• Published 3rd Jun 2020
  • 3,915 Views, 525 Comments

The Side Character is a Deer - Legacy Edition - Deergenerate

Johan is a side character in his own story. He is also a displaced human stuck as a deer. Suffice to say, his life sucks now.

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Summaries Totally Suck

Author's Note:

So, I am writing this last final chapter author's blog because, a personal pet peeve of mine is when a story is cancelled half way through and my mind drives itself nuts thinking up what if scenarios or wondering what the author intended to be the ending to the plot.

Keep in mind I wrote this at 2 in the morning while tired as balls.

So I decided to write out the intended plot towards the ending in summary form and then finally call it quits so no one drives themselves crazy looking for the what ifs and junk.

Here goes, my original idea for the remainder of The Side Character is a Deer.

So, it starts with Twilight and the rest of the Elements of Harmony rushing upstairs to find that Johan is in the bathroom and pretty shaken up both by his sickness and the fact that the entire house just shook cause the wall was exploded.

Twilight especially is confused because she expected him to be a solid platinum statue cause Derek said he would be a statue. Johan asks what the banging was. Rainbow Dash informs him that 'He is safe now and Derek is beating up the guy holding him captive.'

Johan understandably freaks and pushes them out of the way and rushes downstairs (stumbling a lot cause he is still sick.) to stop the fight. He arrives just in time to see Derek pinning Platinum to the ground about to take his head off with a spell.

Johan throws himself in the way and shouts at Derek to leave Platinum alone and shouts that Platinum is his friend. Derek gets mad but doesn't do anything cause the elements are right there. So he shouts and Platinum has Johan under a mind control spell or something and wacks the lil deer out of the way.

Platinum gets pissed, but is currently too beat up to actually do anything so he is forced to teleport away to lick his wounds saying that he will be back to give Derek exactly what he deserves.

The chapter ends with Johan alone, Derek storming off to brood and Twilight and the gang going with him. Twilight offers to help him fix the massive hole in his house but Johan demands she leave him alone. (Part of the reason I cancelled the story is because this would be peak 'rage bait' and would prolly piss everyone off.)

The next chapter involves a small time skip to a week after with Spike pressuring Twilight to check on Johan. The two end up going to his house to visit him. They surprisingly find the house mostly fixed and Johan in surprisingly high spirits. He claims he cleaned up so that when Platinum comes back the house is fine. Twilight still thinks he is under some kind of mind control even though Spike told her all about Johan's relationship with Derek and Platinum.

What is also surprising is that Johan's Antlers grew back incredibly quick and now they have weird Neon Green runes on them. So, Twilight deduces that the Antlers are in fact magic, so she tries to teach Johan how to use them. She also uses the time to see if there are really any spells tinkering with the Deer's brain. (Which there aren't)

Johan ends up discovering that he is indeed magical, however, he grows deeply distressed when he learns that not only is he only capable of only plant magic, but his magic is insanely weak, it takes all of his concentration and effort to grow a tiny little vine that wasn't even three inches long.

Suddenly, all of his emotions explode to the surface at once as he has a mental breakdown in front of Twilight and Spike, cursing out the universe as hating him and favoring Derek. He insults Twilight and the rest of the Elements as being Derek's whores, denounces magic in it's entirety and bemoans the fact that he thinks Platinum abandoned him or died of his wounds because he is permanently cursed.

He ends up marching into his house and slamming the door behind him in rage right in Twilight and Spike's faces.

Another flash forwards has Derek and the Elements visiting the next week. Derek once again forces himself inside and they end up finding Johan laying on his couch in misery. He is all emaciated like he hasn't eaten since his break down, and his antlers are literally snapped in half, the runes on the halves still attached to his head are scratched out as if he cut them up with a knife. (Can you see why I cancelled for the rage bait?)

Derek sighs and dismisses to Elements and tries to talk to Johan one on one about what life was like back as humans or whatever. Johan ignores him and doesn't even acknowledge that he is there and just stays there. Derek gets extremely mad and shouts at Johan that; 'He is only miserable because he chooses to be.' (a fucking lie.)

Finally, one last time skip. It's time for the Legion of Doom to make their move. The legion suddenly attacks Ponyville as 5 of the villains engage Derek in an epic anime battle, complete with a sword fight between Gregor and Derek, Gregor being the only one to be an equal fight to Derek ever because Derek fights him with a sword instead of using energy blasts saying; 'I will fight you with honor fellow swordsman, because while others studied the female, I studied the blade.' or some other pretentious crap.

