• Published 18th Aug 2012
  • 6,542 Views, 234 Comments

Pulling Through - Noponythere

The story of how you get through High school with the help of your friends...

  • ...

Chapter 8: It's Consensual!


Intimate scene/s with Rainbow? YES

Sex scene/s? NO


Enjoy...... I guess?

Chapter 7: It's Consensual!


"Hey Lightning... Can I umm... Sleep with you tonight?"


You feel your cheeks turn a shade pink. You rub the back of you neck and turn to face Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow... Don't you think were a little young for that?"

Your comment finally made her realise what you thought her intentions were. She stomps her hoof in annoyance but you can see her face now turning the same shade of pink as yours.

"You dirty colt! You know that's not what I meant!"

She then starts to turn away, now tapping her hoof on the floor. Her voice drops a tone softer.

"Besides... I'm of legal age. I'm sixteen remember?"

"Yeah but i'm still fifteen... so that would make it rape."

"It's not rape if you like it!"

"No. It's not rape if it's consensual. Then that would make it statutory rape..."

"Just get your head out of the gutter Lightning. I'm sleeping in your bed."

So? Was that a question or a statement?


Rainbow Dash jumps onto your bed eagerly and quickly wraps herself in your covers. You hop back onto your bed and simply turn away from Rainbow. You feel your tired eyelids hungry for some sleep but Rainbow decides that she wants to strike up a conversation.

"Lightning... You awake?"


"OK... I want to ask you something."

"Hit me"

You feel a sharp sting in the back of your leg. You feel her hoof make a quick jab at your knee.


"When did you start... you know, feeling this way for me Lightning?"

The pain in your leg suddenly disappears. You try and truly think back to when you two first met. Somehow, you did feel attracted to Rainbow since she crashed into you.

"Well... I guess since I first saw you. Which means if you never crashed into me, we’d never had met."

"Oh yeah... hehe, about that..."


You sit up and flick the lights back on. You turn to Rainbow Dash whose now made herself quite comfy on your bed. She's trying to hide her embarrassed face under your blanket but you pull it off.

"Explanation please."

"Well. You don't think the school would make me find a student without showing me his profile would you. You did look quite sexy in your photo and uhh.... I think I had a crush on you..."

"And you didn't have the pony in you to fly up to me and say hi did you?"


You let the gears in your head click into place. You had finally figured it out.

"Wait!!! That meant that you crashed into me on purpose!"

"Well duh! You don't think the best and fastest flier in all of Equestria would have crashed into you did you?"

Celestia. I hate her now....

"I love you too Rainbow Dash. Goodnight"

You flick the lights off and turn to face away from Rainbow again. You feel her body heat radiating to you. The warmth felt comforting and inviting but you abstain from moving closer.

"I’m cold Lightning."

"Then take the blanket"

She promptly rips your half of the covers and piles it onto her side. You now feel the bone chilling atmosphere of the cold. You've lost both your covers and the cosy body heat from Rainbow Dash. You start to feel your teeth chatter. And you can hear them!

"Are you cold now lightning?"

"How did you guess?"

Enough of these games...

"Rainbow, I know what your doing. DO you want to cuddle up?"

"Yes please"


You shuffle your way back to Rainbow's side of the bed and remove half the covers off. She quickly wraps her hooves about you and pulls you in closer. Your entire bodies are practically pressing against each other but you enjoy the warm glow she's giving off. She presses her lips closer to you and eventually you do the same. Your lips touch hers and you immediately feel your head fill with warmth. This time you press further and push your tongue into her mouth. She tries to defend herself with her tongue but eventually loses.

By now you've also wrapped your hooves around her waist and are stroking her soothingly. In response, she was now wrapping one wing around you. You were now smothered in a cocoon of covers, wings and hooves. You help Rainbow by gently massaging her wings and wing muscle. You take extra care on her tips. You've never done this before but her quiet moans suggest she’s enjoying it.

Eventually her quiet moans turn to muffled pants. Her wings are worn out from the 'exercise' and now rest on you limply. You begin to hear her cute snoring and confirm that she's now asleep. You pull yourself closer to her and shut your eyes. You quickly drift off back into your many fantasies involving Rainbow Dash and your bed.


The early morning light from outside quickly fills your room. You rub your delicate eyes and look towards the window. The curtains are still drawn open becaus-

Wait!?! Last night? Rainbow Dash?

