fudge you can only wonder how Rainbow Dash stays in shape with regular indulgences like this...

You quickly pick up the other spoon provided and try and take a small bite-


Ok then...

"If you wanted ice cream, WHY DIDN'T YOU ORDER ONE!!!"

Sheesh, I only wanted to try some....

You back off and decide to leave rainbow to her thing. Though, when she wasn't looking you managed to help yourself to a spoonful, or two.

The taste of the rainbow dessert was incredible. You had never tasted such an explosion of flavour in a small bite of anything ever before.

You quickly look back at Rainbow. She scowls at you when she sees your face and quickly punches you on the jaw.

"OW... are you trying to get me back into hospital!"

"You took my ice cream!"

A quick rub of your face reveals that you had spots of Rainbow ice cream, left near your mouth. You quickly try and wipe it off but you're quickly stopped by Rainbow Dash. She pulls you by your shoulders and brings you closer to her. You decide not to resist. Not wanting another trip to the Infirmary anytime soon. She sticks out her tongue and licks off the smudge on your face. You feel her warm, wet tongue slide across your face and you can't help but feel that sense of arousal.

Your wings try to spring up but are firmly bandaged together. You feel a slight pain in them but push it to the back of your mind. You look back at Rainbow, who is now looking at you seductively.

"Mmm.... tastes even better..."

Why do you do this to me....?

"My wings are hurting like hell right now..."#

"That'll teach you to take my ice cream next time"

You realise what she said was in fact legitimate and bury your head in your hooves. Eventually your food arrives and you quickly polish off your plate. You make your way out of the Cafe and back towards your dorm.

Without flying, travelling distances has become quite a bother for you. Walking half a mile already has you breaking a sweat. The only consolation is having Rainbow Dash walk beside you.

You eventually make it to you dorm in just under 10 minutes-

Sweet Celestia is the campus really that big or am I just as fast as a snail?

You unlock the front door and make your way in. You spot a sticky note stuck on the fridge door. You quickly rip it off and read it.

Out with Fluttershy. Will be back by evening

You scrunch the note into a ball and toss it into the bin. By now Rainbow Dash has taken a seat on the long lounge chair. You decide to join her on it, she doesn't resist.....


A good while later


Satisfied with your little cuddle, you lie on the couch opposite Rainbow now. She looks at you and quickly mentions something to you.

"Umm... Lightning?"

"Yeah Rainbow?"

You know umm... Tomorrow is uhh... My birthday you know-"

Damnit I didn't even get her anything. Granted, I was hospitalised for the last 2 weeks.

"-And I was wondering what you're getting me"

"I can't tell you that Skittles. It would ruin the surprise"

She decides not to press on and you enjoy the rest of the day lounging about in your dorm.

Damnit.... What does she like...?

You desperately try to think about what would really make Rainbow's birthday special. Furiously thinking, you quickly remember her room-


A brilliant idea pops up to mind and you decide to wait until tomorrow to put your plan into action. You think about it real carefully.

How hard is it to get an evening pass to leave school grounds....?


Next Chapter: How hard is it to see the Wonderbolts? And you learn just how expensive it is to take a mare you like out and show her a good time.


All credit for pictures goes to the artists....


