• Published 2nd Apr 2021
  • 8,137 Views, 51 Comments

Fractured Friendship - ScisetShimmerEvan

No one remembered Sunset as anything but as a bully—or so she thought. But someone did remember a hand given in friendship...will it be enough?

  • ...

The Memory Stealing Demon (Edited by 13 Shades of Sunset) (Updated 1/31/2023)

Wallflower’s plan had succeeded! The Mane seven’s memories of the whole afternoon had been erased and her plans were coming together. No one was gonna be in her way of stopping her evil plan.

Back at the computer lab, Sunset and her friends were trying to call for help as they banged on the door, shouting at the top of their lungs for help. But it was no use, most of the students of CHS had left for the day, and the clock was ticking with not much time left before the sun would begin setting and the memories would be gone forever!

“Help, someone, anybody help us!” Shouted Rainbow Dash.

“Is anybody out there? Please, somebody, anybody, please open the door!” Shouted Sunset.

But no one replied.

“This is not good! If we don't get outta here and figure out who has the stone in the next few hours, it'll be too late to restore everyone's memories before they’re gone forever!”

Sunset was in full panic mode as she was trapped in the computer lab alongside her friends with no way of getting out and no memory of what happened to them the past afternoon.

“How are we supposed to catch the person with that stone now? They'll just erase our memories every time we get close to catching them?” Worried Fluttershy.

But suddenly Sunset felt something in her pocket, revealing it to be a note.

“Wait, what’s this?”

“Wait a minute…. Of course! I must have given you all the notes just in case something like this happened!” Said an excited Twilight.

After the rest of the girls found the notes stashed in their pockets they read what the note said. It was gonna help them figure out who was the memory stealer.

Check the video.

“Video? What video?” Wondered Applejack.

"My drone! That must be it!” Shouted Twilight.

Soon, they all gathered around Twilight's drone to discover that it was recording what had happened.

“Wait hold up, did you decide to let your drone record what was happening before our memories were erased, Twilight?” Questioned Pinkie Pie.

“I don’t remember doing it, but I must have realized our memories would get erased. Thinking about what we might be up against it could help us figure out who took our memories. I must have pressed record on it earlier before we faced whoever erased our memories!”

“Smart move there Twilight,” replied Sunset.

Twilight soon rewinded the video to minutes before what happened to their memories being erased by the memory stealer.

Once Twilight pressed play they saw Wallflower Blush explaining to them what her screensaver was on her computer.

“Who’s that?” Questioned Fluttershy.

“Wallflower Blush! She must have been here before our memories were erased. But why?” Sunset wondered.

“I’ll fast forward to see what happened after this,” explained Twilight.

When fast-forwarding the video they soon see Wallflower singing her song 'Invisible', on how she feels being ignored and what it’s been like being in the shadows for years at CHS.

“How did the drone even get all of this, it makes no sense?” Wondered Rainbow Dash.

“It’s not our problem at the moment Rainbow Dash,” replied Rarity.

After finishing the video the girls were all shocked to learn that Wallflower Blush was behind this and was the one responsible for locking them up in the computer lab.

“She’s the one responsible for this whole mess!” Said, Rainbow Dash.

“But-but why?” Wondered Fluttershy.

“We hardly know her,” answered Applejack.

“She only wanted revenge on me because she hated I got a lot of attention after I became nice and was no longer a bully,” replied Sunset.

“We need to stop her now! Time is at its essence!” Replied Rainbow Dash.

“But how do we get out of here? We don’t have the key to open the door,” answered Pinkie Pie.

“Maybe Applejack can use her super-strength to open the door,” Rainbow Dash suggested.

“No way! Last time I damaged school property I had to fix it and pay for it with my own money. I don’t want to upset Granny Smith again over this. I was grounded for a week because of the damage I did with my powers,” replied Applejack.

“So then how do we get out of here?” Wondered Rainbow Dash.

Then an idea came to Sunset’s mind.

“Wait Twilight, remember during our visit to the Daring Do film set you used your powers to open that door to that supply closet Rainbow was locked in right?”

“Yeah what abou- oh, why did I think about that.”

This soon caused the rest of them to glare at her in disappointment that it took her this long to think that.

“Hey, I wasn’t expecting this would happen nor I’d do this again. But I’ll try.”

Twilight activated her geode as she used her powers on the door handle to open it.

The rest of the girls soon helped her pull the door open as it was locked shut so they could get out of the computer lab. Until suddenly, the door opened and the girls soon collapsed into a pile, but were relieved to see the door was finally open!

“You did it Twilight. It’s open!”

“It was me who opened it for you.”

The girls soon noticed someone step into the room and were all shocked to see who had rescued them.


“But-but why did you help us?” Asked Twilight.

“I thought you still hate me?” Wondered Sunset.

“Trixie still does. But when I heard you all needed help after seeing you all getting your memories erased from that girl, I didn’t want to ignore this and decided to help you.”

“Never thought I’d see the day you’d do something like this. Guess you’re not that bad of a person after all,” said Applejack.

“Thank you Trixie for freeing us, we wouldn’t have gotten out if it wasn’t for you,” replied Sunset.

“No problem. But now isn’t the time for celebrating. You all better go and stop that girl before more memories are erased!”

“Right, come on girls, we got some memories to save!” Said Twilight.

As the seven girls rushed to the nearest exit Sunset shouted one last reply back to Trixie.

“Thanks, Trixie, I own you one!”

And soon enough Trixie was all alone in the hallway feeling happy for herself she helped Sunset and her friends out. Maybe this was a sign they had forgiven her for what she did to Fluttershy at the beach the other day. But for now, she made her way to her locker before going home for the day, hoping the girls would stop Wallflower in time, and putting everything back to normal.

The moment the girls exited CHS they began their search for Wallflower. They looked through the empty parking lot from where they stood, seeing many students and Flash Sentry's car in the parking lot.

“Any sign of her?” Asked Rarity.

“There she is!” Rainbow Dash replied as she spotted Wallflower walking towards the school's garden.

“After her!” Shouted Pinkie Pie as they ran to check up on Wallflower.

The girls passed Flash’s car on the way, making him wonder what was going on. He was about to ask Sunset as he stepped out of his car before she beat him to it.

“Sorry Flash, I’ll explain later.”

“Um, ok?”

When the seven of them got closer to Wallflower, Sunset was the first one to get her attention.

“Wallflower stop!”

When Wallflower heard her name being called out she turned around to see who it was, surprised to be face to face with none other than Sunset Shimmer and her friends.

“What! How do you remember me? How were you able to get out of the computer lab? I locked it!”

“We know everything you did to us,” Sunset sternly replied.

“What? How!” That’s impossible!” Wallflower replied.

“My drone recorded everything before you erased our memories,” Twilight explained.

“What! You mean, you remember everything! But I erased the whole afternoon from all of you!”

“We're smarter than you think,” replied Fluttershy.

Sunset then got closer to Wallflower to reason with her about something important she needed to share.

“Listen Wallflower, I used to be just like you before I was shown friendship. Sure when I was a bully I was popular, but I was also alone just like you.”

“She’s telling the truth, Wallflower. I was like that too back when I went to Crystal Prep. Sure, I was a straight-A student, but that made many people jealous and hate me,” replied Twilight.

“We’ve been where you are now. I get it now. I know what it’s like to be forgotten for the person I am now. Alone. It hurts.”

Wallflower wanted to believe them but knew they were just trying to get under her skin so they’d get the stone from her. So Wallflower decided to share something of her own with them, especially with Sunset.

“No, you’re not! You’re both just saying that to prove that you're all nice, even though you're not, especially Sunset Demon Shimmer!”

Wallflower’s eyes soon turned dark black once again, the stone's dark magic was beginning to take over her. Sunset knew she needed to calm Wallflower down before she upset her even more.

“Wallflower please, I’m not ly-”

“You're nothing like me, and I'm not lonely, because I-I have…”

“You have what darling?” Asked Rarity.

“I have my plants!”

This soon made everyone feel very awkward now that Wallflower revealed to them that she indeed had no friends and that her only friends were the plants in her garden.

"Wow," said Rainbow Dash.

"Touch crowd," finished Fluttershy.

“That sounded less lonely in my head,” whispered Wallflower.

“Look, I’m sorry for whatever I did to you, Wallflower. I am. I know it’s hard being alone, but we can show you a better way.”

“She’s right. We all would be happy to show you,” replied Twilight.

Sunset soon offered her hand to Wallflower, hoping she'd accept it. She’d finally no longer be alone and finally, have a real friend. But she didn’t.

“No, I don’t need your help, because you're the one who needs help! Your friends don’t deserve to call you a friend, and because I…I HATE YOU!”

Wallflower’s scream soon brought the attention of many other students near them and Wallflower felt embarrassed as her face blushed bright red.

“Jeez, that was quite harsh,” said Applejack.

“And pretty awkward too,” finished Rarity.

With the sun beginning to set the girls knew they didn’t have much time before the memories would cease to exist. They had to get the stone away from Wallflower as well as destroy it before she tried to use it again to escape.

“Wallflower, just listen to us please!” said Sunset.

“We want to help you,” replied Twilight.

“We all do,” said the rest of their group.

But even with their offer of friendship, Wallflower didn’t want any of it.

“I don’t need your stupid friendship! All you need to do is to leave me alone!”

Wallflower soon started to search for the stone in her backpack as Sunset tried to reason with her once again.

“Wallflower please, what your doing isn’t right, this isn’t the wa-”

“I wanted to teach you a lesson by erasing your friends' good memories of you. But obviously, that didn't work, since you were able to prove to them you aren’t somehow!”

But then Wallflower got an evil idea that she knew would work, judging by the grinch-like smile on her face.

“Wait a minute, why didn’t I think of this sooner? Why didn’t I just erase all your memories of everything you all shared in high school, so you didn’t know you all were friends!”

“You can’t! You'd be stealing their memories of each other!”

“No, this is what you all deserve! They'll think of each other the way you think of me! Which is not at all!”

Wallflower began charging up the Memory Stone before a beam of magic fired straight toward Sunset’s friends knowing there was no way to stop it in time!

Sunset realized that if she didn’t stop the magic from hitting her friends in time, it would erase their friendship and cease to exist.

But then. she made the ultimate decision from preventing herself from losing the ones she truly cared for.


Sunset soon jumped straight front into the charging magic until it surrounded her body. She fell on her side several feet away from her friends, after being hit by the impact of the stone's magic.

“Sunset!” The six girls shouted in unison!

Twilight then realized what Sunset had done. She was protecting them, sacrificing her own memories so they wouldn’t have to suffer anymore.

Twilight ran over toward Sunset to try and help her friend. But Sunset put her hand in front of her to stop. She had one last thing to say to Wallflower, that would remind her what she was doing, would be something she'd forever regret!

“I've ruined their friendship once before, but I'd rather give up and sacrifice my memories then let it happen again!”

Both Wallflower and the rest of the girls were shocked by Sunset's words.

But the worst had yet to come.

Before Sunset knew it, all her memories of everyone she had ever met at CHS were being pulled out of her mind! Soon enough, the first memories of her friends were being erased from her mind, after all the magic surrounding her body entered her forehead as the memories started to leave her mind.

“Fluttershy no! Applejack! Rarity! Aah!”

The girls knew they had to think of something to help Sunset fast, but weren’t sure how!

Applejack and Rainbow Dash tried to grab Sunset’s memories with their bare hands but they went straight through them!

The girls now realized the only way they could save Sunset’s memories was to destroy the Memory Stone before the sun set for the day and they’d be gone forever!

“Rainbow Dash! Pinkie Pie!”

The girls were utterly frightened of what they were seeing as they watched Sunset suffer more of her memories.

Sunset looked towards her best friend, now girlfriend Twilight Sparkle, to tell her last words before she’d forgotten her entirely.

“Twilight, listen to me! You have to stop Wallflower and whatever plan she has! It’s up to you and our friends now.”

Twilight could see the tears in Sunset’s eyes, which brought some own to her eyes.

“And please, don’t forget me and that I-I


And before they it the last of Sunset’s memories were now inside the Memory Stone. The moment after Twilight’s memories were erased from Sunset’s mind she collapsed right onto the ground. Sunset now lost all the memories of everyone she knew of everyone she met at CHS.

“Nooo!” The five girls cried.

Twilight went over to her friend, trying to wake her up. She brought Sunset up close to her in her arms but it was no use. Sunset was out like a light, and all they could do was wait.

More tears were now flowing down Twilight's face, knowing she lost the girl she truly loved, all thanks to Wallflower’s doings.

As for the rest of the girls, they couldn’t believe what they had witnessed upon them.

Sunset Shimmer, the one who brought them back together after proving she had changed and was the one who sacrificed all of her memories to save them from Wallflower jeopardizing their friendship.

Rainbow Dash tightened her knuckles, feeling disappointed with herself that she failed to try to save her friend’s memories. She decided to tell Wallflower how she felt about what she did to her friend as well as Applejack aside from her.

“Well Wallflower, you happy now! You wanted to go down that path and be alone even after we offered our friendship! What is wrong with you!” Yelled Rainbow Dash.

“How do you feel now after what you just witnessed? HOW DO YOU FEEL!!!!” Yelled an angry Applejack.

Wallflower didn’t hear or listen to them both at first but knew what to say back to them.

“I was not expecting that. But I was expecting not to expect something, so it doesn’t count.”

This soon brought an awkward atmosphere to everyone until Wallflower decided to make it better, as her eyes turned black once again.

“But now that I have her memories. I now have all the power I need! And nothing can stop me now!”

Before the girls knew it Wallflower placed the Memory Stone on her chest when the unthinkable happened! The stone transformed her and the girls soon saw the stone had taken over Wallflower’s body. It's dark magic following through her body. It was just like what their geodes did to Gloriosa Daisy at Camp Everfree. But this time, it was ten times worse! All the memories the stone had inside collected were now a part of Demon Wallflower!

“Yes, yes! All this power flowing through me! This magic feels so good! But now I need more! MORE!”

Wallflower began using her powers on several nearby students, taking their memories from them, leaving behind scarred and frightened teenagers, who couldn’t seem to remember a thing about what happened to them.

As for the rest of the girls, they knew that they couldn’t stop Wallflower without Sunset. But weren’t sure how, all the while Twilight tried waking her up.

“Sunset wake up! We need you! We can’t stop, Wallflower… not without you! Please!”

“It’s no use Twilight. Sunset lost a lot of her strength when she sacrificed her memories to save us. Who knows how long til she wakes up again!” Replied Rarity.

Fortunately, Sunset began opening her eyes, all the while trying to figure out what happened. She noticed Twilight looking down at her, who began feeling relieved she was awake.

“Oh, Sunset you had us so worri-”

“Where am I? Who are you? What is this place?”

“Sunset darling, please just listen to u-”

“This isn’t Canterlot? Where’s the castle? Princess Celestia, where are you!”

Sunset was now in full panic mode as she was the most frightened she had ever been since coming to this world. The girls weren’t sure what to do to help her even though they wanted. But had no idea how to explain it to Sunset, who had lost all of her memories of her time at CHS.

When Sunset tried to run she realized her body had changed and she was no longer a pony.

“What happened to me? What happened to my hooves? Where’s my horn? And what am I wearing? Somepony, please help me!”

Before Sunset knew it Twilight walked back over to her frightened friend to try and reason who she was.

“Who are you?”

“Sunset Shimmer, you may not remember me, but I’m your best friend Twilight Sparkle,” replied Twilight as she kneeled in front of Sunset.

“Friend? But, I don’t have any friends?” Said a confused Sunset.

“Yes, you do sugarcube.”

Sunset turned to see Applejack along with the rest of her friends gathering around her.

“You may not remember us, but we're your friends. Have and always will be.”


“Yes, darling.”

“You may not remember, but you brought them back together to fix a memory problem that made them forget you were their friend,” replied Twilight.

“I-I did?”

“Yes, you also showed us proof you indeed aren’t mean anymore,” answered Fluttershy.

“You even sacrificed yourself to protest us from Wallflower getting our memories,” answered Rainbow Dash before Wallflower noticed what they were doing.

“Wait, what are you doing?” Questioned the demonic Wallflower.

“So wait, what are you all trying to tell me?”

“We're telling you Sunset that you're our friend, and what I’m telling you is the truth.”

Before she knew it, Twilight grabbed a hold of Sunset’s hand seeing many of Twilight’s memories of everything they had gone through together, going as far back as when they first met at the Friendship Games. Once her memory flash ended Sunset could not believe it.

“Yo- you are my friend.”

“Yes Sunset, we all are. Because-”

“You're our best friend and we all love you very much,” said her six friends in unison.

This soon made Sunset feel so happy she started to tear up until the next thing she knew was being brought into a group hug.

Demon Wallflower could not believe her eyes what was happening before her.

After stumbling a bit, not having been used to having two legs Sunset looked up at Demon Wallflower hovering about them.

“Face it Wallflower, you may have erased my memories but we got one thing that can never be erased from us! Our friendship!”

Suddenly, the mane seven’s geodes were all starting to glow, meaning that they were about to pony up!

Soon their cutie marks appeared on the right side of their faces before they each transformed and were hovering in the air facing Demon Wallflower.

“How is this possible, you girls aren’t supposed to be like this! I erased all of her memories! She shouldn't remember you all nor have your help!” Answered Demon Wallflower.

“Well, you don’t know what it's like to have the power of friendship!”

“That’s right Twi, now prepare to face the power of-”

“Yeah, yeah we get it Sunset, LIGHT HER UP LADIES!”

The next thing Wallflower knew, she was being surrounded by a rainbow-like tornado before five out of the seven girls grabbed a hold of her. Twilight and Sunset soon appeared and removed the stone from her chest.

“We’ll be taking this.”


With the Memory Stone separated from Wallflower, she turned back to her normal self. But soon, they noticed the sun had nearly set meaning there were only a few minutes left to fix this. But fortunately Sunset and Twilight knew what to do.

“Together, Twilight. You and me!”

The two friends combined their powers as they aimed them toward the Memory Stone. When it came in contact it began cracking, before all the memories the stone had collected were free!

“No!!!!!!!!” Shouted Wallflower.

And the memories returned to their rightful owners.

However, since Sunset was the one who had lost the most memories she couldn’t handle all of them reentering her mind. The next thing she knew, she was falling, having lost her capability to fly with her friends.


Twilight caught her before she could hit the ground and instantly could have been hurt or worst killed.

Now on solid ground, Sunset was trying to stabilize herself as the rest of her friends awaited the news that she was back to normal.

“Did it work?” Asked Fluttershy.

“Let’s hope so,” replied Rainbow Dash.

As Twilight prayed that her friend was back to her normal self she soon got her to wish.

“Twilight? Is that you?”


Soon the six of them were hugging Sunset so tight it almost felt like one of Pinkie Pie’s hugs knowing that Sunset had all her memories back!

“I remember everything, The Fall Formal, The Battle of the Bands, The Friendship Games, Camp Everfree, everything! And most of all, my six best friends.”

“We’re just glad to have you back, Sunset,” Twilight replied, giving her another hug.

“Sunset dear, we’re all very sorry for everything that happened when we didn’t believe you were our friend,” replied Rarity who felt ashamed of herself like the rest of her friends.

“It wasn’t your fault Rarity. You didn’t remember I had changed and thought I was still a bully. But, I’m just glad to have you all back.”

This brought a smile onto all of their faces.

“And I couldn’t have done it without you Twilight.”

“It was my honor Sunset.”

“Sorry to interrupt everything but why do our ponied-up attires look different from the last few times we’ve transformed?” Applejack wondered.

“I don’t know, but it probably is due to our friendship growing.”

“Yep, it probably is Sunset. We still have lots to learn when it comes to friendship.”

The rest of them thought it was probably the best answer as they agreed with Twilight’s theory.

“So what are we gonna do with her?” Rainbow Dash asked, pointing at Wallflower.

“Leave this one to Twilight and I.”

As the two friends slowly approached Wallflower they found her in a sorry state. She was quite scared to see them after her defeat and losing the Memory Stone. She had a few cuts and bruises on her skin and clothes, but she was overall in good shape.


“Just leave me alone. I feel so ashamed for what I’ve done to you all. When I first found the Memory Stone, I only erased little bits with it. Awkward hellos, saying the wrong thing, literally any public speaking,” said Wallflower who now felt very embarrassed she was sharing this out loud.

“I know how you feel, Wallflower. I've had plenty of awkward moments I wish I could erase, too. But we have to deal with these memories, whether we like them or not. It’s something we all have to deal with in our lives. It's what makes us human.”

“I know, but it doesn’t fix this problem of mine. I was so used to erasing memories that I got completely carried away with it. I'm very sorry for everything I did to you all.”

“It’s ok. I'm sorry too. I may have stopped being mean, but a few good friends of mine helped me realize I still wasn't very nice to you,” Sunset replied before winking at her friends.

“But we can show you a better way that will help you in every way possible. So you can either continue to be alone or we can show you a better way, Wallflower,” replied Twilight, as she offered her hand to the frightened girl.

“She’s right. Everyone matters, Wallflower. No matter how insignificant or invisible they feel. If you allow us to be your friend, we can help you become a better person.”

Wallflower was a little scared at first, seeing the two girls hoping she’d accept their offer. And fortunately, she did. The three of them soon came in for a group hug, knowing that this was the start of a new future ahead for Wallflower Blush and her new friends.

After saying goodbye to Wallflower and the rest of their friends, Twilight and Sunset were left alone at the CHS parking lot, where just over a half-hour prior they fought Demon Wallflower.

It was now nighttime as the two girls looked up at the beautiful night sky, as few stars shone brightly down upon them.

“Well, we did it, Twilight. Everything is back to normal now.”

“Yeah, it sure is Sunset.”

Twilight looked up at the sky above and felt like she needed to tell Sunset something important she had to get over with.

“Well, I should probably be getting home now. It’s getting very late. You better do the same before your parents worry where you are Twi-”

But before Sunset knew it, Twilight was hugging her, not wanting to not let go.

“What’s wrong Twilight?”

“I was so scared when I saw you lose your memories. If we weren’t able to get them back, I wasn’t sure what choice I could've made.”

Sunset was surprised seeing Twilight act like this when minutes earlier she was happy they had gotten things back to normal.

“I know Twilight I know, but be fortunate we managed to stop this and get things back to normal, alright?”

“I know, I was scared when I saw you sacrificing your memories. But I’m really glad to have you back, Sunset.”

“And I’m glad to have our friends back Twilight.”


“I love you, Sunset Shimmer.”

“I love you too, Twilight Sparkle.”

Before Twilight knew it Sunset brought her for a deep kiss. She was surprised Sunset did it before she went back in for another one after their rough weekend dealing with the memory crisis. After they finished their kiss they started their walk home under the beautiful night sky.

“I know it’s still technically a school night, but can I stay with you for just one more night, please? I don’t feel like leaving you just yet.”

Sunset looked at her friend before Twilight gave her puppy eyes. Sunset smiled back at her and accepted her defeat.

“Of course Twilight. Anytime you’d like to, my door is open for you.”

This soon made Twilight very happy. After going through the memory loss Sunset went through, she didn’t want to leave her just yet.

As the two friends walked to Sunset’s apartment with joined hands they were glad they were able to stop Wallflower in time before the memories were erased. And now they had a new friend that they’d be helping out with showing her what friendship is like. Sunset and Twilight were also a couple now, which made them both very happy. It was gonna be hard to keep it a secret for a while but the two girls knew that they could handle it. But for now, they were just relieved that everything was back to normal and that the Memory Stone was gone forever.

To be continued...

Author's Note:


Art by Legendary-Spider

Well, folks, that's the ending for my alternate Forgotten Friendship story that I'm glad to be completed now. I'm truly sorry for the long wait, I was busy with college and my buddy Brett/Faded Echoes was busy as well with stuff of his own. I hope this wait was worth it and I hope you've all enjoyed the story and have been reading it since the start. Stay tuned for the Epilogue that'll be up shortly. And if you have anything to say about the story or any mistakes please comment down below and tell me what you think. :twilightsmile: