• Published 19th Oct 2020
  • 3,219 Views, 127 Comments

The Road of Courage - PrismaGalaxy514

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Chapter 14: Struck by Karma

DISCLAIMER: This chapter contains torture, a murder-suicide, blood, twisted individuals, PTSD and so on. If you are very sensitive or don't want to be scarred, please don't read this and seek help! If you're willing to read the extreme chapter, please proceed it with caution. Viewer discretion is advised.

The Humane 6 and Spike looked around some parts of the city, in order to find Starlight. Last time, she was seen in the Laboratory, looking very angry. It all happened, when the society of Equestria chose to ignore the sisters's side of the story and Starlight, alongside with Sunset didn't like that at all, as they were really trying to find the missing pieces to clear the suspicion and find some sympathy in them. Anyway, a lot has happened in Equestria and now, the group are looking around the city. Eventually, after a while of looking and asking the locals for clues, they found Starlight in an alleyway, who is hitting the trash can with a stick.

"STOP!!" Immediately, Rainbow Dash and Applejack ran as fast and restrained Starlight from causing damage of property. "Please, calm down! This is not gonna help!" Sunset tried her best to calm her friend down. "I know, that you're upset. Their behaviour was really infuriating, not gonna lie. But cutting all ties with Equestria? Don't you think, that's kinda too far?"

But that hardly mattered to the lavender girl, as she was consumed by her own rage. "SHUT UP! SHUT UP!!" she shouted, as she was struggling. In response, Rainbow and Applejack had to tighten their grip.

"Please, Starlight...You need to calm down..." Fluttershy pleaded, but it fell on deaf ears. Eventually, Sunset lost her patience. "Let her go, girls." She said to the two.

"Are you crazy!?" Rainbow was shocked.

"Y'all know, that this is a risky idea." Applejack reminded her of the situation.

"I'll be fine, girls. Besides, she helped me overcome the sadness and rage in me and now...it's time to repay that debt." Sunset slowly approached her friend, as Rainbow Dash and Applejack let Starlight go, while Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Twilight and Fluttershy immediately covered their eyes, fearing for the worst. As to be expected, the second she was released, Starlight dashed towards Sunset and tried to tackle her down. A thud was heard...

When the other girls opened their eyes, they didn't believe, what they saw: Sunset was still on her feet, now tightly hugging Starlight, who was struggling hard. Despite this, she refused to let her friend go.

"It's okay, Starlight. I'm here." She softly spoke. The other girls watched, as Starlight thrashed around, yet Sunset kept calm and continuing to hold her friend in a tight embrace. After what it felt like an hour of screaming and thrashing, Starlight stopped and broke down in Sunset's arms. Meanwhile, Sunset kept strong through the ordeal, while the others tear up. Eventually, the cries has been slowly silenced, as Starlight calmed down and looked at her friends.

"Look, I know that their reactions were cold at worst and the girls' behaviour didn't help much. Sure, they had amnesia, but still. However, that doesn't mean, that we have to give up. We can prove them wrong by finding the reasons of their behaviour and help them reform! It's our mission to find the missing pieces and let the case rest. With you, me and my friends, we can end this complicated mess once and for all and douse the flames of hatred in Equestria." Sunset smiled and so did her friends.

After a while of silence, the lavender girl wiped her tears away and looked at them with a determined and confident look on her face.

"You're right. I won't allow any obstacles to deter me from completing the mission. Together, we can find the missing pieces and end the nightmares!" Starlight smiled.

"Yeah, that's the spirit!" Rainbow Dash raised her fist up.

"Way to go, Starlight!" Pinkie cheered.

"Say, what happened to the other girl?" Twilight asked.

"That's a good question...From what I remembered, the blue unicorn, who is named Susan, just walked away and get this, I looked at her face and it was full of shame! Meaning, that her memories are back! However, I was so angry at Equestria, I didn't bother to go after her. I know, that she is in the human world here, alongside with her sister, Mary...but they could be anywhere and I'm worried, that they'll get lost so easily." Starlight recounted the event.

"Huh. The more you know.." Applejack was intrigued, now that she now knows the names of the girls and that they're sisters, at least until Mary decided to broke off with Susan completely out of guilt.

"Maybe we should split up, just in case." Rarity suggested.

"Good idea. Each of us would go to different sections of the city and ask civilians about their whereabouts. There is no time to waste. Let's go, girls!" Sunset agreed and with those words, the group of nine went off to search for Susan and Mary, who are currently MIA.

On the North side of the city, Sunset went around and asked a few citizens about their whereabouts, only to tell her, that they've never seen the girls. In fact, when she went to a nearby cafe, she asked a teenage girl with "Hey. Excuse me for asking you so suddenly, but I'm looking for two girls, one blue and one yellow, both red hair and glasses. Have you seen them going around somewhere?"

"I don't think, I saw those girls walking around " the teenager answered.

"Shoot...But thanks for answering." With a sigh, Sunset walked away.

The orange girl kept asking people about their whereabouts, but to no avail. It's not surprising, as Twilight erased everyone's memories about the scary incident, where the sisters were bare and scared, as well as insane. Of course, she did this in order to save the others from potential PTSD.

"Oh man...It's like, they vanished into thin air...What is happening to them?" Sunset was worried, since they just vanished without a trace. What's worse is, she didn't know, if they were dead or alive. With a sigh, she went off to a different section of the city, hoping that she would find them safely.


Everything was dark for a while....until the eyes were opened. We see Susan, slowly regaining consciousness and waking up, after she was drugged by an unknown individual. Even when she woke up, the room was too dark to see anything.

"Where am I?" She was woozy from the drug's effects. She tried to get up, only to find out that she couldn't. It's like, the girl was strapped to a table. "What the?...Why can't I move?" She asked, when suddenly, she was blinded by a bright light, shining right at her.

"Ah. She's finally awake." A disembodied voice can be heard. When Susan opened her eyes a bit, she saw unknown people, whose identities are obscured by masks and lab coats. The light also showed us, that Susan was indeed tied down to a table with strong leather and metal restraining her body and limbs.

"Where am I? What is the meaning of this?" There are so many questions in her head and she asked to the mysterious captors, but she received no answer, as some of them went to mix some chemicals, while the others just stood there...menacingly. Sounds of mechanical machines can be heard, indicating, that she was in an unknown laboratory. Susan would be excited, if it wasn't for those questions:

What's with the masks? Why was she strapped down? And who was her kidnapper?

"So, given the sounds, it's seems like, you're scientists. Right?" Susan assumed. "That means, you do experiments for the greater good?"

"Oh hell no. It's only for our twisted pleasure. Now stand still and be our obedient and submissive Guinea pig" The masked individual spoke in a menacing tone, sending chills down her spine. Susan was confused. Who does scientific experiments for their twisted pleasure? Unless...those aren't actual scientists, but rather twisted people with a high IQ, yet very low morals. That assumption became correct, when they unveiled a big device with a lot of syringes, filled to the brim with chemicals.

"Uhm...What's going on? Why so many needles? It wouldn't hurt that much, wouldn't it?" Susan started sweating nervously. What's more is that, it looked...familiar. The fear is slowly getting into her body and mind. The individual said: "It'll hurt...A LOT!!!". Finally, one of them pulled a lever and the device went down on the helpless girl, who's getting stung and injected by the chemicals. Sounds of screams, filled with pain and horror can be heard, while her tormentors just stood there with no emotions whatsoever, seemingly enjoying her agony, which became worse, when she felt her body burning and mutating in a painful way. While the pain was still going, a memory flashed in front of her, where back when she and Mary had it all and about to experiment on Johnny, they said the same thing and used the similar looking device on him! And now, Susan is on the receiving end of a twisted torture. Being experimented on, except her captors have absolutely no sympathy towards her.

Next, the group went on to grab some clamps and attach them to the table, some of them being attached to Susan herself. With a signal, one of them pressed a button, where the surge of electricity would course to her, causing more pain. As she screamed in massive agony, there is a twisted aura around the tormentors, when beneath their masks, they were grinning. Once they stopped the electrocution, the people opened the restraints, grabbed her and tied her up to a chair. By the time, Susan was slowly losing consciousness from the amount of pain and shock.

"Hey! Pay attention, bitch!!!" One of them slapped her hard, in order to regain her consciousness, while two of them brought the operating table with tools.

"Please....make it stop..." At this point, Susan was in tears right now. The amount of pain and agony caused her to beg them for mercy. Unfortunately, it fell on deaf ears, as they prepared their scalpel and drills to do some "surgery" (more like cutting some skin open) on her. Without any anaesthetic whatsoever. Of course, she screamed extremely loud, since the pain was excruciating. It didn't feel like a science experiment anymore, but rather absolute torture. It went on for hours with no end in sight, until they ended their twisted action. Although they did patch her up, it was rushed to say the least and also in a painful way. Finally, Susan was carried and then thrown into a dark room by her captors, in which they locked the door. If you think, this was the end, think again. The horror has just begun.

At first, Susan felt some relief a bit, however the lasting pain prevent her from calming down. Suddenly, she smelled something....rotten.

"What's that smell?" She looked around for any source of light, in order to find the source of that smell. Thankfully, after looking around and touching everything, she felt something. Upon closer inspection, It was a working flashlight. "Thank God, I found a flashlight." She said. By that time, the smell became unbearable, so she turned the flashlight on, only to be greeted with a horrific sight. There were multiple decomposing corpses lying around, most of them are female. On the walls, they were splattered with blood and other nasty stuff. Most of them either died by the injuries or by starvation and some of them even died a long time ago, while some of then are recent. However, there were some, who died via suicide. Needless to say, Susan screamed in absolute horror, since she was in the middle of a mountain full of death and despair. At the same time, there were sounds of a few survivors, but those were pleas for help and one of them even asked someone to put her out of her misery. But there was one voice, that is different.

"You...!" Susan turned around, holding the flashlight and it turned out, that the voice came from Mary! Much like Susan, she was also tortured by her captors.

"You too?" Susan was in shock, that not only her sister was also there, but she also endured the same torture as she did. Nonetheless, she was happy, that she found her, although Mary didn't share her enthusiasm. After all, she was still mad at her for all of the actions, causing them to get convicted and imprisoned multiple times. She thought, that Susan was the main suspect, the brains of the actions, while Mary did so for her.

