• Published 12th Aug 2020
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Colonel Hooves and the Empire of Crystal - KarmaSentinal

Idol Hooves is tasked with rebuilding the Crystal Guard.

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Chapter 27: The Usurper of the Frozen Throne

The next morning arrived too slowly, and it took a lot of restraint to keep from ‘expressing’ ourselves with Flurry Heart still in the room- sleep became a luxury. When we finally did fall asleep, it wasn’t nearly what we’re accustomed to getting, and this little bit was cut short by a sudden movement between our embrace. Topaz was the first to awaken from this oddity, and alerted me to this strange phenomenon.


While her voice did eventually wake me up, it was the little pattering of hooves pressing into my soft under chitin that got me moving.

“I’m up..I’m up.” I announced, but couldn’t act immediately as Topaz and myself were still entangled with one another, making the little hooves pressing into me all the more concerning.

I shifted in an attempt to break free from her iron grip, but having been fed very well last night found my body unresponsive to do anything but lay still. So, I lifted my head to peer down to the spot, and found the young heiress standing atop the side of my stomach looking about wearily as she stood still. While Flurry Heart appeared unsure what she should be doing, I was finally aware that I’d broken transformation during the night leaving my altered form bare upon the nest of pillows and blankets. Hoping to avoid drawing attention to it, I acted as normal as possible trying to get the filly to move towards me.

“Flurry…” I whispered to get her attention, but she surprised me when she looked into my unchanged form with no worries save for some cooing I couldn’t understand. The foal made the cooing twice more before pawing at the soft under chitin once more.

The young heiress only stopped when a loud almost choking sound came from Topaz, forcing the filly to flare her wings briefly until the loud snore resumed its normal low pitch wheezing that sounded like escaping air. I took this moment to touch Topaz’s legs with my own, but the action did little then to grow a smile. I repeated this action twice more with the last attempt that broke her snoring long enough to expel a sharp gust of air from her nostrils. This snort was enough to tell me it was working, and after repeating the lite kicking some more earned the desired reaction…

“Stooooop….” Topaz pleaded, and to my relief loosened her grip over me long enough to slip me hooves out unhindered. This escape didn’t go unnoticed by the pegasus who tried reaching out to find the escaped limbs only to have them pushed back.

“Topaz, dear…” The word was foreign to say, but it also felt appropriate to say going forward. “We have company.”

Topaz didn’t reply so much as continued snoring after adjusting to my lack of presence leading to a small gap forming between us. It was at this moment I felt the young Flurry Heart stirring and before I could see what she was doing, felt the foal leap from my stomach. I began adjusting myself to find her, when Topaz’s snoring abruptly ceased.

“OH! NO! NO! I GOT NOTHING FOR YOU SWEETIE!” Topaz loudly stated as she woke, ignored me and shifted her weight from her side to her back so she could better reach for the nursing foal.

I followed suit and took a glance before averting my eyes out of politeness, yet somehow Topaz saw this.

“Idol! Quit your coyness and help me with Flurry! You just proposed last night after suggesting I have your foal, and now you want to skip out on the responsibility?” She didn’t sound mad if more amused at the situation, and I’ll admit her explanation of the circumstance made my discomfort rather mute. “OH CELESTIA, SHE’S USING TEETH!”

At that moment, I acted and got up to help Topaz with the food motivated foal.

I watched for a second before attempting to remove the latched foal as carefully as she would allow me to. Telling Topaz to hold still did nothing for me, but enact some more choice words about our new Goddaughter’s poor diet- a joke mostly likely.

“Flurry Heart makes me nervous.”

“She’s hurting me!”

“Have you thought about giving her what she wants?”


“Sorry. “Have you thought about giving her what she wants, dear?”

“IDOL!” She hissed my time with deadly intent just as Flurry let go for another try when I managed to grab her with my magic.

“Got her.” I declared as she began squirming in my grasp while vocalizing her displeasure. I stood there holding the heiress unsure how to proceed when Topaz managed to kick me out of it.

“Inform the guard outside for a bottle, and be quick.” She then curled up trying to massage her sore stomach. My embarrassments set aside, I did as instructed and began marching toward the door with Flurry Heart on the verge of tears.

With the heiress still fighting my grip, I opened the door to find only one guard on duty this morning, having taken station directly opposite of Flurry’s room. He looked up, surprise written into his muzzle that quickly turned into worry when he saw the now crying heiress in my magic.

“Princess! Sir?”

“Waste time not on us, guardstallion. Milk! The heiress is hungry, and we don’t have milk!”


“GO FORTH WITH HASTE AND SECURE THE HEIRESS HER BREAKFAST! I SHALL STAND WATCH TILL YOUR RETURN!” I commanded the stallion who hesitated abandoning his post, and any other day would be applauded for this, but today wasn’t one of those days. “NOW.”

This time he took the hint, and bolted down the hall leaving me standing guard with Flurry Heart crying in my magical grasp. I tried to comfort the filly in the way I’d seen Cadence or some of the other mothers had done by bringing the filly close to my chest to cradle her. I didn’t get to speak any comforting words to her when she decided to light her horn, and teleported out of my hold.

“OH ORDER, AND HARMONY! FLURRY HEART!?” I shouted hoping the foal would reveal herself to me, and she did in the form of Topaz shouting.

“She’s back for round two!” I was already running back inside the room to find Topaz had rolled onto her hooves to escape the crying filly. The sight left me conflicted as I watched two important ponies in my life in various states of distress, but I had to act quickly.

I ran up to the blanket and pillows we used the previous night where Topaz was carefully backing up from the little heiress as she shakily stumbled over the pillows in pursuit. With Flurry Heart distracted, I managed to come up and grab the filly to her dismay, sending her into a crying fit once more; Topaz didn’t waste time rushing over to help comfort the crying filly who was desperately trying to reach for the pegasus, but instead found the mare unwilling to give her the substance she sought.

“Harmony Idol. I thought the phrase ‘Celestia’s golden t…’”

“Please don’t finish that thought, else we get a repeat of this morning. I worry for your safety as much as Flurry’s if we don’t get the bottle soon.” Flurry Heart was still sobbing in Topaz’s grasp, and to my surprise and growing admiration for the mare I bounded myself with, was already swaddling the filly close to her barrel.

Topaz didn’t say anything as much as tried humming to the upset filly in an attempt to calm her, and though it did nothing to sooth her, Flurry Heart did cease her attempts to squirm free long enough to bury her muzzle into Topaz’s yellow coat. I said nothing as I calmly sat down to watch Topaz, and was amazed by how well she’d taken to the action.
“Yes. Yes, little dear. Calm down. Breakfast is on its way, so no more crying. Who’s a big filly? That’s right! YOU ARE!” While her attempt to quiet the filly was admirable, it ultimately failed. Flurry Heart was still leering at Topaz through her red, and teary eyes in a manner that left the pegasus and myself wishing her parents had taken her along.

