• Published 31st Oct 2021
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Kamen Rider Saber EG Volume 1 - Blaze-saber

The main 7 and Flash Sentry are facing something that threatens both their world and wounder world

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Volume 1, Chapter 22: Nevertheless, I Want to Save People.

"Hello everyone. It's me, Tassel." He introduced himself as we are inside his house. "The Swordswoman of Sound challenged both Flash and Twilight while they were still agonising over the lives they failed to save." We see what happened in last chapter as book flew out and opened itself up.

We see Flash, Twilight, and Beat ready to fight. We then see Rekka glowing brighter than ever as they fight. "Both Flash and Twilight appeared to have have a revelation of sorts during the fight." Tassel said as we see Saber and Ember clashed blades with Slash before they somehow transformed back to Flash and Twilight and knocked Slash's sword out of her hands. "Will they really be able to draw Rekka's true power out?" He asked as another book flew out and opened itself to the next chapter.

We open to the Southern Base where Terra told the others about what Beat decide. "Beat is following Flash and Twilight?!" Surge asked Terra. "Why would someone so loyal..."

"Seriously?" Wind spoke up. "You're kidding me..."

"She fell for the temptations of power and betrayed us." Mist told them. "That was the extent of her dedication."

"There's no-" "I demand that you take those words back." Terra told Mist and interrupted Surge. "I'm sure she has a plan. Even apart from us, our goals are still the same!"

"Taking her side are we?" Mist asked Terra. "You were friends with her father, right? Don't tell me you've also-"

"Fine then, I'll get both boy's Sacred Sword and books for you." Terra told her before he left.

"Terra..." Surge said when Terra left.

At Fantastic Books, the group was great to have Beat back when Flash, Twilight, Sunset, Sprit, and Fluttershy told them. But both Flash and Twilight were thinking about what happened when they were pushed agenst the two Charybdis and Saber's sword glowed. Both Discords began to separate when they did for a moment. "What do you think that was...?" Flash asked Twilight.

"Don't know..." Twilight answered. "It never did that when my dad wielded Rekka."

"Rekka is a special Scared Sword." Beat told the two. "It's possible-"

"-That it can split humans and ponies from Megido?" Spirit asked and interrupted Beat. Beat hold up her hand infront of her face when Sprit flew up to her and nodded yes.

"However..." Beat spoke. "The organisation has declared that it's ready to sacrifice people and ponies for the sake of both worlds. It was decreed by our figurehead, Master Logos."

"No way..." Flash said as he and everyone else couldn't believe what Beat just told them.

"But it's also possible that Ruby Mist has been meddling with the information." Beat said.

"So the true enemy must be-" Pinkie Pie was about to say who it must be when Light spoke up.

"Nothing they said was particularly wrong." She said as she took pictures the model train set with a phone of her own. "I would've thought the same. But things are different now. It's people that shape the world. To save the world, you must save the people. And that gose for all the creatures in Equestria as well. Right?" Light had her hands on her hips when she said that.

"Light..." Twilight said as she was touched by what Light just said. Then Fluttershy's phone went off and she picked it up to see who it is.

"It's Discord." She told the others when she saw who sent her a message.

"That guy we saved yesterday?" Sunset asked.

"Yup." Fluttershy answered. "He is the one who runs that amusement park, "Chaotic World" and is dating Celestia. He is giving us a free pass to say thanks for saving him."

"Cool! Let's go!" Scootaloo shouted.

"Wait, us too?" Twilight asked.

"It might be fun." Flash said. He, Twilight, Applejack, her sister, Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Fluttershy, Sunset headed out to that theme park.

"Leave the swords to me." Beat told them as they left. "I'm going to take my sweet time looking into that ability to split human and pony from Megido." She had a creepy look on her face as she looked at Light when she said that. Light felt a chill and she looked behind her with a scared looked on her face.

At the Megido lar, Legeiel is laughing out loud. "In the end, your super special Megido was still cut down by the Sword of Light." He said to Storious.

"You better tell us..." Zooous started as he made Storious face him. "...that it ain't over yet."

Storious smile a little as he made Zooous let go of him. "You got me." He said. "I still have another half of my special ingredients remaining." He told them as he hold up the half crupted book and the orb holding a fraction of Discord's magic.

At Chaotic World, the group that arrived just found out that Discord didn't invite them to have fun, but to talk and Celestia was there as well. "A woman from an orphanage said that one of the children was gone when she came back from the market." Celestia told them.

"You don't think-" Flash started.

