• Published 12th Aug 2020
  • 4,429 Views, 569 Comments

Colonel Hooves and the Empire of Crystal - KarmaSentinal

Idol Hooves is tasked with rebuilding the Crystal Guard.

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Chapter 21: Paid time off makes Idol a lost colt.

Author's Note:

Chapter 22 is finished as well and will be posted in a couple of days. I've decided writing two chapters back to back will keep some consistency within the story while keeping me focused on the details in between the words.


Topaz (Cersus to) was so relieved when I eventually strolled through our doors that they failed to noticed my lack of disguise until the nymph pointed it out. By then, it mattered little as we were happy to have our moment so to speak-Viridian even joined in the family hug.

The next week was a time of great tension.

The Royal Sisters had departed while I fought dream demons with some reluctance, but they felt it was prudent to return to Canterlot before some disaster should fall upon their home. The Elements did the same, and it was in passing I learned of Miss Twilight’s near meltdown (their words, not mine) when my origin became known. The reasoning for it was likely out of fear for her family, but one theory was I had known her since a little foal, and this felt like a betrayal to the mare who by some extended saw me as family given my friendship with Shining Armor.

Or it was the idea that changelings didn’t magically appear with no reason other than to crash a wedding as several papers had printed, but indicated our history held more than a single narrative then ‘bug need love, bug go find it’.

Heeding the console of Cadence, I restrained the urge to write that letter to the young mare in the chance it further contributed to her brash state of unhealthiness, and that would do nopony any good. That left the biggest problem to contend with was Shining Armor’s reluctance to speak with me, and while upsetting was understandable. I was truly thankful for the couple’s assistance in watching Cersus while Topaz busied herself with work, and their still willingness (on Cadence’s behalf) to watch the nymph as it appeared the little alicorn had taken a shine to Cersus.

I tried warning the couple of this, but Topaz was very quick to stop that.

The routine after that was much the same as it was during my forced slumber, and Topaz managed to pull some strings with Cadence’s help to take some needed time off so we could ‘focus’ on ourselves. I had some understanding of the phrase’s meaning, and it worried me before discovering Topaz really meant it; we were near inseparable for the few days allotted to us, and my appreciation for the love is unquestionable, I felt the constant muzzling and snuggling would grow stale fast. It didn’t.

It was only when Cadence came to visit us once during that time I learned of the meaning behind nuzzling, and became concerned of its usage in modern Equestria. Cadence revealed it was a custom of marking family and/or mates as recently as 400 years ago, but has fallen out of favor since it is seen as ‘archaic’ and mildly possessive in polite circles. While I found the behavior concerning, Cadence found it amusing and sweet going as far to voice her desire for Shining to run up during court and severely nuzzle her in good faith.

“The Crystal Ponies have been gone for a millennia, and marking isn’t frowned upon as it is in Equestria. In fact, they might celebrate the public display of affection!” Cadence’s love soaked every word, and it made it difficult to concentrate, but Topaz kept me on track with an occasional kick with her rear leg.

“Like when we first arrived- the parade, right?” Topaz asked the pink princess, who nodded excitedly.

“YES! Exactly like that, and I still overhear some ponies bringing that day up in passing. But…” Her expression softened, and I noticed the love dimmed as other emotions infected the words.

“They’re unsure because of me.” I looked down at my hooves since the ring was still on for the time being, but Cadence assured me it would be removed by the end of the week.

The ring still bothered me, but Cersus and Topaz had displayed their views on it differently with Cersus began questioning if the ring could ‘power her up' like the ponies in her friend’s comics, while Topaz became more touchy. I myself disliked it and really wished to shift back into my familiar pony form at the earliest convenience, but that came with a caveat that wouldn’t be disclosed until the horn ring was removed. Topaz most have already been privy to this information for she didn’t seem too bothered by it, and so I noted her mild discomfort as something to be aware of, but nothing else.