“I don’t think it's working.”

You think?” Topaz almost hissed, but had to cut it off when the filly started whimpering once again. I volunteered to take the heiress for a minute and give Topaz a chance to catch her breath.

It was during this transfer of responsibilities that the clanking, and clacking of armored hooves reached our ears with a new wonder and delight I’d never known could exist. I had just settled Flurry near my barrel when the guard from earlier bolted into the room, nearly tripping over himself as his outreached hoof held the bottle we sought.

“Give it here!” Topaz wasted no time in meeting the guard half way, forgetting I could have used my magic, but I let her continue on with her mission to feed the whimpering filly.

Her damaged wings will sometimes act up in a number of ways due to the nerve damage, yet Topaz not only managed to extend them to near width , but even seemed to be trying to fly to the exhausted guard. She didn't gain altitude of course, but this had been the first time since the storm I’ve seen her move them to any great degree without struggling. The two met in the middle where the bottle was exchanged, and the breathless guard collapsed just as Topaz came to a stop, corrected her heading, and began sprinting back.

“I got it!” Topaz happily cried as she came to a stop in front of us. I was about to address what I’d just seen when the filly began whimpering again with her hooves outstretched toward the pegasus. “Here you go sweetie, Aunty Topaz has your bottle.”

Flurry took the bottle without hesitation into her hooves, and began a desperate extraction process of the warm milk inside. I held her close to me as Topaz assumed full bottle holding duties the entire time.

“She works fast. I hope in the future she’ll be just as diligent with her own prospective responsibilities.”

“She’s just hungry Idol. You were nearly the same when I found you.”

“You are not wrong, but it doesn’t mean I can’t wish our goddaughter good fortune.”

“Can you believe it? I swore you were pulling my wing when you told me.” I shamelessly began to feed on her love, and positivity feeling a bit hungry myself. Topaz noticed what I was doing, and giggled as she nuzzled my cheek. ”Looks like we’re all hungry. We should wake Redshock so we can have breakfast.”

“Do you want me to ma'am?”

“CELESTIA’S SAKE!” Topaz and myself had forgotten about the guard who had managed to pick himself off the floor, and adjust his armor into its proper look. We were fortunate Flurry didn’t mind the yelling now that she had her bottle.

“Sorry ma'am, sir. Would you want me to wake, and fetch the young lady for you?” He offered once more, and after calming, and fixing her hair Topaz nodded.

“Sorry about that. If you wouldn’t mind Marble.” The guard nodded as he brought his hoof to his chest in proper salute.

“Yes ma'am, and sir.” After that, he departed at the guard approved fast walk.

“You know that stallion?” I might have asked with some reservation to this knowledge.

“I met him a couple of times when he came to the University to pick up his son. He looks just like his father too! Its almost like somepony took a chunk off Marble, and molded his son from it.”

“I see.” I told her, but in truth I didn't really like it. Whether or not she picked up on this, I can’t say then that mares would make great changelings.

“Here. Let me have her.” Topaz all but demanded seeing Flurry Heart was nearly finished with her bottle. We waited until the bottle was empty before the filly went into her waiting hooves, where she carefully brought the filly to her shoulder- Topaz patting her back the whole time.

“Positive reinforcement for being patient?” My question knocked Topaz out of her thoughts, and after a quick reflection over my words shook her head no as she giggled.

“Idol, you can be so clueless sometimes. No. I’m burping Flurry.”

“Is that why ponies pat my back sometimes?” I smiled when she stuck her tongue out.

“That’s for being a good boy, and it's completely different from this. Foals can’t do it on their own and need assistance for the first couple of years until their bodies grow big enough to handle the reflex.” To emphasize this point, she continued her rocking motion with Flurry firmly over her shoulder and by her neck, patting her the whole time.

“That sounds mildly unpleasant.”

“It can be for the foal, and cause them discomfort later if they’re not burped after a feeding.” Topaz kept up her attempts to burp the foal for another minute until the lack of passing air failed, and while repositioning the foal on the other shoulder did we discover why. “What the buck?”

“You put her to sleep, and a new record as well. Congratulations.” I offered, finding the situation amusing now that we weren’t having to worry about a crying Flurry Heart. Topaz found it less amusing.

“But..what? I thought foals were supposed to be burped regularly, what gives?” She looked to me for answers I didn’t possess while still cradling Flurry Heart against her shoulder.

“I can’t say as my experience in that area is lacking for the time being, but I can make a suggestion- we should collect Cersus for breakfast.”

“Marble said he’ll do it, and my first class isn’t for another few hours. Why the rush?”

“A habit mostly. So, should we wait here until he retrieves our missing nymph?”

“That would be for the best, you know? Save us the possible headache of missing them in the hallway and having to find them. Plus the less we move, the more likely Flurry Heart might keep taking a nap.”

“Your logic is sound, and responsible. It’s one of the greatest reasons for my proposal.”

“Oh reaaaaaally? So what are the other reasons if not for my looks?” I could tell she was playing along with the jest, and I happily continued.

“Your cooking will be the second biggest reasoning.”

“But I rarely cook at all.”

“Exactly. It saves my stomachs many digestive problems.”

“You dolt! If I didn’t have Flurry Heart…” We both got a laugh out of that one as we waited for Cersus to arrive.

“You got played by a foal!?”

“We weren’t told about the change to her dietary habits before, and it wasn’t brought up during their departure.” I tried to justify our actions to the disguised nymph, but that sent her into another laughing fit.

“Flurry knows she's not supposed to have any more milk. She hasn’t had milk in like weeks! Wow, I’m honestly impressed…” She looked down from her bowl of cereal to examine her barrel. “...I..why do I feel this way?”

“It’s called being proud.”

“Idol, don’t encourage her.” Topaz’s own mood had been negatively affected as well judging by how she played with her oatmeal. She took the con to heart. I took it as another example of an alicorn’s divine abilities.

I looked at Flurry Heart who was currently in her specially designed highchair, staring at her approved proportion of oatmeal. She indeed knew what she’d done and had since refused to look our way as she made some inaudible sounds as she looked unsure if she should try to eat or test her luck once more.

“It's not encouraging her more than pointing out unknown feelings. For many members of our kind, these feelings would have remained unknown due to our isolationist nature. By pointing out her pride, I’m helping her better adapt to an otherwise confusing world. Now eat up Flurry.”

I took the spoon in my magic and tried to get the foal to eat some oatmeal, but she was unwilling to accept this gracious meal.

“You’re supposed to entice foals to want the food, and not command them to eat it. You know, like make it fun.”

“In the hive, we were taught a range of tactics to elicit the correct stimuli for a given situation. Infiltrators like Cersus had their skills further honed, while the rest of us were given the bare basics. The oatmeal isn’t alive, and without the tasty fruits to make it more appealing, I’m unsure how to make it more enticing than to suggest using her imagination.”

