• Published 8th Apr 2022
  • 1,170 Views, 67 Comments

MLP: FIM Duel Monster - Norwegian boy

The renown card game Duel Monsters gets introduced to Equestria.

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Kamaki vs Celestia: part 2

After they had seen the small stadium they were budling for the tournament, Pegasus headed back to earth while Spike and Celestia went off to duel some more. Kamaki decided to stay a little long, she wanted to see how eight that had cards was doing, they were getting better.

It was almost dark when Kamaki decided to head home, she stayed a longer then she had anticipated. Kamaki tried to flirt with Octavia, it didn’t go so well, Octavia wasn’t interested.

Kamaki let out a yawn as she approached the spot to the portal, when a certain rainbow pegasus landed in front of her scaring the carp out of the human. “What the hell Dash, are you trying to give me a heart attack?” She said while trying to control her pulls, she then saw the bags under Dash’s eyes and her hair was a mess. “What happened to you?”

Dash started to pass back and forth. “I haven’t had much sleep since my duel against Lumi,” She stop and look at Kamaki. “I think I’m going crazy.”

Kamaki wasn’t sure how to respond to this. “Why do you think you’re going crazy?” She really didn’t care but she was now curious.

“I think that the monster Lunalight Cat Dancer winked at me yesterday.” Dash told the human.

Kamaki just gave her disbelief look. “I’m sorry, did you just say that Cat dancer wink at you yesterday?” Kamaki asked the pegasus who just nodded her head. “It can’t be, Dark magic girl.”

The magic appeared and Dash’s eyes widen even more. “What the hay is this?” She asked while pointing at dark magic girl. “Where did she come from and why does she look like one of the card you used in our duel?” Dash was about to lose it, she could see a human wearing some sort of wizard custom and she was floating in the air.

Kamaki and Dark magician girl didn’t not expect this. “It looks like she can see monster spirit.” Said Dark magician girl.

Kamaki rolled her eyes of what Dark magician girl said. “Thank you for that captain obvious.” The magician just gave Kamaki an annoying look, which she ignored. Kamaki then crossed her arms. “Well, this is a surprised. I never thought I would meet others that can see duel monsters spirit, especially in this world.” She then smiled. “I’m glad I’m not the only one.”

Dash then grabbed Kamaki shoulders. “This is nothing to be smiled about, I’m going crazy.” The pegasus said while shaking the human.

Kamaki managed push Dash back. “Would you calm down skittles, you’re not crazy, there nothing wrong with seeing monster spirits.” Said Kamaki while stretching out her jacket. “I can understand why you are panicking, I did that the first time.” She then crossed her arms. “Well, I was eight the first time I saw them.”

Somehow, Dash managed to calm down. “So, this is normal?” She asked Kamaki.

“As normal is for us, let me try and explain. There is another world where duel monster lives and they have the power to travel to our world,” She look over to dark magic girl. “but only on spirit form.” The magic girl just smiled. “That reminds me, Lunalight Cat Dancer.”

The all off sudden a ghostly form of Lunalight Cat Dancer appeared and Dash to panic a little. “Yes, what is you want my dear?” Cat dancer asked Kamaki.

Kamaki pointed at the nervous pegasus. “I want you to apologize to Dash, right now.” She said in somewhat threatening tone.

Cat dancer really didn’t want to make Kamaki hate her. “Alright.” She faced the pegasus. “Dash, I’m sorry that I scared you yesterday, I was just a little excide that I found someone new that could see me.” She then realized something. “Hey, why was I the first one?” That was a good question.

Kamaki had no idea. “Beat’s me, I don’t know why Dark magic girl could talk to me first. I thought about it at first but eventually I just gave up, just try and not think about it that much.”

Dash just gave Kamaki a dumbfounded look. “That’s your answer? Try and not think about it?” She yelled at the human.

Kamaki became a little annoyed. “What do you want me to say? That your special? Maybe you are special, maybe you’re not, I don’t know. I REALLY don’t know why we can see that and others can’t, I don’t have the answer.” The human had to take a few breathes to calm herself down.

