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"Only the most subtle of references." -No fanfiction writer ever


My dear sister Pinkie Pie,

I will be arriving in Ponyville tomorrow.
I have made a reservation for us at Hearty Grains Bistro for seven o' clock.
Please be on time. I'll be bringing somepony special I'd like you to meet.
I think you will be surprised.

Emp- Your sister Maud

An Entry for Bicyclette's Crackship Contest hosted by the Original Pairings group
Preread by: HapHazred

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 41 )

Maud is scary, Sombra is quirky, and I'm fairly certain Pinkie just offended every celiac and diabetic in the fandom.

I take this over the canon ship any day

"It can afford to be. Ponyville is naturally defended by the Everfree Forest and the Ghastly Gorge to the South and West, and an army would have to break either Canterlot or Cloudsdale first to come from the East or North."

And then you get in to the town itself :pinkiecrazy:

This is the most epic ship. I wish I could see it on the show, but they didn't have to kill him and give her someone who likes sticks.:pinkiehappy:

"I am." Though her voice was calm, her eyes were filled with excitement and nervousness. In one slow blink they told a story of eager anticipation, joyous reunion, and simmering optimism. She'd always had very expressive eyes.

This part was great & I love that you were trying to depict Maude as PINKIE sees her.

Maud arched a brow. "Sombra, king of the pull-out sofa and all its ottomans, this is my sister, Pinkamena Pie."

You've done a great job of catching Maude's voice here.

I was surprised at how relatable you made this seem while maintaining the voice of each character so well. Bravo!

Well done, this was great to read and I love how you wrote Sombra.

This is a ship that I didn't know needed.

Of course Rarity would be rooting for them. She's a crystal and rock connossieur herself, after all

Ri2 #9 · Mar 7th, 2022 · · 1 ·

Still a better boyfriend than Mudbriar.

This is a million times better than that stick loving retard Maud gets with in the series.

Oh, and the idea of Maud not only being the pants of the relationship, but also the alpha in bed is amazing

Fuck mudbriar this is the best crackship ever and I can only wish it was cannon

Okay, that was…. Curiously spectacular. I wish I could write that well.

This is Tatewaki Kuno x Nabiki Tendo, but with hooves. I half expect Sombra to whip out a wad of cash and slap someone with it. I would say he'd do that with a sack of bits, but that would be felony assault.

My new favourite crackship

That's, uh.... mhmm. Yep.

I can believe that Sombra is secretly a sub, I can believe it any day of the week. But the thumbs thing? Nah, that's not Sommy K. Still, hilarious story that got me blushing more than most porn on this site. Perhaps goes too far for a T rating, but I guess you're just barely skirting the line, aren't ya?

...ya know, if someone just told me "Sombra x Maud" as a ship...I'd genuinely consider it absurd.
Then again, I wrote a story shipping Shantae with Godzilla, so I'm not one to talk.
This was adorable and hilarious, and I am definitely going to reread this when I need a cute laugh.

As unexpected as it is, you wrote the Sombra/Maud pairing in an oddly believable and adorable way. It reminds me of that story where Silverstream and Sombra become friends through their love of stairs.

Pinkie’s narration and POV were fantastic, too. They read very much like her style of talking without exaggerating who she is. Awesome job on making such a funny and entertaining story!

"Ah. That." She nodded in understanding. "It's a truth-compulsion spell to help him be more honest with himself. That's just the sound it makes; it doesn't actually shock him."

She treated Pinkie to a devious grin. "We leave those kinds of toys at home."

Oh my.:trollestia:

I ******* love this! You wrote it so **** well!

Sombra, king of the pull-out sofa and all its ottomans

Wait.....think i've read that one around here on fimfic before.....

This was great, love to seeing more fics with Sombra. Maud was hilarious and Pinkie felt totally in character.

"I intend to march into their stronghold and demand to speak with a manager!"

When Sombra is actually spelled K-A-R-E-N.

:moustache: Forbidden love's the sweetest?
:duck: I got that from mother when we were dating
:moustache: and your dad?
:ajbemused: He had my double barreled shot gun with double aught buck shot
:pinkiehappy: Oh boy more toys!
:flutterrage: Discord get back here It's only my chainsaw from the shed!

King of All Realms in Equestria and the North

This is what a reformed, or at least restrained, Sombra would be like. I think he would make a great character in his own right.

"No," Maud replied, "But I was about to tell her about the time you sabotaged one of your coup attempts in order to steal a vintage wine from the palace cellars for my birthday."

The dark lord stiffened and suddenly seemed very interested in looking elsewhere. "Yes, well... it would have been wasted on that usurper."

When you forget about your plans for world domination because you want your date to be perfect...you know you're in love.

