• Published 19th Oct 2020
  • 3,219 Views, 127 Comments

The Road of Courage - PrismaGalaxy514

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Side Story: Finding a new Purpose

It's been a few days since the fire dragon incident and in the royal castle, the royal sisters were waiting for the report. Several guards came in with the report.

"Your majesty! We looked at the situation and calculated the number. The number of casualties will surprise you. The amount of fatalities are...zero. Indeed, nopony died. Although there are injured ponies." One of the guards reported. The amount of deaths or at least a lack there of, surprised the sisters.

"It seems like Twilight and her friends did an amazing job on evacuating everyone." Luna was amazed.

"It's not just Twilight and her friends. A group of ponies and mole people also helped with the evacuation, while using their powers, which included ice, bees and more." Another guard reported.

It was clear, that Johnny's close friends and former enemies played a big part on the evacuation. In fact, it became more evident, when Jillian, Brain Freezer, Mr. Harm, Dr. Beebles, Zizrar and his mole people were called to come to the throne room by the guards.

"I've heard, that you also evacuated the other ponies without any problems. I'm impressed." Celestia looked at them.

"Mind you, it was a massive team effort. If it wasn't for Brain Freezer, Eugene and the others, then the outcome would've become much worse." Dr. Beebles answered.

"Hang on. Where is that Eugene?" Jillian asked. They realized, that Bling-Bling-Boy is not here among the group.

"That's actually a good question. Unfortunately, he just...left, leaving everyone without any clues. This happened after the evacuation, by the way." Brain Freezer answered.

"I'll send a few guards to look after him." Princess Celestia responded and sent a few guard to look after him.

"One more question. Is johnny gonna be okay?" Jillian asked about Johnny's condition.

"Right now, he and the others were recovering in the castle infirmary. Only time will tell." Princess Luna responded. The others were still worried about them.

"If you want, the guards will guide you to the infirmary." Celestia offered them a chance to visit their friends. With their approval, two royal guards guided them on the way to the infirmary. Meanwhile, the royal sisters were still thinking on what to do with Fire Jewel. At the same time, Luna was thinking about something. It was about a massive shout from a certain unicorn. But right now, she had to put it aside, in order to rebuild Canterlot, even though it'll be put in the background of her head.

Ponyville, Equestria

Since the dragon incident only happened in Canterlot, none of the civilians in Ponyville had any idea about it and thus, life went on as usual. However, it didn't take long, until news of the incident spread to anyone and soon, everyone was talking about it. The extra papers showed the news in great detail and sell in a crazy rate. However, this result a slight divide in the community. The majority already painted her as a villain, who deserved go rot in the dungeons, but there are some ponies, who are wondering, why she would do that. One of them is Spring Gale himself. He knew, that she was one of the ponies, who saved him. So he told his new adoptive family about his whole story. They were surprised and curious on what exactly happened to her, to make her like this. Needless to say, everything has become chaotic.

However, there was one voice, who was completely silent about it. In fact, it had nothing to do with the incident at all. Sitting in the park alone, was Eugene himself. As the chaos went on, the unicorn was alone with his thoughts, blocking himself from the commotion. He looked like, he was worrying about his future and his destiny. The obese stallion sighed in sorrow, as he looked up to the skies, feeling unsure about himself. As the fillies and colts can be seen playing and having a good time, he ignored all of the sounds, as he lowered his head and ears to cover his face. He was completely alone with his thoughts, when all of a sudden, he heard a voice.

"Uhm....excuse me?"

This was enough to break BBB from his thoughts and looked at the source of the voice, only to see a pale magenta earth pony filly with a tiara. She looked concerned at the sad stallion.

"Huh? What do you want?" He asked to the filly.

"Oh! I'm sorry to disturb your peace. My name is Diamond Tiara and I went to the park, in order to wait for my friend, Silver Spoon for some playtime, when I saw you in a sad mood. You looked like, something broke you severely. So....what's wrong?" Diamond Tiara asked after her introduction and reasoning.

"It's very complicated...." he sighed.

