• Published 24th Oct 2020
  • 2,900 Views, 222 Comments

The Legionnaire - Vanity

Freed from her stone tomb, Cozy Glow struggles to adapt to the world - and the ponies - she wronged.

  • ...

XVIII - The Moon

Rain whipped the deck as the ship lurched forwards, sending all but its hardiest sailors tumbling, scrabbling to find their claws - or hooves - against the slick deck, soaked with brine, seaweed and a few unfortunate sea creatures that struggled in vain and gasped for their final breaths. Luster delicately stepped over a bubbling clump of red seaweed and gently kicked a flopping salmon across the deck and back into the ocean, a small smile turning the corner of her mouth upwards as she saw it disappear over the side.

After three days, she had finally found enough of her sea hooves that would permit her to walk on the deck during the day without constantly vomiting over the side. Characteristically, Cozy had acclimatised to the sea almost immediately, and had been her saving grace in those worst hours when she had been capable of little else than curling into a ball in her quarters and whimpering, bringing her lunch and patting her awkwardly on the back. Luster wasn't sure she'd have made it without her.

Aircraft - balloons, airships, flying chariots - were a rare sight in the Griffon Empire, as the Yubazi had gruffly informed her when she'd expressed surprise at the prospect of sailing to Equestria. Apparently being raised as a spoilt little Canterlite had warped her expectations - in truth, she'd been lucky enough to be afforded her own bunk, a luxury only extended to her because of Cozy's presence. All the other mages were sharing communal halls with the Griffon sailors, an unpleasant prospect to say the least.

To keep her occupied, she'd begun to devour every tome on magical warfare she'd been able to lay her hooves on before she departed, hoping she'd never have to use any of it. She'd heard nothing more from Discord since his last appearance, and had firmly resolved to put him out of her mind. Maybe it had all been a part of some cruel prank, one last dig in the ribs before the world descended into anarchy. It would perfectly fit his sense of humour.

The sound of thudding limbs against the wooden deck caught her ears, and she turned around with a small grin on her face. Books weren't the only thing she'd bought along.

"Doing alright, Yula?"

Yula shook herself vigorously, sending water spraying across the deck as she burst into a wide smile of her own.

"Amazing! Yasha still downstairs being sick, but he feel better soon. Yula miss being on a boat. So exciting!"

With almost every word, she jumped up and down in excitement, shaking the ship violently and earning her several glares from the sailors on deck, though none dared challenge her. Ambling forwards, Yula rested her weight against the railing, which creaked in protest. "How much longer you think before we in pony lands?"

"Another day, probably. If even that. Everything, the air, the climate, the... the feel. It's all feeling more like home."

"Pony must be..." Yula stopped, as if unsure what to say. "Not excited. But... pony must be feeling... strong... feelings?"

Luster laughed, unable to help herself. "That's one way of putting it. When I last left Equestria, I had nothing to lose. I never thought I'd be returning - and certainly not like this. But... here I am. Life's funny like that."

Yula nodded, smile fading slightly. "Pony didn't lie when she say she take Yula around world. Yula want to say thank you. She knows pony make mistakes, but that not matter anymore. Pony only doing what she thinks best of Cozy. That all that matters."

"Thanks." The words came out a little tighter, a little colder than she had wanted. Yula seemed to notice, and quickly changed the subject.

"Maybe Yasha and me settle down in somewhere in Equestria. Not like Halcyon. Somewhere quiet, somewhere far away from Yakyakistan."

"That sounds nice. You deserve some peace after everything you've been through." Peace. Her stomach flipped as she recalled Discord's words. "Yula - what do you think about this war?"

Yula looked at her as if she was simple. "What I think? War bad. War kill creatures, burn homes, starve young... she not understand why so many Yaks like it. She not understand why Yasha like it. She hope this all over soon."

"I... see." Luster wasn't sure what she had been expecting, but she couldn't turn back now. "But how... how would you prevent it? War, I mean? How can you stop different countries fighting, especially these days?"

Yula paused, then took a deep breath of salt air before replying.

