• Published 12th Feb 2021
  • 5,073 Views, 302 Comments

Sunset Heritage - luckyboys121

After undergoing mysterious transformations Sunset is forced to dig into a past she does not remember and confront the parents she's never met

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As Adagio sat atop the stage looking down at the floor and remembering what was bellow, she smirked as she said, "One more hour until this world is ours."

Aria groaned as she said, "Why exactly did we need to compete in the Battle of the Bands and do this on stage anyway?"

Sonata nodded as she said, "Yeah, it wasn't even fun competing, and since the Rainbooms dropped out they where one band short and we've already won," as she held up the golden microphone shaped trophy Principle Celestia had given them. "So all we're doing now is playing a big encore performance."

"Obviously you have forgotten what separates us from people like that muscle bound idiot Tirek or that tiny bug Chrysalis," said Adagio.

"And what would that be?" asked Aria as she raised an eyebrow.

Adagio smirked as she straightened the stolen crown atop her head saying, "PRESENTATION!" The two looked at her in confusion as she said, "Just imagine it, we drain not only Sunset of her energy, but Celestia's magic as everyone watches in horror as the new rulers of their world emerge."

"Yeah but Celestia isn't under our spell, so how are we going to drain her magic?" asked Aria.

Adagio simply chuckled as she pointed to a small window below them saying, "Oh trust me, with what she's about to see she'll be fuming soon enough." She then began to laugh as the red once again over took her eyes.

Aria and Sonata opened their mouths as if they had a comment or retort, only to join in on the laugh as red entered their eyes as well.

As they all stood in Sunset's place Applejack spoke up saying, "Alright yall, the Dazzlings go on stage in about an hour. So what are we gonna do?"

Sunset simply pointed Jade forward as she said, "Well it's simple, I'll kill them and then we look for Celestia and Fluttershy."

This unnerved the group as Rarity spoke up saying, "About that dearie," but Twilight gave her a look that said, "I'll handle this."

Twilight then spoke up saying, "Beyond that though we have to find a way to break everyone free of the Dazzling's spell, if my reading about them is true we might be able to play a musical counter spell."

"You mean like a song?" asked Pinkie Pie.

Twilight nodded as she said, "We just need a way to make sure everyone can hear it over the Dazzlings singing," she then glanced at Sunset as she said, "And the gunfire... you wouldn't happen to know anyone with high quality audio equipment?"

They all thought this before Rainbow perked up as she said, "Vinyl Scratch! She performs the half time show at all my games and no matter how loud the crowd cheers we can always hear her."

"Do you think she'll be able to help though, I mean what if she's under the Dazzlings spell?" asked Applejack.

"Even if she is Octavia didn't seem to be yesterday, and if anyone can get through to Vinyl it's her," said Rarity.

Twilight nodded at that as she said, "Sounds like a plan," she then glanced at Sunset polishing her weapon as she said, "Why don't you all go out and make the calls."

They all nodded knowing what Twilight was getting at as Rainbow said, "I'll call Vinyl."

"And I'll talk to Octavia," said Rarity as the two headed out the door.

Applejack soon got up as she said, "Pinkie how about you help me make sure all the instruments are secure in the van."

Pinkie nodded as she followed behind, soon leaving Twilight and Sunset alone in the apartment. The silence was palpable as Twilight tried to collect her words while Sunset continued to polish her gun.

Eventually Twilight opened her mouth but was interrupted as Sunset simply said, "I know what you're gonna say," without even bothering to turn towards her.

Twilight blinked at that as she said, "Wait... what?"

Sunset sighed as she placed the gun down and turned to Twilight with a blank stare as she said, "You're gonna say about how no one is to far gone, and you could have killed me and I don't want to hear it. These girls have gone way further then I did and you know it and I don't want a lecture about this from someone who was just able to shoot a rainbow laser and become best friends with anyone she wanted."

Twilight suddenly went from confused to angry at that as she said, "You think that's what I do?!"

"Oh, I know that's what you do, and why you have no right to lecture me!" said Sunset as she suddenly stood up and looked Twilight in the eye, fully showing that hers where beginning to change again.

Twilight didn't back down form this as she stood up saying, "Then you're wrong on both accounts as not only is that not what I do, but I'm probably the only one who sees where you're coming from!"

