• Published 12th Feb 2021
  • 5,073 Views, 302 Comments

Sunset Heritage - luckyboys121

After undergoing mysterious transformations Sunset is forced to dig into a past she does not remember and confront the parents she's never met

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Sunset couldn't say how long she had been crying, all she knew was that eventually someone found her and helped her off the ground. She didn't bother to look up at who as she was blindly led out of the hall while gently weeping and looking at the floor. Eventually though she heard a voice that cut through her mental haze.

"OH MY GOODNESS!" cried out Fluttershy as she took the virtually limp Sunset in her arms before glancing to the one who brought her there saying, "What happened?"

Octavia looked towards her in a worry saying, "I'm not sure, I just found her in the hall like this."

Sunset briefly glanced up to see she was now in the usual practice room with all of her friends once again looking over her. Applejack soon stepped forward saying, "Did you happen to see those new girls around when you found her?"

"The Dazzlings... I think I might have saw them walking the other direction but," began Octavia before saying, "Why would you ask?"

"Never mind darling," said Rarity as she looked at the girl now basically going fetal in Fluttershy's arms before she said, "Right now we have to get her home."

From there is was all a haze as Sunset could only hear a voice echoing the words, "little sister," as she found herself being sat in bed as Fluttershy held her.

"Alright Sunset what happened?" asked Rainbow Dash as she stared down at the girl.

Sunset simply laid their unresponsive as Applejack said, "This aint good yall.... Pinkie, get that book we got to get a message to Celestia asap."

Pinkie simply nodded as she ran down stairs. Applejack then glanced at the others as she said, "Rarity, Rainbow, and I will straighten things up in the living room."

Rainbow cocked her head confused saying, "Straighten up, but how will that OW-"

She suddenly stopped as she found herself being elbowed by Rarity who whispered, "Honestly I don't know who's more dense about this you or Sunset."

Rainbow only looked further confused as Applejack groaned and whispered, "Look, I don't know if you've noticed or not but Sunset and Fluttershy have grown a lot closer during all this," she then glanced at Rarity saying, "And putting aside love lives for a moment, the point is if she's gonna fess up and tell anyone what happened it will be her, and if she's gonna do that they should probably be alone."

"Oh," said Rainbow before nodding as the three headed out the door.

Sunset cast her gaze to them for a moment as she felt Fluttershy's grip on her tighten as she said, "Please Sunset... talk to me."

Sunset could barely hear her as the voice continued to echo in head. "I..." she tried to choke out but the words died in her throat.

Fluttershy grew even more concerned at that as she said, "Did the Dazzlings do anything to you?" Sunset remained quiet as Fluttershy suddenly got a little angry as she muttered, "Those monsters."

Sunset lurched as she mumbled something. Fluttershy instantly went back to reality as she leaned in saying, "What's that?"

"I'm a monster," mumbled Sunset.

"Wha... why would you say that?" said Fluttershy as she gripped Sunset tighter.

"Because I'm just like them," said Sunset as she looked away.

Fluttershy reached down and moved Sunset's head to look her in the eye as she said, "That's not true at all."

"Yes it is," said Sunset as she sat up saying, "I tried to take over the school before, and now with my 'big sisters' around I might end up doing it again."

"Big sisters?" said Fluttershy in confusion.

"Yeah... that's what they said, and between the fact that the're also from another world, they have red gem stone necklaces like mine, and they made their arms glow like mine... it's kind of hard not to believe them," said Sunset as she curled back up in on herself and tried to move out of Fluttershy's grip.

Fluttershy only tightened it as she said, "Sunset look at me... you are a brave, strong, funny, kind, and beautiful young lady. You may have fallen to the darkness at one point but with all the stuff that happened in your life... I honestly don't blame you for that."

Sunset briefly uncurled at those words as she looked towards Fluttershy and saw her soft smile and blush as she continued saying, "There is no doubt in my mind that those girls where lying to you, but even if somehow some way they weren't you are still nothing like them."

Sunset sat up looking somewhat relieved as she said, "I guess," before a soft green glow went across her eyes as she laid back down saying, "I just wish I could know for sure."