Pinkie took a sip from her coffee that had nearly enough sugar to qualify as a pudding. "Now you've just got to convince the rest of the family. Father will respect him for his strength and Mother will follow his lead, but you know he's probably going to have to fight Limestone."

"And I welcome the challenge!" Sombra boomed, "If she is even half the challenger Maud is then it will be a battle worthy of legend and song! On that note..." He rose from the table, letting the chair scrape and squeal beneath him. "I think a bit of exercise would serve well to help with digestion. I want to see how these modern royal guards stack up against their forebearers. Would you care to join me, my dear?"

Sombra vs. Limestone.

This is something I would really love to read about.

A lot of people think this is better than Mudbriar.

And it is. Because this romance doesn't feel contrived or shoe-horned. Sombra is far from a saint, but he shows actual devotion to Maud. Maud, in turn, shows actual devotion to him, along with some teasing.

What a delightful crackship this was! I'm glad Pinkie approves.

And I liked how you showed how Pinkie understands Maud's more reserved body language.

I absolutely love this ship. Joke or not.

Howdy, hi~!

I have been cackling through this whole story. This ship is completely out of left field and I love it. The implications of their relationship are amazing and I love that Pinkie actually gave Sombra a chance. See this is what I want from a villain romance, the villain in question being themselves with all the jagged edges still present. I like the red flags turning white by the end of it and just the banter between the three characters was absolutely top tier.

Banger fic, definitely an amazing read~!

Pinkie Pie was nervous. Also excited. Nervouscited? Yes, but more than that too.

love Pinkie portmanteaus

The letter hadn't explicitly said that her "somepony special" was "a special somepony" but Rarity had insisted that it was there in the subtext (subtext Pinkie still hadn't been able to see no matter how hard she squinted, but she trusted Rarity's advice).

hehehe! also just struck me how Pinkie and Maud both have a very interesting relationship with subtext in communication

This was her big sister introducing her new secret coltfriend (or maybe marefriend, if Marble’s guess was right) to her family.

i mean i was with Marble on this one after "Rock Solid Friendship" but i will refrain from my rant there!

Nervousness about if they'd get along well (she could get along with anypony but the rest of her family would be a harder sell).

haha, this is funny in retrospect considering what happened with Mudbriar

She glanced back to the restaurant behind her and briefly made eye contact with Second Serving, the hostess.

great pony name

So of course she had to wait outside.

and what a wonderful bit of Pinkie logic here! ah, poor Second Serving!

Then there was the double ear flop that meant she was being watched, but she knew that too (Twilight hadn't totally pulled her tail behind the cover of the bushes and Rarity's opera glasses were peeking out from between the leaves).

i do love how perceptive Pinkie is, and how bad her friends are at spy stuff, respectively

"I am." Though her voice was calm, her eyes were filled with excitement and nervousness. In one slow blink they told a story of eager anticipation, joyous reunion, and simmering optimism. She'd always had very expressive eyes.

auauaugh yes! that is so true about Maud! i love it

(or maybe a very teeny tiny coltfriend?!)

ah, i could just watch the world through your Pinkie's eyes all day

Crystal. Grey. Cape. Maud. Smoke. Black. Tyrant. Teeth. Danger. Stomp. Shadow. Maud. Snarl. Evil. Scoff. Crystal. Train. Red. Necklace. Monster. Maud. Danger. Danger! Danger!


Distracted? Maud didn't do distracted! Her focus was like a diamond drill!

so true! this is very unlike her!

"However!" he declared, throwing back his cape, "as your role in my demise was relatively minor, you ranked merely two hundred and third in my list of enemies. As such, in light of your familial connections, your transgressions are minor enough that I am willing to overlook them for the sake of my paramour."

this is a great Sombra already. my favorite version of him is definitely the campy, overly dramatic supervillain trope in the world of MLP!

"Such grudges are beneath me. A dragon does not concern himself with the buzzing of flies, nor does a king bother with the doomed revolutionary machinations of the peasantry.”


"Oh, sorry mate."

Sombra's eyes narrowed into a fierce glare. When he spoke again, his voice was low and dangerous. "You have made a grave error in judgment. From this day forth, count yourself among my enemies, you wide-hipped fop. My vengeance shall be swift and merciless as soon as I deal with the one thousand and forty five ponies who rank higher than you."

hahaha, perfect!

No mistaken-identity, no pony-that-happened-to-look-just-like-him, no hallucinations-making-her-see-villains-where-there-were-none. Not this time, at least.

ooh, definitely a story there!

No wave of dark magic, no mind control (hopefully), no zoning-law-violating towers of malevolent crystals.

the trouble with mind control is how would you know if you were under mind control or not?

On the other, not many villains opened with publicly declaring their intent to form a friendship. Usually that was her technique.

perhaps they were not so different after all...

