• Member Since 25th Jan, 2016
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"... okay, I have another plan!"


This story is a sequel to Star Wars Episode IV, Rise of the Rebellion

The battle against the Empire continues for the Rebels, and many familiar faces start to emerge from hiding to join the Rebellion to fight. But as the Rebels work to build their forces, the shadow of the Empire continues to loom over them...

Chapters (19)
Comments ( 33 )

Go! Mighty Rainbooms!
They’re rising together to fight for what’s right everywhere!
Mighty Rainbooms!
Protecting their friends from the shadows of the evil Empire!

Warriors of justice and friendship
Rise! Mighty Rainbooms!
Attacking the masters of darkness with one mighty force!
Mighty Rainbooms!
Guarding the galaxy from all forms of danger and dread
Standing for freedom and friends

If I'm right, this is to the tune of 'Mighty Orbots'

They need General Kalani.

Good start to the story, Four! :yay: It was fun to imagine the business with the Rebels on Terra, and the ending return of old friends was another nice treat for sure. :pinkiehappy:

Ah, so another player takes the stage in this chapter... hoo boy. Hello, Adagio, fancy meeting you here... and with the bombshell regarding Derpy, this is really shaping up to be a reunion of your Clone Wars work.

Gonna be interesting to see where this all heads, that's for sure!

This was a nicely done chapter. I quite liked the opening look at / introduction to Midnight's apprentice. (Hello, Luster Dawn!)

Though I think that the real highlight of this chapter for me was the portion in the middle where the Jedi Six catch up and commiserate... particularly for Spike's part of the story about the dark days, and the time of the Empire. Poor guy. :pinkiesad2:

Arriving on Kijimi to look for Ackmena. What a way to bring two very different eras of Star Wars together. :yay: Fun to see Zorii Bliss in this section of the chapter as well, she was a character I rather liked from the movie. :pinkiesmile: As always, I look forward to seeing how this goes from here!

I really enjoyed the team's arrival on Ajan Kloss. There was some fun stuff, like in the Ithorian's shop, and then more serious stuff, particularly regarding the meeting with the clones - and then Derpy's standoff with Adagio. Wow. XD

Also, poor Lyra. She is clearly still carrying baggage from the war. Small blame to her really, but still... wish I could give her a hug.

What does the Star Wars version of Midnight Sparkle look like?

Could you show a picture of any Star Wars character or her actual character for the description?

Happy to have been able to help out, Four. :twilightsmile: This was an enjoyable chapter to see through. I particularly enjoyed the mix of Kijimi and the presence of a character like Ackmena in the setting :yay: :rainbowlaugh:

Lot of fun with the various character interplay in this one. Be it the Jedi Six, Zorii, or the bartender; the droids; and then, on the serious side of things, everything with the Inquisitors.

Looking forward to the next chapter and where things go from here! :pinkiehappy:

That was... Hard to read


I cannot tell if it's from how I formatted/wrote it, or if you mean that in a good way in tone. :twilightblush:

No, I mean the emotional feel was... Pure anger.


... and again, I cannot tell if that's good or bad; was the chapter not fun to read? :twilightblush:

Fun, no. Necessary, yes.

You’re making a grave mistake getting upset with them,” K2 informed. “Perhaps you should tell them how you've been feeling before your emotional state deteriorates and you chase more of your friends away."

K2's second sentence needs to be italicized here. Just a heads up.

Other than that though, not a bad chapter at all!

Apologies for the delay in reading / commenting, Four, but this chapter had some fun stuff in it. The cafeteria fight was a real comedic gem for sure. :rainbowlaugh: Though I can also see that there's definitely some general problems with the Rebels in this setting, not just on the front of anti-clone prejudice. Sunset's clearly under some strain here, given that she can be so blase about a big cafeteria brawl and yet so on-edge about being interrupted elsewhere. Poor woman...

As always, looking forward to seeing where things go from here!

Geez, there was some heavier stuff in this chapter. That opening on Jonsior was a pretty dour reminder that, regardless of the universe or setting, there's always gonna be some asshole who really truly buys into the propaganda and is pretty ready to leap into bed with the dictatorship. :facehoof: Yeesh.

And Sunset's angst continues to mount. I felt bad for Rarity in particular in that one section. Hoo boy. Someone definitely needs an extended shore leave... and speaking of angst, Rainbow Dash definitely has some serious issues with clones (or specifically, ONE clone in particular) going on here. That's gonna be trouble down the road, I'm sure.

So at least the Baker's squad got some levity in this chapter, with gearing up and all. Glad that they got to have that fun at any rate. :pinkiesmile: I'm sure that they're going to need all that they can get in the fight against the Empire.

Nice work, Four. I always really enjoyed the General Kalani episode of Star Wars Rebels and it was fun to see your own spin on the premise with this chapter. It followed several beats from the original but there were still some nice wrinkles along the way, things that made it more than just a copy-paste of the original. (I did enjoy Flurry's calling-out of the Clone Wars veterans, droid and human, for still trying to carry on old fights, rather than take the fight to the ACTUAL enemy who profited off of the war.)