While Derek is distracted however, Epoxy arrives at Johan's house and barges in, finding the Deer still with broken antlers and completely emaciated and miserable. Johan doesn't even try to fight Epoxy as he deernaps him, saying; 'If you want to kill me, just kill me I don't care anymore.'

Epoxy then escapes with Johan in tow, and the legion of doom retreats, leaving Derek confused. Derek shrugs, ignores it and goes back home.

Just that night however, Platinum arrives at Johan's house, but he finds the place ransacked and his deer (boy)friend no where to be found. He tries to find him but only finds a broken half of an Antler. He roars in rage and rushes to Derek's house, who is having a party to celebrate his victory over the Legion of Doom with the entire town invited. Platinum suddenly shows up, kicks down the front door and marches up to Derek and punches him right in his smug stupid face before dropping the shard of Johan's antler at the hybrids feet to inform him that he was deernapped.

Derek is infuriated and the entire party believes that Platinum kidnapped the Deer and is trying to ransom Johan or something. Spike then sticks up for Platinum in front of everyone and informs them that Platinum is really one of Johan's close friends and that he could be trusted. Of course half of the party thinks that Spike is just brainwashed and the other half thinks that Johan is a traitor who is totally evil cause he is friends with a super villain.

Twilight suddenly steps forwards with the Elements and says that maybe they should hear what Platinum has to say and investigate Johan's house together. Derek begrudgingly agrees and the seven ponies, hybrid and dragon leave the party to check out the house.

When they discover that it was indeed ransacked and Platinum was telling the truth, Derek starts to suddenly panic and freak out like a little bitch. He finally admits to Platinum and the Elements that he is actually has a really tiny pool of mana (or something like that) and that the only way he can recharge his power is to be around Johan, and Johan charges him like a battery. Platinum gets pissed about that and punches Derek in the face again for literally using his deer friend as a power cell.

Derek, after getting over his face punch, claims that they need to find Johan, ASAP. Twilight, in the first moment she has had to be actually useful and an actual impressive spell caster since Derek arrived in Equestria, casts a spell on the antler shard that will let them track down the creature the antler came off of, which of course is Johan.

They end up going after the Deer and find Epoxy's compound, leading to the group storming the base leading to some cool fights, like Rarity and Twilight using light spells to illuminate Void's tendrils to stop her from attacking with them, or Sketcher revealing that he actually makes all his best drawings with a pen, then instantly getting knocked out cause he is literal canon fodder for the Legion of Doom.

Derek ends up getting into a one on one with Epoxy in Epoxy's clone chamber. Epoxy actually starts kicking Derek's ass, until Derek gets a lucky shot and kills him, the mad scientist falling dead in front of one of the clone pods. Derek thinks he won and starts to leave. Then the pod opens and he quickly turns around as the clone steps out, reaches down, picks up Epoxy's helmet and puts it on. Epoxy comes back to life with all his memories and personality in the new clone!

This leads to a fight I thought was really cool in concept as Derek gets progressively weaker and weaker while fighting clones that, get progressively younger and younger until Epoxy is down to his second to last clone, who is basically only a six year old foal. Derek tells him he is beaten and starts to walk away. The 6 year old Epoxy then jumps on his back and sticks him with a syringe! Instead of injecting poison or anything, Epoxy actually withdraws fluids. Derek throws Epoxy off and uses the last of his power to kill the final clone. The last pod opens and a three year old foal who can't even walk falls out.

Derek shrugs and simply leaves, so he doesn't notice the baby Epoxy crawl over to the helmet slowly and put it on, suddenly standing up! The baby Epoxy then picks up the syringe and leaves the room ominously.

Meanwhile, Johan is strapped into a chair as the drill slowly approaches his skull, being piloted by Tornado. He doesn't even care anymore and is just slowly waiting for death. Suddenly however, Tornado is turned into a solid platinum statue in front of him! His jaw drops as Platinum grabs the drill and breaks it in half over his knee and frees him from the chair. This leads to a teary eyed (and potentially romantic~) reunion as Johan and Platinum hug each other.

