• Published 5th May 2021
  • 2,117 Views, 82 Comments

The Magic Lamp - Silver Butcher

While The Two Retired Princesses search for the Lamp with a few of it's old masters Spike find a new master in the escaped Criminal Cozy Glow, who is the first master to ever find the one loop hole that allows her to gain more than three wishes.

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Cozy's Storm

Cozy was sitting down with Breezie Spike. All of the other versions of Spike were busy doing their own part of her new plan.

"Alright," Cozy said "So we find Chrysalis and tell her she either works for me or I'll turn her over to Cadence," Cozy spoke slowly as she made sure not to use the words I, or wish in the same sentence, "Then when that eventually works, I'll tell her I freed her so she can help me with the mind control spell,"

"Sounds good, Sounds good," Breezie nodded as he motioned his hoofs for her to continue "And then?"

"And then I need a plan that sounds really good but is doomed to fail so she gets captured and I can continue with my own plans to become an Alicorn," Cozy looked over to Spike, who was nodding.

"What can go wrong," He asked with a chuckle as he took roost in her mane "You ready for this," Cozy took a deep breath and made her first wish "I wish I could change between The Dutchess of the Westernkingdoms and Cozy Glow Pweety Pweese,"

"Wish Granted," Breezie noted. Cozy lifted her hoof and bopped her nose, in an instant she snapped into her original look, being the child villain Cozy glow, once she did so Breezie's Glamor dissipated.

"Oh I don't miss this," She grumbled as she looked at her chair, it had been a nice fit when she was in Dutchess form, but now that she was in Cozy mode she couldn't even reach the desk. She looked up at Breezie "Is Changling in position?"

"She's should be arriving about now," Breezie replied as his eyes went white to check in on the other piece of himself.

Changling Spike was flying at impossible speed as she shot through the cold winter winds, instantly finding Chrysalis, who had been fallen by the cold and was weakly still trying to escape with the Crystal heart. Changling hit the ground with no noticeable impact and merrily skipped across the snow.

"Hello," She called with a wave to Chrysalis, why blinked at the Changling walking towards her and fired a magical attack, It hit Spike and did nothing as she continued advancing. Chrysalis took a step back and continued blasting away until Spike came to a rest a little ways away from her and yawned. "Are you done?" She asked happily "Because I recon you have maybe 4 minutes before Cadence pinpoints you, and I'm sure Cozy Glow will have hated to waste her time freeing you only for you to get caught again,"

"Cozy glow?" Chrysalis demanded with a chuckle "How? That tiny little Pony is a simple Pegasus, she could never-"

"Alright look I don't have time for this," Spike said with a groan "She used me to free you, also Hi I'm the Genie of the lamp, all-powerful creature, I turned Luna into Nightmare moon, blah blah blah," Spike rolled her hoof "Anyway Cozy sent me to save you, under the condition, you place yourself at her mercy and become her subordinate,"

"How dare you!" Chrysalis said, clearly about to go into a power rant.

"2 minutes before Cadence finds you," Spike declared with a shrug making Chrysalis falter "Oh well, I guess we can use Tirek instead, Bonus we can use you as an example," Spike turned around and began walking away with a little skip in her step "Enjoy being stone again,"

"Wait," Chrysalis called out as she began chasing after the Genie, struggling in the snow as she did so "Come back, join with me instead of Cozy!"

"Not how Genie's work," Spike called back casually, "But hey if you change your mind, feel free to call out to me and say you'll serve Cozy," Chrysalis watched as the Genie faded away into a puff of smoke and stood her ground breathing heavily in the snow before moving as fast as she could, frost now developing on her wings as she held the Crystal heart in her magic to increase her speed. True to the Genies warnings within Two Minutes a Blast of Magic hit the earth in front of Chrysalis, forcing her to a stop, flying above her was Cadence with a unit of Pegasus Guards.

