• Published 8th Apr 2022
  • 1,170 Views, 67 Comments

MLP: FIM Duel Monster - Norwegian boy

The renown card game Duel Monsters gets introduced to Equestria.

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A Fabulous Melody

Octavia was walking through Ponyville to her house and she couldn’t help but wonder what those construction workers was doing on the train, just what was this tournament they mention? Maybe her roommate knew, if she could find her.

When Octavia arrived at Sugarcube corner she could see a bunch of ponies standing around a table, her curiosity took over so she walk over to see what was going on.

Octavia recognized a pony there. “Lyra.”

The mint unicorn turned around. “Hey Octavia, did you just get back?” She asked her friend.

“Yes, I just arrived. Say, what’s going on?” She asked as she look at the crowed.

“Spike and Roseluck are playing duel monsters.” Said Lyra with a smile.

Octavia tilted her head to the side in confusion. “Duel monsters?”

Lyra just smiled. “Yeah, it’s a new card game that hopefully will be on sale soon.”

Octavia was not any wiser. “Why haven’t I heard about this card game before?” She asked Lyra.

“it’s from another world and a human name Kamaki brought them here, I can’t wait to buy some card and duel.” Lyra went back to the table.

Octavia had no idea what she was talking about, she look closer at the table and saw Spike and Roseluck holding cards in their hands, there was some on the table to. “I can now summon out Red eyes black dragon and I will attack you directly which means I win Roseluck.” Said Spike with a smile on his face.

Rose just slammed her head on the table. “You got to be kidding me, that’s the third time I lose against you.” She got up. “One more game.”

Spike just gathered his cards. “Sure, if you want to lose again.” They started to play.

Octavia had to admit that she was curious about this card game, Lyra gave her the answer she got but not all of them. “I’m heading home Lyra.” Lyra just waved a hand as she walk off, she was to busy with the game.

After her Duel with Luna, Kamaki found a restaurant to try the food in Equestria. She was glad she could order a salat without floors, considering almost everything on the menu had flowers or hay. Damn ponies. Now Kamaki was sitting on the table eating her salat while looking at her own cards, she realized after her duel with Dash that she had to make some changes to it. “Maybe this?” She picked up Mythical beast Cerberus. “Yeah, he could work.” She took a bite from the salat, it was good.

Then a new voice spoke. “Hey, Kamaki.” The human look up and her mood went from happy to unhappy, standing beside her was Rainbow Dash. “Can we talk?”

Kamaki just gave her a suspicious look. “Do you really think I want to talk to you considering how you have threat me the last two days?”

Dash look down on the ground in shame. “Yeah, I’m not proud of that.” She look up. “Since our duel I have been think and it was wrong of me to treat you like that, I had no right to blame you for princess Celestia’s lose. You won fair and square and I am truly sorry for my behavior, I hope you can give me a chance.”

Kamaki listen to every word Dash said and she meant every word, she let out a sighed. “Fine, but if you try that shit again, I’m going to punch you in the face.”

To Kamaki’s surprised, Dash smiled. “That’s fair, I was a jerk after all.” She then sat down by the table. “So, what are you doing?” She asked the human.

Kamaki went back to her cards. “I am trying to reorganize my deck replacing some card with other cards.” She told Dash.

“Cool, do humans do this often?” She asked Kamaki.

“Only those who aren’t happy with their decks.” She told Dash.

Dash didn’t really understand, maybe because she wasn’t into this. She then saw a card and picked it up. “Mythical beast Cerberus, he looks tough. It says that he can get a counter each time a spell card is activated, what’s a counter?” Dash asked.

Kamaki had to find the right words. “It’s like a small gem that appeared above him.” Dash had no idea if that was right. “Let’s talk about something ells, your fan Scootaloo.”

Dash raised an eye brown when she heard that name. “What did squirt do?” She asked.

“You call her squirt?” Dash just shrugged her shoulders. “On my way back home yesterday, she tried to run me over with her scooter.” Dash want’s to happy to hear that. “Apparently she angry at me because I humiliated you in our dule which I didn’t, I beat you fair and square.”

Dash placed both hands on her face. “Dear Celestia, she take being my biggest fan to far.” She placed her hands on the table and let out a sighed. “I’ll talk to her tomorrow.”

