• Published 24th Mar 2020
  • 1,411 Views, 179 Comments

Power Rangers: Sky Strike - The Bricklayer

Pony Power Rangers, take flight! An evil tyrant threatens all that's well and good, and only you can stop them. Take off... in a headwind!

  • ...

10: Road Rage

Author's Note:

From here on in, I will be watching the comments. Anyone who has any nasty remarks, please keep them to yourselves or actually you know where the door is really.

And yeah, I know, it's a bit shorter than the norm but this is more a character study than anything else. And unlike when To the Stars did this, I won't waste time getting right to the point.

I Pinkie Promise, the next chapter will be longer.

Robert, personally, didn’t like change.

Now maybe that made him sound like some sort of stubborn fool, but then again maybe he was!

He’d been happy living his life in NewTech City, really.

And then things upended themselves so fast, and now he was in Ponyland with actual Power Ranger powers.

Living with a fashionista and working as a royal guard at that.

And he wasn’t sure what to think of it.

Make no mistake, he wasn’t exactly a stranger to change. Things had changed for him before, such as moving to America when he was a young lad. Though he’d never quite lost the accent really. Not that he minded, allowed him to connect to his heritage, even if it meant he’d had to fend off boys all throughout high school.

Then there was the other thing, really.

He frowned, wondering what the others would think if they knew?

Internal insecurities aside, he would learn to deal.

He always would.

“So, been forced to model anything yet?” Sunset asked with a cackle as the group dealt with a seemingly random attack by the Reverse Empire. Or maybe there was some purpose to it, and Robert had just forgotten.

With several burning slashes, down went the soldiers.

“Bet you’d look good in a dress!” Vapor teased lightly, backhanding another of the Reversers.

“Oh, pretty sure I could work it,” Robert remarked, taking the joke in stride as he slid along the ground cutting off several Reversers at the knees. As he did so, Shining’s shield flew over his head downing two more mooks, and it bounced off their heads like a pinball before returning to his hand. “I got the figure for it!”

“Personally, I’d pay good bits to see Autumn in a dress…” Vapor mused. “Bet she could pull it off.

Robert and Shining shared a look, not for the first time wondering if there was something there.

“Awwww please, no dresses for this mare,” Autumn said knocking around one of her opponents, slamming them headfirst into a wall, and noogieing another before throwing them into the mud. It splattered all over her suit, not that Autumn seemed to actually mind tackling another of the bug-like creatures into the mud. “Just jeans and some old shirts thank you! Let’s think practically here. I tried a dress once, and guess what? I could barely move! And oh, let’s not even get into the shoes! Lady stilts, hello! Like friggin’ safety hazards!”

As Autumn ranted, Sunset turned her head back to Robert.

“But we’ve gotten away from the main question, haven’t we?” she asked with surely a grin under that helmet of hers. “Dress or no dress? Have you modeled, or no?”

“We all have our little secrets, Shimmer,” Robert said, lightning cracking in the sky above as he leaped forwards like a dark knight of justice, rain pouring down on his charcoal helmet.

“So I’m going to take that as a yes, then?” Sunset said, spinning her sword steam hissing off the blade where the rain hit it.

“Oh hush!” Robert snorted.

He felt dirty all over, like a thousand showers would never clean him.

Thank god for self-cleaning suits.

But a fight in the rain and the mud, even when he demorphed he was tracking muddy boots all over the Carousel Boutique’s normally pristine floors.

Rarity was going to have a fit.

Tossing his jacket aside, not caring where it fell, he put his boots next to the door.

Robert shuddered, bracing himself against the doorway. That joke about the dress hit harder than it should have. They didn’t know. How could they? It wasn’t like he’d ever told anyone!

Finding a new change of clothes, he picked up his jacket and tossed it in a hamper. That way, at least Rarity wouldn’t completely kill him. Grabbing a mop, the mud was soon nothing but a memory.

