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The Ancestor

Rus | Man is the warmest place to hide.



Finally, it is done. The Legion of Doom is defeated, and Equestria will soon be passed into Twilight Sparkle's most capable hooves.

However, a few days before her departure to Canterlot an unusual package is delivered to her chambers, one that will change everything she's ever known.

A weird thing that came to my mind after a few days of playing MGSV and reading a particularly amusing crack theory about mlp.

Spoiler for the ending of MGSV, but only if you squint hard enough.

24/04/2022, 25/04/2022, 26/04/2022, 27/04/2022 Featured! Didn't expect it, but it happened. Nice.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 56 )

how do you fight against someone you were designed to be totaly obedient to? you can not... unless you alter yourself to remove such a restriction. This "twilight" has her work cut out for her

Nicely done! I actually enjoyed MGS5 mostly due to how they placed real history into it, not to mention stuff that's rarely covered. And the soundtrack is good too.

was also useful fof me

No rest for the wicked, eh?
Fultoning people will never stop being funny to me.

indeed! I tried to show that kinda in what i did

You know, it's a shame the story is so short. I like the reasons you give for why Twilight orchestrated this whole thing, but I feel like you're leaning too hard on the reader's imagination. The story ends after hardly 2.5k words and so it has almost no time to establish its events and while Celestia actually playing 5D chess and Cadance being manipulated among other things are intriguing concepts, without elaboration they just hang in the air and that's not very satisfying.

Don't get me wrong, it was a fun fic and I enjoyed reading it, but it could have been so much more.

(By the way, are you gonna continue your Dishonored-inspired series?)

The fic was very spur of the moment thing that I wrote in a couple of hours just so I could get it out of my system, so I aggree with you that there's a lack of satisfaction in the end.

Still, I might elaborate on things in a future fic. Or I might not. Depends on inspiration, really.

Addressing your second question: Yes, I will continue my Dishonored-inspired fics, but the whole process is a bit slow-going.

Not due to lack of inspiration, but rather due to uni and other real life shenanigans.

Thanks for your comment, always warms my heart to see you commenting on one of my stories!

Nice. Now it's time to build Outer Heaven.


The fic was very spur of the moment thing that I wrote in a couple of hours just so I could get it out of my system

Yeah, I know that feel. It can lead to some really nice scenes if the stars align just right. I'd say most if not all of my short stories were written this way (just also proofread and edited on a later day.)

Yes, I will continue my Dishonored-inspired fics, but the whole process is a bit slow-going.

Nice! I'm looking forward to it.

due to uni and other real life shenanigans.

Oh, we're rowing the same boat. The freedom university gives to focus on your hobbies is great until it suddenly isn't.

always warms my heart to see you commenting on one of my stories!

That's sweet of you to say. I like your stuff, so of course I comment.

The bedside window burst into a million little shards that clamored onto the crystal floor with a deafening ringing, followed by a relatively quiet thud.

We passed upon the stair upon the bed...

"All my life, all my friend's lives were carefully curated, just so she could save her prescious sister, and lift the burden of rulership from her shoulders!!" Twilight's voice grew heated, loud. "No consideration for what we wanted, not a care in the world about our free will!"

I could actually see this happening.

Luna is her only family and the only other immortal in a temporary, ephemeral world of mist and candyfloss. Celestia would stop at nothing for a chance to get Luna back. She would manipulate the lives of ponies and other creatures with nary a second thought. They would, after all, be no more than a blip of a flitting shadow compared to her immortal lifespan. Would you care about the mayflies you expend to rescue your partner/family?

You're your own mare. I'm Twilight Sparkle, and you are too. No... she's the two of us together. Where we are today, we built it. This story, this legend; it's ours. We can change the world, and with it, the future. We'll rid the world of her ilk, together. I am you, and you are me. Carry that with you wherever you go. Thank you, my friend. From here on out... you're Twilight Sparkle."


I notice "Angry Twi" never made any mention of removing the compulsion spell thingie from "RedHeart Twi". Not familiar with MGSV, so I do not know if that is a pertinent plot point, but it seems that not-Red Heart is one "Would you kindly...?" (if I may mix'n'match video game memes) away from getting her proverbial chain yanked around by someone else...

Added a bit on how Angry!Twi got RedHeart!Twi away from Celly's mind fuckery.

How silly of me to forget about that!:twilightsheepish:

Now I can imagine the fight between Venom Twilight and Celestia.

"You're refusing my orders? Such a lust for independence! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO?!"

I’m using friendship as a magic to end friendship as a magic.

Well well well, I wasn't sure what to expect from this story. But it was very good. I have seen stories with Twilight rebelling in them before against Celestia's rules. But this... is a rather unique twist. :moustache:

You have my upvote and favorite good author.

Thanks for the kind words, glad you liked my story!

Venom Twilight standing on the roof of the School of Friendship.

"I won't scatter your sorrow to the heartless plains." Smears white dust all over her face

"Uh... Principal Twilight? What are you doing with our chalkdust?" Says a very confused Sandbar

"Rehearsing."She deadpans.

"We are Diamond Dogs!"

"Err.... no we're not. In fact, there are no Diamond Dogs at the school.... Did Rainbow Dash swap your meds again, Principal?"

So I may be dumb, but what's the deal with Angry!Twi's situation. Like is she still in hiding or is she dead right now? Sorry for not getting it. :twilightblush:

Either way definitely liked it!