“Don’t count on it, she grounded and I think her aunt is mad at you.”

Dash nodded in understanding. “That’s understandable, I will try anyway.”

Kamaki just went back to her card. “If you say so.”

Then Dash notice Octavia walking towards them. “Hey Octavia, back from you gig in Canterlot?” Kamaki had no idea who she was talking to, she look up and saw a beautiful earth pony with long black hair, she didn’t expect that.

Octavia stopped by the table. “I wouldn’t call it a gig, but yes, I’m back.” She then saw Kamaki. “So, you’re the human I have heard about.”

Kamaki wasn’t sure where this was going. “Yes, I’m the human. Is there something can help you with?” She asked Octavia.

“Yes.” Octavia sat down by the table. “I want to try this card game you have brought, I saw Spike and Roseluck play it and it look fun.”

Kamaki didn’t mind. “Sure. Let me get you a deck and then we can play.” She took out a deck, she called them Melodious. She was about to take out the duel disk but Octavia just suggested that they could use the table, that could work. Kamaki gathered her cards, then found two duel mats she had brought with here, she then took out her phone so she could make sure they had life points, she did that with an app. The ponies had no idea what a phone was and they didn’t ask, Kamaki took out another deck, she then explained the rulers to Octavia and they were ready. Dash decided to watch.

Kamaki: 4000

Octavia: 4000

The human went first. “I draw.” Her cards was; Abyss warrior, Neptabyss, the Atlantean prince, Heavy infantry, Dragoons, Surface, and Aegis of the Ocean Dragon Lord. “Not a bad hand.” She said to herself. “I’m going to place to card face down.” She placed the spell and trap. “Then I’m going to summon Atlantean heavy infantry in defense mode.” She placed a card on the mat.

“Wait a minute.” Dash took closer look at the card. “That’s not the card you used against princess Celestia or me, what’s going on?” She asked Kamaki.

“The cards I used against Celestia and those I’m using now are called structure decks, they are decks made by Pegasus people to introduce this card game to Equestria.” Kamaki explained to them both. “And the cards I used against you, was my own.” She told Dash. “Can we get on with the duel?” She asked with some annoyance.

“Alright, alright. You don’t have to take that tone.” Said Dash as she sat back in her chair.

Kamaki wasn’t done. “I’m now going to activated it’s effect, I can summon another 1 level 4 or below sea serpent from my hand, I summon Neptabyss in defense.” She placed the card sideways. “This card has an effect but I’m not going to use it, I end my turn.”

Then it was Octavia turn, she drew her card and her hand was; Canon the Melodious diva, Mozarta the Melodious maestra, Opera, 1st Movement Solo Melodious Illusion and Miraculous descent. “Like you, I’m also going to set two card face down.” She placed her two trap cards. “Then I will activated 1st movement solo, since I control no monster, I can now special summon 1 level 4 or lover melodious monster from my hand or deck, I chose my deck.” She picked it up and found the card. “I’m going to summon Solo." She placed the new card down in the monster sone, she then shuffled her deck and placed it back. “Now I will normal summon Opera.” She placed the card down. “But Opera can’t attack the turn it’s summon.”

Then Dash notice something about the card. “2300 attack points? That’s a lot.” She was impressed.

Back to Octavia. “Since I have a melodious monsters out, I can now summon out Canon.” She placed it in attack. “Now I will attack your Neptabyss with my Canon.”

Kamaki had a trap. “I will activated the trap card aegis of the ocean dragon lord, now my level 3 or lover water monster I have can’t be destroyed by battle.” Octavia had to end her turn and Kamaki placed the card in the GY, she then drew her card and it was Attack squad. “I’m going to summon out attack squad and since I have aqua monsters out, it gains 800 attack point.” It’s has 2200. “I will now attack your Canon.” Octavia had to place it in the GY. “I end my turn.”

Octavia: 3200

Octavia drew her card and it was Aria. “I’m going to summon out Aria in defense mode.” She placed it sideways. “Then I’m going to attack your attack squad with Opera.” The monster was destroyed. “I end my turn.”