As always, looking forward to where things go next!

The Bracca stuff was nice, especially to see the Young Six start putting a plan together and working with the others effective, though damn... that last section of the chapter with Rainbow Dash and Hurricane... that's gotta be a powerful blow for sure. :rainbowderp: I do not envy either of them, Rainbow for being hit with that revelation or Hurricane for having had to deliver that info.

Ah geez, poor Hurricane. He's in a really unpleasant place right now and I feel very bad for him. I get WHY Rainbow is angry and upset with him for sure, but oi vey, what a rough situation this is for them both. :fluttershyouch:

On the other hand, for the section major section of this chapter... it was nice to see that things are progressing smoothly enough for the crew on Bracca. The musical portion there was cute, and the scene with the characters having dinner was good. Always a nice occasion, bonding over good food. :pinkiehappy:

All told, nice work, and looking forward as ever to the next installment!

Boy, this was an action-packed chapter! I liked the action with the droids versus the Imperials, that was fun to watch unfold.

And as for the section with Lyra... damn, that was sad stuff. I quite enjoyed the back and forth between her and Midnight before their duel. And then the aftermath of it... God, poor Flurry. :fluttershysad:

Oh dear. The emotions were high in this chapter to say the least. Flurry and Bon-Bon are being hit hard by grief, and Sunset... she's clearly really got some PTSD going. There's a lot of anger piling up on her end and her friends (and colleagues, as well) are right to be concerned.

Apologies for the delay in reviewing this, Four. But nice job! I really liked the handling of a lot of the stuff relating to the news of Lyra's death, the funeral in particular was very well done. Poor Flurry... that last scene is really going all-in on the allusion to Empire Strikes Back. She's really getting haunted by the shadow of Midnight and that is not good.

(One little thing, as an aside. I think that you left something out in the news getting broken to the Young Six, because it's said that Lyra was killed, but never who specifically did it. Which makes Silverstream's "that monster" feel just a little odd, at least imo.)

Still, all told, nice work! Looking forward to catching up on the next chapter!

Oh, dear. "Impulsive action" indeed. :fluttershyouch: Flurry, Flurry, Flurry... you have no idea what you're getting into here, or just who you're accepting help from here.

And this is going to do Bon-Bon and Sunset's mental states a whole lot of good, I'm sure. But all the same... I'm very much interested to see just where things will go from here, and just what will come of Flurry's plan to confront Darth Midnight. (As painful as I'm sure it'll be, all the same!)

She was looking at two bodies encased in the amber, two faces only she would recognize. Two women, one with pig-tailed hairs, the other with a curly ponytail, permanently facing forward in horror at the fate that would behold them. Adagio's hands cupped her jaw as she tried not to break down, either screaming or crying. Her heart rate increased, and when Flurry looked around, she felt just as much fear. In one of the amber blocks was a Togruta in her mid-forties, with red skin and white circular tattoos, reaching with a hand out in useless protest. Flurry shuddered in fear as she looked at the next one, an Equestrian man with pale green skin and tree-green hair and a hat, locked in place as he just gazed forward with terror in his eyes and jaw.

If those 2 are who I think they are, are they actually dead?

I need a quick reminder as my Star Wars knowledge is a bit fuzzy as I can’t remember or recall if someone frozen in Amber is considered alive or not (like i vaguely remember in the movies that happening

If I’m remembering something wrong and being a bit dumb right now, please let me know as I will feel a bit stupid for remembering things wrong or thinking about something else :twilightsheepish:


It's okay. ^^

Admittedly the amber tomb is a relatively new thing, it was introduced in the Obi-Wan series, it essentially keeps corpses locked in place.


Ah, I see. That explains it. Thank you for explaining

Also, I feel really bad for Adagio, as I was wondering IF you would show those 2, as I didn’t remember seeing them being mentioned or talked about.

But this, this confirms where they were at 😢


I figured the implication would be enough, but I could give more detail on that much later. ^^


Oo~ more detail would be nice, it would give us a idea on why they are separated and not together all this time

This was a pretty intense chapter! Flurry and Adagio made it to the homeworld of the Sith... Adagio discovered the grim fate of her two sisters :pinkiegasp: ... and now Flurry is a "guest" of the Dark Lady of the Empire herself, Midnight Sparkle. Bet she's really regretting charging off now...

And then on the Rebel side of things, yeah... the girls really need to step in. Sunset is not in a good place at all. She needs help, just as much as poor Bon-Bon does. :pinkiesad2:

As always, looking forward to seeing where things go from here!

Nice to see that her friends look out for her still

Plus, the hooded guy? You got that based off of Death from Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, didn’t you

Hope how the temporary command the five goes

I know the reference in this chapter. :raritywink: All told, that was pretty nicely done, Four. I'm very glad to see Sunset has people looking out for her - both her friends and, well, others too. It was quite bittersweet to see Celestia and all those dead Jedi appear.

Here's hoping that the Jedi Five can keep the ship righted with the Rebellion.

I really liked the scene between Smolder and GG. That was very nicely written. :twilightsmile:

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