"The Megido got the kid?" Twilight finished.

"It was a little girl named Cozy Glow." Discord told them. "And we were thinking the samething. The "Megido", as you call them might have turned her into a monster just like me."

"Wait, you remember everything from yesterday?" Applejack asked and Discord nodded yes.

"Light must have forgot to erase his memory." Sunset whispered to the others as she took out phone and gave Light a call.

Back at Fantastic Books, Beat jumped right at Light as she screamed and moved out of the way and Beat crashed into the ground. "Come on, let me examine you!" Beat shouted as she got up and had a crazy look on her face. "My curiosity as a swordsmith must be satiated!" Her personalitie was like when she uses the Bremen no Rock Band book.

"I refuse! Letting a stranger touch me is the worst!" Light shouted as she was on the other end of table.

"But it's for the sake of both worlds!" Beat shouted as she chased Light around the table. Neither one noticed Light's phone going off.

"No answer." Sunset said as she put her phone away.

"Well right now, we need to save this Cozy Glow girl." Flash told them.

"Here, the woman from the orphanage gave me a picture of her so you'll know what she looks like." Celestia said as puts a photo on the table. She has very light blue curly hair, peach skin, and red eyes. "And one more thing, she told me that Cozy Glow once called herself worthless."

"Worthless...?" Twilight asked.

"The woman said that when she lost her parents in an accident when she was younger, Cozy never made any friends." Celestia said. "She blamed herself for what happened to her parents and she didn't want to hurt anyone else. She would even hide from those who want to adopt one the orphans."

"That sounds so sad." Sprit said from Twilight's pocket. "To be alone for so long, I kind of know how she feels."

"There's no one in this world who's worthless." Twilight said. "We will save Cozy Glow and bring her back. I promise that."

Elsewhere, Terra was picking up his son, Stone from school. "Did you finish work early, dad?" Stone asked as they walked.

"Nah, I'm about to go thrown down with someone actually." Terra told his son.

"Flash and Twilight quit Sword of Logos right?" Stone asked. "Why won't you?"

"Never will." Terra answered.

"But why?" Stone asked. "You should team up with Flash and Twilight!"

"Papa's got an important reason why he continues to be a swordsman for the S.O.L." Terra said.

"Reason?" Stone asked. Terra stopped and keeled down to his son.

"Stone. It's to protect your future." He told Stone before he gently patted his head. "I gotta protect the future for you kids. After that comes the youngster swordsmen's future, then the world. But it's all a bit much for me alone. And that's why I have friends that fight with me."

"I see!" Stone shouted. "Father's the strongest swordsman after all!"

"That's right!" Terra shouted. "Papa's the bestest king of Parenting!" He then picked up his son and the two laughed. "Let's go!"

At the Southern Base, both Surge and Wind were talking to each other. "Is that old fart Terra actually coming back?" Wind asked.

"What?! Of course he will!" Surge shouted.

"Do you really think so?" Wind asked. Surge wasn't sure after Beat left, he hasn't been sure ever since.

Somewhere in the city, two kids were walking on their own. One is a boy with blue skin with a yellow streak in his hair with light blue eyes. The other is a girl with bright pink skin, light ocean blue hair, and purplish eyes. Around her neck is a necklace with a shard that looks like a piece of a pearl.

The two walked before they see Cozy Glow behind a tree and shaking like she's in pain. "Hey! Are you okay?" The girl asked Cozy as the two came closer to her.

"No! Don't came closer!" Cozy Glow warned them as she struggled to get away from them.

"Why? Are you sick or something?" The boy asked.

"I don't know..." Cozy said. "When I woke up I just..." She felt even more pain before her body started to became the goo from the destroyed Charybdis Megid before she transformed and the two were frightened.

Meanwhile in Equestria, two creatures were coming out from a tree made out crystal. One is a griffin and the other is a hippogriff and their colours are the same as both the boy and girl from the human world. These two are Gallus and Silverstream.

Just before they could head out, they saw Cozy Glow coming out from the shadows and shaking and the two were shocked to see her because she was supposed to be stone with Queen Chrysalis and Tirek. "How did you get out?!" Gallus asked her, but when she saw them she got shocked to see them here.

"Wh-what are you two doing here?" Cozy asked. "You need to get away from me!!"

"Like we're going to fall for that!" Silverstream asked as the two got closer. But they stopped and saw the samething happening to this Cozy Glow as the her human ccounterpart.

The group was left Chaos World and wonder where to start looking for Cozy Glow after they took Apple Bloom and Scootaloo home. "How are we going to find her?" Sprit asked. "We don't have any leads..."

