• Published 27th May 2020
  • 8,702 Views, 537 Comments

A Pup Named Fenrir - MisterEdd

After his death at Ragnarok, Fenrir finds himself reborn in a strange new land and as a pup!

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Farmyard Fen

The town square was still quite heavily populated, this evidently being the busiest part of the day. I watched the ponies making their transactions, passing gold coins between one another in exchange for various goods. An orange-maned mare was selling carrots next to a trio of what I presumed to be sisters with a cart full of flowers. Seeing all of these friendly, joyful faces was a stark contrast to the dingy stables of Asgard or the Iron Woods of Jotunnheim. Here, no one fled from my presence or shot me venomous glares, all of which served to give me the oddest sense of normalcy.

I soon happened upon a structure resembling a tent, the exterior colored purple, white, and pink with little horse figurines on the top and hearts painted above the door. With its bright colors and decorations, the building stood as the ultimate expression of femininity. In fact, it was almost sickening in how girly it was, almost as if designed by a four-year-old and brought to life by a doting mother. At least it smelled good, carrying within it the scent of lemon and vanilla. Two mares, an earth pony and a unicorn, soon entered the premises and I decided to follow, if only to satisfy my curiosity.

The interior was startlingly sterile, everything from the beige pink floors to the orchid curtains visibly sparkled, making it the cleanest place I'd ever visited. Then again, I spent most of my life inside of a stable and trapped on an island so what did I know? I finished gazing at the immaculate decor to find the two mares from before speaking to an ivory white unicorn whose curly indigo mane had a glossy sheen to it like the shell of a beetle. Yes, if I was remembering correctly, she was a part of Twilight Sparkle's entourage. She had a heavy floral scent to her that I greatly appreciated but her mane smelled vaguely like some sort of foul chemical concoction that nearly had me gagging.

"For you," the white mare said, indicating the unicorn, who was a mint color. "I would suggest a single-shoulder gown in a nice shade of green, perhaps dark pastel."

She then gestured towards the beige earth pony.

"As for you..."

The white mare noticed me standing there and let out a huge gasp.

"Oh my goodness! Hi, Fen! Come here, boy. Come here!"

I found her treatment of me like a dog slightly insulting but I let it go and raced towards her. She scratched my ears and head and although hooves lacked the dexterity of hands, they were sufficient enough for their task. The other ponies, who didn't seem to mind my intrusion, also took turns stroking my fur, complimenting its softness and telling me what a good boy I was. I didn't feel particularly good but who was I to dispute them? Even if I could, I wouldn't, not when I was receiving treatment like this.

I started to feel a tinge of not-feeling-great about my inability to remember the white mare's name.

What was it again?


Yes, that's it.

All at once, three fillies came clip-clopping down the nearby staircase and skidded to a stop. The first was a unicorn with a pink and purple mane and green eyes that reminded me of Jörmungandr's. The second was a yellow earth pony with a red mane and a giant pink bow located at the back of her head. Rounding out the trio was a pegasus possessing an orange coat and short shaggy purple mane that I almost mistook for an earth pony due to her minuscule wings. The mares, regrettably, ceased their ministrations and the one named Rarity addressed the little unicorn:

"Yes, what is it, Sweetie Belle?"

"We're going to play in our clubhouse."

Rarity smiled at the little unicorn. "Well, alright, but do be back by four. You have that doctor's appointment at five."

She looked down at me, then back at the fillies.

"And take Fen with you. As much as I enjoy his company, I do have customers to attend to."

Sweetie Belle nodded. "You've got it! What do you think?"

"Sounds good t' me," the one with the bow replied. "Wha' do ya say, Scoots?"

The pegasus shrugged. "Sure, no problem."

"See you later, Sis!"

The three galloped away and I had to move doubly quick in order to keep up with them. Mercifully, they regressed to a walking pace, allowing me to stop and catch my breath. The fillies-Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo-began chatting about things that happened in school, which colts they liked or whatever was going on in their own lives. Honestly, I sort of tuned them out. I mean, it wasn't as though I was able to converse with them, let alone relate to and understand what any of them were going through.