Platinum then powers up his horn and the two suddenly teleport away just as the door opens again and Derek rushes in to find that his power source is gone! Derek cries out in rage as he is now powerless!

Platinum and Johan appear outside of the facility, right next to Spike, who Twilight didn't allow come inside because it was dangerous. Platinum and Johan wish Spike good bye and Johan thanks him for being his one friend for so long before the two quickly rush away from the compound and into the wilderness outside of Equestria, to explore the world together without Derek holding Johan down.

This would lead onto a sequel fic called 'The Main Character is a Deer.' about the two.

The last scene of the fic however, is baby Epoxy walking up to a last, super secret cloning pod hidden from the rest of the facility which has a fully adult Epoxy inside. Then the baby Epoxy injects the Derek DNA into it, and the clone slowly starts to sprout wings and a horn. Dun dun dun!!!

So there you have it. The intended story for Side Character. Yeah, the rage bait in the chapters following chapter 12 would have totally pissed literally everyone off. I think cancelling and giving it off to Toxic to do something far more inline with the actual description of the story is the best option.

Keep a look out for Toxic's version which will eventually come out lol

His exact words when I asked him for an ETA on when the reboot can be expected were;

Given that the franchise was just acquired it'd be best to think and make it good rather than Disney or Netflix it

On another note, I hopefully will have a new story soon. Expect awesome steam punk mechs and gritty and epic battles.

Comments ( 44 )

Pretty good overall end-summary I’d say.

All I can say is this unbelievable rage

Mad respect for the introspection man, it's the quickest way to grow as a person. Thanks a bunch for the plot summary!

Would've liked to see how Johan would develop his power without Derek around after that. Pretty good concept in all honsesty.

if thats how you planned on ending it that i will happily wait for something new from you or it to potentily be picked up. thankyou for the summery and story. if toxic pickes it up will he do the next story of it too?

I would have enjoyed the story. I am sad now.

Notice me when new story is coming

It’s bit sad that you’re handing it off as I feel with your own introspection and with your acknowledgment of where it could’ve and had veered away from the original concept you still could’ve salvaged it into a work you and those following the story could of been satisfied with. Though it’s entirely your choice and I hope that Johan lives on and hopefully prospers under Toxic’s penmanship.

Huh, I quite like it. That'd be neat.

As the author, you can never care what the audience thinks. What I mean is, write what you want! If that was the story you came up with, then keep going! I personally would have liked this story, it was the reason I was reading in the first place.
I hope you write more stuff.

Thanks for posting this!
Giving a summary of the planned plot of an cancelled story is always better than leaving it ending forever on an cliffhanger. (Happens ofen enough already.)

I for my part assure you enjoyed the story as it lasted, and your ideas for the future looked solid.

That sounds like a great story, I would have read it all the way through. I think the problem was that it's a story that a lot of people want to read through completely all at once instead of having the several days, weeks, or months waiting from start to finish. They want to keep reading to see what happens next, to Derek eventually get whats coming to him, and most importantly our favorite little deer get the happiness he deserves. I really loved your story and am sorry it didn't finish.

p.s. any other notes I typed are just my hatred for Derek bubbling up. You really did a good job at making the audience despise him, good job.👏👍
P.P.S. you really had a lot of people fooled into thinking that Johan would never have magic. takes an amazing writer to do that in such a magical world. Thanks for the story and like other commentators have said who cares what your readers think.

your summary is somewhat how I expected it to go after platinum became his friend, except for Johan discovering his magic( if in a very depowered form) so soon. don't get me wrong I thought you would have him wallow in misery far longer given how it seemed to be progressing, but I would have read the entire thing and waited hungrily for the next book/story. the reason I saw the story going the way you envisioned it eventually is because I have read to many stories and can somewhat where any story with a good writer will go next. Any comments I and anyone else made that sound like a complaint were just me and them mentally voodoo dolling Derek like he deserves. hope this cheers you up.

Wew, the mana pool twist was pretty good.

Yeah... That would've gone downhill fast. I see what you mean by rage bait. The story was being driven by the characters ignorance rather than actual plot -Disney, Netflix movies are a really good example.
Still love the fact that you posted the summary though! First time I've seen an author call it quits like this too which is refreshing. Normally they just leave it an incomplete mess whilst letting it fading into obscurity.

