• Published 2nd Apr 2021
  • 8,136 Views, 51 Comments

Fractured Friendship - ScisetShimmerEvan

No one remembered Sunset as anything but as a bully—or so she thought. But someone did remember a hand given in friendship...will it be enough?

  • ...

Memory fixing (Edited by Echo Breeze) (Updated 1/30/2023)

After Sunset finished explaining the information she got to Twilight and Spike, they knew this wasn’t gonna be a walk in the park, trying to tell their friends Sunset had changed.

“So we now know what we're up against with this stone that erased the good memories of you. But the question remains, how do we tell our friends their memories of you were erased? And that you aren’t their enemy?” Questioned Twilight.

“I don’t know Twilight. Did you and Spike manage to get anything out of them while I was gone?”

“We tried telling them what had happened yesterday at school with Trixie, but they didn’t remember exactly what happened. Which is kinda a good sign at least? I think?” Twilight explained, with a fake smile.

“Plus Trixie tried to beg Rarity for that 'Greatest and Most Powerful' Superlative thing in the yearbook again. Which surprisingly, Rarity thought about doing. Despite dumb Trixie doesn't deserve it,” replied Spike before he growled at the thought.

“What about the Friendship Games, or our visit to Camp Everfree, or even our alliance with the Shadowbolts to win that music contest?”

“I tried all of that, but none of it worked. Nothing seems to be working, not even-”

Twilight’s phone went off once again, interrupting an important moment. After checking, it was just a text from her mom.

“Another call I suppose?” Questioned Sunset.

“No, my mom just sent me a pic of herself with my aunt, my dad, my brother, and Cadance at the mall.”

Then it hit Sunset. That's it, why didn’t she think of it til now?

“Of course! Why didn’t I think of that!”

“Think of what?” Asked Twilight.

“Maybe if we show them some photos of us together, or our text messages from the last week, maybe even a few videos too, they might believe it. It might just work!”

“How are you sure about it?” Questioned Spike.

“We have to try Spike. It might help our friends realize Sunset isn’t their enemy and indeed not a bully anymore. You're a genius Sunset!” Explained Twilight.

“Twilight's right, this might just work. But we have to see what they think about this as well.”

“I got a bad feeling about this,” said a worried Spike.

“I know, Spike but we can’t just ignore this. They’re our friends. Forgotten or not, they are still the friends we all care about deeply,” said Twilight as she scratched behind her dog’s ears.

“Alright, let’s do this!”

As the three of them walked over to their friends, they all looked to be having a fun day at the beach. Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy were all playing volleyball while Rarity continued to do her sun tanning, while Applejack watched her friend's volleyball game.

When Rainbow Dash spotted Sunset coming their way with Twilight, her mood completely soured.

“Well well well, Sunset Shimmer is back. Gonna try and continue mocking us with more fake information and lies?”

“It's not fake Rainbow Dash and besides, we found a reason why you're all acting like this, and that you aren’t Sunset’s enemy!” Replied Twilight.

The rest of the girls became extremely confused before Sunset started to explain it.

“Someone has erased my memories of you all with an Equestrian artifact called the Memory Stone,” said Sunset as she showed the five of them a photo of the stone.

“It's what caused this all to happen. Just yesterday, we all were friends and now we're acting the way we were before you all met Princess Twilight.”

“Plus we have proof that we are indeed friends,” shared Twilight.

Twilight and Sunset then showed them pictures on their phones from the last few months. They then showed the text messages to which the Mane five were starting to look like they understood them and believed they were indeed real proof. Until-

“Oh please, are you five gonna fall for that? This is the same girl who made those photos of your princess friend trashing the school gym if you hadn’t forgotten,” replied Trixie, who was listening while enjoying her day at the beach.

“They are not fake Trixie, they have shadows, dates, and everything seen in the picture proves they're real!” Yelled Sunset.

But the girls seemed to believe Trixie on this one.

“Yeah and besides, is this supposed to be me making such a ridiculous face? Ha! I'd never fake a face like that!” Said Pinkie Pie as she made the same exact face seen in the picture after snatching Sunset’s phone out of her hands.