"End of the line Chrysalis," Cadence said as she lit her horn and easily tore the Crystal heart from Chrysalises grasp, causing the Changling to fall forward in her feeble attempt to keep the heart. Chrysalis looked up at Cadence who just shook her head as she handed the Heart to a Guard who shot back to the empire with it"Fool, why do you think you were brought to the Empire? you never had any hope of escaping through the eternal Winter," Cadence lit her horn and Chrysalis saw only one path forward and cried out.

"Genie!" as Cadence shot the spell her eyes went wide at the word and she watched as her spell hit a second Changling, not phasing them in the slightest as they held a hoof to their ear and mockingly hasped.

"dost mine ears deceive me?" she asked "I think you forgot apart,"

"I'll serve Cozy Glow," Chrysalis said in defeat.

"I'm sorry, that was a little hard to hear," Spike said as Cadence landed, staring at the Purple and green Changling as she realized who it was.

"Spike?" She asked in shock.

"Not now," Spike said waving her off "I'm mocking Chrysalis, Now say it louder,"

"I'll serve Cozy Glow," Chrysalis Cried out.

"See was that so hard?" Spike asked as she booped Chrysalis on the snout and she vanished on the spot. Cadence silently stared at the scene before her as Spike moonwalked over the spot Chrysalis had been laying.

"Oh I am the best at my job," Changling Spike waved to Cadence, "Sorry Cadence, nice to see you again after 10,000 years and what not but I got a master to serve so I can't stay to chat," Changling Spike Jumped up and rocketed away so fast that Cadence didn't even have time to think of following before Spike was gone. Cadence looked at where Spike had been for a moment before her main question finally came out.

"Was he a she?" She asked her guards.

a light wind was blowing across Ponyville as Applejack and Rainbow sat on a bench, looking up at the sky and watching clouds, happily arguing with one another.

"You'd break your legs," Applejack replied simply, much to Rainbow's irritation.

"I would not, I could easily clear out a full field of Appletree's before you could, I'm way faster, and stronger,"

"In some areas maybe," Applejack agreed "But I've felt your kicks before missy, and they ain't got half the grit needed to do an entire field," Rainbow was about to retort but stopped when she noticed an odd swirling starting in the clouds.

"There's not a storm scheduled today," She said as she saw some of the clouds starting to go dark. The Two mares got off the bench and headed for the source of the swirling. "Probably some fool trying to play a prank or something," Rainbow said as she flew ahead of Applejack. She came to a stop and found an odd sight, When Applejack caught up Rainbow pointed it out.

"That's a Kirin right?" She asked as she pointed to the Purple and Green Kirin walking around in a circle and loudly talking to itself.

"No it had to be me, not one of the others Me's that could fly, no let's send the Kirin to mess with the weather, Stupid me," The Kirin stopped and sighed "Maybe I am Crazy, Hey Applejack do I look crazy?" Applejack and Rainbow looked at one another as the Kirin waited for an answer.

"Um, I don't think I know you," Applejack said in confusion.

"Really?" The Kirin asked "I thought for sure I knew you, maybe all that time in the lamp did affect me,"

"Lamp?" Rainbow asked before it clicked "Lamp! Spike!?"

"Ah-ha!" Spike laughed "So I do know at least one of you," Spike smiled before stopping "Wait, who are you?" He gave Rainbow a once over "Scootaloo right?"

"What!?" Rainbow lost all interest in the storm "It's Rainbow Dash!" She said defiantly "the coolest pony ever!"

"No I don't think I know you," Spike decided as he continued walking in a circle, Rainbow had no response and just stood there looking offended.

"Spike," Applejack said as she walked closer to him.

"Wait so you do know me?" Spike demanded "Man this conversation has not helped in any way," Spike did another lap, only for a Llama to appear in the center and look up at the storm.

"You're not done?" The Llama asked.

"I've been busy talking to them," Kirin replied as the storm grew worse, the Llama looked over and waved.

"oh hey Rainbow Dash, whos your friend with the hat?" Rainbow and Applejack were at a loss for words as the Kirin came to a stop.