Slipping into a chair, he picked up a book and began to read. One of Rarity’s romance novels, it was trashy literature and no objective reviewer would ever call it a work of art but it helped to get his mind off things.

Flipping through the pages absentmindedly, he snorted at the thought of someone like Sunset, or hell Charlie, finding him with this kind of thing in his hand.

Oh well, it could be worse.

It could be Fifty Shades.

He’d rather kill himself before touching that… abomination. He’d had debates about that book in college, actually. Usually revolving around whether Christian Gray should be on a watch list or was just misunderstood.

Guess where his opinions fell?


He always said, even today, he’d arrest Christian if he ever saw him on the street.

Ah, never let the appetite of the lonely housewife die!

He shuddered, briefly, at the realization that Rarity could be considered a lonely housewife.

Wait, wife?

That was an interesting thought!

Well, he assumed she was married. No mare that beautiful wasn’t!

Flipping on a radio, he let the soft soothing tones wash the stress away. Of course it was a romantic song, the appetites of the lonely housewives craved those too! He wouldn’t be surprised if Rarity had a whole playlist of such things.

The song told of one’s heart being an egg, and then taking flight like a bird. To love and cherish your love, and tell her all about your crazy dreams. Personally, it was a bit too sappy for Robert’s tastes.

It was the kind of thing you’d hear play at some high school prom or something. Just gave him bad memories of his own prom, really. Namely, him sitting in a corner and trying to pretend not to be inspecting a plant.

Turns out, nobody wanted to date the straight-laced, snarky type.

Who knew right?

Washing away the bad memories, he turned his attention back to the book. Probably would have ended up adapted as some Lifetime movie, if it already had been. The lead was running from her abusive husband, maybe there was a kid involved. He didn’t really care enough to pay attention. He knew how it ended though, with her ending up with some soft, sweet caring man. That’s how it always ended really.

If only the real world was always so kind.

A few days later, he was back on business. Robert groaned as he leaned up against his spear, implanted in the ground like King Arthur’s sword.

What had Sunset done to warrant a house arrest anyways? Despite his snarky comments that implied otherwise, he doubted it was sneaking one too many cookies from the cookie jar and getting caught doing so.

Personally, he didn’t trust her. He knew Shining didn’t trust her, and if the Captain of the Royal Guard didn’t trust this mare why should he? He could see it in Shining’s eyes, as much as he tried to hide it. There were the small glances of suspicion, and how Shining tried to put as much distance between him and her in the middle of a fight.

Which really begged the question, what the hell had happened?

He wasn’t so bubble-brained to believe that either of them would start magically trusting her with their lives. At least, not until she proved herself worthy.

What a bloody mess, and she was team leader? Yeah, sure, Vapor and Autumn seemed to be giving her a chance, but it was only a matter of time until things went sour and the whole team fractured.

It was tradition, yeah, that reds got to lead. Even he knew that much. But he personally thought the all business Shining was better suited for the job at hand. He didn’t like the stallion, largely due to being way too similar to himself, but he was the Captain of the Guard. That sorta spoke for his qualifications.

But apparently, this Princess Celestia in all of her infinite wisdom decided Sunset should be the leader. Why?

Actually, now that he thought of it, whenever Sunset spoke about the Princess of the Sun, it was that nice mix of both reverence and bitterness.

(Of course, Robert didn’t know that bitterness was directed towards herself, but let’s be fair here. He could only make a proper judgement of Sunset with what little information he actually had about her.)

His fellow guard was a young, fresh out of the academy type. Wide-eyed and idealistic, really. Guy named Flash Sentry.

Pleasant fellow, maybe a bit dim, but the kind Robert just couldn’t bring himself to hate. Hell, honestly? Robert would gladly, if he could, give him the morpher and be done with it. Flash would probably be a bit more enthusiastic about the whole shebang really.


Pushing that traitorous thought aside, he reprimanded himself. He had the morpher, he had the powers, and he had a duty to perform. No matter how much it pissed him off to do all the posing and join in on the roll calls.

