• Published 28th Feb 2022
  • 8,756 Views, 228 Comments

The Rise Of An Empire - KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

What if Twilight didn't accept the apologies from her mentor, brother, and friends?

  • ...

Chapter Ten

As Intrépido flew towards Canterlot, the words of the Dark Queen remained at the front of his mind.

"I want you to spy on a group known as the Mane Five," she ordered, with an expression of disgust making itself known on her face as she said the name of the group. "They will most likely be found in the city of Canterlot. You will find them and remain close to their hideout, wherever it is. Gather some information - whether they will start any kind of rebellion or not. Do not kill them. I want them alive. Here," Twilight said, tossing a picture in his direction. Five brightly coloured ponies came into his view. "This is what they look like."

It was just as he finally reached the city that he saw a figure falling. He flew closer and saw that it was one of the mares from the picture.

Fluttershy screamed as the distance between her and a huge rock became closer. She had longed for death, but now that she was quite literally staring it in the face, she could not help but wish she had stayed.

Perhaps some other way would have been better. A painless one. But she couldn't open her wings now as the air current surrounding her was too strong, the speed that she was falling at was too fast.

She wished Rainbow Dash would come and save her, but it seemed as though the pegasus was either too shocked or just as the shy mare thought, didn't care.

Fluttershy closed her eyes, not wanting to see her end, but no sooner than she did so did she feel hooves wrap themselves around her body.

She opened her eyes in surprise to see the face of an Umbrum staring at her. Fluttershy fainted.

Rainbow Dash felt miserable. Her best friend had just jumped off a cliff. In front of her. And she hadn't done anything to stop Fluttershy, other than talking.

Her chest began to hurt, and as much as she tried, she couldn't stop the hot, stinging tears from flowing out. All her achievements meant nothing to her. In races, she always tried to keep her title, but this was a race she had lost.

Why…why was she so slow? Why was she foolish enough to think that her words alone would stop Fluttershy from jumping? She was foolish…foolish…

Heartbreaker was drinking a mug of coffee - she had abstained from drinking tea ever since the Incident- while pondering upon what to do.

The Storm King was certainly very powerful- the barriers he had put up, as well as their unexpected surprise still haunted her- and as powerful as she was, she doubted she could defeat him even in a one-on-one battle.

Ironically, just as she began to doubt herself, a guard frantically sought permission to enter. She let him.

The Guard looked as though his worst nightmare had been chasing after him.

"Whatever is the matter?" Heartbreaker inquired, concerned.

"Your Highness! The Storm King has invaded Canterlot and is coming towards the Castle!" he gasped out, breathless.

The Queen sighed.

Her coffee sat there, long forgotten.

She had not done so much as move a hoof when the doors burst open. "Speak of the devil ," she muttered.

The Storm King stood there with a bloodthirsty grin on his face and a crazed look in his eyes.

He looks like Twilight, with that grin and look, she thought.

"Prepare to die," he warned her, and as he slammed his staff upon the ground, causing lightning to crackle and illuminate the room, the Guard fainted.

Twilight looked at the changeling, and the figure on its back. "You may go," she said, and he laid the mare down before doing so.

Once the door shut, she returned her gaze to the one she once viewed as a friend, and to be honest, still did. Despite everything that happened, Twilight never found it in her heart to condemn Fluttershy, who was out of all her former friends, the least guilty as she merely gave into peer pressure.

Just like Spike, she was innocent and had the best chance for redemption.

“You should have come to me,” she whispered. “I would have forgiven you, had you asked for my forgiveness. I know you. I know that you are easily led. Did fear of me root itself in your heart? Did you fear that I would declare that I hated you?”

“Confianza!” shouted Twilight, and a maid sought permission to enter.

“What do you require, Your Majesty?” questioned the maid.

“Bring a doctor and prepare a room for this mare,” she ordered.

Fluttershy was suffering from malnutrition and according to the doctor, should have sufficient rest for the following few weeks.

While the Dark Queen stood there, watching her comatose friend, the door opened. “Ah, there you are,” said her betrothed who was holding a scroll in his magical grasp. “Spike received a scroll from Heartbreaker. It seems as though the Storm King has chosen to deal with Equestria first. She requires our aid in defeating him.”

Twilight nodded and her signature cruel smirk became present on her face once again. “Let's go as soon as possible,” she said, as a thought took place in her mind. In Canterlot, there is Discord. And where there is Discord, there lies a chance to either bring him onto our side as an ally, or have fun murdering him. It would be rather interesting to see what can kill a draconequus.

The Dark couple threw the doors of the throne room open to find Heartbreaker on the verge of death at the Storm King's hands and several guards battling yeti soldiers.

“Ooh,” said the Storm King, swivelling his head around to see who had entered, “looks like your little reinforcements are here.”

“Underestimating one's foes is the biggest mistake that one can make,” snarled Sombra.

“Well, this was supposed to be a powerful alicorn, but look at her,” the invader retorted.

Twilight stepped forward and chuckled. “That's only because she wishes not to put all of her power on display. However…” she shot a beam of Dark Magic at him, which he barely managed to avoid, perhaps expecting her to do the typical ‘good guy’ (if she could be called that) speech and then start firing, “I, as well as my partner, on the other hoof, are well versed in the Dark Arts.”

“Let's see just how strong you are, pony,” retorted the Storm King, and slammed his staff down yet again, causing lightning to crackle throughout the room.

“Beginner spells,” said Twilight mockingly. “I'll show you who you're dealing with.”

Saying this, she glanced at Sombra and nodded, and together, they fired continuously at the Storm King, who, in response, cast a multitude of weather spells.

Soon, both parties had used up the majority of their energy, and Twilight feared her horn would explode if she were to cast any more spells.

Heartbreaker, who had been watching from the sidelines to recover, used this moment of vulnerability to step forward and return fire with a spell which fit the theme of the Storm King's.

Lightning charged forth from the corrupted alicorn's horn, only to surround the Storm King and electrocute him as a chilling look of terror took over his face, to remain frozen there forever.

Heartbreaker laughed. “You may be well versed in spells of the sky, but protecting yourself against them seems not to have been in your best interests. Seriously, I expected him to have some sort of defence mechanism.”

Twilight smiled. “Things may not always meet one's expectations, or turn out differently than one thinks, which is why it is wise to try…”

“Well said,” applauded Sombra.

“Well, now that the Storm King is dead, I shall take on Discord…” announced the Dark Queen.

“So soon?” asked Heartbreaker with her tone being one of surprise. “I had thought that you might want to deal with all potential enemies, being who you are, but a little rest wouldn't do you any harm.”

“What Heartbreaker says is correct. You should rest… Not only will you be able to recharge your mana, but you will also be able to think of numerous ways to deal with Discord,” Sombra advised.

Twilight sighed. “...Fine, I shall rest. But if anything or anyone stops me after that,” a dark grin replaced her smile, “there will be hell to pay.”

It was relatively easy to free Discord from his stone prison, considering the fact that the Elements of Harmony were used to seal him away. Perhaps the spell had lost its strength as the Elements no longer functioned, but Twilight cared little for the details of that as she stared at her latest prize. She would save that for later, but right now she would do what she had been waiting to do for weeks. Dealing with Discord.

He would be powerful, but she could overpower him easily with her prowess in Dark Magic. It wouldn't do to get too cocky and underestimate him, but Twilight didn't think that it would do any harm if she was confident in her abilities.

She had studied the weaknesses of draconequus’.

“As useful as it would be to have a draconequus on our side… Draconequus are sly, aren't they, Discord?”

Discord trembled in fear as she walked closer, bearing a maniacal grin. He wasn't easily scared, but something about this particular pony made his skin crawl. She wasn't the one he was used to- none of that ‘friendship and harmony are magic’ nonsense came out of her mouth.

No, she was different, and not the good type of different.

Could he dare to think he stood a chance against her?

Discord found himself heavily outmatched. After an intense staring contest, he thought that it would be wise if he were to make the first move, but upon attempting to cast a spell that would distract his opponent while allowing him to escape, the mare merely dodged it and cast a spell that instantly paralysed him.

Chaos Magic was apparently useless for fighting. What else should he have expected, knowing that it was named so for the magic it performed?

Yes, his magic was powerful, but he could only cause chaos using it. It was good when one was in need of a distraction, but that was all.

He remained motionless, unable to move while she dragged him towards what he remembered to be the Castle dungeons, and his heart leapt into his throat as an unfamiliar feeling of dread began to settle in his gut.

It had been so long since he had felt fear, for he usually evoked it, and now that the tables were turned, he regretted those days of mischief due to which he was now imprisoned.

A little trick here and there for momentary amusement seemed now, of little worth or importance as it had only gotten him imprisoned in the end, due to which he was in this predicament. He had only himself to blame for this…

At last, his senses and mobility were returned to him, and he stood up, trembling, to see the Dark alicorn before him, grin manically.

“I considered letting you live, as it would be immensely useful to have a draconequus on our side. However, I took a look through that head of yours, and it would seem that it would be a foolish move on my part to give you an offer to join us.”

He knew not what came over him, but the thought of death awoke a terror within his heart, and so, he found his lips moving as though he weren't controlling them, and whimpered out, in a pleading voice filled with fear, “Please, don't…”

She merely threw back her head and laughed. “Oh, how I love it when they beg me…but no. Draconequus’ are sly, aren't they, Discord? I cannot afford to let myself fall victim to one of your pranks. Now,” she said in a tone which sounded almost demonical in nature, “how shall we proceed?”

“Why, Twilight, you are becoming quite the master at torturing,” remarked Sombra as his hopefully soon to be wife drove one last dagger through her victim's heart.

As Discord lay writhing on the floor in his death throes, with his entire body covered in blood which oozed out of the numerous wounds afflicted upon it, the alicorn who was soaked in blood that was not her own smirked and turned to the Umbrum King.

"No, not Twilight,” she said. “Twilight was a pathetic pony. I am Midnight Terror, and I shall have no mercy upon those whom I consider as my enemies. "

Author's Note:

7.5K views and 93 likes here on FIMfiction? Wow...this is the first story I've written that's gotten more than 1K (or less) views. I wonder if it's because I included the first chapter (with permission), or if it's because of my own writing.

I couldn't think of a way to describe Twilight (now Midnight Terror) killing Discord, so I just didn't write it. I hope no one minds.

Don't forget to vote/like, comment, favourite, follow and share!

Comments ( 14 )

I don't mind.

Is Chrysalis going to play a major role in this story at all?

Chrysalis has already been killed.

Midnight Terror sounds way deadlier than Midnight Sparkle. :pinkiecrazy:

And saving Fluttershy, along with a potential redeeming trial for her to gain Dark Twilight's trust back is a good twist. No thanks to me. :ajsmug:

Although there is one small complaint; HOW is it that all three of them have a hard time against Storm King of all people, but not with Discord that could bend reality!!??

Reading this chapter made me think of a scenario that could have made things more interesting.

The way I see it, Storm/Weather magic is more powerful than Chaos Magic. As for the bending reality part... :facehoof: I may or may not have forgotten that he could do that.


Storm/Weather magic is more powerful than Chaos Magic.

I find that VERY HARD to believe!?

Considering how Discord's chaos magic could just as easily change and mess up the weather too and aren't you forgetting that he messes up the Sun and Moon on a whim!!!???

I think he did all of that when he first appeared in season 2 premiere?

And his "plunder vines" that corrupt the Tree of Harmony and capture the alicorn princesses in season 4 premiere, caused the exact same thing with the sun and moon, day and night fusing together!!??

How can the Storm King top that!!??

Personally, I thought the scenario is the other way around?

Where they could just casually beat up and eliminate the Storm King, since he was pretty much a pathetic villain in the movie, in my opinion. ( Since Tempest Shadow did all the work for him. He was only "dangerous" because of that staff that absorb the four alicorn's magic. )

And Dark Twilight, Sombra, Heartbreaker, and the others would have a bit of a hard time dealing with Discord if he is freed.

I first thought it'll be a whole lot easier to just smash his statue, teleport the pieces to various places under the ocean, or around the moon, burn all of it in the sun, or even a black hole, and be done with it?

Sorry, it's been a while since I watched any episodes with Discord in it.

"No, not Twilight,” she said. “Twilight was a pathetic pony. I am Midnight Terror, and I shall have no mercy upon those whom I consider as my enemies. "

I might be understanding this wrong but it seems the more corrupt Twilight gets, the more powerful and the more bold letters there are when she speaks, now it seems she's completely powerful, or she has only begun.

I'm curious why the chapter number is "ten" instead of "10."

This story is great and I can't wait to see more! Although I am having a hard time imagining what dark Twilight looks like, is there any reference images?

I'm glad to hear that you've been enjoying the story so far.

I'm curious why the chapter number is "ten" instead of "10."

As I write in Google Docs, and don't exactly do monthly updates, it's easy to forget if I used numbers or words in the title. Sometimes I just let FIMfiction automatically number it.


Here are a few images I've found. She looks pretty similar to Midnight Sparkle from EqG.


Thank you,, I can't wait to see future chapters, this is definitely an interesting story.

So is this story dead or.....?

It's not dead, I'll probably update by next month if I can.

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