"I didn't expect to see you again..." Mary growled.

"Look, I know that you are not in the mood of talking with me. But in this case, we have to find a way to get out of this place. There has to be some items left to make a lockpick or something. " Susan was thinking of some ideas for an escape, all while Mary's anger grew and grew. Eventually, she tried to punch Susan, but she was so weakened and tortured, she couldn't even throw a punch and collapsed.

"Mary, are you okay?!" Susan rushed to her sister's side, despite her injuries.

"Don't go near me, bitch..." Mary coughed.

Suddenly, the sound of the door unlocking can be heard.

"Shit! We need to hide!" Susan grabbed Mary, despite her struggling and hid in one of the piles. Her fears were confirmed, when the door opened and the voices of the tormentors can be heard.

"Alright, who's next?" One of them spoke. Sounds of women screaming "No!" And "Stay away!" also can be heard.

Meanwhile, the masked monsters looked around and eventually found a blue and green-haired girl, curled up into a ball in fear.

"It seems like, the lucky Guinea pig is you! Now get over here!!" He grabbed the poor girl by the hair, which really hurts and dragged her out of the room of corpses and death, while she screamed and struggled. The sounds of terror and fear even continued, when they shut the door tight, leaving the others in total darkness. Except that Susan still had the flashlight, as she came out.

"They're gone..." She whispered. "Damn...I feel sorry for the girl..." Susan was horrified, since given the injuries, it seemed like, she was tortured for a long time. And she was not the only one feeling the pain. Mary, as well as the other victims also felt the terror, the girl felt.

As if wasn't that enough, the girls heard sounds and when Susan shone the source of the sounds with the flashlight, they wouldn't believe, what they saw: 2 sisters in horrible conditions. They were filled with despair and terror.

"Hey, are you okay? Don't worry! We'll find a way out of here!" Mary shouted, assuring them that everything will be okay, but it fell on deaf ears. Soon, they saw something alarming: a knife. One of the sisters found it under the mountain of corpses.

"Please, put me out of my misery, sister..." the dark-haired sister pleaded.

"No...if you go down, I'll go down with you! I don't want to be alone anymore! I would rather kill myself than continue living in agony under the monsters." The other sister hugged her sibling with tears in her eyes. It's clear, that they lost hope of salvation. They cried a bit, when the black-pink haired sister grabbed the knife and raised it up. The sight was alarming for Susan and Mary.

"What are you doing? STOP!!!" Immediately, the twins ran towards the sisters to prevent a murder-suicide. Unfortunately, due to their injuries and the corpses littered around, they were slowed down and one time, Mary tripped one of them and fell down. Susan tried to get Mary up, but of course, she didn't want to do anything with her anymore and only snarled in response. Because of those obstacles and Mary being uncooperative towards Susan, they were unable to stop the inevitable, which was about to happen:

While shedding a single tear of sadness, the black-pink haired girl grabbed the knife tightly and stabbed her own sister on the back, causing the latter to cough up blood, while the other sister cried and apologising her sister for that action. The screams and the coughs of the dark-haired girl sent chills down to anyone's spines. It was truly an agonizing sight. After a while of agony and pain, she let go of her sister, as she was dying and slit her throat open to end her misery. This resulted in the dark-haired girl dropping dead, all while Susan and Mary screamed in horror. With the sister dead, there was no other reason for the girl to live, as she turned the knife on herself.

"STOP IT!!! THERE HAS TO BE ANOTHER WAY!!!" Susan screamed, begging the girl to stop ending her own life. Mary did the same thing, as the two went towards the girl, despite their injuries. But alas, it fell on deaf ears again and in the end, it was hopeless, as after looking at the twins with a sorrowful look in her face, she grabbed the knife tightly and plunged it deep in her throat, which after removing it, causing an immense amount of blood spraying out of her throat in a big distance, that even Susan and Mary got doused by some of the girl's gushing blood. Finally, after a while, it stopped spraying and the girl dropped dead. The horrifying experience lasted for around 10 minutes. The aftermath wasn't very pretty, as Susan and Mary became scarred and their reactions varied: Mary had a severe mental breakdown and fell on her knees, while Susan curled up into a ball and cried heavily. As if that want bad enough, the flashlight flickered and eventually died, due to the batteries running out, leaving the twins in complete darkness.

"Shit....We're gonna die... We're really gonna die..." At that point, Susan lost all hope of salvation. First the torture, then the corpses and now a murder-suicide. It became absolute hell for the two...one that there is seemingly no salvation for them. And it became worse, when the door opened and the tormentors came in.

"Okay, girls! You're next!" The had their tools ready, when they saw the dead bodies of the sisters, while Susan and Mary stood there in terror, covered in blood.

"Ah, fuck! They're dead! Why they must be so disobedient?! Oh well, we can improvise. At least we have these girls left, so might as well be their stand-in." One of the tormentors looked disappointed by the deaths, but decided to use the twins as their back-up. They went to the sisters to collect them, despite their screams and cries. As they grabbed the sisters for their twisted experiments, they struggled as they could. As Susan cried out for help, one of the captors licked her cheek, causing so much discomfort. When they couldn't stand still, they decided to punch the sisters to the ground, knocking them out. "Why....are...you... doing this?" Susan faintly spoke, before losing consciousness. The tormentors picked up their unconscious bodies and went on for their experiments.

Meanwhile, in Ponyville...

As the ponies worked, played and overall had a good time, Cherry Swirl, Snow Emerald and Breeze Dasher looked around the crowd. They want one thing: Find Fire Jewel and Tropic Bloom and apologise for their ignorance.

"Okay, girls. You know, what to do." Snow Emerald told to her girls about the objective.

"We know. Find them and apologise." Cherry Swirl nodded.

"But first, we have to find them first. I mean, we last saw them, before we got trapped in cocoons, they were outside of the hospital. Perhaps, they went to a different location." Breeze Dasher assumed.

"That's why we're about to ask the ponies about their location." Snow responded and the girls went on and asked several ponies about the whereabouts of the two ponies. However, many of them had no idea, where they are, since they've never seen the two.

"Shit.." Breeze sighed.

"Keep trying, Breeze. Remember, there are ponies, we didn't ask yet." Cherry responded and went to different sections of the town and asked several ponies, although they said, that Fire Jewel and Tropic Bloom were in the south of Ponyville, so they went to the south, but there was no sign of them. It was around this time, Fluttershy came by.

"Hey, you!" Snow Emerald shouted at the yellow pegasus, startling her.

"Geez, Snowy! Stop scaring her!" Cherry was not happy, that her friend accidentally scared Fluttershy.

"Oops...Sorry about that..." Snow apologized Fluttershy. "Me and my friends are searching for Fire Jewel and Tropic Bloom. We just wanted to apologise to them for being ignorant. We were just following orders from Jenny, who didn't get the memo. Tell me, where are they?"

"You mean these two, you mentioned? Well, they are currently in Canterlot, in order to help my friends prepare for the Friendship Festival. I'm about to find Discord, so we can go there together." Fluttershy asked.

"Mind if we join?" Cherry asked.

"Of course, you can!" Fluttershy smiled.

"Thank you. We really appreciate it." Cherry smiled as well. At the same time , Discord appeared out of nowhere.

"You called me, Fluttershy?" Discord asked.

"There you are, Discord! We'll go to Canterlot, in order to help my friends prepare for the upcoming festival." Fluttershy hugged him.

"Say, who are those new ponies?" The chaotic creature was curious about the three ponies.

"My name is Snow Emerald and these are my friends, Cherry Swirl and Breeze Dasher." The icy pegasus introduced herself and her friends to him.

"Ooh! It's nice to meet you! Also one of them is ice related? Well, you don't mind, if I can use this to cool my drink!" Discord put the drink on Snow's head and after a while, he got it back and it became chill.

"What the?! How!?!" Snow was confused.

"Girl, you are the elemental master of ice and snow. You probably have a cold body." Breeze shrugged.

"Really funny, Breezy..." the icy pegasus sighed in annoyance.

"Or it's because Discord used his magic. He can do anything with it." Fluttershy explained. "But I'll explain it later. For now, we have to go now. Twilight and the others are waiting."

"Yeah. It's best to go now, so we can apologise to the others and release the guilt inside of us sooner." Cherry agreed and the group of five were on their way to Canterlot. They decided to go by train. However, little did anyone know that they were followed by a pony in a long, black robe.

Ponyville Train Station

They arrived at the train station, all while Cherry and her friends were waiting anxiously. At the same time, Fluttershy went to the ticket booth and bought five tickets to Canterlot. Next, they waited at the station for the train to arrive. While waiting, Discord exchanged some talks with the elemental trio and Fluttershy explained them about Discord's powers. The trio were speechless about the infinite possibilities of the reality-bending magic. After a while of waiting, the train has arrived.

"It's about time!" Breeze was impatient. She waited for the train for a long time and when the train had arrived and the doors were opened, the group went inside and looked for seats to sit down. After finding some free seats, they sat down and Snow looked at the window with a concerned look. After many ponies went inside, the doors closed and the train went off to the destination.

Inside of the train, Breeze noticed Snow looking concerned. "What's wrong?" She asked.

"I'm worried, that they'll never forgive us...After all, we are guilty of the crimes..." Snow sighed.

"Hey, we were just following orders. Jenny and Ocean Spark are the real culprits. We're just their pawns. We can explain them, that we also have second thoughts. So don't worry, Snowy." Cherry Swirl smiled.

"Yeah! Don't be so gloomy! She released us, meaning that she did hear out apologies! Plus, Tropic Bloom is a sweet Pony!" Breeze put her arm on the pegasus mare.

"I know! I know! But...knowing Fire Jewel, she would be completely hesitant, given the topic... You know, what I mean....The one, that was mostly ignored by the two. Plus, she can be quite a hot head." Snow Emerald sighed.

"Don't worry. Everything will be okay." Fluttershy smiled.

"I hope..." Snow looked out the window.

"Breeze, we have to make sure to help Snow to gain the hopes up." Cherry Swirl talked to her friend.

"Got it." The blue pegasus nodded.

"Say, is there any reason, why you wanted to apologise?" Discord was confused.