Fluttershy thought for a moment as she looked down before a realization struck her as she said, "I'll be right back." She then ran down the stairs as she looked towards Pinkie saying, "Have you written the message to Celestia yet?"

"Not yet no," said Pinkie as she looked over at her.

"We where actually waiting to see if you could get anything out of her first," said Applejack.

Fluttershy nodded at that as she said, "Good, give it here." Pinkie Pie quickly did as she was told as Fluttershy took a pen in hand and began writing as she said, "I think I have a plan to help with this."

Celestia answered the book the second it started buzzing, due in no small part to the fact that she had kept it on her person at all times since she had gotten the first message. She quickly opened it as she read the still forming words.

Before she could do anything a voice to her side spoke up saying, "Sister please stay calm, if you go off without explaining anything again it will just delay you."

Celestia took in those words and a deep breath as she said, "As always little sister you prove that despite my many more years, you are the more mature one."

Luna briefly chuckled at the comment but then returned to her usual stoic self as she could tell whatever this was is serious. "Apparently the Sirens have shown their ugly heads in Sunset's world."

"Now!? Out of all the times they could choose," said Luna.

"Indeed," said Celestia with a nod. "And with their silver forked tongues, they seemed to have gotten into Sunset's head that she might be one of them."

"Oh my..." said Luna as she looked down in thought saying, "I can't imagine she's doing well with that."

"And that's why the Fluttershy of that world has messaged me a plan," said Celestia.

"And that would be?" asked Luna.

"Well if the Sirens where banished to that world, perhaps other things where as well... including something that could make Sunset's memory of her parents a little clearer," said Celestia.

Luna took in that information before realizing what it meant as she nodded saying, "I'll get the detector from Clover the Clever's old study room, you pack your things and make your way to the portal."

Celestia nodded as she gave a brief hug saying, "Thank you Luna, this really is going better with your help."

Luna once again chuckled as she said, "Well what can I say, I'm the more mature sister after all."

Celestia let out a chuckle of her own as she said, "Maybe not as more mature as I thought."

Fluttershy slowly closed the door on the sleeping Sunset as she looked down at the assembled group and said, "Now you all keep an eye on her while I go out to the courtyard to meet Celestia."

"About that... are you sure you want to go alone sugarcube?" asked Applejack.

Fluttershy only looked at her in determination as she nodded saying, "I have to... you didn't hear Sunset's voice when she said she might be related to them... the sadness, the pain, the absolute fear of herself. So if there's anything I can do to help her then I have to be the one to do it."

"Wow... I don't think I've seen you this confident," said Rainbow Dash.

"Well... if that's how you feel I suppose we can't change it deary," said Rarity.

"Do you at least want me to give you a ride over there?" asked Applejack.

"Oh there's no need I'll just take Sunset's bike," said Fluttershy as she quickly went out the door.

"Wait... since when can she ride a motorcycle?" asked Pinkie Pie in slight confusion.

The others looked just as puzzled, apart from Rainbow Dash who shrugged as she said, "About as long as I've been able, my uncle Blitz taught us both when we where little."

"Then how come we haven't seen her riding before like you?" asked Rarity.

"Well... normally she'd be too scared to ride on the road like this, she only ever drove around the country roads around Blitz's place," said Rainbow before pausing with a slight smirk as she said, "Right now though, with that look in her eyes... I don't think anything can scare her."

As Celestia exited she checked herself to make sure she was secure on her legs mumbling, "This still takes a little getting used to," before she looked around saying, "Now then I suppose I should wait for young Fluttershy.... I wonder how long she'll take?"

Before Celestia could mull over that though she was suddenly greeted to a loud thundering noise. As she looked in the direction of the sound she saw a large bright light that began to slow down as it approached her, and on instinct she jumped on all fours remembering her lessons on Earth pony martial arts. As she raised her head high and her right arm forward she prepared to defend herself as the strange light pulled up in front of her and turned off, allowing Celestia to get a good look at the bike and its rider.