“Idol, I’m genuinely surprised at your attitude here. I’m aware your past experiences might not have been the most pleasant, but I figured even you would have learned to be more tactful.”

“Tactful I can be, but I’m not entirely sure how I feel reducing food to the same level of a foal’s play things.”

“They call it food fights, Idol! It's really fun…”

“Not now Cersus.”

“Indeed. I’m already unsure how to respond to your admittance, but that is for another time. What do you suggest then Topaz?” By now I returned the spoon back into the bowl, and noted how the young heiress was now starting to squirm in her seat signaling her readiness to leave its constricting construction.

“Well lets see…” Topaz stopped stirring her own bowl of oatmeal to better ponder this conundrum of mine.

“Why now act like your doll self? You know Officer Friendly? I grab some paper, a blanket and bam! I’m ‘L’il Mischievous, the crime fighting foal detective!” She was proud of her statement, and I assumed it was because of her chance to revel in the success. This bubble popped quickly.

“I didn’t know you played dress up!!”

“Wait.. no. No.No.No.” Cersus was shaking her head and hooves trying to initiate damage control.

“I should bring her along to my game nights if that’s the case. We could use a loot golem.” This was a jest of course, and one that got Topaz giggling at the thought of Cersus covered in misshapen clay.

“It could be her Nightmare Night Costume if the holiday ever makes it to the Empire.”

“It was one time, and that was it! She was feeling sad and I thought it would cheer her up.” Cersus pleaded to clear up her perceived image, but she didn’t need to do anything of the sort.

“We jest with good intentions Cersus, and as you felt for Flurry I feel the same for you…”

“Sleep deprivation?”

“Maybe I am becoming a bad influence on you since I find your statement amusing, but no. Its pride. Pride in that you noticed your relative by association was feeling distressed, and you took action to alleviate it.”

“Is it bad that I agree with the both of you?” Topaz added, trying to stifle a laugh.

“You are the voice of reason Topaz, but if we’re in agreement what does that say about us?”

“It says we’re possibly terrible parents, and should feel bad.” I blinked at her admittance as it could be nothing else save for a really bad joke. Needless to say this wouldn’t remain unchallenged for long, and it was Cersus that beat me to it.

“I’m having fun. How does that make you and Idol terrible?” An innocent question of the purest kind with no hidden alternative meanings, yet was packed with enough foalish intent it couldn’t be taken as anything but genuine.

“Ahhh, that’s really sweet of you to say that Cersus, thank you.”

“If this is us being terrible, then standards have already risen beyond the point of being deemed ‘acceptable.” I chimed in, not knowing if Cersus picked up on Topaz’s sorrow or not, but wanted to speak my words as well. “We’ll just have to do better in the future.”

“You really think it's that easy, Idol?” She might have used my name, but the question didn’t sound exclusive to my input either. Cersus jumped in with an answer of her very own.

“It can't be as bad as you make it out to be.”

“Oh? And what makes you say that little nymph?” I asked while trying to monitor Topaz’s mood.

“Because if it was that bad, then you wouldn't still be doing it.”

Now that took both of us by surprise, and even got me to temporarily dispel my pony self to properly reveal my altered form. I’ve been told that I’m an incredibly lucky pony, and the last few years (this one especially) have made me more aware of this truth than ever. Topaz was surprised since she’s aware of my preferred preference for the pony form I’d adopted long ago Cersus and Flurry were more taken back then put off by my altered form.

“WHOA! THAT’S SO COOL! YOU LOOK LIKE A VILLAIN FROM THOSE COMICS!” Cersus happily cried while the young heiress to my left, and Topaz’s right stared at me with her abnormally large eyes.

“I thought so at first, but it’s taken time to overcome my looks enough to feel comfortable. Does this mean I’ll forgo my ponyself? No. But it does mean I’m going to make the effort to be more accepting of my true self going forward, and strive to be more welcoming of other exiles…”

“That’s..well this is very different Idol! I’m proud of you, and I don’t know what I should do…”

“You may touch my chitin.” The radiant warmth Topaz gave off told me this is what she wanted to hear, and darting past a still wide eyed Flurry appeared next to me, her hooves carefully making contact with my shoulder chitin.

“Remarkable! It feels stronger than your previous chitin. Solid too, like a metal or super condensed glass while producing a highly reflective gloss.”

“What does that mean!” Cersus cried as she leaped from her seat and run under the table to be next to Topaz and myself.

“It means he’s a very strong and pretty bug.”

I had my own reservations, and voiced them accordingly.

“I will only tolerate these crass remarks for so long before putting my hoof down. I am a strong, and dashing bug for any, and all future records.”

Breakfast ended, and we departed shortly after to allow Topaz enough time to make her morning class in a timely manner. That left Cersus, Flurry Heart and myself heading back to our room when a familiar orange pegasus intercepted us on the stairs going up…

“Colonel! Lady Redshock! My princess!” The pegasus greeted us as he gave us another prime example of an Equestrian Guard Salute.

“Corporal Sentry. It’s been some time.”

“Sir! With respect, it's Corporal First Class now.”

“My apologies.” I offered the stallion a salute of my own. “I’d assume congratulations are in order?”

“Thank you sir. The brass in Canterlot have taken notice, and say I could potentially make Royal Enlisted in two years, pending nothing disruptive happens.”

“What’s that?” Cersus asked before her eyes grew a little wider. “OH! Nighthawk mentioned stuff like this before we moved, you’re going to become candy for the princesses!”

“Redshock!” I was trying to assert my position as her male parental role model, yet her comment left me reeling in embarrassment. Even being with the Crystal Ponies all of these years, the term ‘eye candy’ hadn’t been lost since his time, and judging by his sudden withdrawal knew what Cersus had meant.

“I..thank you Lady Redshock.” Flash Sentry was becoming uncomfortable like myself, and after an apology motioned for the stallion to follow us as we continued our trek up to the ninth floor.

Our hasty departure left the disguised nymph unable to further ask any questions as she focused all of her effort to keep pace with us up the stairs. I didn’t fully leave her to fend for herself, and made sure to keep an eye on her as we ascended the stairs, but I did take advantage of her silence.

“What brings you to us, First Class Sentry? I assume it wasn’t just to tell us of your promotion, and nothing else.”

“If only it was the reason, but you are correct in your assumption, sir. Their highnesses departed late last night leaving the Empire under your watchful gaze.”

“Impossible. My relationship with their highnesses may be known, but it doesn’t mean I meet the requirements to usurp their rule from their hooves.”

“They mentioned you’ll say something along those lines, and said you would say this next: “I shall use my gifted power to promote any pony, but myself as the temporary ruler of the Empire until their highnesses’ return.”

“Shining Armor?” I asked, and Flash nodded.