"That's Applejack," The Kirin Spike said "How do you not know who that is?"

"You didn't recognize me," Rainbow called back angrily.

"How do you not know who Rainbow is?" Llama asked with confusion. "Where the same creature,"

"I dunno," Kirin groaned, "I think we are crazy,"

"well we did spend over 9,000 of our 10,000 years alone in a lamp," Llama noted "So being crazy is not exactly an astounding discovery,"

"That's it, storms ready," Kirin said as he stopped walking in a circle, "Sorry, but Cozy wished for it, you have like 20 minutes before it turns into a real monster, have fun,"

"Bye Hat pony," Llama said happily "Later Rainbow Stay cool," The Llama and Kirin walked over the Bridge and Rainbow shook her head.

"Why are we just standing here?" She demanded.

"I'm so very confused about what just transpired," Applejack replied "I just didn't know what to do or say to any of that," Rainbow Flew over the bridge and found the 2 Spikes had vanished.

"Storm Warning," Rainbow yelled out to any of the parks goers who could hear before turning to Applejack "AJ go warn the town I'll try to break this sucker up," Rainbow Flew at the swirling mass of storm clouds and a few other Pegasi park goers joined in.

Twilight groaned as she received more of the same news from one of her guards, she asked them to get Celestia for her and sat on her throne rubbing her head, she sat in her throne as she waited and after a few minutes Celestia made her way into the throne room.

"What's happening?" Celestia asked with concern in her voice.

"Spike has been spotted causing storms all across Equestria," Twilight groaned "We have reports of flooding in Manehattan, and a massive wave had taken out the Railroad tracks leading in and out of the Crystal Empire, what more the storm is messing with magic, only one spell is effected, Teleportation, and to top it all off if you try to fly the winds will pick up and you'll be sent safely to the ground in a tiny tornado, It sounds like a disaster but there are no casualties as anypony who is put in danger is immediately saved by the storm itself,"

"But Cozy has effectively trapped us in our own home," Celestia noted as she heard the sound of winds and looked out to see a mass of clouds beginning to swirl near the castle, at the same time they heard someone humming and quickly rushed to the source of the noise, finding Spike in his Dragon form spinning his hand around and creating the storm.

"Twilight," He said when he saw her "it's been centuries, for me at least, how was life without me?" Twilight said nothing and instead rushed to Spike and grabbed him in a tight hug, crying as she held him. Spike smiled and used his free hand to patter her gently "Oh, I've missed you too,"

"Celestia's going to make sure you're freed," She said as she held on tightly to him "She and a few of your old masters and friends are searching for you,"

"Oh, Rainshine and Starswirl?" Spike asked with a smile "Oh I've missed them, but I doubt they'll be finding Cozy anytime soon, this is quite some wish she's made, the storm will die down to light rain but the effects will remain until she decides otherwise, so no Teleporting or flying, and it will follow anyone who intends to find me, so if you do figure out were that old lamp is your gonna have to take a long way,"

Spike looked up at the sky before eyeing Celestia and adding "Oh, and I'm still fairly miffed at you for both throwing me 10,000 years into the past and for being left on a table for 30 years only to be instantly banished for over a thousand years, so I am spitefully not giving you anything even close to a hint as to where I am," Spike stopped as the storm began and patted Twilight as he walked away. Without warning, he turned on the spot and used his left hand to pull on his lower eyelid and stick his tongue out at Celestia before vanishing.

"I figured he'd still be mad," Celestia said with a sigh, "Well Twilight, I'll leave you to your own devices, I have a team to rally together, and it seems our trip to Saddle Arabia just became a lot trickier," Twilight said nothing as she silently looked at where Spike had vanished while Celestia left. After a while, she got up and gave the area one last look before going to her guards to inform them that Flying and teleportation was to be bard across Equestria until the storm could be dispelled.

