• Published 21st Aug 2021
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Survival of the Wolves - JNKing

The Daughter of Luna meets wolf ponies.

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Chapter 18: A Noble Lesson

Celestia gathered the Nobles in the throne room to tell them of the return of the Wolves of Equestria and of Star Wing. She sat on her throne with Luna next to her.

"My noble mares and gentle stallions," Celestia declared. "Many centuries ago, a horrendous crime was committed. The Wolves of Equestria were conspired against, and believed to be all but destroyed."

The nobles winced and grumbled about such a topic being brought up.

"I am here to tell you," Celestia continued. "That today, a discovery has been made. The Wolves of Equestria still live."

The nobles gasped. "What proof is there?" one asked.

Celestia would smile. "I'm glad you asked," she replied, before turning to behind her and nodding.

Slowly, with all the grace of a wolf, Shiva strode out, her wings fluffing open as the nobles gaped in shock.

"The Alpha of the Wolves of Equestria," Celestia declared. "Shiva, has returned!"

Shiva grinned down at the nobles, several of whom started to shiver in worry. Some even grinned sheepishly up at her. Blueblood was preening himself, having already made his acquaintance.

Shiva would observe them for a quiet moment, before taking a breath.

"My little ponies," she'd begin. "I'm sure this is a rather shocking turn of events for you. Your worst moment in history... brought back from the grave." Her head would lower. "My kind suffered at the hooves of your ancestors." She lifted her head, and recited the names of every wolf she had lost to their attack. "Each of them suffered and died. And why? Because your ancestors were scared of us? Because they didn't think we could be trusted?'"

The nobles swallowed and shivered. Celestia grew nervous. But Shiva just sighed again.

"But those are questions that they cannot answer anymore," she'd say, before giving them a softer look. "Your ancestors are gone. By now, the dust from their bones has been scattered to the wind. You are their legacy. Their chance to right the wrongs committed." She paced. "You know, several of my wolves spoke of vengeance. They spoke of retribution. All of which I'm thankful to say have remained just words." She'd fix them all with a firm glare. "Because it is my hope that you will help me ensure that those thoughts remain nothing more than words. Because I believe that you are different. I believe that there is hope for you. I believe that together, we can forge a better world. One ruled by cooperation, if not love." She'd give a bow. "To an era of peace."

"An era of peace!" The nobles gave a standing ovation as she took a seat next to Celestia. Luna rose next.

"Alpha Shiva is not the only alicorn who has returned from the grave," she added. "For in her quest to survive, she came across one who needed her most." Luna lifted a wing to the air. "My daughter... my beloved Star Wing."

The crowd gasped again, but Star Wing didn’t descend from above like before. Instead, she appeared from behind again, tapping a still preening Blueblood on the shoulder.

"Boo," she hissed.

Blueblood jumped with a yelp, causing the other nobles to jump as they spotted Star as well. And both Luna and Shiva winced at the fire in Star's eyes. Even her grin seemed almost like a wolf baring teeth. For a moment, Star just observed the shocked nobles.

"Interesting," she mused, walking through their midst. "You guys get... plastic surgery or something? Your faces are different, but I recognize a lot from you guys." She sniffed. "The perfume." She glanced at their attire. "The clothes." She glanced at Blueblood. "The haughty, 'holier-than-thou' attitude." She came to a stop at Celestia's throne. "Yeah. You guys are nobles alright."

Celestia cleared her throat, but Star lifted a hoof, glancing at the alicorns with a look that pleaded for trust. Though when she looked back at the nobles, her glare returned.

"Now Alpha Shiva had her questions, and so do I," Star admitted. "And while the nobles I wanted to ask them to are 'probably' gone, I'm hoping you guys can help a sister out."

The nobles shrugged; no one dared protest as Star continued.