“But they aren’t fake you guys! You have them on your phones as well! Look for yourselves,” replied Twilight.

“You know what Twilight, maybe you seem to be helping her with this because you think we're not good friends, thinking we are more trustworthy than her,” replied Applejack as she pointed at Sunset, making her mood start to turn sour.

“And since you're here Sunset Shimmer, now it's time you get what you deserve. Minions!”

Snips and Snails appeared and threw several rocks at Twilight’s drone before it landed in the sand. Its propellers were now dented and it was in terrible shape. Trixie grabbed ahold of the damaged drone and Twilight realized what she was about to do.

“Trixie, don’t you dare what I think you're gonna do!”

“Oh, I am Sparkle!”

“Don’t you dare throw my drone at Sunset! I spent hours working on that drone for this weekend!” Shouted Twilight.

But before Trixie could even reply, she threw the drone as hard as she could, sending it flying toward Rainbow Dash.

Sunset immediately jumped in front of her and pushed Rainbow Dash out of the way, before the drone hit Fluttershy in the face, and she fell hard down into the sand.

The drone was now destroyed and Fluttershy had suffered a bloody nose in the process. She gasped when she felt the blood go down her nose before letting off a gasp.

“You did that on purpose so Fluttershy could get hurt!” Shouted an angry Applejack.

“What! If it wasn’t for me, Rainbow Dash would have been the one who had gotten hurt! You should be thanking me!”

“Leave,” said Rainbow Dash quietly after getting up and away from Sunset.

“Girls please don’t-” Twilight said before she was cut off by the rest of the girls.

“Leave us alone!” Shouted the Mane five.

“We don’t need you!”

You're nothing but a troublemaker and a waste of our time!”

“You cause nothing but chaos!”

“You don’t deserve any friends for who you are!”

“No one should ever love you!”

This caused Sunset to start to tear up over all the negative words she heard from her friends.

“After everything I’ve done to prove I’m not a bully anymore, even saving Rainbow Dash to not get hit by Twilight's drone and I…I get this! You all once showed me how important friendship is and this is how you repay me after all the kindness I’ve given you and all we’ve been through! I hope you girls are happy now.”

Sunset started running away in tears as the Mane five watched her, feeling glad to have her out of the picture.

Trixie was even more delighted seeing Sunset running away in tears. Her plan worked, knowing she had done a perfect job as she laughed away thinking about her victory.

“And my work here is done! Trixie out!”

Trixie threw a smoke bomb to the ground, and she ran in the opposite direction with Snips and Snails trailing behind.

“Sunset wait!”

“Come back!”

But Sunset was gone before she could hear Twilight and Spike’s calls.

Twilight looked back at her friends and saw that they were happy to see both Sunset and Trixie gone.

“About time she left,” replied Rainbow Dash.

“You ok Fluttershy?” Rarity asked as she helped Fluttershy up.

“I think so.”

Rarity offered her a handkerchief to wipe the blood off her face after getting hit by Twilight’s drone. It wasn’t that serious, but she’d be fine.

“Come on Twilight, why don’t we do that photo and get it over with? We'll use one of our phones since your drone is busted thanks to Trixie.” Rarity said.

But Twilight didn’t reply.

“Come on Twi, let's continue having our fun beach day now that those two are gone,” Applejack added.

“I hope you're all happy.”

“What?” The five girls said in unison.

Twilight turned around to face them with an angry look on her face.

“I hope you're happy with what you did! Sunset showed you proof and saved Rainbow Dash from getting hit by my drone! I don’t want to talk to any of you until you all realize what you’ve done! Sunset is our friend whether you remember or not! If you all understood how important friendship is as much as your counterparts in Equestria do, then you all wouldn’t have caused this to happen in the first place!”

After Twilight told her friends how she felt she grabbed her broken drone out of the sand. And from what she can tell, it was damaged beyond repair. She knew she had a lot of work to do before it was going to be flying again. But for now, Sunset needed her.

“Come on Spike, we're leaving.”

Spike took one last look at the five girls to see them surprised by what Twilight said to them.

"I hope you girls are happy. You've ruined what was supposed to be a happy day."

