• Member Since 11th Jan, 2019
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Gay For Gadot

Just a lesbian with a laptop.


When her divorce finalizes, Rarity finds comfort in a familiar friend. Shortly thereafter, she makes the biggest mistake of her life.

Takes place after The Last Problem.

Second place winner of HapHazred's Change Of Pace contest.

Written to, and inspired by, this song and that one.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 43 )

This was beautiful.


Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

Favorited. What I like best in this story is Rarity and how you focused on fleshing her situation out. It's real, deep, emotional, and all in all a hell of a read. Everything seems to fit right in with the show even with themes of divorce and a sprinkle of swear words; I could totally see this happening within MLP's universe. The characterization you did for the trio, coupled with beautiful prose and a perfect pacing— I think you got yourself an amazing story :twilightsmile:

Keep it up!

I'm glad I gave this story a chance, I love it :heart: The characterisation was really well done. I could feel the story playing out in my head.

“Well... Unless you try and kiss me too, I’m not leaving.”

Dash offered her a half-chuckle, but Rarity was having none of it. She was almost tempted to do so...

I ship it. :moustache:

In all seriousness though, this is one of the best drama one shots I have ever read. The idea is simple yet elegant, touching on a very sensitive but relevant topic. The characterizations are absolutely spot on: AJ was caring and trustful; RD was aggressive, straightforward but understanding; Rarity was generous, always putting others before her happiness, yet also very emotional and could be impulsively selfish.

The best part, however, is the way the dialogues and prose guide and lead the emotion of the characters and the readers on through all the ups and downs of the drama so seamlessly and beautifully. There is no part in the story that I feel is rough or forced. Very fitting triggers are pulled at very appropriate times to halt the rising tension and shift the characters' behaviors and the flow of emotion. Every time that happened, it made me pause, just like the characters, to let it sink in. And once it did, the feel and the appreciation for the characters just intensified ten-fold.

There are only 2 things I can be nit-picky about, and they really are nit-picks.

First, I really wish for a little more elaboration on Rarity's thought when she got the impulse to kiss AJ as it goes a little too fast. Perhaps play it a bit on how Rarity was regretting of not taking the risk, of gambling in a safe bet, seeing how Rainbow's rashness had rewarded her, and began to feel impetuous herself.

Second, I was just a tiny bit cringey at Rainbow's attempt to push Rarity to find another romance. I understand it is completely in-character for her as she's always the type that gets back up and jumps at it once more, so she would push others to do the same. But there's no denying that a break up can take a heavy toll on one, and there's a real chance romance would no longer work out for them for the rest of their life. I think if Rainbow had been just a bit more tactful about it and acknowledge that possibility, for example saying something like "Yeah, maybe you will, maybe you won't. But life does not shut off for you because of it. Just open yourself up. You have me, AJ, the girls, and who knows, maybe another one some day", her character would improve greatly.

Anyhow, this story goes in Favorites for me, with only another 8 stories. And that says a lot.


Simple, bittersweet and real.

Excellent work.

This is going in the Hall of Famous Favourites.


Thanks for your kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile: I was shooting for something that felt similar to an episode (themes/language aside), so I'm happy to hear it felt that way for you.


Thanks for giving it a shot! I'm glad to hear you say that I got the characters right. :twilightsmile:


I love reading comments like this. Thank you so much for offering the detailed feedback, including constructive critique. :twilightsmile: Looking over your nit-picks, I have to agree with you on both. My intent with the kiss was that it was a very spur-of-the-moment impulse, but that definitely could've been given a paragraph or two more. And that particular part of Dash and Rarity's conversation was one I wrestled with more than the rest, so I can see how your suggestions would improve it. So again, I appreciate you sharing your thoughts, as they are pretty perceptive.

And I'm very honored to be in a such small group. Wow. Thank you. :heart:


Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :pinkiesmile:


Oh wow, famous? That's high praise. I'm glad you liked it so much! :pinkiesmile:

I'm new to this site. I've only read a couple of stories so far, but this is my favourite. Very real and perfectly worded. Excellent job keeping in character as well, it felt authentic.


Welcome to the site! I'm glad you enjoyed my story. :twilightsmile:

This is an excellent emotional set piece. Absolutely brilliant.


Thanks! I'm glad you liked it. :pinkiesmile:

Well that was an easy addition to the ol' Favorites box~


Thanks for the favorite! I'm glad you liked it. :pinkiehappy:

This is applezombi, from My Little Reviews and Feedback, with a friendly review!

Keep up the good work!


Have to reiterate it here: thank you so much for this review. This level of feedback made my day so much better. :heart:

Wow! Came here from apple's review, and I must say he really wasn't exaggerating! Really beautifully written, and an excellent, nuanced portrayal of the themes and the characters as well. This one's an easy favourite! :pinkiehappy:


Glad you enjoyed it so much! :twilightsmile:

“Oops, sorry.” Dash chuckled. “Fluttershy would be mad if she didn’t hear me use her, heh, improvement to that phrase.” Rolling her eyes good-naturedly, she corrected, “I mean, we could feed two birds with one scone.”