You quickly turn around and spot a pile of covers stacked on the bed. You spot both her rainbow mane and tail sticking out the sides and when you stick your head closer, you can hear the faint snoring from underneath. You gently remove layers of blanket off her but she suddenly grabs you and pulls you closer.


She’s pulled you in and pressing her face close to yours. You look at her and notice she's still actually asleep. She gently sticks her tongue out and starts to caress it on your face. You start to feel giddy in this situation but she quickly stops. What she does next may or may not haunt you for the rest of your life.

She starts to whisper into your ear. You feel trapped, unable to escape her tight grip. She whispers thing that she wants’ to do to you. Looking at her you're surprised how much of a dirty mind she has. Although the thought of bondage kind of frightens you. You can’t help to feel strongly aroused by her... intimate and thorough descriptions of her deepest desires.

You decide to hear no more and quickly shake her. You hope you would never have to explain to her what you just heard but keep that thought to the back of your mind.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash?"



*Wheh* "You're awake!"

"Yeah... You woke me from the best dream ever..."

"Umm... I don't think I missed a bit of it."

"What do you mean?"

You lean in closer and bring you mouth to her ear. You quickly whisper what you heard her say to you in her sleep. She blushes heavily having had her deepest fantasies told back to her. Her wings are now fully erect. Her only other response in punching you in the jaw... again.

You fall over onto your back and Rainbow Dash quickly pins you by your hooves. You try to get up but she pushes you back down again. She's now on top of you, her defined, athletic body build pressing against your sensitive parts. Her face moves close to yours. She whispers something to you.

"You can't tell ANYPONY about what you may OR may not have heard from me. And I swear, if somepony finds out, I will personally come into your room, do exactly what I want to you, torture you then kill you."

The feeling of danger and anger both scare you and turn you on. You can't help but love Rainbow Dash when she's angry like that. You also try not to imagine being tied down on your own bed, being... tortured by Rainbow Dash.

Suddenly the door slams open and you spot Thunder running into the room. He quickly stops in her tracks when he sees the scene in from of him unfold. You look to your side and spot him, his eyes are wide open and his wings are slowly rising.


Thunder you are so immature...

At this point Rainbow quickly turns around and shouts the last thing you would want anypony to hear after seeing you like this.



You look back to Thunder and realise he's fainted at the shock of what he think had just happened. You quickly push a now very embarrassed Rainbow Dash off of you and quickly get out of bed.

"Damnit Rainbow! He's never going to live this down"


"UHHH... Just help me get him onto the couch."

It takes a great deal of force from both your and Rainbow Dash to carry the unconscious Thunder out of your room and onto the couch. You quickly fan him, hoping he regains consciousness but Rainbow settles for a more direct approach. She runs over to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. The tips the entire contents straight onto Thunders face.

He quickly shoots straight back up and jumps off the couch. He stares at both of you, trying to regain his senses. It takes you a good ten minutes to explain how Rainbow got in your bed and what he just saw.


Ten minutes later....


"So... I didn't just see some crazy bondage-rape-sex-scene?"

You sight and face hoof.

"No. The was no rape. No bondage and NO sex!"

"Right....I think I’ll just leave you two alone today then!"

With that, he quickly left your dorm and flew away into the distance. Presumably to meet up with Fluttershy. You turn back and look to Rainbow Dash. She has a very smug look on her face. You can't decipher what she's trying to get across.


"I know deep inside. You probably wished it was bondage-rape-sex"

Oh? Is that a word now?

You don't respond. You know that's not true but a small part of your brain may just disagree...

"I knew it!"

You ignore her comments and quickly make your way to your bathroom. You start to unwrap your bandages, still tinted rainbow from yesterday's incident. You realise you have to thoroughly wash your wings and fur to ensure the rainbow wouldn't cause any infection.

You try and partly unfold your wings. They have been slightly toned from being wrapped in rainbow soaked bandages and now they start to itch. You try and reach to scratch them but fail miserably. Suddenly you feel a par of hooves start to rub you wings. You quickly turn around and see Rainbow Dash, happily massaging your wings.

"Rainbow. I don't need you to do this"

"Yes you do. You look so pathetic there, fiddling with your wings. Now get in the shower."


"Do I have a choice?"