Spike then growled at them before catching up with Twilight.

The five girls knew they had gone too far now and upset their friend. They knew they had to fix this. But how, they didn’t know.

“What have we done,” they all said in unison.

After Sunset arrived back at her apartment, she tried to calm herself down to forget what had happened at the beach, but every time she was a step closer to feeling better, she’d hear her friends' negative comments echoing through her mind.

After Twilight left the beach herself, she went back home to drop off her drone and Spike before changing into her normal attire and heading over to Sunset’s apartment.

Spike wanted to come along, but Twilight wanted him to stay behind. Sunset wasn’t in the best mood right now, and she needed to help her best friend out. Spike understood his master's request, as he knew that he'd just get in the way if he tagged with her.

When Twilight arrived at Sunset’s apartment, she saw Sunset’s shadow from the upstairs window of the apartment.

She knocked on the front door, only to get no answer. Twilight tried again. Still nothing. But after her third try, Sunset still didn’t answer.

“Sunset open up! I know you're in there!”

“Go away Twilight! Just leave me alone, please!”

“I’m not leaving until you open up this door! You either open this door right now or I’ll have to do it myself!”

But Sunset didn’t reply.

Twilight didn't want to do this but she had no choice. She brought out the spare key Sunset gave her to use in emergencies, which she was fortunate she brought along.

After getting inside and locking the door, Twilight was shocked to find Sunset's apartment in a horrible mess.

The couch cushions were out of place, the kitchen was a mess, the bathroom fan was on full blast, and Sunset’s bathing suit, sarong, and flip-flops were scattered on the floor. As well as her geode next to her bag with the journal peaking out. Plus one of the photos of the seven of them had fallen off the wall, and the glass had cracked a bit.

After hanging the photo back onto the wall with the other photos, Twilight spotted Sunset in bed and could hear that she was still crying.

Twilight grabbed Sunset’s geode from the floor and put it in her skirt pocket to not lose it.

Then very slowly, Twilight walked up the stairs to Sunset’s bed. Sunset was facing the opposite direction but was still crying, with her shoes and leather vest sitting not far on the side of her bed.

Twilight stopped just three feet away from Sunset before she set the geode on the nightstand. She knelt on the floor next to the bed to face her friend.

“Sunset? Are you alright?”

“No, Twilight. Just leave. I need to be alone right now.”

“I’m not gonna just ignore what happened when you got picked on by our friends earlier. I’m not gonna ignore this situation of yours just as much as you would. You should know that.”

Twilight slowly turns Sunset to face her so she can speak to her friend. When she did, Sunset was in horrible shape. Her mascara was in a mess, her shirt was wrinkled, her hair was in a nightmare state, and tears were still going down her face.

“You’ve told me once what you went through during your past when you were alone. I’m not gonna watch you try and do this yourself or let what happened with Anon-A-Miss happen a third time. I care a lot about you Sunset. I'm not leaving my best friend to sorrow in dismay,” Twilight said as she began fixing Sunset’s hair.

“But this is different Twilight. The memories are gone! We don’t know who could have caused this or has the Memory Stone. And worst of all, the girls now hate me even more than they did before!”

“Don’t worry too much."

"How is that gonna help? I've run out of ideas! What's the point now?"

"Because I might've fixed it a little.....”

“What do you mean?” Sunset asked as she grabbed a hairbrush from her nightstand.

“After I left, they seemed to not be in a great mood that they you back there. Maybe there’s a chance that they might give you a second chance?”

“That’s very unlikely Twilight. What would make them want to?” Sunset asked as she set the brush down, and hugged her legs together.

Twilight knew Sunset needed to hear the full story of what happened, and she told her friend exactly what happened after she left. After Twilight finished telling her what happened, Sunset was lost for words. She was shocked Twilight did that right in front of their friends, showing how much she cares about Sunset.

“And when I left, I overheard them saying 'What have we done.' This proves they went too far on you and might want to apologize.”

“Well, I hope so. But for now, I just need some right space.”

Twilight left Sunset alone for a few minutes and called up her mom to explain what happened today. She didn’t mention the memories being erased or the Memory Stone but understood what happened with what her daughter shared.