"What? What's complicated?" The filly was confused. Eventually, after a bit of silence, the stallion finally explained his story:

"I couldn't help, but to reflect about my past and what I've done...Back then, I thought, I had it all. Money, possessions, everything. But there was someone, I valued even more than money and gold. It was a girl, whom I refuse to speak her name. Ever since seeing her for the first time, I knew that she will be the girl, I spent time with for the rest of my life. Back then, I did literally anything to win her heart or even hypnotize her. I literally had no idea about what happened behind the scenes with Jonathan. I was focused on her and her heart. Sure, I did notice him and the others, but they were like obstacles to me. I was so blinded by ignorance and love back then. It wasn't until Jonathan disappeared, when I started to open my eyes. I began investigating about the cause, after seeing footage of him, being invisible, activating the portal device in my former laboratory. I hacked into the computers of the Tests and found evidence, that not only contianed the answers, but also really changed my perspective towards that girl. It became more evident, when I witnessed her and her sister attempting to murder someone, who also wanted answers on his disappearance. From that moment, everything fell apart and my love for her had completely shattered to the point, where it can never be restored. Instead, in its place stood a burning flame of hatred of her and mist of guilt of what I've done, since I was partially responsible for his disappearance. Together with that boy and the agents, I managed to find even more evidence and exposed the truth to everyone as my other identity 'The Shadow', which it worked and they faced the punishment. When looking back at the actions, I've done, I felt a big amount of guilt and regret, that I really want to fix. And the best reason at the time is to leave everything behind, get the people and go to the location, he's currently in: Equestria. Sure, the truth also made a select few of people open their eyes and went with us. Now, I'm living my new life here, but since I left everything related to the past behind, I've since have constant worries about my destiny and my future. Like what can I do? How can I use some of my skills to good use and more importantly: What will my future be? They've been constantly circling in my head, ever since the arrival in this place."

"Oh...I'm so sorry about that..." the filly was shocked and moved by his story. "You know, based on your words, you were really spoiled and a single moment made you realize your errors and changed your ways. I know this, because I was in a similar situation before." She then admitted her past mistakes to him.

"Wait...You were spoiled before?" The unicorn was surprised by her revelation. She nodded and told him about her story:

"I thought myself higher than everyone else, especially the ponies without a cutie mark. I often talk them down about the "blank flanks" and had little regard to anybody. I wasn't alone, as Silver Spoon also felt the same way. At least in my eyes anyway. It wasn't until the class president election, where I lost to Pipsqueak, where everything changed for me. Not only was my reputation damaged, but also lost Silver Spoon and as if that wasn't enough, got berated by my mother. Those events really made me open my eyes and realise, how much of a jerk, I was. At that point, I really want to make up for the mistakes and eventually, I found the courage and confidence to not only help the others, but also stand up against my mother and accept friendship."

"Oh wow." He was surprised by the fact, that he and Diamond Tiara shared similarities to each other and both reforming in the end.

"I've since come around it and focused on improving myself and the future for the better. And it's best, you should do the same." Diamond Tiara offered him her hoof in friendship. It took a while for Eugene to consider, since he was hesitant a bit, but eventually, he accepted her. At the same time, a gray earth pony filly with glasses ran to the duo.

"I'm here, Diamond Tiara!" She told to her friend.

"Oh! Hello, Silver Spoon! I just comforted someone, who's in dire need of a change." The tiara wearing filly explained.

"Uhm, who is this unicorn?" Silver Spoon looked at the stallion with confusion.

"Right...You haven't introduced yourself to us yet." Diamond realized.

The stallion sighed and looked away a bit, which concerned the fillies. In his mind, his mistakes were really foolish and his arrogance didn't help it either. It was done out of a hopeless goal of love, that in the end, became out of reach permanently. Even the name "Bling-Bling-Boy" became tainted, due to the actions. He wanted a complete restart.

"I was originally going to...but I decided to just wipe my slate clean! From now on, everybody will know me as...uhm..." He was thinking on alternative names, he could use. The closest contestants are "Glistering Gem", "Splendid Treasure" or even "Dazzling Diamond". However, in the end, he decided on one name. A name, that would suit him.

"What is it?" Silver Spoon got a little impatient.

"In the past, I may be known as Eugene or as I often be wanted to be called back in the day, Bling-Bling-Boy. But from now on, I'll be known as Brilliant Diamond!" The stallion looked at the skies.

"You really want to remove any instances from your past?" Silver Spoon was curious.