Sunset suddenly blinked in surprise as her eyes went back to normal as she said, "What?"

Twilight stared back at her before sighing as she sat back down and said, "I haven't told anyone about this but... do you know about Lord Tirek?"

Sunset sat back down herself as she said, "I remember reading about him when I studied under Celestia."

"Well he came back awhile ago and he actually managed to steal the magic of almost everypony in Equestria," said Twilight.

"Oh.. oh wow," said Sunset as she placed her hand to her head. "With that magic power he could... he could do pretty much anything."

Twilight nodded at that as she said, "But that still wasn't enough for him, he wanted Alicorn magic and so... to stop him from getting it all the Princesses agreed that one of us had to absorb all our magic and hide somewhere and since Tirek didn't know I had become a Princess yet... they picked me."

Sunset blinked at that as she said, "You... had the power of all the Alicorns at once?" Twilight nodded as Sunset thought on that for a moment before she continued saying, "How... how did it feel?"

Twilight slightly chuckled at that as she said, "Like nothing I'd ever felt before... my entire body was my horn, channeling enough magic throughout every cell that I could have done every spell I know at the same time and barely use any of it." She smiled for a moment before looking down as she said, "That's not the point though, the point is the plan didn't work. Tirek found me and fired a blast right at me, and while I was able to teleport away in time it completely destroyed my home."

"Oh... wow," said Sunset as she placed her hands on table.

Twilight grew serious as she said, "In that moment I looked at him and saw a monster beyond redemption willing to do absolutely anything to get power... power he didn't need but simply wanted out of some twisted ambition.... and so I fired my own blast at him. A blast more powerful then any I had ever fired before or since, a blast that I knew full well that if he didn't block would've blown a hole straight through his head... a blast I hoped he didn't block."

Sunset stared at Twilight unable to find the words as Twilight looked up at her with a stern face saying, "I know as well anyone that some people can't be reasoned with Sunset and from what I've seen of the Dazzlings, it doesn't seem they can be either so if you have to do it, I won't stop you, I just have one piece of advice."

"And what's that?" asked Sunset.

Twilight paused before she sighed saying, "My friends and I ended up finding a way to drain away all the magic Tirek stole, leaving him a shell of his former shelf... a shell so weak I could have taken him out even without my magic. But I didn't, because even if he is beyond redemption I couldn't bring myself to finish off someone so weak and helpless." She then looked up at Sunset as she said, "And even though I know I might come to regret that decision some day, I'll be able to live with that in a way I can't imagine I'd be able to live with seeing that weak body drop at my hooves... so if the same thing happens, if the Dazzlings end up laying powerless at your feet... I just want you to think about what you're able to live with, OK Sunset."

Twilight then placed a reassuring hand on Sunset's shoulder as the girl looked back towards and cracked the first smile since she had talked to Adagio as she said, "Thanks Twi, I... I'll think on that."

Twilight smiled back as she said, "No matter what happens, I know you'll make the right decision."

As Adagio watched the students begin to pile into the stadium she began to tap her finger impatiently as she said, "Where is she?"

"Now who can't keep their temper in check?" said Aria with a smirk.

Adagio glanced back at her with a growl causing her to recede slightly before turning her attention to a van and a very odd car parking on the hill opposite the stage. She barely noticed as the car begin to turn into some kind of sound equipment as she saw Sunset step out of the van. She smiled greatly at having her prize before her, only for it to waver as she saw a seemingly calm and collected Sunset standing there. Adagio's eyes began to glow red as she made her way off the stage saying, "I just need to grab something real quick."

She once again changed her arms and legs as she quickly opened the door to the basement stage and closed it behind her as she rocketed forward, pinning Fluttershy to a wall as she she smacked her head with her claws, both knocking her out and putting a slight gash on her forehead.

"NO!" cried out Celestia as she ran towards the girl, Adagio didn't pay any attention to her, eyeing the blood stained butterfly hair clip now held in her claws, before she put it in her own hair and exited the room just as quickly as she came. Celestia ran over to Fluttershy, knocking over her bag and spilling out the Memory Stone notes, the top most one saying, "Magic Overload, Self Destruct."