What's the deal with angry Twi? She might be hiding, plotting a conspiracy in some hidden depth of Equestria, or on a platform somewhere in the Celestial Sea.

Or, she might have died alone, a long long time ago...

Who knows?

For real though, she's definently alive and kicking. Her plan of tricking Celestia has succeded, but it is merely a first step in a bigger conspiracy.

Hope that answered your question, and thanks for the kind words!:twilightsmile:

"For the last time, Twilight, fulton recovery is not a viable method of recruiting new students!"

If I ever fall into a coma, that's the song I want to wake up to.

"A cassete player?! Impossible! How did it get here..." She spoke into her reflection's eyes in disbelief.

Her gaze fell to the small black cassete with a white label."

that's why I've sent you this cassete.

Typo: cassete > cassette

CGen #23 · Apr 25th, 2022 · · 1 ·

As much as I loved the MGS plot and its story, there is one parallel to Big Boss that I feel Twi here is missing...

The medic that Venom used to be was already a loyal soldier and friend to Big Boss, and one of the most competent members of MSF too. Seems a bit hypocritical for Twilight to conscript Redheart for a shadow war for independence against a ruthless manipulator, no?

Way things are presented here, I just don't see how Redheart would've agreed to any of this? If the recording is all to go on, it sounds like she was just abducted and reprogrammed. Which is...hardly better. Though more of a hypocritical villain than Big Boss ended up being, so you've got that going for you.


Fixed, thanks for pointing that out!

From what I understood, the medic in MGS5, while one of the best soldiers of MSF, did not 'consent' to the stuff Big Boss did to him.

Still, I aggree that Twilight is kind of a hypocrite in this situation, using Redheart like that for her own means.

Redheart didn't aggree to any of this, you got that right.

I'll do a followup on this story, so there's that.

Pride feeds her blackened heart
And the thirst must be quenched to fuel hypocrisy
Cleansing flames is the only way to repent
Renounce what made you

Sunset -> Ocelot


Oh I'll look forward to reading that. I want to know what happens next. I hope its much longer story too.:twilightsmile:

Ah, what the hell… I”m probably get a lot of flak for this, but quite frankly, I don’t give a damn. I’m doing this for the fun of it. Here’s the main theme song with very little editing to fit the theme of this drawing.

Sins of The Mother:

Light in the deepest night
Reaching out, grasping for a fleeting memory
All the thoughts keep piercing this broken mind
I fought but I’m still standing motionless

Far in the distance
There is light like the birds these scars of old
All this pain, reminds me of what I am
I’ll live, I’ll become all I need to be

4x Whoooooaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh

Words that kill
Would you speak them to me?
With your breath so still,
It makes me believe
In the Mother’s sins
Let me suffer now and never die
I’m alive

Pride feeds their blackened hearts.
And the thirst must be quenched to fuel hypocrisy
Cleansing flames is the only way to repent
Renounce what made you

Words that kill
Would you speak them to me?
With your breath so still,
It makes me believe

The Sins never die.
Can’t wash this blood off our hooves
Let the world fear us all
It’s just means to an end
Our salvation lies in the Mother’s sins.
Beyond the truth, (Let me suffer now)
In my heart I just know that there’s no way to light up the dark in her eyes.

4x Whoooooaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh

Is the “day and night bound by the dawn” line a reference to that song on YouTube? If it is, you’ll know the one I think.

The madlad actually fucking did it lol.

Props to you!

Yep, I was thinking of a cool-sounding phrase that would fit the theme of the story, at that one fit!

You magnificent son of a la li Lu le lo. You just had to go and hit us with *THAT* quote.
And just like on point I was hungry for some Metal Gear goodness you hit me with a top quality story. Great job my dude. Great job.

Stop it, you're making me blush!:twilightblush:

For real, the lack of MGS content on this site kind of surprises me.

I know of, like, three MGS stories I've enjoyed reading, and all of them were last updated at least a year ago.

inb4 Celestia is dead and we go full Patriots.


"I won't scatter your sorrow to the heartless plains." Smears white dust all over her face

"Uh... Principal Twilight? What are you doing with our chalkdust?" Says a very confused Sandbar

"Rehearsing."She deadpans.




I wasn't expecting too much from this tbh. But damn, you knocked it out of the park with this!

Same here my dude same here.
Anywho, great work dude

Looking forward to any continuation of this, here's hoping for more.

Code Talker is a bit of a lazy codename for a Navaho old enough to have served in WW2, if you ask me.

la li lu le lo
la li lu le lo
la li lu le lo

Gave up half way through because of typos. They can in fact ruin a story.

I'll see what I can do to fix them, I've been told I have a nasty habit of missing typos, no matter how apparent they are.

There are plenty of people willing to proofread. Or, use a spellchecker.

I can't think of any witty Metal Gear reference other than Naked Snake wanting lunchables at some point, but I'm pretty sure that's not canon, so I'll just leave my upvote and comment and retreat to the shadows.

Wait, I got one -
"He should've gotten sliced up faster than an onion in an infomercial."
That's an actual line, I swear-

Thank ye kindly for the comment!

I swear, MGS franchose leaves me speechless every time.

Literally had to do a double take in Snake Eater when Ocelot started juggling his revolvers.

I honestly wouldn't really know, I haven't played many of the games.
Only really MGS5 and Rising: Revengence, before it was a meme.

Literally had to do a double take in Snake Eater when Ocelot started juggling his revolvers.

He's simply built different, Ancestor, I don't know what to tell you.

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