"Given with the circumstances back then and his realization, yes." Diamond Tiara answered for him. "Anyway, Silver and I will go out to the centre of Ponyville for some playtime. If you want, you can come with us."

"I mean, I really wanted a distraction from those thoughts." Eugene smiled and went with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon to the centre for some playtime. Perhaps, the playtime would brighten up his days. After arriving at the centre of the town, they went to a milkshake bar, where they sat down to a table, after ordering some milkshakes. While waiting, the Cutie Mark Crusaders also went inside for a fun day out, in which they saw Diamond Tiara.

"Hi, Diamond Tiara!" Apple Bloom greeted. It's been a while, since they last met her on their school.

"How are you doing?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Just hanging out here with Silver Spoon and a new friend, I met in the park a while ago. His name is Brilliant Diamond." Diamond Tiara answered.

"Nice to meet you!" Sweetie Belle smiled.

"I've heard, you're one of Johnny's friends, right?" Scootaloo asked out of curiosity.

"Well, it's complicated. Nowadays, I became friendlier to him, but back then, it's a different story. However right now, I wanted to take a break from the gloom." The stallion explained.

"I've heard the whole story about the whole incident, so it's okay." Apple Bloom understood Eugene's past. After all, Applejack, High Velocity, Sweet Serenity and even Johnny himself told them about the whole story. Soon, the CMC sat down on the same table with the others, while they waited on the milkshakes. Once they got their shakes, the fillies did some small talks about their day and other topics. Watching them happily talking made Eugene feel a bit sorrowful. He never had true friends back in the past, before he met the Tests. And even then, once he met the Tests and later did had some fun time with Johnny, Dukey and a few others, he didn't see it that way, since he was blinded by arrogance and ignorance. It wasn't until Johnny left his world behind for Equestria, that he finally opened his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Diamond Tiara asked. She was worried about her new friend.

He sighed and didn't say a word for a while, which made the fillies worried. It wasn't until he broke his silence.

"It's just....I never had real friends before. Which means, because of that, coupled with my past arrogance and my reputation back then, it was very difficult to find friends to begin with, due to a lack of social interaction." He explained.

"Oh my...We can help you with that, alongside with Twilight and her friends! They'll help you with your friendship issues, while we'll help you find your new destiny!" Sweetie Belle smiled.

"Are you sure?" Eugene looked at them.

"Of course! We'll promise, that with our help, you'll get out of the black hole and be new and improved!" Scootaloo smirked.

"After all, they helped me realise about my errors and improve myself at a greater scale. And with that experience, me and my friends will guide you to your new peace." Diamond Tiara added. The fillies reached out their hooves to him as a sign of friendship and guidance. This is something, he never had before and that action made the stallion feel emotional. However, he decided to grow up and accepted their sign by reaching out to the fillies.

"Okay, Cutie Mark Crusaders! It's time for a new mission!" Apple Bloom proudly smiled, as she, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, alongside with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, were about to change Eugene for the better, when the royal guards arrived at the scene.

"Excuse me, Bling-Bling-Boy?" One of the guards approached the unicorn.

"From now on, please refer me as 'Brilliant Diamond', okay?" The stallion made sure, that he'll be called by his new name.

"Oh. Apologies for that. Anyway, Brilliant Diamond. Princess Celestia wanted your presence and as such, you're coming with us to Canterlot." Another guard reported.

"We'll come with you!" Scootaloo responded, as the fillies stood next to him. After they received the approval of the guards, the guards took the stallion and the fillies to Canterlot.

After a long carriage ride, a walk though Canterlot, arriving the castle and going inside, the group have finally arrived into the throne room, where Celestia and Luna were waiting for him.

"I've heard, that you left the group, after you and the others evacuated the rest of the ponies, without saying a single word. Do you care to explain, why?" Celestia wanted answers, however the obese stallion just looked down.

"What's wrong? Is something bothering you?" Luna asked.

"Well...uhm.." Scootaloo scratched her head, when Eugene decided to open up.

"Well, there is something, troubling inside of my head. You see, ever since my emancipation and redemption, I've been constantly worried about my future and my new destiny. Looking back at my past actions back in Porkbelly...really made me realize, how much of a massive twat I was and how these actions shattered my reputation. I just wanted a complete restart in my life and a new destiny. And the better away to start it is with a new name, which would be 'Brilliant Diamond'. But...even then....I'm afraid, that I would destroy my progress and everything, because of my instability." He explained.

