• Published 9th Aug 2021
  • 7,583 Views, 530 Comments

Twilight Sparkle the Dragon - PlutoMilo

What if Twilight was the dragon and Spike was the pony? What would happen with Nightmare Moon? Discord? The Crystal Empire?

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Aftermath Pt 2

The morning after, when Twilight finally felt some semblance of normalcy, she went down into the basement to finish off her latest project. She picked her notes up from her side table and walked to the basement door. As per usual, she lit her horns to open the door. Unfortunately, that was when ‘normal’ decided to throw itself out of the window and ‘panic’ took its place.

Normally, she would open the door with a wrench and then catch it before it hit the wall and overextended its hinges. Normally, that would’ve been second nature to her. But this time, the door was literally ripped off of its hinges and only her reflexive urge to catch the door prevented it from sailing down into the basement and breaking countless vials and equipment.

So, Twilight was one paw on the basement steps, clutching her notes in her paws, and holding a broken door in her magic. Twilight blinked and when her brain finally caught up to the situation, nearly dropped the door in question. At the last possible second, Twilight managed to catch the door a second time.

Twilight dropped her notes in order to properly concentrate. She had to, or else the door would’ve hit the ceiling. With as much care as possible, the dragon slowly levitated the battered door to her and caught it with a grunt. She bemoaned the dirtying of her notes as she stepped all over them to maneuver the door back into the living area.

She successfully heaved the door out of the basement and set it on the ground. Hesitating, she lit her horns again to test her theory, calling for her scattered notes. The dragon let out a high-pitched shriek when her stack of dropped papers sped through the air fast enough to whistle. Immediately, she dropped her magic.

Her breath came in sharp panicked pants as papers fluttered through the air. Her ‘ponification’ did do something. Her fine-tuned control, which she worked many years for, was absolutely obliterated in the face of the increase of raw power that flowed through her body.

Twilight wanted to scream and/or groan in exasperation. She deflated at the thought of sitting in an enchanted room and slowly tying knots on a rope for hours. Or even worse, slowly folding pieces of paper into cranes. Her record was two thousand and some change. It was like turning into a dragon all over again. She paused. No this was exactly what it was like. Twilight literally did turn back into a dragon.

Methodically, she gathered her notes without magic and plopped them onto the table in the middle of the room. She would deal with them later. See, the first time she changed, her body suddenly became capable of channeling power at the rate of an alicorn. For a toddler, that was not the most ideal situation since any strong emotion resulted in an explosion.

Twilight shuddered to think about how much power she could channel now. She didn’t want to tempt fate by actually measuring it, but at the same time, she was just so curious. Twilight sighed, time to talk with Zecora again. The shaman might have something that could help. Just when she thought she’d get a break too…

Later that afternoon, Spike slammed open the front door so hard, a few leaves fluttered down from the ceiling and Twilight scowled. Her book snapped shut ominously and the rapid hoofbeats on the stairs stalled.

“What did I say about slamming doors?” Twilight raised her voice to be heard, “Why are you running in the house?”

Spike seemed to suddenly remember something and he sprinted up the last steps, completely disregarding Twilight’s last comment. Gasping for breath, he leaned against the stair rail and nearly screamed, “I got my cutie mark!”

Her irritation melted away to be replaced with fondness, “What is it?”

On Spike’s flank was a glittering sword. No glittering was the wrong word. The sword Sparkled. Spike looked at her in disbelief and Twilight rose an eye ridge in confusion. Spike swallowed and said rather blankly, “I don’t know when I got it,”

Twilight snorted in amusement, but instantly, she knew that was the wrong thing to do since Spike’s lower lip trembled. Rising from her position on the floor, Twilight sat in front of him and rested a paw on his shaking shoulder, book forgotten.

“Hey, hey,” she soothed, “What’s wrong?”

“Shouldn’t I know when I got my cutie mark though? It’s my cutie mark,”

Twilight stilled. So that’s what the problem was. Slowly, she returned to her previous position on the floor and motioned for Spike to sit.

“Do you remember how I became who I was when I was little?” Twilight asked gently, continuing on when Spike nodded hesitantly, “Well that day, I think I also got my cutie mark,”

Predictably, Spike incredulously parroted back, “You ‘think’?”