When Twilight went to go and check up on Sunset, she had stopped crying and looked to be feeling a bit better.

“Feeling any better?”

“A little. You can leave if you want to Twilight. I think I just need some time to think. If our friends were affected, then I'm sure everyone else at CHS was too. It seems like when we head back to school on Monday, things aren't gonna be easy.” Sunset said while straightening her shirt a bit.

“No Sunset, I’m staying. You need someone to be with you right now. Why don’t we get this place cleaned up and get you changed into a better pair of clothes that aren't wrinkled?”

Sunset didn’t argue over it as she got out of bed and headed off to the bathroom with Twilight behind her, knowing that til this mess was over, her friend wouldn't be leaving her side.

After nearly an hour of cleaning Sunset's apartment, and fixing her attire and hair, the apartment was looking better than ever/ This made both of them a little happier, especially Sunset.

They sat down on the couch and admired the place was looking a lot more like a home than a dump.

“Thanks for all the help today, Twilight. I’m sorry that you had to see this place in a mess. I was so upset after I got back I just didn’t feel like cleaning it all up.”

“It's ok Sunset. We're all like that once in a while. Myself included,” Twilight replied before they shared a good-natured laugh.

After taking a look at the clock that read 5:56 p.m. with the sun starting to set. Meaning it was time for Twilight to leave for the night.

“It's getting late Twilight, you should probably get home before your parents start worrying.”

“I got that covered already.”

“What do you mean?”

“After we had our talk earlier I called my mom and explained what happened today. I didn’t tell her about your memories being erased or the Memory Stone. But I did ask her if I could stay with you for a while. She said it's fine, as long as I keep her updated every few hours.”

Twilight grabbed a hold of both of Sunset’s hands before bringing her friend into a hug as she whispered something into Sunset’s ear.

“My life has changed so much since I met you Sunset. I don’t want to give up on seeing you like this. I care a lot about you. You're not a bully, you're my best friend. One I care for a lot, and have friends who care for you very much. Even though they currently can’t remember you, I don’t ever want to lose you anytime soon, or in the future.”

“Neither do I Twilight. You're like the spark inside my heart. I wouldn’t know what I’d do without you in my life if I never met you during the Friendship Games. Despite we were on opposite sides back then.”

“Well, for one thing, our friendship has been growing stronger than we thought since then.”

"Yeah, it sure has."

At that moment Sunset thought it would be the perfect time she'd tell Twilight about the feelings she had been hiding from her for the last few months.

“Twilight, there’s something else you need to know. I’ve been keeping a secret from you for some time. Twilight, I-”

But before Sunset could continue Twilight placed her finger on Sunset’s lip to stop her from what she was about to say to her.

“I already know. And truth be told, I love you too Sunset.”


“Yes. Ever since you saved me during the Friendship Games, I started to develop feelings for you. I didn’t want to share it since I wasn’t sure if you still had feelings for Flash Sentry. But after seeing you two acting like friends lately, I knew that you two wanted to start over as friends. Even after your rough past and relationship together.”

Sunset didn’t know what to say to her best friend, after helping her feel very happy after the long and hard day they had.

And before she knew it they held each other in a warm, loving, embrace, before going into a kiss. After separating from the kiss, Sunset cried on Twilight’s shoulder that she still had her best friend by her side to aid her during this unexpected event she was going through.

After Sunset finished her crying she looked back at Twilight.

“So are you sure you don’t want to leave?”

“No, you deserve to have a friend who cares about you right now. It's the least I can offer. So, I’ll be staying here for a while if you don’t mind the company. Until we get our friends back, I'm not gonna leave you. I promise we'll get them back in no time."

Sunset accepted the offer, allowing Twilight to stay with her until they found the Memory Stone.

“Why don’t I order us some dinner? My treat.”

“That would be great Twilight.”

“Almost like a date huh?”

“Sorta, but not really.”

“So where should we order from?”

After ordering take-out, the girls watched a movie to pass the time hoping that Princess Twilight would send a message if she found anything new about the stone. But there had been no word since Sunset left Equestria earlier in the day. Twilight also made sure to check her phone in case any of their friends decide to text to talk to them or apologize. But they didn't get anything new all evening.