“Indeed. He claims you do that often when the two of you hold your weekly conferences.”

“Ah.” I didn’t correct the stallion given our Spiders & Catacombs games might shatter an innocent like Corporal Sentry, for being in the company of death so often can wrap a pony. “He would be correct.”

“And he said you’re not only his trusted advisor during your weekly conferences, but you would do it because your title demands it of you.”

“What title? If he means my military rank, then he’s…oh.”

“His highness is well versed in this ‘friendship’, sir. He said you wouldn’t let them down, but asked if I could assist you during this trying time.”

We reached the desired floor, and waited for Cersus to catch up, which didn’t last long as her growth in the past year made such actions less of a chore. When we first arrived, Topaz and I would carry her most of the way to ease the burden on her, but now her growth meant she was keeping up without the desire to be carried since it made her ‘look like a foal’.

Cersus was still out of breath when she joined us, but this didn’t seem to bother her too much as she joined us, content to listen as she caught her breath.

“How come I wasn’t informed of this job title sooner?” I asked in a huff, once again feeling purposely led astray. Flash Sentry being the guard he was didn’t comment on my frustration, but continued answering my question.

“I could only guess, but my assumption is they might have believed you already knew of the practice. It isn’t often, well it was none existent, until your purchase 2 years ago, but their highnesses had the paperwork submitted and officially declared between the three Princesses and the Council of Nobles. If a pony wanted to, they had the right to address you as an Honorary Lord of Equestria.”

“AH! I knew I was royalty!” We turned to look at the disguised nymph, still panting, but recovered enough to be ‘flapping’ her wings in unrestricted excitement. Flash Sentry looked to me, and I between the two before feeling a pressure building in the back of my head.

Somehow, I’ve managed to keep her potential a secret all of this time, and yet she always manages to accidentally reveal it without meaning to.

“It’s as if the universe is trying to tell me something.” I muttered to myself as Cersus tried to convince the young Corporal First Class of a royal heritage using my supposed ‘title’. “What do you think Flurry?”

The foal hanging from her harness looked up to stare me down, her earlier melancholy having been left at the breakfast table meant our exchange would be less difficult. She didn’t say or do anything that I would consider out of the norm for her, but that didn’t make her situational awareness any less terrifying. she babbled some, and I found myself nodding with understanding.

“Thank you young one for the kind words. Mother 1 and Father 1 will be away for a few days.” She blinked, so I clarified my previous explanation. “It means you’ll be spending a lot of time with us.”

This answer seemed to please her enough to reach out trying to ‘pet’ me with her now outstretched hooves, so I leaned a little closer to make it easier for her.

Cersus decided being royalty could be boring and decided early into my ‘court hearings’ to take Flurry Heart back to the nursery. The filly wasn’t too bothered by this separation as it meant spending more time with big sister Cersus, and bubbled with happiness the entire time leaving myself and Corporal Sentry behind.

The Court Hearings turned out to not be anything like the name suggested, and this was apparent when we bypassed the courtroom all together- we even left the floor.

“We passed the courtroom.” I noted to my escort.

“I’m aware we did sir, but our destination requires us to be on the ninth floor.”

“The sleeping quarters for important guests?”

“That is correct. Their Royal Highnesses have an office set up in one of the rooms that serves as the seat of their power.”

“Ah, so they work from home. How nice.” I commented, wanting to save that information for later in an effort to tease Shining.

We even bypassed my own shared room, and I was tempted to ask if we could swing by the nursery to check on Cersus and Flurry, but thought better when the hall shook, forcing one of the patrols to run past us. My escort was conflicted as well, but nonetheless continued guiding me toward the room that will serve as my prison for the day.

For all of my warnings, I was still underwhelmed to discover the supposed ‘seat of power’ looked exactly like the other guest rooms on the floor, as I’d envisioned something would’ve been added to help separate it from the rest. Not even a guard was standing watch leaving only an added sliding bolt to keep any wandering pony out.

“This is a terribly disappointing reveal, corporal.” He nodded, and his emotions echoed that.

“I will admit I felt the same when I was first tasked with guarding this door. They kept it ajar the whole time and would sometimes chat with the guards on patrol duty…”

“They used the guards as a distraction from their work? Harmony and Order, this is unbecoming of the power couple.” I shook my head, and managed to get Flash to break character for a split second.

“You are correct sir. I’m surprised half the work is even finished by the shift’s end, let alone in a manner deemed acceptable for any sort of legislative capacity. From my understanding, and a few personal accounts standing guard, most of the work is done in the early hours of the day before tapering off by the early afternoon- that’s when most distractions begin.” The orange coated pegasus added as he fully swung the door open.

We entered the room proper and noted that my early assessment of the repurposed room had been correct: opened window, old chair, small desk, and stacks of parchments…

“This room makes me very uncomfortable. It’s a good thing Redshock took Flurry Heart with her if to be spared the idea a room in the palace could stir this much unpleasantness..is there a way to correct this?” I turned to my escort, watching as he shifted between hooves with unease also.

“I truly hope so sir. Something about this room leaves me feeling unwelcome, and almost forbidden to remain here sir.”

“If you wish to leave Corporal, then you have my permission to do so. All I ask is that you bring me a better chair, and the picture of my family from my room- it's on the desk.” I asked, already feeling the effects of the room’s lackluster ability to inspire, and after thinking about it for a moment the pegasus shook his head.

“My heart beat twice faster at your release, but my sense of duty binds me to this punishment just as it does to you. To skimp on my duties while my companions suffered would destroy the comradery developed over the past two years. I will bring you that chair and maybe a cinnamon roll from the kitchens to ease your burden?”

I didn’t even need to think about it before accepting his offer, but only asked if he could let Cersus know where I would be for the remainder of the day. He agreed and departed after that leaving myself in this room full of unease and a strange desire to do anything else but the paperwork left to me.

“Order and Harmony, how can a single room fill me with such disdain to work, and actively seek a reason to escape its encompassing walls?”

I didn’t find any concrete answer more then I realized I was trying to stall any attempts to actually start by asking philosophical questions. Understanding this made the situation all the more apparent. The room itself might be the cause for this unease, and the desire to seek meaningful work elsewhere to escape. Yet, that would mean leaving Shining and Cadence to their fates once they returned, and that wasn’t something I could easily(if ever) do.

With my fate decided, I tried to occupy myself with the goal of sorting the large stack of parchments into multiple piles that could be better managed. I grabbed the first one off the stack, started reading its heading and following supporting paragraphs before dropping it back onto the stack.

I don’t condone arsonry or any act that would actively seek the destruction of property, let alone the property of another, but if the terrible rumors of her highness, Celestia hold any truth to them…

“Is it truly a crime if the Sun Princess casually sets fire to her own work?”

“Can’t you go any faster, Idol? I’m getting bored, and Flurry won’t calm down anymore.”