"After hearing his story, we vowed to help him on his new journey." Diamond Tiara added.

"It's really nice, that you young fillies decided to help him. However, when it comes to the other aspects, Princess Twilight and her friends have it covered. But, right now...they're recovering in the royal infirmary, alongside with their friends." Luna informed.

"Oh no! Is my big sister gonna make it??" Apple Bloom was worried.

"Will Rarity be okay?" Sweetie Belle also became worried about her sister's condition.

"What will happen to Rainbow Dash??" Scootaloo became anxious.

"In other words, will they make it?" Silver Spoon asked.

"Don't worry, little children. They will. So far, they're recovering well. Our doctors also do their best to take care of their injuries. " Celestia assured them.

"Well, that's a relief. Can we at least see them?" The unicorn stallion asked.

"The guards will guide you there." The princess of the sun responded and two guards guided them on their way to the infirmary. Meanwhile, the princess of the moon was still troubled by her thoughts and that important question:

How would she do it?

Meanwhile, in the royal infirmary...

As the allies were worried about their friends and waited for the results, Eugene and the fillies arrived at the scene. There was a sense of anxiety looming in the air. Even the CMC, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon felt that air.

"There you are! Where have you been?" Zizrar asked.

"I was lost in my thoughts all alone. I was worried about my future and had no idea on what to do. It wasn't until this filly, named Diamond Tiara, offered her hand in friendship, in which these girls follow suit" the obese unicorn explained.

"It's true. We decided to help him to find a new destiny and secure the future." Diamond Tiara added.

"And the first thing, I did, is to make a new name, in order to shed myself from the past. In my case, my new name will be 'Brilliant Diamond'." Eugene told to the others.

"Wait a second, you decided to change your name?" Mr. White was confused.

"Well, most pony names have something to do with their cutie mark. At least, that's what I've heard." Eugene scratched his head.

This caused the agents, the General and the others, except for Zizrar and his mole people, to check on their own cutie marks and think of ideas. Thing is, in the case of Mr. Black, Mr. White, Brain Freezer and the General, they're really struggling to come up with any names, that would fit in this world.

"Hmm...I think, I have some suggestions. Natural Spark, Glimmering Leaf and so on...hmm..You know, what? I decided! My new name will be Natural Spark!" It took a while for Jillian to find a new name for her.

"I think, Honeycomb would be a good choice." Dr. Beebles came up with a name, which suited him, since he's no longer the Bee Keeper anymore.

"Is it possible to keep our names?" Mr. Black was out of any ideas.

"I mean...Mr. Black...Mr. White....I suppose, it could also work as pony names, right?" The General suggested. The others were discussing about that. One one hand, their real names are completely unknown. But on the other hand, they're worried about the reaction of the ponies and beyond. Ultimately, Eugene made a decision by saying: "Fine. You can keep your names. It can also duel as pony names."

"What about me?" Brain Freezer asked.

"Uhm...You do realize, that you introduced your name to that snow pony earlier, right?" Zizrar reminded.

"Oh yeah....I forgot..." The frosty pony face palmed.

"What about you, guys?" Jillian was referring to the final two: The General and Mr. Harm. Zizrar and his mole people are completely excluded.

"Well, I'll be thinking about it." Mr. Harm responded. "Right now, I have no idea. However, in the future, I'll be finding the one, that suits me the most."

"Same for me!" The General added.

Suddenly, they heard someone running as fast, as it could. It sounded pretty chaotic. Also, there were sounds of a guard, telling it to slow down. As they looked on the right, it turned out, that the sounds actually came from Gil, who was completely exhausted. The same can be said for the guard.

"Sir! You can't just walk around the castle without any guidance!" The guard warned.

"Is Johnny okay?!" Gil was worried.

"Excuse me, but WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?" Brain Freezer wanted answers.

"Well...I was in Ponyville, just chilling and hanging out with some dudes. I literally had no idea about that incident, until I overheard a conversation." The aqua earth pony confessed.

"You literally had no idea until now!?" Jillian was not happy.

"You are really that absent-minded, aren't you?..." Eugene facepalmed.

