• Published 27th May 2020
  • 8,702 Views, 537 Comments

A Pup Named Fenrir - MisterEdd

After his death at Ragnarok, Fenrir finds himself reborn in a strange new land and as a pup!

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From Malignant Monster to Pampered Pooch

I awoke with a yawn, my jaws gaping wide as I stretched myself on the quilted blanket.

Wait a minute...

Puzzled, I blinked and surveyed my surroundings. Oh yeah. I was no longer in Asgard.

My name is Fenrir but "Fen" works just as well. I was a son of Loki and one of three of his monstrous brood prophesied to bring about Ragnarök, the final battle between the gods and the enemies of Asgard. Trust me, it was as epic and awe-inspiring as it sounds. After growing large enough to tower over the tallest mountains, I broke free of my bindings and devoured the sanctimonious Odin Allfather, only to be slain by his son Vidar. I actually wasn't certain where I would end up upon my death but if you were to tell me that I'd be reincarnated into a colorful realm of talking ponies, I would've laughed in your face. And probably eaten you whole.

I never said that I was a nice guy.

The smell of meat, pork specifically, rushed through my nostrils like a raging river. Due to my new tiny form, I carefully climbed off of the bed and landed on the hardwood floor, taking a moment to appreciate the surroundings of my new home. I was raised in Asgard but spent my early years in the stables amidst nickering horses and the smell of hay and dung. Once I'd begun to grow, I was moved to a cave far from Valhalla, my sole company being Tyr, god of war and the only being in the Nine Realms who did not fear me. Suffice it to say, it's not easy to make friends when you're a gigantic wolf that's predicted to one day help bring about the end of the world.

Scampering out the bedroom door and down the stairs, I let out a series of yips as I bounded for the source of that mouth-watering odor. A sound like crystalline chiming was carried out of the kitchen, the melody akin to honey for the ears as a yellow pegasus was preparing breakfast. Fluttershy was the antithesis to everything that I was: sweet, innocent, loving and passive. Perhaps this ironic clash in personalities was why fate deemed it necessary for our paths to cross? I was never much of a philosopher, preferring to be more of a doer than a thinker.

"Good morning, Fen!" Fluttershy beamed, having noticed my presence. She began to scratch and stroke my head and chin, an action that I welcomed with tongue-lolling glee. I'm still a canine and it's a fact that we enjoy having our heads stroked and our chins scratched. Maybe if I'd received more of that, I wouldn't have joined my brother in the final battle and slain the king of the gods.

Okay, I'm lying about that part but the point still stands.

"Breakfast is almost done. How do you feel about bacon?"

Behind her, the meat crackled and popped on the stove. I knew what pork was but on the rare occasions that I was fed the succulent treat, it was always in the form of raw chunks of freshly-sliced pig-flesh. I had never eaten a cooked meal and was curious as to how it would taste.

"I've never had it," I answered truthfully. "But I'm ready to try it!"

Dumping the meat onto a plate, Fluttershy deposited it onto the floor in front of me. Three strips of red and yellowish-brown pork sizzled on the plate. Waiting for it to cool, I took a small bite at the end of one strip, my eyes widening at the taste. It was as if I'd discovered the true meaning of life, all of the joy and ecstasy contained in the cosmos sealed in a piece of meat. I quickly went to work devouring the bacon, my tongue assaulted by the dual tastes of the meat and the juices that drizzled off of it, coating my muzzle in the fatty liquid but it didn't matter so long as the bliss lasted.

Bacon was my new religion and I, it's devout worshiper.

"Easy, you don't want to get a tummy ache!" The mare giggled, an infectious sound that brought an ineffable mirth to my soul. "I suppose I don't have to ask if you enjoyed it."

I licked the juice off of my lips and nose as best I could.

"It's the greatest thing I've ever tasted!"

I understood the concept of hyperbole but I've never had a use for the concept and I wasn't about to start now. Exaggeration was for yellow-bellied poets. Bacon was far more satisfying than the blood of Odin or a houseful of farmers could ever hope to be.