It was during the fifth day after my waking when Cersus came by, and not to say she hadn’t before, but this was different from the previous visits. Some prodding uncovered the reasoning for her unusual behavior.

“I kind of foalsit now, but they pay me!” she yelled in a manner Topaz and myself recognized as the nymph being embarrassed and not derived from any actual aggression.

“How lovely! I knew they asked for your help, but this is so adorable!”

“Is the young princess alright?”

Neither found my ‘joke’ funny, and even less when I clarified I wasn’t joking.

The start of the second week saw many changes that left a very wide margin open to interpretation and further casted doubt on my career as a guard.

“I don’t like this feeling of..exposure Topaz.” I groaned as Topaz and myself descended down the flight of stairs, passing the sixth floor only moments ago.

“You’ll have to get used to it, Idol. This isn’t the most ideal situation, but given the rampant fear in Equestria, I say the terms are very generous.” She hissed that last part out as we came upon several members of the castle staff.

I didn’t have to read their emotions to see the fear in their minds, for they were very professional in hiding their discomfort as they gave us a courtesy bow before scurrying up the stairs. Even adorned in my pony hide they still knew what laid beneath, or had heard enough talk to frighten the poor staff into uncontrollable fears.

“They were merciful to the average pony, but I am no more a pony then Cersus is a foal. We may conform to their standards, but will be judged harsher if we should break them.”

“It’ll work out Idol, I promise. You just have to have a little more faith in the ones that care about you, and you’ll find everything will fall into place.”

“You’ve been reading Madam Twilight’s journals I see.” Topaz stuck out her tongue in much the same way I finally knew where the young nymph had learned it from.

‘I will have to apologize to her friends another time.’ I thought as we reached the fourth floor, acknowledged a pair of guards, who returned the gesture with a stiff salute leaving myself feeling better.

We had just begun making our way down the stairs, and once sure there were no other ponies continued with our discussion.

“It’s hard not to read them when the university here simply adores her. The idea that a student of Princess Celestia bearing the artifacts that stopped Discord is a wholesome mare with an incredible talent for magic, and morality? They ate it up, and I even found them enjoyable! They remind me of those old filly mystery novels that would end on a good note.”

“Did you just compare Celestia’s student, and bearer of the Element of Magic to a filly’s novel?” I wasn’t trying to poke fun of the pegasus more so I found the thought amusing, and earned a raspberry from the mare I cherished.

Our personal discussion dwindled down by the time we reached the ground floor where the unease followed me closely like a high noon shadow, yet down here I found the guards more confusing than the ones on the higher levels. For instance, they greeted Topaz and myself with the same courtesy they would any other day, and the act was genuine based on what I could read as we pasted them on our way to the Crystal Heart Plasa.

I made the comment, and Topaz tapped my shoulder with a wing signaling she wanted to drape her wing across my back, leaving us in an awkward discomfort.

“See Idol, not all of the ponies care what’s being said, and you can credit that to being a stellar pony.”

“I find the assumption lacking in fact, but I thank you for the kind words Topaz.” I leaned a little closer where we shared a quick nuzzle as we passed the Crystal Heart.

With the revelation of my heritage within the castle, I am to be given administrative leave for the foreseeable future until the matter can be resolved without sprouting further conflict. It was a nicer way of saying ‘until we figure out what to do with you’, but since Cadence was the one telling me this I believe the honesty behind the words. Here I was trying to pass blame onto them for my own problems, and by extension felt like it was I that betrayed them for not speaking up sooner on my condition. As a result, everypony close to me was suffering the fallout in some way due to their association with myself- Shining Armor took this the hardest.

It’s been nearly a week, and I still haven’t seen nor spoken to him for one reason or another, and that wasn’t for a lack of trying. My attempts ground to a halt after Cadence made it clear he was hurt from the reveal, and needed time to ‘work through this’ as she put it, partly increasing my worry when Topaz used it (but thankfully it wasn’t the same). My best, and oldest friend after Topaz is gone, and it's my own fault once again.