I would not have been able to get through the story as it would have been to see Johann finally get free. I would have been overcome with the angries before getting there. It would have been cool to see Derek finally lose his powers, but it still seems like there was no plan for Derek to ever get a comeuppance.

He wouldn't have had any crazy awesome powers anymore, but he would have still had every single mare in bed with him because he's an alicorn, and he would have still had every single bit he had, and public favor, and his mansion.

It would have still been Derek's world with Johann just scraping by the edges. Even though I started this story only wanting Johann to find happiness, I also started to needing to see Derek lose his ill-gained fame and fortune and get taken down several pegs, and I needed to see the ponies be freed from Derek's mind control.

The Derek written in the first couple of chapters went from being just a douchebag to a truly heinous villain really fast. The ending still has Derek cast as the hero, and that just stopped being acceptable to me at some point.

Ahhh, that is what the sequel was for. I imagine that while Johan and Platinum are off having an adventure traveling the world, we now and then get to cut to Derek for a little bit and watch as without Johan around to keep his power high, which I think is partly responsible for his always perfect looks, and spike and several others telling about his real relationship with Johan we see his life gradually getting worse and worse until he is in the same or poorer living conditions than Johan was in.

I could imagine that as a possibility, definitely. But the way the story looked like it was going to be written from the summary makes it seem like it would have taken at the very least 40,000 words to get to the sequel, and it just isn't something that I could have gotten through.

I'm not an impatient reader for the most part. If there is a genuine pay-off waiting at the end, I can usually rough it out through the bad times in the story. But I have to actually believe that it's going to be there at the end. I have to have hope that the character will get their happy ending, (and I'm going to count Derek's suffering as Johann's happy ending because that is equitable and just.)

The one very serious problem that this story had, was that it never really gave that hope. Every time that something good happened to Derek, it was just used as a tool to immediately take away that good thing, leaving him where he started with just the memory of happiness, and that memory of happiness made his current state worse.

Theoretically, the more suffering a character goes through to get to their happy ending, the greater the sense of reward for the reader to live out that moment with them. But there was just too much of it with Johann, and too little hope given to keep me reading along, putting up with Deerbuddy getting shit on at every single opportunity presented.

There were ways that the story could have been written that I could have handled it. Maybe Johann's thoughts could have been written out to show his determination for things to get better for himself when something terrible happened. Maybe one of the ponies could have been shown to be actively trying to fight against Derek's mental influence to try to be a decent person to Johann.

But that didn't happen. Every single character aside from Spike and Platinum was just a mind-controlled tool used to cause suffering to Johann, without even a hint that that would change in this story or the next, or that there would be a punishment for his actions.

I don't believe that his actions warranted a millennium in stone or anything, but he sure as fuck robbed everypony of their free-will by his mere presence, and he sure as fuck abused that power to accumulate a ton of wealth, have a ton of dub-con sex, ingratiate himself with all of the most important ponies in the land, treat his friendslave like complete trash and force everypony to participate in it, and draw villains into attacking him to fight them off and show what a badass he is at the expense of pony lives and property damage.

Derek really needed to have his crimes brought to light, and he really needed more of a punishment than just not being the most powerful creature in all of existence anymore.

Who says what you want won't happen to Derek. I think that he would pay for his crimes after the mind control finally where's off with a lot of people hating him, taking what they gave him under his mind control, and generally treating him like a pariah. Johan on the other hoof would finally start getting a power up without Derek constantly draining him. He would also learn how to use his magic in a similar sequence to Katara from Avatar where they slowly learn more moves and techniques through trial and error until they finally find a proper teacher. He may also get some non-magic training as well both for in and out of combat

Johan will also slowly get more confident, without being arrogant like Derek, due to Platinum and other friends they make along the way. Johan and friends may become heroes to some places but not let it go to there heads, unlike Derek, Just asking for some supplies or a place to stay the night when needed. During this Journey Johan and Platinum Shine will get closer and, given certain hints we got, start a relationship which may become something more.

Meanwhile, things for the mane 6 will get rolling again now that Derek can't put show events on pause anymore, so we will get 1-2 paragraph snippets showing said events with them feeling sorry about how they treated Johan and disliking/being disinterested in Derek a little more each time. Derek will get worse and worse without really reflecting the right way on his past mistakes. By the end of 'The Main Character Is A Deer' a few years have past and the Mane 6 will be in the the latter half of the series, Probably around the time they are about to open the school.