Seeing the radiant smile on Rarity’s face though? Maybe it made it all slightly worth it.

He had connections now. A reason to defend Ponyville. An actual friend, and maybe an adoptive sister in Autumn Blaze. Yeah, sure she was pretty in that rugged, exotic way, but despite what the other rangers thought, dating her was simply out of the question.

Besides, dating in-house always ended badly, and he was half-certain -like everyone else- that she had a thing for Vapor. And that Vapor felt the same, and both were too stupid to admit it.

Yes, he was Team Autumn. So sue him! He’d been Team Jacob back in high school, right up until Meyer ruined him. Of course, damn that traitorous mare Sunset Shimmer for thinking Vapor and Zen-Aku were ‘involved’.

One interaction together and she was already shipping the two.

Mind, it wasn’t like Rarity was any better. She said the two were simply meant to be.

And so here he was caught in the middle of a shipping war. What next, was he going to go out and buy the shirts?


Another monster, another day.

Robert wasn’t even sure what this one was based on, wait was it supposed to be some sort of traffic light?

Well, that was kinda appropriate he supposed, given it seemed to induce road rage with whoever it blasted.

Oh hell. Yep, here it came!

A red bolt of energy shot towards him, leaving Robert with no time to dodge. Leaving Sunset with no time to…

Wait, Sunset?

He realized what had happened.

The mare had shoved him aside, tackling him to the ground and now was flying off into a redline -hehe- rage at the monster. Flames flew everywhere, sparks catching as Sunset slashed away at his hide.

Oh hell.

Yeah, this was going to be ugly.

Shining, recognizing the danger, was soon involved in a three-way brawl trying to subdue Sunset. He tossed his shield, and Sunset ducked as the shield rebounded off the wall with a loud clang! of metal and flew back towards the Road Beast, for lack of a better name.

It ducked, and returned to Shining’s hand, even as he restrained Sunset with chains of magic. This, of course, left him wide open from a bolt of yellow energy from the dimensional beast.

Shining moved like sludge, the effects obvious. The beast cackled, before firing a green beam at him and the stallion in shock sped up only to crash into a wall.

Vapor came in for a flying dive kick, white wings erupting from her suit like some sort of avenging angel. She kicked the monster in the ‘face’ or at least what passed for a face with this guy. Repeatedly. The monster stumbled back, and an angry Shining shot him with laser bolts.

Robert tossed the Captain of the Guard his sidearm, but again Shining was shot with a yellow beam of light. Not just him, but his shots came out slow as sludge allowing the monster to easily evade them. He side-stepped every one, and finger flicked Shining away.

Sunset broke her chains with Shining presumably unconscious and tossed Vapor to the side as she wailed on the monster.

“Alright, that’s enough!” Autumn thundered, grabbing Sunset by the waist and pulling her away before she could seriously hurt anyone. But Sunset actually flipped in her grasp and landed behind her, Autumn standing in stunned shock.

“Alright, if you’re not with me,” Sunset screamed, crackling with angry magic. “You’re against me!”

Robert looked at the monster, and then back at Sunset. He had a choice to make.

The answer was obvious.

Locking blades with Sunset, he slammed an elbow into her helmet cracking the opaque visor before slamming his elbow into her gut. She doubled over, before Autumn knocked her out with a neck chop.

“Come on, let’s get her to Starswirl. He’ll know what to do,” Autumn said, casting a glance to the fleeing dimensional beast. “We’ll worry about him later...”

Starswirl said, that while tricky to undo, the dimensional beast’s spell was hardly permanent.

With a bit of time, Sunset should be back to normal.

Meanwhile, Robert himself didn’t know what to think.

She didn’t have to take that blast for him, and yet she did it anyways.

Maybe there was more to her than meets the eye.

However, this didn’t change the fact that until Starswirl worked his magic, well they were down one ranger. The villains would soon be taking advantage of this.