Fluttershy picked me up, a gesture I found extremely degrading but allowed it if only it meant that I could feel the softness of her coat against mine.

"I'm glad that I could give that to you."

Something clattered on the floor and I beheld a snow-white rabbit gesturing to a bowl, tapping a foot impatiently.

I fought back the urge to leap down and bite his impudent little head off. I'd eaten hundreds of his kin and would have no qualms about introducing him to my digestive tract but then that would end in a two-pronged challenge. First, it'd mean that I'd lose the protection and servitude of Fluttershy and second, once word would spread that I was a vicious and bloodthirsty animal, no one in their right mind would want to care for me. Instead, I swallowed my rage, deciding on a warning glare to the lagomorph.

"I'll prepare your meal shortly, Angel. Fen, I want you to meet Angel. Angel, this is Fen and he's going to be staying with us."

"What?! Him?" The rabbit exploded. "He's a wild animal!"

"Speak for yourself," I muttered, something that he caught due to his gigantic ears.

"Angel," Fluttershy chided him. "Aren't all of our friends 'wild animals?' Since when do you have an issue with that?"

Angel threw his arms out. "But that's a wolf. Wolves eat rabbits!"

Regrettably, Fluttershy placed me on the floor so that me and Angel were only a few feet apart.

"Oh, but Fen's a nice wolf." Fluttershy knelt down in front of me. "Fen, tell Angel you're not going to hurt him."

The rabbit stood with his arms crossed, an eyebrow raised.

I sighed, "I'm not going to hurt you, Angel."

"There, now I want you two to try to get along." Even though her voice was as soft as ever, it was clear that this was a command and not a suggestion. "Is that understood?"

"Yes," I immediately agreed, topping it off with a big grin.

Angel rolled his eyes. "Yeah, sure."

"Excellent. Now Fen, why don't you go play outside? I'm sure the other animals would like to meet you."

Reluctantly, I gazed towards the door. Social interaction was never one of my strongest attributes. I'd spent most, if not all of my life stuck by myself, no man or beast save for Tyr possessing the guts to even be near me voluntarily. I dreaded the thought of going out there, knowing full well that they'd only flee from my visage but Fluttershy's smile was so hopeful that I decided to give it a try. Maybe they wouldn't be put off by my new form?

The door latched behind me and I soon found myself trudging through the glass, the panic soon rising within me like a flame. I looked to my left then my right. So far, the various critters that roamed the cottage's grounds were wary of me but remained where they were, watching me through curious eyes. It was almost strange to see living beings not fearing me but it actually felt pretty nice. Selecting a spot in the grass, I circled in place a couple of times before settling down, watching the birds flying, tweeting and squawking among the trees.

I closed my eyes and sighed, enjoying the gentle breeze in my fur, the myriad of scents flowing in and out of my nostrils. Was this what peace was like? Admittedly, I was predisposed to a symphony of blood-curdling screams and the smashing of wood but the bliss of the serenity of nature was nice too. Squirrels chattered in the trees, rabbits scrambled through the grass and a few deer strode in the field a few feet away, all of them going about their usual business as though I wasn't even there. The sun was shining, heating me up like a pot over a fire pit and I was loving it.

That is, until I felt something poking me in the ribs. Even before I opened my eyes, I knew who the interloper was. The smell of game was unmistakable.

"What do you want?" I snapped, though my childish voice came off as more whiny than threatening.

Angel rolled his eyes, jabbing me once more with his paw. "I know you're not what you're pretending to be."

"And what is that?"

"A cute, innocent pup."

I grinned at the rabbit. "You think I'm cute?"

He narrowed his eyes. "Fluttershy may be fooled but I'm onto you. I don't know what exactly your game is but I know you're up to something. I'll be watching you, 'Fen,'" he warned and hopped away.

I watched him go and chuckled to myself. So what if one little bunny was suspicious of me? He had no proof and to anyone else, it came off as petty jealousy. It really was a shame that I couldn't eat him. I rose to all four paws and shook myself, finding the serenity ruined by Angel's visit and elected to go for a walk.