"We've been quite ignorant to Fire Jewel, when it comes to her stance against abuse. Sure, there were times, that she almost went to far, if it wasn't for out interventions, but...In general, we didn't listen to her pleas and were outright cruel... However, we were just following orders, while Jenny and Ocean Spark disregarded everything. In response, they left the team and imprisoned us in vine cocoons. Believe me, during the night, we couldn't sleep, due to the nightmares. Eventually, the guilt was too much and I apologized in tears. Suddenly, the cocoon opened and I was free and soon, so were Cherry and Breeze. After seeing the errors of our ways and realizing, who are actually responsible to the disharmony, we left the team as well, leaving them alone and trapped in the cocoons. It's just...I couldn't bear the pressure anymore.. " The icy pegasus was in tears.

"Basically, a lot of shit happened." Breeze sighed.

"Yikes...That's a lot of chaos. I know, I'm literally a being of chaos and disharmony, but that, alongside with the other abuse story, this is where I draw the line." Disord scratched his head. As if an abuse story wasn't enough, now he knows about the whole disharmony among the group, causing it to be disbanded. It was clearly too much.

"Me too...It's getting more complicated..." Fluttershy sighed, since now she has to deal with two big problems at the same time.

"What abuse story?" Cherry asked.

"I'll tell you about it later. But for now, we have to focus on the current task." The yellow pegasus told the three ponies, since explaining it now would mean more heartache and a headache. After which, Snow continued to watch out of the window, while Breeze and Cherry looked around without saying a word. It was clear, that they're really anxious and worried. What if they'll never forgive them? What would they do? They've been circling around their heads like vultures.

Meanwhile in the human world...

The Humane 6, Sunset, Starlight and Spike gathered at a cafe, after a long time of searching for Susan and Mary's whereabouts. It's been hours since the incident.

"Any luck?" Starlight asked the girls about their results.

"Nah..." Rainbow sighed.

"Not even a clue..." Rarity looked down.

"None at all!" Pinkie frowned.

"They literally vanished without a trace." Twilight answered.

"No results, y'all..." Applejack crossed her arms.

"They were nowhere to be seen..." Fluttershy looked sad.

"I tried so hard, even so far as asking so many people and even some police officers about their whereabouts, but to no avail..." Sunset was stressed out.

"Shoot...For me, I came empty-handed." Starlight sighed. There was literally no single clue about their whereabouts.

"Should we report them as missing?" Fluttershy asked.

"I mean, we can at least try." Spike added. "Besides, they've been there for a week and a few days here, plus the hospital knew, what they look like. So we could make a sketch about their appearances and bring them to the police."

"I guess..." Sunset stood up and the girls went to a nearby police station, in order to report Susan and Mary as missing. After talking to the receptionist, a police officer brought them to a room for questioning. He asked them a few questions about their names, looks, etc. But there is a problem: There were only a few information about the sisters, that they know of. They know, what they look like, their names, their conditions, but not everything, since they didn't bother to introduce them fully. But the police want the full information in order to report the two missing.

"Okay, I'll tell you the details, we know of. Their names are Susan and Mary. Both have red hair and glasses, one being square and the other crescent-like. Susan is light blue, while Mary is bright yellow. Currently, they're wearing simple white dresses with shoes, because Rarity has to find the perfect style for them. They've been in the hospital for a week and a few days, since they had to recover from a brain injury. And finally, they had some problems mentally, like something is plaguing them inside. As of now, I don't know." Sunset explained all of the details, while the officer noted them.

"I see. What are their eye colors?" The officer asked.

"I think, Susan has blue-teal eyes, while Mary has teal ones." Starlight answered.

"We are worried, since they're only here for a few weeks and we're afraid that they would get lost so easily, since they've never been in this world before." Fluttershy pleaded.

"Or even worse, getting kidnapped nonetheless or heck, even worse, killed." Applejack crossed her arms.

"Please, sir...We just want them to be returned safely." Starlight pleaded.

"We'll do our best to find their whereabouts. In fact, we'll ask the hospital for records of the girls." The officer smiled and filled the report.

"Thank you. We really appreciate it." Twilight was relieved. Eventually, they signed the report and the officer went on to spread the report to his fellow officers and the whole station. After thanking the officer and Sunset giving the address of the hospital, the girls left the police station. However, Sunset and Starlight were still anxious and worried about their whereabouts and their safety.

"Don't worry, girls. They'll do their best." Applejack assured them.

"I know, it's just...I'm worried, where they are and even if they're okay. I'm not even sure, if they're even alive or dead..." Susent sighed.

"Let's just hope, they'll find them and return to us safely." Starlight looked at the sky with a sad look.

"Same here." Twilight looked at her friend.

"We should better take a break from the whole mess. I mean, the whole ordeal is just painful.." Rainbow was exhausted.

"Good point. It gave me a headache!" Rarity complained.

"You know, I really need your help, girls. This weekend, there will be a science fair and I entered it, because not only I want to improve my skills, but I could use the prize for charities." Said the nerdy girl.

"Sure, we can. I really need to distract myself." Sunset sighed, since the whole ordeal gave her so much grief.

"I mean, it's better than nothing." Rainbow shrugged and the girls left the district and were on their way to Twilight's laboratory, in order to help Twilight with her entry.

However, on the other side of the city, a black-hooded girl was strolling around the streets. Even though the identity was obscured by the hood, a frown can be seen, like something happened, that made her angry.

"That damn girl..." she growled. "One day, I'll get my revenge and take her place...Just you wait!" She continued walking around the streets, while avoiding eye contact to everyone.

Canterlot Train Station

After a while, the train had arrived their destination: Canterlot Train Station. The doors opened and many ponies went outside for a day out, work or other stuff. The four ponies and Discord wanted to go to the Canterlot Castle for various things: Prepare for the upcoming festival and in the case of three elemental ponies, find their friends and apologise.

"Here we are." Said the snowy pegasus.

The group soon went to the castle, where many ponies were still preparing for the festival, with even Twilight talking to the manager of Star Time Rush for the negotiations. The other ponies and non-ponies helped their fellow friends and loved ones on decoration, food, drinks, entertainment, etc. Eventually, they met Pinkie Pie, who was making balloons.

"Hi, Fluttershy!" Immediately, the peppy mare hugged her friend in a few seconds.

"Hello, Pinkie." The shy pegasus smiled.

"Ooh, are those new ponies?" Pinkie was curious about the three ponies, not knowing that those were responsible for the disharmony. However, it can be chalked up by a very busy schedule.

"Actually, those were three of the ponies, whom Tropic Bloom imprisoned them into cocoons." The shy pegasus explained the incident.

"We're here to find the two and apologise for being part of the mess. We feel very guilty about our actions, which lead to the team disbanding. At the end of the day, we were simple pawns, who follow the orders..." Snow Emerald looked sad. The guilt made her open her eyes and realizing the consequences. So did Cherry Swirl and Breeze Dasher.

"So, you were not actively cruel?" Pinkie asked.

"Of course not! We had doubts, but we pushed them aside out of fear. Fear of igniting their fury." Cherry lowered her ears.

"With that out of the way, where are Fire Jewel and Tropic Bloom?" Snow asked. She wanted and answer badly.

"Hmm..Tropic Bloom...Well, she is currently somewhere, helping Rarity out. But for Fire Jewel, she is preparing the torches as decoration. I can bring you to her, if you want!" Pinkie smiled. However, that was met with mixed results. Cherry and Breeze were for it, while Snow had some doubts to it. After all, knowing the red mare's personality as a hot head, not to mention the consequences from their actions showing, she became very nervous. As a result, Snow became very anxious. Cherry knew this and held her friend's hoof, while they went on to follow Pinkie. During the walk, several ponies can be seen helping each other out. Eventually, they found Fire Jewel, who was placing the torches.

"Hi, Fire Jewel! I have some friends, wanting to talk with you!" Pinkie smiled and got the unicorn's attention. Unfortunately, when the mare saw the three ponies, everything went south.

"What the hell are YOU doing here!?" She snarled.

"Listen, Fire Jewel. We're not here to cause any more drama. We just want to make amends and try to close the rifts of hatred, we've caused." Cherry Swirl tried to douse the flames of hatred, but Fire Jewel didn't listen and looked away on disgust.

"I don't believe you..." the red mare looked mad.

"Listen! We are really regretting our actions! We did fucked up things, sure...but at the end of the day, we were just pawns of two ponies, whose names we do not speak of!" Snow Emerald plead with lowered ears. Unfortunately, the red unicorn didn't listen, as she was not forgiving to them.

"Sure. You're doing this, just to make you feel better..." She growled.

"No, we're not! We are truly sorry about the incident!" Breeze Dasher got a bit irritated at Fire Jewel's ignorance. At the same time, Sissy and Missy were helping out a few ponies, when they saw the argument.

"What the hell? What's going on?" Sissy was confused by the whole ordeal. "Also, why does this look....familiar?"

"I don't know. Let's check it out." The hybrid went to the scene, alongside with her best friend. Arriving at the commotion, they felt a sense of tension between the ponies.

"I don't want to listen to your damn lies!!" The red unicorn shouted.

"We're not lying! In fact, we've been haunted by the nightmares and voices all the time up until now! You gotta understand..." Snow felt scared.

"Understand the palm of my hoof, bitch!" The red unicorn slapped the snowy pegasus mare so hard, she fell to the ground. Cherry and Breeze tended to their friend, who felt hurt by her anger and was about to cry. Since everyone overheard the commotion and watched the scene unfold, needless to say everyone was shocked.

"Hey! What the hell were you thinking!?!" Sissy was outraged at the red unicorn's cold action to the ponies. "They're trying to apologise!"

"So you are backing those fuckers up, huh?!" At this point, Fire Jewel's horn started to glow in a menacing orange, while flames startled to go around her. But the girls were not phased by her rising anger.

"Geez, girl! You've really gone off the rails, huh?! Look at them! They're hurt now, because you were so damn hostile!" Missy shouted.

"She has a point, Fire! All we wanted is to free ourselves from the guilt by apologising you and Tropic Bloom for what we've done!" Breeze shouted, while comforting a broken Snow, who was rubbing her cheek.

"Plus, I'm pretty sure, that Tropic has listened our apologies. I know, she is your best friend and that she saved you, but she doesnt want to be fully on your side, since she hates any sort of conflict, whatsoever!!" Cherry added some points in their defense. Suddenly, they heard a voice, saying:

"It's true! I heard their voices!"