"I mean, it's kind of neat that Fluttershy got herself a dog."

My ears perked up at Scootaloo's voice.

"Actually, he's a wolf," Sweetie Belle corrected her.

"Yeah, Ah've seen pictures of wolves an' he looks more like 'em," Apple Bloom added.

"That is so awesome!" Scootaloo declared. "Imagine what he'll be like when he grows up."

Oh, trust me, filly. I don't have to imagine.

We soon arrived at an apple farm, that sweet, tangy aroma titillating my olfactory senses. As we passed through, I found that I couldn't tear my eyes away from the juicy red fruit hanging from the trees, just begging to be eaten and savored. You might think that as a carnivore, I'm incapable of appreciating apples but that's not true. The Hunger allowed me to devour just about anything: wild animals, people, wood, straw, et cetera. As long as it was edible, I could wolf it down.

No pun intended.

The fillies guided me towards a small wooden structure built inside of a tree, something that momentarily caught me off-guard, as children on Midgard didn't have such curiosities such as this. I mean, a house in a tree is such an odd concept that one wonders how someone could come up with it in the first place. I followed the fillies up the ramp without much prompting and entered the tree-house, which was actually quite cozy, if I do say so myself. The three took their seats and I chose a spot next to Sweetie Belle, seeing as how Rarity essentially placed me into her care.

"So, what do we do now?" Scootaloo asked the others. "We've got a couple of hours to spare."

"We could play Monopony," Apple Bloom offered.

"Nah, that takes too long. Hint?"

Sweetie Belle shook her head. "No, that game drags, especially when you're trying to figure out who did what in which room."

Seriously? They were so dead-set on getting here yet all they can do is figure out their next move? Why waste time being inside when they could be playing outdoors? It was a beautiful day and three young fillies should spend it enjoying nature. I know I would if I were them.

Having had my fill of this nonsense, I got up and began scratching at the door.

"Hey, what are you doing?!"

"Ah think he's tryin' t' tell us somethin'."

Sweetie Belle glanced at me, then at the door.

"Do you want to go outside, boy?"

I nodded, adding in a little whimper. Sweetie Belle's horn lit up with a light green aura and the door unlocked. I scrambled outside, down the ramp and onto the grass, the fillies following close behind. Before Sweetie Belle could react, I turned and leapt at her, tackling her to the ground and licking her face. Despite her initial protestation, she eventually began shrieking with laughter, then rolling over and enveloping me in a hug.

"Aw, you just wanted to play, didn't you?"

I yipped in affirmation. Noticing a red wagon beneath the tree-house, I ran over and, seizing the handle with my teeth, dragged it over to the trio. All three looked at one another and appeared to have the same idea.

"Do yah wanna pull us around?" Apple Bloom inquired, to which I nodded.

Scootaloo was skeptical. "Pulling an empty wagon is one thing, but there's no way you could possibly be able to move it with all three of us."

Taking this to be a challenge, I slipped underneath Scootaloo and lifted her onto my back, earning me a surprised squeak-laugh. Considering the fact that I was at least two foot shorter than them only demonstrated my incredible strength, a fact that left me rightfully prideful. The other two stared at me in awe and I set Scootaloo back down, having already made my point. Without further prompting, the fillies gathered some rope to build a makeshift harness and reins, attaching the gear before climbing into the wagon. Apple Bloom snapped the reins and I started off slow, adopting a brisk, speed-walk pace to ensure a safe experience.

I took them on a few laps of the farm, taking in the fresh air and the pleasantly overwhelming odor of apples. From the porch of the farmhouse, I spotted Winona watching me with a large grin and nodding in approval, her bushy brown tail wagging excitedly. I hadn't intended on showcasing my skills as a prospective mate and father to Winona but it seemed as though luck was on my side. I smiled and nodded back, putting a bit of an extra bounce in my step. With the wind in my fur and fresh, apple-scented air in my lungs, I strode forward feeling invincible.