Without looking up from the current parchment, I pointed my hoof toward the few stuffed toys that had been brought only two hours ago.

“She doesn’t want to play with her toys anymore?”

“NOPE! All she does is squirm and fuss.” Cersus admitted. “Flurry claims she wants to watch you work, but I don’t buy it.”

I paused from my dry reading to look up at the nymph desperately trying to control the squirming filly as she used her wings to great effect. The large flying appendages wasted no time being used against her caretaker as they were lobbed against Cersus’s head. To Cersus’s credit, she refrained from displaying any serious anger as we agreed upon in the chance it would corrupt the young alicorn. I spoke up.

“You understand her as well?”

“Yea! She likes to speak nonsense, and… you understand her!?” Cersus cried, and in her excitement dropped Flurry Heart onto the floor where the filly scrambled to right herself. The heiress, as quickly as she could, began hobbling over to me, and after a brief consideration leaned down to pick up the staggering foal.

“Indeed. Not at first mind you, but if you take the time to listen you’ll be amazed by what can be heard.”

Cersus fell onto her back as she buzzed her wings the best she could, and sighed with relief the battle was over. She remained unmoving as she spoke.

“She wanted to see what you’re doing, and I told her you were busy. She didn’t like that…”

“I’m afraid to admit my own weakness, but Shining and Cady were right about this room-it's uncomfortable. The administrative paperwork is dreadfully dull, and the layout of this room makes any momentum difficult to maintain before it fizzles out. I’d hoped to spare the two of you from this numbing experience, but I’m looking for an excuse to leave. Let us take a break.”

“FINALLY!” My declaration was met with approval from the nymph as she rolled herself back onto her hooves, shook her chitin until two small ‘pop’ sounds were made and then proceeded to trot to the door.

“Hold on Cersus, I need to tidy up first.” With Flurry clinging to my right forehoof again, the act was a little slower, so I switched to using my magic to separating the ‘done’, ‘under review’, and ‘under future consideration’ stacks into clear, and marked piles before maneuvering the little alicorn onto my back.

Showing off her listening skills, Cersus had already opened the door (thankfully putting on her disguise) earning the attention of our guard for the day.

“Lady Redshock. My lord.”

“Sir will do just fine. We’re going to take a break for a little bit…”

“...before deciding if you’ll want to continue? It’s alright, sir. Their highnesses often say the same thing, and though I can’t understand their burden, I will say you’re the first to make it seem.. trivial? Please, don’t take offense, or mark my words as lessening the importance of their work. By the Heart’s glowing light, it’s daunting seeing them work.”

“Fear not Flash, for nothing of our exchange will include another. I won’t lessen their ability to work, but I will say I’ve grown used to this line of work, and that has aided me greatly today.”

We began following the disguised Cersus as she trotted out in front of us, as if she was leading us to some grand destination only she knew. Flash Sentry and myself continued to talk as Flurry Heart hugged the back of my neck as we walked.

“Thank you, sir. It eases my mind, but I want to clarify my earlier statement. What I meant was no disrespect to their highnesses, but from my own experiences and the hearsay of other guards, they last no longer than a couple of hours.”

I blinked as his words made me realize how stiff my joins were. “How long would you say I lasted?”

“By my best estimate, sir, you were in there for approximately double that. So, maybe 3.5 hours give or take.”

“A lackluster accomplishment by most Canterlotian standards, but after hearing, and experiencing the room for myself, I will wear it proudly on my pauldron next time I’m required to wear my armor.”

“Few would. Fewer would ever willingly put themselves in your situation to begin with. You have my utmost respect Colonel.”

“Your flank kissing won’t relieve you of your duties today.” I could feel he’d been sincere with his statement, but failure to call him out on how equivocal it sounded would be a failure of myself. Flash Sentry being the modest, and an outstanding guard he is stiffened at the accusation, but held himself in check until I decided to stop.

“I jest, Corporal First Class Sentry. Of the few times we’ve crossed paths, they’ve been exemplementry examples of proper guard etiquette nearly to a fault. You would be one of a hooful of ponies I would trust their word alone, so please don’t make me regret that choice.”

“I will not, sir. I would sooner leave the guard then have my dishonor stain its books.” Once more his words were sincere, and that was enough for me. I was about to salute the young pegasus when I thought better and offered him my hoof, and nearly smiled when the action left him frozen with uncertainty.

“Harmony and Order knows your departure would be a travesty, yet your sense of duty reminds me of Shining Armor when we first met. I can’t predict the future, but I can say with certainty Harmony has a plan for us all and if you stay on the path long enough, you’ll be surprised where it takes you.”

My hoof was still out, and after one last moment of consideration, Flash Sentry took my hoof and we shook.

I didn’t return to that room as I’d intended, and perhaps that was a good thing.

The four of us made our way down to the cafeteria for lunch, but after seeing their selection of desserts changed our order in favor of the cake and ice cream combination. After that, my presence was requested to settle a dispute between two locals over their interpretation of how the law should be viewed. Flurry Heart and Cersus occupied the little dining room connected to the courtroom to avoid hearing the ‘adults’ complain, and didn’t want to be bothered until it was over.

Flash Sentry confirmed this should be the only hearing I needed to attend given the Equestrian court structure Cady and Shining had been adopted within the Empire. This system allowed for several judges of varying levels to act as filters, hearing and deciding the outcomes for the crown unless it proved too difficult to sentence without setting a standard- The Crown takes over from there.

To feel nervous would be understating my feelings on the matter, because never had I’d been called to make a decision for the crown. Any choice I made for the guard could be overruled by their highnesses, theoretically meaning there was little chance for me to overstep my boundaries. I had none of that today as I listened to the crystal ponies go back and forth trying to strengthen their claim to this “Crystal Berry Twist’ beverage, which to my knowledge is the name of a traditional drink.

After listening to their opening arguments, I discovered the berry flavored drinks I’ve had before were only tributes to this legendary drink these two were fighting over. Flash Sentry would later point out that during his excursion into the Empire prior to Celestia and Luna’s arrival to reclaim it, he learned from the locals of its cultural significance, and how dejected many were to learn of its disappearance after the Empire's return. I wished he told me sooner as it would have made my ruling all the more easier, still, what was decided worked out.

“To make sure I understood you correctly Mr. Tall Pint, your family had been brewing this beverage for generations until the Mad King’s eventual takeover, correct?”

“That is correct, your lordship.” I had to fight the shudder, but nodded to the Crystal Pony. “My family not only invited the famed drink, but had kept the tradition alive for many generations until his takeover of our great Empire. What I’m fighting for is the return of not only my family’s legacy, but the return of cultural tradition our City desperately needs.”