But before the situation would even escalate, they heard the door being opened and saw a doctor, coming out.

"I have some good news. The ponies have regained consciousness and are in no critical danger. Even though, there were injuries. Right now, they're recovering from it. If you want, you can go inside to visit them." The stallion reported. It was a big relief for everyone, knowing that Johnny and the others are not in any danger. After hearing about the good news, the group went inside to see the others, being fully awake. Johnny, Dukey, Sissy, Missy, Twilight, Spike, their friends, Breeze Dasher, Snow Emerald, Cherry Swirl and Tropic Bloom. All of them slowly got up, when Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle hugged their big sisters, Scootaloo hugging Rainbow Dash and the others being happy, that their friends are okay.

"I've heard, you guys were in an intense fight against a burning dragon." Jillian told to them.

"Yeah...Wow, she was really strong..." Rainbow rubbed her head.

"A bit too strong, if you ask me. Seriously, everyone would be burned, if it wasn't for Ocean Spark's clutch moves." Breeze commented.

"What's the big deal of her? She seems like a bitch, if you ask me." Johnny is not happy.

"I mean....her past basically broke her so hard, she snapped." Cherry Swirl answered

Suddenly, they heard Tropic Bloom having a mental breakdown and crying on her bed. The three elemental ponies looked at her friend, whose scars from that verbal attack from her best friend still felt fresh.

"Poor Tropic...Fire Jewel must have hurt her so bad...." Snow sighed.

"At this point, we're completely torn apart... On one hand, what she did was just rude and cruel...but on the contrary, she had a terrible past, revolving about abuse, war, PTSD and suicidal thoughts. I don't know...It's just a whole mess..." Cherry felt overwhelmed by the whole affair. "I'm also not sure, if Fire Jewel would completely get out of this, due to her reputation now being shattered."

"The whole thing is a big ass mess! Once a minor problem, it has fully escalated to a gigantic friendship problem and a mental problem at the same time, which eventually grew into a crime! And now, she's basically rotting away, because it was basically OUR FAULT!!!" Breeze shouted really loud, as she let her anger out.

"This is really getting even more complicated than ever before..." Spike was worried.

"I know, Spike...It seems like, their stories are completely messed up and they caused a chain reaction, which lead to this. Girls, we have to talk with them about their past and the pasts of their friend, in order to find the missing pieces of the puzzle, while also at the same time, continuing with our mission to help the guys." Twilight made up her mind.

"I've never thought, it'll get even crazier and more headache inducing...." Rarity moaned.

"I feel like, our arrival basically made everything worse for everybody..." Snow looked down.

"Don't say that! It's not your fault. You had so much stress, during your quest as guardians of the galaxies. Plus, each of you had issues from the past." Twilight assured them.

"It's true. For example, I was severely bullied by many of the ponies in my home planet, when I was a filly..." Cherry sighed.

"Or me being neglected by my parents, in favour of my brother. Don't get me wrong, it was not malicious, just being absent-minded, but back then, it caused a resentment to them, that as a filly, I ran away from home. Thankfully, after the first defeat of Shadow Nebula, they did apologise and promised to do better. But, it was not completely solved, as I still have the scars." Breeze told them about her past.

"Even though I came from a loving family, during the war, there was an overwhelming sense of fear everywhere..." Snow explained about her past.

"Same... Except, none of the people in my home planet, Synthesia, had any idea, since it was an isolated planet, in which no one even attempted to take over the planet." Tropic Bloom added, while having tears in her eyes.

"And Ocean Spark...Oh boy...it was really painful...First seeing her parents being murdered in front of her eyes, but also falsely believed, that Fire Jewel killed them, when in reality...It was actually Shadow Nebula herself. Regardless, she held a big grudge on her and even joined on Nebula's side for a while. Eventually, Fire did eventually tell the truth to her and after a lot of convincing and evidences from us, Ocean felt guilty and redeemed herself by not only destroying one of the bases, but also liberated a planet from her control. In the end, she joined in our team." Snow added.

"And then, there was one more pony, who also lost someone dear...but...we decided, not to talk about it.." Cherry commented.

"Wow, those are really messed up!" Pinkie Pie was frozen in shock.

"I see...It's clear, that you have troubled pasts and traumatic experiences, before and during your time as guardians." Twilight made it clear.