That meant he’d have to work extra hard to protect Ponyville. No, they would have to work extra hard.

Robert’s fists pounded against the punching bag, a thunderstorm of noise. While he certainly wasn’t any Arnold Schwarzenegger, he considered himself fairly fit. He was lean, a bit like a panther but taught with muscle. Poised to strike. Almost like a real condor.

Great, he was referring to himself in bird terms. They were already starting to get to him.

Somehow though, he thought with a smile, he didn’t actually mind the thought of that.

He’d spent only a month or two with these idiots, and yet he’d already lay down his life to protect him. It had nothing to do with his sworn oath to protect the people, it was simply the fact that ponies had a funny way of working their way inside your heart. They looked so sweet, so innocent like Ewoks really. Maybe less annoying.

Maybe. He still wasn’t sure about the pink one and her annoying tendency to burst into song every other day.

Cute, but maybe a bit cataphonic really. He could already feel the headache.

His fists thundered, his arms like piledrivers as they pounded themselves into the punching bag. It flew off and away, ripped from its chain, and smashed itself against the wall probably cracking it.

“Oooooh, now I see why you’re so fierce in battle,” Rarity complimented, and Robert nearly jumped. He hadn’t even heard her come in. “You’re going to give Autumn a run for her money!”

Robert dabbed away at his sweaty brow, laughing. “Oh, I don’t think anyone’s ever going to give her a run for her money.”

“She is a mountain of a mare, yes,” Rarity agreed with a nod, before wrinkling her nose. “Oh Celestia, you stink!”

Robert sniffed his tank -black, of course- and recoiled. Oh wow, he did.

“Shower?” he asked.

“Only if you’re offering dear…” Rarity said seductively.

Robert sputtered out denials, while Rarity laughed her head off.

Robert, again, found himself drawn to the books. Okay, so he was a bit of a bookworm, but late nights at the police headquarters found himself wanting for a release of some sort. And it was either this, or, ahem, actually releasing himself. Paperwork could only keep one occupied for so long.

Yeah, that was one thing he didn’t miss!

“Falling for the Omega,” Rarity read off the cover, which depicted two very muscled men -because of course it did- looking sorta sweaty. “C.W. Gray. Huh, didn’t know you were into this sort of thing. Of course, this does explain why I saw some of my novels laying out on the kitchen table a few days ago…”

Robert flushed.

“Oh, you saw that?”

“Oh yes, dearie,” Rarity smirked. “I didn’t want to say anything, buuuuuuuuuuttt… I’m curious now though, what’s the attraction?”

“They’re… wholesome,” Robert thought quickly. “Like, that’s the worst you could say about this kind of thing really. Bit mushy, but really they’re harmless. They’re escapist.”

“And I bet you spend long lonely nights thinking about how you’d want someone to love, am I right?” Rarity said, placing a hand to his cheek. “I have to say, I’m impressed, it takes a real man to allow himself to read what’s basically traditionally feminine literature…”

Robert’s breath caught in his throat, did she know? How could she…? No, she couldn’t have. He’d been careful about it.

“Oh well, can’t say I blame you,” Rarity said filing at her nails, Robert desperately trying not to stare at her bust. He thought he was doing quite well, actually. “I mean, we all want someone to love, myself included…”

“You mean you’re not…” Robert started.

Rarity giggled. “Oh, of course not! I’ve always been a working mare, I’ve had a business to run. No real time to worry about such frivolous things, alas. It’s a shame, but it’s something I’ve learned to live with!”

“You should treat yourself,” Robert suggested, looking up from his book to meet her face. “Go out on a date with someone!”

“Oh, are you offering?” Rarity teased. Robert gaped, only increasing her laughter. Forcing his blush down, he continued.

“...Pretty sure there’s stallions lining up around the block, or mares if you’re into them. Not judging.” he remarked.