"In Yakyakistan, there many tribes. Long ago, these tribes fight. They fight all the time. All the time, old tribes being wiped out, new tribes being created. Lot of wars between tribes who were one only a few decades ago. But slowly, Yaks see world getting smaller. More ponies, more Griffons, more Hippogriffs. Yaks worried they have to fight outsiders. So all tribes join together. Elect a king."

"A king? Just like that?"

"Well, not like pony princess. King let tribes be, not tell them what to do or how to act. But no more fighting other tribes. Two tribes have problem, they go see king. Sort it out - peacefully."

Luster had a feeling she knew where this was going.

"What if a tribe did start a war?"

"Other tribes attack them too. Wipe them out, bull, dri and calf. After first tribe break rules... no more war." Catching sight of Luster's queasy expression, Yula grunted noncommittally. "Not pleasant. But it how things were back then. Today, there no wars between Yak tribes. Yakyakistan peaceful place. Still cold and boring, though."

"But... why not just put the tribe leaders on trial?"

Yula sighed. "It not work like that. Their calves just take over and keep fighting harder than ever. Some Yaks rather die than submit. Yula not like admit it, but sometimes there tribes the world better without."

Luster couldn't pretend she wasn't outraged - but she had very little room for judgement. Were there those the world was better without? She'd seen enough of the Griffons to know they were a brutal lot - but some of them were kind enough. How could she pass judgement on an entire race without discrimination?

But when she'd heard the guttural, growling voice of the Emperor on the radio, she'd known it could only belong to a twisted being of pure evil. Every one of the Griffons worshipped their Emperor like a god - the same way ponies had worshipped Twilight. The same way many of them probably worshipped Gallus. How could she possibly hope to win their trust after striking down their heroes?

Yula must have caught sight of the grim look on her face, because the next think Luster knew, she was being walloped on the back by what Yula must have thought was a comforting pat.

"Want to tell Yula what bothering you?"

"Nothing. Yula. I was just... thinking."

Morning Star surveyed the carnage around him with a dulled sense of satisfaction.

The skies burned black above the scorched battlefield where the Crystal Legion had been forced back into the inner sanctum of the Palace, whose thick crystal walls would offer little protection when the next siege began. He took in a deep breath, taking in the smell of ash and flame mixed with the stench of blood, thick and metallic, that he knew so well. It would have been a challenge to find even a square metre of the ground that wasn't contaminated with the substance, such had been the ferocity of the fighting and the steely resolve of those they faced. All in all, he had barely more than half of the force he had arrived with, but he suspected the opposing side had fared far worse. At least two thousand must have fallen in the past six hours, any many more had doubtless succumbed to their mortal wounds behind the walls of the sanctum. The hundred or so who had attempted to surrender had, true to his word, been shown no mercy.

Tens of thousands of citizens had also fallen into their hooves. Despite his earlier threats, Morning Star had been quick to assure that they had been well cared for, offered food, water, medicine and fair treatment. The sooner they accepted their position as new citizens of Equestria, the better. He had no idea how many more laid within the bounds of the Palace, but already several hundred had fled to throw themselves at the hooves of his soldiers and beg for mercy. More would surely follow. He wouldn't be surprised if Flurry Heart had an insurrection on her hooves at this very moment. It was a hard-won victory, but a victory nonetheless. Within hours, his army would crush the last resistance and take back the Crystal Empire. At last.


The lieutenant bowed deeply as he landed next to Morning Star, who merely raised an eyebrow.


"We've had an envoy from the palace, sir. It's the Princess. She wishes to discuss terms of surrender."

Now that was a surprise. Morning Star yawned callously and shook his head in disgust. "Come to her sense at last? Tell her she'll have to meet us here if she wants to beg for mercy."

"No, sir... it's the Princess."

Flurry Heart knelt in front of Morning Star, a miserable look on her face. She was missing her royal crown and adornments, and there were deep, dark circles under her eyes that hadn't been there a few days ago. The General, perched on a chair in his tent, eyed her with suspicion.