"Oh um... is everything OK?" asked Fluttershy as she removed her helmet and dismounted.

Celestia's face turned deep red in embarrassment as she bolted up saying, "Yes um... just checking around, search has to start somewhere after all," as she smiled nervously.

Fluttershy looked somewhat skeptical, before shrugging it off as she said, "Glad to hear it, so then do you have that detector you mentioned."

Celestia recomposed herself as she said, "Indeed I do," she then reached into her bag as she pulled out a compass like device saying, "This is the very artifact detector used by Clover the Clever used to find the Memory Stone in the first place."

"Oh wow," said Fluttershy as she glanced down at the object before her.

"I urge you not to get your hopes up though, as while I did manage to tune it to the precise magic frequency so we don't pick up on anything else... sorry about that by the way," said Celestia in slight embarrassment at her teachers actions.

"Just as long as you don't toss magical creatures or artifacts into random portals anymore it's fine," said Fluttershy with a slight chuckle.

Celestia let out one of her own saying, "Well as I was saying, despite my best effort there's no way of knowing for sure if the Memory Stone is nearby or even if the detector will work here." She then opened up the detector and was immediately greeted to its magical needle beginning to glow green before it turned towards the forest to the right of the school.

"Well it looks like we're good," said Fluttershy with a smile.

Celestia stared in disbelief at just how easy that was as she said, "Indeed, well then... shall we go?"

Fluttershy simply nodded as the two made their way into the woods.

Aria groaned as she opened the school door saying, "Did we seriously have to do stay this late after classes ended?"

"Yes, because we needed to make sure we know this school inside and out by tomorrow just in case," said Adagio.

Sonata simply smirked as she munched on a taco saying, "I'm just glad the cafeteria had left overs."

Aria rolled her eyes before noticing an odd sight heading to the woods as she said, "Hmm, looks like one of Sunset's friends is heading into the woods with the principal."

"An after school project maybe?" asked Sonata.

Adagio looked over briefly noticing the odd bearing and dress of the woman with Fluttershy as she took in a deep breath, smelling something she had gotten hints of before as a wide grin formed on her face before she said, "Oh don't you see girls... that's not the principal."

"What do you mean?" asked Sonata.

"Who else could it...wait, you don't mean?" asked Aria in realization.

Adagio just her grin grow wider and turn darker as she said, "Well it looks like the bearded bastard's little student is all grown up and ready to join the game... hope she doesn't mind that we play dirty," as she gestured for the others to start following her.

The pair walked through the woods for some time before the silence was eventually broken as Celestia simply said, "So... how long have you had a crush on Sunset?"

Instantly Fluttershy's face went pure red as she said, "What do you mean, I don't," before devolving into a series of stammers.

Celestia simply smirked before Fluttershy let a sigh saying, "Am I that obvious?"

"Well to be fair I have quite a lot of admirers over the years and have thus had ample time to learn all the signs and signals... but yes you are extremely obvious," said Celestia with a slight chuckle.

Fluttershy on the other hand just pouted as she said, "If it's so obvious then why hasn't Sunset noticed!?"

Instantly Celestia's laugh died down to a contemplative look as she said, "I suppose that might be partly my fault."

"What do you mean?" asked Fluttershy.

Celestia looked down slightly, focusing entirely on the detector as she said, "As you know I made a lot of mistakes in Sunset's upbringing... one of which was failing to instruct her on the ways of romance and relationships."

"Oh," said Fluttershy as she looked down in thought saying, "Well lots of parents or guardians just leave a few things like that to the kids to figure out for themselves."

"Perhaps... but I fear I left far too much for her... and now the only thing I can do is hope to unite with her real family so that they can help her in the ways I failed," said Celestia as a tear drop fell onto the detector.

Suddenly Celestia found a warm hand being place on her shoulder as she looked up to see a soft smile as Fluttershy said, "Hey, nobodies perfect and if it helps... I certainly think the girl you raised is amazing."

Celestia wiped her face as she smiled saying, "That's very sweet of you to say young Fluttershy," before she began walking again as she said, "So then... back to the question."

