• Published 24th Oct 2020
  • 2,900 Views, 222 Comments

The Legionnaire - Vanity

Freed from her stone tomb, Cozy Glow struggles to adapt to the world - and the ponies - she wronged.

  • ...

I - The Magician

"Okay, let's take a break."

Luster levitated the sheet of parchment up into the air before depositing it neatly atop the stack. She could tell from the smug expression on the filly's face that she was doing a bad job of hiding her exhaustion. "Would you mind telling me where you learnt all that?"

Cozy's grin grew till it all but touched her ears. "Oh, here and there, y'know. I was Twilight's best student, remember?" She tapped a hoof to the side of her head. "I guess we have that in common, huh?"

"I guess." A thought struck her. "Do you remember when you first decided to..." she trailed off, searching for the right words. "... do what you did?"

Cozy frowned. "I guess it must have been when my grandfather died. When he was gone, I didn't really have anypony. And then I was sent to the orphanage..." She shuddered slightly. "They were so mean to me there."

"The other foals?"

Cozy nodded. "Gentle Treatment used to look out for me at first, but they still used to pick on me when he wasn't looking. And when Silver Song took his place, it got much worse. I guess it was because I was such a huge nerd." A sad smile played its way onto her muzzle. "I used to read all of my grandfather's old books about friendship, but none of them helped me make any friends there."

"And was that when you decided you wanted to enrol in the School of Friendship?"

"Well, after a few years. Silver Song never liked me very much, but she helped me write my application. I was so happy when I got the acceptance letter, I thought I was going to burst! And when I was there, everypony was so nice to me. But..." Her face hardened as she trailed off.

"Yes?" Luster leaned in.

"It was all... fake. They were only nice to me because they were taught to be. Because they didn't know any different. They didn't really like me, they were just doing the only thing they knew." She closed her eyes. "Friendship is magic. I remember Headmare Twilight telling me that on my first day. But she was wrong. Friendship is power. If you have enough friends, you can do anything you want."

Luster shifted in her seat, uncomfortable with the direction this conversation was taking. "What made you think that?"

Cozy Glow giggled. "I found a better teacher. Somepony who really understood friendship - and magic."

Luster's heart sank. She'd known she'd have to tackle this topic at some point, but her certainty hadn't made the prospect any more inviting. "Tirek."

"Yep!" Cozy replied with an upbeat tone. "I used to write to him every day. He was the only pony - er, Centaur - who understood me. He told me all about how friendship was used to defeat him, how it was the most powerful force in the world."

With every word, the greed in her voice became more pronounced. "All I had to do was follow his instructions, and I had a vortex capable of draining the magic from every unicorn in Equestria. You see? Without magic, the only thing that matters is who has the most friends. Who's the most popular. I knew more about friendship than anyone else in that school. I had them all doing whatever I asked!"

"But you lost." Luster cut across her. "The Tree of Friendship defeated you."

Cozy grinned and stuck out her tongue. "I guess I didn't see that one coming. Who knew that old tree had a mind of it's own?"

The speed with which Cozy could switch from bitter and angry to cute and lovable was unnerving. "Cozy, you can't... you can't seriously think what you did was okay."

"Why not?" Suddenly, there was a terrible, snarling sarcasm to her voice. "Oh, I forgot. Without their precious magic, how else would the princesses lord it over the rest of us? That's right, they'd have to treat us like equals, instead of their lessers."

"You're twisting things, Cozy. Princess Twilight cares about every one of her subjects. I'm her protégé, don't you think I'd know that better than anypony?"

"Oh, of course you think that. I bet you've spent your whole life in Canterlot's lap. Just like Twilight did. Must have been nice." She stamped her hoof on the floor. "Parents, friends, not sharing a room with twelve other fillies who hate you! Well?"

"I..." Luster blushed. "You're right. I suppose I was more fortunate than you in many, many ways. And maybe you have a right to be angry about that. But that's not a reason to... to... to hurt ponies!"

"Whatever." Cozy Glow turned away, suddenly uninterested. "Are we done today?"

For a moment, Luster was tempted to press the issue. If she could just get Cozy to admit that what she'd done was wrong, it would be a huge step in the right direction. But when she saw Cozy shaking slightly and blinking frantically in a poor attempt to force back tears, she backed off. She knew Cozy would just feel humiliated.

"Sure, Cozy. I'll be back tomorrow."

Silently packing up her supplies, she slipped out of the cell, leaving the filly to her privacy.

Dear Princess Twilight.

After a week of observation, I can conclude that, as expected, Cozy Glow is a student like no other. Though I have accelerated the pace of her studies, I fear it won't be long before the limits of my knowledge are tested. As she seems proficient in material well beyond that taught at her age, it is my belief that she progressed her studies independently in exile, making her secure grasp of theory that much more impressive.