"I surrender. You have bested me and my Legion. I won't hold out till the bitter end, only to be slaughtered in my own throne room. Nor will I beg to be spared. I only ask that you show my people mercy and offer my Legion the chance to lay down their arms peacefully." Her voice wavered slightly as she spoke, and pinpricks of tears began to form in her eyes.

Morning Star said nothing. Beside him, the lieutenant leaned in and whispered into his ear.

"It's her, sir. We checked, and she's not a changeling or wearing a cloaking spell. If I had to guess, her soldiers have turned against her. It wouldn't exactly be a surprise."

Morning Star nodded slowly, then turned his attention back to the kneeling Princess.

"I am surprised by your sudden display of courage, but I accept your surrender. As you request, I will offer your soldiers one chance to lay down their arms. Any that refuse will be killed. As for you..." He let the moment sit in the air for a second, enjoying the tension. "You will be returned to Canterlot and put on trial for your crimes. The Crystal Empire and its land will be reunited with Equestria, and Harmony will be forever restored. Have you any more to say?"

"I..." Flurry Heart couldn't stop the tears now. "I... I'm so sorry. F-f-for e-e-everythi-thing. I... I thought I was..."

"Spare us your snivelling, traitor!" The lieutenant snapped, voice contorted with genuine disgust at the weeping Alicorn before him. "You betrayed your people to a foreign nation of slavers for nothing. You will be known forever to history as a coward and a collaborator - as you deserve."

"Thank you, lieutenant." Morning Star's even voice silenced the pegasus instantly. "Victory is ours at last. Take her away and send an envoy to whatever remains of the Legion. I doubt they'll refuse, but rally the troops to fight in any case."

"We should stick a spear in her right now. Sir. It's what the Regent would want."

"The Regent wishes to see the Princess sit trial. You are dangerously close to insubordination, lieutenant. It would be a fatal mistake to lose my favour after your sterling conduct during this campaign."

The lieutenant grumbled, but dutifully seized Flurry by the wing and dragged her out of the tent, kicking her when she didn't move quickly enough. Morning Star sighed and rose to his hooves. What a climax.

He should return to Canterlot at once, throw himself at the claws of Gallus and beg for mercy. Conquering the Crystal Empire was certain to impress, but his refusal to obey orders would be the more pressing issue by far. In a few hours, he could have the Princess loaded onto a chariot with a small bodyguard and be on his way. He would appoint one of his lieutenants to lead the siege to victory. His sense of elation at his victory was numbed slightly by apprehension. Gallus might well decide to have him hung for his abandonment - but who cared what Gallus thought? He was unhinged. It was only a matter of time before somepony stuck a knife in his ribs when he wasn't looking and took the throne for themselves. A returning war hero, for example.

Shaking his head, a cruel smile played its way onto his lips. It was a tempting idea, but he had no desire to play politician. Besides, it wouldn't be long before one of his own subordinates decided to do the same. Levitating his ceremonial astral barding onto his back, he took a moment to admire himself in a nearby mirror. He looked the very picture of a hero. How could Gallus throw him to the dogs, after everything he'd achieved? He was safe; he had no doubt.

Fastening his barding in place, he strode from the tent and began to bellow orders.

"Golden Sun! Golden, come quick!"

Cozy pulled incessantly at the mare's forehoof, dragging her towards the brow of the ship. Grumbling under her breath, more amused than irritated, Luster allowed herself to be dragged by Cozy until the filly came to an abrupt stop, gesturing frantically into the horizon.

As her eyes adjusted to the darkening skies, Luster spotted what had gotten Cozy so excited. Her stomach tied itself into several knots as she took in the looming landmass that could only be Equestria.

"It's home." Cozy breathed the words with a pious reverence that seemed to drain all the breath from her lungs. "I... I can't believe I'm really seeing it again."

"Me neither." Luster murmured. Cozy glanced back up at her, a concerned crumpling her muzzle.

"It'll be okay, won't it? We'll be fine?"