She shakes her head and promptly shoves you into the tight shower cubicle. She flicks on the tap, already preset to the perfect temperature. She climbs in and joins you in the crowded space. The warm water flows gently on both of your fur coats. Somehow, the way Rainbow seems to be doing this suggests to you this isn't her first time. You proceed to washing your mane and fur while Rainbow Dash picks up your special shampoo for your wings. She hastily proceeds to squirt what feels like half the bottle onto your wing feathers and starts to rub vigorously.

You feel her hooves running through the feathers in your wings. The delicate manoeuvres both cleaning and soothing them. You let out a faint moan of pleasure as she goes over the edges of your wings. She notices you enjoy that and focuses more in that area. She moves lower, to the base of the wings and gently massages the muscles controlling your reflexes. Your wings feel like you're in complete ecstasy and almost ready to burst. You feel the rush of pleasure spread across your wings. You let out a loud moan as your wings finally collapse back to a limp state.

Rainbow Dash now satisfied with your wingasm. Proceeds to washing off the remaining foam on your body. You start to pant with breathlessness and lean against the wall for support. You think the best way to return the favour would be to do the same to Rainbow Dash. You push her against the shower screen and begin to gently rub your hooves on the base of her wings...


A long, long time later


You both emerge out of the shower, soaking wet but satisfied. You never knew you could go into a shower and come out feeling dirtier than when you got in. But somehow, the last half hour had managed to do just that.

You pull off another towel from your rack and start to towel down Rainbow Dash. You take special care to cover her... sensitive bits before moving on to her head. Even after a harsh rub down, her mane still looks as normal as ever and you start to wonder if she actually ever grooms it.

You make quick work drying yourself off and toss the now wet towel into the sink. You and Rainbow make it out of the bathroom and start to laze about.

"Hey Rainbow?"

"Yeah Lightning?"

"Thanks for that. My wings feel brand new."

"Thanks to you too, Lightning. I never knew you had it in you too..."

You both lazily lie on the bed, waiting for time to pass. Eventually, the growls from both your stomachs tell you it's a good time to eat. You look up at your clock and realise the time.

11:15 AM

You and Rainbow Dash both decide to head out for some late brunch. Although your passes were still valid for today, you both agree that staying on campus is a better idea.

You manage to make it to you favourite cafe on campus. In fact, it was the only one on campus. You settle for some scone with jam and cream while Rainbow orders some waffles. At the entrance you are quick to spot Thunder walk in with Fluttershy. You wave to them and they quickly notice you. They head over to your table and pull over two chairs. While you give them time to order you leave yourself to daydream.

Hey, this is the first time I’ve seen Fluttershy since I’ve been in hospital.

You look over at Fluttershy and smile. She smiles back and talks in her distinct quiet voice.

"Oh, I'm so happy you're recovering from your injuries Lightning"

"Yeah, Rainbow *ahem* helped me with my wings"

You receive a sharp jab in the abdomen for your snarky comment. You decide to keep your mouth shut for the rest of the meal, both for your own good and because your food was now arriving. All four of you make quick work of your meal though Thunder seems to almost be devouring his entire plate.

You feel a slight tug on your side and you notice Fluttershy beckoning you to follow her. You excuse yourself from the meal and proceed to follow her to the back of the cafe.

"Did you want something Fluttershy?"

"Um yeah... The thing is. If you don't mind. I never really did get to thank you for what you did for me."

"Uhh... It was nothing really."

"No, it was something. Because of me, you got hurt and I feel awful fro letting that happen to you."

"I... I. don't know what to say..."

"I just want to make it up to you, if you don't mind"

You stand there frozen; you really don't know what to do next. You two can both sense the awkwardness in the situation and you notice her also shuffle uneasily.

She moves in close to you. You think she wants to whisper something to you. You also lean in close to her. She quickly presses her lips against yours and kisses you. You stay there, shocked. You look at her; she has her eyes closed, locked in the moment. You don't know what to do next. You don't return the kiss but you don't pull back either.

What the hell am I doing?!?!?


You quickly break from the kiss and turn to face two ponies. You spot Thunder, who now has his jaw hanging loose and beside him is Rainbow Dash. You see tears well up in her eyes but deep inside them you can see a deep hatred.

"Hold it! This isn't what it looks like!"


Next Chapter: Have you really screwed up your relationship? How do you clear things up with you bro and your marefriend?


Short chapter this time. For no reason whatsoever. Did the room just get warmer?

Hmm... I also didn't add pictures. Maybe I couldn't find any good ones or maybe it just wasn't an appropriate moment...