While this independent study would normally be reassuring, she has yet to express a convincing belief in the value of friendship to broader Equestrian society. I have attached a copy of a psychiatrist's report that I believe may shed some light on the situation. The problem seems to be deeper than a mere difference of philosophy, and may be part of a seriously disturbed thought pattern.

In order to better understand her worldview, I believe it would be immensely helpful if I were able to read the letters sent between Lord Tirek and Cozy Glow during her studies at the School of Friendship. As such, this report doubles as a request for copies of these letters, which I believe are still in your possession. In the meanwhile, I have made the decision to expand the breadth of her studies, in order to ease her prospective reformation. I will prepare a full study specification for you to approve next week.

Luster sighed in frustration as she scanned the letter for the fifth time, barely able to make out a line at a time in the dim candlelight and soft lunar glow that bathed her bedroom. Plenty to say - but not much to report. Though she'd technically broken the princess' orders by allowing Cozy Glow to speak alone with the prison psychiatrist, considering it contained perhaps the only new information she'd gathered this week, she didn't think the Princess would mind.

Out of sheer boredom, she ran her eyes down the report the psychiatrist had prepared.


Name: Cozy Glow

Race: Pegasus

Age: 35 (Physiologically 12)

Cozy Glow is a pegasus with a uniquely troubled past. Despite her recent recovery from petrification, she demonstrates remarkable intelligence and maturity for her age. As an icebreaker, an IQ test was administered, and both verbal and performance IQ were measured in the 99th percentile.

Upon the suggestion of my colleague [NAME REMOVED], a separate, experimental test designed to examine her internal thought process was administered, in which Cozy was asked to identify patterns in a series of premade inkblots. Initially, Cozy refused, but after some coaxing relented. Most of her observations were mundane, and there was reason to believe she was not being fully honest with her answers, but she was not challenged on this. The only pattern of note was her failure to identify shapes that are normally interpreted as ponies in pain or distress as such, which suggests a diminished sense of empathy.

During conversation, she was generally polite. To probe her reaction to negative stimuli, several negative comments were made about her. Initially, she teared up and adopted a pitiful and weak act, but when this failed to achieve immediate results, she became hostile and arrogant, and responded with plenty of insults in kind. She demonstrated a surprisingly positive outlook when asked about the future, given her current circumstances, and expressed enthusiasm about her lessons with Luster Dawn.

A magical assessment of neurological health was attempted, however the extremely negative emotional reaction this provoked in Cozy resulted in it being called off.

In the limited time I have had to assess her, I can conclude that Cozy Glow is an exceptionally talented pegasus with a promising future, should she respond well to current efforts. Her heavy involvement with several notorious characters will, of course, follow her for the rest of her life, and she may wish to consider assuming another identity at some point. Though this is usually discouraged because of the immense stress maintaining a false past can have upon the individual, her case is one where I would make a recommendation.

I would like to amend several professional complaints to this report. I am concerned her round-the-clock isolation is becoming detrimental to her mental health, and I recommend she be allowed a few hours supervised leave from her cell every day. I also feel the quantity and nutritional value of the food served in maximum security falls below the bare minimum a filly her age should receive, and far short of the ideal standards of the Equestrian Nutrition Association. Though her current circumstances may be unavoidable given the context, settling her into a "normal" life as soon as possible will be crucial to her timely recovery.


The psychiatrist had insisted on having their name removed from the final copy of the report. In fact, it was becoming more and more obvious that nopony wanted anything to do with the filly. Luster felt a knot tie itself in her stomach as she finished reading the last paragraph. Of course, they were correct. It wasn't right for a filly to be locked in that cell with nothing to do all day and be served nothing but gruel. No wonder Cozy had snapped at her.

As her eyes ran across the penultimate paragraph, a sudden thought struck her. Raising her quill, she began to amend her letter.

Based upon the content of the report, I would like to make an additional, slightly more unorthodox request. I would like Cozy Glow to be given a room of her own at the castle, under a false identity and house arrest, to boost her confidence in the pace of the reformation process, and to improve her overall well-being. Given your completely reasonable security concerns, I will understand fully if this request is denied.

Your faithful student,

Luster Dawn

Madness? Maybe. Still, at least nopony could say she hadn't tried. Collapsing on her bed, her eyes fluttered shut, and she allowed sleep to claim her.

"Tsk, tsk. Twilight's best student, tardy. I can hardly believe it."

Luster would have liked nothing more than to give Discord a piece of her mind - or punch him in the mouth - but instead she bit her tongue and smiled. In part, because Discord was supposed to be doing her a favour. But mostly, it was because of...

"Oh, it's so nice to have you over, Luster. We almost never get to see each other. How's your tea?"