I turned to the Crystal Mare who shifted her weight from hoof and hoof as she waited for her turn. Unlike the stallion who appeared on the verge of entering the middle stages of his adult life, the mare’s crystalized coat gave her a youthful appearance that radiated a pony entering the prime of her life. Yet I could see how her cheeks were fuller, or how her hips had taken on an extra weight signaling a fully grown mare already in her prime, and it was this distinction that would help with my eventual ruling.

“How do you respond to Tall Pint’s statement, Miss Brite Hops?”

“I say it's as lackluster as his coat, your lordship! Tall Pint has no more claim to the recipe than the False King did to the Crystal Empire.”

“YOU UMBRA! HOW DARE YE SAY SUCH A TERRIBLE THING!’ The stallion yelled, forcing Flash Sentry to put himself in between the two ponies.

“I agree with Tall Pint, that language is uncalled for no matter the circumstance. Please refrain from using a similar language, else I’ll be inclined to rule in his favor.” My warning calmed both ponies down just enough to allow Flash to take a step back, and return to his original position.

“I want to apologize. While that stallion riles me up, and the stress of this has gotten to me, it isn’t proper to compare him to that stallion. Tall Pint, I apologize for my outburst, and no matter what you do or the outcome, you’re more like Princess Amore than him.”

I internally sighed when I felt the tension ease up, and the stallion accepted the apology. There was a calm before the storm, and I said nothing as the ponies found their hoofing once more, sneered, and resumed their arguments.

“When I was younger, nothing more than a fresh yearling seeking her first employment did I learn of the recipe. Brew, and his father Snow Draft gave me a chance, and I worked for them about 3 years before he took over. Brew and I talked and he was always really sweet…” I noted how Tall Pint was looking away as I smelt the tasteless somber coming from him. “...and in secret allowed me to watch him making the ale. He was so proud of himself, and claimed he would make the beverage known throughout Equestria.”

“And by association this entitles you to the fruits of their family legacy?” I asked the mare, and Tall Pint’s ears swiveled forward as he seemed to agree with my question, but wisely held his tongue.

“By her radiant grace, no. If that were it, then Tall Pint would have just as much claim to it as the next pony- I wrote the recipe down.” I blinked, and Tall Pint nearly collapsed to the ground only to be saved by the quick Flash Sentry.

“Ye wrote it down! Mad mare, if I weren’t infuriated with you I might kiss you!”

“Don’t go getting caught in Luna’s realm Pint! We’re still in court…”

“If this lost legacy has in fact survived, then why was this matter brought before me?” The two ponies blinked, and remembered where they were and answered my question.

“Because when that Mad Pony took over, he sent my father and brother to the mines never to return. I was only four years behind my brother, but father hadn’t taken me on as an apprentice just yet. So, imagine my surprise right now to learn that Brite Hops had sought to bring it back! Writing it down, and wanting the name of my family’s work? I can’t even describe how I’m feeling”

“The drink, your lordship, is of great significance to our Empire, and I'll be no better than him if I leave it to be forgotten!” Brite even stomped her hoof to show her point, and through ignorance missed the importance of it, but Tall Pint knew. He jerked back with his lips peeling back in fright as he fought to contain himself. Brite Hops snorted, then blinked, and started mirroring the stallion's fright.

I looked at Flash Sentry who appeared worried by the stomp, and when not looking at the two ponies would look at me with an almost pleading look, trying to ask me something…

“Then why not work together? It sounds like the two of you did in the past, and I see nothing preventing you from doing it once again.”

They didn’t speak for a moment as they stood there staring at me with eyes wider than a scared foal; Tall Pint broke this eye contact to size up Brite Hops who did the same once she noticed.


“And why not?” I wanted to hear their reasoning for the lack of cooperation.

“Because that recipe belongs to my family! We’ve brewed Crystal Berry Twist for generations almost dating back to the late Princess Amore’s ascension, and I’ll be damned if I let that legacy end because of that stallion.”

“Then your family should have taken precautions to ensure its continued survival then to pray nothing terrible would happen! Your lordship. His brother, Barely, was a wonderful colt and would have been an amazing stallion. We can possibly attribute his actions to being young, but no apprentice would have shown anypony, let alone a poor serving filly the secrets of their craft, but he did. Brew had trouble remembering certain steps, and asked if I could write them down because I could write.”

Tall Pint finally had enough, and found his spine.

“BLAH! Brew was the rising star of the family and we all knew it. I can’t even imagine him asking you to write the recipe down when he could have very well written it himself! You were trying to steal it for yourself!”

‘Shut it Pine! He asked me, and even let me sample some of the batches looking for an opinion.”


Their ‘argument’ became just that with both ponies forgetting the nature of their visit to hurl insults at each other, or the other’s profession. Flash Sentry looked to me for the signal to break them up, but I shook my head as I felt letting them bicker would work to my favor. So, we stood back and listened as they acted like little foals before enacting my grand plan to restore Order and Harmony to these ponies, while bringing back a lost tradition to the Empire.

“It is decided. For the good of the Crystal Empire, I declare the stallion Tall Pint, and the mare Brite Hops are to be wedded.” The arguing ceased immediately.

“Now hold it there si..your lordship!”

Now that I had their attention, I could continue with my plan.

“In your possession Miss Brite Hops, is potentially the only known copy of this famed, and important drink. Even if the recipe belongs to Tall Pint’s family, I will acknowledge your foresight is the only reason this drink isn’t lost, and will allow you to keep it. BUT…” I raised the tone of this word to keep them from interrupting. “...I find it unsettling that the two of you would allow your history to muddle a great opportunity to serve your Empire. For this reason, I find the union of your families the only solution to prevent the loss of this culturally important drink.”

“Your lordship, please!”

“Yes, please! Even if Brite is easy on my eyes, her eyes burn me…”


ENOUGH.” I don’t like raising my voice for a multitude of reasons, but the two ponies needed to be reminded who was in charge. No pony moved as they all watched me with a new fear I didn’t like, but swallowed the bad taste nonetheless to prevent them from seeing my discomfort.

“Unless the two of you have another alternative, this union will proceed as intended with her highness, Princess Cadence, to preside over the ceremony under the glow of the Crystal Heart. Corporal First Class Sentry, what say you?”

“Sir. If the idea will end the hostility to not only prevent further poisoning of the Crystal Heart, but return a legendary staple of the Crystal Empire in the same breath? I fully support your decision as their Highnesses' Royal Courtier, Colonel of the Crystal Guard, and one on cordial relations with the Princesses of Equestria- your word is law.”

As I hoped, they looked at each other and leaned in close to better whisper whatever plan they were forming to prevent this wedding. Flash Sentry and I didn’t have to wait long until their talking stopped, but instead of returning to their designated spots, they stood beside each other waiting to be given permission to speak- so I did.

“Your lordship.” Tall Pint started out, only to be followed up by Brite Hops.

“We feel our relationship could work better if we worked together as partners instead of..a couple.”

