• Published 3rd Jun 2020
  • 3,915 Views, 525 Comments

The Side Character is a Deer - Legacy Edition - Deergenerate

Johan is a side character in his own story. He is also a displaced human stuck as a deer. Suffice to say, his life sucks now.

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Chapter 12: Sickness and Anime Battles Totally Suck

Johan retched as he emptied the contents of his stomach into the toilet bowl he was hugging. He felt a couple firm pats on his back. Platinum was with him, making sure he was alright.

"Oh god! Make it stop! Make it st-" he was interrupted by another rush of bile evacuating his stomach into the toilet bowl.

"You're ok Johan. You're ok." Platinum said quietly continuing his reassuring backpats.

"Oh god!" Johan cried as he pulled himself back. "This is agony!"

"I know I know. You're ok though, I assure you. Everything's gonna be fine." Platinum said in his most calm and collected voice.

"What if I have chronic wasting disease man!?!" Johan bemoaned, curling into a ball and slowly rocking back and forth.

"Chronic wasting disease?" Platinum asked with a raised eyebrow. "The heck is that?"

"It's a thing deer got back at my home world... or however I am supposed to say it..." Johan said bringing a hoof to his chin. "You know the more I think of it, the more I realize that I am technically an alien..."

"Yeah... that's something I forget a lot, not gonna lie." Platinum said rubbing the back of his head.

Johan shook his head. "Anyway, chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a contagious disease that affects cervine. It's really freaking nasty man. Like, it's called the Zombie deer disease back home. It like... makes them loose a bunch of weight, and mental ability and then kills them." He said visibly growing more and more uncomfortable.

"Well uhhh, it does like you have been losing weight recently..." Platinum said, a concerned frown coming to his face.

"Oh Christ really?!?" Johan screamed, panic filling his eyes as he sat up feeling himself up. Platinum was right. He could feel his ribs! "Oh no! Oh no! I'm gonna die! I'm totally gonna-"

He was cut off when he once again was forced to drag himself to the toilet bowl and empty the contents of his stomach.

"Or you have just lost weight because you can't keep any food down properly. That could be the case." Platinum said with a slight chuckle.

"Yeah... probably..." Johan groaned, his face a rather gross shade of green.

Platinum opened his mouth, but he was interrupted by a knock at the front door from down stairs. They both turned in the direction of the stairs.

"Who is i-?!?" Johan cried down, but was once again interrupted by his stomach needing to empty itself. Platinum patted on the back while he retched.

"Don't worry bud, I got this. It's probably just Spike with the medicine or whatever. " Platinum said standing up with a huff and headed towards the door downstairs.

The knocking didn't stop, which he noted, was a bit too rude for Spike. He usually only knocked once when he visited, which he had done in his past couple check ups on the sick Johan.

Eventually when he reached the foot of the stairs and approached the door, he noticed the door handle grown a deep red.

"Oh fuck..." He said under his breath.

The door unlocked and swung open rapidly, as he stepped inside.

"Hey Johan!" Derek shouted with a smile on his face. "I heard from the grape vine that you were sick so me and the elements of harmony decided to pay you a vis..." He trailed off when he saw Platinum.

Platinum heard six gasps, and what sounded like someone feinting. Through the door, he saw Derek and the Elements of Harmony, the white one with the purple hair having fell over unconscious.

"Uhm... Lovely weather we are having isn't it?" Platinum said, his face whiter than normal. He let out an uncomfortable chuckle, which was cut short when, in a burst of incomprehensible speed that left even Rainbow Dash scratching her head, (Because Derek is just that fast) Platinum felt a fist connect with the side of his face.

He was sent flying backwards, slamming into the fridge in the kitchen. He kept flying, taking the now broken fridge with him, as they both sailed through the microcline brick wall, which shattered with a deafening crack. The fridge hit the ground first, before Platinum landed on top of it, crashing through the already broken door and coming to a stop inside of it, his hooves hanging outside of it like he was in a bathtub.

"Where's Johan?!?" Derek roared in genuine rage as he approached the hole in the wall he had made with Platinum's body. Red lightning shot out of his horn and eyes, as a crimson field of energy surrounded him.

"He's... upstairs in the... bathroom." Platinum said between coughs as he struggled to get out to the fridge, collapsing onto the ground besides it. He held his chest as he tried to catch his breath, blood pouring from dozens of cuts on his back, and a massive gash on his cheek. He regretted not wearing his armor today.

"Twilight! Go upstairs and unfreeze my friend! This bastard probably turned him into another platinum statue!" Derek said, approaching the stunned and injured unicorn.

"Right!" Twilight cried out to him from the now wrecked living room. "Let's go girls!"

The purple unicorn and her friends quickly rushed upstairs leaving Derek and Platinum alone. Platinum barely had time to look up as Derek approached him before the hybrid grabbed him roughly by the hair and painfully lifted him into the air.

"This is what you get for hurting my friend!" Derek roared as he raised a fist into the air, ready to punch the unicorn in the face.

And with that, something snapped inside of Platinum. His vision went completely red and he let out a shrieking roar of rage, his horn glowing, and an extremely bright white light filled the space around them. Instinctively, Derek brought his fist down towards his opponent's cheek.

He was met with a crunch, and the feeling as if he had just punched solid metal. The hybrid cried out in agony as he let go of the unicorns hair and stumbled back, holding his hurt claw. He turned back to the unicorn just as the light lessened. Platinum stood there panting with rage, his entire body seemingly turned into solid platinum.

Derek took a step back just as the Unicorn charged him, delivering a powerful uppercut to his chin, causing him to sail away through the air . He was caught by platinum white magic a mere inch from the ground, before being thrown through the air over Platinum and slamming into the ground on the opposite side of the unicorn as the house.

"Friend? Don't you dare give me that bullshit!!!!" Platinum roared, his voice taking on a deep, intimidating, metallic tone. Derek felt the metallic unicorn let go of him allowing him to raise his head just in time to be blasted directly in the face by a massive beam of pure white magic.

Platinum kept the beam going as he slowly marched towards the hybrid bastard, his hooves digging deeply into the ground as the recoil of his spell kept trying to push him back. His face was contorted into pure absolute anger.

He only stopped firing when his horn hurt and his legs felt like they were about to give out. He panted as he stared at the damage he had done, a shallow trench stretched out in front of him, alongside burning shrubbery and charred rubble, but no Derek to be seen.

A small smile came to his metallic face, but it was instantly shattered when Derek suddenly teleported in front of him with a flash, and it didn't look like Platinum had even hurt him. A grin slowly formed on Derek's face as his horn glowed a deathly red.

"My turn." he hissed.

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long to get out pwease don't be made at me ;(

Also, sheesh, the last chapter's no magic situation really made a lot of people mad. Sorry bout that.

I guess I could put it up to a vote if he get's magic or not at some point...

If people really want that of course.