Luster flashed Fluttershy a grateful smile as she took another sip. "It's lovely. And it's good to see you too. How's the sanctuary doing?"

"Oh, very well. With Discord's help, it's practically no work at all these days." She curled herself up in a nearby chair. "Don't you mind me. I know you've got more important things to talk about than my animal shelter. Please."

"Yes, well..." Luster Dawn coughed, turning her attention back to Discord. She wasn't sure why he had insisted the discussion be held in Fluttershy's presence. Was this some kind of trick? "Shall we get started?"

Discord raised his teacup to his mouth, one of the fingers on his paw stuck absurdly outwards. "I suppose. So, tell me what you think about Cozy Glow."

Luster hesitated. Should she answer honestly, or give him the answer he wanted? No, she should be honest. Of course. Despite their differences, Discord was on her side. She had to remember that.

"She's definitely got a long way to go. She doesn't seem to be showing any convincing signs of remorse. But I think she's far from beyond redemption. If she can be convinced to use her considerable talents for good, she could be a model Equestrian citizen."

Discord's face gave nothing away. "Why do you think that?"

"She's only a filly. She has her whole life ahead of her. You can't expect me to write such a young foal off as a hopeless case." She decided to carry it a little bit further. "Actually, she reminds me of you."

If Discord was offended by this, he didn't show it. "I suppose I was expecting that. And you think she can change, the same way I did. But she can't."

"And why not?" Luster hadn't meant to sound so accusatory, but she couldn't help herself. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Fluttershy raise an eyebrow at the outburst, and cringed.

Discord broke out into a kindly smile, the condescending sort used on very small foals. "It's quite simple. I knew nothing of friendship before Fluttershy showed me it's worth. But that simply isn't the case with Cozy Glow. There's not a thing you could teach that filly about friendship. All you're doing, by getting close to her, is giving her opportunities to get under your coat."

"And isn't that what I have you for?"

Discord nodded. "What else have you discussed with her? Is she still being kept in that cell?"

"She... is..." Luster faltered, and Discord leaned in.


"I've... I've asked Princess Twilight for her to be moved out. Into the castle. Under house arrest. I - I mean..." She bit her tongue in an attempt to stop her stutter. "I-It's not right for a filly like her to be locked up in solitary confinement. For Celestia's sake, even the psychiatrist agreed it was the right thing to do!"

"Or she tricked him into thinking that." Discord's tone had taken an even more unpleasant turn.

Luster snorted in exasperation. "Come on. You really think a filly could fool a trained psychiatrist?"

"This filly? Absolutely." Discord wasn't even trying to hide his displeasure. "And in less than a week, the same filly has talked her way out of a prison cell, and into the heart of Canterlot!"

"No, you're... It was my idea, you're making it sound like I'm just... dancing to her tune! Celestia knows, I - I've had more arguments with that filly the last week than I have civil words!" Luster could feel blood rushing to her face. Why did nopony seem to trust her? All of a sudden, her fluster was replaced with anger. How dare Discord, who hadn't even laid eyes on Cozy Glow in over twenty years, throw around baseless accusations like that?

"I don't believe you." Discord's growling voice now had a definite edge of a sneer to it. And it was the arrogance in his voice, this monster's sheer unrestrained contempt for her achievements and abilities, that finally pushed Luster over the edge.

"You know what?" Luster jumped to her hooves so quickly she sent her cup of tea flying into the air, coming down with a crash that caused Fluttershy to jump out of her chair. "Believe whatever you like, Discord. The last time I checked, this was meant to be a private matter between the Princess and me. So whatever opinions you've got, keep them to yourself!"

Before either of them could respond, her horn ignited, and she disappeared in a flash of light.

There was a letter waiting for her when she returned to her room, a pure white envelope bearing the unmistakable seal of the princess. Instantly, Luster seized it and tore it open, eagerly scanning its contents for the Princess' decision.

Dear Luster.

It is reassuring to hear that Cozy Glow is keeping well and has made a full recovery. I have full confidence in you to make the right call with her future studies.

Unfortunately, I feel the moment is too premature for Cozy Glow to be moved from her current location. In line with the psychiatrist's recommendations, Cozy will be allowed a few hours supervised outdoor recreation from now on, and I will personally see to it she gets the proper sustenance for a filly her age.

However, I am pleased to inform you that Starlight is willing to allow you to read and copy Cozy Glow's old letters. If you have the time, she would even be happy to let you see them this evening. Both her and Sunburst have been informed of the new direction of your studies, so there will be no need for secrecy.

Your mentor,

Princess Twilight.

Luster felt her heart sink as she read the penultimate paragraph once more. She had been so certain Twilight would see it her way, and it was a punch in the gut to have her request so unceremoniously denied. Even the knowledge that Glimmer was willing to help her out didn't cheer her up.