Behind them was none other than the flower pony herself, Tropic Bloom! She slowly approached her friends in defense of the three, causing the red pony to widen her eyes in disbelief.

"Listen, Fire Jewel...I know your pain and I know your struggles and your clear intentions of saving the poor fillies and colts. At first, I felt sorry for you and even helped you out. But...the more I thought about it...the more I realized, that you're slowly losing your grip on reality and your sanity! What I mean is, I'm worried that you would eventually lose yourself to the madness! And you know damn well, that I hate any conflict, especially ones within the group with friends!!!" Tropic Bloom was in tears, screaming with all of her emotions out.

"Wow...." Breeze Dasher was surprised at Tropic's sudden burst of emotions. Normally, Tropic is known to be a quiet and nice pony, who kept things to herself and never meant to hurt anyone. But this was unexpected.

"Holy shit...Didn't see that coming..." Missy was speechless.

Suddenly, the atmosphere became hotter and hotter, as the flames on the torches started to rise even higher than before. Everyone backed off in fear, because of those signals. And those signals were caused by Fire Jewel herself, whose eyes were changed to red and menacing, serpent-like eyes with the whites changed to a dark orange. All while a burning aura emitted from her eyes. "I see, what you mean...You are talking and working against me... I should've known, that I would not trust anyone...You know what, bitch?! It's over!!" With a distorted voice, she slowly ran towards the yellow earth pony.

"What are you doing!?" Tropic was scared, when Cherry defended the poor earth pony from the unicorn's insane wrath. "Stay back!!" The green pony shouted, but it fell on deaf ears.

"You know what, Fuck your intentions! Fuck your lies and most of all: FUCK ALL OF YOU!!! I'm done being lied and ignored by everyone in this damn world!!! And as for you, girls! We are no longer friends!!! Now GET THE HELL OUT OF MY FACE, BEFORE I'LL BURN YOU ALIVE!!!!" The red unicorn screamed with all of her anger and hatred in front, bringing the four elemental ponies into tears, especially Tropic Bloom, who've become hurt by her friend's cruel and heartless words.

"Fire Jewel....how could you?..." The yellow pony was close to breaking down and all four ponies, who all felt hurt, ran away from Canterlot, crying. Sissy and Missy became furious by Fire's cold action.

"Seriously, you're really acting like a hostile bitch!" Sissy shouted.

"SHUT UP OR I'LL BURN YOU TOO!!" At this point, Fire Jewel lost herself in the hatred and anger, she created.

"Go on with those threats, we don't care! You hurt your own friends, who are trying to apologise and set things straight! There is proof, that they're feeling regret! Have you've not seen their eyes!? Have you've not seen their faces!!? You chose to ignore it all, just because you are seriously OFF THE GODDAMN RAILS RIGHT NOW!!!!" Missy furiously shouted at the red unicorn at the lack of empathy.

"ALRIGHT, YOU ASKED FOR IT, BITCH!!!!" The red mare unleashed a massive beam of flames directly to the girls. They were so close, when suddenly, a clash of fire, magic and electricity took place, as someone guarded the mares with their powers. As the dust settled, it turned our to be Johnny and Dukey, using their powers to protect Sissy and Missy, with Johnny's body being surrounded by lightning.

"That's enough!!!" Both stallions were not happy at Fire Jewel. At the same time, Pinkie Pie, who watched the whole ordeal, became confused and Fluttershy, who curled up into a ball in fear, quietly sobbed, when Twilight and her friends came to her side.

"What in the tarnation is going on here!?" Applejack demanded answers.

"Cherry Swirl and her friends wanted to apologise to their friend for the abuse, but Fire Jewel became hostile and even became mean to them, even to her best friend, Tropic Bloom!" Fluttershy explained.

"Say what!?" Johnny was shocked.

"Don't tell me, she did the exact same mistake, we did..." The hybrid stallion was in disbelief.

"Well, judging her reaction and her friends ran away crying, I'd unfortunately say...yes." Missy told them the truth

"Okay, this has gone too far!" Rainbow was outraged.

"We feel the same, darling..." Rarity agreed.

"Fire Jewel, you have seriously gone too far! All they wanted is forgiveness and closure, but no! You decided to shun them and end your friendship with them, breaking their hearts in the progress! You better go there and fix this mess, NOW!" Twilight demanded Fire Jewel to fix her own mess, but instead, she fanned the flames even further, as the red unicorn snapped and more flames go around her in a sphere. Everypony backed off a bit, as the flames became brighter and hotter. Eventually the sphere eventually morphed into a menacing dragon, made from fire with piercing red eyes. It roared, as the flames on the torches reached the skies, scaring off the pegasi away. What's more.. Fire Jewel wasn't seen, indicating that she turned herself into the burning dragon.

"Twilight, what's going on!?" Princess Celestia flew to the princess of friendship, demanding answers.

"She lost it..." Twilight answered.

The dragon roared loudly and flew off, spewing fire around Canterlot.

"Welp, can't have that! Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie! Find Tropic Bloom and the others and comfort them! Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash! Evacuate the ponies out of the flames safely! I'll take care of Fire Jewel!" Twilight spread her wings and made her horn glow a bright pink, as she was ready to attack.

"Actually, make that three." Dukey responded as he and Johnny stood beside the purple alicorn.

"Make it five!" Sissy and Missy also stood beside Twilight, ready for a fight.

"Are you sure about that? I don't want you to get hurt!" Twilight protested.

"Man, we've been through worse before." Johnny defended the reasoning, as he and Dukey were in some intense situations before.

"Plus, we just wanted to straighten her out." Sissy added. "Also, I've handled a dragon before."

"Uhm..." Twilight was confused.

"Let's just move on, before Fire Jewel would destroy everything. .." Dukey was not patient, as he pointed at the burning flames in Canterlot.

"Right! Let's do this, everyone!" With the words from the purple mare, the five ponies went off to stop Fire Jewel from destroying everything.

"Meanwhile, outside of Canterlot...

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were searching for the four ponies, who left Canterlot with tears in their eyes. They looked around the area.

"Wait! Maybe they want to go back to Ponyville?" Pinkie theorized.

"If that's the case, we have to go there!" Fluttershy went off with the peppy party mare following her immediately.

The two mares ran as fast, as they could, hoping that they were not too late and the ponies being lost forever. After a while of looking around and searching, they heard sounds of sobbing in the bushes. They investigated every single Bush for their whereabouts, until Fluttershy found them in a Bush near a field with trees.

"There you are! Don't worry, we're here to comfort you." Fluttershy slowly approached the elemental ponies.

"I know, that she was quite a meanie to you, but you were sincere with your attempts. You really wanted to apologise to her, right?" Pinkie asked with the ponies silently nodding.

"I wanted to know, why you did this....There has to be a reason." Fluttershy wanted an answer.

"There is a reason...You see, we are concerned by Fire Jewel's mental health. If the damage reached a certain threshold and if we didn't prevent it, she would easily lose it and go on a blind rampage. And it would become worse, if she wasn't stopped in the right time. It all stemmed from the abuse, the time that Ocean Spark was tricked by Shadow Nebula into believing that Fire killed her parents, when in reality, Nebula killed them in cold blood and finally, seeing the children, who were traumatised by the horrors of the worlds, thanks to the evil forces. The truth is, she may be a tough and reckless hothead, on the inside, she's a traumatized pony, who just wanted to be free from the pain. We all sympathise her, since everyone had a different kind of pain in the past, but feeling similar. It's the pain that fuels our desire for justice and order. But recently, Ocean Spark and Jenny had lost themselves and forgot the purpose." Cherry explained.

"Oh dear..." Fluttershy was shocked by the whole revelation.

"Why didn't you tell them to stop a while earlier?" Pinkie asked. She was still confused.

"I assume it's either the return of an old foe or something sinister would come to Equestria. I don't know, that's what Jenny told to me at least." Tropic answered.

"But hey, we're accepting your apologies!" Pinkie hugged the ponies with a bright smile. "And I'm pretty sure, my friends would also forgive you!"

"What?" Snow was still in tears. "Are you for real? After everything, we've done...you forgive us?"

"Of course. Everyone deserves a second chance of redemption." Fluttershy warmly smiled. The warm smiles sent a calming and serene aura to the quartet, soothing them. After a while, the four ponies wiped their tears away and smiled.

"Thank you..." Snow smiled.

"On top of that, we'll help you restore the friendship with Fire Jewel and improve yourselves. After all, we're tasked to solve friendship problems, since we're chosen for this destiny, alongside with our friends." Fluttershy smiled.

"Yeah! We are experts in this! Although nopony is flawless, we can learn from our mistakes, while keep fighting with a smile!" Pinkie grinned.

"You know, despite our shared desire for justice, there are times that we argued many times, sometimes for silly reasons. So, I think, we need some advices from you." Breeze admitted.

Meanwhile, Tropic Bloom was looking around a bit, when all of a sudden, she saw a high pillar of flames, seen from afar. "Uhm....girls?" She tapped everyone and pointed at the pillar.

"WHAT THE F-" Breeze was frozen in shock.

"It's Fire Jewel! She's destroying all of Canterlot and soon, the whole of Equestria!" Fluttershy was alarmed.

"Oh hell no...Not again...." Snow was scared.

"Not again? What do you mean? Did it happen before? Tell me!" Pinkie wanted some answers.

"You see, it happened before... But there is no time for any explanations! We have to stop her!" Cherry stood up.

"You're right! This madness really needs to stop!" Pinkie agreed.

The six ponies ran as fast as they could, in order to stop Fire Jewel and save everyone. Again, the black-hooded figure just watched from afar and after a while, it followed them, without saying a single word and much like a ninja, it avoided detection from them.

Back to Canterlot, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Rarity helped the other ponies to evacuate, while stopping the flames. Rarity did her best to block the fires from spreading, as they guided the citizens out of there.

"Stay close each other, y'all!" Applejack instructed the other ponies.

Suddenly, the group of ponies were blocked by a high wall of flames, courtesy of the dragon.

"Oh, come on!!" Rainbow was infuriated.

They heard the dragon roaring and spewing fire at the group, but Rarity took quick action and used a shield spell to protect everyone from the out of control beast. Despite the temperature getting higher, the white unicorn stayed strong and kept the shield up.