"Pipsqueak from our world loved building dioramas..." Twilight said. "And the Pipsqueak from Equestria loves Luna. But we only know that this Cozy Glow wanted to be alone."

"But Discord of both worlds loves chaos..." Flash pointed out. "Their Megido's goals are fixated on-"

"Hey, kid!" Terra shouted and interrupted Flash. They saw him standing infront of them with his sword out.

"Terra." Flash said when he saw him.

"I'm here for your sword and books." Terra declared.

"This isn't the time for that!" Twilight shouted. "We need to save someone!"

"That's not a job for a kid!" Terra shouted. "Don't worry. I'll make this quick." He said as he took out his Wonder Ride Book.

Genbu Shinwa

He then placed it in his sword and pressed the button on the handle to open up the book. "Henshin!" He shouted as he swung his sword down and transformed back into Kamen Rider Buster.

~Fracture the Enemy! Divide the land! Grumble, rumble! Gekido, the Sword of Tremors!

"You better get serious!" Buster told Flash. Flash stepped up and took out his Sword Driver and puts it on. He then took out her Wonder Ride Book and placed it in his driver.

Brave Dragon

Flash then took hold of the handle of his sword and drew it out of his sword.

Unsheathe the Flame!

"Henshin!" Flash shouted as he slashed his sword and transformed into Kamen Rider Saber.

~Brave Dragon!

Twilight, Applejack, Sunset, Fluttershy, and Sprit moved out of the way as the two riders perpar to fight. The two charged at each other and Buster try to strike first, but Saber rolled under his attack. Buster spun around and clashed blades with Saber. It cause a small shockwave when they clashed. Buster knocked Saber into the air and he slammed into the wall before Saber fell to the ground.

Buster charged at Saber as he got up and swung his sword. Saber moved just before it could hit him and the two clashed blades again but Buster prove that he is stronger. They clashed and lock blades and Buster pushed Saber back. Buster broke the lock and brought his sword down just as Saber side step when he did. Saber dodged Buster's attack when he swung his sword at him and kicked Buster in the back.

The two clashed blades as the girls watch the fight from where they are. Buster then brought his sword down as Saber moved out of the way. "Every hit is so weighty..." Saber thought as he slashed Buster from the back but Buster's armour proven to be strong as him. "And half-baked attacks are never going to pierce that armour." He thought as he jumped back from a swung from Buster. Saber swung his sword only for Buster to block it with his arm.

Buster then swung his sword at Saber as he rolled on the ground to dogged it. "Even so-" Saber thought as Buster charged at him and Saber jumped over his attack and his sword glowed as he slashed his sword down on Buster and clashed with his armour. Saber then back flipped when Buster swung his sword at him while his sword continued to glow. He then slashed his sword down and send a slash wave right at Buster.

When the smoke clear, Saber was shocked to see that it did little damage. "You're definitely not the same as before." Buster told Saber as he took the book out from his sword. "However..." He then scanned it with his sword for his finisher.

Genbu Shinwa, Ka-bam!

Rocks then started to gather around the sword, making it grow bigger as Buster perpar to strike. Saber quickly place his sword back in his driver and press the button on the handle. The two look at each other as they got ready to strike each other. Saber then draw out his sword as he charged at Buster.

Unsheathe the Flame!
One volume strike!

Gekido Skimming Smite, Ka-bam!

Buster raised his sword up high as Saber charged at him before he brought it down and the two clashed blades. As they did, a big shockwave went everywhere and a big puff of smoke covered the area. The shockwave pushed the girls down and the King of Arthur Ride Book was sent flying and land on the ground as Saber was on the ground as well. "Flash!!" Twilight called out.

As the smoke clear, Flash was in a crater of himself, out cold, and he hold his to block Buster's. "This guy..." Buster said as he transformed back to Terra. "He managed to withstand my strike with his sword." The girls went over to the knockout Flash and see if he's okay.

"Flash!! Flash!!" Twilight shouted with concern.

"Oh my God! Flash is dead!" Sprit shouted as she flew around in panic.

"Don't worry missys, the boy isn't dead." Terra told them before he walked over to the King of Arthur book and picked it up. "But he'll be out for the next 2-3 days, I'd say." He then heard Flash cough and saw him get up as he used his sword to balance himself. "What?!"

"I still-" Flash spoke as he ready his sword. "-need to go save... Cozy Glow!" Terra was shocked to see him standing.