Twilight awkwardly shrugged with one shoulder, “There was a lot going on,” she said honestly, “For one, I was a completely different creature. Then I had to deal with my magic going crazy. It took days for me to finally take a good look at myself. No being around me pointed it out to me either. I found it all on my own and then got sprayed with glass since I got so excited the mirror broke,” Spike laughed a little, “I think you got it yesterday. It doesn’t matter how or when you got it. It only matters that you finally did get it,”

Spike hummed, “I dunno. I guess I thought it’d be a special occasion or something,”

“Did you want it to be?” Twilight asked, “We could get hay burgers and fries, maybe even throw in an ice cream…” Twilight deliberately trailed off as Spike visibly grew more and more excited at the prospect.

Twilight chuckled when Spike nodded rapidly, “Maybe I could parade around Ponyville screaming that my son got his cutie mark,”

The dragon cackled at the sudden horror that painted Spike’s face. Things would be alright, Twilight was sure of it.

Twilight took a deep breath and sighed. She was doing that a lot lately. The conference table in front of her was simply too small for a creature her size. Scholars across Canterlot were gathered all around and arguing over the logistics of her leyline draining. Her heavy tail twitched in annoyance and a nearby chair nearly upturned. That quickly stopped the chatter and Twilight reiterated what she said before.

“I already explained exactly how,” She interrupted several murmurs, “No, I don’t know how my pony body prevented the expected explosion. Yes, Magic can talk to me sometimes because I’m the Element Bearer. And no, I’m not secretly a sorcerer that wants to take over Equestria,”

Suitably chastised, the four-hour-long meeting finally ended. Twilight was the last out of the room and Steelwing was waiting for her.

“The Night Court is talking about promoting you,” she commented as they walked to the library.

Twilight snorted, “Promote me from what? I don’t even have a proper title now,”

Steelwing chuckled and didn’t answer, prompting Twilight to roll her eyes and huff, “Fine, keep your secrets, O’ Great Librarian,”

“What?!” her shocked roar shook the great domed ceiling of the Hall, “You want me to be what?!”

Princess Luna and her hooded Counsel stood stolidly on the dais, “Thou have gone above and beyond anything our greatest wizards have in the last millennium. Thou is qualified to fill the Archmage position,” the Princess repeated patiently.

Twilight’s mouth flapped around uselessly as she attempted to answer. Finally, she sputtered, “I am not moving back to Canterlot. Thank you, but I’m not moving from Ponyville,”

Advisor Five stepped forward, fixing their glasses beneath their hood and their toneless voice suggested, “Princess, there is another position like the Canterlot Archmage position. It doesn’t require the mage to live within the capital of their choosing,”

“Be as it may, tis far more responsibility than just simply being an Archmage, Advisor,” Princess Luna responded evenly.

“Dragon Twilight Sparkle of House Sparkle has demonstrated such prowess in the past. Would her position really change?” Advisor Two spoke up.

Princess Luna straightened and addressed Twilight once more, “Drakon Twilight, we shall rescind our original offer and put forth another. We are now offering the Head Archmage position. Such an appointment will not require thou moving. Thou will simply go to the yearly Archmage meetings and hold Court as the Head,”

Twilight gaped soundlessly. One of the Advisors stifled a chuckle as a cough. Princess Luna’s expression became amused the longer Twilight took for her brain to reboot.

“I supposeth that was quite a ‘far out’ proposition, as the young put it,” Twilight’s frantic brain didn’t register the smile or the fake sigh before she was blurting out.

“Yes! I mean, I’d be honored. Uh, thank you. Oh gosh, will I need a speech? I didn’t prepare one,” More than one Advisor chuckled that time.

Her mind snapped back to the present and heat spread along the back of her neck to the tips of her ears. Thankfully she was incapable of blushing, it spared her more mortification. Due to her embarrassment, she missed the first part of Princess Luna’s sentence and her mind frantically attempted to piece together what she did catch.

“-so it will be another fortnight before it arrives with the proper title,” she looked expectantly at the dragon, who nodded somewhat professionally.

“That’s fine,” Twilight choked out, wondering what in the name of the moon she just agreed to.

“EXCELLENT!” the Princess thundered, “DISMISSED!”

Her ears rang as she flinched hard enough to scratch the marble flooring. The dragon sheepishly lowered her frightened wings and was glad to see she wasn’t the only one that flinched violently. Several of the Advisors were getting to their hooves from where they tumbled off the dais completely and another was visibly shaking in their cloaked hooves. The Princess cleared her throat.

“Apologies. Old habits die hard,”

Author's Note:

One more Aftermath chapter before I go back to edit past chapters (as per usual) and start on Equestria Girls :)