‘One step at a time. You need to take it one step at a time.’

It was Cadence’s will that made Shining Armor tolerate Cersus enough to continue foalsitting young Flurry Heart when needed, and that act alone made it impossible for me to ever repay the kind gesture. In some capacity he knew the nymph didn’t do anything, and I could assume that reason alone he even allowed Cersus near his daughter in the first place given her own heritage.

“There’s a lot of ponies out today, and there isn’t even a festival or reason I’m aware of for this crowd.” Topaz observed as we continued our trek into the plaza center.

“Indeed, maybe they’re tourists seeking to take advantage of the mandatory, Crown issued vacations by taking a holiday abroad?

“Mandatory issued? It’s National Holidays Idol, and you know this. As for tourists, you would be right as my university has been attempting to recruit abroad for the past 5 months.” Topaz finally retracted her wing, and we followed the path that would take us away from the Crystal Castle, and toward the train station on the other side of the city.

The idea wasn’t to get away, more than it was meant to add minutes to our little outing by taking a longer path.

Trotting down this road left me in awe at how much had changed during our stay within the Empire as we noticed an increasing lack of crystal ponies, and a heavy influx of every other pony tribe. Not just ponies, but a few griffions, an odd Diamond Dog, and even a Threstral were mixed in the diverse crowd, leading us to speculate what had sparked this migration with the need to explore.

The station came into view and the little plaza meant to give carriages a space to park, and maneuver had disappeared under the white tents of several merchant stalls that flaunted the appearance of a festival in the making. No sooner had we began visiting the merchant stalls did I detect the faintest brushings of the old Hive Mind located near the very end of the Plaza closets to the Train Station- Topaz noticed my unease.

“What’s wrong Idol?” She whispered as he left the stallion composed of fruits and vegetables from Equestria, and I mentioned what I felt, and planned on doing about it.

“I’m going to pretend to be browsing that merchant's wares as we approach, just long enough to understand the ling’s intentions for a moment before making a decision.”

“I’m coming along as well, and you can’t stop me.” I knew that tone, and wisely kept my mouth shut as we carefully zigzagged our way toward the area I felt it.

Our strategy worked for the most part, and that was primarily because the ling didn’t move from their tent at all. Underneath its white canopy was a single table displaying her entire wares of jarred vegetation that to my astonishment had attracted a respectable crowd of nearly 5 ponies vying for her attention. It was by that time we began filtering out the white noise of the crowd, and focused on the ponies surrounding the stall.

“15 bits, and not a bit more!”
“Would you take 7 bits for the pair?”

These were the most clear statements I heard, but the chatter of several ponies battering became bleared as each pony tried to out-talk their neighbor, making the whole ordeal messy. Still Topaz and myself approached the table as planned and began browsing the assorted jars and collected baskets of produce from Equestria, many we recognized with a select few we didn’t, but the biggest surprise was a jar containing poison joke bulbs. Thankfully, it seemed either the ponies knew what it was, or wanted nothing to do with it. One of the Crystal Ponies (their sheen only lasted a few days after the Crystal Fair) was oblivious to their possible peril when he examined the jar, and wisely lost interest - we waited until they all left leaving us the only two ponies left.

“Greetings! Do you see anything you like?” The mare asked us as she dug into a bag under the table, and produced more jars which were promptly placed on the table. The way she acted didn’t set off any changeling senses, but I had felt the briefest touch of an old hive mind coming from this direction meaning nothing could be ruled out just yet.

“Hello there! We heard some excitement coming from over here, and decided to check it out, and color us surprised to find some Equestrian produce! The Empire food is great, but there’s a difference in taste I can’t describe. We’ve been feeling homesick.”

“Indeed.” I jumped in knowing my turn to speak. “There are certain qualities each country has to their advantage, yet I’m biased toward our home. Though this has become a sort of home away from home. If I may ask, where in Equestria are you from? We’re from Canterlot.”

