• Published 26th Mar 2021
  • 6,403 Views, 279 Comments

Sunset Shimmer - Six Friends One Heart - Babroniedad

There is hope, there is love, and there is a reason to live. You are NOT alone. And Friendship REALLY is Magic!

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9 - Special Holidays - Shining Armor

Shining Armor

Detective Shining Armor, seated in Principal Celestia’s office, looked up from his notepad. “So there is no security footage of the incident, nor of any activities in the surrounding area?”

Principal Celestia nodded. “That’s correct. For privacy reasons, we don’t have cameras in the interior of the school. The school board received intense push back from many of the parents when it was first proposed, so the idea was tabled. There is footage from the entrances, including the gym entrance, where the incident took place.” Celestia sighed. “Unfortunately, someone damaged the camera to that entrance earlier that day. They managed to avoid showing their face in the process, but you’re welcome to that footage too.”

Shining Armor’s eyebrow raised. “So that would imply this was planned and premeditated. Yes, please, thank you. In fact, we would like all the footage for the day of the incident. We may find something relevant, unless you have any objections?”

“No. I certainly have no objections. I'll have to pass the request through the school board and their lawyers, but I’ll give it my highest recommendation. Anything that helps you find and prosecute Sunset’s attackers has my fullest support.” Celestia wrote a brief note to herself. “Is there anything else I can help with, Detective Armor?”

“The girl that was attacked, Sunset Shimmer? She still doesn't remember anything from the event?” asked Shining. “And can you tell me more about her? What type of student was she? And can you shed more light on this ‘anon-a-miss’ incident, and why you believe this may have been related to her attack?”

“Sunset is a model student. She has been an inspiration for many of the students here with her willingness to volunteer, and to help her fellow students. She’s worked after school tutoring. She’s the student lead on the Yearbook committee. She organizes and runs many of the student charities. And is a member of a fairly popular band with her friends, the ‘rainbooms’ I believe they call themselves.” Celestia smiled. “They’re quite good. I myself have enjoyed many of their songs. I hope they continue, I’d love to see more from them.

“That said, Sunset wasn't always the ‘model student’ she is now. There was a period of time… well actually a rather long period… When she first came to our school, she was popular, but… let’s just call her… manipulative? Yes, manipulative. She was rather good at ingratiating her way into the different cliques and groups in the school, then turning them against each other and themselves.”

Shining looked up from his notes. “She was disciplined for these actions then?”

Celetia shook her head. “No. We didn’t know until later. She was very good at staying ‘below the radar’. She never did anything overtly. She always staged things so it looked like someone else initiated the troubles. Most of the time it didn’t even appear she was a part of it. We didn’t realize she was even causing any trouble until the incident at the Fall Formal, when she stole the Formal’s crown from the girl who won it instead of her.” She bowed her head and pinched the bridge of her nose, then groaned. “Pardon my vernacular, but that was a shitshow… She went off the rails then. She stole the formal crown… There was a confrontation at the front of the school between the girl that won with her friends, and Sunset with two of her friends. A sledge hammer was involved. Somehow, near as we can piece together, the gas main in the front of the school exploded. We were extremely fortunate that none of the students were hurt in the explosion, though it did damage the front of the school, which had to be repaired.”

Shining Armor looked shocked. “I remember that! It was in the news at the time. That was her.. Sunset Shimmer did that? Okay, noted. Wow. That’s something,” he scribbled in his notepad. “Anything else?”

Celestia nodded and continued. “Yes, after that, everyone knew of her actions, and she had a rather marked ‘fall from grace’ as far as the other students were concerned. She was disciplined of course, banned from further extracurricular activities, placed on in-school suspension, and was required to participate in the repair of the damage to the school from the explosion.”

“She had to repair the school?” asked Shining, shocked. “I didn’t think that was allowed. What about the rules against underage labor?”

“No, not like that… She wasn’t part of the demolition or construction. We did make her do some token ‘construction’ work, supervised, the night of the incident, just to give her an idea of the scope of what she had caused. But she was never part of the actual work.” Shining nodded his head, relieved. Celestia continued. “She did however have to assist the workers after school, running odd errands for them - getting coffee for their breaks, picking up food orders delivered for them, that sort of work. We also had her sweep up the worksite after they left each afternoon. Our goal was to show her what she had caused, and what was involved in recovering from it.”

“I see,” nodded Shining. “Please, continue.”