She held the girl to her lap as she she let out her tears saying, "This is all my fault, I could have gotten us out of here if I just destroyed the stone but I thought Sunset needed and I..." she grit her teeth as she said, "Why do I have to be so stupid!" Her tears continued to flow as unbenounced to her a green mist of her own self hatred began to flow out of her body and up towards the stage.

Applejack looked at the two before her saying, "Yall almost got the equipment ready?"

"Well... I think so, does it look good on your end Vinyl?" asked Octavia.

She simply gave a thumbs up in response resulting in Applejack smiling as she turned to the others saying, "Alright yall, we're all set for the music and Sunset you can..."

Sunset approached her with a nod saying, "Kick their asses and get our friends back, you got it."

The others slightly lurched at that as they actually didn't expect Sunset to have calmed down this much, where as Twilight simply smirked and nodded at her.

They all suddenly heard cheering as Applejack said, "Looks like the shows about to start."

Sunset turned to see Adagio take the stage and what she saw made her blood run cold. In addition to Celestia's crown, Adagio now sported Fluttershy's hair clip... covered in blood. In an instant everything she and Twilight had talked about went out the window as the Sunset's arm glowed far brighter then before as the red now flowed upward, across her head causing her eyes to turn black and both ears to become pointed, and finally down her back resulting in a new transformation. A pair of wings suddenly unfurled from her back, somehow having both the veins and talons of her previous bat like wings, but also having feathers all along them as though they where the wings of a bird or Pegasus. The others didn't have time to comment on this as in an instant Sunset flapped the wings launching herself into the air just in front of the stage as she pointed the now once again larger gun at the girls before her and without taking a breath pulled the trigger.

The Dazzlings looked up as they saw a garbage truck sized beam of pure energy rocketing towards them, energy packaged in hatred for them to absorb. They all had a smirk as they opened their mouths and began to draw it in. Everyone watched in awe as the beam appeared to simply dissipate in front of the trio before it eventually ran out. Sunset finally regaining her senses as she fell back down to ground on the stage before looking at the the tio of girls as they began to levitate into the air glowing pure red. That red glow soon broke like a cocoon to reveal a horrifying new transformation as not only had their legs and arms shifted, but so had their faces giving them as they smirked as they lowered to the ground and began to pose in triumph at the crowd before them

Sunset didn't pay much mind to that as she glanced at the now shrunken gun before she flapped the wings once again shooting towards them with a thankfully clearer head as she reached her fist to strike Adagio.

It never even reached her though as she raised her hand and placed up a barrier knocking Sunset to the ground in front of her. She then let out a sadistic cackle saying, "Oh my don't rush to the end of the show dear, after all you still haven't heard our song yet."

She glanced at her sisters who nodded towards her before she looked back to Sunset saying, "Here's a new number to honor our rebirth as the goddesses of this world."

As the three sung Sunset managed to get back to her feet as she tried to kick out at Adagio, only to have her casually jump away. Sunset tried firing the Jade at her, only to have a pathetic bit of fire come out as she stumbled back. She pulled her pill case out of her pocket, only to have Sonata knock it the side as she said, "Sorry, but we're the only ones getting a power boost right now."

Sunset watched the case tumble down off the front of the stage as she stumbled to her feet just in time to block a punch from Aria.

Fluttershy slowly opened her eyes to a clattering noise as she hazily turned her attention towards it. After a few moments to clear her vision she saw something that made her become instantly alert. Sitting just outside the tiny window was the pill case she had purchased for Sunset, and as she started to feel fear of seeing that object tossed the ground she began to become more aware of her surrounding as she realized she was laying in Celestia's lap as she looked up to see the woman crying as she mumbled, "It's all my fault."

She quickly got up startling Celestia out of it as she asked, "What's going on!?"

Celestia looked at the girl as she said, "Adagio knocked you out and took your hair clip for something... and it's my fault. I... I could have gotten us out of here earlier if I destroyed the Memory Stone, but I wanted to bring it to Sunset to help her."

Fluttershy became slightly annoyed at that but tried to ignore it as she said, "Whatever, that's not the point now," she then pointed towards the window as she said, "Sunset's in trouble out there and we need to get out to help her."