“Canterlot! Oh my, that is some distance to travel. I’m from western part of Equestria near Las Pegasus myself, and have never seen Canterlot in the pony. What’s it like?”

Topaz took this task up, and began detailing the culture of the city that housed the princesses, leaving myself free to observe the dark furred pegasus. I'd noticed her tone shift when we mentioned Canterlot possibly confirming my belief she could be the changeling, and as the two mares chatted I watched for subtle changes in posture or tone…

“Excuse me sir, I missed your name by chance. I’m Well Water.”

I blinked, caught off guard by the sudden voice seeking an answer, and turning to greet the owner found me face to face with a unicorn stallion just a hoof taller than myself. I accepted the offered hoof.

“Idol Hooves, sir. I’m afraid I never gave my name.” I replied trying to gauge this strange stallion when the mare called to him.

“Well Water! Quit being rude to our guests!” Her wings fluttered much in the way I’ve seen Topaz’s own during one of our more vocal disagreements, and her display pinned the stallion’s ears as he moved around to the other side of the table.

“Sorry, love.” He mumbled to her and the two shared a brief nuzzle, and to the casual observer the act was sweet, but I felt no love from it as the mare quickly absorbed every drop she could.

“This is my special somepony, Well Water.” She announced.

“And this is my special somepony, Ambient Noise” he gestured toward the mare, who hummed happily.

“It’s nice to meet you! I’m Topaz Showers, and this is my husband Idol Hooves.” I nodded. There hadn’t been any official union between the two of us, but we each felt it would simplify explanations to claim it were true.

We essentially were in all but the ceremony, and that has been under constant scrutiny as of late.

“We had discovered your both, and were excited to discover more Equestrian’s in the Empire.”

“This is only our first time here, and your reaction has been much the same. We figured the city might be lacking in certain vegetables, and decided to try our luck as a Horticulturist. Just think of us as advanced gardeners.” the unicorn clarified when he noticed my confusion.

“I used to be one of the guards for the town we lived in…” Her wings fluttered at the memory, and I noticed no actual love flowing from the mare only confirming my belief she was the changeling. “Well Water would go out of his way to say to me as I finished my night patrol, and as you can see I said hi back!”

This sent Topaz into a giggling fit to match the dark pegasus leaving me and the weary stallion to make conversation which revealed little, but enough to leave me uncertain of their position. A few more customers approached during our conversation forcing us to wait as they tended to their needs, but after they were done did our chat resume for another another hour before bidding them a farewell.

We did buy that jar of Poison Joke bulbs to prevent their spread into the general populace, and to donate them to the university Topaz worked for. They appeared to not know what the bulbs did other than the name, and that lack of knowledge became the biggest liability in their story. Still, we decided not to pursue them at this time, instead favoring a more passive way of keeping an eye on the pair by courting their services for the foreseeable future.

Topaz sprung her connection to I.C.A.M and their interest in expanding their knowledge of the outside world- they eagerly agreed. Contact information was exchanged, and it didn’t take me reading the stallion's emotions to know he was nervous for one reason or another.

“I think the mare is the one.” I whispered to Topaz as followed the path that would lead to the Crystal Plaza. Topaz examined the jar nestled in her wing.

“My bits were on the stallion. What respected Horticulturist wouldn’t know what Poison Joke is, let alone sell bulbs?”

“A valid point, but she never seemed to emit any love while the stallion held nothing but love for the mare. Now, my assumption isn’t entirely accurate for she could view the stallion as a strong friend, but that is extremely unlikely.”

“I’m a bit surprised you didn’t broach the topic to them. I would have guessed you would have dropped a hint or two to see how they would react instead of hiring them."

“A few years ago I might have done just that Topaz, but things have changed. I have changed. Our lives have changed. Those ponies could very well be experiencing what we’re going through this very moment, worrying if they'll be discovered or worse. Did you notice how they tensed when we mentioned Canterlot?”