The story would most likely get a third installment, if it hasn't already like some bigger stories on this site, Where Johan and Platinum are going back to Equestria with their new friends for some reason, escort a student, diplomatic mission, or something else. They are Most likely engaged if not married at this point. While there they confront Derek, who Johan probably fears even more since he was told how Derek was using him, and see his pathetic state which helps Johan get over his past and makes him see just how far he has come. from there they get involved in some of the show events, and more than likely have to stop Epoxy who now has an Alicorn body. some other stuff happens and we cut to a few years later where Johan has a beautiful home and loving family with his life being the happy ending he deserves.

That would be cool to see. At first I thought that everyone in the comments talking about Johann and Platinum shacking up were joking, but I took a quick browse through Deergenerate's other stories... And yes, they definitely would have ended up boning at some point. Not my cup of tea, but the story wasn't rated "Mature," so I wouldn't have cared too much.

Honestly, though, I have a theory. This story really is very different from Deer's other works. Checking the other stuff he wrote, a lot of it is BDSM clopfics, which obviously deal with power imbalances.

I think what happened with this fic was that Deer tried writing a new genre of story for him, but he borrowed too heavily from some of the mindsets of characters from the BDSM stuff. Johann, as a submissive, was a little bit too okay with having no power, and bad stuff happened a little too often to him. When big, strong, (sexy) Platinum showed up to fix all his problems, it might have even been preferable to him than becoming strong enough to fix his problems himself.

That isn't what a lot of people reading "Displaced"/"Isekai" stories read them for. Most of those guys would want to live out a power fantasy vicariously through an OP protagonist.

The author had a different set of expectations going into the story than the audience did reading it. Audience backlash is what really got this story canceled, and I accept my part of the blame for that, with my strongly-voiced desires for what would happen.

True balancing it out would be great, but I look at Johan more as a guy beaten down so much that when Platinum comes along and shows his some actual kindness that not even Fluttershy was doing (since she was focusing on Derek, Derek, Derek). With Spike as his only other friend, he latched onto Platinum as someone who he could interact with, without it being all about Derek. He basically had pretty much given-up on getting away from Derek. Then again like I said balancing things so Johan doesn't come off as so acceptingly submissive and more of "I've tried so long but, it looks pretty hopeless, I'm so tired" as well as not drag out the suffering for so many chapters would be great. Also the part where Platinum and Derek face off could have been a little later where Johan's life is getting better (minor magic and two good friends) only for Derek to ruin it causing Johann to slip into depression then getting deernaped and having Deer's summary after that point go through would be good. it would setup some time where you get hopeful for Johan then see things come crashing down on his head slip into depression, which would not be lingered on more than one chapter with multiple small time skips, Johan being taken by the villians. Then Platinum finds antler confronts Derek, the whole confession and rescue happens with Platinum teleporting away with a weak and most likely unconscious Johan, leaving Derek without a power source. The epilogue will show Platinum and Johan in the wilderness with our deer waking up and being told what happened before they start there new journey in the next story.

Hell yeah. Little tweaks like letting Johann be happy for longer periods of time, and sequencing actions differently would make a world of difference. Even seeing Johann give in to the depression and allow his kidnapping wouldn't be too bad, since it would give a sense of catharsis about him no longer trying to fight against something he is not intended to win against.

I'm still invested in Johann, so I hope Toxic is able to honor Deergenerate's intentions and worldbuiling while executing the story in a way that the audience enjoys.

As soon as it was revealed that d-bag wouldn't let Johan leave the town, I knew that it would be something like Johan was his source of power. I'm so very happy you made this little bit and proved my theory right. heart emoji

Not necessarily a spoiler but more of an idea on what might happen as a sequel An interesting thing that could happen in the sequel is that Derek shrinks gradually without Johan's magic until he is the size of a normal pony. Johan would gradually get bigger until he stops at some point, he and Platinum also take a while to notice the change. Derek can't maintain his good looks and perfect body, while Johan starts looking more graceful and handsome like what you would imagine a magic deer to look like, though he still needs to go through proper daily grooming. Even with Johan's new looks he can still pull off looking cute to Platinum. When Derek and Johan finally see each other again it is a complete roll reversal on how it was before but, just in looks because Johan is not going to be a bully, he will just look at Derek and be disappointed then walk away.