"Sunset, you called?" Light asked as she walked pass Terra.

"Where were you?" Sunset asked Light.

"Don't have time for an extra obstacle." Terra said as he walked away with the King of Arthur book.

"Flash, what's wrong with that Cozy Glo-" Light stopped and saw that he is stuck in bending over while holding his sword. She bend over to see that he's out. "He fainted!"

"Flash!" Twilight shouted as she was concerned. "Hang in there! Flash...!"

"Boy, I'm surprised that he was able to stay conscious for a bit." Applejack said.

Somewhere in the city, Cozy Glow was alone and she looked worse than before. "Someone... Please help me... It hurts... Please..." She said. A boy with light green skin and dark green hair and eyes, a girl with blueish green, blue eyes, and pink hair, and a another girl with light brown skin, brown braided hair and eyes walked over to her to see if she's alright.

Their lips were moving but she couldn't hear them. She then felt more pain as her body glowed and she screamed as transformed into the Charybdis Megido and swallowed the three.


Terra soon returned to the Southern Base where Surge and Wind were waiting. "Terra, you came back!" Surge said when Terra came in. Terra walked up to them and hold up the King of Arthur book.

"This enough?" Terra asked Mist.

"Where's Rekka?" Mist asked, sounding disappointed.

"Radiant Light popped in at a bad time." Terra explained. "I'm sure you saw it all."

"You better take it all next time." Mist told him.

The group returned back to Fantastic Books and Twilight was patching up Flash from his fight against Buster. "He's lucky to get away with just this, taking one of Terra's all-out strikes." Beat said.

"I seriously though Flash bit the dust." Sprit said.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Light asked Sunset.

"We spoke to Discord yesterday, who still had his memories." Sunset told her. "And you didn't pick up when I called." Beat quickly turned around as Light looked at her, for she's the reason why Light didn't answer Sunset's call. "Now a little girl, Cozy Glow is gone missing! Could it be..."

"I'll definitely..." Flash said while he is still out. "...save you. It's a promise..."

"We both promise..." Twilight said as she hold his hand.

"Even now, huh." Beat said just before Spike's book that he left alone because he is spending his time with Shining Armor and Cadence shine. Fluttershy picked it up and opened it for it to show them the Charybdis.

"Isn't this Megido..." Fluttershy asked with concern as they saw the page.

At the Southern Base, Mist stood out on the balcony and looked down at the three riders in the room. "A Megido has appeared. We're counting on you." She said as she looked at them.

"If we fell the Megdio with our swords, the person inside-" Surge spoke up before Mist interrupted him.

"A few sacrifices are unavoidable when protecting the world." She told them.

In the city, the Charybdis along with its see through counterpart next to it was walking till Slash, Quake, and Reverb arrived. "Found it!" Slash said. Both Charybdis turned to face tge two riders just before the second burst out dark energy and Fluttershy, Applejack, Spike, and Smolder from Equestria appeared.

"What in tarnation?!" Both Applejack and Quake shouted. If both dragon Spike and Smolder are here, that means Spike and Smolder from this world is around here. The three riders ready their swords.

"Not much we can do until Light gets here...!" Slash shouted as blasted the ground near the two Megid as they charged at them. It did every little damage to them as they swung the blades they hold at the riders. The three dodged them before they ducked under their attacks and again. The two were able to get a couple of strikes in before the three pushed them back.

The three rolled out of way when the two Charybdis brought their blades down on them. The jump over another one of their attacks and Slash blasted the two while in the air. The two clear the smoke using an attack from the Medusa Megid before they pulled in the riders with them. "The air...!" Slash said before the two Megid spin them around and kicked them before they slash them a few times.

The three rolled on the ground, just as one of the Charybdis went over to Smolder and a swallowed her up hole. "SMOLDER!!" Applejack, Fluttershy, and Spike called out when that thing ate her. That is just when Surge, Wind, and Terra arrived.

"It's Beat, Applejack, and Fluttershy!" Surge shouted when he saw them fight the Megido. Each rider took out their Wounder Ride Books and got ready to transform. But before they could, they saw the heads Cozy Glow of both worlds popped out from the two Charybdis.

"That's the girl Sentry wants to save..." Terra said when he saw Cozy Glow and her Equestrian counterpart.

"I'll take them down!!" Wind shouted as she charged into the fight.

Split the Twin Blades!

"Hold on!" Surge told Wind as she transformed into Kamen Rider Kenzan.

~Hayate, the Sword of Zephyrs!

Kenzan jumped and kicked both Charybdis to the ground. She then charged at the two and ready to strike. "Stop! One of them ate my friend, Smolder!" Spike try to tell her as Slash switch her sword to blade mode. Kenzan struck both Charybdis back with her swords and when she was about to strike again, Slash, Quake, and Reverb stopped her with their swords.

"Stop!" Slash told Kenzan as she and Quake grabbed her.

"Let go of me!!" Kenzan shouted.

"The Sword of Light can split the person and pony from the Megido!" Slash told Kenzan as the three pushed her back. The two Charybdis got up just as Spike and Smolder from this world turned the corner and saw the fight. Just then Storious himself arrived as well and send a slash wave right at the four riders and hit them and push back both Surge, Applejack, Fluttershy, Spike, and Terra.

Storious walked over to Slash, Kenzan, Quake, and Reverb just as they got up from the ground. All four of them try to attack him, but he slashed each of them when they got near. All five of them then clashed blades just when Light and Sunset arrived. "What's even happening here?" Sunset asked. Both took out their Wounder Ride Books and opened them.

Gold or Sliver?
Wonder Paladin

Both Light and Sunset place their books in their drivers and Light pulled out her X-Swordswoman book and open it up.

Episode One: Fight with all the colours!

After Light lift up her sword from her driver, she place the book in it and both her and Sunset pressed the buttons on their drivers and the books opened up.

Release the Radiance!
Paladin Stand!

"Henshin!" Both Light and Sunset said as they transformed into Kamen Rider Saikou and Shine.

~Get all colours! X-Swordswoman!
~Wonder Paladin

The two Charybdis lipped towards the two riders before they opened their mouths on their chest and pulled the two over to them. "Nice of you to close the distance for us!" Saikou said as she and Shine clashed blades with the two Charybdis. The two swung their swords as the two Charybdis dogged them before both Saikou and Shine kicked the two Megid back. "Let there be light!" Saikou said as she closed the book on her driver and press the button on it to episode two.

Get Moving Saikou
Ultimate Arm

Saikou and Shine blocked the two Megid attacks and strike them back. Saikou then closed her book and press the button twice for a special attack as she spin around and slashed both Charybdis in an X slashed.

The Most Powerful!

Both Charybdis fell to the ground before they got back up. "What? Why can't I extract the person?" Saikou asked.

"They must have done something to them." Shine said before the two Charybdis and strike both of them to the ground.

"Ow. So this is what a body in pain feels like." Saikou said as she felt pain. "Feels pretty great after so long!"

"You actually miss pain?!" Shine asked before they clashed blades with the two Megid and ducked under their attacks. Storious clashed blades with Kenzan, Slash, Reverb, and Quake before he powered up his sword and slashed all four of them, sending to the ground and transformed them out of there rider forms.

Storious then turned his attention to Saikou and Shine. "Those Megido's are particularly special ones after all." He told the two. Storious then clashed blades with the two riders. "These Megidos contains more humans and Equestrian creaters, ones that made the darkness in the young pegasus grow. It's only fitting that both counterparts have darkness in their hearts after losing their families." He as pushed the two back and his eyes glowed as the two Charybdis stood up.

The chest of both Charybdis showed not only Cozy Glow, but Gallus, Silverstream, Sandbar, Ocellus, and Yona of both worlds. There's only one Smolder in the Charybdis that is from Equestria. "They all have fused into one." Storious continue. "And they are feeling the pain the girl and her counterpart have felt for so long. Such that even the Sword of Light cannot extract them! It's just missing one more." He said as he looked at Spike with Smolder in his arms.

"Spike!" Pony Applejack shouted. "Take your Smolder and get out of here!"

"Don't have to tell me twice!" Spike shouted as he try to get away, but Storious shot a blast near him as a warning shot. Surge looked at his Wonder Ride Book after hearing what Storious said before he slowly placed it in his driver. His hand was shaking as he reached for the handle of his sword.

"Is cutting them down our only option...?" Surge asked before he yelled in frustration and about to draw out his sword.

"You're wrong!" Both Flash and Twilight's voice shouted, stopping Surge. Everyone saw Twilight hold Flash as they walked in with their swords out. They both looked at the two Charybdis and saw the victims they have as their heads popped out and they can see the pain they are in. "There's always a light in the hearts of others, and the Equestrian counterparts aren't like their human versions!" Twilight told Storious.

"Enough meddling...!" Storious shouted as he walked to them but was stopped by both Saikou and Shine. They clashed blades with him to keep him away from Flash and Twilight.

"Cozy Glow, those kids, or anyone else..." Flash spoke up. "Everyone has their own unique dream and future!" Cozy Glow and the others inside the two Megid can hear what Flash and Twilight were saying. "Every last person has their own unique value!" When they heard what he just said, it's like the pain just went away and a light shine within the Megidos. Outside, they began to unfused from each other. "And we will save them!" Both he and Twilight shouted.

Then Rekka began to glow bright and so did Twilight's sword. Both of them knew that this is their chance to save them. So they charged at the two Charybdis and slashed through them and at that moment, both Cozy Glows, the young six, and their Equestrian counterparts came out from the the Charybdis bodies.

Everyone was shocked and amazed to see what they just saw. "Now!" Saikou said after she and Shine kicked Storious back. Saikou close her book and open the cover for the finisher after she pressed the button on her driver with her sword.

Finish Reading
The Most Colourful!

Saikou then slashed both Charybdis Megidos and freed the kids trapped. "They did it!" Both Spikes shouted. Saikou then press the button on her driver three times for a new mode.

Get Moving Saikou
Ultimate Leg
Full colour goes to leg!

Saikou then closed her book and open the cover before she pressed the button on her driver three times for a finisher.

Finish Reading
The Most Wonderful!

"X-Sword Break!" Saikou declared her finisher as she jumped up high in the air and came down on the two Megid with a Rider Kick and destroyed them. She returned back to her Episode One form when she landed. "That was a complete victory for me." Saikou said. With the two Megid gone, the Cozy Glow and Young Six from Equestria returned home. Storious growled before he walked away.

"Flash!" Twilight shouted as she went to him as he is on the ground. "Can you stand?" She asked before she and Applejack helped him up.

"Hang in there!" Applejack told Flash. Then both Gallus and Sandbar went over and helped Flash up too.

"Thank you for saving us." Gallus said to them.

"Um..." Cozy Glow spoke up. "I'm so sorry for what happened... I never meant for this to happen at all."

"Hey, it's okay." Ocellus told Cozy. "You weren't in control of yourself." Cozy looked at her and the others and saw that they forgave her.

"I'm glad you're all alright." Twilight said as she looked at all six of them. Just before they could asked something, Light stood infront of them and hold her hand up as it glowed and erased their dark memories.

"Let's be rid of those dark memories." Light said as she completed erased their bad memories.

"What just happened?" Cozy asked.

"Yona confused..." Yona said. "What was it that girl is sorry for again?" Each of them had their memories erase so they were just as confused as her. Spike went over and introduced himself as Twilight and Sunset helped Flash. Beat stood up from the ground and went over to them.

"Flash and Twilight managed to save them..." Surge said. Wind just turned and walked up the steps as she put away her sword and walked pass both Terra and Surge.

"Impressive, kid." Terra said when he looked at the group talking with Cozy Glow and the other kids.

Storious return to the Megido lar when the Charybdis was destroyed again. "Big failure, just like Desast huh." Zooous said to him.

"You wasted our Megido!" Legeiel shouted at him.

"Not quite." Storious told the two as he looked at the hand written device that is still writing. "It was a success." When it was done, the hand part lifted up and the book transformed into a white Alter Book with Charybdis on the cover. "I can continue to bring it forth with this book."


Storious picked up the book and smile as his plan was a success. "One of my finest Megido yet!" He shouted.

At the home of Shinning Armor and Cadence. They along with Flash, Beat, Light, the Main Seven, the group of kids, and the CMCs were helping Cozy Glow move in for they adopted her into the family. Once they got done with the boxes, Twilight told her to go have fun with her new friends while they set up her room.

"Her smile is really bright now!" Pinkie Pie shouted.

"And Princess Twilight just adopted their Cozy Glow and she is just as happy as ours." Sunset said. "And they check and both Tirek and Chrysalis are still stone. It looks like Storious just wanted Cozy."

"They've both found their true selves again!" Twilight said.

"That's great to hear." Flash said as he helped Shinning build Cozy's new bed.

"All we needed back then were strong heroes." Light told them. "But nowadays, as long as one can overcome their anxiety and anguish to become stronger, anyone can become a hero."

"I agree all the way!" Flash said.

"Me too." Beat said. Each of them agrees with Light but Sunset.

"She's just ripping off the line from this comic book." She told them as she hold up the comic book. When they looked at Light, she had her back turned.

"I am the ultimate hero. It's over for you!" Light said another line from the comic.

"She did copied that." Rarity said.

The Story Continue

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