"It's scary, isn't it? When ponies are different from you? When they... eat meat instead of veggies? Or when they prefer night to day?" She shivered herself. "Absolutely terrifying! You should have every right to protect yourselves. Except... what happens when the thing you're so afraid of... doesn't attack you? When it tries to start a conversation; maybe try a smile? Some jokes? Sure, it could be a trick, but what if it isn't? What if - just maybe - there's an actual character under all the scary things." She chuckled. "I know I found it." She indicated Shiva. "Alpha Shiva and her wolves were recovering from a brutal attack. Wargs couldn't use magic, most of the pups were orphans, and heck, almost all the stallions had gotten kicked in the balls so hard that most of them could never breed again!"

The nobles cringed at her dialogue. Even Shiva grimaced. “That's not how it worked…” she started to protest.

"The point is," Star continued over her, "They didn't need to take me in; they shouldn't have even cared about me. But they did. And now, centuries later, the ponies of Ponyville - probably not up to the standards here, I'm guessing - have welcomed both the wolves and me with open hooves." She tapped her head. "So here's my question: if the so-called 'scary wolves' and a bunch of 'commoners' could still show basic decency and kindness, why is it that the richest and most well-off unicorns of Canterlot couldn't be bothered?" She lifted a hoof before anyone could speak. "No-no, don't speak. I don't know if you can tell, but I'm still a little ticked about it." She pulled out a clock. "Literally," she added with a grin.

When no one laughed, she shrugged and put the clock away.

"But I'm really hoping that Alpha Shiva's right," Star concluded. "And that the next time we talk, I'll get to hear more than just 'keep walking, you disgusting Moon Spawn.' It was funny the first few times, but I can tell you with experience; a joke that gets used too often can get mighty stale."

And with that, she did a small courtesy bow and placed herself next to Luna.


Soon after, Star and Shiva were talking with Luna when Celestia entered with one of the Nobles. Fancy Pants.

"Miss Shiva, words cannot even begin to express how relieved I am to see you alive and well," Fancy Pants said. "My ancestor was part of that attack and taught his foals afterward the lessons he had learned: to never let fear control us, and should we ever get the chance: return what rightly belongs to you and your ponies."
He then gave her a cloak that had been made from her father's fur - one of the ways Shiva was able to remember him after he died. The fur was in pristine condition and had been very clearly cared for.

Shiva bowed, hiding her tears of relief as she took the pelt.

"Thank you, Fancy Pants," she said. "Mere words cannot give voice to my gratitude, so... If there is anything we can offer in turn, I will do my best to see it fulfilled."

Fancy Pants bowed his head.

"I'm just happy that the nightmare my family feared for generations never came to pass. Since that horrible day my family had always feared the wolves would come back to pay the ponies back. That cloak is one of several artifacts that my family has looked after all these years. I don't know why you would choose to have your father's fur made into a cloak, but I understand it was perhaps a way to keep him close. Truth be told, my family has always wondered about the culture your Wolves have besides hunting. How about in exchange for returning the artifacts, you and you Wolves teach my family and I about your culture? I do fully intend to return the artifacts regards so no worries on that front."

Shiva's eyes would shine. "I'd love that," she'd say.

And so, Shiva told Fancy Pants, and any pony who was interested, how the wolf culture worked.
She talked about how when the wolves catch prey, they have a special ceremony and blessing they do, sort of like grace before dinner, where they thank the prey they caught for helping them stay alive, and take a token - usually a lock of the prey's fur or hair - to remind themselves that the prey existed and gave them the meat they needed to survive; essentially, they remember that whatever they caught was alive and deserve to be honored and even mourned.

Shiva sighed. "Some wolves took the tokens to also signify a sign of glory, and they braided them into their manes. I feel like I should have put a stop to that..." she'd smile. "But my best hunters just looked way too cool with their dreadlocked manes. The more dreadlocks they had, the more prey they had hunted. And, in their mind, that was a sign at how effective they were at hunting." She'd shrug. "I guess whatever works for them."

