• Published 21st Aug 2021
  • 1,198 Views, 96 Comments

Survival of the Wolves - JNKing

The Daughter of Luna meets wolf ponies.

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Chapter 19: Welcome Back

The day had finally arrived; after a thousand years it was time for the Wolves of Equestria to enter the light again, and for Equestria to know of both their return and their new Princess.

Shiva sighed as she paced back and forth, re-reading her script. She glanced in a mirror with a grin; Rarity had done a marvelous job sprucing up her father's cloak and deer-hide armor to look like Celestia's royal attire. Star Wing bounced next to her, wearing a set of Luna's attire fitted to match her.

"Pinkie came up with a great word for today," Star noted to Shiva. "Nervicited."

Shiva chuckled. "Nervicited?"

"That feeling when you want to jump up and down and go 'Hooray! Yay for Me!' Yet at the same time, you want to curl into a ball and hide from the entire world." Star hopped again. "Do I seem kinda nervicited right now, because I'm certainly feeling like I'm nervicited."

Shiva smiled and patted her surrogate daughter's head. "Just stay calm. Every pony out there is just a new friend to make. This is a new era, where cooperation will guide us through."

Star was still a bit jumpy, but nodded. "Absolutely," she agreed.

From the exit to the stage, they heard Celestia begin.

"Thank you all for arriving," Celestia declared. "A thousand years ago, a tragedy befell this nation. An entire subset of ponies - the Wolves of Equestria - were believed to be slain by the machinations of those who let fear blind them to the pain and suffering they inflicted on their fellow ponies. It was a dark time for Equestria; a mistake that I have strove to see we never make again."

As the crowd murmured in agreement, Shiva took another breath, and grinned at Star.

"Showtime," Star said, before darting off. "I'll see you on stage."

"But now, Faust has smiled down on us," Celestia continued, as Shiva prepared to enter. "And given us a second chance. For mere days ago, I have discovered that the Wolves of Equestria still live. And their Alpha, has some words to share. Mares and Gentle-colts, it is my honor to present to you Alpha Shiva of the Wolves of Equestria."

Shiva brushed aside the curtain as Celestia spoke, and walked out to an uproar of shock and awe. Patiently, Shiva waited for them to quiet down before she began.

"Thank you," Shiva said. "Thank you, Celestia, for that outstanding opening. I must say, if the royal life ever bores you, I think you will do marvelously in the theater."

Celestia chortled at the idea, along with several members of the crowd.

"Ah, but I'm sure your people need you more," Shiva continued. "Just as my people needed me." Her tone would grow solemn. "Yes, throughout these past thousand years, they needed me, just as I needed them. Our survival wasn't an assured state, I can promise you that. We had our downs, we had our strifes. Not a night goes by where I wasn't plagued by nightmares of who I'd lose next or what disaster could befall my people."

The crowd went silent, hanging on her words.

"But we made it," Shiva continued. "And you know how? By working together." She nodded at the crowd. "That's what we need now. Not another war over the actions of those long past. Not more anger and violence to prove that those who wanted us dead were right to fear us. No, the best way forward is for us to be able to stand shoulder to shoulder, and be able to trust each other, not by how we look, but by how we act. By the strength of our character, rather than the strength of our bones. United, wolves and ponies can accomplish a lot." She grinned. "And I have proof."

The crowd might get confused, but that would make them listen all the more intently.

"Not long after my people fled the slings and arrows of the fearful," Shiva continued. "We came across a young foal. She was alone, lost, trying so hard to appear brave in the face of fear." She'd grin. "It was a lovely image, that I tried to hold onto when she became a lot to deal with."

Any parents in the audience might laugh, knowing that child rearing is no easy task. Shiva would share in their laughter, before her grin became more wistful.

"Anyway," Shiva would continue. "We took her in that night. And she grew to be not just a productive member of the pack, but a strong young mare that I am proud to call my surrogate daughter. And today, not only does she rejoin the family she lost all those years ago, but she lives as proof that wolves and ponies can not just live together, but prosper together." She'd look up. "Isn't that right... Princess Star Wing, Daughter of Princess Luna?"

The crowd would gasp, and then roar in shock and glee as Star Wing appeared in the sky, rocketing down towards them before banking and soaring over the crowd, offering high-hooves as she does so.

"GOOD MOOOOOOORRRRRRRNNNNNNIIING EQUESTRIA!" Star Wing would announce, twirling in the air and landing on the podium, Shiva having already backed up a reasonable distance so Star couldn't land on her. "That's right, you ain't dreaming; it's Princess Star Wing, returned from the dead and back in the house! How y'all doing?"