Instead, a creeping sense of shame filled her as she realized how unreasonable her outburst at Fluttershy's house had been. What was wrong with her? How could she have allowed Discord to upset her like that? In the past, even when Discord had tried his hardest to get a rise out of her, she'd just rolled her eyes and brushed it off.

She shook her head, dispelling the troubling thoughts as quickly as they had arrived. She could apologize to Fluttershy - and Discord, she supposed - later. She would need new supplies if she wanted to take copies of Cozy Glow's letters - parchment and ink. Spare quills wouldn't go amiss, either. Maybe she could borrow some from Starlight?

The letter fell to the floor, forgotten, as Luster began to root through her note-taking supplies.

It wasn't until she first set foot inside the School of Friendship that Luster realized how long it had been since she had last stood in the same hallways as a young filly. She'd spent less than a year at the school, but the feel of the place was somehow unforgettable.

Standing in the hallway to greet her was Starlight, a wide, genuine smile on her face.

"Luster! Oh, it's been so long, how have you been?"

Luster forced a smile back, cringing internally at how fake she knew it must have looked. "Uh, yeah. You too. I - I mean - great, Miss Glimmer."

Glimmer let out a short laugh. "Oh, please. I haven't been your teacher for almost a decade now. It's Starlight." She gestured towards the school's library. "Shall we?"

Luster nodded gratefully and the pair set off, Luster following closely behind Glimmer. Ever since she'd dropped out of the School of Friendship to pursue her advanced studies, she'd always felt awkward around Starlight, like she was meeting an old friend she'd abandoned.

The library was just as she remembered it, an endless maze of books stacked up to the ceiling. She took in a deep breath, the dark, musky smell of ink, paper and parchment hitting her brain like a drug and conjuring a thousand memories of late night studying, magic practice and... loneliness.

Glimmer led her to a row of cabinets, seized one of the door's locks in her magical aura and fiddled with it for a few seconds before it fell away and the cabinet swung open. From inside, she pulled a what appeared to be a large wooden box and nodded in the direction of a table.

"Here it is."

Starlight's horn glowed as she lifted the small wooden box onto the table. Luster pushed the top open, raising her eyebrows as she saw its contents.

"That's it?"

Inside was a collection of five letters, two of which had substantial flame damage.

"The School of Friendship sustained considerable damage during the Legion's attack on Equestria. Frankly, we're fortunate even these ones survived." There was a wounded sorrow to Glimmer's voice. "When I think of all the knowledge we lost to those three... ah, well. No use in crying over spilled ink." She paused. "Anyway, I should get back to my office. Take as much time as you need."

"Thank you." Luster lifted the first letter up to eye level, struggling to decipher the tiny, cramped writing. The letters used pseudonyms, but the smiley faces in the corner and the hearts used to dot the i's left little doubt as to the author.

Dear Big Brother...

The lights of Canterlot glittered like a million jewels in the blackness of the night, illuminating the veins and arteries of the Equestrian capitol in a river of fire. From atop her observatory, Princess Twilight watched over her dominion silently, deep in thought.

"How interesting. She used to do that, too."

Twilight closed her eyes. "Hello, Discord."

The draconequus floated into view, landing silently atop the lens of Canterlot Castle's telescope. Twilight raised an eyebrow. "Who did? Celestia or Luna?"

"Oh, both of them. Whenever their troubles weighed heavy on their mind, they'd come here and just..." He gestured in the direction of the city. "...watch. Perhaps they found it cathartic. I wouldn't know."

He took off once more, landing neatly beside her. "I've reached my decision, since you didn't ask."

"I'm not surprised. I spoke to Fluttershy earlier."

"Then you'll understand my position. Stop it. Now."

Twilight sighed. "If I had given up at every stumble as Celestia's student, I would not have come half as far or accomplished half as much. I won't pass judgement on my student because of one outburst."

"And what about her attempt to free Cozy Glow from her imprisonment? That doesn't trouble you?"

"And have her placed under even closer guard in house arrest. She took every precaution I would have. I denied her request, but it didn't trouble me. As I said, I won't intervene until I feel it is necessary."

Discord scoffed under his breath. "So, I am to understand you intend to wait until it is too late?"

"I intend to wait until Cozy Glow proves that she..." Twilight took a deep breath. "Until Cozy Glow proves she can't change. So far, I have no reason to believe that. I think she can. She can be a normal, happy filly like any other foal her age."

"As if you could tell the difference."

"You're right. I couldn't last time. There's a reason I wanted this task entrusted to Luster, you know."

Discord's face cracked into a leering grin. "I'm sure."

In a flash of smoke, he was gone. Twilight sighed, and continued staring over her city from the balcony, mentally organizing her schedule for tomorrow.