“Please dear, I’m not completely socially inept. I was more intrigued with her tone of voice and body language-it reminded me a lot of you.” I raised a brow to that. “When you first moved to Canterlot, and had to live with ponies. She’s more awkward with her posture and her words were stiff.”

“Either she’s a new infiltrator or…”

“...a deserter.”

I couldn’t hide my discomfort as I loathed the word with an extremity foreign even to me. The thought a changeling could willingly break orders for the sole benefit of themselves and not of the hive irked me greatly. I couldn't even speak for a moment. My stance with Cersus has waned considerably over the past year to a point I hoped the nymph decided to stay, but she had a choice to return under the pretext she did nothing to warrant an exile. That changeling, was willing to abandon the security of the hive to pursue their own desires only becomes a detriment to their credibility. I wasn’t even sure if I could trust them at all, but I felt it was best to keep a connection open until a decision could be reached.

“I hope not, Topaz. If the ling is a deserter then she is far more dangerous than the standard exile for they hold no loyalty to any rules but the ones they create.”

We switched topics in the event there were other lings that had somehow escaped my notice as we made our way to the university. The professor on duty was thrilled to see the jar, and to my approval would have begun conducting tests on the bulbs right there if Topaz hadn’t stopped him short. With the understanding any test would wait until the morning, we departed back to the castle.

This routine became our new normal after the next week, making this week two of my ‘vacation’.

The amount of free time has become unnecessary, and even with my pleading to Cadence I could delegate from the shadows, or act in an advisory role was promptly turned down with the understanding it wouldn’t be permanent. Having not seen Shining Armor since before the accident left Cadence as my acting superior making her orders my orders, and after reaffirming my oaths to Equestria and the Empire continued on as I’ve done the past week- walking.

Cersus was accompanying me today as Topaz was teaching a class, and Cadence was watching Flurry Heart while Shining Armor held court leaving the two of us free from any obligations for the day. We were invited to stay and join the princess, but I felt my presence near strange foal might cause her to cry, and Cersus was tired of the attention.

“She never leaves me alone! Every time I watch her, she either flies off giggling, making me chase her or grabs my forelegs until she falls asleep.”

“Flurry Heart is a young foal, an alicorn foal no less entitled to certain privileges you and I will never fully understand. But what I do understand from certain sources close the foal is that she adores you Cersus.”

“I could have guessed that, Idol, but what can I do about it? She’s really clinging, and drools a lot…”

I listened to the nymph’s tale with mild fascination as we continued our stroll through the lower sections of the Empire as part of the daily ritual where we explore the city. This section is where many of its craftsponies work to create many of the items the Empire is known for, primarily focusing on crystal shaping, and some enchantments using etched runes. Until now, my work kept me from this level of exploration before hoof, but with my forced vacation there was little keeping me from visiting this strange area of the city bustling with ponies knowledgeable to the rare craft. Either reading a map, or asking a local, a pony could have mistaken this section for another residential area, but my limited understanding of Crystal Ponies dictated this was partly true- it was a residential area.

The reasoning I could gather had to do with the ponies themselves being very private in nature, and especially more so after Sombra’s occupation of the city before Cadence and Shining’s reign. Many customs I found extreme, but could respect in one way or another for the fact it was meant to display a modesty certainly lacking back in Equestria. The Crystal Ponies felt their craft was a family affair and guarded their secrets to a fault by performing all of their work in their homes, possibly leading to many trains of thought disappearing when a family produces no heirs to pass on their secrets. The seamstress Silk String came to mind.

During our first and only visit so far, I learned of this cultural trend among the Crystal Ponies while her assistant finished the alterations on Topaz’s uniform where she revealed she had apprenticed to the previous owner. I’d assumed that, but she informed me that was unheard of in the Empire, and that the old owner, having no heir, and desperately wanted to pass her knowledge on made the decision to take an apprentice- Silk String filled that role.

“We all came from the orphanage, and my teacher adopted me to make the whole ordeal seem normal.”

Her admittance answered some questions but raised just as many into the life of an Citizen, and I was thankful this problem only seemed prevalent in the skilled sector and nowhere else.