Now Dash felt bad, she didn’t mean to upset Kamaki. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell. I guess I overreacted.” He ears fell, she felt bad.

Now Kamaki felt bad. “Don’t worry about it Dash, I guess I overacted to.” Kamaki held out her fist. “No hard feelings?” Dash just smiled as they gave each other a fist bump. While they did that, the two duel spirit disbarred. “If you will excuse me, I’m going to head home.” She started to walk.

Then Dash asked a question that no one expected. “Hey, is possible I can come with you to your world?”

Kamaki heart almost stop. “I’m sorry?” She turned around to face the pegasus. “You want to what now?” She wasn’t sure if she heard right so she had to ask.

Dash placed a hand behind her head. “I asked if I could come with you to the human world.” Kamaki just look at her as she had gone mad. “You know a lot of our world but we don’t know anything about your, only that the technology is way more advance the ours.” Kamaki still thought that Dash had lost her mind. “I’m curious, alright?”

Kamaki had to teak a few breaths to calm herself down, she had a pony that wanted to see her world, there was a million things that was wrong with that. “Dash, I can understand that you and others want to see my world but it’s not wise, what if another human see you and freaks out, you can get caught.” Kamaki really hope that would convince Dash to forget this idea of her.

Dash just puffed out her chest. “Oh please, I’m too fast, no one catch me.”

Kamaki just slammed a hand on her face. “Dear good, can you think with something ells than an ego?” Kamaki had to explain it in another way. “If my government see you or finds out that this world off yours exist, what do you think will happen?” Dash tried to think of an answer, Kamaki didn’t let her. “They would experiment on you and there’s a change me or Pegasus can’t help you, even my worlds leader can’t help you are an alien and they may see you as a threat.” She really hope that help.

“But I’m not a threat.” I didn’t help. “If I stay hidden then nothing will happened, right? I just want to see your world, is that so bad?”

Kamaki’s eyes started to twitch, she didn’t know what to do. Dash had a point, they didn’t know anything about earth. “I hope I won’t regret this.” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Alright Dash, you can come with me to my world.” Dash was about to throw her arms in the air. “BUT,” There’s always a but. “you have to listen to everything I say. The last thing I need is the FBI knocking down my door and arrest me for bring an alien to earth.”

Dash wasn’t hurt when she was called an alien, she was one. Also, what was the FBI? She could ask later. “Sure, I will listen to whatever you say. If you say jump, I will say how high.”

Kamaki was a little surprised they had that saying in Equestria. “Now that we have that figured out, follow me.” Kamaki started to walk towards the portal and Dash followed her, she was actually skipping a little.

When they reached their destination, Kamaki took out the remote and activated the portal. Dash just watch as a blue portal appeared right in front of her, it was a little bigger than herself. “Huh, I thought it was bigger.” She wasn’t impressed. Kamaki just ignored Dash’s words as she entered the portal, leaving Dash alone. “Hey, wait for me.” She walk through the portal.

Pegasus was busy reading some data on some piece of paper when he heard the portal activated, he look at it and saw Kamaki step though it but he didn’t expect anyone else coming through, a blue pegasus with rainbow hair. “Kamaki, what is she doing here?” The others in the room had no idea what Pegasus was talking about and boy, they were surprised when they saw an anthropomorphic pony standing in the lab.

“She said she wanted to see our world considering I know a lot of her world, so I let her come if she would listen to me.” Kamaki look over at Dash who was scanning the room. “And she better listen.” She look back at Pegasus. “I will also take full responsibility.” She actually hope that Pegasus would let Dash stay.

Pegasus couldn’t believe that Kamaki would bring someone from Equestria to earth, it would be catastrophe if other humans saw the pegasus. Kamaki dear, can I talk with you in private.” They walk out of the room and Pegasus closed the door so Dash wouldn’t hear them. “Are you out of your mind? You can’t bring one of them here, what id people saw here, they would call the police and then the FBI would come and we would all go to jail.” Pegasus really hope that Kamaki would send the pegasus back.