"Yeah. And it increased, as we decided to use our elemental powers to protect others and defeat evil. I mean, a guardian of the galaxies is really no joke!" Breeze responded.

"Yikes, you really had go through so much! I swear, you girls have more willpower than anyone else!" Missy answered.

"I mean, if they're protecting the galaxies, that must been a heck of a responsibility." said the orange country mare.

"But right now, thanks to the whole friendship problem and that, we are emotionally drained..." Snow felt sad.

"Don't worry, we'll help you overcome from your worries and such." Fluttershy promised.

"Thank you...We really need it." The green earth pony smiled.

"Uhm, Brilliant Diamond?" Silver Spoon got the stallion's attention. "What are we gonna do about their issues?"

"The best way is to at least help them." Eugene responded. Meanwhile, hearing Silver Spoon calling BBB with a completely different name threw Johnny and Dukey off, while Sissy and Missy were just confused.

"Wait! Wait! Hold the phone! Brilliant Diamond??" Dukey immediately wanted answers.

"That's right. You and Jonathan are not the only ones with different names nowadays. I decided to rename myself in order to distance myself from the past. That's not all, as Jillian and Dr. Beebles have new pony names right now. They're now known as Natural Spark and Honeycomb. As for the former principal and the general, they have yet to decide, while the rest kept their names, as it could also dual as pony names. By the way, Zizrar and his mole people are not included, because they're completely different." Eugene explained.

"New pony names? Damn, why didn't I think about this before?" Sissy asked.

"Probably because we're caught up in other issues and also a busy schedule?" Missy answered.

"You guys decided to rename yourselves?" Gil was thrown off. He literally had no idea, that some of them decided to take new names.

"Well, with these guys having new names, I think, it's best for the three of us to do the same. Let's see..." The navy pegasus mare looked at her flank, where her cutie mark is. It showed a crimson lightning bolt. She then looked at the flank of her friend, which showed a violet lightning bolt and a bone. "I think, I have some new names. I could be named 'Crimson Bolt', while you can be 'Zapped Bone'." She then shared this idea to the hybrid mare.

"You know, what? Those are cool names!" Missy loved the names. Their new names are Crimson Bolt and Zapped Bone. Finally, it's Gil's turn. His cutie mark resembled a star with a surfboard. The problem is, he couldn't figure out a new pony name, since....well, he lacks intelligence.

"Oh boy..." Applejack looked on.

"Actually, I have no idea..." Gil looked down, since he was out of ideas.

"Maybe later, man..." Johnny nervously smiled.

"We'll think about some good ones later." Dukey scratched his head.

The mares giggled a bit, however they knew, that it'll take time to recover. One pony was worried for a different reason. It was Tropic Bloom. Despite Fire Jewel treating her harshly, she hasn't given up on her. After all, she was the first pony to help her recover, when they were fillies. That action lead to an inseparable friendship up until then. She looked out of the window, wondering if there's anything to do , to fix the broken relations and end the nightmares.

Meanwhile, in the dungeons...

Speaking of Fire Jewel, she was still locked up in the dungeon with her horn being covered by that metal cover, which prevented her from using magic. The red mare looked down with her face not shown. Tears came from from her face and fell into the ground and the silence kept going...that was...until she started sobbing. Her sounds echoed through the area, as it became more broken. The guilt had completely taken the mare over, causing her to fall into a deep depression.

"I'm a monster....I'm nothing, but a monster..." she mumbled.

Soon, she heard sounds of hoofsteps and saw the guards, slowly approaching her.

"Fire Jewel, it's time to do your Community Service." One of the guards reported. The red mare didn't say a single word, as she was taken by the guards from her cell and went upstairs. It was completely silent. The unicorn avoided any eye contact from the guards by lowering her head, as thoughs of sorrow and regret circled in her mind.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Alright! This is the first of the side stories, which will fill in the blanks, while the sisters are in a coma.

I don't know, how many side stories would contain, but those will contain perspectives from THREE worlds! Equestria, Human World and....You know, which one. It's because I have something planned...

Oh and as for the placement of the story, it would be somewhat between in Season 8. But somewhere in the middle. Idk.

Also, any ideas for the pony names of the General, Gil and Mr. Harm? Write down your ideas in the comments!