• Published 28th Feb 2022
  • 8,756 Views, 228 Comments

The Rise Of An Empire - KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

What if Twilight didn't accept the apologies from her mentor, brother, and friends?

  • ...

Chapter 9

As Pinkamena walked away, Fluttershy regained her senses. She briefly considered calling after the pink mare, but dismissed the notion.

It wouldn't do any good going after her… She wouldn't even hear me...

"Let her go, Rainbow ," she told the blue pegasus who had just been about to fly off. " If she doesn't want to stay, she doesn't have to…"

"So, you're saying that Thorax is talented at spying?" asked King Sombra .

"Yes, Your Majesty," replied Pharynx. "I can confidently say that he is the best at spying in our hive. He was the one who brought us the information before the Canterlot Invasion, and he has also spied upon the Equestrians for a long time so all of us could act like ponies if the need arose. "

"Well then, tell him to come here," said Twilight. "Let's put him to the test… "

Fluttershy looked around the cave. Rarity was in one corner, trembling and muttering to herself, and Rainbow Dash and Applejack were talking to each other about something.

Deciding to leave Rarity be, she sat down and began to think about what had just occurred. Pinkamena's words replayed through her mind.

" Why, I'd say we all deserve to be killed because of how we acted that day. Getting excited over the chance to wear some dresses and be in a wedding… Ignoring our close friend's worries and...abandoning her just for that. Every one of us should just die right now. "

"It's all of your faults that she's like this…"

"You'll never be able to undo what was done."

"You're all hopeless."

Pinkamena was right, she thought miserably. All of us are hopeless. If Twilight wants to take revenge on us, we won't be able to stand a chance against her. Well, the others might, but I'd be obliterated in a second. I'm weak - I can't even defend myself. I almost always have to rely on someone else to save me from a dangerous situation. I'm just a burden to everyone…

"Shy! Come over here!" Dash called, breaking the mare out of her misery.

"I'm coming," she replied, and after wiping away the tears that had formed with the tip of her wing, she went to the makeshift table where Applejack and Rainbow were huddled together, discussing something.

The yellow pegasus noticed that Rarity was still in her corner, seemingly unconscious. "S-should I call Rarity?"

" No, " said Applejack. "Ah already tried but she didn't seem to notice me."

" Oh, okay, " Fluttershy whispered and sat down.

"The Storm King shall land in Canterlot this evening. According to Tempest, he doesn't know about the current state of affairs in Equestria and will land there so he can capture the Princesses and take their power. Well, one is dead and two are on our side… That reminds me, did that changeling I sent to check on Luna ever come back?"

Just as the words left the King's mouth, the door opened and a changeling stood there. "Your Majesty, may I have permission to enter?"

Sombra nodded. "So, what did you hear?"

Thorax walked in and made sure the doors were closed before revealing what he had heard.

"So, like, the two of us are gonna go to the Empire and stop whatever Twilight will do, and Fluttershy will…" Rainbow Dash, who had been animatedly explaining the plan faltered as her gaze fell upon her closest friend. "Well, I'm not sure if she'd be able to keep up, so she could just stay here and guard the base and Rarity. You don't mind, do you, Flutters?"

I'm useless... The yellow pegasus wiped the corner of her eyes and shook her head. "No, I don't mind. After all, I'd just slow you down and it's not like I can do anything anyways," she mumbled .

Her friends didn't seem to catch the last part and continued discussing.

Fluttershy watched them sadly.

"You may leave," said Twilight once Thorax had revealed all, and he obeyed. Once he had closed the doors, the Dark Queen sighed and turned to her partner. "I suppose we were wrong to doubt her, especially after what Celestia put her through. I thought she might be on Equestria's side, but she doesn't want to help the descendants of those who shunned her a thousand years ago."

" Well, now that we know for sure that she is on our side, let us return to the planning. By now he would've landed in Equestria… Perhaps you could ask Heartbreaker to inform you if he comes? "

"That isn't a bad idea. I'll write a letter to her, and Spike should be able to send it with his fire. Speaking of Spike...where is he? I haven't seen him as of late."

Sombra chuckled. "He's been training the Crusaders. Let's check on them," he said, and teleported the two of them just outside of the training hall, where only the aforementioned dragon and equines were.

Through the transparent crystal doors, they could perceive Spike flexing his biceps while Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo blushed.

The King opened the door and signalled for Twilight to follow him.

"Well," he teased, " I can clearly see that you are showing your muscles off...But did I not put you in charge of their training? "

Upon hearing his voice, the group collectively jumped. "Uh...How long have you two been here?" Spike asked nervously .

The Storm King's airship hovered above Canterlot, and the owner of it came into view upon the deck, where one of his yeti soldiers stood, nervously awaiting his orders.

"Sir, shall I la-"

"No," he said, causing the soldier to tense. "It seems as though there has been a...change in the city. Things don't seem like usual," he remarked, stroking his beard - a thing he did when in deep thought. "My plan was perfect, but I was not well informed. You," he shouted, gesturing to a random soldier who was mopping the deck. "Go and find out exactly what has happened…"

" There has been a change in leadership? Celestia has been executed after betraying her now alicorn protege, who killed her? Hmm… " His fingers once again became entangled in his beard. "If the alicorns possess dark magic, then I shall need greater forces to defeat them…" he pondered. "Fly to Appaloosa. The invasion shall begin there…"

"The Storm King has been busy capturing towns and villages across Equestria, rather than directly going to Canterlot," King Sombra informed as he put a newspaper on the table the following morning. "Presumably to strengthen his army. Of course, we cannot afford to let that happen."

" So what do you suggest we should do? I would be more than happy to burn them all alive, but if I want the Equestrians to support us when we take the throne, that won't be the correct course of action. After all, I don't want to spend all my time stopping conspiracies… I mean, even if Heartbreaker is someone close to me...I want more...power," said Twilight.

"I've got an idea . If we can get rid of the soldiers and capture those areas for ourselves, then we can stop the Storm King...and possibly strengthen our own army. After all, I assume they are treated badly, and if we 'save' them from him, they might be grateful enough that they'd offer to join us. Does the newspaper mention whether he's got barriers?"

Twilight levitated the newspaper towards herself and scanned it. "Heartbreaker, along with some Royal Guards went to try and recapture one of the areas, but when a few Guards went forward in an attempt to enter the town, bolts of lightning struck them, killing them instantly."

"It looks like he's already put some up… Well, taking them down won't be impossible."

Twilight was about to say something but the Guards announced Tempest's entrance into the Dining Hall. "Is there something you require?" she asked.

" Your Majesties, " the unicorn said, bowing, "I have read today's newspaper and suspected that the Storm King merely wanted to increase his power. I know of a species that will be immensely helpful in defeating him and his soldiers, but I decided that before I would help any further, I would like it if Your Highnesses were to fulfil your end of the deal. "

"I suppose you don't want to take the risk of being used without getting the thing you desire in return. Sure, follow me," the King commanded and Tempest obeyed, with the Dark Queen following.

Rarity smiles as she begins drafting the design for a dress she plans to make.

The tip of her pencil touches the paper, and she begins to sketch, but at the sound of hoofsteps, she pauses.

"Rarity?" calls out a familiar voice. "Where are you?"

The white unicorn turns her head around, searching for the owner of the voice and sees the lavender unicorn at the entrance to the room.


"Oh Rarity, you're here! Thank goodness! Spike's favourite blanket got a hole in it and he's been upset about it all day. I don't really like to see him upset, and as I'm terrible at sewing, I was wondering if you could fix this?"

She levitates the blanket to her table and sees there's a small hole there. "Of course darling; just give me a minute."

A few moves of her needle and it's mended. "Thanks Rarity, I don't know what I'd have done without you."

Rarity smiles in return. "It's my pleasure, darling. Don't hesitate to ask me for help if you need it- I'll always be here. "

"Really?" asks Twilight in such a tone of hatred that the unicorn is startled.

Suddenly the dream atmosphere changes, the lights flicker a little before going out and when the seamstress turns around, she sees a pair of huge slitted red glowing eyes. The lights flicker again, illuminating the room for an instant and she can now tell that the eyes belong to Twilight, who has become distorted. Bloody wings stretched from her back, and tears of some sort of black substance were falling from her eyes.

Jagged teeth with sharp points reveal themselves as she says in a voice so filled with despair, hopelessness and misery that it makes Rarity's heart ache, "I trusted all of you. Especially you, Rarity. You told me that you'd always be there for me, but in the end...you weren't. "

Fluttershy looks around. Applejack and Rainbow Dash are both sleeping, and Rarity is the only one other than her who is awake.

But she's just staring blankly at the wall opposite her.

Now's my chance. I should just go and do it. If they see me they'll try and make me stay around to torment me. There's a cliff not too far away. Quick...I must go. They'll rejoice once they're free of the burden that is me.

The mare sneaks out of the cave, and wipes a tear away as she takes one last look at her friends who are peacefully sleeping. No matter how much it hurts, knowing that this will be the last time that I see them, I can't let that stop me. They'd be better off without me.

As she treks through the rocky path towards the edge of the mountain that the city of Canterlot lay upon, her ears pick up the sound of footsteps.

The pegasus glances behind her and sees a figure whose rainbow mane is illuminated by the moonlight.

She stops.

"Rainbow, just go back and forget you ever saw this."

A hoof on her back startles her.

"No, Fluttershy. Please, don't do this."

" What use would I be if I stayed? Like you said, I'm the lamest, most useless pony ever. "

"When did I say that?"

" Don't you remember? When we all went to face that dragon and stop him from polluting the air with his smoke, you were constantly complaining about how I was slowing you all down...and there are lots of times you've called me lame when I was scared of things that you enjoyed."


"I don't want to slow you down any longer," she whispers as she takes a few steps back.

"Fluttershy, please!" shouts Rainbow in desperation, leaping forward to stop the event that would occur.

The yellow pegasus looks back at the athlete and smiles sadly, with tears gathering in her eyes.. "I love you Rainbow Dash, and I don't want you to watch me fall."

With that last utterance, Fluttershy leans back and lets herself fall.

Frozen by shock and disbelief at the event occurring before her eyes, Rainbow Dash's sprint is a little too late.

She falls to her knees, a hoof on her chest as she blinks away the tears that will inevitably fall.

A mournful cry escapes her lungs as she accepts the death of her closest friend.

"No! Fluttershy!"

Author's Note:

Who can guess how Rarity will die?

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Ooh, looks like we've reached 6.9K views. Almost 7K! I really need to update this more often to express my gratitude...