Stopping at the farmhouse, the fillies unhitched me from the wagon and gave me extra pats for "being such a good boy," each one taking turns talking about how strong and awesome I was. I'm pretty sure I must've been blushing from the attention, as I was unaccustomed to praise and affection. Whenever people talked about how big and strong I was back on Asgard, it was fear- and disgust-based observation rather than complimentary astonishment.

The three headed inside the house, later returning with a doggie bowl filled with apple cider that Apple Bloom set before me, adding in a chin and neck scratch for good measure. My hindleg madly kicked at the touching of my sweet spot, my tongue lolling out as I panted wildly. None of you are canines, so it is difficult to describe the sensation. All I can say is, it feels fantastic, something akin to getting a massage and the masseuse manages to get out a particularly tough knot that'd been plaguing you for months. The only downside is that the one who's giving it has to eventually stop.

"Now, y'all just stay out here an' be a good boy," Apple Bloom commanded in a somewhat juvenile tone. "We'll be back out inna few mintues, 'kay?"

I nodded in understanding, adding in a little bark for good measure.

"Good boy!"

The trio entered the house once again and I decided to sample the cider they'd been gracious enough to leave me. Lapping tentatively at it, I became entranced by the tangy sweetness and hungrily guzzled it down. Smacking my lips, I soon regretted drinking it all and desired more. Seriously, what do they put in these apples? They're almost as scrumptious as meat.

Well, almost. Nothing can compare to the savory juiciness of sinking your teeth into a hunk of fresh meat.

I caught a whiff of a familiar feminine scent and found Winona staring at me from the porch.

"Mind if Ah join ya?"


She scampered over and sat down next to me.

"Tha' was real sweet what ya'll was doin' fer th' Cutie Mark Crusaders."

"The what?"

Winona giggled. "It's wha' they call themselves. They're uh little club dedicated to helpin' colts an' fillies findin' their cutie marks."

"'Cutie marks'?" I questioned.

I still have a lot to learn about this world.

"Ain't ya ever heard of those? It's those markin's they have on their flanks. It's what tells them what they're meant fer."

Interesting. So a magical insignia signifies what ponies are supposed to do with their lives? This opened up a whole slew of philosophical questions that I had neither the time nor comprehensive skills to contemplate. I figured that I’d leave that sort of thing for Gummy to question and let him deal with it. Instead, I wanted to get to know my future bitch more on a personal level. What? It's not an insult if you're referring to a female canine.

"So how old are you?"

Clicking her tongue, Winona held up a paw and pointed a toe into the air.

"Ah, ah, ah, ya never ask uh lady her age but in case ya was wonderin', Ah'm nearly fifty-seven. So Ah'm much too old fer uh pup like ya."

"You'd be surprised at learning my age," I smiled cryptically. "Looks can be deceiving."

"Oh really? So how old are ya, may Ah ask?"

"At least two-thousand, five-hundred and forty-seven. I'm not good with numbers."

There was a temporary silence, then Winona broke out in wheezing laughter.

"My, my, Fen, ya'll are just too much! Tha's a good one, there. Over two-thousand. Ha!"

"Yeah, that's me. Funny puppy."

I didn't think she'd believe me but it was worth a try. Now, you might be wondering why, if I was so gung-ho on keeping my true nature hush-hush, I would attempt to tell Winona my secret. I don't know, I guess I wanted more than just Angel to know the real me, or at least, as much as I was willing to show. Having to constantly pretend to be something that you're not is quite draining and a part of me is tired of hiding. I want to be more than just Fen, the cute little stray pup.

Besides, isn't any relationship built on trust?

"Yer quite strong fer a little fella," Winona commented. "Ah don't know how ya did it but it was quite impressive."

"I must get that from my father. He's a Giant."