Celestia looked towards that but began to cry again as she said, "And again my decisions are hurting the ones I love what's wrong with me... why am I always wrong I-"

Celestia was suddenly interrupted as she felt a slap across her face getting her attention. Fluttershy stared at her as she said, "Listen here missy, you screwed up it happens, sure it was pretty bad but you do not fix it by sitting around hating yourself all day! You focus on what you can do now, and what you can do now is get us out of here to help Sunset now!"

Fluttershy panted with rage for a moment as Celestia blinked at the display before saying, "You're... you're right, Fluttershy I'm so sorry I-"

The normally timid girl didn't let her finish though as she pushed Celestia towards the door saying, "Appologies later, fixing it now!"

"R-right," said Celestia as she pulled out the memory stone and said, "Here goes nothing," as she traced the symbols along it causing them to begin to glow. A glow that soon intensified as she threw it at the door and turned away from it.

The small explosion shattered the door to splinters but as Fluttershy and Celestia exited they saw how it paled in comparison to the fight before them, or rather the slaughter as Sunset was barely able to stay on her feet as the trio hammered away at her from all sides.

"SUNSET!" cried out Fluttershy as she reached for the girl.

Sunset instantly turned at the familiar voice, and had a slight smile cross her face at seeing Fluttershy and Celestia where OK, a smile that was quickly knocked away along with the rest of her by a sucker punch from Adagio.

"NO!" cried out Fluttershy as she ran towards them, only to be stopped as Celestia grabbed her.

"We can't help her that way," she then pointed to the others atop the hill as she said, "But maybe we can help them help her."

Fluttershy stared for a moment before nodding as the two quickly began running up the hill.

Applejack was the first to notice the approaching crowd as she said, "Fluttershy, Celestia, yall are-"

"NO TIME!" said Fluttershy simply.

"Indeed, what is happening?" said Celestia.

Twilight stepped forward saying, "The Dazzlings used Sunset's anger at you two being kidnapped to absorb her power."

"And we set up our equipment to try and play a song to break their spell over the students," said Pinkie Pie.

They turned to see Sunset being knocked to the ground once again as Rarity gulped and said, "Though it seems like a mote point right now."

"So what are we gonna do then?!" asked Rainbow Dash, as her face twisted on horror at seeing their friend undergoing this brutally and knowing they couldn't directly help.

Fluttershy glanced around at the music equipment as she noticed who was manning it as she said, "I have an idea!" She then ran up saying, "Octavia, did you ever program in that orchestral piece I told you about?"

Octavia blinked surprised as she said, "Well yes, but I hardly see how that matters now!"

Fluttershy simply nodded as she looked towards the others and said, "Follow my lead."

Sunset struggled to stay awake as she looked up at the smiling monster before her as Adagio said, "Face it Sunset, we are the new goddesses of this world and you... why you're just a pathetic little demon getting in the way of our divine rights." She then readied her claws as she said, "And it's about time that demon went away!"

Before she could follow through on that strike though she was suddenly interrupted by a loud noise. They all turned to see the Rainbooms begin to play as Fluttershy grabbed the microphone and sung.

Adagio simply chuckled at the song as she said, "Well, looks like your funeral has a good soundtrack at least." She once again began to strike with her claws, only to shudder as Sunset caught them mid air. "Wha-what!?" She stammered as Sunset began to get to her feet and stared back at her. It was then Adagio noticed a new change as while the sclera remained black, the previously blue pupil was now a full rainbow of colors as Sunset stared back at her. Once Sunset got to full height she noticed another change as the yellow totally drained from her hair leaving it a mix of white and red. Aria and Sonata quickly tried to punch her while she was distracted holding Adagio back, only for her to fold in her wings and block them, before flexing the wings as she launched them back. She then tossed Adagio towards them, as the three now laid on the ground in a pile looking at her.

"What is she doing Adagio?" asked Sonata.

"What the hell?" responded Aria more bluntly.

Sunset let out a slight chuckle as she walked towards the three girls before her saying, "This ends, right here, right now. I won't allow you to hurt my friends anymore... and I won't kill you either, since I know giving into my anger is what you'd want."

"You... how dare a lowly demon like you talk down to us!" said Adagio.

