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Joshua the Dragonslayer

"Love can be a memory that no one can steal but love can also be a pain that no one can heal"



When the Dazzlings get a second chance in life they take it, but what they didn't know is that they would turn into babies. After the fall formal and Celestia taking in Sunset Shimmer as her own, Sunset takes the 3 Dazzlings. They will all have many adventures to come.

*Cover Art found by Grand Galvatron*

Chapters (25)
Comments ( 93 )

This is a very adorable and sweet story, The new kid Dazzlings seem so friendlier than their previous forms.

Excellent job on your part, buddy. :twilightsmile:

I hope to see new chapters soon.

Yeah it will definitely work thanks so much

you're welcome. :twilightsmile:

Be sure to credit me for finding the cover art in the story description.

I plan on finishing my other book first but after that I'll be working on this one again promise.

Comment posted by Dream Dusk deleted Mar 24th, 2021

joined in 2020? ooo... welcome! i'll give your baby dazzling story a try tomorrow.

glad to have you in the herd!!

Total cuteness overload plus I'm on a wager sunset's friends are going to freak

Let's just hope none of them start cursing around the babies when they get to be that age they start mimicking words for example my dad wants to tell a three year old how to speak ewok to cancel out the profanity

For years and they can't speak. I as a three your old could hold a conversation. A Child can speak there first words or learn to talk when they are 13-15 month old. If they are four years old now that means they should be able to speak like a normal Child.

This is a great story and I enjoy the consept of it. Some mistakes here and there would recommend getting grammerly to help with writing. And read up on certain knowledge about the things you are writing. Anyway have a nice day or night. Wish you well and good luck with the story.

So would you mark this as a somewhat sequel or prequel to the sonata x anon story? Sense this ties into that

I guess you could say that, but I wouldn't mark it as a sequel or prequel. That would be misleading

I'm surprised this isn't a slice of life story.

Oh, I thought I put it as a slice of life. I'll have to change that. Thanks

What a amazing wedding! Looking forward to seeing the sequel!

Dusk Shine? That's the name of Twilight's male counterpart in a dimension where everyone/everypony was the opposite gender.

"Yeah they cheated their way to the Finals and then cheated to beat us." said Sonata

Technically, you guys helped them cheat.

"None of those things, you will be actual humans, no necklaces, no powers, just ordinary humans, But you girls be have to restart your lifes." said Tom in a very serious tone. "You girls we revert to babies."

Well that’s sad.

Everything was quiet, Tom opened his eyes to see a very, very mad Sunset.

"THEIR WHAT!!!!!!!!" yelled Sunset

I don’t see what’s she angry about.

"Fine I will look after them but when they get older will they like you know start to remember?" asked Sunset

"No they won't," replied Tom. "This is there new life and you with Celestia's help will guide them."

There are so many disadvantages for taking these potions.

"Yeah tell them your need all the help you can get." replied Tom "Sorry Sunset but I have to run before Twilight finds out, bye Sunset bye Celestia." said Tom

Which twilight? And why does he know her?

"I'm sure you'll be a wonderful parent Sunset." said Celestia in a motherly tone "Plus I'll be here to help you out."

I don’t know if that’s a good idea. Neither of you have the best track record of being responsible, but we’ll see.

"Well Sunset babies sleep longer because they are still young." Celestia didn't know a valid answer for that so she made one up.

Of course she did.

"Girls, if Sunset tells you who the babies will you be mad at her?" asked Celestia

All the girls looked at each other then they nodded their heads. The tension was high at the moment and it looked like Pinkie was about to explode right there and then.

Don’t you mean shook their heads?

"Wait, Wait, Wait, hold on your telling me that you've token care of the Dazzlings for a whole month without telling us," said Rainbow Dash "What are there names again anyways?"

"Adagio, Aria, and Sonata, I think those were their names." said Pinkie Pie

They don’t even remember their names? That’s sad.

"Yes I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner but, you would of have had trouble trying to tell your friends that your taking care of three ex-villian babies." said Sunset

I mean, they took care of you and didn’t have a problem with it.

"What's the problem, what's the problem, Sunset once a baby is born that baby has to get their shots so that they wouldn't get sick." said Pinkie

I’m surprised she knows that.

Finally it was time for Sonata to get her shot. At this time Adagio had fell asleep and Celestia put here in the carrier and got Sonata. Celestia put Sonata on the table and just like the first two Ms. Redheart put the needle in Sonata's bicep. At first Sunset and Celestia thought Sonata wasn't going to cry the other's but then her eyes started to fill up with tears in the eyes. Then the worst was yet to come, the dam broke, Sonata started to cry her eyes out, poor girl was in a lot of pain. Sunset got up to take Sonata, put this time she wiped Sonata's tears off her face.

What made them think she wasn’t going to cry? It’s common sense.

"Well I'm thinking they could go to Rockhill or Landford," said Celestia "Both of those schools are very good and both have a very good background. Then when they get older they can go to CHS like you did so you can help them and I can watch over them."

Please don’t take them to CHS. That school should have been burned to the ground by now.

"Guess so, but you must always think of the future for your kids, that's a parents responsibility after all." said Celestia

And how would she know that?

I was honestly hoping sonata spoke first. It would have been hilarious.

It had been a few months since the Dazzlings had said their first words. While those few months the Dazzlings had gotten more fluent with speaking, they had been able to say more words. The Dazzlings were fast learners and they were pretty smart. They were smart for their age maybe a little to smart for their age.