The unparalleled tranquility of the surrounding field was so peaceful that I forgot all of my worries and stress, electing to lose myself to the feel of the grass beneath my paws and the gentle morning breeze ruffling my fur. It's strange how vibrant everything in this realm is. When was the last time I could just enjoy myself? It had to have been centuries at this point. Being chained to a rock in the middle of an isolated patch of land with nothing to do but stare off into the distance doesn't exactly aid in one's ability to keep track of time.

But I digress.

My ear swiveled in the direction of the cottage, picking up the sound of Fluttershy's voice. Curious, I stalked towards the backyard, where I found my new owner chatting with what looked to be a quintet of ponies. Aside from Rainbow Dash, there was a unicorn, two earth ponies, one orange and wearing a hat and the other pink with a blissfully idiotic look in her eyes. What was most intriguing to me, however, was the one mare with both a horn and wings. She must be one of those "alicorns" Fluttershy brought up, who apparently served as the gods of this world.

How curious. The purple one seems too young and adorable to be an all-powerful goddess.

Vafthruthnir's beard, did I just refer to a pony as "adorable"?

"Oh, there he is!"

Fluttershy scooped me into her forelegs, pressing me against the soft tuft of her chest fur.

"Say hi to Fen!"

The purple alicorn smiled at me. "Hi Fen. I'm Twilight Sparkle."

"Hello Twilight," I said, cocking my head at her. "Fluttershy tells me that you're like a god."

Twilight stared expectantly at Fluttershy, who translated, "He says hello and wonders if you're a god."

"Who, me? No. I'm just a princess."

The pink earth pony shot up so that the tips of our noses were touching.

"I'm Pinkie Pie and you are a cutie-patootie!" The mare loudly proclaimed before addressing Fluttershy. "You should bring him around Sugarcube Corner for a play date! I'm sure Gummy would appreciate it."


"Her pet alligator," Fluttershy helpfully explained.

I had no idea what an "alligator" was, so I merely nodded.

Next up, the orange pony with the hat stepped up, carefully studying me as if I were a prize pheasant. She peeked into my ears, splayed out my paws and opened up my mouth to look at my teeth. Standing back, she nodded approvingly.

"He looks purty healthy fer a pup livin' inna Everfree," she commented and I found myself perplexed by her manner of speaking. It sounded simplistic but her gaze was anything but stupid. "Ah could watch him if ya ever need help."

"Thanks Applejack. I'm sure Winona would like to make a new friend."

I loathe to admit it but I was enjoying being the center of attention, having these mares all taking turns introducing themselves and giving me something other than curses or cruel looks. If anything, they looked positively enthralled by my status as a mere pup, Pinkie Pie and Applejack especially. The unicorn, who I learned was called Rarity, was nice enough, though she didn't want to get wolf hair all over her coat. I wonder if she is indeed a noble-born. The last time I encountered a noble, I was passing him and his family through my digestive tract.

Honestly, they taste the same as the commoners.

"So how long until he gets bigger?" Rainbow Dash interjected. "He's kind of small."

Get a little closer to my jaws and I'll make you the same height as me.

Fluttershy unknowingly calmed me with a chin scratch. You're lucky, Rainbow.

"Oh, it'd take at least a year before he's fully grown."

That's what the Asgardians thought and look how that turned out. Then again, new body, new rules. I furrowed my brow at this. Does this mean that I'm now an ordinary canine? I'll live and die after six or eight years?

My paws touched the ground, jolting me out of my thoughts. I decided to store them for further inspection at a later date, instead focusing on the mares' chatter. Hopefully, they could give me more information on this world.

"Princess Celestia sent me a letter saying that she'd be able to visit Ponyville in a few weeks."

My ears twitched at this. Princess Celestia was apparently the ruler of these lands, the one responsible for moving the sun and was pretty much a goddess to these ponies. This could be interesting.