We didn’t stop since the craftsponies used their homes as their workshops forcing us to follow the main road through the center of this section until it branched up toward the western section of the city, and from there we’ll turn right and follow it back into the central plaza. Before reaching it, the plan would be to stop by one of the bakeries to purchase some cookies for later.

We had walked more than talked and Cersus was becoming more restless the further we moved along until she would ‘buzz’ her wings to signal something was bothering.

“Can we visit the toy store?” She unexpectedly asked, never turning to look up as we continued our stride.

“Perhaps, we are in no rush.”


She had become quiet once more as she trotted a little faster to put herself in the lead, and I found her lack of conversation mildly disturbing. The nymph had been less active in my presence as of late, and I would be lying if the aloof nature didn’t sting; normally the habit indicated some hidden motive, or an unwillingness to divulge sensitive information out of fear of being grounded. Rightly so. While I detested the actual act of lying, I understood it was in our nature as a changeling, and more so for an infiltrator to keep up appearances when on prolonged missions, yet the trait has been a source of conflict between myself and the nymph.

“Is there a reason you want to visit the toy store Redshock?” I asked, but her lead remained true as her voice rang firm.

“I didn’t really get to look before.. well you know.” I did indeed know. “And I have some allowance and foal sitting bits so why not?”

“Sound logic, but would you consider saving your bits for something more practical like your own house? You’ll need one in the future, and starting early is never a bad thing.”

“That’s just dumb! Why would I need to save for a house when I’m living with you?”

“It was just a suggestion, and nothing more.” Truthfully it was a push to get Cersus to consider her future, but the question broke the nymph’s reluctance to speak with me after that.

She eventually ceased her stride to walk alongside me which led to us conversing about topics I’d never considered of interest to the nymph. Cersus told me much of her life in the empire so far, and I found her experiences fascinating and troubling for I wasn’t involved with much of it. My duties were mostly to blame for this lack of interaction, yet I made little effort to involve myself within her daily activities, becoming reliant on Unstoppable Force to watch over the nymph when I was unable to spare the time.

I was proud of her displaying independence already since it proved she could forge her own path apart from Topaz and myself if needed. The only problem was…

‘I don’t want her to leave just yet.’ I thought to myself as I listened to her recount another instance involving her friends in Canterlot. I mentioned how it saddened me knowing she had little success locating a group her own age to socialize, but she assured me the ones in Canterlot were all she needed.

I didn’t buy it, but accepted her answer on the condition that she continue writing to her friends, but she countered with the condition that the three of us pose for a picture. She claimed it was common for foals to talk about their families, and since she never really introduced them to us before moving felt it prudent to right the wrong- I agreed. Her nervousness disappeared once more, and this time it never manifested again for the rest of the day.

“Don’t move! Zee stitching needs care!”

“I wouldn't move if you didn’t stick me on purpose!”

“Maybe nicer filliz would avoid zee needle then?”

Silk String passively asserted the consequence of not standing still, but Cersus was proving her independence by fidgeting in place with the consequence of causing the dress wrinkles. This rekindled their spat once more.

“I appreciate your willingness to see us on short notice again, Spinel.” The earth mare said nothing, finding her sketches of possible dress patterns for Cersus more interesting.

“You are our esteemed guests…” Her orange red hoof put granite to paper and made a few etchings on one of the figures to create the silhouette of a dress with wings “...and one of the few ponies in recent memory that have treated the master with respect.”

“Do you often work with such ponies, or is it a consequence of the influx of immigrants to the Empire?” The mare didn’t look up from her sketches when she spoke.

“Not too often, but trust my words when the few times those customers appear it’s easier to turn them away. In reality, it's the locals that treat Miss String the worst.” She made a few markings on the paper that meant little to me, but obviously made the mare’s lips curl up with glee.

“Would it stem from her prior discussion when Lady Silk String, and yourself crafted that work of art for our recruitment drive. Topaz still has the uniform neatly folded in our closet, and I catch her looking at it now and then.”