After finishing their movie, the girls decided to call it a night after their stressful day.

After they both took turns showering, Sunset lent Twilight a pair of pajamas, before they went off to sleep.

But later that night, Sunset had a visit from someone she’d thought she’d never see again in a dream.

“Hello there Sunset.”

“Who’s there?”

“Don’t you remember me Sunny?”

“Who’s there? Show yourself!”

Sunset turned around to come face to face with none other than someone she’d thought she’d never see again. It was her demon or commonly known as Sundown Shimmer.

“No! No no no no no! Why are you here? I thought I had forgotten about you when I became good, showing how important friendship is. Especially when I transformed into Daydream Shimmer!”

“Did you think you’d forget me? I’m still a part of you Sunny.”

“Leave me alone and stop calling me that nickname! I’m not in the mood to be dealing with you! I already have enough to deal with my friends' memories of me erased!”

“Forget those friends of yours. They hated you once and you still wanted them back, they hated you twice and you still wanted them back! Why not just go back to being the girl you once were long ago? It’ll be much better than being nice and showing everyone how good that stupid friendship you’ve been taught.”

“No, I’m never going back to who I once was. I ruined people’s lives, relationships, friendships, I even got a few people at CHS to do things they’d never do! Such as fighting, and even expelled thanks to me!”

“Well then, I see I’ll have to do this the hard way then.”

Sundown disappeared, which caused Sunset to panic. She wasn’t sure what she was going to do to her, but Sunset got her answer soon enough.

Sunset felt Sundown grab a hold of her from behind. She tried to get free, but it was no use. Sundown had grabbed her pretty tight, to not lose her grip on Sunset so she couldn't escape.

“If I can’t force you to go back to being mean, then I’ll just have to do it myself! By taking over you once again so we're whole again!”

Sundown started to fuse with Sunset as she fought back to gain control. Sunset just wanted this nightmare to end. She screamed in pain as her body was being taken over by Sundown. She couldn't fight back, her demon was winning1

“No. You’ll never take over me. I’ll never let you do it again!”

“But you won’t, because I’m stronger now than I was last time, and prepared to feel what evil tastes like!”

Sunset screamed in pain once again. She wanted this dream to end. The next thing she knew, she was back in her apartment with Twilight sleeping next to her.

She was relieved. It was just a dream. But Sunset needed to calm herself down after that dream she had.

After tiptoeing down to her couch, she took a few deep breaths until looking through the window as the moon shone brightly.

Sunset checked the time to see it was around three in the morning. Despite wanting to go back to sleep, she needed to do some thinking about who might have the Memory Stone.

The next thing she knew, she was checking her journal, seeing if there were any new messages from Princess Twilight, only to find there were no new messages from the princess.

After putting the journal back on her desk, Sunset sat back down on her couch before she released a flood of tears over the nightmare she had. Where her demon self nearly took over her.

Twilight woke up after hearing the noise and got up and out of bed to go help her friend.

When Twilight saw Sunset, she hugged her the moment she sat next to her.

“What’s the matter Sunset?”

“I had a nightmare. My demon self talked to me, saying it wanted me to go back to who I was all because of what was going on with my good memories erased! I don’t ever want to do that again. I don’t ever want to be the person I once was before I was shown friendship. The next thing I knew, she tried fusing with me to take over my body!”

Sunset started to cry even more. This made Twilight a little upset, as she tried to get her friend's attention again.

“Sunset Shimmer. Look at me! You're not that person anymore. That demon is long gone, it's only a memory. You have nothing to worry about. You have people who care for you. Please. Let me help you with my friendship!”

Then, something odd happened.

Sunset’s eyes soon glowed white, like what would happen whenever she read someone's mind. But instead, the two girls realized they weren’t in an apartment anymore. Twilight was shocked at what she was seeing. But as amazing as it was, she continued her process getting Sunset’s attention, to show her what was happening.

“Sunset, yo-you have to see this!”

“No. I don’t want to. The demon must have taken over me!”

“Sunset look!”

Sunset opened her eyes and was shocked by what she saw.