Sunset let out another chuckle as she said, "Maybe I am a demon, but that doesn't matter. I'll use that demon power to protect everyone I care about and that makes me better then any so called goddess like you."

Adagio began to fume at that as she and the other got to their feet as she said, "JUST DIE ALREADY!" as she and they all opened up their mouth's and shot pure red beams from them. Sunset on the other hand casually pointed her gun forward as a new symbol took form on it.

As she prepared to pull the trigger she heard a male and female voice echo something in her head and for some unknwon reason, she smiled at hearing as she repeated it aloud saying simply, "Jackpot," before pulling the trigger. The rainbow beam burst forth from the Jade as it collided with the Dazzling's beams. For a moment the two beams stood in perfect sync as the air around them seemed to crack apart and break, briefly revealing a void of light. Adagio seemed to be only one to notice this as she slightly stumbled before Sunset's beam finally overtook their's plowing into them as the shock wave went into the void before it seemed to seal itself back up.

The Dazzlings where completely enveloped and knocked back by the rainbow as the song wrapped up and the crowd blinked back to reality at finally having the spell over them broken. Instantly Fluttershy began running towards the stage as Sunset looked towards her saying, "Fluttershy your song was-"

She was quickly interrupted though as she suddenly found Fluttershy's lips pressed against her own, and not knowing how to process this she simply leaned into it for a moment before Fluttershy parted from her saying, "Just in case the song didn't make it clear."

Sunset blinked as she said, "Just in case the..." she then smacked her forehead saying, "Oh god I'm the dense protagonist aren't I."

Fluttershy giggled with a blush as she said, "Maybe just a little, but it's just another reason to like you."

Sunset blushed herself at that as she said, "Thanks... would you like to have dinner after this?"

"Absolutely," said Fluttershy beaming from ear to ear.

Sunset prepared to say something but was quickly interrupted as the others came forward. Celestia spoke up saying, "Sunset I... there are no words to describe just how glad I am that you're OK and how sorry I am for my part in this."

Sunset simply blinked at that before chuckling as she said, "You know what... I don't think either of us had the most healthy mental state back then and beating ourselves over it is just going to lead us making more mistakes. So how about we just wipe the slate clean and consider this a new start... maybe you can tell me about all the stuff that happened in Equestria since I was gone, say tea in the castle tomorrow?"

Celestia once again shed tears, but this time with a bright smile on her face as she said, "I'd like that very much."

Twilight opened her mouth to say something, only to stop as they heard a cough from the side. They all turned to see the once again human Dazzlings emerging from a cloud of rubble as Aria and Sonata tried to hold together their cracking gemstones while Adagio let her falls as she stared at the group.

Sunset looked at the three as she said, "Well what are you waiting for... get out before you ruin this moment."

Adagio slightly huffed in rage before complying as she and the others made their exit.

Twilight spoke up saying, "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

Sunset shrugged as said, "Maybe not, but it's what I can live with right now." As Sunset reached out her arms and the group all assembled in a large hug.

Aria looked at Adagio as she said, "Never thought we'd be running scared from one girl!"

"One demon girl," said Sonata as she slightly choked up in fear.

"She's not why I decided to run," said Adagio.

"What do you mean?" asked Aria.

"When our powers collided it cracked open reality itself for a moment, allowing that power to radiate across the worlds, Sunset just wrung the challenge bell, and I don't want to stick around to find out who heard it," said Adagio.

As always the demon realm echoed with countless screams as Mundus sat upon his throne and watched his soldiers tear each other apart. "The weak among them shall die, and the strong shall survive," he said simply as he looked up towards the blackened sky above him. Suddenly though the black seemed to crack open as everyone stopped their fighting to gaze at the power now visible before them. It was less the look of the power but the feel of it though as Mundus breathed it in as his three eyes narrowed with rage saying, "That smell... it's different but that pungent stench of betrayal is still there." Just as quickly as the crack came though it left, but its effect still echoed across the demon realm as Mundus stood up and looked down at his now attentive troops saying, "AT LAST THEY HAVE RETURNED THE HUMAN WORLD! AT LAST WE SHALL HAVE OUR REVENGE AGAINST THE INFERNAL BLOOD LINE OF THE TRAITOR SPARDA!!" This resulted in a number of cheers from the crowd as Mundus traced his hand over a small bullet wound scar on his chest saying to himself, "And at last I shall crush the child of that infernal Dante and see him writhe in despair and agony!"

In total contrast the Emperor's Castle in the Boiling Isle's was the picture of perfect order as the various members of the Coven went about their business. They however all managed for a moment to salute the Emperor's right hand as she briskly made her way to the throne room carrying a magic device. The small creature soon reached the room as she nodded towards the guards before heading in as she saw her master cracking open a small creature and absorbing its magic into his eyes.

The casual act of murder did nothing to faze the girl as she kneeled down saying, "Emperor Bellos, I have news for you."

His eyes now glowing green with power, Bellos glanced down as he said, "Ah, Kikimora, to what do I owe this honor."

She placed the magical device before her as she opened a lid on it saying, "Our soldiers briefly reported seeing a flash in the sky and sensing an odd energy."

"And," said Bellos before sighing as he said, "Probably an unstable portal created by all this wild magic about, it's no wonder the Titan has tasked me with putting an end to it."

"About that, as you commanded we have been monitoring the human world in preparation for the Day of Unity, and we believe the energy originated from there," said Kikimora.

"Oh?" asked Bellos.

Kikimora gestured to a hologram forming as she said, "As you can see it is a perfect blend of demonic and magic energies."

Emperor Bellos looked at these readings before chuckling to himself as he said, "Well well, it looks like the forbidden child has finally made herself known.... and what of the Owl Lady and her disgusting half demon mate?"

"They remain unaware, since just as the barrier around the Owl House prevents us from sensing what is going on inside, so too are they unable to sense outside of it moreover our spies outside did not report anyone at the window to see the light," said Kikimora.

Bellos tented his fingers at that as he said, "Excellent, then we need not worry about interference. Summon Lilith immediately, tell her if she's having so much trouble trying to capture her sister then perhaps she might have better luck trying to capture her niece instead."

Back on Earth though two woman sat in a dingy office having an argument that seemed trivial but was threatening to come to bloody violence.

"I called the last peace of pizza!" called out Lady as she glared at the blonde girl before her.

"You had the slice before this one, so this one is mine!" said Trish as she matched her stare .

Lady began to slowly reach for her beloved weapon, the Kalina Ann, before Trish suddenly backed away as she held her hand to her head. Seizing the opportunity, Lady took the pizza and bit it before asking, "Hey.. is something wrong?"

"I... I just sensed a pretty hefty demonic aura... at least I think," said Trish.

"You think... since when are so imprecise?" asked Lady as she stuffed the rest of the slice in her mouth.

"I don't know it just felt... different," said Trish. Before she stood up straight saying, "It's probably worth checking out."

Lady licked the last bit of sauce from her fingers before glancing at what most would think was an ordinary landline phone as she said, "You think we should get Dante in on it?"

Trish thought for a moment before saying, "Nah, let the guy enjoy retirement with misses.... although having some help wouldn't be a bad idea." She then picked up the phone as dialed the number before saying, "Oh hey, Kyrie. Yeah it has been a while... I would love to get lunch, how about next Thursday... yeah Chinese sounds great, listen can you put Nero on?"

On another part of the Earth, a purple girl watched as the odd readings finished printing out from her spectrometer as she straightened her glasses and said, "No doubt about it Spike, something weird is going on at that school," resulting in a simply bark from her dog.

Author's Note:

And so Sunset has defeated the Dazzlings, gained a girlfriend and some new powers, and unknowingly alerted her parents friends and enemies of her presence... well shoot. What will happen as a result of this? Find out next chapter around this time next week.

Firstly, I'm sorry for how short this fight scene was after all the build up, trust me there will be better ones later. Secondly Dazzling fanart by Kayju7 go check them out on DeviantArt.
Thirdly Monster song cover performed by Chi-Chi, check her out on YouTube (and yes I know it might not have been the best song Adagio made a point about being a goddess but I felt the "born to do the killing line" fit her more brutal nature, and plus I just love the song). And finally is an actual song Legacy from DMC 5 a smashing game if I do say.

Anyway thanks for reading, hope you liked it any constructive criticism is welcome, have a great day