"Of course." Luster ruffled Cozy's mane, unable to tear her gaze free from the horizon. "We'll be with the Griffons the whole time. Even if we do have to go deeper into Equestria, you'll have your amulet."

In a few weeks, it wouldn't matter anyway. As soon as Discord returned with the Bewitching Bell, she'd have the power to put a stop to this war once and for all. In fact, with the bewitching bell, she could do whatever she wanted. She could give herself and Cozy new lives.

"I'm not afraid." Cozy muttered unconvincingly. "I just... I'm not sure how I feel."

"Are you looking forward to being home?"

"It doesn't feel like home anymore." Cozy sighed. "Everything's changed. I just wish everything could go back to the way it was."

Back to the way it was. What a wonderful thought.

"I miss Canterlot. I miss teaching. I was so happy then, even though I thought I was miserable. I just... didn't know how bad things could get. Even Tartarus was better than this." She shook her head slowly, as if it might clear her mind. "Will you... will you be leaving me when we get there? To go and fight?"

"I don't think so." Luster smiled. "I'm pretty sure they just want me to stay behind and work in a lab. With any luck, the war will be over soon and we can both go..." She stopped herself before the word home could pass her lips.

"I just wish this war could be over now. I wish Princess Twilight could be here. She could have stopped this all from happening."

The words were like a knife raking themselves across Luster's heart, but she fought to keep a level head. Cozy clearly didn't realize the effect her words had had on her.

"Me too, Cozy."

And of course, she was right. This war should never have happened in the first place. In an instant, Luster felt a surge of anger flood through her. First Yula, now Cozy, and both of them were right. All of this misery wrought by greed and ambition - it all came down to a corrupt few. Gallus, the Emperor, even Flurry Heart wasn't innocent. With no Princess to keep them in check, this was the profit of their enterprise.

And yet...

Would she be any better? She was far from perfect. She'd made mistakes, done things she wasn't proud of - always for the right reasons, as if that made any difference. If she'd just kept a level head with Twilight... if she'd just kept Cozy at hoof's length and not gotten too involved... if she'd just had the good sense to turn down the task in the first place.

As much as the fact repulsed her, she bore the brunt of the responsibility for this sorry state of affairs. But if not her, who? Flurry Heart? She seemed an obvious choice, but she had been quick enough to side with the Griffons - and, from what she'd heard on the radio, all for nothing.

The guilt was unbearable. She'd never shake it off - it would almost certainly follow her into the grave. Discord had been right. Better to intervene as little as possible, and wash your hooves of what may come.

The Griffon's eyes glinted azure in the dark shadow that enshrouded his throne. A long, elaborate, crimson coat fell from his shoulders like fluid and spilled out onto the floor, making him seem twice as large as he was in reality. Every few seconds, his eyes bulged uncontrollably, and there was an ever-present tremor in his right hoof. Morning Star approached slowly, head bowed in deference. For the first time in recent memory, he was terrified.

"Regent Gallus. I have returned."

No response. Gallus let out a deep breath, then cocked his head to once side, inviting the General to continue.

"I will not insult your intelligence. I admit, I ignored your orders to pursue the conquest of the Crystal Empire. And I have succeeded, my Lord. All the land in the north, from the Crystal Palace to Mount Everhoof, belong to our great empire - "


Morning Star immediately shut up. Gallus leaned towards, a murderous gaze contorting his already haggard features.

"Equestria bled and cried for assistance while you enjoyed your folly in the north. This cannot go unpunished."

Morning Star didn't try to argue the point. He could see the Regent wasn't remotely in the mood for a debate. Instead, he stamped his hoof on the floor twice.

"Bring her in."

The door to the throne room swung open, and in strode two soldiers, each with a chain in their mouth, from which they dragged the last Alicorn in Equestria. Seeing the surprise in Gallus' eyes, Morning Star allowed himself a small smile before daring to raise his head.

"The Crystal Empire is no more, my Lord. Without them, the Griffons will find no favour with the world for their war. The Yaks, the Hippogriffs and others will turn against them and join our side. In time, we shall push them back and reclaim every inch of land lost, then take much of theirs in recompense."