But Pinkie was, at her core, a pony who believed she could make friends with anypony, so she elected to put aside her preconceptions and give him the benefit of the doubt.

For now.

But if he tried any funny business, Twilight's castle was spitting distance away. Canterlot too, if you were really good at spitting, which she was.

augh, this attitude is so perfectly Pinkie!

...Second-Best-Friend-Maker-in-Ponyville (Twilight took first place, of course)...

love Pinkie's humility here

"What a meager establishment this is. No musicians, no dancers, not even enough servants for every customer."

hahaha, calling waitstaff "servants". saying the quiet part out loud, Sombra!

“Meet me in the middle then. How about just Sombra?”

“No,” he insisted.

“Yes,” Maud corrected.

“Yes,” he agreed. “Sombra alone will suffice. Be thankful for my magnanimousness in allowing you this courtesy. Such is one of the many benefits of an allegiance.”

ooh, love this conclusion to the classic Pinkie nickname gag, with Sombra agreeing with Maud without a fuss

“How did you two meet? Was it love at first sight? Oh! Did you try to take over the Crystal Empire again and Maud happened to be there on vacation and your eyes met across the battlefield but she was forced by her sense of justice and heroism to take you down but you still met up after and started talking while in prison?”

given Pinkie's track record with this type of outburst, how could it be anything else?

He gave the wine list one last irritated look before tossing it away and sitting back down. "Feh. Of course they don't. How typical of a nation steeped in Celestia's soft-hearted limp-wristedness. Then in place of a wing I demand our appetizers be free of charge." His eyes flashed with purple flames. "It's the least you could do to settle affairs."

Sombra is such a Karen

“Princess Cadance was tired of him resurrecting himself every few weeks,” Maud corrected. “No matter how many times she killed him, he always came back and tried to take over again. He is very bad at dying.”

Another scoff, this one more affronted than mocking. “Bad? I am bad at nothing! My skills in all fields are unparalleled!”

“Simply terrible." Maud shook her head. "He has died more than anypony else, but not done it successfully even once.”

“I could!”

“Then do it. Die.”

augh, so perfect! i can just hear Maud's deadpan lines here and i love her for them

Maud sat up slightly in her seat and her eyes brightened. “She asked Twilight for recommendations for incorruptible ponies. My name was first on the list.”

aww, so true!

“He likes crystals. I like rocks. It was a natural progression.”

Sombra gasped. “You cannot condense such a vibrant tale of my victory into such a pale conveyance!”

Your victory?”


Princess Cadance had put them together. As a warden/prisoner situation, sure, but seeing as they wound up a couple anyway, she couldn't help but suspect ulterior motives. Maybe Cadance thought that getting Sombra a marefriend might temper his aggression. It worked with Discord, hadn't it? Or maybe it was an accident and her natural shipping skill just leaked into her search for a good guard. Either way, having the Princess of Love sign off on the relationship was a major plus.

well, Cadance using shipping as a weapon just makes too much sense! as unfortunate as this pattern for redeeming villains may turn out to be

That being said, 'falling in love with your jailor' didn't feel like grounds for a super healthy relationship. Bit of a power imbalance there.


Pinkie blinked in confusion. A what now? That sounded like what happens when an engineer tries to make a pizza. Was this flirting?

aww, poor Pinkie! she is definitely out of her depth here

She had prepared, many years ago, a Coltfriend Questionnaire of things to grill any of her sister’s possible paramours about, but a lot of the questions like ‘where did you grown up’, ‘what school did you go to’, and ‘what are your thoughts on foals’ felt a little shallow when most of the answers were a matter of historical record.

huh, Pinkie and Maud have a lot more in common than i realized, reflecting on how her need for dossiers on everypony make her look!

“Crystals!” Sombra rasped as starry glee filled his eyes. “Oh I have much to say on the matter of crystals! Their mathematical symmetry, their geometric perfection! I could speak for hours on the glory and splendor that is crystals!”

haha, definitely see what Maud would see in Sombra here!

Pinkie blinked in surprise. Was that…? No. Normally she could read her big sister like a book, but even she couldn't tell if that had been intentional.

that is what is so great about Maud

...Mare of the Earth...

love it, definitely will have to use this in something i write at some point!

“Back in my day being called a Scholar King meant something. Unlike the nobility I’ve seen these days, sniveling nepotees and barely educated children trying to run a nation. Inconceivable! Never could I have imagined such—bzzt!

augh, i am loving Sombra's aristocratic pompousness!

"Oh? Did you tell her of my immeasurable magical prowess? Of my impeccable sword handling skills? Of how the light dapples through my coat?"

"Of your outrageous modesty?" Pinkie suggested with an eye roll.

"That as well."


But Maud pressed on. "Or even a few nights ago after dinner, when I brought out the rope and you finally—"



She raised an eyebrow. "I've seen evidence to the contrary."


Technically it was supposed to be a scary older brother filling this role, but with none available she figured could pull it off as a scary little sister instead.

kinda surprised Pinkie would have this attitude, especially growing up with Limestone as a sister!

“Your Dark Queen?” That wasn’t right. He was supposed to choose love over power and prove he was reformed by it. Not make power a testament to love!

aww! love the subversion of the trope! exactly what this reformed-villain-romance needs to feel genuine and heartwarming in just the right amount

"...Like some overly literal stick-in-the-mud or a stallion who doesn’t know how to take a joke or is gluten-free sugar-intolerant.”


There was a sudden notably distinct lack of rustling from the nearby shrubberies until a refined voice called out, "I was rooting for you the whole time, darlings! Forbidden love is always the sweetest!"

perfect Rarity interjection

"Excellent! Prepare yourselves!" he cried before launching himself into the bushes atop a rising pillar of crystal, cackling all the way.

Maud drained her cup and rose as well, though far less dramatically.

haha, love how nonchalant this contrast is

"Ah. That." She nodded in understanding. "It's a truth-compulsion spell to help him be more honest with himself. That's just the sound it makes; it doesn't actually shock him."

aww, and a nice way to tie up the last loose end. i'm honestly just very impressed with how well this fic navigated through the pitfalls that this kind of ship comes with, and this leaps over the last one perfectly! this is the ship that FlutterCord should have been, but falls all too far short of.

this was such an amazing piece! just so very well-crafted in its parts, and shined to perfection, much like the crystals Sombra is so enamored with. it was just so hilarious throughout, with Maud and Sombra's relationship becoming more believable and more fun with every conversational beat. it was an amazing experience, and just left me in awe of how well you made these characters work together. their chemistry wasn't just having a few traits in common, but rather something that i could feel oozing out of every little interaction between them. that dramatic speech towards the end by Sombra would have made me roll my eyes if i had seen it in any other story, but here it just feels so well-earned and perfect. it made me believe! augh, i am just full of jeal at how amazingly you write these characters!

this piece was one of those pieces that i feel truly honored by its entry into this little contest. thank you so much for it!

"However!" he declared, throwing back his cape, "as your role in my demise was relatively minor, you ranked merely two hundred and third in my list of enemies. As such, in light of your familial connections, your transgressions are minor enough that I am willing to overlook them for the sake of my paramour."

Can someone dumb this down, me MONKE brain hurt.

Loving Sombra being a big evil ham restrained by love. Can easily 'hear' him as John Demaggios Aquaman. Outrageous!

I can't believe it...

Another Maudbra fic...

I'm gonna add this to the group

Confession: I'm not sure If you know this, but I actually Do ship this...

It's part of my Fanon Universe actually...

“Sombra. He’s determined to get your approval and has been on his best behavior all evening. This is the first date we’ve been on where he hasn’t thrown somepony out of a window or turned something to crystal and declared divine sovereignty.”

can we please get a spinoff of this...

Pinkie gathered their attention with an intentionally deep breath before letting it out with dramatic slowness. “Alrighty. I’ve come to a decision. I’ll admit, I was pretty worried at first. I thought Maud might bring home some stallion I wouldn’t get along with. Like some overly literal stick-in-the-mud or a stallion who doesn’t know how to take a joke or is gluten-free sugar-intolerant.” She shuddered at the very thought. “So then I was even more worried when she showed up with one of the last big baddies we have on the books that hadn’t yet been reformed or resealed. But after getting to know him and watching the two of you get along like an old married couple,” she stopped trying to suppress her grin, “I can happily say that I give this relationship two thumbs up!" She brandished her hooves on which she wore a pair of oversized strap-on thumbs, bought exactly for this occasion.

That very unsubtle Buck you to Sheldon Pony got a chuckle out of me

... Why do I get the feeling that may have been my fic?

Basically, "you were technically present for my death and there to cause it, but you didn't really do anything to me directly so I'll tolerate you as an in-law."

Wow. Just wow. Sweet, hilarious, and it's absolutely illegal how much chemistry these two have with each other. Your Maud + Sombra impressed me even more than just how you wrote Sombra.

“Meet me in the middle then. How about just Sombra?”

“No,” he insisted.

“Yes,” Maud corrected.

“Yes,” he agreed. “Sombra alone will suffice. Be thankful for my magnanimousness in allowing you this courtesy. Such is one of the many benefits of an allegiance.”

I love it! Don't think I've ever read another story that tries to keep him this bombastic cartoon villain, and makes it work even in the slightest. But damn did you make it work!

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