"Keep going, Rarity!" The prismatic mare cheered her friend on. In response, the dragon roared even louder than before and spewed a powerful blast of fire. Rarity did her best to strengthen the shield to the maximum limit, but unfortunately the blast was too powerful for the unicorn mare to handle, causing the shield to break and everyone being knocked away from the force.

"Rarity! Are you okay!?" Applejack shouted, however Rarity collapsed from exhaustion shortly after. The dragon was about to spew flames at them, when all of a sudden, it got hit by a pink, magical beam. It looked around, only to see Twilight shooting another beam from her horn. In response, it spewed another powerful blast of fire, which resulted in both beams clashing each other. It kept going and going, with neither of them showing any signs of weakness. Eventually, it caused a big and powerful explosion, knocking the two away from each other. Meanwhile, Johnny and Sissy, both holding buckets of water, waited for the perfect timing. As the dragon got up and was ready to roast everyone, it heard voices, taunting it.

"Hey, flame butt!"

"You're too slow!"

"Come and get us!

Those voices belong to Dukey and Missy, who made faces and taunting the beast more. As to be expected, it roared in a furious rage and began to spew fire, but they dodged every single attack of them in quick succession. As they it kept trying and the hybrids kept dodging, the pegasi eventually came out and doused the dragon with water, but...here is the problem: It became unaffected by the water!

"Hey, what the!? Did it just evaporated the water!?" Sissy was shocked. What's worse, their action only made it even angrier. As suddenly, the dragon grabbed the pegasi and threw them into the ground.

"Johnny!!" "Sissy!!" Immediately the hybrids went to their friends, who were left with injuries. They picked them up and ran off. But the dragon spew a fire blast in front of them, creating a fire wall.

"Let's go the other way!" Dukey was about to go to the left side, when it spews flames on both sides, trapping them.

"Shit! We're trapped!!" Missy backed off a bit.

The dragon wasted no time to spew a quick beam to finish them off, but it was suddenly stopped by an earth wall, followed by a beam of lightning and ice.

"Stop it, Fire Jewel! You're gonna hurt innocent ponies or even worse, kill them!!!" A familiar voice can be heard and and it became clear, once the earth wall was lowered. It was Cherry Swirl, Breeze Dasher, Snow Emerald and Tropic Bloom, who managed to protect the quartet from a burning doom in a nickel of time.

"It's you!" Dukey immediately recognized the ponies.

"Don't worry. We got this!" Breeze assured them. At the same time, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy came to the scene and a few seconds later, so did Twilight, Applejack, who was carrying an unconscious Rarity, Rainbow Dash and later Spike, who managed to find them.

"Is everypony okay?" Twilight asked.

"Well, water didn't work on her." Johnny answered in a daze.

"What?! That's impossible!" Twilight was in disbelief.

"Her massive rage has made her stronger. So strong in fact, that she is immune to water." Snow explained. "There is really no time left! We have to stop her, before she could burn everything into the ground!" The four elemental ponies charged their powers up for the attack and so did the dragon. It blasted fire, but the four ponies blocked it with a combination of a shield made of earth, nature, ice and thunder.

"They have a point! It's time to douse the flames!" Twilight got ready and so did her friends, as well as Johnny, Dukey, Sissy and Missy.

"Bring it on, lizard!" Sissy shouted. "I've dealt with dragons before and you are no different!"

The dragon roared and charged toward the group with a burning tackle, but the group dodged it in quick succession. Soon, Breeze, Rainbow and Johnny flew up and circled around it to not only confuse the creature, but also creating a tornado around it. Around the same time, Cherry used her powers to create rock pillars, while Snow connected them with her ice powers to create slopes. Pinkie, Applejack, Dukey, Missy and Tropic used the slopes to slide on then with incredible speed and aim towards the eye of the storm, which is to attack the creature without touching the tornado. As they flew up, all four earth ponies performed a combined drill kick to take the creature down. Soon, Twilight, a recovered Rarity, Spike and Tropic used their powers to create a combined blast made out of magic and flames to hit it with full force. Finally, the three pegasi, who created the tornado earlier, got into a formation, in which Sissy soon joined. "It's now or never!" Breeze shouted and the four pegasi dashed at a great acceleration. They spin around to create friction and around them, a cone started to form, in which it started to spin like a drill. The dragon spew a big fireball to slow them down, but they came through it and managed to hit the dragon, causing it to crash into the ground. The four pegasi flew back to their friends on ground and checked, if the dragon and in extension, Fire Jewel, was truly defeated.

"Did we defeat her?" Sissy asked.

"I'm not sure, but half a minute has been passed..." Missy shrugged.

"Whatever it is, let's hope, we can end this nightmare and make Fire Jewel explain herself." Twilight noted.

But before anyone can say anything or even go closer, the walls of flames got even higher and the dragon got up. The combined attack only got the creature even angrier. It roared so loud, the earth started to shake and the temperature git even hotter. Soon, it blasted a massive beam of flames in a quick succession. Twilight tried to shield it with her magic, but the overwhelming power of the creature's ever rising blind anger caused Twilight and everyone to be knocked far back. Another blast from the dragon caused everyone to fall down. Their screams of pain can be heard, as the dragon kept firing out. Eventually, everyone is on the ground, struggling to even get up, due to their injuries.

"It can't be....She overwhelmed us..." Twilight faintly spoke.

The dragon landed in front of them, glaring at the weakened group one more time, before it charged up for one fatal blast. No one can even defend themselves anymore, again due to their injuries. Tropic Bloom looked at the dragon with tears in her eyes.

"Fire Jewel...please...stop..." the yellow earth pony pleaded for mercy, but unfortunately...it just didn't care about mercy. The group closed their eyes, as they're about to embrace their fates, as the dragon shot the blast out. Everything was hopeless....until a beam of water collided with the flame blast, causing a large amount of mist to appear. The dragon was confused. Who was responsible of preventing her from burning everyone? The answer became clear, once the mist was settled: It was the pony in the black cloak!

"Stop it right here!" The pony shouted.

"Get out of here, please..." Twilight warned the pony, but she didn't listen.

"No. Fire Jewel must be stopped, before more lives would be changed for the worse or even taken! She may be nearly invincible on the outside, but on the inside, she is as vulnerable as ever. Let me do it!!" It commented.

"How do you know, you can defeat her? She's too strong!" Tropic shouted. At the same time, the dragon spew fire, only for the pony to dodge. However, some of the flames managed to get the cloak, causing it to slowly burn.

"It's personal, buddy. In fact...." the pony grabbed the cloak and threw it away, revealing the identity of the pony: A oceanic blue unicorn mane with beautiful mane, oceanic eyeshadow and light teal/cyan eyes. Tropic, Cherry, Snow and Breeze gasped at the revelation. The pony is none other than Ocean Spark!

"...I wanted to end the mess, I've caused!" The blue mare finished her sentence.

Everyone was surprised and shocked by her reasoning and the fact, that she's free. But Tropic explained them with: "Despite her actions, it's clear that she felt the massive guilt and wants to fix the whole ordeal."

"Time out, she was a jerk to her own sister!" Rainbow didn't believe the reasoning.

"I'm not sure. Let's see, if she really wants to fix the mess." Snow answered. Of course, there's some suspicion, but who knows.

As the dragon immensely roared at Ocean, the blue mare stood calm.

"I know, I fucked up, causing our sisterhood to be torn apart and me losing everything. But I've since seen the errors of my ways and felt the gravity of my actions in a severe way. I want to say is...I'm sorry..." She softly spoke, but the dragon kept shooting fire, in which the blue mare used her water spells to douse them all.

"I can't believe, that you're not listening....I'm sorry, but you left me with no choice..." Ocean Spark used her immense water magic to transform herself into a mythical sea serpent, made of water. The eyes were glowing in a calming blue, in contrast to the dragon's furious red. Thus, a battle between the dragon and the serpent began with both using their powers at maximum.

As the fight was going, Silverstream, Mr. Black, Mr. White and several of the hippogriffs, lead by the unnamed General, went to the injured group.

"Everyone, we have to bring them to the royal infirmary on the castle! Pick them up and fly as fast, as you could!" The General commanded the hippogriffs.

They responded to pick each of the ponies and flew off in groups.

"Do you think, they'll be okay?" Silverstream was worried.

"Don't worry...they will.." Mr. White answered.

The hippogriffs soon arrived to the royal castle, where the royal sisters, Cadence, who is comforting a crying Flurry Heart, Shining Armor and the royal guards, were waiting. The hippogriffs brought the injured ponies to the guards, who immediately rushed to the infirmary. Princess Celestia looked at the damage with a worried look on her face.

Back to the centre of Canterlot, the dragon and the serpent continued fighting, each of them trading blows to each other. Slowly, the dragon got the upper hand, when it surprised it from behind and pinned it down.

"Please, Fire Jewel! You need to snap out of it!!" Ocean Spark's voice can be heard, when the serpent used telepathy to communicate with the dragon. But it kept roaring and charged up another fire ball. This is when the serpent decided to retaliate and create a water sphere to counter it. Both fire and water spheres clash, causing more mist to appear. As they kept firing, more mist appear due to the elements clashing, causing the flames to be evaporated. Suddenly, the dragon lost control, when the serpent liquidated itself to free itself and reappeared, when the mist has been slowly settled. The water creature closed its eyes and focused on a weak point. The dragon roared and directly charged at the serpent, but it liquidated itself again and moved around to disorient the burning creature, by reappearing then disappearing in puddles of water around it. After what it seems like hours, the dragon had enough and spew fire all over it, causing the water to boil and evaporate. It seems like, the dragon stood victorious, when all of a sudden, the serpent, now glowing with full power, used a spell to go inside of the dragon from behind.

In a burning void, Ocean Spark, who is protected by a sphere of water, looked around, searching for her sister. Eventually, she found Fire Jewel, who is encased with fire, still with the menacing, serpent-like eyes.

"Stay away from me, bitch!!!" The red mare was about to use the flames, when Ocean, with tears slowly coming from her eyes, came closer. Despite numerous warnings, the blue unicorn didn't listen and kept going.

"You're still persistent, huh!??!?! Alright, prepare to get-" Suddenly, the red unicorn is pulled in a hug by Ocean. During this, the elements clashed once again.