"Alrighty," Breezie Spike said as his eyes stopped glowing white "Chrysalis is in place, and all the other me's are waiting for us,"

"Good," Cozy said "I wish to be in the town square with a barrier protecting me from any attack, Pweety Pweese,"

"Your Wish is Granted," Breezie replied. In the Town Square, Shining and Starswirl were talking about Cozy with Flurry standing in front of them.

"I've already told Celestia," Starswirl said "She and the rest should be arriving soon,"

"Good," Shining said, "Flurry while we all search for Cozy I want you to stay with the Dutchess, we need to make sure Cozy doesn't try and start an Equestrian war," Before Flurry could reply her eyes went wide.

"Dad," Flurry said cautiously as she took a step back, Shining and Starswirl followed her gaze, and Found Cozy glow standing a fair ways away from them holding the Lamp. Starswirl instantly tried to snatch the lamp but his spell simply coated the Barrier around Cozy.

"Did you come all this way just for little old me?" Cozy asked sweetly "How nice, but you know, this place just feels so dry. What do you think Spike," They watched as Breezie Spike popped out of the top of the lamp and looked around.

"Oh, hey guys. Yall might wanna run," He said before adding a wave "Hi Starswirl, I've missed you,"

"I wish for a Monster of a Rainstorm that will make it impossible to fly and mess with Teleportation, Pweety Pweese," Breezie Spike sighed and took flight, his eyes glowing and he grew in size, the trio watched as he grew to the size of a house.

"I've never seen him so big before," Starswirl said as he took a step back, "I think we should follow his advice and make for cover," Breezie Spike held his hoofs together and blew on them, blowing out Storm clouds from his mouth and spinning his hoof in a circular motion, causing harsh winds to begin hitting against the sand barrier surrounding the town. Cozy frowned when she saw that, having forgotten she had wished for it as the Dutchess to keep the wind from blowing sand in her eyes.

"Uh," She said looking at the barrier and playing dumb "The heck is that thing?"

"A Weather Barrier," Shining said with a smile, they watched the storm take form as Breezie Spike declared the wish granted and disappeared in the massive storm, the rain began falling and went past the barrier, but it did keep the winds at bay. Cozy gritted her teeth and shook the lamp, making Breezie pop out.

"Hey!" Breezie said angrily "your shaking up all my stuff,"

"You didn't tell me there was a barrier," Cozy said angrily.

"You didn't ask," Spike replied. "You could just wish it gone,"

"I don't need this town to hate me, I need them to hate them!" Cozy replied angrily, frowning as she looked at it, but then smiling before looking to Shining armor.

"I wish for the Barrier to Crumble if Shining Armor leaves this town, Pweety Pweese,"

"What!?" Shining demanded as Spike shrugged.

"Your Wish is Granted," Shining and the Barrier both started glowing for a second before it died down.

"You have got to be kidding me," Shining said.

"oh and the rain still messes with your teleportation, but feel free to try, no telling where you'll end up, but if it's outside the barrier, it crumbles and this town is turned into a wet Sandstorm!" The Trio rushed at Cozy and attacked her Barrier, to no avail, "I don't have time for this, Spike I wish to be taken to where the rest of you is,"

"Your wish-" Spike said before he and Cozy vanished.

"Great," Starswirl said irritably "Now Shining is trapped here and our backup is going to be delayed greatly by this storm,"

"I really hate that kid," Shining said with a groan as he moved out of the wet sand and onto the sandstone road. Flurry however was looking up at the large swirling storm.

I've never seen Cozy Glow before," She said as she looked up at the rain "But something about her seemed...odd to me,"

"I assure you she's just like that," Shining said "Come on let's go to the hotel and figure a way out of this out of the rain," Shining and Starswirl made their ways down the Sandstone road but Flurry continued looking at the rain, trying to pinpoint what exactly it was that had made Cozy Glow seem off, after a moment it hit her that is had been her use of wishes, more specifically how she had ended them all.

"She says the phrase Pweety Pweese a lot,"