Somehow, they were seeing the events of the battle of the Friendship Games right in front of their eyes. They didn’t know what caused this to happen before they found themselves back in Sunset’s apartment, sitting in the dark.

“Wha-What just happened?” A shocked Sunset asked.

“I don’t know. But it seems like we were able to see one of your memories by holding our hands together.”

“How is that possible?”

“Sunset, were you thinking that in your mind just now?” Twilight asked. She got a nod in reply.

Twilight wasn’t a hundred percent sure how this happened, but she thought that if Sunset thinks of a memory while holding someone’s hands, they’d be able to see those memories together.

Twilight asked Sunset to think of another memory she liked before they both saw it before them. This time, it was during the Crystal Ball when Sunset and Twilight were alongside their friends on stage with an audience cheering as they played 'Be the legend you were meant to be' to help save Camp Everfree from Filthy Rich buying the camp.

After the second memory ended, Twilight managed to figure it all out.

“It seems like you unlocked a new power Sunset! It must be how we saw your memories at the same time when you thought of it while holding my hands!”

“Wow, you thought all of that just now?”

“Yes! We have a chance that our friends will believe you have indeed changed. But for now, we better get some sleep. We got a long day ahead of us, including finding the girls.”

“Damn right we do Twilight.”

After getting back into bed Sunset had one last request she wanted to ask Twilight.

“Twilight, are you sure this might work? What if my powers don't work? What if it only works when I do it to you?”

“I know Sunset, it's been worrying me too. But we have to see what happens whether they want to or not. It might help them believe you.”

“Ok. Can you do me a favor?”

“What that’s Sunset?”

“Is it ok if you cuddle me?”

Twilight smiled in reply.

"Of course. Come here you.”

Twilight’s arms wrapped around Sunset as she slowly started to fall asleep. Twilight started to sing a lullaby that her mom used to sing to her as a child to help Sunset fall asleep. Before she knew it, Sunset was fast asleep.

“We're gonna get our friends back Sunset, I promise.”

Twilight kissed Sunset’s forehead before she fell fast asleep with her friend in her arms.

The next morning, Twilight was writing a message to her friends that she wanted to talk to them. After Sunset approved the message Twilight sent it to them, who all replied saying they’d be at Sunset’s place in the next hour.

After waiting half an hour, and having some breakfast, there was a knock at the door. Sunset answered it and the first thing she saw was her friends with sad faces. Knowing that they indeed wanted to apologize to Sunset. And before she knew it, she was engulfed in a group hug from her friends. She was confused at first why they did so until she got her answer from them.

“We're so sorry for yesterday!”

“We caused you so much pain!”

We know you were telling the truth!”

“We are horrible friends!”

“We should have listened to you!”

Sunset was both happy and sad at the same time before asking for some space so they wouldn't suffocate her from the hug they gave her.

“Thank you all for coming. Now if you follow me I can start where we left off after Friday.”

The five girls nodded in assent as they all entered Sunset’s apartment.

After a few minutes of silence, Twilight entered the room with tea. She handed them all a mug and set some snacks down on the coffee table.

After another minute of silence, Rainbow Dash was the first to break the silence.

“Sunset Shimmer, we’d like to apologize about yesterday.”

“And I’m sorry for my behavior as well. And it's just Sunset by the way.

"So what made you all want to believe me all of a sudden?” Sunset asked before taking a sip of her tea Applejack replied to Sunset’s answer immediately.

“After you and Twilight left us, we all went to Sugarcube Corner to discuss things. And the first thing we found was the photos and texts we had on our phones.”

“We read just about all of them after realizing we did have them all along and were shocked that we were mistaken about what you told us. We were quite foolish to ignore you and Twilight yesterday,” Answered Rarity as she twirled a spoon in her cup of tea.

“That’s when we decided we wanted to learn the whole story of how you had changed since the Fall Formal. We weren’t sure how you'd feel if any of us texted you so we decided to wait until Twilight gave us the signal.” Replied Fluttershy.

Pinkie then shared her opinion, which was clear by the way her hair was deflated.

“And that brings us to right now, here in your apartment with proof all around us you weren’t lying. So all we have left to say is,”

“We want you to show us your memories of us together,” replied the five girls.