While her emphasis on those two words did reveal her unease at the idea, they didn’t necessarily cry out in revolt. But this wasn’t my domain to frolic in, and decided to leave the potential matter to Cadence if she ever got wind of this.

“In my anger of hearing my family’s work being taken from me, I might have been a bit too quick in lashing out.”

“And I could have approached Tall Pint in a friendlier demeanor, than hiding my intent to bring the drink back. Brew had asked for me to write the recipe down, but I just learned it may not be as entirely truthful to the original as I was led to believe.” Tall Pint was nodding.

“In my family, just like our belief of not writing down anything, we’ve developed a certain way of cooking that ponies such as Brite Hops might not be aware of. It’s my family's secret that was surely used in the brewing process, and could drastically alter the drink if left out. So…”

“...with Pint's knowledge on the mixing technique and my incomplete recipe, we feel the chances of recreating this drink are high.”

“But wouldn’t you be able to recreate this drink as a married couple?” I asked, and they took one look at each other, and their ears wilted.

“We could have your lordship.” Tall Pint started, trying to maintain his eye contact.

“But the old Saddle Arabian saying, ‘you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink’ fits this circumstance rather well. We wouldn’t be fully committed to the process if we’re worrying about how to adapt to our new life.”

“That is fair, but a hardship that could be overcome in due time.” I countered, but Flash Sentry to my surprise spoke up in their defense.

“Colonel, sir. What Tall Pint and Brite Hops are referring to is how the late Princess Amore sometimes binded two ponies together similar to yourself. But the stipulation was the new couple were expected to sire foals to show their ‘appreciation’ for the Royal Blessing.”

“So, you would be inclined to…” I gestured toward the couple, who after getting my gesture and pause in speech nodded frivolously.

“Yes, your lordship!”

“We’ll be..encouraged to show our ‘appreciation’ as the good guard mentioned. Even more so if this venture succeeds, and the famed drink is recreated. We’ll be forced to sire heirs to keep the drink alive.”

Surprised by this revelation, I might have frowned trying to process this. I’d figured the threat of marriage would be enough to get the two ponies to cease their bickering and work together for the betterment of the Empire. Never had I expected this friendly threat would be a bigger deal than a terrible jest, or an issue. Still, I didn’t let this stop me for too long as the three ponies gathered before me were still waiting on an answer, as the acting lordship, it was my duty to provide them one.

“My decision on this is final Pint, and Hops…” Their ears remained limp expecting nothing to change. They were already beginning to accept their new life together when I popped that bubble “...but in the interest of the Crystal Empire, if the two of you are in agreement a better drink could be produced by cooperation instead, then I’m willing to retract my ruling.”

There was a silence before their ears straightened themselves out, followed by their heads rising up to reveal their wide eyed looks of disbelief.

“Thank you, your lordship!”

“You are most kind!”

I raised my hoof. "But be warned if I hear more arguing from you two, I will proceed with the ceremony immediately. Is that clear?"


With that I dismissed the two ponies without another thought, and they took the opportunity to make a quick escape.

It wouldn’t be until the end of the following year the famed drink would make its return with four barrels being sent to the Castle for our enjoyment, and another two years before the two ponies voided my threat with a real marriage between them. It would be during the delivery of the first four barrels I would learn from Tall Pint that Brite Hops wouldn’t have made the exact drink even if she followed the recipe. Not because Tall Pint was truthful of his family’s secret way of blending the ingredients together; he confirmed there was another problem with the recipe...

“She might have written it down, but I was right! Brew may have showed her the steps, but he muddied the numbers! Sometimes by asking 4 times the required amount of a single ingredient. Any drink she would have made would have gotten her ran out of town!”

“You actually threatened them with marriage?” Topaz asked as she fed Flurry Heart some soft serve ice cream from her bowl. The young princess would still look up at Topaz and then myself as if she were still seeking our approval to make up for early this morning; I purposefully left out Cersus and Flurry had ice cream earlier in the day since Topaz enjoyed being the one to ‘spoil’ the filly. I motioned for her to seek her answer from Topaz given she was the one holding the spoon of ice cream, and this was enough for the heiress to accept the offered bite.

“I did. I couldn’t detect any actual hate from them, and I’d seen how Cadence tried something similar with Bold and Wipsy. From what I’ve heard in passing, Cady has been working her hoof in the shadows, and if the rumor is to be believed had sought the help of Luna’s thestrals to keep tabs on them in her stead.”

“Really? Isn’t that illegal or something?” Topaz stifled a laugh before she implemented her ‘aunt tax’ by taking a small scoop of the soft ice cream. “Or did Princess Luna get involved in this?”

I shook my head, but not without 100% certainty.

“To my knowledge, Luna isn’t involved with Cady’s schemes, but it doesn’t mean she wouldn’t lend her the use of her thestrals.” I scooted closer, placing myself directly next to Flurry Heart who turned to look at me. I nodded, and she resumed ‘asking’ Topaz for more ice cream.

“How did you do that?”

“Do what?” I asked, and she used the spoon to point at the filly.

“That!? She wanted your permission, and you gave it. You just spoke to her!”

“It wasn’t hard to understand her when I stopped to listen. Flurry is like most foals, just with enough power to summon the End Times, or ruin a creature’s reputation with a single word.”

Topaz gave the filly her next spoonful of ice cream before returning it to the bowl. Flurry and myself were watching her with different interests, but watched as she flapped her hooves up and down like the young Spike used to do when he was excited.

“Do you think you could teach me? That would be unbelievably helpful for wh…”

Topaz’s excitement vanished and was quickly replaced with the tartness often associated with feelings of melancholy, with a hint of fear mixed in. I was quick enough to leave my seat while trying not to startle the young heiress as I repositioned myself next to the pegasus I’d grown to love. We’d been privileged over the years to pick up on each other’s ques, and that understanding is what made me grab her hoof and say nothing as she sat there.

My eyes didn’t leave her as she continued staring at the table, Flurry Heart, and then herself. Her emotional state was shifting rather quickly, and it did concern me some as I couldn’t properly gauge what to do when she gripped my hoof tighter.

“...when we have our own.” Topaz finally said, and I found my inability to speak frustratingly troublesome. “Look at me Idol. 14 years we’ve known each other, and I’m no longer the spelunking mare you met. I’d grown older, and Celestia I couldn’t look more like mom anymore unless I dyed my fur emerald green, and moved back to Canterlot.”

“I did say Vivi was fine to look at back then, and her daughter isn’t any different now.” Of all the things I could have said, that was what I came up with? Topaz must've found it terrible as well, because her whirlwind of emotions had settled into a state of near indifference.

We said nothing as we both looked into each other's eyes searching for that little bit of direction until she looked away. My hearts almost stopped before her other hoof was brought up to cover her sudden laughing fit.

“You dolt…” She had to let go of my hoof to try and contain this sudden laughter. “..you’re lucky..I..that I know what you mean. Thank you, Idol.”

“If Harmony and Order see…” I was cut off with a loud clunk that sounded expensive, and upon looking at the forgotten filly discovered the now empty bowl of ice cream in front of her. Her muzzle matted with melted ice cream as she flailed her hooves just as Topaz did before our moment. “...we have Flurry to contend with. But if we do desire another, then maybe adoption would be the safer path?”

“Adopt a foal?” Topaz’s hoof once more found my lonely hoof, and gripped it once more. “I have considered it before, but nothing too serious since we still had Cersus…”

“I meant adopting a fish or some other small creature.” When her grip became ironclad, that had been my only warning something was amiss, but too late did the warning come. Before I could process this, she had already leaned close and took a nip at my unsuspecting ear.

“You’re terrible! But I’ll admit that is funny.”

I tried returning the favor, but she’d backed off before I could grab her ear.

“In my defense, they would require substantially less effort to manage with a higher chance of being house broken.” That got another giggle, and I smiled believing her anguish was forgotten for the time being.

“If that’s the route we’re taking, then we should get one of those colorful parrots. We could train it to talk…”

“Please no. I had too many encounters with Celestia’s pet to be discouraged from ever wanting one. I would soon suggest a cat.”

“Ok, now I know you weren’t serious with this adoption idea. The Idol I know would never even ponder the idea of getting a cat- what have you done with Idol?”

“What have I done? Why Topaz, your inability to read my emotions leaves me…”

I took the opportunity to borrow another moment from when I first met Viridian by doing something almost unthinkable. In a bright flash of magical fire, my pony image disappeared to be replaced with a pegasus mare looking exactly like Topaz, but with a greener coat. Surprised by the act, Topaz let go of my hoof as she jumped back with disregard for the chair she’d been sitting in.

“...sad. How could you do that to your poor mother?”


“Idol? Why dear, can’t you recognize your dearest mother? No? Maybe this will jog your memory…” It had been many years since that day, but I still tried my best to mimic the hoof moments she’d made when leaving that day. Topaz didn’t understand my intent until I started chanting ‘Graaaaannnndfooooaaaaals’.

There was a flash of recognition right before she collapsed onto the floor desperately trying not to snort as she laughed. I dropped the charade soon after, and my disguise with it. I would have continued with it longer if the clanking of a dish hadn’t grabbed my attention and once again reminded me we weren’t alone- Flurry Heart. The filly was staring at me with wider eyes than scientifically possible, yet I couldn’t taste any fear in the air as she continued watching my every move. Topaz’s struggle ended when two quick snorts of laughter escaped her.

“Idol..please nev..ever do..never ever do that again.”

“I can not make exact promises, more then I will strive not to repeat the action in the future. In my unregulated state, I allowed Flurry Heart to see me.”


“The very same.”

Topaz picked herself off the floor after that, and rushed to the filly’s side where she scooped the young Flurry up into her hooves. I remained still as Topaz did whatever she felt was needed to be done, yet the filly made no effort to escape the containment she strongly disliked. Topaz noticed this as well when her attempts to comfort the filly invoked no response, leaving the three of us unsure what to do or say in that brief moment until I shifted in my seat.

“She’s watching me.” I told the worried pegasus, and to demonstrate this acted like I was going to stand up, and we watched as Flurry’s eyes matched my ascent, and sudden descent. I raised my left hoof to see the young heiress follow it, only to shift her gaze back to me.

“Maybe she’s surprised? Cersus admitted once that Flurry has seen her without the disguise, so perhaps she thinks you’re a bigger Cersus?”

“That could be, or my transformation is noticeably different enough from Cersus she doesn’t know what to make of me?”

Both were possible explanations, but did nothing in the grand design of Order or Harmony. It was after a brief back and forth exchange did we settle upon seeing if Flurry was actually fearful of me or startled by the difference- we brought her closer. Topaz carefully moved closer to me as she whispered encouraging words to the filly, did we see any real change in her behavior. Flurry’s bewildered expression slowly fell into one of wonder as she began reaching for my angular muzzle, but after some hesitation I leaned in closer for the filly to feel my new chitin.

I marveled at how it felt having any creature besides Topaz feel my bare chitin, and in a way felt the burden of an unknown weight being lifted. As the young heiress continued to pat my chitin, Topaz had taken the opportunity to sit down next to me, and with some hesitation, I took over handling of the filly. We made eye contact, and she cooed.

“Yes. It is Uncle Idol. No. Cersus is taking a nap.. No. Mother and Father are still away, and won't be back..Yes. Topaz and myself will be watching until they return.”

“Idol, you’re doing it again.”

“Doing what again, Topaz?”

“You're speaking to her again…” Ah, so that was it.

“I’m doing more listening than speaking, but you’ll be correct all the same. She was startled by my transformation, having no idea I could do it as well, which means I’ll be speaking to Cersus about her carelessness tomorrow.”

“And what else?”

“Else?” I asked, and was confronted by Topaz having taken her original seat once more.

“What else is Flurry Heart saying?”

“Most of the same: “Where's mother 1, and father 1? Can she transform as well? What about her dinner?”

“She just..wait no she had ice cream, so we do need to feed her soon.. wait.. mother 1, father 1!?”

“Flurry’s vocabulary is very limited, and doesn’t understand the term/meaning for Godfather, or godmother as of yet. The lines of these respective differences are blurred well enough unless you’ve gathered the knowledge to separate the two roles- so we’re mother and father 2 respectively.”

“Mother 2?”

“Father 2.” I added, and after a little more pondering did Topaz smile.

“Well, we do joke about Cersus watching her little sister, so it isn’t too unreasonable to return the favor is it?”

“I guess it isn’t. Flurry may demand a great allocation of time and energy to properly watch, but her presence evokes a certain joy I can’t properly identify at this time.”

“That Idol might be called love.You understand what it tastes like, and how to invoke the proper responses to bring out that love; Have you ever considered you might be starting to display love naturally? ” I shook my head, and noticed Flurry mimicking my reactions.

“I doubt it. Changelings as a whole can’t produce love on their own, which is the reason why we harvest it from other creatures.”

“But you aren’t exactly a ‘classic changeling’ are you? What if by some miracle you can start producing love on your own?”

“I..I don’t..is it even a possibility?” I asked, completely unable to formulate a proper response, let alone a counter argument to the unlikely possibility of it even being probable. Yet, here I was sitting next to this pegasus mare I asked to marry only yesterday while holding an alicorn foal, so in truth anything was possible in this magical land I call home.

Our conversation might have lasted well into the evening if our precious granddaughter hadn’t decided to try and shapeshift that very moment. The act itself wasn’t the issue, but the fact she not only figured out how to use fire magic at a young age, but tried coating herself with it.


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