"I know, that my actions drove you away from me, alongside my friends....I didn't mean to hurt you, sister...It was Jenny, who is persistent with her orders. I couldn't say no, due to me being a second-in command. Plus, I don't want to hurt her feelings and ignite her fury, so I had to follow her orders...I got blinded by her words, until it manifested into my head...In the end, it was me, not having enough courage to stand up to myself....if I knew about my actions and their consequences and stood up sooner, then none of the heartache would even happen...I'm so sorry, Fire Jewel..." Ocean shed a single tear, while the red unicorn stopped struggling and her eyes reverting back to normal. After a while of silence, the red unicorn screamed, as the water overwhelmed the flames and everything around them going white. Meanwhile, in Canterlot, the dragon started roaring, as it slowly faded away in a bubble and mist appeared for a final time. After it settled, the citizens came back, only to see Fire Jewel on the ground and Ocean Spark standing over her. They started to cheer, although some of them even demanded to kill the red unicorn.

"I can't. This is not the right way! Even though she caused damage, I refuse to kill my sister!" Ocean refused and looked away.

"You coward...!" The red unicorn stood up and her horn shone brighter.

"Fire Jewel....If you're really willing to take revenge and release yourself from all of your hatred inside of you, then you would have to kill me first...Go on! Do it!" the blue unicorn spoke back, without showing any resistance. The red mare would've ended her life right here, right now...except, it didn't happen. After a while of hesitation, her horn stopped glowing.

"I...I can't...I can't bring myself to do it..." Fire Jewel fell down on all fours with tears in her eyes. What's more, seeing some ponies, who didn't manage to escape unharmed, had angry looks on their faces.

"This is all my fault....I'm nothing, but a monster!!" Fire Jewel sobbed.

This is around the same time, the guards arrived to apprehend Fire, but to their surprise, the red unicorn went to them, without any sign of resistance whatsoever and without saying a single word. It seems like, the gravity of her actions hit her hard and decided to give up. After some confusion, the guards grabbed the silent mare and left, all while Ocean Spark watched, as her little sister got taken by the guards for her punishment. Tears were streaming from her eyes, when she heard Princess Celestia coming.

"I knew, that you would come, your majesty...and I know, that you wanted answers. So, I'm willing to tell you everything about her and what transpired before the chaos in great detail!" The blue unicorn looked at the princess right in the eyes. The sun princess was surprised about Ocean's willingness to come clean.

"I see. But first, you're coming with me to the castle." Celestia added.

"I know." Ocean Spark went to the princess, who used her magic to teleport them inside of the castle.

The Castle of Canterlot, a few hours later...

After Ocean Spark explained Fire's entire backstory, her times with her friends as guardians, meeting Ocean, which due to a severe misunderstanding and deception by Shadow Nebula, caused her to attack her sister, the revelation, her ending the fight and Ocean redeeming herself, Jenny's paranoia and mental deterioration and everything else, the sisters were shocked by the context.

"I can't believe it..." Luna responded.

"It's the truth, princess. Also, the reason, why we even have to restrict her is out of a genuine fear, coming from me. I was afraid, that she would snap, due to the amount of abusive parents in this world and causing a devastating rampage. I really don't want this to happen, so I talked to Jenny about my fears. At first, we came up with that plan and it all went smoothly....but soon everything spiraled out of control, when Fire became more erratic and Jenny becoming colder. It's a perfect storm, which lead to the team disbanding with bad terms..." Ocean added.

"Hmm...on one side, it's unacceptable to destroy friendships and going on a rampage. But on the other side, due to her being a victim of abuse, betrayal and the effects of war, it's inevitable that all of these problems would make her snap." Celestia commented.

"And it's all my fault...I'm nothing more than an igniter!" The oceanic mare sobbed, as the royal sisters comforted her.

"It's not your fault. Twilight told me, via letter, that there was disharmony in the group. I think, it's best to take a deep breath and find ways to pick up the pieces and start anew. And as for Fire Jewel, thanks to your honesty and willingness, her sentence will be reduced to only a few months in the dungeon and community service. Which means, she'll rebuild Canterlot with others, but without using any magic." Princess Luna explained.

"And as for your problem, it's best to tell Princess Twilight Sparkle, so she could help you with the friendship problem. Right now, she is recovering in the infirmary, alongside with her friends. So we have to wait for their recovery. " Princess Celestia noted. However, Ocean still looked sad, since she still felt guilty for what she had done, which worried the royal sisters. They now have to think on how to solve the entire mess and help Ocean regain her courage and confidence.


Back into the unknown place of horrors underground, we see the masked sadists in lab coats preparing their tools for their next twisted experiments. Meanwhile, we see Susan and Mary, chained and shackled to a wall with duct tape on their mouths, preventing them to say anything. They tried to break free, but one of them slapped the girls to stop them from resisting.

"Ready for the next batch of experiments, girls?" He grinned evilly. Despite the muffled screams from the twins, they brought the tools and the chemicals on the table and cracked their knuckles for their twisted fun. Two of them grabbed come cables and attached them to the girls' bodies, while the other two grabbed some chemicals and a generator. They connected the cables to the device, which is powered by the generator and as they turned it on, they felt an electric shock. Granted, not as painful as last time, but it still gave them a sense of pain. Unfortunately, the worst has yet to come...

As they laughed at their pain and misery, they inject the girls with the chemicals, in which they reacted almost immediately. The pain was so unbearable, that they struggled violently. During this, memories of the past repeatedly flashed in front of their eyes. Those memories were about them experimenting on Johnny with electricity and DNA manipulation. It kept going, as they felt like, their bodies were changing for the worst. Severe burns even to the bones, their brains overloading and their hearts accelerating to the max. Soon, they stopped the device, as they became fascinated by their durability.

"Ah, it seems like those girls are more durable than the others. Interesting..." one of them commented.

"This means, they're so much fun to play and experiment with than those other whores. Hehehehe...." one of them chuckled in a sinister and sick tone. If that doesn't convince you, that they're irredeemable and twisted individuals, then I'm pretty sure, the next part surely will: He went towards the girls, who were crying and begging for mercy and rubbed their thighs, just to give them so much discomfort and terror as possible. They continued laughing, as the sisters were still crying.

(At this point, I warned you. I'm sorry for potentially scarring you for the rest of your lives. Sadly, psychopaths like these existed in real life and still do. I really don't approve their behaviour at all.)

"Hey, take it easy there. We still have so much time left with them. Plus, they're really valuable. So we have to preserve them really well." One of them told his pal. For them, they have so much time, although for the sisters, the passage of time has been lost. They released them from the chains, although there was really no point in escaping, as Susan and Mary were severly weakened by the experiments. They carried the two to tubes, restraining them tightly and fill it with liquids. At least, they were given oxygen masks, but only to sedate them with drugs, as they started the preservation process. At the same time, two of those "scientists" came back with two more unconscious girls.

"I've got new Guinea pigs for us to use." He said. Everyone laughed evilly and strapped the new victims down and prepared their tools, while Susan and Mary were stuck in tubes, being unconscious, not knowing how much time they even have left.

Later in the night...

Inside of the house, Starlight was peacefully asleep, but Sunset was still awake, still being unsure about the plan.

"Ever since that fateful day, everything became incredibly messy...On one hand, they surely did some terrible things to the others, especially to Johnny and Dukey....But on the other hand, the whole Nightmare incident was something out of their control...plus, I still have to find the reasons of why and learn about their backgrounds. However...I'm having doubts recently...Is Twilight right? Are they really irredeemable? Should I just accept the reality and face the punishment?... I don't know..." She was thinking about everything, what happened previously. Ever since the Nightmare incident and after seeing inside of their heads, she was thinking about her own past and became convinced to save them. But...as time went on and after what happened in Equestria with the sisters coming back and such, Sunset became blinded by her mission, that it costed many friendships. However, the whole scenes inside of the sisters' heads kept haunting her. At this point, she became conflicted. Should she continue going through the risky route or just give up and play safe? She looked at the sealing, while being plagued by very difficult choices, which were linked to Susan and Mary's fates.

"I should better get some sleep..." Sunset sighed and tried her best to fall asleep, even when the questions kept bothering her...

A few days later into the weekends...

Applejack, Rarity, who was holding Spike, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, who was holding her rabbit "Angel", Rainbow Dash and Starlight Glimmer were waiting in front of the convention building for Sunset.

"Where is Sunset? I told her to come here in a few minutes." Rarity asked.

"Easy, Rarity. She will come." Applejack assured her.

And on cue, Sunset ran towards them in a quick pace. She was exhausted, since she had to run as fast as she could.

"I'm sorry, girls! I woke up late and since I couldn't catch the bus, I had to run!" The orange girl was out of breath.

"It's okay, Sunset. Now that everyone is here, we can go to the fair, so we can meet Twilight." Fluttershy smiled and the girls went inside the convention building.

The science fair was filled with many guests and participants, showing off their greatest inventions to anyone interested. Many boys and girls, with aspirations and dreams on making their wishes come true, couldn't wait for the eventual presentation. One of them was Twilight, showing off her invention to anyone. The others go to her, to give her some motivation.

"Twilight, we wish you the best of luck!" Pinkie cheered her friend on.

"You got this, Twilight." Applejack smiled.

"Thank you, girls! I'll soon give everything, I've got!" Twilight smiled.

"I'm quite amazed at all the inventions, everyone made, including yours." Starlight was amazed.

"I know right? However in the end of the day, it's a friendly competition where everyone have some fun." Twilight noted. "The presentation is in an hour. Why not just look at the other inventions from fellow smart people?"

With a nod, the girls went to the other participants and their inventions, while Twilight stayed. Pinkie went to a girl with a custom-made candy dispenser, which is able to give anyone the ideal candy. Rainbow was with her, when she tried it out. It scanned her and gave her a jelly bean.

"Oooh!" The peppy party girl ate the jelly bean and since it scanned her a while ago, she got the very sweet one. "BEST CANDY EVER!" She jumped in excitement. Rainbow couldn't help but scratch her head and giggle a bit.

Meanwhile, Applejack and Rarity checked out several inventions from others, including those creating eco-friendly accessories, amazing visual effects in 3D and so on. Sunset and Starlight also checked out the other inventions from several participants and got amazed by the results. Finally, Fluttershy and Angel went around, when she saw a male teenager with his own invention.