I don't know. That honestly sounds like it would have been a pretty awesome story, especially since the follow-up after the fight between Derek and Platinum would have essentially been Johan telling Twilight — who of anyone, was in the best position to see that things were not well between Derek and Johan and either didn't pay attention or didn't care — to fuck herself.

Never mind the part where literally everyone turns on Derek when he reveals he actually has almost no power, but decide to yell at him later because they need to get Johan back.

Or the bit where Derek realizes that his power source is gone and he's now doomed to be what he is most terrified off; a background pony.

I don't know; maybe my perspective is just different with the knowledge in mind that the story was actually a prequel in which the Heel (Derek) goes up against and ultimately loses to the Face (Johan).

maby derek goes full bad guy as he can apparently drain johan without him noticing so maby he gets a diffrent sorce as a "hero" such as he wouldnt have much troble maby getting the elements. also if derek was powerfull enough to beat pretty much everyone with johans power and next to no skill ( im comparing the power and skill diffrence from sheild hero of the spear hero to derek) then how powerfull would johan get with his actual ok baseline and a frend like platmin who can help him grow properly insted of like derek did.

beyond alicorn level. he might be compared to Gaia, the Greek goddess, with his plant magic, eventually. I'd say, between the time he leaves Equestria to the time he comes back, Johan will at least be strong enough to take on most bad guys. Derek will most likely be very strong if he gets a different source and become like spear hero, but Johan will probably beat him easily with his training and take away whatever power source he stole. it will moderate power and great skill(Johan) vs Great power and no skill (Derek), an easy to see outcome. I just hope it will be as satisfying as I imagine.

yea im guessing that dereks body might be more prepared for the ammount of magic johan had and ajustid to it after a time aswell. johan constently being draind might have helped him in the long run as at the moment he has an about avarage strenght so when his magic starts comming back he can train properly and might become alot stronger and more skilled then he would have without derek

I wonder if Derek will become like the spear hero did in the light novel after being beaten and betrayed. He becomes obsessed with the 'animal of the group' (Filo) and starts raising and farming the same species. He also does become somewhat useful in fights and other situations. Derek will probably become obsessed with gardening or something and lose his taste for females or sex in general.

Johan will have most likely found a way to stop Derek from draining him of magic by the time they meet again.

Oh yay bar scene where Derek is crying and pathetic, and someone(Johan or Platinum most likely) has to go cheer him up because it is just way to pathetic and annoying and someone somehow feels sorry enough for him to ask them to do something.

This was such a great story. I wish you would have not canceled it. It was such a breath of fresh air and you had twists that would have kept it more interesting than the concept already was.

can you link the guy doing the rewrite?

I did in the last chapter.

I think this comment alone is what killed this story.

That is a major shame.

You really should continue this story, I thought it was great.

Ah well I guess. Better just wait for Toxic's version of the story huh?

If that is ever happening that is.

Aw man, this would have been interesting. Although the rage-bait would make a lot of people angry I wouldn’t mind.

Not gonna lie, the concept sounds really good on paper, but I can see how and why it wouldn't work out as intended.

Stil, I thank you for the summary. Not a lot of people does this.

I have actually started writing a reboot, if you haven't seen it yet.

This time around, I plan on making Derek a more likeable character, and I plan on making his and Johan's relationship less master-slave-y.

I hope I don't fuck it up this time lol

Oh, I forgot to notice you lol

Really "Johan?" Don't forget "King Johan" from Equestria at war.

Look up Kingdom of Olenia and you'll know what I'm referencing.

Oh. I honestly wasn't aware.

To be honest, I must've seen that a while back and accidentally internalized that. In truth, I was trying to find an eastern European-sounding name for him, because when I write deer, I usually base them (even slightly) off Eastern European and Caucasian (as in the place) cultures. The name Johan sorta just popped up, but in truth, I think I just accidentally thought of the EAW character.

I also found out later that the name Johan is actually Scandinavian rather than Slavic. Oops XD.

I know Equestria at war is one of the best Hoi4 mods there is. Also Olenia is based off Finland which explains why Johan is scandinavian.

What I don't seem to understand about Equestria at war is that the Changelings (Fascist Germany) first invade Olenia (Finland). Weren't Germany and Finland working together against the Soviet Union.

Anyways great story keep up the good work.

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