• Published 31st Oct 2021
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Kamen Rider Saber EG Volume 1 - Blaze-saber

The main 7 and Flash Sentry are facing something that threatens both their world and wounder world

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Volume 1, chapter 5: Our friend, the swordswoman of thunder.

We open to Tassel inside his house and he is holding an umbrella, while he looked outside his window. He turns and see you reading this new chapter. "Bonne lecture!" He said. "Oh sorry, I'm just glad Saber was able to save all those people. Though, after what happened after...." He pause with a worry look on his face. He then walked to the table and picked up the book of the last chapter. "Perhaps I should just show you." He said as he opened the book and we see what happened in the last chapter.

"Thanks to Twilight's book smarts, she figure out what that Megido was." Tassel explained as we see what happened. "But when they found out that those people were about to be salamander food, they had to hurry. When Fluttershy try to catch up with the others, she found the same small white book that took all those people. And she had an idea, the resone why is because she felt guilty when Terra's son was taken. So she wanted to right a wrong. And it was obvious that Calibur was afraid of Saber, it's probably the resone why he set free Desast. And while Buster fought Desast in the real world, Saber and the others went to Wounder World and saved the kidnapped people and finally destroyed the Hanzaki. When Buster was on the ropes, he used the book Saber gave him to not only to get out of that jam, he got back the Storm Eagle book from Desast."

"But shortly after the people returned back to the real world, Calibur went after Saber's sword and Brave Dragon book for some reason. Tassel said as he wounder why Calibur wanted them. "Twilight was in shock to see the armor man from her dreams in real life. Not only that, but Calibur was too strong for our two riders to handle. Just when he was about to end our two riders, a fourth rider appeared and saved them." Tassel close the book and put it away.

"I feel Sunset will help her friend after what just happened." Tassel said as he went over to the bookshelf and pulled out a new book. "And I bet you all want to know who this new rider is, right?" He asked as hold the book infront of him. "Well you all are about to find out." He smiled as he opened the book and we enter the new chapter.

We open to Fantastic Books, where we see both Twilight and Flash doing somethings. Like Twilight mumbling somethings like, Sword of Logos, Wounder World, Calibur, Megido, Sacred Swords, and Wounder Ride Books. She even drew a graph with those words and connect each word to another as she tried to figure out how it's all connected to her and her family.

With Flash, he paced around the room thinking about yesterday. On the front desk was looked to be a holder that he kept the books he has. Sitting on a table in the room with the two was Spike and Sprit, watching the two. "How long have they've been doing this for?" Spike asked Sprit as she looked at a clock. "It looks to be about, 5 hours." She answered.

Both the dog and the fairy sigh as they continue to watch the two. After what happened yesterday, Flash was thinking about what happened yesterday in the Northern Base, while Twilight thought about her talk with Sunset after the returned to the real world.

(Yesterday with Flash)

"Desast and Calibur..." Terra started. "They're finally making their move, huh?"

Him, Flash, and Surge returned to the Northern Base and informed Sophia about what had happened. "The anomalies and the creation of dangerous new books..." Surge said with a worried tone. "Furthermore, Calibur attempted to take Flash's Sacred Sword and Wonder Ride Book." He said as he looked towards Sophia. Sophia and Terra had worried looks on their faces when he said that last part, afraid that Calibur took them.

"They weren't actually taken though." Flash reasure as he hold up his Sword driver with the sword inside it and the Brave Dragon book.

Both were relieve that they weren't taken. "Our duty as the Sword of Logos is to protect the world and its books. They must be dealt with at once." Sophia told the four people in the room, she then looked to Surge. "Blades."

"Yes." Surge responded. "I will look for the rainbow bubbles that appear when an anomaly manifests. We can capitalize on that" He said to the others, the he looked at Terra. "And you, Mr. Quake?" He asked him.

"I'm going after Calibur." Terra said.

"I will leave him to you." Sophia allowed Terra.

"Flash, you should stay at the ready in the case of a Megido." Surge told him. Arabia didn't say word as she continued to look down, lost in her thoughts. Flash noticed that Arabia isn't paying attention.