Sunset wasn’t sure what to say about this but Twilight did.

“Lucky we know how.”

After Twilight explained what happened last night, they all agreed to give it a shot to go into Sunset’s mind to see the memories.

And before they knew it they all were holding their hands together in a circle before the next thing they knew they entered Sunset’s mind.

They saw many of Sunset’s memories from the Fall Formal, the Battle of the Bands, their sleepovers, the Friendship Games, Camp Everfree, and more they all had gone through together as friends.

After the last memory ended they were all back in Sunset’s apartment, shocked over what they had just seen.

“I can’t believe it,” replied Applejack.

“You have changed so much since the Fall Formal,” said a surprised Rarity.

“But why can’t we remember any of it? Who caused this to happen!” Wondered a worried Fluttershy.

“That leads us to the present. After I left the beach I headed off to Equestria to find answers and found out a logical answer to what could have caused all of this.”

Sunset once more showed them the drawing of the Memory Stone.

“This is the Memory Stone. It can erase any memory whether it's good or bad that came from anyone just by using it. Twilight, Spike, and the Princesses somehow don’t seem to be affected by it but we still don’t know why. Which of course affected you five and everyone else who knows I changed.”

“Now we know you aren’t lying, so we ask for one thing in return.”

Sunset and Twilight were very confused until Rarity explained it.

“Sunset Shimmer, tell us what you feel about each of us, and how much you care as a friend,” requested Rarity.

Sunset got up and first headed to Rainbow Dash as she kneeled in front of her.

“Rainbow Dash, while sometimes you may upset me over the things you do such as showing off and proving you're the best at almost everything when it comes to your friends you’re always the one we can count on to be there for us, being the loyal friend you are.”

Next, she went over to Applejack.

“Applejack, I know I’ve said a lot of mean things about you during our freshman year and about your family’s farm. But that was until I learned what it's like, to be honest to people from someone honest all the time. And you're the only person I’ve ever met who will trust anyone when listening or hearing their side of the story of what happened when you help them.”

Sunset then went to Fluttershy who was a bit scared the former bully was in front of her but had to be brave.

“Fluttershy, I first want to apologize for the many times I threaten you. But truth be told, you shouldn’t always bring yourself down during tough times. You're a very sweet and caring girl. And if we don’t have you in this world, it would be a much darker place. There'd be no kindness you offer to those you care for. There aren’t many people out there that are like you.”

Fluttershy smiled at Sunset before hugging her.

After they broke the hug Sunset next went over to Rarity.

“Rarity, you're the only person I’ve met who not only makes good fashion but is the girl who’d stop every project she's working on to offer a hand to a friend in need.”

“You're right Sunset, I surely would. Also, I did make the swimsuit you were wearing yesterday right? I can’t remember but I know it matched you perfectly darling.”

Sunset smiled happily before heading to her last friend who makes her feel very happy. Pinkie Pie.

“And Pinkie Pie, you are not just the funniest friend I’ve ever met, but also the best one that could make anyone feel happy when feeling down. It proves you are the element of laughter and great at throwing parties and sleepovers, just like the one we had during the Battle of the Bands.”

This caused Pinkie to gasp in surprise as she covered her mouth before she hugged Sunset so tight her eyes were gonna pop out.

“That is by far the bestest thing anyone has ever said to me! You sure have changed Sunset Shimmer!” Pinkie replied before letting her go.

“It was all thanks to you five girls who showed me the important friendship after Princess Twilight brought you all together to stop me when I turned into a she-demon. I wouldn’t have gotten to where I am today if it wasn’t for you girls.”

This soon caused them all to feel very happy with Sunset’s words.

“So with that over with, does that mean-”

“Yes Sunset, its means-”

“We forgive you,” said the mane five before Sunset was in tears of happiness.

“You don’t know how happy I feel right now. I have to thank Twilight for helping me to get you five to understand what’s going on. We’ll need your help to find that Memory Stone and put things back to normal!”

“Were with you and Twilight all the way Sunset.” Replied Rainbow Dash.

“Me too.”

“Same too.”