“Stallions dear,” Rarity said. “Mares are nice, but they’re just not… me. Now Twilight though, well, I think it’s safe to say what side of the fence she leans towards! Goodness knows I’ve caught her staring at Applejack a few times…”

“Oh don’t tell me, I’m going to have to go out and buy Team Applejack shirts now aren’t I?” Robert deadpanned.

“No need, I’m already stitching some!” Rarity beamed and Robert groaned.

“Gods, I swear you’re more of an actual Princess of Love than the actual Princess of Love!” he muttered.

“I do try dear,” Rarity smirked. “So about this book of yours, should I point you to the local book club? I know you and Twilight, and probably Princess Cadence as well can probably quibble over who should end up with who, and who has the best romance…”

Robert snorted. Yeah, that was probably pretty accurate as to what he’d think what would end up happening.

“So tell me,” Rarity said sliding up to him. “What was life like for you before you became a Ranger? You were a beat cop, right? Working the mean streets of… NewTech City was it?”

“I see Shining’s been gossiping…” Robert said with a wry smile. “It was… interesting. Certainly never dull. Last night before I became a ranger? Ran into a prostitute, a pony prostitute. Took me a minute to work out what I was seeing, like I was sure someone had spiked me something. Okay, yeah, I was aware magic existed after everything that happened in Briarwood while I was still just a young lad, but it’s a bit of a step up to suddenly start believing in anthro bat-winged ponies busking on street corners like some demented Barbie doll.”

“I see,” Rarity mused before the bell rang, and she shouted: “Coming!”

Her usual greeting -”Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where everything is chic and unique!”- followed as she greeted a mare with a bionic leg. Steampunk, really, with bronze gears ticking away, and steam hissing from the joints.

As the two mares chatted away, Robert noted how… confident the amputee was in herself. He actually envied her. Despite her body being the way it was, she never let that stop her.

He wished he could have been so brave, as even several years ago he was a bit less confident to show off who he was. Or rather, who she was, back when his name wasn’t Robert but Rowena.

For years, he’d felt himself a prisoner until one very special late-night binge of She-Ra and the Princesses of Power -Charlie’s suggestion- kinda gave him a slap in the face. Perfuma was Transgender. Not a word he’d heard before, or rather she’d heard before at the time.

But it stuck with her, and several months and some late-night readings later he could finally admit it. He was a guy, or rather he wanted to be. Gender reassignment treatments followed, and now even not fully transitioned -he still had those annoying breasts he kept under wrap- he felt a lot more confident in himself.

It’d been quite a shock to Charlie, though she supported him. It was even more of a shock to the station, but nobody said anything. At least, not with Charlie glowering at them. Nobody wanted to mess with the woman who could morph into a Red Ranger.

Oh, he was crying again, wasn’t he? Damn estrogen…

He wished he could be so brave to carry himself the way Kerfuffle did. She said she had a bionic leg, and showed it off. She said, yeah I’m amputated, what of it? He wished he could say: “Say yeah, I’m trans, what of it?” and walk freely with evidence of that on display.

He was such a failure at supporting his own community, he didn’t even have a Pride flag anywhere on his outfits. God, what they must have thought of him. He was such a coward.

He knew better, the logical part of him said this was Equestria AKA the land of acceptance.

So if that was the case, why couldn’t he say what he was?

He didn’t register the hug until a few moments later.

“Why…?” he whispered.

“I don’t know why, but you looked like you needed a hug,” Rarity said kindly.

“Gods, I’m such a wreck, breaking down like this in front of one of your customers,” Robert whispered.

“It’s okay dearie,” Rarity continued to reassure, letting his head bury itself in her shoulder. “We all need a good cry now and again, nothing to be ashamed of.”

Maybe one day he’d tell her.

Maybe one day…

Rarity knew something was up with Robert, and she knew exactly what. She was a fashion designer, she was paid to be observant and notice little details.

Robert’s slender figure, him being short. The patches, and the bandages which were definitely not bandages.