Fluttershy would be the one to be a pussy about simple metaphors. Anyway, this was a fantastic story about repairing relationships, both platonic or other ways. This site is absolutely cluttered with stories that downright fetishize ponies in abusive cheating situations, so to see stories about acceptance and reaching out is (unfortunately) a rarity. The dialogue was really strong here, with Rarity and Dash being the highlights of the story. Excellent, emotional, and all-around fine stuff.

You should write more Rarijack too. The ocean of already existing ones on the site could always use more high-quality contributions like this. :raritywink:


Thanks for the feedback! Glad you enjoyed it. :ajsmug: I do have a couple of Rarijack ideas floating around. You can never have too much Rarijack. :raritywink:

Based and rarijack-pilled.

Absolutely amazing! I love how you seamlessly referenced all the little Rarijack moments throughout the show's run, and connected them with the relationship statuses depicted in The Last Problem. As a diehard Rarijack shipper, I hated the Appledash confirmation at first, but upon reflection it just opens up the possibility for Rarijack stories that are more complicated and unfulfilled, knowing the destination of Rarity being the only one of her friends without a partner that's not an immortal sovereign. And the tragedy of a romance unfulfilled somehow makes the ship even better. This story is a prime example of that.


Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the story! Count me in as a big RariJack fan who was disappointed that they went with AppleDash, but still appreciates that ship enough not to have been too mad about it. And, like you said, it just allows for different breeds of RariJack stories. :raritywink:

Rarity's heartbreak really came through. It hurt a little to read, but I can't blame that on you; I'm pretty sure that's on me.

Rarity's not an easy pony to write, let alone older, divorcée Rarity, but I think you hit the nail right on the head. And maybe I'm just not paying enough attention, but it feels like there's been a real dearth of older mane six since the finale, so it's nice to see a well written fic in that territory.


Rarity was a challenge to write for sure, but I'm glad she came across as authentic to you. The site needs more older Mane Six/post-canon stories. Glad you enjoyed this one. :twilightsmile:

This was some real quality drama. The set up feels so right. The exact sort of course Rarity's life would turn into. You manage to recount things fron the show without feeling like listing junk i already know which is pretty impressive on its own.

I like the paralels of Rarity helping Dash to Dash helping Rarity. Overall its a very cozy fic despite the emotional termoil.


Thanks for reading and commenting! I'm glad my canon tie-ins didn't feel like an infodump or anything of the sort. I think the Dash/Rarity bits are the best part of all.


Oh wow, wasn't expecting you to review this one! Thanks for this! :twilightsmile: Really made my day!

Rarity is one of my favorite ponies to read and to write, and this is some good Rarity. :raritystarry:

Thanks for writing it.

My brony soul has been healed. Super touching!

Dang my cold hearted tendencies stopped while I read this divorces are really this hard and the whole kissing a friend and being scared you ruined the friendship hits home.....

Thanks for the amazing story

Good morrow!

A review from the Reviewer's Mansion for you

Wow. Just wow. I'm both a bit irritated and a lot pleased.
I haven't come across a story that handles heartbreak, moving on and, sort of but not really, cheating, like this, in a long time. The fact that you wrote Dash to not be a dick and actually hear her friend out, was a HUGE step up from the other fics which handled theses sorts of themes.

Aside from standing out, this story delivers on so many things that left me feeling satisfied by the end. The progression in the story, the characterisations, the motives, the feels! They were all in! I have to say, my all time favourite bit in this is Dash and Rarity's conversation. It was civil, reasonable, in character, deep, humorous - to an extant. I didn't spot anything that I want to say was wrong, nor need fixing up, and it's such a good feeling to get after reading! Ahh!

I'll be honest with you; when I first saw this, I completely dismissed It, both for the description and the title. I'm not a fan of RariJack, to any level whatsoever, so seeing that it had RariJack in it was bit irritating, - plus, the cover art depicted Aj after she had gotten with Dash, so that got me even more unpleased (yes that's what I meant by it was irritating in the begining:pinkiehappy:)
I even gave it a read, hoping that I might start shipping Rarity and Aj if I saw what it was like, but never got that (fortunately). I wasn't happy after the first reading through this, but boy am I glad I came around to it now. It's so worth the time and read!

Definitely a new addition to my favourites! Keep up the beautiful work, bud!

Oh and that upvote number you've got going on is fun, lemme not ruin it for you:scootangel:

This hurt but it was a really good hurt. Thinking of treating myself to some wine and ice cream. Rainbow really grew up, and Aj & Rarity were written beautifully. It was like watching the real thing in my head and I cried because I've been in those situations where I believe I've lost my chance...

This is one of those good cry stories. 👌

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