• Member Since 25th Jan, 2016
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"... okay, I have another plan!"



Many years have passed since the Clone Wars ended. Now the new Empire strives to take total control of the entire galaxy, and crush the Rebels who keep standing in their way. But when an astromech droid crosses path with the daughter of a Jedi and a bounty hunter, the Rebels will soon find themselves with some new friends, and returning old ones...

Collaboration with Scholarly-Cimmerian.

Chapters (17)
Comments ( 32 )

Solid start so far, Four. I quite enjoyed seeing this chapter in its full, completed form! :pinkiehappy:

I think my favorite parts had to do with our introduction to Flurry Heart and her life with her moms. Did a good job establishing a lot about her and her character, or the home environment that she has had. (Not to say that I didn't enjoy everything else, i very much enjoyed the appearance of the Rebels crew in that raid around the start. :yay:

"I'm saying you can do it. Just give it a try."

Nope, remember when it comes to the Force, "Try not, Do or Do Not, there is no try."

The synopsis confuses me. What does any of it have to do with Equestria Girls?

I quite enjoyed this second chapter. There were some pretty delightful cameos peppered throughout (Triple Zero! :yay: :pinkiecrazy: ) as well as a nice forward progression on the story with Flurry and the droids. Also enjoyed the look at Bon-Bon and Lyra's dealing with Jabba.

Well done. Hey, I have a few ideas that you could use if you want.

Job well done.

This was a busy chapter! We met quite a few characters in here - glad to see the Student Six as members of the Rebel Alliance, I'm looking forward to seeing what may come of their interactions with Flurry and her own family down the line. :rainbowlaugh:

And also, we got to meet Rainbow Dash and Applejack too. Cool. :ajsmug:

As always, Four, I was more than happy to be of assistance in editing this. :twilightsmile:

On the topic of Star Wars, I will have to say, my favorite character is just General Grievous, hands-down.

Solid work as always, Four. :twilightsmile: Glad to see more of this story and I quite enjoyed the space battle portion of this chapter. As well as the scene between Captain Phasma and Darth Midnight.

Wow, what are the odds?

Awesome story. Enjoying it immensely. Looking forward to reading more. :twilightsmile:

It was a wait, but very much worth it, Four. :pinkiehappy:
Lots of fun to see the various cameos in this chapter - everybody from the droids like Chopper and K2 (really found his interaction with Flurry to be hilarious), as well as other faces as well. :twilightsmile:

And we got another tease of our major Dark Side leader here... Midnight's little Force-vision confrontation with Sunset was nicely done.

"Fifteen years," Lyra answered.

I always wondered about the time on Empire Rise to power

You respond to comments by moving your mouse over to the right-hand corner of the comment you want to reply to and clicking on the >> that appears. Will you be doing all of the Star Wars films?

Clearly, the new arrivals to the Rebel Alliance are in need of some major adjustments if they're going to really make it in the fight against the Empire. :rainbowlaugh: I really got a bang out of Rainbow Dash in this chapter; her freaking out about being "old" and not in her prime was SO in character. :yay:

Poor Flurry though. She's clearly got a lot ahead of her before she can make it as a Rebel. (Not gonna lie, kinda flashed back a little to Zootopia with Spitfire telling her "You're dead!" in that one training scene. XD)

And on a more serious note... that ending scene with our introduction to this version of the Emperor... interesting. Most interesting indeed, Four... :raritywink:

Clearly drawing from George's earliest drafts of Star Wars for Palpatine, I see. Not the Sith Master and Dark Lord, but the puppet of his "advisors" and of Darth Vader.

I hope the Resistance can General Kalani.