Playing on Gallus' greed worked wonders. The Griffon sank back into his throne and beckoned the Princess closer with his claw. Dutifully, Morning Star's soldiers dragged her closer and pushed her towards the regent, obviously unwilling to get too close. Gallus reached out and gripped Flurry Heart's neck, softly squeezing until her eyes bulged, enjoying the look of terror on her tired face.

"It's been too long, Princess. You slipped from my grip once, but this time, it looks like nopony is coming to save you." A grin cut across his beak, a twisted thing of pure evil that sent shivers running down her spine. "Take her to the dungeons. The era of the Alicorn is soon to come to an end - permanently."

Dutifully, the soldiers dragged Flurry Heart away. The Alicorn didn't resist or look up, preferring to stare fixedly at the floor. Gallus returned his gaze to Morning Star, who was relieved to see his mood had improved substantially.

"As for you... I suppose there is little harm done. You are correct. Now that the Crystal Empire has been vanquished, the world will doubtlessly turn against the Empire." He rose to his claws and swung his wings outward impressively. "Go and report to the war room for a briefing on the situation. There is much to be done."

A slow siren rang out its song as the ship came to dock against the port. Two Griffons approached, one clutching a lantern which he shone in the face of the figure descending from the ramp.



The pair visibly relaxed and stepped aside. "Welcome to Equestria."

Luster joined the ranks of the numerous Griffons leaving the ship, her gait made awkward and unbalanced by Cozy clinging tightly to her forelock. The ocean was black as night beneath them, tossing and turning with force that threatened to swallow them whole. As they departed from the ramp, they were greeted by a small unknown town that had become a microcosm of an Equestria turned on its head.

At first glance, little seemed to have changed. Ponies wandered the streets, but where once they had done so with a stride in their step and a smile on their face, now they walked with their heads lowered and eyes that darted back and forth. Griffon soldiers were scattered everywhere, glaring at passers-by as if they had personally wronged them. As two passed them by, Luster could feel Cozy cling ever tighter to her.

"Golden Sun!"

Luster spun around and was confronted with a barrel-chested Griffon with deep blue feathers and light yellow eyes, wearing a simple golden chestplate with a series of sparks embossed upon it.

"You're Golden Sun, correct? I was told to expect you tonight." His eyes slid downwards and narrowed as he noticed Cozy Glow clinging to her hoof. "They didn't tell me you were bringing your brat with you."

"I - "

"It doesn't matter. You can share a tent." When Luster didn't respond, he slammed his claw down on the ground and snarled. "Pick it up! It's still a three-hour train journey to your assigned camp, and I don't have all night to stand here and stare at your vacant expression!"

Luster jumped, then frantically nodded, standing to attention.

"Yes sir. Sorry sir."

"Hmmph. Next train to Dodge City. There's an army camp three miles north-west of the town, within seeing distance of Canterlot. When you're there, you do as you're told, when you're told. I'm sure you were spoiled rotten in the Imperial Court, but it's not like that in the army. Waste our time, screw anything up, put a filthy hoof out of line, and there'll be consequences."

"Yes sir."

The Griffon turned away. "The station is just down that road. Get a move on."

Luster gave a small bow before heading off in the direction the Griffon had gestured. She was used to being treated roughly by the Griffons within the court, but she had no doubt the Griffons serving here would be a thousand times worse. By her side, Cozy let out a deep breath.

"You doing okay, Cozy?"

"Yeah. I'm just getting used to... all this."

"Don't worry. We'll be out of here soon."

Even as she spoke, the train station loomed in the distance, the main entrance blocked and guarded by two soldiers - one a Griffon and, surprisingly, one a pony. As they approached, the pony put out his hoof to stop her.


"Golden Sun."

"Hold on a second." Turning around, he leaned into a sheet of parchment illuminated by a dying candlestick propped atop a barrel. "Fine. Go ahead."

