• Published 26th Mar 2021
  • 6,403 Views, 279 Comments

Sunset Shimmer - Six Friends One Heart - Babroniedad

There is hope, there is love, and there is a reason to live. You are NOT alone. And Friendship REALLY is Magic!

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34 - Rehabilitation - Trixie


Trixie had arrived early, as Gilda suggested. Everyone was to quietly sneak into the gym and hide before Sunset arrived. Gilda had stolen Rainbow Dash’s phone, which she used to text Sunset, inviting her to join them. Gilda told everyone, once Sunset entered the gym, they would jump her and hold her down. Then they would confront her, forcing her to admit she was anon-a-miss and to delete the anon-a-miss account. Once she had deleted the posts, they would let her go.

Trixie was angered by several posts directed against her. A video of her flubbing one of her tricks had garnered scores of mean, hateful, and derogatory comments. They demeaned not only her stage skills, but Trixie personally. Some posts even suggested she would be better off dead. She was humiliated. She was convinced Sunset was behind the posts, back to her vicious ways.

Everything seemed to go according to plan. Sunset arrived in the darkened gym; Hoops and Dust jumped out and grabbed her. Holding her down, the others come out of hiding to surround her.

“We know it was you Shimmer!” growled Gilda. “Just admit it already, and take down the posts! Do that, and we let you go. You can walk out of here. Don’t do it, and we’ll make you regret the day you were born!”

Tears streaming down her face, Sunset pleaded with them. “Gilda, I didn’t do this!” Turning her head to the rest of them, she begged. “Please, you have to believe me! I would never do this! I’ve changed! I’m not that kind of person! I would never do anything like this! It wasn’t me!” Crying, she looked down to the floor. “It wasn’t me…” she wept softly.

“Damn it Shimmer! Stop lying! Just admit it! Delete the damned posts so we can get this over with!” Gilda grabbed her by her hair, shaking her head. “Do it Shimmer! Just do it!”

Trixie backed away slowly. This was not what she imagined. “Trixie thinks we should let Shimmer go…” she said quietly.

Shut up Trixie! Or I swear I will shut you up!” roared Gilda. Trixie ran. “Damn it! Someone go find her! I don’t want her screwing this up by blabbing to someone.” One of the others ran after her. “Trixie!” yelled out Gilda. “I swear if you say ONE THING about this I will BREAK EVERY BONE in your body!” She turned back to Sunset. “And I think I should do the same with you Shimmer. How about it? Does that sound fair to you, Shimmer? Should we start now, Shimmer? Whaddya say?”

Trixie hid in the supply closet. Whomever was chasing ran past. Waiting a few moments, she looked out the closet door. Seeing no one nearby, she slipped out and back into the gym, hiding under the bleachers. She was shaking with fear, but determined not to leave until she knew Sunset was safe. And she needed to know. She needed to hear Sunset to admit she was the one that hurt her, that hurt all of them with these postings. But she didn’t want this. She never even imagined this. She cried silently. “Please don’t hurt her,” she whispered softly.

The student who’d ran out to find her returned. “She’s gone, I can’t find her,” he said, joining the others around Sunset.

“Looks like your time has run out Shimmer. Where should we start…” Gilda pulled her head back, and slammed her fist into Sunsets face. There was a loud crack, blood running from her damaged eye. Sunset slumped. Hoops and Dust dropped her to the floor, then gave her a few kicks. “Damn weaking… she didn’t even last through the first punch.” Glida drew back her boot, and gave her a swift kick in the ribs. Sunset twitched and groaned, but otherwise didn’t move.

“Shimmer you worthless piece of crap. You have to be kidding me. Okay that’s it! Everyone let her have it!” Gilda backed off, and everyone stormed forward and started kicking and punching her. Sunset didn’t budge, not making a sound.

“Hold her arm out!” Someone yelled out. “See if you ever type something about me again you bitch!” She jumped on Sunset’s outstretched arm, and there was a loud snap. Blood leaked onto the floor.

Someone else was straddled across her back, slamming her face against the gym floor. Others kicked and punched her back and legs. “Get off! Out of the way, nube. I’ll show you how to do it!”