And yet it took them four years to speak.

"Yep, super sure you girls go have fun tonight, and plus I'll have fun taking care of the Dazzlings, I am good with babies after all."

Well, she does have the mind of a child. So it makes sense.

"Can we here a story about your time at school with momma?" Aria asked

"How do girls know what school is?" asked Pinkie Pie

"Momma told us that it's this fun place to go so that we can learn, make friends, and have a fun." said Sonata

Your momma is a liar.

Pinkie Pie was thinking about of a story for the Dazzlings. She wanted to tell the Dazzlings about the Battle of the Bands but she would have to give them a white lie. So she decided to make it so that the story could be told to the little ones.

Something tells me they’re gonna find out.

"I told them about the Battle of the Bands, but with leaving all the magic, and the mind control." said Pinkie Pie

Does that count as a white lie?

After a while of driving they finally made it. Rockville School. The school the Dazzlings would be going to until 6th grade. Celestia, Sunset, and the Dazzlings got out of the car. Celestia walked up to the front desk to sign the Dazzlings for the day. The Dazzlings were running around the room waiting to get to class.

6th? So will they go to high school in 7th grade?

The girl goes to Sonata's hair. She then instead of taking something out of Sonata's hair she pulls a coin out of her hair. Sonata was in shock, how did she not feel a coin on her head. Adagio and Aria had stars in her eyes, this girl had magical powers.

If they think that’s magic, then they have no idea.

"Wait Bizzle... you aren't related to Keith and Trixie Bizzle, are you?" Sonata asked

Is that bad?

After all they where Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk. Together they made The Dazzlings an unstoppable team.

Sure. Unstoppable is definitely the word.

Is gabby Someone from CHS?

Something tells me that lie is gonna bite sunset in the flank.

"Look, Aria I know you were trying to do the same thing and Sonata I know you were scared but both of you shouldn't of lied. After all 2 wrongs don't make a right." Sunset said

Sunset, I don’t think you should be the one saying that.

"Well today me and my company have made a device that can make a person go to different dimensions. We had tried to do a test run earlier but it backfired on us." Tom said

The sad part is I’m not even surprised.

"Right... maybe when they find Aaron I can try to read his mind. Then I can be sure if he's good or not." Sunset said

So the rainbooms have their powers?

"Thank you head officer. Aaron Shine is someone that has traveled through dimensions. Aaron has told both myself and the head office his past in his other dimension. He means no harm to other's in fact he wants to help us. The dimension Aaron use to be in was way beyond are generation. With his intellect we can make this earth a better place. Me and the head of police plan on letting Aaron stay in our dimension and help us. I will let Aaron talk for himself." Tom said

Nope. Something is telling me that’s a bad idea.

"No I'm ok. It's just that... that Aaron guy is bad news. When he was leaving the stage I saw him smile but in like the evil smile. Like whenever the Joker smiles, that kind of smile." Sunset said

Wow, she knows who the joker is.

"Well first off I don't think someone can smile that big. Second off, maybe you misinterpreted the smile. Give it some time Sunset if nothing goes wrong after maybe a year or so then we'll know. Everyone deserves a second chance, that includes Aaron. For Aaron this is his second chance. For all we know he could of been through a lot back in his dimension. Give him a chance Sunset, and if something goes wrong then we'll let Tom find out." Celestia said

Celestia, you’re not very smart are you?

Something tells me that what they said was meant to be interpreted in a different way.

Did anyone else get parent trap vibes?

Sunset see's Sonata flinch when she hears that. Sonata takes a deep breathe and turns around, she messes with her hair for a while. A while later it's back to it's normal ponytail, Sonata turns back around looking right at her mother. Sunset, Aria, and Adagio gasp. Sonata was crying but that wasn't the only thing, she had a blackeye!! Something DID happen at school and she had tried to keep it a secret.

Alright, who did it and how big does the casket have to be?

When Adagio looks up at her sister she had the most serious look on her face. For a spilt second it looked like her eyes glowed like some anime character. Aria and Sonata step back in fear, they nod their head in fear. Adagio opens the door and starts to walk out of the room, Sonata and Aria follow closely behind.

Something tells me those siren powers are kicking in.

Adagio had a plan for tomorrow, that girl that did that to Sonata. She was going to have more than just a blackeye once the Dazzlings were done with her. That was a promise Adagio made to herself. But she had no idea what danger she was putting her and her sisters in.

Is the bully that bad?

"Now then Sonata what did this person look like. Is she in our class? Tall? Small? Does she have glasses? Black hair? Green eyes? Tell me Sonata what did this girl look LIKE." Adagio said clearly losing her cool and calm nature she always had one

Girl, calm down. Save your energy.

"Come on Adagio calm down. We can't beat someone like that. She can probably eat us alive." Sonata said

Hey, 3 v 1 is hard to beat.

"Me and Ari had nothing to do with it. Adagio was the one that thought of the plan." Sonata yelled out

I laughed so hard.

"Do you three have any idea what you just pulled? Why would you do that, I told you don't worry about anything and to let me handle it. ME not YOU, Adagio I know you were trying to help but this wasn't the way." Sunset said

Sometimes you gotta handle stuff on your own.

"So what brings you here? Last time we meet we didn't end off very well." Gilda said picking up a can "You want a beer?"


"Well I appreciate that all of you were worried about me. Gilda said she would talk to Gabby so maybe all of you can be friends." Sunset said

I doubt it.

So would this count as a crossover?

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