"Hello, mister. I'm wondering, what your invention is about." Fluttershy got curious.

"Oh, this? It's a groundbreaking invention, that allows to create amazing wonders and solve many world problems!" He showed her with a charming smile on his face.

"Can you show me one of those wonders?" The shy girl was intrigued by the invention.

"Sure thing!" He pressed a button and it produced eco-friendly energy to make a flower grow.

"It's wonderful!" She was amazed by the performance.

"It can do more wonders, if you want!" He replied.

"Of course!" She smiled.

Meanwhile, one of the participants, who was next to the teenager, showed off her invention to some guests, when all of a sudden, it smoked hard and caught on fire.

"Oh no!! My invention!!" She was distraught, when it made loud bangs. Thankfully, she grabbed a near by fire extinguisher to douse the flames. However, the loud bangs scared off Angel to the point of jumping off from Fluttershy's arms and hopping away. Unknowingly, the boy just...smiled.

"Angel, wait!" Fluttershy went after her rabbit throughout the crowd. As Angel keep hoping in a fast pace, so did the pink-haired girl. During the chase, she went through the crowds and apologising them. As the spokesperson announced the presentation, Angel went to the backstage, all while Fluttershy went in shortly after. The guard was already distracted by two rowdy kids, which left the entrance unguarded. Fluttershy used it to her advantage and eventually, catching Angel in the progress.

"There you are, Angel! I'm here now." The shy teenager did her best to calm her rabbit down. She was about to leave, when she saw something...odd: One of the wooden boards was open a bit.

"What's this?" She went a little closer and opened the board, which revealed a secret staircase going down. With the curiosity getting the better of her, she slowly and quietly went downstairs. As she went further down, the darker it got, until she arrived at a hallway. It was illuminated by a few lanterns. After a while of following the path, she heard sounds of screams in agonizing pain.

"What was that?" Fluttershy quietly spoke. She was getting worried, that the screams came from much worse than she thought. As she gently opened the door a bit, she saw the most horrifying scene in front of her eyes: The masked people in labcoats "experimenting" on Susan, Mary and the green-blue haired girl, all while they screamed in agony. The tormentors just laughed in their sick enjoyment. Needless to say, it severely horrified the poor Fluttershy, who immediately left and went upstairs back to the backstage.

Meanwhile, the crowd became excited by the inventions, the participants showed off. Sunset and her friends were also watching the presentations and waited for Twilight's turn.

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I'm so excited!!!" Pinkie jumped up and down in excitement.

"We all do, Pinkie!" Starlight smiled.

"Up next, Twilight Sparkle!" The spokesman called and Twilight herself came with her invention.

"Thank you, sir." Twilight smiled and showed off her invention and presented them, what it can do. As everyone became awestruck, including her friends, the scientists were impressed. However, it was around the same time, Rainbow was bumped by a terrified Fluttershy.

"Huh? Fluttershy, what's wrong?" The prismatic sports girl asked.

"It's horrible! It's really horrible!!" Fluttershy panicked.

"What in the tarnation happened??" Applejack was confused.

"Yeah. What happened, Fluttershy?" Starlight also wanted answers.

"I saw...something...horrible...it's about the girls...They're getting....they're getting..." Suddenly, Fluttershy ran off to the backstage.

"Fluttershy, wait!" Starlight and the others followed

"What's going on, Sunset?" Twilight was confused.

"I have no idea! We'll be right back, Twilight!" Sunset ran off to follow her friends to the still unguarded entrance to the backstage. None of them are aware of this, since they were focused on the presentations. As the girls followed Fluttershy, she was still panicking. That was until Applejack hugging her shy friend.

"Calm down, fella... Why did you go there?" Applejack asked, when Fluttershy showed them that particular board.

"Huh? What's this? Why is it slightly open?" Rarity was confused.

"I have no idea, but it seems like, it's a door to something underground." Sunset looked closer and opened the board, revealing to be a door to a staircase.

"A staircase? What is a staircase doing here?" Rainbow asked.

"I'm not sure....but the only way to get answers is to go down." Sunset went downside, alongside with her friends. Applejack was still holding Fluttershy, as they went to a dark and deep decent, which led to pathway with a few lanterns. As they went through the hallway, they heard the screams.

"What was that??" Pinkie was alarmed.

"This doesn't sound good..." Rarity was worried.

"Wait a minute..." Sunset listened to the screams carefully, in order to identify them. Alongside an unknown scream, there are two, that were really alarming to her. "No...it can't be!" She was shocked.

"It really is them..." Starlight was also shocked by the revelation.

"We have to help them!" Fluttershy replied.

"Yeah! Who ever is doing this to them, should not get away scotfree!" Rainbow cracked her knuckles.

"Okay, girls! We have to transform!" Sunset told to her friends.

"But wait a minute. Starlight can't transform yet. How is she able to do help us out?" Applejack asked.

"I'll do, whatever it takes!" Starlight stepped forward. "We have to do this together!"

"Right!" Sunset and her friends, minus Starlight, used their necklaces to transform into their magical forms.

Meanwhile, due to the chemicals being injected, the blue and green haired girl was turned into a rat and was placed in a maze, where it began to run. They also placed a robot with saws and other deadly weapons on the same starting position is the poor victim, where it began to sense the rat and began to chase her. As the tormentors cheered the robot on, the sisters had no other choice but to watch. However, it won't be for long, as have their drills ready to drill their heads in. But before they can do that, the door was bust open by Applejack and the girls went inside.

"Leave them alone, you ruffians!" Rarity demanded their release.

"You better that or else!" Rainbow was in a fightning stance.

"How about no!" They pressed a button on a remote, where many robots appear and they used the chemicals on themselves, in order to mutate to monsters.

"Prepare to die!" One of them said in a menacing tone.

"Get ready, girls!" Sunset told her friends and thus, both sides went out for a battle.

Rainbow and Applejack used their powers to destroy some of the robots in close combat, while Pinkie used her powers to distract them with colourful confetti explosions. When the robots fired lasers, Rarity reflected them with her gem powers and Fluttershy used her powers to summon creatures to attack them. This leads to Sunset and the monsters. At first, they slammed their fists to the ground, but Sunset dodged all of the attacks. She then shot out magical blasts at them. Not to be outdone, they used their extractable arms to grab her, but she defended herself with a well-timed shockwave.

While this was happening, Starlight snuck through the fight to free Susan and Mary from the restraints.

"Don't worry, girls. I'm here. Now, let's get out of here!" She spoke to them.

"Not a chance, sissy!" After a voice, she lavender girl was suddenly knocked down by one of the "scientists", who didn't mutate, but instead used a baseball bat with lots of tasers attached.

"Stay back!" Starlight tried to use her magic, but nothing came out. She tried multiple times to perform any form of magic, but once again, nothing came. "What!? How!?" She was in disbelief.

"Hahahahaha! You fool! Do you think, magic will stop me?" He smirked.

"I'm not scared by your threats! If you even dare to hurt them even more, you have to fight me!" Despite the pain, Starlight never gave up, as she stretched her arms out to protect the sisters.

"Very well, then. This will be your last!" He tightly grabbed his bat, while Starlight had to grab an iron bar, which was close to her.

"Bring it, punk!" With those words from Starlight, they engaged in a battle, with neither of them showing any sign of weakness. It went on and on, all while the others have to deal with the robots and mutants. It seems like, there was no sign of a decisive winner. And as for Susan and Mary, after seeing the exit, they used their remaining power to crawl. Mind you, since they're still injured, their speed has been drastically slowed down.

"How long is this gonna go on?!" Rainbow asked.

"Not for long!" Suddenly, the six girls were hit to the wall by a surprise attack by the robots and mutants.

"No!!" Starlight shouted, before the robots punched her hard to the wall. As she collapsed, she saw the mutants taking her friends hostage and the non-mutated individual standing victorious, as the robots grabbed the sisters.

"You know, it's been fun playing. But unfortunately, your paths end here right now!" He laughed evilly, as the mutants began to slowly crush the others and the robots shocking Susan and Mary. It seems like everything was hopeless, when all of a sudden....

Fueled by rage, Starlight screamed and unleashed a massive shockwave, knocking everyone down and freeing her friends. Everyone watched, as Starlight was engulfed by a bright teal light, until it faded away, only to see Starlight, now with her human ears changed into pony ears, her hair being extended with that resembling a pony's tail and her eyes brightly glowing white. It's clear, that her powers are fully awakened.

"Do you think, you can try to kill my friends and get away so easily!?!" The lavender girls spoke in a menacing tone, echoing through the laboratory of hell.

"Starlight...What happened to you?" Rarity slowly got up, asking on what happened.

"She...she had transformed and thus, fully awaken her Equestrian magic." Sunset explained.

Then Starlight unleashed yet another magical shockwave, knocking them even further, while allowing her friends to grab Susan and Mary, as well as Applejack freeing the third girl, who was turned back to normal thanks to Starlight's magic.

"Get out of this hell, girls! I'll take care of those scums..." Starlight told to her friends to go upstairs.

"Are you sure, you can do it yourself?" Pinkie asked.

"Knowing Starlight, she can. After all, her expertise on magic is phenomenal." Sunset assured Pinkie. "Okay, girls! Let's get out of here!"

The girls left this underground place and while the bad guys tried to stop them, the lavender girl used her magic to hold them in place. "You tried to kill them and now, you'll pay the price!" Starlight started to float up, as there are literally no limits to her magic.

Upstairs in the actual science fair, nobody was fully aware about what happened underground. (It's due to the soundproof barriers.) After the participants have presented their inventions, the spokesman and the scientists came forward.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we have witnessed many amazing inventions from our participants! And as great as they are, only one of them will be chosen as the invention for the future! Without further ado, I will announce the winner of this year's Canterlot Science Fair!" He smiled and as the sounds of the drums rolling can be heard, he was given an envelope and he opened it to announce the winner.

"The winner is..." The tension was high, everyone was excited it kept building, until he announced the winner's name.

"...Plasma Storm!"

Indeed, the boy, who he talked to Fluttershy an hour ago, named Plasma Storm, came to the stage to receive the money price. Everyone cheered for him, all while Twilight just stood, when suddenly, Sunset's voice can be heard.