“You betcha.”

“It’ll be the best thing you’ve done I’ll remember.”

“Group hug!” Shouted Pinkie as she brought all seven of them into a group hug.

“Thanks, girls, all of you. Your the best and thank you very much for forgiving me.”

“So whoever erased our memories of you are in that stone?” Asked Fluttershy.

“Yes, I don’t know how long we have to fix this, but I’m glad I’ll have your help to find out who did this to me. But for now, I think we deserve some fun right now.”

The girls all smiled in reply to their friend.

“Since we ruined yesterday at the beach for you, Twilight, and Spike, why don’t we make it for three? But this time, as the friends we are we’ve been for so long!” Said Rarity as she brought their swimsuits out of nowhere.

“How did ya get a hold of our swimsuits?” Questioned Applejack.

“A lady never reveals her secret.”

“Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s hit the beach!” Yelled Rainbow Dash, to which the rest of the group agreed.

When they got to the beach Sunset was feeling happy, but also a bit worried at the same time. Twilight could easily see it in Sunset’s eyes.

“Don’t worry Sunset. We’ll find out who did this to you. We have our friends back. That’s what counts.”

“Thanks, Twilight, I wouldn’t have done it without your help.”

“Now there’s the Sunset I know well!” Replied Twilight, before the two, blushed at one another.

“Come on you two, the beach is calling us!” Shouted Rainbow Dash.

Twilight smiled before grabbing Sunset’s hand and ran off to join their friends for a fun day at the beach.

After their fun day at the beach, it was time to go home.

“Well this sure was a great day,” replied Applejack.

“I still want a rematch at surfing next time Applejack,” replied Rainbow Dash.

“You're on Rainbow.”

“Well then, guess we all better get home. Tomorrow, we can find out who has the stone,” said Sunset.

“Nonsense darling. If Twilight promised to not leave you, then we won’t either. Right girls?”

“Yeah!” The rest of them replied.

“But what will your parents say? It's a school night?” Wondered Sunset.

“They’ll understand, they all know as well,” replied Rainbow Dash.

“Thank you, girls. What would I do without you.”

After they all left the beach they went back to their homes to grab some stuff before returning to Sunset’s apartment to spend the night for a sleepover.

Their sleepover went great with telling spooky stories, playing Tirek’s Revenge, ordering Pizza, and even a new selfie to go along with the one from Twilight’s drone after Sunset helped her repair it.

After the five girls went to sleep it was just Sunset and Twilight left awake as they both got into bed.

“See Sunset, what did I tell you? They would forgive you.”

“Yeah. You may be a lot different from your counterpart in Equestria but I can tell you care a lot more about our friends than ever.”

“That’s what friends are for.”

“I don’t know what will happen tomorrow when we head back to school, but I’m hoping we’ll find that stone and who has it!”

“That’s the spirit Sunset! But for now, let’s get some sleep.”

After Twilight removed her glasses and turned off the lamp she turned to face her friend.

“Goodnight Sunset.”

“Goodnight Twilight.”

As soon they both fell fast asleep with their friends sleeping not far from them the two girls slept quietly, knowing they did a job well down getting their friends back.

They all weren’t sure what would happen when they’d return to school the following day, but they knew they'd solve this mystery, find the stone, and who was responsible for the mess in the first place! But for now, Sunset has her friends back, which has brought the happiest back to the girl we all love and care about.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Well, it looks like everything went well for Sunset with getting her friends back thanks to Twilight's help. Stay tuned for the next chapter where Sunset & the girls return to CHS on Monday and hopefully they'll figure out who it is that erased the memories and hope that someone besides Sci Twi wasn't affected as well. (It's still Wallflower btw) Anyway hope you all enjoy this since this chapter is now the longest one I've written nearly 7k words long! Wow. Not sure I'll write a longer one in the future but I'll see what happens. Until then stay tuned to the next story coming next week, and don't worry this one won't be as long as this one. And if you have any questions make sure to comment below and like the story to see how the rest of this remake goes!

Song/Lullaby Reference:


I happen to be a big Pokémon fan and I thought this lullaby was cute and couldn't help myself adding it. :twilightsmile: