• Published 9th Aug 2021
  • 7,583 Views, 530 Comments

Twilight Sparkle the Dragon - PlutoMilo

What if Twilight was the dragon and Spike was the pony? What would happen with Nightmare Moon? Discord? The Crystal Empire?

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The Test - Crystal Empire Arc

“Of all the things, why a test now?” Twilight demanded irritably to an empty room.

If it weren’t for her protection wards in and around her home, the floor would’ve been littered with grooves, the walls would’ve been scraped away at, and all the books would’ve been charcoal. But alas, her wards held true as she paced, and nothing was damaged other than the crumpled-up letter that sat oh so innocently on the ground.

Her desk was a little ruined, dripping with ink and glass shards littering the tabletop. The water timer, which was usually fairly amicable when in Twilight’s presence, completely exploded when Twilight read the letter, reacting to her annoyance in the most dramatic fashion Twilight had ever seen. The water gave itself a voice as it shrieked bloody murder and dove into the inkwell. The next thing Twilight knew, inky water was dripping off her horns and face as the water sobbed incoherently.

So here she was, snarling to an empty room as water pathetically crooned in the background. She sent a dirty look at the water, which immediately consolidated into a single black blob and scurried back into the water clock. Twilight grabbed at her ears and pulled. She sighed when she didn’t magically wake up and went about collecting the necessary items to bring to Canterlot. She would leave tomorrow.

“Good morning,” Twilight declared her presence as she entered the Hall.

Both of the Royal Sisters nodded back. Luna excused herself and as she passed the dragon, Twilight ducked her head in respect. If Twilight wasn’t mistaken, Luna looked quite smug as she left. Twilight looked back up at her mentor in time to see her sigh and roll her eyes good-naturedly.

“Good morning to you as well, my student. Are you ready for your test?”

Twilight nodded and unslung her pack from her shoulders, “I brought my own quills and ink,”

Celestia smiled, “Prepared as always, my student. But this is not that kind of test,”

Twilight sighed and repacked her bag, “Of course it isn’t. What catastrophe has happened now?”

“The Crystal Empire has returned,” Celestia stated gravely, acting as if Twilight’s reaction was going to be pearl-clutching and fainting.

“I suppose that’s bad news considering I know nothing about this ‘Crystal Empire’,”

In response to that, Celestia magically uncovered one of the class casings in the room and brought out a beautifully cut crystal. Wordlessly, Celestia set it on the ground and cast a projection spell upon it.

“The Empire contains powerful magic. One thousand years ago, King Sombra, a unicorn with a heart as black as night took over the Empire. He enslaved the citizens but was ultimately overthrown. Unfortunately, he was able to cast a final curse before he was banished as a shadow to the frozen north. As he vanished, so did the Empire.”

The projection followed Celestia’s narrative. When the projection collapsed Celestia smiled radiantly and shot another spell at it. Its purpose escaped Twilight, never having seen that bright of a yellow in any spell. The light warmed Twilight’s heart and her lips pulled into a smile without her realizing it. When it hit the crystal, the light bounced within like a kaleidoscope before escaping as a large shining rainbow.

“When the Empire is filled with happiness and joy, hope and love, it is reflected across all of Equestria,”

Twilight recoiled as Celestia charged her horn again. Her regal face twisted into an ugly snarl and her wings spread out as if to attack. Celestia hadn’t even released the spell yet and Twilight feared for her life. Her various spines and frills along with her hackle plates rose so much they nearly detached themselves from her body entirely. Her wings opened and were raised threateningly, making her larger.

When Celestia released the spell, inky darkness shaded the entire crystal and then spread along the floor under it. Along the stream of black, jagged rock formations burst forth out of the pristine rugs, surrounding Twilight faster than she thought possible. The air around the crystals, and subsequently Twilight, suddenly charged with fear so potent, Twilight could swear blind that it manifested itself as little wisps of black lightning.

“But when fear and hatred take hold-”

Twilight swallowed harshly, mouth suddenly dry at the way her mentor’s voice rumbled and how her eyes glowed with anger. The rocks around her gleamed with malice. It was almost like they were about to come alive and crush her. Celestia allowed another moment for her student to fearfully study the corrupted crystals before banishing the mess.

Twilight blew out a breath she hadn’t known she was holding and let her shaky legs give out. Her scales were still up and her wings refused to fold back down properly, still stiff with fear.

“At least warn a being before you go around casting emotional magic like that,” Twilight hoarsely cried, still on the ground.

“My apologies, my student. Your test is to help protect the Empire.”

“You want me to help protect an entire Empire?” Twilight’s voice cracked in disbelief, getting to her paws again.

Celestia smiled serenely, putting the crystal back onto the pedestal where it sat innocently under the glass case, “As I said, it’s a different kind of test. But one I’m certain you will pass,”

Twilight shook herself, finally flattening her spines. Her wings were still slightly stiff and they dragged painfully along the floor.

“Princess Cadence and Shining Armor are already there. The Element Bearers will get their notice soon. I have every confidence you will succeed, my student. Then, I will know for sure you are ready for your next level of studies.”

Shakily, Twilight followed her mentor down the Hall to the exit. There, Luna shot a disapproving look to her sister, noticing Twilight’s state. Twilight looked at her mentor, taking note of the tired look in her eyes and how her wings drooped slightly.

She nodded, “I’ll do my best,”

Just as she turned away, Celestia called her back, “Twilight. Just know, when the time comes, it will be you and you alone to assist Princess Cadence and Shining Armor as they do what needs to be done to protect the Empire. Do you understand?”

Twilight nodded resolutely, “I do.”

“Then go. There is no time to lose,” Celestia said with such finality that Twilight almost flinched.

The way Celestia spoke about her brother made her wonder if some being was going to die. She hoped not, but she also knew an entire Empire was at stake. She wouldn’t fail, she couldn’t.

Author's Note:

Back as promised :)