Kamaki: 3900

Kamaki drew her card and it was Poseidon wave. “I will place on card face down then I will activated the spell card surface.” She flip the card she had out. “I can now special summon 1 level 3 or below monsters from my GY in defense, I will summon attack squad.” It was the only card she had. “Then I will summon abyss warrior in defense,” She placed the card down. “I will end my turn.”

Octavia drew her card and it was Fortissimo, she could save this for later. “My Opera will attack your abyss warrior.”

“I’m going to activated the trap card Poseidon wave, this card will negate your attack and deal you 800 damage.” Said Kamki.

“I don’t think so.” Kamaki and Dash was confused. “I will activated my own trap card, melodious Illusion. I can now target one of my monsters and they are not affected by your spell/trap card, which means your Poseidon wave is useless.” Kamaki was impressed. “And, Opera can attack twice. I attack your abyss warrior and Neptabyss.” Both monsters was gone. “I end my turn.”

Kamaki drew her card and it was Pikeman. “I’m going to summon out altantean dragoons and then I’m going to overlay it with Abyss warrior to Xyz summon out Bahamut shark." She placed a new card on top of the two others. ”Then I will attack your Opera.” It was destroyed. “I end my turn.”

Octavia: 2900

Octavia drew her card and it was Sonata. “Since I have a Melodious monsters out, I can special summon out Sonata, I will place her in defense.” She placed the card on the table. “Since I special summon her, every fairy type monster gets 500 atk/def points. “I will now normal summon out Solo in defense and end my turn.”

Then Kamaki drew her card and it was Tornado wall, she couldn’t use it. “I’m going to summon out Pikeman in defense.” She did that. “and now my Bahamut shark will attack your Sonata.” Her defense and attack points was gone. “I end my turn.”

Octavia drew her card and it was Call of the haunted but it couldn’t help but, she had to deal with Bahamut shark. She look at her card, she had fortissimo but it wasn’t enough. Octavia then saw Mozarta, that could work. “I’m going to tribute Solo and Aria to summon out Mozarta.” She placed both cards in the GY and placed a new card on the mat. “Then I will activated the spell card fortissimo which can give my Mozarta 800 extra attack point.” She had 3400. “I will now attack your Bahamut shark.” It was destroyed. “I end my turn.”

Kamaki: 3100

Kamaki drew her card, it was Marksman. “I’m going to summon marksman in defense.” She did that and ended her turn.

Octavia drew her card and it was Elegy. “I will activated Mazarta effect, I can special summon a light fairy type monster from my hand, I will summon out Elegy.” She placed the card down. “And I will activated call of the haunted, I can now special summon out Canon from my GY.” She did that. “Mazarta will now attack your heavy infantry and my other monster will attack you two other monsters.” All her monsters monster was gone “I will end my turn.”

Kamaki look at her last card and considered there was only one card that could help her but could she draw it? Only one way to find out. “I draw.” And it Terraforming, not he card she wanted but she didn’t complain. ”First, I’m going to place one card face down and then I will activated terraforming, this let add one field spell from my deck to my hand, I chose Legendary ocean and I will play it.” She placed it in the field space. “I will end my turn.”

The two ponies had no idea what Kamaki was doing, she had no cards in her hand and no monsters, was she giving up? Octavia could ask her later, it was her turn and she drew her card and it was Transmodify which gave her an idea. “I will activated transmodify, I will now send Canon to the GY which let me special summon a monster with same type and attribute as Canon, but it has to be one lever higher, I chose another Elegy.” Now Octavia had two monster with 2000 attack points and one with 2600 and thanks to fortissimo, one of those monsters gains 800 extra points. “Now, my Mozarta will attack you directly and thanks to fortissimo, she now have 3400.”

Kamaki just smiled. “I don’t think so, I will activated tornado wall.” She flip over her only card. “I can only activated tornado wall while I have a legendary ocean, now I don’t take any battle damage.”

Octavia AND Dash’s eyes widen. “Are you serious?”

“Yes, I’m serious. Here, read the card.” Kamaki handed Dash the card.

Dash took the card and started to read it. “Let’s see… wait a minute. It says here that you can only activated it when you have ‘Umi’ is on the field, you don’t have that.” Kamaki handed Dash her field spell, Dash read it. “Damn it, she can activated it.” Dash handed Octavia both cards and she was right, she handed them back to Kamaki.

Octavia couldn’t do anything. “I guess I end my turn.”

Kamaki got lucky but she hadn’t won yet, she needed to deal with fortissimo and there was only one card that could do it, she need to draw the right one. “I draw.” It was Salvage, a card she need but not right now. “I end my turn.”

Octavia drew and it was Polymerization, she activated it. “I will now fuse both of my Elegy to fusion summon Schuberta the melodious maestra.” She placed the cards in the GY and placed Schuberta on the table. “I end my turn.”

Kamaki drew and it was a card she needed, Tridon. “First, I’m going to summon out Tridon.” She placed the card down. “Then I’m going to activated the spell card salvage, I can now target two water monsters in my GY with 1500 or les atk and add them to my hand, I chose Neptabyss and heavy infantry.” She took the card. “Them I’m, going to tribute them and Tridon to special summon Poseidra, the Atlantean dragon." She placed the three cards in the GY and placed a new card on the field. “Since I summon out Poseidra this way, all spell and trap card on the field must return to our hands.” They took back all of them. “Since four cards return to our hands this way, your monster loses 300 atk each.” That happened. “Now I play my field spell again which gives my Poseidra 200 extra atk but it's level goes down one.” That also happened. “Now, my Poseidra will attack your Schuberta.”

“I will activated her ability, I banish three monster from my GY and Schuberta gains 200 atk points for each of them.” Octavia banished Canon, Opera and Elegy, Schuberta atk was now 2700.

Octavia: 2600

Kamaki placed one card face down and ended her turn.

Octavia knew what card the face down was, she drew her card and it was Ostinato a card she couldn’t use. Octavia wonder what she could do, she could play fortissimo and boost Mozarta’s attack but thanks to Kamaki face down, she wouldn’t take any damage. She picked up Miraculos desecent. “I place one card face down and end my turn.”

Kamaki drew her card and it was another attack squad, she summon it and it attack became 2400. “Poseidra will now attack your Mozarta.” The monster was destroyed.

Octavia: 2000

“And attack squad will now attack you directly.”

Octavia was ready. “I activated the trap card Miraculos desecent, I can now special summon a fairy monster that is banished, I summon Opera.” The monster came back but was destroyed so was the trap card, Kamaki ended her turn.

Octavia: 1900

Octavia was in trouble, she had to get rid of Kamaki field spell, did she have a card that could do that? She didn’t know. Octavia drew her card and it was Shopina, she couldn’t summon it, she had lost. “I end my turn.” Kamaki attack her directly and the match was over.

“So, was it fun?” Kamaki asked as she gathered the card and mats.

The earth pony had to admit it, it was fun. “Yes, I had fun.” She said with a smile.

“That great to here.” Kamaki used her arms to lean on the table. “Here’s the thing, in three days we are going to have a tournament to promote Duel monster to Equestria, are you interested in being in it?” She asked Octavia.

Octavia just smiled. “Yes, I’ll be in the tournament.”

That made Kamaki smile. “Great, get to know your deck and challenge others to a duel. Roseluck, Spike, Mac, Rarity, Zecora and Celestia are the others. It’s in three days.”

Octavia would do that, she gathered the cards and walk off.

Dash look over at the human who was smiling. “Did she really won by pure luck?” She asked Kamaki.

Kamaki nodded her head. “Yes, and here’s a question to you, are Octavia single?”

Dash almost had a heart attack when she heard that question. “What? Are you interested in her?” Kamaki just smiled. “Damn. To be honest, I have no idea. I don’t think she is over her least relationship, it ended badly.”

Kamaki was a little sad. “Oh well.” She decided to ask something ells. “Do you know a pony that could be the last duelist in the tournament?” She asked Dash.

The pegasus had to think for a moment. “Yeah, might know somepony.” She got up. “Follow me.” She started to walk and Kamaki got up and followed her while wondering who this pony was.

Author's Note:

I hope you all like the duel, more dueling in the next chapter and the last duelist.

Frostthewolf made the deck Kamaki used while I made the one Octavia used.

Important information; when it came to the duel between Rartiy and Roseluck, I fuck up. I mistyped when it came to Black Rose Dragon, that card destroyes every card out. So, Rarity won and Rose lost, I have written so Rartiy won.