The girl on her back was lifted off. Another jumped on Sunset’s back. They jumped up and down, slamming their feet into her back each time. Another loud snap was heard. “Take that bitch! She demon! Get up from that I dare you!” they screamed as they continued to jump. Blood trickled from Sunset's mouth and pooled by her chest.

Someone pushed her off, then started in, punching and kicking Sunset. Several hands reached down, and flipped Sunset over. More jumped in, punching and kicking. Sunset’s blouse and skirt were covered in her blood, a pool gathering under her.

Panicked, Trixie kept repeating quietly “Stop… please stop… Oh sweet harmony please stop….” Tears poured down her cheeks. Looking away, she saw Rainbow’s cell phone on the bleachers. Sneaking over, Trixie grabbed the phone, and ducked back under the bleachers

Trixie dialed frantically. “911, what’s your emergency?” called out the operator.

“Hurry!! You have to hurry! Please help! A girl is being beaten! She needs your help!” whispered Trixie into the phone. “Please hurry! She’s in the CHS gym!”

“Please stay on the phone. We are sending someone now…”

Pausing, Gilda looked over towards the bleachers. “Did anyone hear that? Sounded like someone talking.” Straining to see into the darkness, she scanned the bleachers, seeing nothing. “Huh,” she grunted, turning back to Sunset. “Continue!” she growled.

Trixie quickly hung up the phone, pulling further back into the shadows. “Give in yet Shimmer?” she called out. The kicks and punches continued. “Okay! Okay, everyone back off. Give her some room. I think she got our message.” Gilda knelt, lifting Sunset’s head by her hair. “Last chance Shimmer. This is your last warning. Take the posts down. Next time, we won’t leave enough of you to bury. Don’t let there be a next time. You dig me?” Slamming her head back into the floor, she got up. “Okay everyone, split! Not one word of this, hear me? Anyone squeals, I will find you. And I will mess you up worse than what we did to Shimmer here!”

Heads nodded profusely. “Now git!” yelled Gilda, and everyone quickly ran off. Gilda turned to Sunset, and gave her one last kick. “That was your warning Shimmer. Remember, next time, we end you. Don’t make me do a ‘next time’.” Turning, she left the gym.

Trixie stayed hidden under the bleachers. After several moments, when it was clear everyone had left, she ran out and crouched down by Sunset. “Sunset!” she whispered. “Sunset! Can you hear me? Talk to me!” Feeling her neck, so felt a pulse, and could see Sunset's chest rising and falling, however slightly. “Oh thank harmony... she’s still alive,” gasped Trixie. She couldn’t believe anyone could survive the beat down she had just witnessed. “Sunset, help is coming. Let’s get you out of here.” Trixie tried to help Sunset up, but she was completely ensensate. “We need to get you out of here, Sunset! We need to get you somewhere safe…” Trixie took Sunset’s legs, then gently pulled her towards the Gym doors. “Come on Sunset… somewhere safe…”

Slowly they made their way to the Gym doors. Pulling Sunset past them, she took Rainbow's phone and placed it in Sunset’s hand. “Hang in there Sunset. Help is coming!” Trixie heard a siren in the distance. Tears still streaming down her face, she ran down the hall, hiding in the supply closet. Peeking out the door, she watched down the hall.

The siren grew louder, then stopped just outside. A policeman pushed through the gym doors, looking around. He spied Sunset sprawled out on the floor. “She’s in here, come quick!” he called into his shoulder, running over to Sunset. Kneeling down beside her, he touched her neck, then gently touched her head, pushing her hair back behind her ear. “Help is here, miss. Hang in there… Help is here.”

Sunset groaned. Looking back into the gym, the officer could see a trail of blood that ended in a bloody pool by the bleachers. “Sweet harmony child… What have they done to you?” he gasped.

Trixed wept. She pulled the door shut, then hid behind some boxes in the back of the closet. What felt like hours later, the sounds outside the door were gone. Fearfully, Trixie crept out from her hiding spot, and looked into the hallway. Seeing it empty, she left the closet, and ran as fast as she could from the building, not stopping until she was home, safely in her room. She refused to come out, not even for dinner, and wept bitterly on her bed.

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