Solid job with the battle on Cato Neimoidia. The Galactic Empire (and Death Watch on their side) proving to be every bit as horribly ruthless as they ever have been, that's for sure. :twilightoops:

Also, I very much enjoyed the continued look at Flurry Heart and her trials and tribulations in being part of the Rebellion. The "Men in Black"-inspired target test was very enjoyable and quite entertaining. And Spitfire's discussion with Lyra and Bon-Bon was nice too. It's good that even in a part of the story where you have the Empire committing some truly horrid war crimes, there's still moments in the galaxy of lightness and hope. :pinkiesmile:

Definitely getting some Great Escape vibes from the first section of this chapter. Not bad, Four. :twilightsmile:

Also glad to see progress being made with regard to Flurry Heart and the Rebellion. (And that bit with Rainbow Dash and Bon-Bon was just hilarious. :rainbowlaugh: )

Looking forward to seeing how things progress from here. ^_^

Glad to see Flurry make legit progress in her training. :yay: Welcome to the Rebel Alliance, Miss Heart. We're damned glad to have you. :pinkiesmile:

And also, poor Mystery Mint... the Empire really broke her with that latest punishment. :fluttershyouch: She really needs a hug. And I'm glad that one of her fellow prisoners was there to give it to her.

Good chapter, Four. I quite liked Sunset's message that she records. That was nicely written. :twilightsmile:

Also, Lyra and Bon-Bon are quite fun together. I really like those two as a couple the way you write them here :yay:

The bonding between Flurry and the Rebel Six (as I like to call the SW versions of the Student Six) was very fun and charming. :yay:

Looking forward to seeing where the story goes from here, as always. ^_^

Nicely done, Four. I enjoyed this setup to the Rebel operation at the Imperial base. I particularly enjoyed the bit with Sunset and Bon-Bon regarding the complicating factor of Mandalorians on the Empire's side. And as to the Mandos' leader... of course it'd be Lightning Dust.

And it was good to get some legit backstory stuff from one of the Young Six in this universe. Poor Sandbar... and of course, poor Yona as well.

Looking forward to seeing where things go from here! Looks like the pieces are all in place. Now, let's see if the Rebel plan actually survives contact with the enemy...

Glad to have helped with this chapter, Four. :raritywink: I'm especially pleased to have provided the suggestion for the material with the Imperial sergeant. (Well hello, Arch Dornan. What're you doing in Star Wars? :rainbowlaugh: )

All joking aside, I did appreciate this chapter showing more of the intrinsic brutality to the Empire's operations. Employing murderers like Death Watch, their abuses of the prisoners - yeah, the song *kind of* softens the blow a little, but still, it still paints a good picture of the hell that a prison camp is.

And now, the operation has begun... and our Rebel strike team looks to be in pretty dire straits indeed. :rainbowderp:

As always, I will look forward to where this story goes next!

This was fun to read through. I particularly enjoyed seeing IG-11 go full on Terminator against the Empire. :rainbowwild:

Hope that the prisoners' fighting back comes off. Particularly hoping that they can get poor Mystery Mint out of there.

To be clear, the end of this story not the series right?


Nah, I ain't ending the series, not with this.

This the second to last chapter of the story, we're nearing it soon; we've got another chapter left.

This was a good chapter! I really enjoyed the battle material in this one; particularly the clash between Lightning Dust, Flurry and the Young Rebels. I also like the handling of Flurry's first real confrontation with the weighty realization of what war entails for someone... and her Rebel friends comforting/commiserating with her about that kind of burden.

All in all, solid work! Glad that we're close to the end on this first story! Congrats, my friend, you've certainly earned it for sticking to this story. ^_^

Glad to have been a help to you, Four, and it was a real joy to see this journey through to its conclusion. :yay:

I quite enjoyed the opening scene of this chapter with Lady Midnight, Thrawn and Lightning Dust. It was fun, in a cruel sort of way, to see Dust get raked over the coals for her screwup. And it ended on a solid note as well, seeing how the dark lady of the Empire has taken an interest in Flurry Heart...

Speaking of which, it was quite sweet to see a lot of the Rebel victory. Joyous for sure, and actually pretty mellow in its own way; certainly compared to the award scene from the original source material :raritywink: But this works quite nicely. I liked the more reflective moments - seeing Mystery Mint again, Flurry and her moms choosing to stay with the Rebel Alliance and fight for a better future, and of course, that ending song. Fine use of Sunset Shimmer's iconic song there. :pinkiehappy:

Once again, congrats on finishing this story! Looking forward to seeing how the series goes forward in the days ahead!

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