Pinkie Pie clapped and threw some bits of cut-up paper. "Yay! I could throw her a welcome party." She then gave out a prolonged gasp and her hooves flew to her cheeks, her eyes widening comically large as she caught sight of me. "I could throw Fen a party too!"

Wait, were things really so uneventful that a new pet was worthy of a feast?

Fluttershy looked at me worriedly. "O-only if Fen is okay with it. Are you?"

They actually wanted to throw a party in my honor? I'd never attended a party before, let alone had a celebration devoted to me. These ponies didn't even know me, didn't have a clue of who I am or the things that I've done but they still wanted to welcome me to their home. My eyelids felt wet so I must've been feeling allergic to pollen from the nearby flowers. I smiled and nodded, much to Pinkie's elation, the oddball bouncing around on her tail and head.

Did no one question this?

Bidding her friends good bye, Fluttershy took me inside for lunch, which consisted of chopped-up chicken with bits of broccoli and carrots mashed in. I devoured this scrumptious meal with gusto, still somewhat unbelieving at how well my new life was turning out. Angel, meanwhile, watched me the whole time, contemptuously gnawing on his carrots. Much to his irritation, I ignored him. Things would be tense between us for a while but I knew it'd die down eventually.

Afterwards, Fluttershy had to run some errands in town and took me along, showing me the sights and pointing out the different businesses and residents. I didn't really care but I humored her, feeling oddly grateful to the pegasus for all she'd done for me. I shook my head. This was simply me returning her hospitality, nothing more. At the very least, she didn't try to engage in too much conversation with me.

As we walked around, I took note of her radiant smile and cheery disposition towards others. Even though she was quite shy and timid, Fluttershy was nice and polite towards everyone. I had to hide a smirk at the attention she received from several stallions, evidently being considered quite the beauty. As a wolf, I had no attraction towards equines but I suppose that from a purely physical standpoint, Fluttershy could be attractive. Her pink mane was long and soft as rosebuds, her eyes a lovely shade of blue and her voice as soothing as the dulcet strings of a harp.

Yes, she was quite a fine specimen and would make some stallion very happy someday.

We arrived back at the cottage with a collection of bags, some of which I carried despite Fluttershy's protests. She was worried that the weight would be too much for me but I happily proved her wrong. It was a tad strange that I was able to carry a sack of potatoes twice my size along with some shopping bags on my back but I chalked it up to my own willpower. Then again, I was strong as a pup in my previous life even before my jotunn strength manifested so it stood to reason that the same would occur here. Once the food was put away, Fluttershy rewarded me with a bone-shaped treat she called a "dog biscuit," which had a hard texture but tasted like grain and fish.

As I gnawed on the dog biscuit, seated upon a large soft pillow, I found Angel once again glaring suspiciously at me out of the corner of my eye but I was unconcerned. So far this new life has been great, affording me a glimpse of what existence as a royal was like. I mused to myself that my new "master" was more akin to a servant: giving me exquisite meals, heaping praise upon me and even bestowing upon me the gift of belly rubs. This was a far cry from being kept in a stable and being fed at sword point, all the while receiving fearful or even disgusted glances and harsh words. I could only imagine what the gods would've felt at seeing me living in the lap of luxury and tried to picture wherever it was that they ended up.

It'd be hilarious if they were all reborn as dogs.

Yes sir, I was a king in my own little proverbial fiefdom, having every and all of my needs tended to by a kindly benefactor. The Great Devourer was now deemed a cutesy, innocent little pup by a group of unknowing equines. Heh, had I known it was this easy, I would've done this act eons ago and had Odin himself picking up my droppings. Curling up on my pillow as my mistress stroked my head lovingly, I felt secure in my new role as a pampered house pet, my life now stress-free and paradisaical from here on out.

What a fool I was.

Author's Note:

Pronunciation Guide:

Jotunn (yo-ton): Giant
Vafthruthnir (vaff-threwth-near): A jotunn known for his great wisdom
Valhalla (vahl-hall-ah): Odin's great hall in Asgard