"Well, they say size runs in th' family so ya might be pretty big someday."

Yes, someday soon...

"I'm sure I can lift more than just a wagon."

"Ah'm sure ya could, stud."

I could feel my insides heating up, my blood quickly coursing through me.

"Is that a challenge?"

Winona smirked. "It ain't uh dinner invitation."

A little side-grin wormed its way onto my face.

"Follow me."

With Winona in tow, I looked around for something to prove my giant's strength, searching high and low for a worthy opponent. I soon spotted a discarded plow in a nearby field and sped over to it, deeming it perfect for my goal. Muttering a prayer to my grandparents Fárbauti and Laufey, I took the rope into my teeth, the corded material tasting like horse-flesh, dirt, and sweat. Ignoring the bitterness in my mouth, I began to heave, the plow's blade stuck deep within the earth. I groaned through the rope, tugging at it with all of my might.

"Fen, it's okay. Ya ain't got nothing to prove-..."

The plow budged, much to Winona's shock, and I began to drag it behind me. It took some effort but I managed to pick up speed, the plow cutting through the dirt like a longboat on the whale-road. I made it ten feet before exhaustion set in and I dropped the rope from my mouth to allow me to regain my breath, my lungs burning as I loudly panted. It had certainly taken more effort than pulling three fillies in a little red wagon but my satisfaction outweighed my bone-tired weariness. Winona still gawked incredulously at me, having clearly never seen such a feat, especially not from a creature as small and seemingly weak-looking as I.

"How...how did...?"

I gave her a toothy grin.

"Giant's blood," I boldly and, somewhat cheekily, claimed.

We both turned, having collected an audience. The Cutie Mark Crusaders, along with Applejack, a large red stallion, and a wizened old mare had gathered a few feet away, their eyes widened and their mouths hanging open in amazement. Well, this was new. So far, no one was screaming or fleeing in mortal terror and I thus counted this as a win. Applejack approached and bent down so that she could meet my gaze.

"Yer one tough li'l thing, ain't ya? Small like uh rabbit yet strong as uh bull."

She then reached out and scratched my head.

"Yah've got uh future as uhn apple farmer ahead of yah."

"Eeyop," the big red stallion uttered cheerfully.

Apple farming? Hmm, not the most prestigious of positions but not terrible either.

I licked Applejack's snout, a gesture she was appreciative of, if her huge smile was of any indication.

"Well then," Winona giggled. "Ah guess Ah'll be seein' more of ya 'round here, huh?"

"You'd better believe it," I mischievously winked at her, causing her to roll her eyes.


I stayed on the farm for a few hours, mostly playing with the CMCs and even giving them each a ride on my back. Sure, it was tiring but we all had fun and that made it worth it. Sweetie Belle had to leave for her doctor's appointment, giving me a farewell kiss on the snout and a hug. I can't say that I'm fond of kisses but hugs are quite nice, especially when combined with back scratches. I shall make it mandatory that I should receive hugs from all who cross my path.

Afterwards, Applejack sent me home with a small wagon containing some apple pies and cider for me to share with Fluttershy. As I returned to the house, the sweet aroma tempted me with its beatific promises of pleasure, the scent occupying every fiber of my being. A familiar pain returned to my core, a stinging pressure that traveled up from my stomach to my chest. No, no it was too soon! The Hunger was returning!

Blood pounded in my ears, my teeth set on edge as I ground my jaws together. I could no longer resist. I mean, was one teeny-tiny bite going to hurt anyone? Selecting the largest pie, I took a small nibble from it, just barely breaking past the crust bordering the gooey, cinnamon-scented interior. Oh gods, it was so scrumptious!


Maybe another bite was okay? I took a bigger sample of the pie, this time catching a chunk of apple, the piece practically melting in my mouth. A third couldn't possibly be bad, right? Or a fourth? Fifth?