The mare looked up from her paper to study Cersus and her master, currently arguing about something, made a few short flicking motions of her hoof on the paper before setting it down on the floor next to her. Watching her made the mare seem more tired than before with the lines and bags becoming more pronounced, or how the shine in her eyes were dimmer; almost like somepony had taken a cloth and rubbed them clean, but took the luster in the process.

“Lady Silk String mentioned how our customs work correct?” I nodded.” Even with your patronage the store has struggled to conjure any meaningful business, forcing us to rely heavily on foreign orders to scrape by.”

“I was unaware you were even in this predicament, and if I’d known sooner…”

“Stop, Colonel.” She commanded with a simple glance my way. “It is that reason why my Lady never approached you out of personal honor, and the shame it would bring to her. Making the cape for the mad king wasn’t the only reason for the city’s harsh treatment…”

“It’s because she wasn’t born into the profession wasn’t?” I asked, and to my surprise she shook her head.

“While true, many of the Crystal Ponies would have understood given one of their greatest fears is having no pony to pass on their skills. What destroyed what good will the Lady had with the city was her previous friendship with Sombra.”

I didn’t know what to say, and keeping my mouth shut felt appropriate until I could fully process the mare’s words at a later time. Even as I sat there reflecting on the mare’s bold truth, Spinel picked up her sketches just as a high strung Silk String hurriedly escorted an equally bugged nymph toward us.

“I see it! I see it! She truly takes after her mother for I’ve never worked with a filly so outspoken, and disrespectful.”

“Maybe you should have…” Whatever Cersus was going to say never left her mouth when she noticed me, and quickly closed her mouth.

“They mean good Lady Silk String, they really do. Topaz and Cersus tend to have an independent streak inherited from the grandmother, who raised my wife as a single parent.”

Cersus perked up to this news, while the seamstress stood still for a second before letting out an exasperated sigh.

“I’m getting too old if I’m berating foals for acting like foals, and there is no excuse for my behavior. Little Cersus, you have my full apology and to show my utmost sincerity regarding this matter, I shall try to create that suit you described.”

“Wait, hold up. Do you really mean it!?” Cersus asked while fluttering her wings in rapid excitement. The tall, and slim mare gave the impression she was reconsidering for a moment, but gave up when the disguised nymph frantically began pleading with the mare.

“ALRIGHT! I shall stitch something together in about a week. This will give me time to research what is a ‘Wonderbolt’ and how they dress, so please be patient until then.” She then turned to her assistant asking for the sketches. “ Excellent! We shall get started this evening.”

Assuming she was eager to get started, Silk String had departed without uttering another word. With the task done for the moment, we bid Spinel a farewell who began closing shop the moment we left, presumably to help her master with the dress. Most of the morning had been spent on our walk and visiting the toy store, and after this stop I’d make the prediction it was nearing the early evening.

“We should be heading back young one before Topaz sends the guard looking for us.”

“She wouldn’t do… right? “ I nodded.

“Of course she might. It’s only natural to report a missing pony to the proper authorities at the earliest convenience.”

“But we’re not missing if we’re right here!” She countered.

“I will be a missing pony if we’re late so please pick up the pace young one.”

“But that wasn’t even remotely corny at all! Where is the punchline?”

“Sometimes these hidden kernels of truth are nothing more than the plain truth. If it seemed I was planting seeds of a hidden meaning, then I meant nothing by it, and I apologize for leading you on .”

“Wait… was that the joke! What do kernels have to do with being a missing pony?”

“Less talking, and more trotting.”

I was 99% sure we would make it before Celestia lowered the sun for the day, but not 100%, and that one 1% was enough to spur me to scoop up the nymph with my magic. There were times to needlessly tempt fate, but being ousted as a changeling, while being trapped in a coma to dream walk while fighting nightmares left that desire dead and buried.

We did make it on time thanks to Order and Harmony.

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