Fluttershy grimaced before she let out a sigh saying, "It started just after the Fall Formal... I saw how hard she was trying to help everybody out despite how most of them still hated her... how she never gave up and kept trying to be a better person." She then looked down with a blush as she said, "At first I thought it was just a little friend crush that would go away after a week or two... but then all this started and I saw that normally confident and unbeatable girl scared and in pain and knew I had to everything I could to make her feel better.... and that's when I realized it was more then that."

Celestia smiled at that as she said, "Well I'm glad to hear you say that, and she's very lucky to have someone like you pining for her... if you need any help telling her by the way I'd be happy to lend my aid."

Fluttershy blushed further as she let out a slight chuckle saying, "Thanks but I don't think now is a good time for her... so how much further until we get to the Memory Stone?"

Celestia glanced over the detector before stopping dead in her tracks as the arrow suddenly turned from pointing in front of her, to pointing straight down at her feet as she said, "Actually it looks like we've found it."

"Really?" asked Fluttershy as her blush faded as she kneeled down to get a better look.

"Careful," said Celestia as she pointed to a nearby flower patch saying, "It looks like someone is cultivating a garden nearby," before she pulled a small shovel from her bag and began digging.

"Oh my, it's a good thing they didn't accidentally dig it up," said Fluttershy.

Before Celestia could respond she suddenly felt her shovel strike something solid as she reached down and pulled a box from the ground and opened it up as she flatly said, "Very lucky, as apparently Clover felt it best to banish this to another world along with detailed instructions on how to use it," as she held up several papers.

Fluttershy glanced at them as her jaw dropped as she said, "She didn't even write them in old ponish."

"Nope, it's as if she wanted someone to use it," said Celestia before letting out a sigh as she put the papers back in the box before putting the box in her bag as she said, "Well at least it makes our job easier."

Fluttershy nodded at that as the two began walking back the way they came. That walk didn't last long though as they suddenly heard a voice saying, "Well well well."

The two stopped dead as Celestia placed herself in front of Fluttershy in order to protect the girl as Adagio stepped out from behind a tree saying, "It looks like the little sun filly is all grown up."

Celestia scowled as she said, "So, you must be Adagio Dazzle, leader of the Sirens."

"Oh my, it seems my reputation proceeds me," said Adagio as a smirk went across her face.

Before Celestia could respond, Fluttershy suddenly jumped in front of her saying, "Why did you lie to Sunset and say she was your sister?"

"Oh... and how do you know it was a lie?" asked Adagio feigning as though she looked hurt by the comment.

"Because someone as cruel and vicious as you could NEVER be related to someone like her," said Fluttershy as she stared daggers at her.

"Oh, ho, so we have the teacher and the girlfriend... well if it's any consolation you're right so at least you'll be smart bait," said Adagio as suddenly both her arms began to glow and shift, along with her legs as she jumped forward at lightning speed.

Instantly Celestia tried to push her away saying, "RUN FLUTTERSHY!" but she only succeeded in pushing her into the waiting arms of Aria as Sonata smacked her across the side of her head causing her to fall over limp in their arms. "NO!" she cried out as she tried to make her way over to the girl before being pinned on the ground by Adagio.

"Oh and don't think we're counting you out of this Princess, even in this pathetic human form the amount of magic I'm sensing from you is beyond even all the Rainbooms put together," said Adagio as her eyes flashed red.

Instantly any sense of royal a bearing dissapeared as Celestia stared up at the girl fuming with rage as she yelled, "You.. YOU BITCH! What do you plan-" that yell was cut off though as she went limp as Adagio struck her head.

She soon got up as she slung the unconscious princess over her shoulder saying, "Come on girls, let's take them to the basement below the stage." As Aria and Sonata hefted up the unconscious Fluttershy Adagio simply laughed as she said, "Got to make sure we have everything me need for the final encore."

Author's Note:

Well then, things have taken quite the turn. What will happen next, how will Sunset react to all this? Find out all this and more next chapter around this time next week

As always, thanks for reading, hope you liked it, any constructive criticism is welcome, and have a great day