The remaining soldier stood aside and allowed them to pass. The interior of the station was much the same, filled with soldiers with travel bags slung over their shoulders. A few of them glanced back at the pair of ponies in their midst, but none bothered to challenge them.

The ticket booths were shut and windows smashed in, but it didn't look like any tickets were required for the services being run. Luster glanced up at the timetabled routes. The next service to Dodge City would be in ten minutes. Platform six.

The train had already come into dock by the time the pair arrived. As soon as they had boarded, Luster collapsed into a nearby chair and felt her eyes fall like shutters. Cozy followed suit, looking slightly more relaxed now that the pair of them were alone together. Luster yawned and stretched her hooves.



"I'm just gonna take a..." She stifled another yawn, eyes drooping. "A quick nap. Wake me up if anything happens, okay?"

"Okay..." Cozy sounded unsure.

Luster felt bad, but she was too tired to stay up for Cozy's sake. What was wrong with her? She'd never felt this tired before. Closing her eyes for the final time, she drifted off to sleep...


"Hello, Luster."

Luster glanced around, eyes wide. The train had vanished, replaced with an ink-black void and a voice she knew all too well.


The black void flashed white so quickly it made her head spin. Shutting her eyes tight and reeling backwards from the brightness, she glanced around and quickly spun to face the hazy dark figure approaching her. Groaning, she rubbed her head and blinked rapidly in an attempt to clear her vision.

"You think you could warn me next time?"

"I could. But that wouldn't be any fun, would it?"

"Of course." Luster glanced around, but wasn't able to see anything else of note. "Am I... dreaming?"

"I thought it the easiest way to conduct these little training sessions." Discord snapped his fingers. "Princess Luna wasn't the only pony with the power to shape dreams. Tell me, how are you feeling?"

"...fine?" Luster was confused. "Is... should something have happened?"

"Why don't you try some magic? Try levitating yourself up into the air."

Luster had no idea what was happening, but she complied. The moment she did...


She felt her body rocket upwards with only the slightest impetus, flying far higher than she had ever been able to take herself before. Struggling to control her flight, she eventually managed to descend relatively slowly by making tiny jerks of her horn. As soon as she found herself back on sweet solid ground, she collapsed in a wheezing pile before Discord, who looked positively overjoyed.

"Oh, how wonderful! I did so hope that would happen. How do you feel? Not nauseous, I hope."

"I... you... how did you do that?"

"Simple enough. My dream, my rules. You now have powers consummate with those I'd expect you to have when you take the magic from the bell. I want you to learn to control that magic before I turn it over to you. It would be something of a poor lookout if your first act with it would be to fling yourself a hundred feet into the air and splatter against the ground like you would have just then."

Luster snarled. "Great. Thanks for the heads-up."

"Think nothing of it. Now, let's try some curses."

Flurry didn't look up once as she was forced into the court dock. Before her stood an assembled panel of Equestrian soldiers, headed by none other than the new General of the E.U.P..

"General Morning Star. Please pass judgement."

Her trial had taken less than five minutes, and had consisted of her crimes being read out and her lawyer making a feeble defence before sitting down and bowing his head, as if ashamed to have been seen defending her. All in all, it was more than she had expected.

"Flurry Heart, you have been found guilty of treason, murder, warmongering and other crimes too numerous to make this list. You have shown no remorse for your actions and have bought Equestria to a state of total war. For these crimes, you will pay with your life."

There was no reaction from the court, not even Flurry. She had expected nothing less.

"Your execution will be scheduled for three weeks from now, to allow us time to gather further information as to the exact nature of the concordat agreed between your breakaway nation and the Griffons and gather any further information we feel pertinent."

Flurry dared glance a look up at the words. Catching sight of a burly stallion grinning sadistically in the corner, she wished immediately she hadn't. Once again, she looked away.

"That is all. Do you have any words you wish to share with the court?"

Flurry said nothing. Morning Star reached out and tapped the gavel beside him on the table twice.

"May Providence have mercy on you." This time, he didn't even bother hiding his smile.

Victory was as sweet as ever.