“The students were rather cold to her after that. Except the friends of the girl who had won that night. They all pulled together, and included her in their activities. They even ate lunch together every day. When Luna and I saw that we were overjoyed. We had high hopes that Sunset would rise from the ashes of this incident, and become the student, the woman, we had hoped she could be from the beginning.” Celestia’s gaze drifted to the window. “She tried so hard. She threw herself into her work, excelling at everything we gave her. After we removed the restrictions on her activities, she volunteered tirelessly and poured her energies into helping her fellow students. They were slow to accept her at first, understandably given her past actions.

“The real turning point I believe was fairly recent. We had a school spirit event - a friendly competition called ‘Battle of the Bands’ where students could join and compete against their fellow ‘Wondercolts’ for the title of Best Student Band. Somehow what started as a friendly competition turned vicious, and once again the student body was fractured and divided. It turned out three of the girls competing, the ‘Dazzlings’ they called themselves, were using Sunset’s old tricks to turn the students against each other and divide the school. Sunset and her friends found out, and faced them down, uniting the students against the hate they had sown. It was quite inspirational, and after that, Sunset enjoyed the admiration of her fellow students.”

“So, how did she go from that, to this - to the events that culminated in her attack, and this ‘anon-a-miss’?” asked Shining.

“She was framed,” replied Celestia. “I’m certain that’s the long and short of it. Someone… or someones, with their own ‘ax to grind’ created the account, and are using it to frame Sunset for all its slander and viciousness. I don’t think they wanted to hurt her, not physically at least, maybe emotionally. We suspect they were possibly trying to force her to leave the school. They didn’t get what they wanted. Clearly they got something far worse.

“We do not believe this anon-a-miss was directly behind the attack on Sunset. As for who the attackers were, we have no idea. Even suspecting they must have been individuals directly hurt by the anon-a-miss postings, that casts a wide net that includes nearly the entire student body.

“We do know that Rainbow Dash, the girl whose message led Sunset into the gym for this attack, was not involved. She lost her phone earlier in the day, though in hindsight it was clear it was stolen from her. Whoever sent the message used Ms. Dash’s stolen phone to do it.

Celestia sighed. “So anything we can provide to help you find who did this to her, to our Sunset, we are happy to provide.” Celestia turned to Shining Armor, looking into his eyes. “Shining, this girl is dear to us. We consider her family, Luna and I. That someone did this to her, hurt her so bad… It makes my blood boil! It angers me so much I want to call down the sun on their heads, and burn them from existence.”

Celestia slumped in her chair. “I am ashamed to admit that. I consider myself a peaceful individual. I abhor conflict and violence. I won't tolerate neglect or abuse. But by harmony herself I would hurt whomever did this to that precious girl. Please find them Shining. Please.. Bring Sunset some justice.” Celestia slumped, her face in her hands, elbows on her desk. “Please Shining. For Sunset. For Luna and I. Find them.”

“I will Celestia. I promise!” Shining rose, then walked over to Celestia, sat on the corner of the desk and put a hand on her shoulder. “I’ll make it my top priority. I know how much this means to you. And to Luna. Sunset will get her peace.”

They sat there in silence for several moments. Eventually, Celestia took a deep breath and turned to Shining Armor. “Thank you Shining. I know you will. I know Sunset can count on you.”

“Absolutely Aunty Celestia!” replied Shining with a grin.

“You know I hate you calling me that,” replied Celestia, with a grin of her own. “Besides, it’s not true. I’m not your aunt until after the wedding. Even then, I’ll be your aunt-in-law, not… ugh, aunty? That’s not even a word! And it makes me sound so… old. I’ll have you know I’m not that much older than you young man.”

“What? No way, you’re ancient!” joked Shining.

“Ha ha,” snarked Celestia in reply. “So, how is your blushing bride to be? Are you two still coming over for dinner this weekend?”

“We wouldn’t miss it. Yeah, Cadence is doing great. I’ll tell her you said hello when I get home tonight.” Shining grinned. “She misses you guys. But she’s really enjoying her independence, and her show is doing well, so exciting times for her, right? ‘Princess of Love, Cadence Cares!’ seems to be taking off, maybe she’ll be able to get syndication. We’ll see.”

“I hope so. She loves helping people, and sharing her hope and love. She’s a shining heart in an ocean of cold indifference. We’re so proud of her.”

“And I’m her ‘Shining Armor’,” Shining grinned. “Me too. Yeah, she’s a regular Princess of Love. I can’t wait to see what she accomplishes. And I’m gonna be right by her side through all of it.” Shining’s smile beamed. “That’s my girl.”

Celestia placed her hand over Shining's. “That’s our girl, you mean. We’re in this together Shining. We’re Family.”

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