She additionally explained that, when wolves die, they have a burial custom where their bodies are recycled; as they helped their families in life, so they can help them in death. Fur is preserved to be used as extra clothing or warmth, bones are fashioned into weapons, armor or furniture, depending on what the recently deceased wanted, and organs are carefully preserved the same way as organ donors. Anything they can't use, they bury, so that the remains can fertilize the ground and help the spread of trees and plants.

She talked about mating rituals, and how wolves don't exactly have a marriage system; if two wolves like each other, they usually prove that they can be an effective partner by giving a gift of supplies or valuables, and then start living together and eventually raising pups. If a hopeful romantic wolf gives a gift to his possible lover, he or she is expected to give a gift back as a way of reciprocating affection. If one partner doesn't want to be with the other, they usually give the gift back, which can be heart-breaking, but honest. A wolf who takes the gift but never gives back is looked down upon and seen as selfish, being straight up told that she/he either gives the gift back to show rejection, or finds a gift to give to show reciprocation. However, the first wolf also has the right to judge the returning gift if it's not as valuable as what he gave: if the first wolf gifts his possible mate something like a den to live in, and she reciprocates with a stick, that's not a very good reciprocation gift. On the other hand, if the first wolf gifts his mate with a spear to protect herself, and she gifts him with the pelt and meat of prey she caught with said spear, that also works. The gifting overall is to show what both members are willing to do for each other.

"They're not just lovers," Shiva would say. "They're partners. They have to be able to rely on each other. Just like we do."

From there, she talked about their government, and how it was essentially a big family; as Alpha, Shiva's technically the mother of the pack, and her advisors are her betas, or elder children. They settle things in a very informal manner; more in the style of a family talking over dinner rather than a parliament. And while the betas can give their opinions, the Alpha usually has the final word and decision on things.

And she gave the overall culture of pack contribution; that while individuality was important, it was also expected that everyone gave to the pack. The needs of the many outweighed the needs of the few even before the attack on the wolves, and if some wolf couldn't work or do something to contribute, they were often looked down upon. Luckily, Shiva found ways to work around the bias; puppies, of course, were still learning, and thus were expected to be students, to the point that even their games were more practice for what they'd be doing later in life, from play hunts to strategy games to even methods that turned regular chores into fun pastimes. The elderly, due to being past their prime, were given roles as teachers, advisors or strategists; jobs that didn't require physical labor. And wolves that had been injured or crippled would either be given accommodations or find a way to contribute in ways that worked around their injuries, like using special harnesses that served as crutches or wheelchairs to lug around supplies, firewood and the works.

It wasn't a perfect system, but Shiva utilized her status as Alpha to make sure that everyone was contributing in a way that they liked, and that no one tried to take advantage of the system. She made sure that if a wolf was injured, that they were actually injured and not faking it. And while she was compromising, she was also stern when wolves tried to put one over on her or suck up to her.

Above all, disloyalty and dishonesty were never tolerated; a wolf of the pack remained loyal, told the truth, and did what was asked of them, or they were ostracized and overall treated with disdain. If they were really bad wolves who abandoned their packmates, lied or otherwise compromised the pack, they were often subjected to the Hunt; where they would be hunted down in place of their prey. Depending on the severity of their crime, the wolves would either just rough up the offending party, or outright kill him or her. And if a wolf has been so bad that the Hunt went for a kill, they would not be given the proper burial rituals for either prey or wolf.

Here, Shiva might grow sad. "I never liked doing that," she'd admit. "Not unless I had literally no other choice. But I promise you... we didn't inflict the Hunt onto just any wolf. Those who received that sort of punishment got exactly what they earned." She'd chuckle. "And that's the way of the Pack; everything you get, you earn."

She might then pause, noting the crowd she's gathered. "I wonder if I should teach a class about this," she'd muse.

Celestia smiled. "I think that would be a wonderful idea, Alpha Shiva."