She could guess why he hid his status.

He didn’t need to, this wasn’t Canterlot but she’d respect his privacy.

When he wanted to tell her, she’d be waiting and ready to listen.

Ranger Black was needed, the hero not the over emotional mess.

Flying over Ponyville, and landing atop a roof, he drew his blade. The sun glinted off the steel of his weapon. And he charged.

Fighting had always been so liberating.

There was only one thing to think about, and that was surviving.

His mind was free.

His worries could be put aside for a time.

He came upon the Reversers like a hurricane, and thundered through them.

They flew like bowling pins.

With the swiftness of a condor, Power Ranger Black.

That was him right now. Not the beat cop, not the royal guard, not Rarity’s overemotional roommate.

He was one of the heroes Ponyville admired, and he couldn’t let their perception of that slip.

He understood that much about being a Ranger. They were the Superman and Batman and Shazam and Captain Americas of the real world. They couldn’t be seen as anything less than perfect.

He had the original Rangers to blame, being dedicated heroes in and out of the suit.

Made one wonder what they’d think of him, someone who didn’t even want these powers -was steadfastly against it actually- and got them anyways?

Ah, no matter! To battle, and have at thee!

Robert collapsed in bed, exhausted. It had only been some Reversers, but they came fast and furious. The Reverse Empire was pressing home their advantage, it was only a matter of time before the dimensional beast appeared again.

“Long day?” Rarity said sympathetically, sitting herself down beside him.

“Like you wouldn’t believe…” he groaned.

“Well, I’m sure the mighty Ranger Black wouldn’t object to a massage…” Rarity suggested, and Robert’s breath caught in his throat as he realized.

He remembered now.

The spa ponies, Aloe and Lotus. They must have seen…

“It’s okay, they’re discreet,” Rarity said pulling Robert in for a hug. “They wouldn’t say a word.”

“You mean…?” Robert whispered.

“I’ve known for a while now, actually,” Rarity said softly. “You don’t have to keep any secrets from me. Now, you don’t have to shout it to the world, it’s your right, but just know you have a friend here.”

She tied a familiar-looking flag, with pinks, whites, and pastel blues around his arm like a bandage. She pulled him close, whispering: “It’s okay…”

“God, we’re all broken people aren’t we?” Robert laughed bitterly. “Sunset’s… well, Sunset with her major hero complex. Autumn’s got some marked bitterness towards her own village, from what I can tell, and then there’s me. It’s like only Vapor and Shining are the stable ones!”

“Maybe…” Rarity theorized. “You were chosen for a reason. Maybe the powers came to you for a purpose, to help you work through your issues somehow? I can only guess, and maybe I’m dreadfully wrong but it’s a nice thought isn’t it?”

Robert looked at his morpher.

“Maybe…” he mused. “After all, if I hadn’t gotten these powers I wouldn’t have made such wonderful friends!”

“You’re still not doing the posing are you?” Rarity smirked.

“Oh hell no, bit too camp for me!” Robert laughed falling back onto his sheets, the springs squeaking beneath his weight. “Let the others prance about all they want, and look like idiots. But someone’s got to be the grounded one here! Like…”

“Not even for me?” Rarity fluttered her eyelashes teasingly.

“Well, I, uh…” Robert said with a little stammer. “I mean, if you want me to act like that, how can I say no?”

“Mhmm, I thought so. I knew there was a showman in you, go on admit it,” Rarity commented.

“Yeah, no there really isn’t,” Robert drawled. “All that posing? It seems like a good way to get shot! Best we skip the theatrics, and get right down to business!”

“I dunno, you’re saving the world,” Rarity said. “Might as well have a bit of fun with it eh?”

Speaking of saving the world, the time soon came again.

This time, Robert was ready. No fear, no hesitation. He’d gone through gender reassignment.

After that? Some idiot that looked like a stoplight was a piece of cake!

“Take off, wings rise! Condor Ranger Power.”