What started as a few minuscule samples turned into a feeding frenzy. The next thing I knew, I was devouring the pie whole, unabashedly covering my face in crumbs and apple slices. I paused mid-bite and looked over the results of my insane gorging. To my shame, three of the four pies were gone, banished to the recesses of my stomach. It wasn't that I was mortified of eating the pies per se, but rather because I'd lost control over the Hunger, and just once was enough.

When I'd banished the Hunger earlier, it wasn't a permanent fix; I'd merely banished it temporarily. I really believed I had a handle on it as I'd previously conquered those cravings in my previous life and I thought I could do so again. Perhaps this was the cost of having a new body, one that was adjusting to a new world. It then occurred to me that the magic flowing through me may also need time to "recharge" itself so to speak, hence why I was still so weak. Denying the Hunger was also affecting my growth and magical reserves but I couldn't afford to satisfy it again.

Wiping my face with my forelegs, I moodily slunk up to the cottage with my head held low and my tail between my legs. It felt as though all of the progress that I'd been making had just been squandered and all because I was weak. I'd let Fluttershy and the others down, betraying them for ephemeral gratification. Shaking loose the harness to the wagon, I climbed through the doggie door to find Angel slumped inside of a small wicker basket, a bowl of nuts sitting on his belly. He lazily raised his head up and peered nonchalantly at me.

"Hey. Where've you been?"

"At Sweet Apple Acres," I replied, trying desperately to conceal my bad mood. "You?"

"Hopping around the woods. It was a nice day out so I thought, 'Why not?'"

I encircled a spot on the floor and collapsed into a ball of self-loathing.

What else is new?

"What's wrong with you?"


Angel gave me a suspicious once-over. "You sure? You look like someone took your favorite squeaky toy."


There was a knock at the door.

"Hello? Anypony home?"

The door slowly opened and a gray head with a head of yellow hair poked in.

"Hello? Flutters?"

The mare entered fully, revealing herself to be a pegasus with a brown satchel hanging around one shoulder. Perhaps she was a messenger of some kind? What really caught my attention were her eyes, which stared off in two different directions. I suppose she must've had an accident as a filly or had even been born like that. How did she see anyway?

Derpy, as that was the only guess I had as to the mare's identity, soon spotted Angel and grinned.

"Hi, Angel! Fluttershy asked me to come over and check up on you!"

The rabbit merely glared at Derpy as she made her way over to him and began to rub his head. Based on his grimace, he was not enjoying the treatment and I could see why. Derpy was petting him a little too roughly but clearly with loving intentions rather than malice. As she couldn't communicate with him, his discomfort was lost on the funny-eyed pegasus. Thankfully, she soon stopped before turning her attention to me, her smile deepening with glee. Uh-oh...

"You must be Fen! You are soooo cute!"

Seizing me around the midsection, Derpy hauled me up and hugged me tightly, my head fitting under her chin. Okay, this wasn't ideal but I didn't see the problem. Then one of her hooves began rubbing my belly and I felt my anger meter turn from zero to one hundred. I hate belly rubs, especially when done poorly. Only Fluttershy can touch my belly, not you, Crazy Eyes!

"Who's got a soft wittle tum-tum? You do!"

The only thing I hated worse than belly rubs was baby talk.

"So cutey-wutey!"

At least Derpy placed me gently back on the floor when she was done. I scampered away and gave myself a good shake. For once, Angel wasn't grinning at my expense, instead shaking his head as if to say, "I understand." Huh, what do you know? The rabbit isn't a total pain in the ass.

Just half.

Derpy soon made herself at home, setting up a plate of sliced celery stalks for Angel and a bowl of dog food for me. Angel dug into his meal with gusto, whereas I sniffed at my food and merely laid back down. I sighed and turned away in disgrace.

"No, thanks. I'm not hungry..."

Author's Note:

Pronunciation Guide:

Laufey (la-ow-fee): Mother of Loki

Note: "whale-road" is a kenning (poetic figure-of-speech) for "the sea"