• Published 5th May 2021
  • 2,128 Views, 82 Comments

The Magic Lamp - Silver Butcher

While The Two Retired Princesses search for the Lamp with a few of it's old masters Spike find a new master in the escaped Criminal Cozy Glow, who is the first master to ever find the one loop hole that allows her to gain more than three wishes.

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Dinner with the 6 Spikes

Cozy made her way to her private chambers and, after making sure the door was locked, took her dress off and looked at the spot where her glamour was hiding her cutie mark. The many versions of Spike were already in the room and were busily causing a mess as they attempted to prepare Dinner, Thanks to their glamors they all had different colors and clothing than they usually did.

Kirin Spike was Brown with a Pink mane and had a White Collar and a Torn red Bow around his neck. Breezie Spike was Blue with a white mane and had a plastic play fork strapped between his wings like a weapon. Diamond dog Spike had the typical coloring of most Diamond Dogs along with a vest and a Golden collar with red gem embroidering. Llama Spike was Bright orange Wool with pink fur on his face, lower legs, and ears, and had a neon green neckerchief resting on his head. Dragon Spike had gone a different route with his disguise and had changed the type of Dragon he was He was Dark Blue with light orange undertones on his belly, ears, and head spines, his head spines were thinner and had fin-like webbing on them, he had webbing between his fingers, had fins on his arms, lines on his neck that would turn into gills if he entered the water, his tail also now ended in a point with retractable fins on the end.

Cozy watched Sea Dragon Spike walk past and chuckled when he sneezed and his tail fins popped out like a kite. He looked over at her irritably and she held her chuckle back.

"I'm sorry," She amended "But you were the one who didn't wanna just change the type of creature you were," Dragon muttered something and continued on his way. Cozy made her way to the table and found that the many Spikes all seemed to have a different idea as to who was sitting where. There were a total of 6 chairs lined the large table, and an assortment of Burt or half-cooked dishes lined the table, each chair had the name of one of the Spike's species on it and every few seconds they would swap randomly, save for Dragon, who had the other end by default thanks to being the original Spike. Cozy took her seat and looked at the unappetizing foods before her.

"I wish for an extra cheesy vegan Lasagna and some sugary green tea Pweety Pwease," the table was moved in magic and a giant Lasagna took center stage, along with a cup of warm tea, the Spikes all chaotically began taking seats and in the end, the chair to her right housed the Kirin, the one to her left remained empty as Breezie instead sat next to the main dish and began attacking one of the corners with his plastic fork. She Ignored the empty seat and partook of the meal.

Cozy cut herself a slice and began eating, the Spikes stayed oddly silent as they also ate from the Lasagna, save for the Breezie, who was being very vicious about how he ate, stabbing his food violently until it could fit into his mouth. Cozy reached for the parmesan and Kirin Spike passed it to her, she thanked him with her full mouth and sprinkled some on her food before placing it to her left, as she began eating again she spotted Kirin Spike take it and began coating his food in it. Something felt odd about that and after a moment she blinked and swallowed her food before turning to Kirin Spike, who was now on her left and pouring Parmasain on his food, then to her right, where Kirin Spike was also still sitting and cutting his food up with a knife.

"Hold up," She said when she realized there were 2 Kirin Spikes sitting at the table "What's going on with this?"

"Well," The Right Kirin said "We , or I , was talking and realized...the most dangerous part of your plan is, well me," Kirin Spike motioned around "We, or I, Realized that since we know everything there's a chance one of us will mention something we shouldn't know, and in the event, you end up in a dangerous situation, I'm the only one who can really do much since the others don't naturally have magic and would have to give up who they are to help, and after some talking and planning, Cozy we would like to introduce you to-" Kirin Spike pointed to her left, and she looked to the Left Kirin Spike, who was no longer a Kirin, it was now a Purple and Green Changling with small green Horn like antlers that bent outwards, with eyeliner and Golden cuffs,

"Hello," She said happily "I'm Changling Spike, I exist now," Cozy looked at her for a moment as the Changling activated her own personal Glamor and turned her Purple light Orange and the green Blue. Cozy just stared at her for a moment before motioning to Dragon Spike.

"Why didn't you just make yourself a Changling?"

"Would have ended up the same," All of the Spike's replied in unison "Only Dragon would have had to stay in the lamp the entire time," Cozy groaned "Your such a confusing creature?"

"Good," Breezie replied as it wielded its plastic fork like a Tritant as it stabbed its food "Genie's should be confusing," as Changling Spike now revealed the Spikes became their normal noisy Selves. Cozy looked over the Changling Spike and was conflicted, unsure if she should just act like there was more Spike, or if she should go on her theory that Spike's solitude had driven him to make his other sentient creatures based on himself their own selves. She decided for the moment to go with the first, knowing the Spike would just end up arguing with one another and instead Spoke to Spike as a collective.

"That's a very smart idea, Thank you Spike I appreciate the help," The Spikes all waved her off, save for Breezie who rubbed his own chest proudly before going back to his lasagna massacre. "So, how do you think we should play this?"

"Just make it real," Diamond dog replied "When you try to make Flurry fall for you,"
"fall for her," Dragon Suggested as he ate a cup of tea.
"lust for her," Breezie added in between stabs.
"want for her," Llama concluded "Want her so much that you forget the original reason you even wanted her was for Alicornhood!"

"Or unpetrify Chrysalis and have her teach you that mind control spell she once used on Shining," Changling Spike recommended, The other Spikes all stopped what they were doing, Even Breezie stopped mid-stab and looked at the Changling with a heartbroken look on his face, as though Changling had betrayed its trust "Was I not supposed to say that one out loud? Because we were all thinking it," Cozy chuckled as she put her hoof on her face.

"I appreciate the concern, but I'm trying to win Alicorn hood, and if I were to wish Chrysalis unfrozen then..." All the Spike cried out in an attempt to stop her when they realized what she was about to do but instead were forced to follow the rules as one line of makeup disappeared from all of them and they sadly called out.

"Your wish had been Granted," They all facepalmed and Cozy stood up.

"What!? I wasn't wishing for..."

"Warning," Dragon Spike said "Be careful what you say cause if you say, I and wish, and then something after in the same sentence it counts as a wish whether we like it or not,"

"I wish she was stone again, Cozy said immediately, the Spikes just all sadly shook their heads.

"We can't do that," Breezie said simply "Being turned to stone, while technically leaving your mind alive, kills you on a biological level since it replaces all your living tissue with lifeless stone, We can undo that easily, but we can't petrify any creature," Cozy looked at the Spikes for a moment before her ears slowly went flat as the fact of what she had just done hit her.

Alarms were blaring in the Chrystal Empire and the Guards rushed to where Chrysalis's statue was being held, All they found upon arrival was an empty pedestal. Chrysalis flew as fast as she could away from The Crystal Empire, Laughing madly as she looked at her stolen prize in her hooves, Her crime was realized when she exited the boundary of the empire and the barrier keeping eternal winter from the empire broke.

"The Crystal Heart!" A Guard cried out "The Crystal Heart has been stolen by Queen Chrysalis!"

Author's Note:

and then the Chapter ended with an ending that I'm sure no one was ready or prepared for!