"Arabia?" Flash tried to get her attention but with no luck.

"Well then!" Terra said as he wrapped his arm around Flash's sholder. "I'll be reducing each and every one of'em to rubble!" He said with a laugh before the big blue book behind him hit his head. "Ow!"

The woman who hit Terra with big cover of the book, stepped out and it was Beat. "You're annoying." She told Terra as she stepped out before she looked at Flash with a angry look.

"That's me all right." Terra said as a joke before he laughed again.

"I heard you used three books at once! Don't be so reckless." Beat shouted at Flash as she took his Sword driver away from him and put her hand infront of her face, as like she didn't want him to look at her. "The Sword of Flames is weeping." She said as she back up to the computer on the table in the middle of the room and attached the driver to it.

"W-who are you?" Flash asked.

"This is Metal Beat. A bashful swordsmith who maintains the Sacred Swords." Surge answered. On the computer, Beat analyze the Sword of Flames.

"You're barely using half the sword's power." Beat told Flash as she analyzed the sword, she then hold out her hand. "Give me your Wonder Ride Book." She command Flash.

"Okay." Flash said as he placed the book in her hand. But as he did, she struggle to take it from him till she got it. She then open a drawer under the table and place the book in a slot of a holder inside, then closed it. The computer showed the sword getting power from the book.

"Many types of people out there, huh Arabia?" Flash asked as he walked over to Arabia. When she looked at him, she wounder what he was talking about.

"Oh, don't worry. I'll make sure to stop him." Is all she said, confusing Flash but everyone in the room knew what she meant.

(Yesterday with Twilight)

After she and the others returned to the real world. Twilight was lost in her thoughts, not paying attention to what her friends were saying. "Did you see that rider back there!?" Pinkie shouted. "That Calibur guy was dark and creepy! And that yellow rider just came in from a bolt of lightning! And then-" Applejack put her hand on Pinkie's mouth.

"I think Fluttershy gets the point Pinkie." Applejack told her.

"Oh my, is Flash and Surge okay?" Fluttershy asked with concern.

"Yeah, there're okay. They went to that north base to tell this Sophia woman. What a weird name." Rainbow said.

"Yeah it is, Rainbow Dash." Pinkie agreed.

"I must say, that rider we saw there looked absolutely gorgeous in that armor she wears." Rarity said. Sunst noticed Twilight was lost in her thoughts and she knew why.

"Uh girls, me and Twilight will see you tomorrow. We have something important to talk about." Sunset said as she pulled Twilight to the side. Sunset and Twilight walked to the park and sat down on a bench. "You want to talk about what happened back there, Twi?" She asked her.

"Oh uh well..." Twilight didn't know how to tell her friend.

"Come on Twilight. You froze up when you saw that Calibur guy. Don't get me wrong. When I saw him, it felt all cold and dark event though the sun was out." Spike said as he popped his head out of her backpack.

"Oh Spike, I almost forgot you were there." Twilight said.

"Well what's the problem? You can tell us." Sprit said as she flew out from Twilight's pocket. Twilight looked at her pet dog and her two friends, and she sighed.

"Twilight. When I grabbed you to get you away from the fight, my magic just reacted on its own and I saw into your mind." Sunset confessed, surprising Twilight. "I saw you as a little girl, Calibur with those Megid things, and a little girl who you were trying to save." Twilight was shocked to hear that Sunset saw what she dreamt about every year on her birthday. "To be honest, I don't know why my geo went off on its own. It even surprised me when it did."

"Sunset." Twilight knew she had to tell her, even with Spike and Sprit here too. "These things you saw in my mind, they were from a dream I have on my birthday. Ever since I was a little girl, I always have that dream and can never figure out what it means." She had a sad look on her face when she told her all that.

"Okay, that's odd." Sunset said as she think about all those things Twilight said. "If you keep having the same dream ever since you were young, why did I see it all of it when I grabbed your arm?" She asked, and that made Twilight wounder as well. "We all know that my geo allows me to see into others memories and feel what they felt in the past and I can't see what they dreamt." Both Spike and Sprit were looking Sunset, wondering what could she mean. "So, what if those dreams weren't dreams?" She asked.

"You know Sunset..." Twilight said as she looked up to the sky. "I was wondering the same thing."

Back at the book shop, in the present. Flash wounder why Arabia was acting weird, while Twilight tried to figure out what the dream meant when she keeps having it on her birthday and if it was a dream at all. "Well, that's it! I'm bored!" Sprit shouted as she lay down on her back. "Me too!" Spike said as he rolled on his back.

"You don't have to shoulder this all on your own. Just focus on doing what you need to do." Terra told Arabia back at the Northern Base.

"Many swordsmen and women were defeated and their books stolen, including my father's. Because my uncle betrayed the guild." Arabia said with gilt in her voice. "And my friend, Twilight's situation..." She felt even more gilt for what her uncle did to her oldest friend. Terra looked at her and saw the gilt, like she was to blame but she's not.

"Calibur was your uncle..." Terra started as he thought back. "And Sombra, he was a good friend of mine." He said as he remembered when Calibur, aka Sombra were with them instead of agenst them.

Arabia looked at him with determination in her eyes. "I'll do whatever I can to defeat Calibur--" "Like I said." She said before she got interrupted by Terra. "This is the entire guild's responsibility." He said as he walked over to Arabia and mess with her hair. "Take care of the cleanup!" He said as he left the room.

As Terra left, Arabia couldn't stop thinking about her uncle. Ever since what her uncle did 12 years ago, she felt like it was her fault.

Some where in the city. Zooous, one of the three Megid who is working with Calibur walked up some steps as he was holding a Altr Book in his hand. "Come on out." He said as he opened the book and free the Megid with in. "The hunt begins." He told the Megid as it took form. The Piranha Megid.

Pirahna no Lunth

Back at the book shop. The girls came by to see how Flash and Twilight were doing. Flash told the girls what he and the other riders talked about yesterday and Spike told them what Twilight was doing. Sunset was concerned about her friend, she wounder if uncovering Twilight's mysterious past will either help Twilight or hurt her.

Surge came through the Book Gate with the Sword of Flames and the Brave Dragon book and placed them both on table. "Metal entrusted this to me." Surge said after he set them down. "I will be investigating the rainbow bubbles." He told Flash and Twilight what he was going to do.

"You mean those bubbles that floats around in Wounder World?" Spike asked Surge who nodded yes.

"Awesome! Lets go!" Pinkie shouted with joy. "We can show you around town to help out!"

"That is fine." Surge said as he walked slowly to the door.

"Okay, lets go!" Pinkie said.

"That's is not what I meant! There is no need!" Surge try to tell Pinkie.

"Hey Surge..." Twilight called out to him, before Pinkie chased after Surge out the door.

"Wait for me!" Pinkie called out as she went after him.

"I better make sure she doesn't drive him crazy." Rainbow said as she went with them.

"But I wanted to..." Twilight tried to tell but they were gone.

"I guess I'll have to ask her directly." Twilight said as she grabbed her bag after she put Spike in it. "Ask who?" Flash asked Twilight. "An old friend." She answered.

Elsewhere, Arabia watched the city on a rooftop somewhere while she remembers the time when she was younger.

(Flashback of Arabia's childhood)

"Daddy! Uncle Sombra!" A young Arbaia ran to her Dad that had bright yellow skin with night blue hair. And next to her father is a man with shadow black skin and hair with blood red eyes. "How's my little Night?" Her father asked as he hugged her.

"Looks like you missed us." Sombra said with a smile on his face. "You've grown last time I saw you, haven't you?" He asked as he keeled down to her and brushed her hair back.

When she stopped remembering, she brushed her hair back the way her uncle did. "Arabia." Twilight got her attention when she, Flash, and Sunset walked up to her. "Hey Twilight, Flash, Sunset..."

Arabia said after she turned to see them. Sunset saw that Arabia has something she's hiding, before she smile. "Remember when we journeyed through the world of "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"?" Arabia asked Twilight. Twilight smile and laughed a bit as she remembered that.

"What, is she saying that you two, lilteraly went to different books?" Spike asked as he popped his head out of her backpack.

"Well yeah. We even played near the Mississippi river with Tom and his friend." Twilight told Spike.

"I remember how Huckleberry Finn was when we splashed him with water." Arabia said as she laughed at the thought. "And like those two, me and Twilight are the best of friends." She said as she wrapped her arm around Twilight's shoulder.

"What am I, chopped fairy wood?" Sprit asked as she fly infront of them.

"And of course you too." Arabia said as she placed Sprit on her shoulder. "That's why I wanna save the world and Twilight's feelings!" Arabia shouted, confusing not only Twilight but Flash, Sunset, and Spike. "You haven't been yourself since you saw Calibur." She said as she looked at Twilight.

"I didn't want say it, but she's right. What's going on, Twi?" Flash asked as he agreed with Arabia. Twilight knew she wanted to ask Arabia, she just didn't know how to tell her.

Elsewhere, the Piranha Megid open up a blank book. In the Megid lar, the hand written device started to write when the Megiddo open the book. Near the ocean, the Piranha Megid send a cruise ship to Wounder World.

"Hey, look over there!" Flash shouted as he and the girls saw the cruise ship disappeared from on top of the building. "We have to go!" He said as he and the girls went to the location where the cruise ship disappeared.

In Wounder World, a bunch of fish swam in the air to where the cruise ship is. Near the water, on land a book opened up and Flash, Arabia, Twilight, and Sunset fell through it and landed there. Both Flash and Arabia had on Sword Drivers, only Arabia's had the same sword the yellow rider had.

"Our prey has arrived!" The Piranha Megid shouted when he saw them, but then he hid behind some creates.

"What the heck?" Sunset asked when she and the others saw the Megid.

"He knows we can still see him, right?" Sprit asked.

"I'll take them on, no matter what they try..." Arabia said with determination. "Without hesitation!" She shouted as she took out a yellow Wounder Ride Book with the title saying, "Lamp do Alangina" and open the cover to reveal the story within.

Lamp do Alangina. A lamp of ancient origin from a distant land left behind legends of its extraordinary power.

She then closed the book and place it in the third slot on her driver. The book glowed and she was standing in the middle of a library, with thunder clouds surrounded around her. Then a giant version of the book appeared behind her, as she took the handle of the sword and yanked it out of the driver and the book open up.

Unsheathe the Lighting!

When the giant book opened up, a djinn made of gold flew out of it. "Henshin." Arabia said as she slashed the sword in a O like slashed and the djinn merged with her and she transformed into amror of the rider Flash and the girls saw before, and the slash combined with her head helmet completing the armor. Arabia transformed into Kamen Rider Espada.

~Lamp do Alangina! Ikazuch: Volume One: When the djinn from the lamp and Ikazuchi, the Sword of Lightning unite, the amber blade shall shine with radiant splendor!

Espada ready her sword as the Piranha just ran. But from behind her, the Piranha Megid try to attack her but Espada easily dodged his attack by moving to the side. "Eat this!" The Megid said as he try to strike her with his sword, but Espada blocked the attack too easily.

The Piranha Megid got up on a stone raling then jumped at at Espada. When it slash at her, she blocked it again. The Piranha Megid spun around and strike at her, but Espada has proven yet again that she is great at defense as she blocked the attack again. She then knocked it off balance and thrust her sword at it.

When it recover, it charged at Espada but she struck the Piranha Megid after she blocked another one of its attacks. She went passed it after she struck it, and lighting came off her when she spun around. She then charged at the monster and did a flip and strike the Piranha Megid. She then blocked another attack when it try to attack again.

Espada then brought her sword up and electricity surged through it from the emblem. She then jumped up high in the air and strike the Piranha Megid when she came down.

Ikazuchi, the Sword of Lightning

Over by the cruise ship, the fish was eating the ship with the people still on board. "Hey, we need help!" A man called out as he waved his hand. "Over here! Hurry!" A woman yelled out.

Flash and the girls saw the people on the ship. "There's people on that boat!" Sunset pointed out. Flash place the Brave Dragon book in his driver and prepare to transform. He yanked out the sword and the book open up.

Unsheath the Flame!

"Henshin!" He said as he slashed the sword and transformed into Kamen Rider Saber.

~Brave Dragon!

Saber charged to save all those people, as did Twilight and Sunset. "Hand over Brave Dragon and the Sword of Flames at once." Calibur demand. When Twilight heard Calibur, she froze in place and looked back to see Calibur there ready to strike at Saber. Espada and Sunset saw it too. When Calibur strike at Saber, Saber blocked the attack with his sword.

As the two clashed their swords, energy from both their books surged and connected. "What the--?!" Saber noticed this and wounder what was happening. It was almost like Calibur's book and his book are calling out to each other. Then the feedback knock both riders back and Saber fell to the ground. "Flash! Are you okay?!" Twilight asked as she went over to him.

"I don't know. What's going on?" Saber asked as he checked his Brave Dragon book and driver.

"As I figured..." Calibur said as he steadied himself.

"What?!" Twilight asked, like Calibur knew what just happened. Espada stand where she is when she saw Calibur there.

Espada then charged right at Calibur with sword in hand. When Saber stand up, Espada pushed him back down. "Move!" She shouted as she pushed him. She then clashed blades with Calibur.

"Arabia, what's wrong?!" Sunset asked when she saw her pushed Saber out of the way.

"It's none of your business!" Espada shouted with anger in her voice.

Twilight was surprised to see her old friend was acting like this all of the sudden. When Saber got up again, the Piranha Megid tackled him back to the ground and hold him down as Saber hold his sword to block the Megid's sword. "Crunch crunch crunch..." The Piranha Megid said as it was biting on Saber's sword.

"Its got sharp teeth!" Saber said when he saw its teeth.

"Wait! It must be a piranha!" Twilight pointed out as she remembers the same thing she read in a book. Espada was slashing her sword to try and hit Calibur, but having no luck.

"Why did you betray us, Uncle Sombra?!" She asked Calibur after he struck her and she hold on to his sword. Calibur didn't say a word and both Sunset and Twilight was shocked to hear that Calibur is her uncle. "You must have had a reason, right?!" Espada hoped to get something out of Calibur. But still he said nothing. "Answer me!" She shouted as she pushed him back and send lightning at him.

With Saber, he knocked the Piranha Megid off him and put the Needle Hedgehog book and Peter Fantasista book in his driver and pulled out his sword to transform to his Wonder Rider form.

Needle Hedgehog! Peter Fantasista! ~The hallowed sword is brimming with power! ~Wonder Rider!

Saber then placed his sword back in the driver and press the button on the handle for the finisher before he yanked it out.

Final Page!

"Flaming Furry!" Saber called out as he stepped his sword into the ground.

Peter Fan!
Three Volume Slash! F-F-F-FIRE!

He used the fairy dust to lift up the Piranha Megid into the air. He then shot needles at it from his head, then swung a wipe from his head and strike it two times. He then aimed the emblem of his sword at the Megid and shot a fire a stream of flames at the Megid destroying it and returned the ship back to the real world.

With Espada, she was pushed back by Calibur whil they were fighting. "Answer me, Uncle Sombra!" She shouted at Calibur as she pushed back on the cover of her book.

Lamp do Alangina

"I have no quarrel with you." Is all Calibur as he closed the book on his belt and took it out and scand it on the sliver book shap on his sword.

Final Lead! Jaaku Dragon

Both riders powered up their swords. Espada gathered lightning to her sword while Calibur gathered darkness in his. Both the unleashed powerful slash at each other.

Kurayami: Midnight Strike. Learning Flash

Espada's lightning slash was cancelled out as Calibur's strike was coming at her. It came close to hit her right before Buster blocked the attack. "You hate to see it!" Buster said as he counter attack.

Gekido Skimming Smite, Ka-bam!

Buster gathered rocks to his sword and slammed it down at Calibur. When the dust clear, Calibur was gone. Both riders took out their books and detranformed back to Terra and Arabia. Flash rushed over to see if everything is okay. But Arabia looked really upset.

Terra then walked to Arabia with an mad look on his face. "Have you forgotten your duty?!" Terra shouted as he grabbed her shirt. Arabia knocked his hand off her before she walked away. Twilight wanted to talk to her, so she ran infront of Arabia.

"Arabia, wait!" Twilight said. But Arabia just walked pass her and not say a word to her.

"That reaction..." Calibur said to himself. "It appears Brave Dragon is the key after all." He said as he walked down an ally.

"Isn't it about time you told me..." A voice asked, making Calibur stop. From behind him stepped out one of the Megid he is working with. It was Storious. "Why you're so fixated on him?" Storious asked, wondering why he wants the Brave Dragon book.

Calibur turned to look at Storious. "Avalon." Calibur answered.

Surge, Pinkie, and Rainbow were walking till some caught their attention. "I don't believe it..." Surge said as he and the two girls ran to the thing that saw.

A lottery machine. "An Arai model lottery machine! I have always wanted to try one!" Surge said in excitement. Pinkie gave the man who had the lottery machine some money so Surge can try it out.

At the Megid lar

"You talk a big game yet have nothing to show." Legeiel said to Zooous as he walked around the table.

"Your everyday guy might think that this ends here..." Zooous told Legeiel. "But I'm no everyday guy." He said like he's got a trick up his selves.

On the top of the same building, Arabia returned and she began to cry as she brushed her hair back. Terra came in with two sodas in his hands and saw Arabia upset. "Arabia!" He said to get her attention. "Catch." He tossed one of the cans and Arabia caught it.

At first, Arabia didn't know what to say. Terra saw that she was still upset, so he yell and jumped towards her as he hold up his soda can like a sword. Arabia saw him coming and jumped out of the way. "What was that about?!" She asked him.

"Just wanted to practice my swordsmanship for next time." Terra answered. He laughed as he opened his soda can. But he shook it too much that when he opened it up, it sprayed him in the face. "Sneak attacks are the tactic of cowards!" He shouted at the can. "Why you...huh?" He was about to say something to the can before he noticed the can was empty. "It's all gone! Come on, man!" He complained. "I was really looking forward to trying this! I've been holding on to it since yesterday!" As he cried over his empty can, Arabia did her best not to laugh at the scene play infront of her. She couldn't hold it anymore and burst out laughing. "Hey, quit laughing!" Terra shouted at her to stop.

Arabia gathered herself before she stopped. "I apologize for what happened earlier." She said. Terra scoffed at that and spoke up.

"You sure gave that boy and the two girls a shock." He told Arabia as he looked out to the city. "Aren't you going to tell them? Especially Twilight?" He asked Arabia.

"Twilight has lost something really important." She said as she walked up next to him. "I don't want her to lose anything else." She then looked at him. "That's why I will protect her."

Terra looked at her, before he asked her something "Is she weak enough to need protection in your eyes?" Arabia was confused by this question. He saw this confusion. "Jeez. You're just as stubborn as your uncle." He told her. "I wish he came and talked to me 12 years ago whenever he felt conflicted." He said as he walked off and laughed.

Arabia watched him go and thought about what he said. Just as Terra walked around a corner, he run into Twilight and Flash coming up. "Mr. Quake." Flash said when they saw him.

"Um, about Arabia..." Twilight was going to ask.

"Everyone has their own problems." Terra interrupt. "You do too, don't you?" He asked Twilight as he pulled out the Storm Eagle book and hold it out to Flash. "Keep this safe for me." He asked Flash. "You better promise me that!" He said after Flash took the book and he walked away with a laugh.

"Wait, what about this?" Flash called out as he pulled out the Needle Hedgehog book. Terra walked back to see what Flash was talking about.

"That's Arabia's. Give it back to her for me. See ya!" Terra said before he left.

Just then, Arabia walked around the corner and saw both Flash and Twilight. Nether her or Twilight didn't know what to say to each other and Flash had just came along for support. They soon returned to the book shop and the two didn't know what to say to each other. "This is ocwerd." Spike whispered to Sprit who nodded in agreement.

Flash walked up to Arabia and hold out the Needle Hedgehog book. "Here." He said as he hold it out to her.

"Thanks..." She said as she took back the book. "Hey Twilight, I have something for you." She said as she took out a book. She opened it up and showed that it's a pop-up-book.

"Thank you." Twilight said as she took the book. When she looked at the pop-up, she it was of Wonder World. "It's funny, I saw this same book in my dream every time it was my birthday." She said. "Now that I'm looking at it right now..." She looked at the book. "I just feel like I've lost something important." She said with a sad look on her face.

Small flashbacks of her dream of her loseing her grip and the little girl got sucked into a vortex. Arabia, Flash, Spike, and Sprit saw the sad look on Twilight's face. "It's almost as if time stopped for me 12 years ago." Twilight said before she looked at Arabia. "I want to find the reason why."

Arabia felt like she really had to tell her and everything, but a small part of her couldn't. "A reason..." She said to herself. She then remember what happened 12 years ago.

(Arabia's Flashback)

"TWILIGHT!" Star called out as was sucked into the vortex.

"STAR!" A young Twilight called as she cried her eyes out. Hiding from not too far, a young Arabia saw her Uncle Sombra as Calibur sucked away one of her friends and hurt her other friend. Calibur turned and saw young Arabia.

In young Arabia's mind, she saw her Uncle Sombra looking at her with a dark look even with the armor on him. It was like he wasn't the same man she once knew. Calibur then just walked away. And then a giant burst of flames went off.

When Arabia stopped remembering, it felt even harder to tell her oldest friend the truth. "Isn't there something you want to ask me?" She asked Twilight who nodded yes. Twilight, Flash, Spike, and Sprit can see she is having it hard to say what she wanted to say.

Flash looked at the Storm Eagle book Terra gave him and Twilight felt sorry for her friend. "Not in particular." She said to Arabia with a smile. Arabia looked to Twilight and wonder why she's not asking her what she wanted to ask.

There was a bit of silence before Flash spoke up. "When Twilight gave me this, I swore an oath and made her a promise." He said as he hold the Brave Dragon book. "That I would save anyone in need. So if you ever need a hand, make sure you tell me." He told Arabia.

Arabia looked at him and felt relieve. "Okay." She said as she stood up and smile. "We promise." Twilight said with smile on her face.

"Hey..." Both Arabia and Twilight said at the same time. "That Megid from earlier called us prey, didn't he?" Arabia asked.

"That's right, take a look!" Twilight said as she grabbed the same book that find out what the salamander Megid was. She turned the page to show where a piranha. "Based on its behavior, it's definitely a piranha." She explained. "And I don't think he's alone."

With Surge, Pinkie, and Rainbow. They were taking a small break. "This "Inster" of yours sure is helpful." Surge to the girls. Pinkie nodded while Rainbow looked through her iPhone, looking up rainbow bubbles.

"If we find something though this, me and Pinkie can join you guys. Along with our friends, right?" Rainbow asked.

"I suppose I can consider it." A voice behind them answered her.

"For real?! Heck yeah!" Pinkie shouted with joy. But when they looked to see who is behind them, they saw Desast and they were shocked to see him here. They ran away from him before Desast could do anything.

In Wounder World. A book opened up and both Flash and Arabia arrived through it. "Looks like Twilight was right." Flash said as he and Arabia saw a swarm of piranhas up head. "We'll save them in no time!" He took out his Diago Speedy and send it out for it to transformed it to a motorcycle.

Rev Up and Roar! ~Diago Speedy!

"That's right." Arabia agreed. "Without hesitation!" She shouted as she pulled out her Gatrike Phone and pushed the button on it. "Gatrike Phone." The phone transformed into the Ride Gatriker.

Ride Gatriker!

Both of them got on their rides and rave up and drove to the piranhas. As they ride, they took out their Wounder Ride Books and open the covers.

Lamp do Alangina

Brave Dragon

They then place their books in their drivers and pulled out their swords. Another Piranha Megid saw them coming. "Feast all you like!" He shouted as he commanded the swarm of piranhas to go after the two riders.

Unsheathe the Lightning!

Unsheathe the Flame!

"Henshin!" Both Flash and Arabia shouted as they ride and transformed into Kamen Rider Saber and Espada.

~Lamp do Alangina!

~Brave Dragon!

As the Djinn and Dragon protect the two riders from the piranhas when they transformed and continue on.

Ikazuchi: Volume One. When the djinn from the lamp and Ikazuchi, the Sword of Lightning unite, the amber blade shall shine with splendor!

As Espada ride the Ride Gatriker, she fire the guns at some of the piranhas as she drove.

Rekka: Volume One. When the dragon of courage and Rekka, the Sword of Flames unite, the crimson blade shall vanquish all that is evil!

As Saber ride the Diago Speedy, he slash a few of the piranhas as he drove by some. As did Espada, the two was able to destroy the piranhas around them. "I'm taking revenge for my big bro!" The Piranha Megid declared. Then more piranhas flew towards the two riders and exploded, but the two were able to get through unharmed and stopped.

"There's way too many of them." Espada said after she stopped her Ride Gatriker.

"Leave it to me!" Saber said as he got off his Diago Speedy and took out the Storm Eagle book. He then open up the book to reveal the story within.

Storm Eagle. This Steller's sea eagle has been said to manifest ferocious tornadoes upon its arrival.

Saber put his sword back in the driver and closed the Brave Dragon book. He then closed the Storm Eagle book and place it in the center slot on his driver before he yanked out the sword, opening up the two books and he transformed into his new form, Dragon Eagle.

Unsheathe the Flame! ~It's the tempestuous Dragon Eagle! Rekka: Volume Two. On savage wings in the sky, the dragon clad in hellfire will burn everything to ashes!

"I determine how this story ends!" Saber said as he placed his sword back in the driver and press the button on the handle for the finisher before he yanked it out.

Final Page!

"Flaming Tempest Slash!" Saber called out his new attack before he spun around and send a tornado right at the swarm of piranhas coming at them. He then leep into the tornado and it turned into a fire tornado.

Dragon. Eagle. Two Volume Strike! F-F-Fire!

The fire tornado took out all of the piranhas as it moved around. Saber fly out of the top of the tornado and fell to the ground out of being dizzy. "So dizzy..." Saber said as he was on the ground.

"Amazing..." Espada said in amazement after watching Saber take out all those piranhas.

"I'll feast on everything! And I'll take all the Wonder Ride Books!" The Piranha Megid shouted with anger.

"I will stick with my convictions!" Espada said as she looked at the Piranha Megid. The Megid charged at them and Espada put her sword in her driver and press the button on the handle of the sword for a finisher.

Final Page! Alangina. One Volume Slash! Thunder!

"Trueno Destroda." Espada said her final attack after she yanked out her sword, then took a step back before she moved so fast she could give Rainbow Dash a run for her money and struck the Piranha Megid and it fell to the ground. "We've reached the end of your story." She said as electricity showed what she did in a flash. She struck the Piranha Megid not just once but two times. A thunder bolt shot down and destroy the Megid.

Saber got up from the ground and the boats that got eaten by the piranhas returned to normal and back to the real world. Both riders detranformed back to Flash and Arabia. "Flash." Arabia said as Flash walked up to her. "Twilight lost her memories a long time ago, but they're coming back bit by bit. Once she gets back her memories, there's something we should talk about." She told him.

Flash understand why she wanted to wait for Twilight to get her memories back, so he smiled and nodded.

With Surge, Pinkie, and Rainbow. They watch Desast just standing in an ally, not bothering to get them. But Rainbow was using her phone to record and film him, just in case. "I'll tell you something good." Desast said. "We will devour and dominate the Wonder World." He told them as he looked at them.

"Desast!" Zooous shouted at him. "You talk too much." He said as he slammed his right side chest and transformed into his Megid from.

Surge and the two girls were shocked to see Zooous true form. "Well, well, well..." Desast said as he looked at Zooous. "If it isn't the ruler of living creatures, Zooous." He laughed as Zooous shot a blast at him. Desast dodged the blast and Surge pushed Pinkie and Rainbow out of the way when the blast came at them.

"Aw man! The recording stopped!" Rainbow complained as she checked her phone.

"Zooous..." Surge said with a angry look on his face.

The story continue

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