“Can’t you just call the president? I’m sure she could help.” Said Kamaki.

“I could call her but there only one problem, she didn’t want anyone from Equestria to come here and princess Luna agree with here.” Pegasus started to rube his head. “It will be a disaster if anyone see her.”

Kamaki had to admit it, she messed up. “Should we send her back?” She asked Pegasus.

They could but it would be cruel to do it and she is already here. “Let me talk to her first.” They went back inside the gate room. They saw that Dash was just standing in the middle of the room, she look very nervous. “What’s your name?” Pegasus asked her once they entered to room.

“It’s Rainbow Dash, sir.” They didn’t expect her to say ‘sir’.

“Why did you come here?”

“I just wanted to see this world, Kamaki knows almost everything about Equestria and the only thing we know about this world is that your technology is way more advance then ours, I’m just curious.”

Pegasus knew that eventually that the ponies would want to know about earth, he just hope that it would never come. Pegasus look over at Kamaki who was as calm as ever, he envy that. “Alright,” he look back at Dash. “if you want to be here then you have to listen to Kamaki and for pete sake, stay out of trouble, the last thing I need is the FBI kicking down my door and arrest me.” He look at Kamai again. “I’m leaving her in your care, make sure nobody see her.” Kamaki did a mook salute. Pegasus then walk out of the room while saying something but it they didn’t hear what.

Dash walk over to Kamaki. “Just what is the FBI?” She was curious.

“Bad news.” Kamaki then took of the backpack and found a blue sweater with a hood and gave it to Dash. “Here, put this on.” Dash took it and study it before giving Kamaki a questionable look. “If you want to stay, then but it on and let’s hope you don’t draw to much attention.” Dash didn’t want to but she said she would do as Kamaki told her, she put on the sweater and pull up the hood. “Good. Now, let’s get back to the hotel.” They both left.

Once outside Industrial Illusions, they got in the cab that Kamaki had called. They drive to the hotel was in silence. Dash was looking out the window, she had never seen so tall budlings before and there was many humans walking in the street, how they did fit so many in this city? Kamaki was more focus on the cab driver, she didn’t want him to ask questions. The cab driver didn’t care, he was more focus on the road. Once they got to the hotel, they went in and got to the elevator with no problem.

Once they were in the elevator, Dash pull down the hood. “Damn, it’s hot with this sweater.” She then look around. “What are we riding in?” She asked Kamaki who was standing with her arms crossed.

“You don’t have elevator in Equestria?” Kamaki asked the pegasus.

“No, we don’t have ‘elevator’, we just stairs to walk up tall budlings.” That makes sense.

“An elevator is a faster way of taking the stairs and if you don't have it, then a tv is going to blow your mind.” Dash had no idea what a tv was, then she heard a bling. “Where at the floor I live in, just wait here so I can check if anyone is around.” The doors open and Kamaki walk out and look to her left/right, she saw no one. “The coast is clear, follow me.” Kamaki took a right and Dash followed her.

Lucky for them, Kamaki room was just a few feet from the elevator, she used a key card to open the door, they both walk in. the first thing Dash saw was a small hallway to hang once coat. “Just wait here a moment.” Said Kamaki walk further into the apartment, Dash saw that the human closed the curtain to the windows. “I don’t want anyone to see you.” Kamaki told Dash and it make some sense. Once all of the curatin was closed, Dash could entered the main area of the hotel room.

Dash was amazed of what she saw, the living room was twice as big as her own and there was also a kitchen connected to the living room, the furniture look expensive. “Are you rich?” Dash asked as she took of the sweater.

“No, Pegasus is the one who pays for all this.” Pegasus had to be rich, Dash thought. Kamaki walk over to the table and picked up a small black device, she then pressed something and something on the wall came alive, scaring Dash. “I guess you don’t have a tv in your world, considering how you reacted when I turn it one.” Said Kamaki as she sat down on the cough.

“No, we don’t have a ‘tv’, and what’s a tv?”

Kamaki had to think for a moment, she had to try and explain it in a way she understand. “It’s basically a device which let you see things from another part of the world, in colors.” Kamaki had no idea if that help.

“I have no idea what you just said.” It didn’t help,

“Just think of it like a magic box that bring things to life.”

“Why couldn’t you say that?” Said Dash in a frustrated tone, Kamaki just rolled her eyes. “What are you watching?” She asked as she sat down on the couch, she could see a giant stadium with a lot of humans, it kind of look like that time she was in Cloudsdale to watch the Wonderbolts. Then she saw two humans standing in the middle and they were both wearing a duel disk on their arms, both was stallion. One of them was wearing a green jacket, he had glasses and light blue hair. The other one also had a green jacket but he had a red cap on his head, he had brown hair. “Who are those two?” She asked Kamaki.

“The final in Duel monster world tournament in Tokyo and it looks like it’s between Weevil Underwood and Rex Raptor, I hate those guys.” She said with a frown.

“Why don’t you like them?” Dash asked the human.

Kamaki frown again. “It’s beacuse they are a couple off assholes.” Dash couldn’t help but wonder why Kamaki hated them so much. “I heard that if you wanted their autograph, you had to give them your rarest card. A true duelist wouldn’t do that.” Dash wasn’t that into to dueling but what Kamaki said, it was just mean and she could understand why she hated them.

The duel went on for a while and in the end, Weevil was the winner with his bug cards, Rex used dino cards.

Kamaki then turned off the tv. “That outcome didn’t surprised me, Weevil has always been the strategic while Rex always rush into his duels.”

“Why weren’t you in the tournament?” Dash asked Kamaki. “You should be good enough.”

Kamaki crossed her arms. “I didn’t enter because I prefer to duel for fun, I’m not interested in being famous. I only join small tournament. That reminds me.” She then got up and walk to another room, probably the bedroom. It didn’t take long before Kamaki return and she had a card in her hand. “Here, I want you to have this.” Kamaki handed the pegasus the card.

Dash took the card and read it. “Elemental hero Burstinatrix? They have cards that’s names elemental hero’s?” Dash asked while looking at the card, which she thought was cool. “Why are you giving this to me?” She asked the human while looking at her.

“I thought that card would fit you and I don’t used it anymore.”

Dash didn’t think she was this generous. “I’m guessing I have to buy more myself when they are on sale in Equestria, right?”

Kamaki nodded her head. “That’s right.” Then they heard a knock on the door. “Oh, the pizza I order is here. Stay here.” She told Dash as she walk to the door, Dash then heard Kamaki talk with somepony, or in this case, someone. She then arrived with the pizza, which they had in Equestria.

After they ate the pizza, which was vegetarian and pretty good, they play some more duel monsters. Kamaki had some structure decks with her, Dash lost every game but there was some duels she almost won. Then night came and they went to bed, the bed was big enough for both of them.

When they woke up the next morning they eat breakfast and headed back to Pegasus, nobody saw Dash or notice her. Once they arrived at Industrial Illusions, they saw a bunch of employers of Pegasus who was responsible for the tv’s so ponies in other cities could watch the duel, they active the portal and went through. Once they arrived in Equestria, they were meet by Celestia’s and Luna’s guard, they had they had the task to help Pegasus’s men with their equipment. Four guards was against to each city, then they headed to the train station. Some of them headed to where the tournament was so they could get everything ready. One guard told Kamaki that Celestia was waiting by the fountain in town for their duel, Kamaki and Dash headed there.

Celestia was waiting by the fountain, like the guard said and there was no guards with her, which a little weird. The entire town was there to watch the duel. Twilight and her friends was also there, when they saw Dash they demanded to know where she had been, Dash told them that she had spend the night in the human world. They were now worried that someone might had seen her but Dash told them that she is fine, no human notice her present there. Twilight wanted to know everything that Dash saw there, which didn’t surprised anyone. Dash didn’t want to tell her anything which made the unicorn pout.

Then Celestia and Kamaki got ready for their duel.

Kamaki: 4000

Celestia: 4000

Celestia was up first and her six cards was; Madolce Petingcessour, Puddingcess, Marmalmaide, Mewfeuille, Madolche Ticket and Harpie's feather duster. Celestia had no trap cards so she had to make do with what she had and she knew what to do. “First, I’m going to set one card face down.” She set Ticket. “Since I have no monster in my GY, I’m allowed to special summon Petingcessour.” She placed the card on the duel disk and Petingcessour appeared. “Since I special summon Petingcessour, I’m allowed to special summon another Madolce monster from my hand or deck, I will summon out Puddingcess from my hand.” She placed the card on the duel disk. “Since I special summon her this way, her level is reduce with 1.” That happened. “And now I will overlay my two monster to XYZ summon Queen Tiaramisu." Celestia placed the two cards on top of each other, she then placed Queen Tiaramisu on top of them. “I’m not done yet, I will now normal summon out Mewfeuille in defense mode.” A purple cat appeared, which the mare thought was unbelievably cute. “Since I normal summon Mewfeuille, I can special summon another Madolce monster from my hand but I’m not going to do that. I end my turn.”

Kamaki was impressed by what Celestia did, she managed to XYZ summon on her first turn. She have master Madolce deck. Kamaki wasn’t scared, she liked this kind of challenge.

Kamaki drew her card and her hand was; Berry magician girl, Mythical beast Cerberus, Sage of Silence, Spellbook of Wisdom, Spellbook of Knowledge, and Magicians defense. It was not her best hand, but she could work with it. “I’m going to placed one card face down.” That was her trap card. “Then I will summon out Berry magician girl in atk mode.” Kamaki placed the card on the duel disk and a monster that look like a baby appeared. “Since I normal summon Berry magician girl, I can now ad a magician girl monster from my deck to my hand.” She searched her deck. “I chose my Dark Magician girl." Kamaki then placed the deck back and it shuffled, she then placed her card in her hand. “I end my turn.”

Celestia had no idea why Kamaki play a monster with only 400 atk points, she would find out. She drew her card and it was Hootcake. “I’m going to summon out Hootcake in atk.” She did that. “And now, Hootcake will attack your Berry magician girl.” The owl flew towards Kamaki’s monster.

Kamaki was ready. “I activated Berry magician girl effect, I can now switch her to defense.” She did that. “I can now special summon another magician girl from my deck, I chose Chocolate magician girl." She found the card and placed it in defense. Berry magician was still destroyed.

“Now Queen Tiaramisu, attack Chocolate.” The queen went into action.

“I now will activated Chocolate magician girl ability, since she is target for an attack, I can now special summon a spellcaster from my GY, I chose Berry magician girl effect in defense.” The monster came back. “Now she will be the target and your Queen attack points will be cut in half.” Queen Tiaramisu attack Berry and destroyed it.

Celestia was a little irritated of what Kamaki did. “I end my turn.”

Kamaki drew her card and it was something she needed, Witch of the Black rose. Kamaki couldn’t help but smile. “First I’m going to tribute Chocolate so I can summon out my Dark magician girl.” She send Chocolate to the GY and placed Dark girl on the duel disk. “Then I will summon out Witch of the black rose.” A monster in a black/purple dress appeared, she was also holding a rod. “And now, I will tune my Witch of the black rose with my Dark magic girl to synchro summon Ascension Sky Dragon." A Giant white dragon with blue fins appeared. “Since I synchro summon him, he gains 800 atk for each card I have in my hand, I have four so that means 3200 at points.” That happened. “Ascension sky dragon, attack Celestia’s Queen Tiaramisu.” The dragon attack with a beam and Tiaramisu was gone. “I end my turn.”

Celestia: 3000

Celestia was in trouble, she didn’t have a monster that was strong enough to take out that dragon, but lucky for her she had a spell card, she hope she could draw it. Celestia drew her card and it was the card she need. “I’m going to switch Mewfeuille to attack.” Kamaki couldn’t help but wonder why she did that. “Then I will activated Raigeki, which destroys ever monster on your side so say goodbye to your dragon.” Lighting came from above and destroyed Ascension sky dragon, Kamaki couldn’t believe that Celestia drew Raigeki. “Mewfeuille and Hootcake, attack Kamaki directly.” Both monsters did that. “I will end my turn by placing one monster face down.” She placed Marmalmaide.

Kamaki: 2000

Kamaki drew her card and it was Dwimmered path. “I’m going to summon out Mythical beast Cerberus.” She placed the card on the duel disk and a blue/purple wolf appeared. “then I will activated Dwimmered path, this card let me target a spellcaster effect monster in my GY and ad it to my hand, I will take back my Dark magic girl.” She took the card and placed it in her hand. “And since I activated a spell card, Cerberus gains a counter and his atk points raised by 500.” The wolf atk points was now 1900. “Cerberus will attack your Mewfeuille.” The monster was destroyed. “I end my turn.” Then Cerberus attack point became normal.

Celestia: 1600

“Since you destroyed Mewfeuille by battle, it get shuffled back to my deck.” Celestia placed the card in the deck and it shuffled. “I will now activated the spell card Madolce Ticket, since I send a Madolce monster to my deck, I can now add a Madolce monster from my deck to my hand,” She found the card, Magileine. She then drew her card and it was Ice Dragon's prison, she could use this. “First, I’m going to set one card face down.” That was her trap. “Then I will activated Harpie’s feather duster which let me destroy every spell and trap card on your side.” A wind blew up and destroyed Kamaki’s trap. “Then I will summon Magileine,” A which came out and she was riding a broom. “since I normal summon her, I can add a Madolce monster from my deck to my hand.” She found the card, Butlerusk. “Hootcake will attack Cerberus.”

Kamaki just smiled. “Bad mistake Celestia.” The princess had no idea why Kamaki said that. “Since you activated two spell cards, Cerberus gets to counters and his attack point goes up by another 500.” Kamaki wasn’t lying, Cerberus atk became 2400 and the beast destroyed Hootacke, Cerberus atk became normal.

Celestia: 700

Celestia felt a little dump, but she had a plan to fix it, she hope. “I end my turn.”

Kamaki drew her card and it was Bound wand. “I’m going to tribute Cerberus to bring out my Dark magic girl one more time.” She did that. “And then I will equip her with Bound wand,” DMG got a new wand. “now she will gain atk points equal to her level. Since Dark magic girl is level 6, she gains 600 atk points.” DMG atk was now 2600. “She will now attack your Magileine.” DMG fired away a red beam from the wand.

Celestia was ready. “I activated a trap, Ice Dragon’s prison.” Kamaki had no idea what that card did. “I can now target one monster in your GY and special summon it to my side but its effect is negated, I chose your Chocolate magician girl.” Kamaki got the card and threw it over to Celestia who placed it on her duel disk. “Now for the best part, I get to banish 1 monster from each players field that has the same type, I banish Chocolate magician girl which means you have to banish Dark magic girl, I now don’t take any damage.” Both did that and Celestia did not take any damage.

Kamaki was in trouble. “I will normal summon sage of silence in def.” She placed the card on the duel disk and a human which was now kneeling. “Then I will activated Spell book of knowledge, by sending another spell book to the GY, I get to draw two cards. I send Spell book of wisdom to the GY.” She then drew her two cards and it was Ebon magician curran and Mirror force. “I set one card face down and end my turn.” She placed her trap card in the duel disk.

Celestia drew her card and it was Messengelato. “I will summon out Messengelato.” “ A human boy that look like delivering letters came out. “Messengelato will attack your sage of silence.”

“I activated mirror force,” Celestia knew what that card did. “all your monster are now destroyed.” That happened and Celestia could only end her turn.

Kamaki drew her card but it didn’t matter what it was, she switch Sage of silence to atk mode and attack Celestia, the sun princess had lost again.

Author's Note:

I hope you all enjoy the crappy chapter and the duel.

I will try and write the tournament in the next chapter.

Comments ( 3 )

That was pretty good

I wonder if Spike sees Duel Spirits too?

an unexpected turn of events. I wonder if anyone else can see or hear duel spirits

Glad to see you decided to continue the story.

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