"Hold it!!"

It came from Sunset, who ran to the stage alongside her friends, who were holding Susan, Mary and the third girl in terrible conditions. Everyone was horrified by their conditions. So much so, that the ambulance people, who were at the scene, in case of accidents causing in severe injuries or worse, immediately rushed to the stage, grabbed the girls and ran as fast as they could to the ambulances.

"Girls, what happened to them!?" Twilight was really worried, when she asked her friends about what's going on....

"I've seen...I've seen....I've seen those monsters torturing them!!! They laughed at their pain and misery, while hurting them with their tools in a name of 'science' , when in reality it's nothing but a sick and twisted pleasure for them!!!! THEY'RE NOTHING BUT HEARTLESS MONSTERS!!!!" Fluttershy screamed the whole truth as loud, as she could. This sent massive shock to everyone, including Twilight.

"No...It can't be!!" Twilight was in disbelief.

"It's sadly true, Twilight...It sadly is.." Applejack sighed.

"Hehehehe..." One voice was not like any other...In fact, it was a completely different reaction unlike anybody else! And it came by none other....than Plasma Storm!!

"I guess, the jig's up then..." He pulled out a knife and hold a scientist hostage. Panic ensued as everyone tried to leave, only for him to press a button, in which all the doors became locked, trapping them.

"Let her go!!" Sunset shouted.

"Don't take a step closer, missy or she's history!" He had a crazed look on his face, while tightly grabbing the knife, which was close to the scientist's throat.

"Calm down! We can slowly work this out!" Twilght tried to de-escalate the whole situation, but Applejack was suspicious to Plasma Storm.

"Twilight, it's no use... Why? Because I have a darn suspicion, that he's workin' for them!" The southern girl replied.

"What!?" Twilight was shocked

"Well...you got that part right, wanker!" He laughed.

"Why are you doing this!?" Sunset shouted. Everyone demanded answers from him. But he just laughed off in a fit of insanity. As the heroines got closer, he threatened them to slit the scientist's throat like a pig, if they went one step further, but that didn't deter them from stopping him.

"Aright then, YOU ASKED FOR IT!!" He was about to do it...He was about to take a life, when all of a sudden, he stopped like a statue.

"W-what happened to my body?!? I can't move!!" He was terrified, that he couldn't move, suddenly, his arms opened without his control, releasing her from his grasp, all while being surrounded by a teal aura. "M-my arms!! No!!!" He was in fear. When the girls looked back, they saw Starlight, still in a ponied up, rage fueled state, while having the tormentors trapped and restrained.

"Starlight?" Twilight was left speechless at this moment.

The lavender girl threw the "scientists" into the ground hard and threw Plasma Storm to them, causing him to drop the remote. Twilight grabbed it to unlock the doors and letting everyone out. At the same time, a police force came in, after someone called 911.

"Starlight, I think that's enough. The police will take care of them." Sunset told her friend to stop, but it fell on deaf ears, as Starlight started to unleash pulses of magic blasts, hurting them.

"Starlight, stop!!!" Sunset pleaded her to stop, but it didn't work.

"I think, she completely snapped." Twilight explained.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash tried to restrain her, but Starlight unleashed a psionic blast at them. Rarity tried to trap her in a gem, but she broke free. Twilight used her magic to even stop her, but again Starlight cancelled it. This leads now to Sunset, who decided to tackle it head on. She grabbed her friend and tightly hugged her, while she screamed and unleashing more psionic blasts.

"Starlight, you need to stop right now!! Please!!!" Sunset pleaded as loud as she could to stop her friend. Sure, she felt the blasts hitting her, but she kept her tight grip on her friend and even used her magic to stop her from hurting anyone. It went on for 15 minutes, until magic blasts stopped and Starlight detransforming and losing consciousness in Sunset's arms. The girls went to the two, while the police arrested Plasma Storm and his comrades.

"If you want the answers, please follow me." Fluttershy told to a police officer about the hidden path and went with him backstage to show him the entrance.

"What the...Since when does the exhibition centre have a hidden entrance?... Don't worry. We'll investigate this mysterious entrance." He told Fluttershy about it.

"Thank you, officer..." Fluttershy thanked him before going back to her friends.

"We have to bring her to my house." Sunset commented and the girls left the centre with sad looks on their faces.

Canterlot City Hospital

"Hurry, we have to get them to the operation rooms!" The doctors ran as fast as they could, while carrying Susan, Mary and the girl to the operating table. It was an urgent emergency. Ever since news of the science fair incident quickly emerged, the doctors and nurses worked as hard as they could, in order to save the victims.

As the doctors brought them into three separate operation rooms, the tension was high. They'll try their best as they could to save them. First, they scan their bodies, only to see injuries inside of the bones. So they have to be immediately operated.

Meanwhile, The Humane 7 went to the receptionist, asking her about the conditions of the girls.

"Our doctors will do their best to save them. All we have to do is just hope and pray." The receptionist answered.

The girls waited and waited for a doctor, just to get to the results. Everyone was on the edge. After waiting for an hour, they've realized that the operation would take long and left the hospital.

Meanwhile in the centre, the police investigated the pathway to the underground laboratory, only to find a lot of terrifying stuff, straight out of a horror movie. But it was nothing compared to their reaction, when they opened the door to the dark room, in which they found a lot of dead bodies and a few weakened survivors, who gave into their great despair. One of the officers threw up, two of them cried and three fainted from the shock. It was truly the most horrifying sight, they've ever seen.

Four days have passed and the news about the science fair incident and the dark cult of deranged people went wildfire. Everyone couldn't stop talking about it and it caused severe damage to the exhibition centre's reputation, since nobody was fully aware of the underground chamber. The trial wasn't pretty, as many of the victims' families were distraught by the news, all while the culprits just laughed and mocked them. Eventually, the jury and the judge had enough, who sentenced them either life in prison, without possibility of parole or even the death penalty. Even when justice was served, the families were still left with an empty feeling, as nothing could bring their girls back. Not even with compensation. It was truly a dark day for everyone.

Meanwhile, Sunset and Starlight, who has recovered, went into the hospital again to ask the doctors about the conditions of the girls. And after a waiting for a few hours, eventually a doctor came to them.

"Are they gonna make it? Tell me!" Sunset was impatient. Not surprisingly really, since the incident affected her and Starlight.

"Well, it took a long operation session to fix them, but it seems like the procedure is not over. We had to put them into a medically induced coma, in order to continue. I'm sorry for what happened to them." The doctor explained and apologized.

"It's...It's okay..." Sunset looked down and left.

"Sunset, wait!" Starlight followed after her friend. Tears were streaming down from Sunset's face, as she walked away silently and with a sorrowful look. Starlight grabbed her hand and looked at her friend. She sighed and continued to walk to her home, without saying a single word. In face, neither of them said anything on their journey. It was completely....silent.

Equestria, fields near Canterlot, several hours later...

In the night, we see Ocean Spark, laying on the grass and looking at the night sky with nothing but sorrow and silence.

She couldn't stop thinking about what happened: The disharmony of the group, the fallout, her reputation being destroyed, everything. The oceanic mare stood up, as she felt the wind.

Sorry belongs to Daughtry

Ocean Spark

Will you listen to my story?
It just be a minute
How can I explain
Whatever happened here never meant to hurt you
How can I cause you so much pain

When I say I'm sorry
Will you believe me?
Listen to my story
Say you won't leave me

When I say I'm sorry
Can you forgive me?
When I say I will always be there
Will you believe, will you believe in me?

All the words that I come up with
They're like gasoline on flames
There's no excuse, no explanation
Believe me if I could undo what I did wrong
I'd give away all that I own

When I say I'm sorry
Will you believe me?
Listen to my story
Say you won't leave me

When I say I'm sorry
Can you forgive me?
When I say I will always be there
Will you believe, will you believe in me?

If I told you I've been cleanin' my soul
And If I promise you I'll regain control
Will you open your door?
And let me in take me for who I am
And not for who I've been, who I've been

When I say I'm sorry
Will you believe me?
Listen to my story
Say you won't leave me

When I say I'm sorry
Can you forgive me?
When I say I will always be there
Will you believe, will you believe in me?

When I say I'm sorry
When I say I'm sorry
When I say I'm sorry
When I say I'm sorry

When I say I'm sorry
Can you forgive me?
When I say I will always be there
Will you believe

As she sat on the grass and the wind blowing her hair ever so gently, she looked to the skies again, thinking on if she would be able to restore on what's left on her relation to Fire Jewel, her friendship to everyone and how she would even do it. There are so many unknowns.

She thought about her sister, the only family member, she has left and wondered, how she really felt about her. Is there still hatred in her or did it fade away? She is completely unsure about herself and everything, as she looked down to reflect, what she've done.

Meanwhile, Fire Jewel was in her cell, laying down and not saying a single word. Her expression was completely silent and sorrowful...

In the end, it's everyone's fault...

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Hey guys. Sorry about the long ass delay. There have been some personal issues, like a massive headache and being busy with art projects. Also my tablet broke.

Also also, I'm sorry that I potentially scarred you from that EXTREME chapter. Don't worry! I'll make side stories, which will contain more wholesome and less fucked up stuff, but also fill in the blanks, since those side stories will take place, while the twins are in a coma. Idk, how many of them, I'll write, but once I'm done with these, the main story will continue, but this time with less physical torture!

Also, I can imagine Plasma Storm having a a slight resemblance to Light Yagami from Death Note.

Oh dear...So much had happened....

After the whole fire dragon incident, Fire Jewel was apprehended and is spending her time living with the punishment. Meanwhile, Ocean Spark is left with a dead end on what to do to restore on what's left.

In the Human World, since the incident, Susan and Mary are now in a coma. All while the Humane 8 had to wait, pray and hope for the best. However, Sunset is starting to have second thoughts about her theory and the whole crusade.

What will happen to them? Will Susan and Mary ever wake up? Will Ocean Spark find a way to make everything right? Will Cherry, Snow and Breeze even recover from the guilt and redeem themselves? And what would happen to the others?

It's the end of Act 1: Broken Hearts and Minds

After some side stories, which would fill in the blanks, the story will continue with Act 2, starting with Chapter 15: Lost In Time !