The audience might cheer, as Star gives several bows, her eyes absolutely sparkling with glee at the warm reception.

"Now, let's be honest," Star would say. "First Princess Celestia, and then Alpha Shiva?" She'd make a mock sad face. "How am I gonna top those two? They've pretty much said the same thing, right? We're gonna work together to make Equestria awesome."

"I like the way you said it!" someone from the crowd might note, resulting in a round of laughter.

"And I thank you," Star would reply, bowing to the audience member. "But there's just gotta be a way to make my version of the speech pop." She'd think for a moment, before gasping in realization. "I got it!" She'd spin to a band she had ready backstage. "Hit it, guys!"

Having already talked to her beforehand, the band launched into action, while Star began dancing.

One more depending on a prayer

And we all look away

Ponies pretending everywhere

It's just another day

Destruction-spells flying through the air

And we still carry on

We watch it happen over there

And then just turn away.

As her chorus hit, Star jumped from the stage and into the crowd, encouraging the others to sing with her.

Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah

We must stand together

Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah

There's no giving in

Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah

A happy ever after

Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah

That's when we all win

Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah

That's, that's, that's when we all win

That's, that's, that's when we all win

As the next verse started, Shiva and Celestia bopped their head to the beat, while Pinkie and several other mares joined Star in her song.

They tell us everything's alright

And we just go along

How do we fall asleep at night

When something's clearly wrong?

When we could beat a cruel, harsh world

With what we throw away

But all we serve are empty words

That always taste the same

Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah

We must stand together

Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah

There's no giving in

Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah

A happy ever after

Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah

That's when we all win

Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah

That's, that's, that's when we all win

Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah

That's, that's, that's when we all win

At this point, Star had most of the crowd hoof in hoof, singing and dancing along.

The right thing to guide us

Is right here inside us

No one can divide us

When the light is nearly gone

But just like a heartbeat

The drumbeat carries on

The drummer went on a solo, while Star went into a breakdance.

And the drumbeat carries on

(Just like a heart beat)

She sprung up. “Everyone!” she cheered. And anyone who wasn’t singing, quickly found themselves caught up in the lyrics.

Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah

We must stand together

Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah

There's no giving in

Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah

A happy ever after!

Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah

That's when we all win

Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah

That's, that's, that's when we all win

That's, that's, that's when we all win.


Sometime after the speeches, Shiva and Star soon found themselves being interviewed but thankfully genuinely nice and honest reporters who had set up appointments afterwards.

"Alpha Shiva," One asked, "Many have this question for both you and Princess Star; what was it like for you in the Everfree? The forest is know as a dangerous area and not many have ever gone very deep in, so many are wondering how it as for both of you."

"Oh, trust me," Star replied. "That forest was terrifying. First time I went in, it felt like everything was trying to either eat me or scare me! I mean, you walk five feet and BOO! Scary tree!" She shuddered, before noticing Shiva grinning at her. "But... of course, that wouldn't matter to a 'hero' such as myself."

Shiva chuckled, before drawing the reporter's attention. "Much like the Wolves of Equestria," Shiva explained. "The Ever-Free Forest merely requires wits and caution to interact with. Though the forest is home to many wild and untamed creatures, they all still live in a system with each other. A system that my wolves were very familiar with, and what allowed us to live in harmony with the creatures of the Ever-Free."

"If I may ask," another reporter added. "What was this system?"

"The circle of life, my friend," Shiva replied. "Believe it or not, there are plenty of herbivores that live in the Ever-Free, eating its many plants, with the plants giving them different abilities. And these herbivores are hunted by predators such as my wolves. Without the predators to ensure the herbivores were in balance, they would eat their way through the entire forest, and leave no vegetation to grow. Yet, we cannot wipe out all the herbivores either, as then we would be left with nothing to eat. By rising and falling with the herbivore population, we ensured a successful balance of the ecosystem, and allowed the Ever-Free to flourish."

"But what about alternate predators?" another might ask. "Like cragadiles or manticores or even timber wolves."

"That's simply a matter of territory dispute," Shiva replied. "We set down a specific marker to claim where we live and where we hunt, and we learn not to forage into the territory of other predators. Yes, sometimes desperation drives us into those territories, and other times predators get cocky and trespass on ours. But then, a good show of force will usually bring things back to the way they are." She'd lift her claws. "It's all about balance and respect; take what you need, not what you want, and respect the other beings that dwell there." She'd lean back. "You have both of those in mind, and surviving the Ever-Free's not as difficult as it may seem."